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Russia Bombs Ukrainian Ports Near Danube; Junta Leader Sworn In As Transitional President; Africa Climate Summit Convenes In Nairobi. Aired 10-10:45a ET

Aired September 04, 2023 - 10:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: I'm Becky Anderson from Abu Dhabi. Welcome. It's 6:00 here. This is CONNECT THE WORLD. Coming up this hour.

Putin discusses the grain deal hours after Russia targets Ukrainian ports.

Presidents Zelenskyy ousts his defense minister.

Kenya's President works towards a solution that a Sudan solution on the sidelines of Africa's Climate Summit.

And the Burning Man festival is a wash out.

All right. Russia taking aim at the food Ukraine exports to the world. Ukrainian officials say a massive airstrike targeted port facilities near

its Danube River overnight. It's hit second straight night that Russia has taken aim at Ukraine's food exports. And that attack came just hours before

Russian President Vladimir Putin met his Turkish counterpart in Russia where both leaders are talking about avoiding a food crisis.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan is encouraging the Kremlin to revive the Black Sea Grain Deal with Kyiv. CNN's Melissa Bell joining me now live from the

Dnipro in Ukraine. And we'll talk about the grain deal itself a little later this hour. But Russia again targeting infrastructure, even as Putin

and Erdogan talk about reviving this deal. What are we seeing on the ground?

MELISSA BELL, CNN PARIS CORRESPONDENT: Well, what we're hearing from Sochi, just very briefly, is that the West was to blame for the collapse of this

deal, and it could yet be revived should Moscow's conditions be met. But as you say, Becky, quite extraordinary that on the eve of that summit that so

many different parts of the world watch with great anticipation to see whether this crucial grinding can be revived.

It should be agricultural port infrastructure. In fact, one of the main export ports of Ukraine, no one ready down by the border with Romania that

should have been targeted overnight. What we're seeing again, today, a series of drone strikes, not just on the South that I mentioned, the Odesa

region but here around the eastern parts around Dnipro as well. Some of them caused damage, most of them were intercepted by Ukrainian air


And this comes even as intense fighting continues long, several points on the front line, Becky, that all attention here very much on what's

happening in southern Zaporizhzhia and specifically the gains that have been made around robotics. We've been meeting with some of the men who

achieved those gains these last few days really speak of apocalyptic scenes further south, the sky black with drones, the extensive minefields, and

yet, they say they believe that progress is being made.

The first line of use of Russian defenses appears to have been broken. And with that, Ukraine hopes that there is no momentum on its side, it's going

to be able to extend the bridgeheads to the south of Russia, as it seeks to make it to its next objective, which is the strategic and logistical hub of

Tokmak. Of course, much is going to be down to whether the momentum can now be found to consolidate those gains.

It is smaller, small groups that are going in, in the hope, Becky, that a larger assault can be prepared with a double aim not just moving further

south, but drawing frontline elite Russian troops from elsewhere along the front line, Becky.

ANDERSON: Well, with that in mind, then, what are the timing of the replacement of the defense minister, the Ukrainian defense minister by

President Zelenskyy. Why and why now?

BELL: Well, it comes at a critical time. What we understand is that Oleksii Reznikov has been widely praised for doing one of the hardest jobs in the

world as efficiently as he has over the course of the last year and a half was we here walking to stand down. His replacement, Reznikov certainly has

a tough challenge ahead. This certainly timing wise allows President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to draw a line on what had been 18 months have a number

of corruption scandals that have bedeviled the Ukrainian defense ministry.

And to show that he is taking this seriously there have been a number of sackings a number of resignations and a number of trials that have been

begun as a result of this to show that this has finished this is due with procurement of the very early days of the war, much of it, it should be

specified back into the Ukrainian taxpayer's money and Ukrainian weapons defense contracts.

Still, it is all about convincing NATO allies that they can keep on giving their weapons at this very crucial time in the counteroffensive.


The other job (INAUDIBLE) is going to have is continuing Ukraine's efforts to continue building its own weapons capability. We've seen that it's been

upping its production not just to drones, but also of long-range rocket systems and the team. And this is what we've been seeing more and more

clearly these last few days. It is not just to press further forward without counteroffensive in the south, but also increasingly to be in a

position to take this war to Russian soil itself, Becky.

ANDERSON: Good to have you, Melissa. Melissa is in Dnipro in Ukraine. Well, as was we've just been discussing, Moscow has gone big on targeting port

infrastructure, since it pulled out of that deal allowing safe passage of Ukrainian grain through the Black Sea, we are seeing that once again. But

Russian leader Vladimir Putin now says he is open to negotiations. That's certainly what we're hearing from Putin's meeting with the Turkish leaders.

CNN's Nic Robertson joining me now. That meeting is in Sochi. What do we understand to be coming out of these talks, Nic?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yes. It's really interesting, Becky, because there was a lot of expectation placed around

this meeting that President Erdogan, who helped get Russia into the black sea green corridor deal last year, a parallel deal with a deal that the

U.N. and Turkey also strike with Ukraine, that he was going to perhaps have some leverage to get Putin back in.

But I think listening to the statements coming out of the press conference here at the end, it doesn't seem to advance much from when Turkey's foreign

minister met them Russian foreign minister last week, and Putin probably doubling down and even stronger in his language, saying that it's the

West's fault that this deal has collapsed that Ukraine doesn't do what it says it does which is export grain and food products to the -- to third-

world countries in the way that he says Russia does.

He says, you know, we're ready to get back into the Grain deal, as long as we get what we want. And he's even talking about an alternate grain deal

whereby Russia exports grain to Turkey, Turkey, then exports it on from there. So, I don't think we've moved -- I don't think the conversation has

moved forward. Rather, Putin has got a bigger platform to make his message known more widely, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes. To be quite clear, Putin's narrative on where that grain goes, is actually supported by the U.N.'s own figures. Much of that grain

does actually end up in the developed world not were promised to feed some of, you know, the many parts of the world where food is in such great need.

But some of it, of course, does get there. And that's important. Look, I guess the bigger question here is, does President Erdogan at this point,

with these talks, starting off with the grain initiative, does he have any leverage here to work towards a wider solution on this conference?

ROBERTSON: I mean, his leverage in a way is that he's sitting face to face with Putin and their potential leverage further down the road is, you know,

things like access to the Black Sea, of course, you know, the Black Sea channels out through the Bosporus straits right, you know, right through

the middle of Turkey, if you will. So, there's -- there is potential leverage there. But I -- that's not leverage -- that's not leverage Erdogan

is trying to exert.

It's really diplomatic leverage is really trying to have a face to face conversation. Look, Putin is in pretty much of a bubble, he speaks only to

those around him and leaders that have come to Russia that frankly, for the most part support him. You know, Erdogan can you explain it differently to

Putin. Putin's statistics on where Ukraine's grain goes to reduce a pretty much accurate but the alternate part of that conversation.

But the other part of that conversation, of course, that Erdogan can have is, look, if Ukraine's grain didn't go to the nation's and it goes to,

there will be shortages of food there. And that will drive up the global food price which has always been the argument of international aid agencies

as well that it is the combined grain output from Russia and Ukraine that makes a difference to stabilizing global food prices.

And that, of course, is vital for third world. So, I'm not clear what real leverage Erdogan has. At least that's not getting discussed here in this

meeting public -- publicly, let's say.

ANDERSON: Yes. OK. What happens behind closed doors, of course, is also important, but more difficult to report on. Nic, good to have you. Thank


And for more on what is a crucial story that of Ukraine, subscribe to our Middle East newsletter, where you will be able to read a lot more about the

impact of Russia's withdrawal from that deal because many parts of this region are massively affected by an uptick in global food prices of course.


President efforts -- President Erdogan's efforts to get that back on track are analyzed with insightful comments at the -- meanwhile in the Middle

East newsletter.

Well, coup leaders in Gabon say General Brice Oligui Nguema was sworn in as the country's transitional president a short time ago. The move comes just

days after the military seize power from President Ali Bongo whose family ruled Gabon for more than 50 years. In a televised speech, Nguema vowed to

hold free transparent and credible new elections. That he said he intends to return power to civilian rule but did not provide a date or a timeline

for that.

Well, the African Union and many Western nations have denounced this coup and will not acknowledge Nguema as Gabon's legitimate leader.

Meantime, we are learning of renewed efforts to mediate the conflict in Sudan. Fighting of course broke out in April between two warring generals

Abdel Fattah al-Burhan of the Sudanese armed forces and Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo leading the paramilitary group known as the Rapid Support Forces or

the RSF. Mediation efforts up to this point, have done little to stop the bloodshed, including those by East African blog IGAD led by Kenya.

Well, General Burhan had previously accused the Kenyan President William Ruto of favoring the RSF. I spoke to Mr. Ruto earlier today. He's hosting

the African climate summit in Nairobi this week. And he tells me that IGAD will be holding a meeting on the sidelines of the summit tomorrow on the

Sudanese conflict. Have a listen to what he told me.


WILLIAM RUTO, PRESIDENT OF KENYA: I had a conversation two days ago with Burhan who is the leader of SAF. The people who initially accused Kenya of

being partisan. He now has dropped the partisan allegations. And he is ready for us as a region through IGAD to work with others including Egypt

and the neighbors, including the U.S. and Saudi, using the GIDAP process to harmonize these processes so that we can get to a solution.


ANDERSON: Well, as I mentioned, President Ruto, His remarks come as his country hosts the Africa climate summit this week where we find CNN's Larry

Madowo. I'm going to discuss that summit in a moment, but first, you just heard what President Ruto told me earlier. Just break down what we are

hearing here. What did you make of what he said about the Sudan conflict, Larry?

LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Becky, this could be a real light at the end of the tunnel. This conflict in Sudan has been raging since at least

April 15. At the heart of it is a conflict or disagreement, a power struggle between the Sudanese armed forces and the rapid support forces and

the two generals who are vying for control in the country. And when President Ruto is telling you is that he thinks that they're finally ready

to come to the table and agree.

General Burhan who leaves the Sudanese armed forces to claim that Kenya was partisan and cannot lead these talks. He says he's happy to drop that. And

he's going to speak to the president of Egypt, President Sisi as well. And the President of South Sudan President Salva Kiir was on his way here and

then all agreed that there's a way forward to some kind of talks to get this stalemate settled in Sudan.

This will be a big one because there's been lots of efforts, one from the court, the U.S., the U.K., the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia and

another by IGAD, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development a guard the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, and they've all kind of come to

this stalemate. If this is true, if the generals are being sincere in what they're telling President Ruto then there could be a chance that they could

finally get rid -- they agree on some way forward out of this conflict. Four million people displaced.

Thousands of people have died so far and they just keep being dishonest so far, know their dealings with international partners.

ANDERSON: Yes. This is one to really keep an eye on. And those talks going on the sidelines of the summit where you are, of course. This is the first

Africa climate summit ever held. And President Ruto calling three new energy packed for Africa. Have a listen.


RUTO: As a continent, we have the largest reserves of clean energy or renewable energy resources. And we want to see how these renewable energy

resources can be consolidated, can be packaged into bankable opportunities. 60 percent of the world's renewable solar resources are in Africa.


And we want to use these resources to power our own growth in a responsible manner that we are not using fossil fuels, we are using renewable energy.

And we want to do it not just for Africa, we also want to use these renewable energy resources to decarbonize the world economy.


ANDERSON: He talks there about bankable opportunities, Larry. He's very solution based when it comes to this clean energy pact. But it's critical

he says that there is action now. How are they looking to address the financing needs? What are you hearing there?

MADOWO: What President Ruto and the leaders who are coming here are hoping is that they can find a way to convince the global north to essentially put

their money where their mouth is. There have been a lot of commitments that previous COP 27, COP 26 and shadow shake in Glasgow, but these countries,

the least-developed countries, the global south countries, that small island nations feel that there's been a lot of talk, very little action.

So, part of the reason why the Africa Climate Summit is happening here for the first time is to try and get a combined voice. A unified voice to do

that. President Ruto, for instance, mentioned in that speech, that Africa is carbon footprint is very small, but the real human tall, of the climate

crisis is devastating here. And he sees this as an opportunity that African carbon sinks. For instance, the Congo basin, the large water table that

exists between Gabon and the Democratic Republic of Congo and whatnot.

These are opportunities that the rest of the world can tap into. So, in a way, the African leaders are saying, we're not just asking for a handout,

we can do something that's good for the world, but also helps cushion the people here in Africa who are worst affected by climate crisis, considering

that Africa is warming faster than the rest of the world. And there's just the need, for instance, the urgency President Ruto said to address loss and

damage and to find out new financing mechanisms to build resilience in this part of the world.

ANDERSON: Yes. Including reform of the multilateral development banks and we aren't hearing that from various leaders across the global south and in

the developing world. Thank you. Mr. Ruto and I discussed at length what Africa needs at this crucial climate summit from finance to global

cooperation. Everything in between. You can catch that full interview tomorrow on CONNECT THE WORLD.

Stranded in the mud. Thousands of festival goers are stranded in the desert. We'll explain what happened and when they might be able to leave

what is the famous Burning Man event?

And splashdown. Four astronauts have returned safely to Earth following a six-month stay on the International Space Station. We'll take a look at who

they are and what they achieved up next.



ANDERSON: Organizers of the annual Burning Man festival are hoping people can start to leave today. Over 70,000 people still stark at the Nevada

Desert Venue (INAUDIBLE) Camila Bernal explains flooding and the moderate left behind has made leaving almost impossible.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We plan on leaving right after the burn which is Saturday night. And then it started raining on us like that night.

CAMILA BERNAL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voiceover): A dramatic washout at Burning Man trapping tens of thousands and delaying the events marquee

moment what a massive wooden effigy known as the man is set on fire. The decades old gathering in the Black Rock Desert is no stranger to extreme

heat. But rarely like this.

DANE ZELLER, FESTIVAL GOER: You're sinking. I think barefoot is the way to go.

BERNAL (voiceover): Two to three months' worth of rain falling in just 24 hours, turning the desert ground into thick cement like paste. Festival

goer Dean Zeller from Santa Monica, California shot this video with his ankle deep into the mud. And from the air, you can see the standing water

muddy roads and countless R.V.s, vans, trucks and other vehicles parked and helpless.

ANDREW HYDE, STRANDED AT BURNING MAN FESTIVAL: When it was really wet, you couldn't do anything. You just live here. There's really no way to walk

miles, you know, to get out of it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We couldn't leave like we were stuck basically. People couldn't -- could barely walk, let alone drive their bikes or drive out of

here. And so, that's sort of getting a little scary.

BERNAL (voiceover): Many of those who tried to drive away were stuck. The situation so concerning that even President Joe Biden was briefed on the

matter. While organizers have often described the festival as a self- expression event where harshness meets creativity. Few expected it to be this bad.

HYDE: It's a survival event like you come out here to be in a harsh climate and you prepare for that.

BERNAL (voiceover): Event organizers said roads remain "too wet and muddy" and local authorities have told 1000s of people to shelter in place. The --

some attendees braved the conditions to make it out, including actor and comedian Chris Rock, and another festival attendee D.J. Diplo. They posted

a series of videos as they track more than six miles in the mud before the two got a ride on the back of a fence pickup truck.

Local officials are urging those still on site to conserve food, water and fuel. Still, some attendees downplay fears, telling us they think they'll

manage just fine.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't think that it's going to like people are going to like starve or do anything over there. The community in itself would

help each other. And there's a lot of people who overstocked for this thing too. It's really beautiful actually, when you're going into the camps,

everybody was helping each other out.

BERNAL: And if the conditions improve, this is the main exit where we'll see 1000s of vehicles exiting the festival. But it's not going to be easy

because it's still really muddy. A lot of the vehicles look just like the emergency vehicles that you see here. People will probably have to walk

again and try to make their way out so officials again telling people to be careful.

Camila Bernal, Black Rock City.


ANDERSON: Well, rain and flooding certainly surprised thousands 000s at the festival. How did a summer storm turn it into such utter chaos?

CNN's Derek Van Dam joining us to explain sir, if you will.

DEREK VAN DAM, CNN METEOROLOGIST: I never thought I'd be talking about this festival on international television. But here we are, Becky. But this

is really fascinating because there's --it's all about the structure of the soil within the desert over western Nevada where this festival took place.

And what we're showing here with our 3D diagram is the difference between the earthy kind of topsoil that you and I are more accustomed, to something

we would plant our gardens or vegetable gardens in.

And the difference between that of the desert which is composed of basically clay. So, when we get this incessant rainfall, the topsoil that

we're accustomed to also known as loam actually absorbs that water very easily. But in the deserts particularly across the playa which is a dried-

up land over the western parts of the U.S. particularly where the Black Rock City is located. Well, that water pools up and it mixes with the clay

that is present over that region.

It creates that muddy cement like almost mixture that inevitably stuck the tens of thousands of people.


And we do have a bit of good news. The rain has come to an end and I do believe that the sun is going to shine in full force today so that quickly

dry things up help the evaporation process but wow it was really the scenes like this that unfolded this weekend. That was so concerning for people

because they were worried that if additional rain actually fell, we'd have even more concerns.

You can see the mud tracks, you can see some of the vehicles getting stuck. And this is a radar loop from when the worst of the rain came. And remember

they received about two to three times -- well, there are two to three months' worth of rain in a 24-hour period. And we're talking about Black

Rock City, it's actually just north of empire here. Again we're in western Nevada the rain is coming to an end.

But this area that you see which will hopefully we'll zoom right into this is known as a playa. This is that dry area. So, when we see rain it

typically evaporates with the sunshine after the rain storm passes but it was overcast all weekend, Becky. So, it didn't get that opportunity. Plus,

the rain kind of continuously fell. So, that precipitation huddled up and it created that mixture that just unfortunately brought people to a


Obviously deeply concerning but I love their positive outlook. It's kind of like a half glass full. Not with water but with mud, right? Becky?

ANDERSON: Yes. Thank you, sir. Gorgeous graphics there, by the way. We'll have more of those. Our international viewers are enjoying those immensely.

Thank you, sir.

VAN DAM: No problem.

ANDERSON: These three Republican candidates for U.S. president are hitting the campaign trail as America celebrates Labor Day, the unofficial end of

summer. Mike Pence plans be out, shaking your hands at picnics and barbecues in New Hampshire. His challengers Vivek Ramaswamy and Asa

Hutchinson are also flocking to this state. But on the other side of the aisle, a former vice presidential candidate lashing out the Republican

front runner, Donald Trump over the Capitol Hill riot.

Virginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine says in his words, there is a powerful argument to be made for barring Trump from the ballot. It's based

on the 14th Amendment's ban on insurrectionists holding public office. Have a listen.


SEN. TIM KAINE (D-VA): My view, the attack on the Capitol that day was designed for a particular purpose at a particular moment. And that was to

disrupt the peaceful transfer of power of as was laid out in the constitution. So, I think there is a powerful argument to be made. My sense

is it's probably going to get resolved in the courts. But, you know, I think what we have to focus on in our side is we just got to win in 2024.


ANDERSON: Well, former vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine there ABC how he thinks this will play out.

Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that are on our radar right now. And Algeria has confirmed its close guard fired on three

Moroccan jet skiers last Tuesday. According to the Defense Ministry the drivers of the jet skis were performing dangerous maneuvers and the Coast

Guard fired at the men after they refuse to stop despite warning shots and orders.

Beijing says China's premier will attend the G20. It is the clearest sign yet that President Xi Jinping will not be attending it amid wide

speculation. Some of the course kicking off in New Delhi next weekend.

Two people have been detained in China accused of damaging part of the Great Wall with an excavator. It happened in Shanxi Province last month.

Police say the pair reached the water they could have a shortcut and caused irreversible damage.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dragon Endeavor continuing its slow descent. There we can see splash-down on screen. Those parachutes are then cut and released.


ANDERSON: Four astronauts returning home after spending half a year in the International Space Station. They made a splashdown landing aboard their

SpaceX Crew Dragon Capsule off the coast of Florida on Monday. During their time in space, they conducted three spacewalks and oversaw more than 200

science and tech projects. Well, the four astronauts are from the U.S., United Arab Emirates where I am now and Russia.

The astronaut from the UAE is this man, Sultan Al-Neyadi. Upon his return, the country's president said he was immensely proud of him and the UAE as

Prime Minister ruler of Dubai said that he was the first Arab astronaut to complete a long mission on the International Space Station. I spoke to Al-

Neyadi just two months ago for the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center in Dubai while he was aboard the space station.

And what a joy it was to see him in action. Have a listen to part of that conversation.


SULTAN AL NEYADI, EMIRATI ASTRONAUT: The first time I saw Earth, it was a profound moment.


We're flying almost 400 kilometers on top of this planet and you see -- everything you see, the mountains and the forests and the desert and

everything that you know of. And it's really great to see this magnificent planet.


ANDERSON: Congratulations to Sultan and all the astronauts who have just returned home on what is a spectacular achievement.

Well, planning your next casino visit. Well, this middle eastern city just might be the next Macau or Las Vegas. That is up next.


ANDERSON: All right. Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi. Time here is just after half past 6:00 in the evening. You're watching CONNECT

THE WORLD And wherever you are watching, you're more than welcome. The UAE could become the next global gambling hub. The Gulf state announcing the

launch of a commercial gaming regulator that could potentially pave the way for establishing casinos.

And that could bring in billions of dollars annually. There has been speculation that the United Arab Emirates could be the first Muslim country

in the region to introduce gambling. Last year casino operator, Wynn Resorts into deal to build a luxury resort with a "gaming area." So could

Dubai become a gambling hub to rival Las Vegas and Macau? Let's bring in CNN's Eleni Giokos in Dubai for more.

And that really is a very big question as we get this announcement from UAE authorities today. Just how significant is the announcement of a gaming

regulator here, Eleni?

ELENI GIOKOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: What -- as you say, I mean, so much speculation, right? I mean, that news that came through from one of the

seven emirates, Ras Al Khaimah or known as RAK that there'll be building a $3.9 billion resort by Wynn Resorts which is a huge owner of some of the

largest casinos in the world. There was a joke going around that RAK will be known as Las Vegas.

So, I think this was probably imminent. Now let's talk about the announcement because you're talking about so many questions, right? So much

speculation. What does this actually mean? It's a gaming authority essentially that opens the door for gaming and itself for lottery

potentially casinos for perhaps race horse betting we which we know race horse -- racing horsing is a huge business, but there's no betting behind



And then the other big clue here is you've got to American veterans that have decades of experience within the casino industry that will be leading

up to this authority which, Becky, of course, is very telling about what they're trying to achieve yet. Now with Ras Al Khaimah and the $3.9 billion

investments, that was sort of the inroad into what potentially could be a casino. They're talking about a gaming section.

They haven't clarified that it would be a casino but you've got Caesars Palace that operates in Dubai and other resorts -- global resorts that

normally have casinos attached to them. You spoke about Dubai being a really exciting tourist hub, the UAE wants to trench itself as one of the

most exciting destinations within this region, as competitiveness starts to increase.

ANDERSON: Eleni Giokos on the story of you, folks. Thank you.

Well, the Chinese property Giant Country Garden will avoid defaulting at least for the next few days. The company reportedly won approval from its

creditors to delay repaying what is a maturing bond. Now, Country Garden was at risk of becoming one of the largest failures in China without

getting this debt extension and fears were that if it defaulted, the ripple effects would hurt China's economy.

After all, the property market plays an outsize role in China's growth. Next hour I'll ask CNN's Anna Stewart, should the global economy be worried

about China's property foundations where we stand with the country's real estate crisis is ahead.

Well, in its attempt to curb internet addiction and cultivate "good morality" China considering placing limits on screen time for kids and

teenagers. All devices will be required to have a built-in minor mode which would restrict screen time based on age. CNN Correspondent Ivan Watson has

more on the proposed rules and reaction to them.


IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voiceover): It's an all too familiar seeing a child begs his mom for one more minute on her

phone. A daily battle over devices. China's answer, minor mode. A proposed law to order tech giants to limit children's screen time and shut off apps.

For one tired parent the proposed rules would be a relief.

CRYSTAL GUO, MOTHER (through translator): This would be wonderful if I worked through. There will be less anger between us. Mother and son. He

just can keep his phone out of his hands.

WATSON (voiceover): Under the new mode. Children under 18 will get a maximum of two hours on smartphones per day and will be locked out

overnight. But Beijing's top-down approach has its critics.

ANDREW COLLIER, MANAGING DIRECTOR, ORIENT CAPITAL RESEARCH: The broader worry I have is that China under the current leadership is imposing a very

strict cultural moralism on their citizens, which is not going to be necessarily helpful for their personal growth or for the future of the

Chinese economy.

WATSON (voiceover): As part of China's broader digital crackdown, minors are already banned from gaming on weekdays. Social media apps have time

limits and some parents ship their children off to boot camps to kick internet addiction.

Mengtai Zhang who was sent to one of these camps at 16 says Beijing's latest rules won't work.

MENGTAI ZHANG, ATTENDED INTERNET ADDICTION CAMP: With all those structural changes, limiting children's time on video game won't change anything for

the addiction. If they find a way to create a more meaningful space for children to spend their time together and have their parents relaxed from

the work the situation will be much better.

WATSON (voiceover): Children are also finding ways around Beijing's rules. This 10-year-old explains.

Some kids use their parents ID to log in. They never put their phones down. They'll look at it until the battery runs out.

The new guidelines order internet providers to highlight socialist and patriotic content and promote family values. This mom hopes the rules will

also mean more outdoor play.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): It takes away from your time to play, exercise and read. It takes away from your time to do more

interesting things.

WATSON (voiceover): But her son says parents need to lead by example. It's not easy to control myself, adults can either.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voiceover): Don't speak about us adults speak about yourself.

WATSON (voiceover): A battle over screen time that's far from over.

Ivan Watson, CNN Hong Kong.


ANDERSON: Up next on World Sport. World number one Max Verstappen just cruised his way to another Formula One record. More on that is coming up.



ANDERSON: Max Verstappen made Formula One a history over the weekend. The Dutchman won is 10th race in a row. The Italian Grand Prix on Sunday which

Amanda Davies now means he holds the record for most consecutive wins in a row. This is quite remarkable. How's he doing it?

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN SPORTS ANCHOR: He's a very good driver in a very good car, Becky is the sure sound. That he's somebody who's been setting records

in Formula One since his very first race in 2016 when he became the youngest ever winner of a Formula One Grand Prix. And every race at the

moment he is setting a new bar and a new marker. And what it means is that he could claim this year's championship in just two races time which would

be another record again.

It's not pleasing everybody in the world of Formula One though, and that's what we're talking about in just a couple of minutes in World Sports. Stay

with us.

ANDERSON: Good stuff. What a tease. World Sport up after this break. I'm back top of the hour for you.

deserve better than that. I'm hungry. I'm