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Ukrainian Official: Drone Attacks that Hit Russian Air Base were Launched from Inside Russia; Do Issues in the U.S. Undermine its Fight for International Justice; Spanish Men's Coach Apologizes for Applauding Rubiales; Judge: Trump Georgia 2020 Election Trial can be Televised; U.S. Economy Added 187,000 Jobs in August; Paris Ban on Electric Scooters comes into Effect. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired September 01, 2023 - 11:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: This hour Russia reporting new Ukrainian drone attacks inside its borders for the fourth straight day as

Ukraine is consolidating positions on the battlefield in the South. Meanwhile, children will be heading back to school in Ukraine this week.

And they are at the heart of so many war crimes being carried out by Russia. I spoke with the United States Ambassador At-Large for Global

Criminal Justice Beth Van Schaack about what the U.S. is trying to do to help hold those responsible to account.

Also in the headlines this hour in Hong Kong a powerful storm starting to bear down on the city. Hundreds of flights canceled businesses and schools

have closed and Hong Kong is now under the highest warning possible.

In Gabon coup leaders appear to be moving ahead with their plans to rule the country despite international condemnation, a plan to swearing the

country's transitional President before the constitutional court on Monday.

Ukraine says it is consolidating positions in the south of the country while Russia is reported to be strengthening its defenses. But Kyiv says

its troops are making progress. The Ukrainian Security Service video shared exclusively with CNN shows just how entrenched Russia is on the frontlines

South of Zaporizhzhia?

Meantime for the fourth day in a row, Russia reporting Ukrainian drone attacks on its soil. Here are some of the recent targets which illustrate

an apparent new effort by Ukraine to hit inside Russia. Officials say air defenses intercepted one drone headed towards Moscow overnight.

We'll CNN's Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour is in Kyiv for us. And I do want to talk about the progress or not as it were on

the battlefield. Christiane, before we do that, let's talk about these drones because Ukraine, doesn't comment on activity outside of its borders.

So what do we understand to be going on here?

CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well Becky, you're right, generally, they don't comment. But in a rather extraordinary

departure, the Head of Ukraine's Defense Intelligence has been commenting.

Most particularly on that spectacular attack into Russia, many, many kilometers inside Russia, on those airfields in Biscoff, which destroyed or

seriously damaged, some very, very serious Russian troop carrying aircraft, big aircraft.

And now it turns out that Budanov, General Budanov of the Defense Intelligence Unit here basically is saying that these attacks happen from

inside Russia. They are denying that it happened from Ukraine into Russia. But obviously, the implication is that there are saboteurs working on their

behalf inside Russia.

Then he also has been saying to a Ukrainian television interviewer, that this is all part of a strategy to take the war into, as they put it, the

territory of that enemy IE into Russia, and to tie Russia up to absolutely try to put pressure on Russia in whatever way they can.

Because, you know, they have had a hard time they have not got the equipment that they need in order to project into Russia. And NATO has

prevented them from using any of the equipment it gives to, you know, project that into Russia. So they're doing it by the means that they can.

These are by military drones, by the way.

And as you know, I found -- and followed, a training encampment here in Ukraine of civilians who have been recruited to the fight in this drone

warfare using civilian drones and weaponizing them and they're having a lot of impact on the battlefield as well. Both sides are using them Becky.

ANDERSON: Let's talk about the battlefield then. This Ukrainian Security Service video shared exclusively with CNN shows just how entrenched Russia

is on the front lines of Zaporizhzhia?


Fighters referring to these defenses as "Dragon Teeth" Christiane, just explain what we understand to be the situation on the ground there?

AMANPOUR: Well, they have several layers of defenses and they've had really until since the liberation of Kherson, which was back in November, the

Russians moved over to the other side of the bank, spent a lot of time just bombing Kherson, and then also setting up their defenses.

And it involves trenches involves minds, it involves as you said these Dragon's Teeth, there's a lot of heavy duty defenses. However, the

Ukrainians and indeed actual commanders in the United States and elsewhere around NATO are saying that it's difficult.

Yes, it is bloody yes, there are a lot of casualties yes. But Ukraine is making progress. It's not as fast as the armchair generals and you know,

Monday morning quarterback as want to see. And I put that to the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba who just came back today from meeting

counterparts in Europe.

And I put it to him what he had said those who question our progress are "Spitting in the eye of our soldiers who are sacrificing their lives". And

he said, they should shut up and figure out how to liberate territory themselves. This is how he put it.


DMYTRO KULEBA, UKRAINIAN FOREIGN MINISTER: If Ukraine was failing; I would probably be the first one to speak the truth. But we are not failing, we

are moving forward. We liberated dozens of square kilometers of our lands through minefields with no air coverage.

How does it feel when you come back from your mission, and you take back your phone, you open it, and you start reading all the smart people saying

how slow you are and that you are not, you're not doing well enough.

You just lost two of your buddies, you were almost killed. You crawled one kilometer on your belly, demining the field, you sacrificed yourself. You

took the damn Russian trench in a fierce fight. And then you read someone saying, oh gosh, you're too slow.


AMANPOUR: So you can see how angry it makes them all this sort of, you know, behind the scenes, just analysts, as they say criticizing. And as I

say, I've spoken to American commanders, former NATO commanders and they believe that there is a significant possibility of Ukraine making a lot

more progress. But we do know that the general feeling is that this war could go on for a long time, Becky?

ANDERSON: Absolutely. Christiane good to have you there, Christiane Amanpour is in Kyiv for us. We've been discussing there's been this new

wave of drone strikes against Russia, which is marked a new phase in this war. And as Matthew Chance reports, it's one the Russian government would

rather its people didn't see it.


MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Barely a night passes now, when Russians somewhere aren't shaken by powerful drone

attacks this recent barrage hitting an airport in the City of Peskov some 400 miles from the Ukrainian border.

Russian air defenses spread thinly unleashes firepower, but faced with a major upsurge in drone attacks. There were just too many targets to defend.

Russian officials say at least four military cargo planes used to transport troops and equipment to the war zone were damaged footage the burning

aircraft suggests destroyed a significant blow to Russian logistics.

On Russian State TV controlled by the Kremlin the drone strikes are barely mentioned. Instead, the focus is on Russia hitting Ukraine and targets

being struck across the front lines by Russian forces. The Kremlin can't hide what's happening.

Russian civilians like these in the Bryansk region are sharing videos online. This family was congratulating their daughter on her birthday as

the drone strikes thud close by. Stop the music she tells her mom that's the fourth explosion she says.

On security footage in Bryansk into the Ukraine border you can hear one of the drones before it hits. Russian officials vowed a punishing response

that Moscow's revenge attacks are no more match for carefully planned strikes on targets picked to cause maximum disruption.


And to force Russians to see their Ukraine war, coming home. Matthew Chance, CNN London.


ANDERSON: Well, just like other children in many parts of the world, kids will be heading back to school in Ukraine this week. But it's under

circumstances most of us could never imagine. What you are looking at is just one example a school in Northeastern Ukraine wiped out by Russian

drone strike last month. Two teachers were killed there.

Well, UNICEF is reporting that since the war began, 1300 schools have been completely destroyed two out of every five kids more than 40 percent will

not be able to return to school full time. And Ukrainian authorities claimed heinous crimes are being committed against children, including

murder, and sexual violence.

I spoke with the United States Ambassador At-Large for Global Criminal Justice Beth Van Schaack what the U.S. is trying to do to help hold those

committing the crimes to account.


BETH VAN SCHAACK, U.S. AMBASSADOR-AT-LARGE FOR GLOBAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE: Ukraine has now registered more than 100,000 potential prosecutable war

crimes. And so the key challenge is going to be sifting through all of these potential cases, identifying those that are the strongest for which

there is credible evidence and then pressing charges against those most responsible.

ANDERSON: So just to be clear here, the U.S. is now sharing Russian war crimes evidence with the International Criminal Court, correct?

SCHAACK: The International Criminal Court has issued two arrest warrants now against President Vladimir Putin and against his Children's Rights

Commissioner, which is of course, a Sublime Misnomer Maria Lavova Biloba. The United States is in a position to support the work of the International

Criminal Court, even while a non-party to the statute that created the court.

ANDERSON: You raise a really important point which is worth pursuing here. Your office is working with but not a member of the ICC. If your government

believes that the ICC should be empowered to hold Putin to account, will you become a member?

SCHAACK: That's up for the Senate to decide which has the responsibility for ratifying treaties. But there is much that we can do as a non-party

state to support the court, which occupies a very important role within the larger ecosystem of international justice.

In general, it is domestic courts that should be in the lead here. And we've seen that in Ukraine, but also in many European states. And here in

the United States, where we have a dedicated war crimes unit focused on potential war crimes and other atrocities being committed in Ukraine.

ANDERSON: We started this conversation by talking about Ukrainian kids. I mean, these children suffering at the hands of Russia, separated from their

families from their parents. I have to point out that there are of course, children suffering on the southern border of the United States as we speak.

As recently as August CNN reported families being separated at the border in Texas, and attorney has called that harsh and cruel. I have to ask you,

do you think it's a fair criticism that the U.S. has its own issues that undermining its role as an arbiter of international justice?

SCHAACK: Honestly Becky, I think that's a false comparison. What Russia is doing in Ukraine is unbelievably egregious, and is in profound violation of

the Fourth Geneva Convention, which is dedicated to protecting civilians in armed conflict situations.

These children are being rounded up. They're being forced or coerced to go to "Summer Camp" where their contact with their parents has been severed.

They're being indoctrinated. They're being forced into military training. In some cases, they're being forced to renounce their Ukrainian identity.

They can't speak their native language. They can't speak to their loved ones. Parents have to travel to Russia, mostly women, mothers,

grandmothers, to try and retrieve their children doing what they can through their own open source investigations to figure out where those

children are.

So this is an extremely egregious element of this case and it's been the subject of these arrest warrants before the International Criminal Court.

ANDERSON: And I hear what you're saying, and I agree with you. I mean, the egregious behavior is abominable, and seeking international justice is

absolutely the right thing to do. And we applaud and support anybody who is part of that.

But I do want to put it to you again, because you will have heard the criticisms of hypocrisy of the United States. When the activity the

behavior at the border is criticized as harsh and cruel, and we have children at stake here. I do just want to address that with you and

understand your point of view and your perspective on that


SCHAACK: That's really a question for our Department of Homeland Security. My focus is very much on foreign policy. I know that the Biden/Harris

Administration cares deeply about immigration reform and about improving conditions on the border.

My remit is really about international justice. And so I remain much focused on international courts and potential international charges that

can be brought against perpetrators of the most egregious crimes known to man war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.


ANDERSON: My conversation yesterday with the Ambassador At-Large and an important one. Meantime, the Kremlin announced that Vladimir Putin will

host Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan they'll meet in Sochi on Monday. Turkey has been trying to convince Russia to return to the deal

allowing Ukraine to export grain from the Black Sea. Moscow left that agreement in July.

Powerful winds, heavy rains and possible mudslides what could be one of the region's strongest storms in years menacing Hong Kong? We'll take a look at

just how bad conditions are and how much worse they can get?

And the Manager of the Spanish Men's Football Team is apologizing for his actions during a speech by the country's Football Federation President,

latest storm the growing backlash coming up.


ANDERSON: Hong Kong is at a virtual standstill as a powerful storm makes its presence felt. Typhoon Saola is bringing heavy rains and strong winds

and things to be frank could get a lot worse. The storm expected to pass very close to the city in the next hour or so the entire city under the

highest possible alert level at this point.

The storm blamed for three injuries in Hong Kong and people are urged to stay inside to avoid any further problems. CNN's Ivan Watson has been out

along the Causeway Bay as conditions there deteriorate. And he joins us sent now live. And you and I spoke just an hour or so ago or less. How are

things developing Ivan?

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: I'd say the winds have died down over the course of the last hour, which is letting some people

come out and take a look at some of the damage for example here you can see that some kind of Windows came shattering down here.

The police have roped off the area right here and they're kind of taking a look assessing what's happened here. And if I come out and pan out here,

you can just kind of see we're starting to get some foot traffic and things like that. But you can see signs of branches that have come down here in

this storm. And we will likely find out more about potentially the extent of the damage in the hours to come.


The city is still waiting for high tide, the Hong Kong Observatory has been warning about a storm surge that could bring some record high levels of

water in some of the coastal areas. Thankfully though, at least just those powerful winds where we were having a hard time standing up right here,

maybe two hours ago have subsided at least for now.

The city takes these typhoons very seriously. CNN's weather team says this is the fourth time in 23 years that Hong Kong has announced the highest

level a T-10 typhoon coming through here. Nearby Mainland China, the densely populated southern part of Mainland China has also issued the

highest storm warning.

Hundreds of flights canceled, the airport's closed, people stranded, schools were closed on Friday, the Hong Kong stock exchange as well. But

again, thankfully, just the powerful winds that were ripping through here that sounded like a freight train coming through here. They have died down

for now, back to you, Becky.

ANDERSON: Good to have you, Ivan. Thank you. And another storm lurking in the regions, CNN's Meteorologist Allison Chinchar is tracking that for us

from Atlanta. Allison?

ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yes, that's right. So we begin still with Typhoon Saola. With sustained winds that are 215 kilometers per hour,

it's moving do West 17 kilometers per hour. Again, we can see from the Hong Kong observatory radar, you've got some of those darker yellow and green

rain bands indicating the very heavy downpours at times, and it's going to continue to come in waves as it makes its way out towards the west, we do

expect it to weaken as it begins to shift west.

But keep in mind weakening doesn't necessarily mean we won't still have issues. We're still going to have gusty winds, we're still going to have

those heavy rain bands continue as we go through the weekend. And the system continues to make its way off to the west and eventually down to the

south and west.

But we also have a secondary system as well, this one to the, just a little bit east of Saola. This one has sustained winds of 140 kilometers per hour

moving due west at 13 kilometers per hour. This system is expected to cross over Taiwan in the next 36 to 48 hours from now. With that said, you're

going to start to see some of those impacts as early as 24 hours from now, those winds are going to start to pick back up.

Rain bands are going to start to increase in both intensity and frequency as we go through the weekend. And then it will continue and make its way

off towards Mainland China, however slightly a little bit weaker than its current state. Now rainfall is going to be a significant concern for both

of these systems.

With Saola, you're looking at widespread rainfall totals of 50 to 100 millimeters, but you will have some areas that could pick up 150 if not

even as much as 200 millimeters. The secondary system is quite a different story here. Much more significant rainfall, especially across Taiwan where

you're looking at widespread rainfall totals of at least 200.

But some areas that could pick up 250 if not even as much as 300 millimeters of rain over the course of time so again, two different systems

here, Becky that we're keeping a close eye on as they continue to bring impacts throughout the weekend.

ANDERSON: Good to have you. Thank you. Well, officials from multiple countries are showing support for Japan's fishing industry after Beijing

banned all seafood imports from the country last week. It follows the release of treated nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima plant into the


The U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel visited a fish market in Soma -- and had a seafood lunch with the local mayor there. And in a similar move,

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol visited a fish market in Seoul; it was the first visit by a sitting president since the market opened in 1927.

Well, the manager of the Spanish Men's National Team is apologizing for what was his positive reaction to a speech made by the embattled head of

the country's Football Federation. Luis de la Fuente applauded as Luis Rubiales defended the case he gave to Spanish player Jenni Hermoso after

the team won the women's world cup.

That apology coming as more top football officials inside and outside Spain condemn Rubiales' actions. But 12 days on, he remains on the job. Atika

Shubert back with us live from Madrid this hour. And you were at the press conference earlier on today and whether the La Fuente had wanted this to be

front and center. It certainly was as I understand it. What else did he have to say?

ATIKA SHUBERT, JOURNALIST: Yes, I mean, he was trying to, he was supposed to announce the men's lineup for qualifying matches of the Euro Cup and he

did. However he had about a half an hour of being grilled by the press before he was able to get to that. He repeatedly apologized for seemingly

to support Rubiales.


You might remember last Friday Rubiales made that defiant speech. And a number of men in the Football Federation applauded him. And the La Fuente

was quite prominent there, because he was visible in the camera there applauding Rubiales. He now says he regrets doing that it was a mistake.

And that he, you know, he does not support Rubiales. But he will not resign, take a listen.


LUIS DE LA FUENTE, MANAGER, SPANISH MEN'S NATIONAL TEAM: I don't have to resign; I have to ask for forgiveness. I made a mistake, a human mistake.

I've said it. It was inexcusable. But right now, if I could go back, I wouldn't do that. I'm sure of it.


SHUBERT: Now, this is all part of the growing fallout that is affecting not just Rubiales, but other members of the Federation that seem to be

supporting him. Keep in mind that we're still waiting to find out what's going to happen to Rubiales. Several complaints have been filed with the

Sports Commission here in Spain.

It started with one that first one over the kiss on the night of the World Cup. But since then, an additional 15 complaints have been filed, ranging

from allegations of sexual assault to abuse of power. So it does seem like there's still a long way to go. But we're waiting for a decision from the

sports tribunal and the Sports Commission to figure out what will happen to Rubiales, Becky.

ANDERSON: There has been more outrage about this voice by other women footballers, of course just explain.

SHUBERT: Yes, absolutely. I mean, many of the women footballers we've been talking to in the last few days say it's not just about Rubiales. This is a

systemic problem, one that the Federation needs to address, especially as women have entered the sport at professional higher ranks. They've been

demanding equal pay, equal rights, but also major structural changes.

The fact that Rubiales is, though seem to be pushed out over this issue is a silver lining. That's according to the La Liga FA, the Women's League

President Beatriz Alvarez, who had a chance to speak, excuse me, speak with yesterday. Take a listen to what she said.


BEATRIZ ALVAREZ, PRESIDENT, LIGA F: I believe its divine justice, that it is women's football that put this man outside the Federation as he has

ignored it or his life.


SHUBERT: So in her view, there is some hope here that with Rubiales gone or at least on his way out that there may be some way to bring about real

change within the Federation and women's football, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes. And so it goes on. Thank you. Punishment for two of the central figures in the January the sixth insurrection still had the lengthy

prison sentence that they are now facing. Plus, Donald Trump's Georgia election interference trial, the judge overseeing the case decides what we

will be able to see.



ANDERSON: Welcome back, you're watching "Connect the World" with me Becky Anderson, 7.30 here in Abu Dhabi, your headlines this hour. Ukraine's

Foreign Minister says Ukraine is not failing in its counter offensive and that in fact it is moving forward.

Speaking with CNN in Kyiv he said those criticizing the speed of Ukraine's counter offensive should realize that it is a, "Tough fight and to consider

the soldiers fighting at the heart of it". Hong Kong is under its highest storm alert as Typhoon Saola bears down, it's bringing heavy rains and wind

forecasters say mudslides and flooding also possible.

Three people have already been injured in the storm and authorities are urging everyone to stay at home. Well, the manager of the Spanish men's

national football team has now apologized for applauding when Luis Rubiales gave a speech last week defending his actions at the Women's World Cup.

Rubiales of course the Head of Spain's Football Federation is refusing to resign after forcibly kissing player a player on the lips. On Thursday

FIFA's chief said the kiss should never have happened and spoil the champions celebrations. Well, major prison sentence, two of the leaders of

the proud boys in connection to the January the sixth riot at the U.S. Capitol.

A judge sentence Joseph Biggs to 17 years in prison that is one of the longest sentences yet for someone convicted in this case. He handed a

second member 15 years in prison. Here is CNN's Evan Perez with the latest.

EVAN PEREZ, CNN SENIOR U.S. JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: A federal judge handed down lengthy prison sentences to two members of the far right pro Trump

proud boys group for their roles in the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Judge Timothy Kelly sentence Joseph Biggs to 17 years and he's

sentenced Zachary Rehl to 15 years.

The judge said that the violence on that day robbed Americans of a long tradition of a peaceful transfer of power. Speaking from the bench during

that big sentencing, the judge said the nature of the constitutional moment we were in that day is something that is so sensitive, that it deserves a

significant sentence.

The two men are the first of five members of the proud boys set to be sentenced in the coming days. And that includes Enrique Tarrio, the leader

of the group. Prosecutors asked for sentences of more than 30 years for each of the proud boys' members. Both men spoke tearfully in court noting

that they will now lose out on seeing their daughters grow up.

Biggs told the court, I know that I messed up that day, but I'm not a terrorist. And Rehl told the judge, he's no longer interested in politics

saying, I'm done peddling lies for other people who don't care about me. It's a clear reference to Donald Trump, the former President who inspired

the violence on January 6, and who faces his own day in federal court in Washington in the coming months. Evan Perez, CNN, Washington.

ANDERSON: Well, meantime, there's a new development in the 2020 election interference racketeering case against Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants in

Georgia. The Fulton County judge overseeing the case says all related proceedings will be live streamed and will be allowed to be televised.

Now this comes as multiple defendants including former Trump, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows asking for their cases to be moved to federal court

where cameras, computers and smartphones are not allowed in the courtroom. CNN Senior Media Reporter Oliver Darcy has been tracking this story for us.

He joins me now from New York with more on what Oliver, the kind of impact this judge's decision might have.

OLIVER DARCY, CNN SENIOR MEDIA REPORTER: Yes, this is a huge ruling from the judge. This trial will be without a doubt the most watched television

courtroom trial in in history.


And it allows the public to see with their own eyes the evidence that prosecutors are going to have against Donald Trump. And I think that's

going to help limit the flow of misinformation from the courtroom because in the absence of it being televised, you're going to have a void of


And when you have those voids, that's when conspiracy theories and misinformation thrive. And when Donald, we didn't talk about Donald Trump,

those are always factors. So allowing the public to have video where they can watch in real time, where news organizations can review things and fact

check things in real time is going to be very beneficial, I think, with the aim of stemming the flow of bad information from this court.

ANDERSON: We still don't have a date, of course, at this point.

DARCY: No date yet. And so, it's unclear whether this is going to happen before the 2024 election. Of course, Trump is scheduled for at least one

trial, the federal trial early next year in the spring, but whether we'll see him on camera, in this case, that we don't know in federal court. Of

course, the rules are far more restrictive, and so they don't allow cameras traditionally. And so, it's unlikely we'll see him on camera in those other


ANDERSON: Yes. Oliver, good to have you, sir, thank you. Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that we are following from the Middle

East on our radar right now. And an Iranian man who was jailed for protesting last year has died after reportedly having a seizure.

Javad Rouhi was awaiting a new trial after being accused of burning public property and the Koran. Human Rights Watch calls his death suspicious,

saying he'd been tortured after his arrest. His body was turned over to his family for burial after being sent to a medical examiner.

Well, a Bahrain's biggest hunger strikes in years has just been extended. 800 detainees described as political prisoners by rights activists are

striking over what they call harsh prison conditions. They say concessions offered by the government are inadequate. Bahrain authorities deny

targeting the political opposition.

The U.S. led coalition in Syria warns fighting in Deir Ezzor could cause instability and allow ISIS to resurge. The U.S. back Syrian Democratic

Forces, the SDF has been fighting with one of its affiliates. At least 30 people have been killed including many civilians. Well, an Iraqi criminal

court has sentenced five people to life in prison for killing a U.S. citizen in November.

Ministry of Interior released a statement saying one Iranian national and four Iraqis have been convicted in the killing of Stephen Troll last year.

And a Saudi court has sentenced a retired teacher to death over online comments. According to Human Rights Watch, the man's brother says the

alleged crime was five tweets criticizing corruption and human rights violations.

The Kingdom has executed at least 92 people this year according to the European Saudi Organization for human rights. Gabon's main opposition

members are expressing gratitude to the military over its efforts to oust President Ali Bongo. But they are calling on coup leaders to resume the

election process and hand power back to civilian rule as soon as possible.

Meantime, Gabon's coup leaders plan to swear in General Brice Oligui Nguema as the country's transitional President, before the constitutional court on

Monday, despite international condemnation. They also promised to continue public services and to honor Gabon's commitments, domestically and

internationally. Well, for more let's bring in CNN's Jim Bittermann, Jim?

JIM BITTERMANN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Becky, this may seem a little strange that the opposition would be supporting us hooked up.

But the opposition believed that the elections which just took place this week, in fact, were corrupted. And that the regime of Ali Bongo is a

corrupt regime, after all, the bongo dynasty has been in power in Gabon.

For now 55 years between Omar Bongo, the father and Ali Bongo, the son, and there's a great deal of concern about the corruption there. So when the

military took over the opposition party, which felt that, was the elections were not fair. We're very happy about the idea.

Now, of course, the question is going to be what is the, what are the generals going to do? Are they going to actually return the country to

democracy, or are they going to stay in power? And at least the historical record seems to indicate that they'll try to stay in power, Becky.

ANDERSON: And this is clearly you know, certainly a significant challenge once again to France's strategy in Africa, is it not?


BITTERMANN: It is absolutely, President Macron was in Gabon just last March. And he was shaking hands and making friends with Ali Bongo. And

there were some concern at that time that was the timing of that visit was wrong because they were in their middle of the electoral period. And it was

viewed as perhaps France trying to influence the elections.

In any case, it didn't work. At least it hasn't worked as far as the French would like to have it. And President Macron himself told ambassadors who

were in Paris last week, meeting for their annual meeting. He told them that he was in this epidemic of coup d'etat and Africa had to be put to a

stop, but that was before the Gabonese coup d'etat.

So it has not turned out the way that French would like. They believed for a long time that they have some influence over the rise of democracy in

this part of Africa. But that clearly is not the case, Becky.

ANDERSON: Jim Bittermann on the story. Thank you. Well, former Nazi concentration camp guard is being charged with murder in Germany. He is 98-

years-old. Prosecutors say he assisted in the killing of 3000 prisoners between 1943 and 1945 because he was under 18 at the time, he'll be tried

in juvenile court.

August job numbers are out in the U.S. so what will it mean for the American economy and for the markets in general, we'll take a look at that

after this.


ANDERSON: Growth in the U.S. jobs market remains robust. The U.S. economy added 187,000 jobs in August. That's up from 157 added in July according to

the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But an unexpected tick up at the same time in the unemployment rate points to an easing in the labor market.

And the Fed who will be keeping a keen eye on this with regard interest rates, we'll be interested to see those numbers. Let's bring in Vanessa

Yurkevich. Vanessa, certainly there appears to be some relatively robust U.S. economy here when you look at the sort of headline figures.

I think it's just important that we give a sense to our viewers of what this sort of really means going forward for interest rates, for inflation

and for the health of the U.S. economy as a whole.

VANESSA YURKEVICH, CNN BUSINESS AND POLITICS CORRESPONDENT: Yes, certainly. This is a good report. 187,000 jobs added it's above expectations, but

still in line with historic levels pre pandemic. You have the unemployment rate rising to 3.8 percent, but that's around where we've been for the past

year and a half.


The industries that saw the biggest gains were in health care, leisure and hospitality and also in construction and social assistance. So gains in

those industries. But we saw some losses. And industries that actually, we may expect, if you've been paying attention to the news, you saw trucking,

a decline of 37,000 jobs that's within, that's also an addition to transportation saying a loss of 34,000 jobs.

That's because of a company here in the United States called Yellow Trucking Corporation, which folded and they employed about 30,000 people.

And then also, if you've been following the writer strike and the actor strike here in the United States, the ripple effect of that is playing out.

You can see motion pictures losing about 17,000 jobs. But one thing economists were looking at Becky was wages, they didn't want to see wages

rise, they wanted to see wages stay steady. But instead, we actually saw a decline in wages year-over-year. And I know for some Americans, they're

going to think well, wait a minute, I want more money in my pocket book.

But what higher wages basically mean is that that could cause inflation to increase. And that is not what the Federal Reserve wants to be seeing right

now. And Becky, also to note, in this report, for August, they provided revisions for jobs added in July and June. They revise down July and June,

Becky by 100,000 jobs.

So the Fed might be looking at all of this thinking, well, wait a minute, do I need to, do we need to raise rates again this year? They're going to

be looking at this and then the inflation number that's going to be coming out in a couple of weeks before their next meeting, Becky, later this month

in September.

ANDERSON: Well, obviously, we'll wait to see that. But I think certainly, as you've rightly pointed out, you know, a much softer picture than perhaps

that headline number suggests. And, you know, one hopes that the Fed has actually got this rate rising cycle, right. And that, at least in the U.S.,

consumers are at the end of that. Thank you.

Well, North Koreans who have been stranded abroad for the past three years will be finally able to return home. That's because Pyongyang has begun

lifting the tight COVID restrictions that effectively sealed its borders. My colleague, Paula Hancocks is in Seoul and has this report.


PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): North Korea's athletes are back on the global stage. Its taekwondo team headlined at the opening

ceremony of the World Championships in Kazakhstan this month, believed to be the first overseas sporting engagement since its borders reopened.

Pyongyang confirmed its borders a reopening to allow citizens stranded outside the country for more than three and a half years to return.

One week quarantine required on arrival, North Korean restrictions were among the harshest in the world. It is considered one of the last countries

to reopen its borders, and even then they're only opening a crack with some international flights resuming with China and Russia.

Tourism though is still a dream. Koryo Tours, which specializes in taking Westerners into North Korea, says they've heard nothing beyond plans to

repatriate its own citizens. Quarantine alone makes tourism impractical.

SIMON COCKERELL, GENERAL MANAGER, KORYO TOURS: So there's business people, diplomats, workers, wait-staff free cutters, students, all kinds of people

essentially marooned outside of their country, with in most cases no way to contact family for three and a half years.

HANCOCKS (voice-over): Bart van Genugten went on a tour of North Korea with his father one year before the borders closed. He created YouTube videos of

his experience.

BART VAN GENUGTEN, YOUTUBER: If you go and everyone hopes maybe that they will see a bit more of the real North Korea which won't happen. Like they

show you the places that they're going to show you and as the best of the best. And all the loyal people live in Pyongyang, the wealthy people among

older North Korean. So now you're probably far from certain realities.

HANCOCKS (voice-over): Just see value in North Korean seeing foreigners in their country but acknowledges useful interactions with the people are

rare. Western tour operators already niche markets are likely to be among the last to be invited back.

COCKERELL: The tourism market in North Korea over the few years prior to the shutdown exploded hugely to the point where the North Koreans brought

in a limit on Chinese visitors of 1000 per day to Pyongyang. That limit was routinely breached.

HANCOCKS: One other group waiting to be allowed back in diplomats. The vast majority of them left during the pandemic unable to send supplies in or

rotate staff out and so far only Russian and Chinese officials have been invited back to Pyongyang since the restrictions eased, showing Kim Jong-

Un's political priorities Paula Hancocks, CNN Seoul.


ANDERSON: We're back after a quick break folks. You're watching "Connect the World" with me Becky Anderson. 49 minutes past seven here in Abu Dhabi,

back after this.



ANDERSON: It is monsoon season in Pakistan where flooding kills hundreds of people each year in the country's mountain regions. Homes and schools get

washed away and residents are left without clean water. But a non- governmental organization is working to change that. CNN's Lynda Kinkade is with this report.


LYNDA KINKADE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A blessing and a curse, this year's monsoon season in Pakistan once again water logging parts of the

country. The heavy rains farmers rely on each year to irrigate crops and fill water tanks coming in ferocious bursts that are wiping out villages.

NASREEN BIBI, FLOOD VICTIM: The flood came to our area, our houses collapsed, our belongings were swept away and our crops are submerged

underwater. We couldn't bring anything with us.

KINKADE (voice-over): In 2022 those downpours were disastrous submerging about a third of the country in unprecedented floods. At least 1700 people

were killed and nearly 1.5 million homes destroyed. One NGO in Pakistan is trying to help people survive such extreme weather conditions by building

homes that are better equipped to withstand floods. This woman and her sons lost their house last year.

CHAMPA BAI, LOST HOME IN FLOODS: Our house was standing here at the same spot, but it was washed away by the floods. It was all ruined and became

debris, we put up a plastic tend to take shelter, then more water gushed in and we had to take shelter on the road.

KINKADE (voice-over): Their new home built by Heritage Foundation of Pakistan is different from the traditional mud house that she lived in.

It's made from a prefabricated bamboo structure with lime hardened mud walls to waterproof the home and straw tarps and more protective materials

to cover the roof.

And though houses yet to be tested by the elements, many houses in nearby villages are built in the same design before last year's floods, are still


SATTYA RAM, VILLAGER: These houses were not demolished when the floods came in 2022. They will not be destroyed if there are any floods in the future.

KINKADE (voice-over): Durability was one of the key drivers in the design created by Yasmeen Lari, Pakistan's first certified female architect who

opted to use local materials to keep costs down.

YASMEEN LARI, ARCHITECT: First of all, we have to understand we're working for the poor. So it's got to be affordable. Secondly, you have to

understand that whatever you bring from outside will always be far more expensive and convenient. You can't make affordable housing with that.

KINKADE (voice-over): The houses cost under $87 to build which is about a 10th of what it takes to make a cement structure. According to the NGO, the

construction only takes a week. And the NGO says it would like to build at least 350,000 homes. And for those living in temporary shelters, that's a

chance to one day have a roof over their heads again, and one that is hopefully built to last. Lynda Kinkade, CNN.


ANDERSON: Well, finally there may be a climate friendly mode of transport. But E-Scooters can be a nuisance. Five years ago, Paris introduced them.

But today the French Capital has officially said -- becoming one of the first major European capitals to ban the battery powered devices from



Now, in April, Parisians version the referendum organized by the mayor's office. And while turnout, I have to say was low, almost 90 percent of

voters wanted them gone privately owned e-scooters will not be affected. From the teams working with me here in Abu Dhabi and those around the

world, it is a very good evening.