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U.S.: Putin & Kim may meet on Potential Arms Deal; UAE Pledges $4.5B in Clean Energy Investments; Risk of Malaria Outbreaks Growing with Warming Climate; Should there be Negotiations with Russia; Crime Rises in Israel's Arab Community; Saudi Football Clubs to Play in Iran for First Time in 7 Years. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired September 05, 2023 - 11:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Welcome back this hour Moscow and Pyongyang may be planning a meeting in Russia to discuss arms deals

that are coming up. First to other headlines this hour and Cuba says it is discovered a human trafficking ring that's recruiting its citizens to fight

for Russia.

The government adding it is working to "Neutralizes and dismantles the network". Countries have pledged to support clean energy projects in Africa

at a Climate Summit in Nairobi the UAE contributing by far the largest sum $4.5 billion.

And later this hour the Danish company behind Wegovy and Ozempic is now Europe's most valuable company topping French luxury giant LVMH that is

after bumper sales of its weight loss drops. Well, all those stories coming up. First though some breaking news coming into CNN Jorge Vilda, the Coach

of the Spanish Women's Football Team has been sacked, he has been seen as a close ally of Luis Rubiales.

Rubiales, of course you may remember is that Spanish Football Federation Chief who planted and want to kiss on a star player during World Cup

celebrations. Let's get you back to CNN's World Sports Coy Wire, Coy?

COY WIRE, CNN WORLD SPORTS: Yes Becky, this is pretty shocking news I think because of the fact that Luis Rubiales the Spanish Football Federation

President has not seen the similar fate. This process of the Football Federation said they were going to wait until the legal process played out

and take the 90 days.

They following the lead of FIFA who said they were going to do the same before they made any sort of ruling or comments on this further. And that

could take us till November till we find Rubiales fate.

But the Royal Spanish Football Federation releasing this statement just moments ago saying that "In one of the first measures of restructuring

announced by President Pedro Rocha has decided to let go the services of Jorge Vilda as sporting director and women's national team coach" a

position Vilda which he took in 2015. RFEF appreciates his work at the Head of the National Team and his responsibilities as the maximum sporting

figure of the women's national teams as well as the successes reaped during his term, crowned with the recent achievement of the World Cup".

Now this was a coach who was scrutinized by players Becky, remember before the World Cup heading into that there were 15 players who said they would

not play for the national team until changes were made at the leadership level.

While only three of those players indeed did go on to play for the national team in the World Cup, which they won as we all know, and it's been

overshadowed by all of this drama, Becky, but you have to think that perhaps that was necessary for them to win in order for these changes to

actually occur.

Had they not won, would this have all gone by the wayside? And they're continuing to have these battles and fights if with changes of leadership

that they desired? You know, now they're getting that and it's because they did persevere and they did go on and claim their glory as World Champs.

ANDERSON: Yes. Briefly, I mean, at this point, is it clear whether Spanish Football is getting any closer to holding Rubiales himself accountable?

WIRE: It is not clear at this point. You know, as I mentioned a bit earlier, the Federation so far has seemed to follow in the footsteps of

FIFA saying they were going to wait until this legal process played out which was a 90 day timeline. And that would put us into November before we

would hear from any sort of decision on Rubiales.

So we will see possibly in November whether we know whether the Federation is going to move on. In the meantime, it is Pedro Rocha, the interim the

standing President of the Spanish Football Federation.

ANDERSON: Making decisions. Thank you, Coy Wire in the house. Breaking news story for you, we're back to our story this hour, North Korea's Kim Jung-Un

and maybe planning a trip to Russia this month to meet President Vladimir Putin the topic according to U.S. intelligence, a potential arms deal.

The United States calls Putin weak for reaching out to sanction nations such as Iran and North Korea to shore up defenses. Well, the Kremlin points

to consistently good relations between Moscow and Pyongyang. So tonight we ask what does Russia want from North Korea?

We're following new developments of this possible meeting very closely. Oren Lieberman standing by for us at the Pentagon and International

Diplomatic Editor, Nic Robertson is in London. Let's start with you, Nic? Help us out with what is our big question today. What does Russia wants



NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Russia is in a massive war of attrition with Ukraine. It is using up its armaments it's using up

its ammunition just in the same way as Ukraine is just in the same way that Ukraine's Western backers are struggling to give it enough artillery

ammunition, and what it needs to keep in the fight.

And Putin recognizes this. And in a war of attrition, often the person of a country that comes out on top is the one that's got the more weapon systems

to put into the fight. The Russians have got more troops and personnel. But what North Korea has that Russia could want that Putin could want would be

a weapons stock and system that is of the same type and generation as what Russia uses in the field in Ukraine.

So it can get the right artillery shells, it can get the right infantry rocket systems; it can get weapons to augment and supplement what it can't

produce at the moment. We know Russia has gone on a 24 hour a day weapons production at some of its weapons production facilities.

But North Korea can even provide it with raw materials for making some of those -- some of the ammunition that it needs. So Putin needs to win the

war in Ukraine in his mind, obviously. And to do that, obviously, he needs the weapon systems to do it.

And it does appear as if North Korea can be somewhere that can provide it and better still, it's a country that's right next to Russia, that's got

trade lines running from North Korea, all the way across Russia all the way to Ukraine. So not only is it have the components Putin wants, it has a

delivery system to get them to the battlefront.

ANDERSON: And Oren U.S. will be keenly aware that there are specific once should this deal be nailed between the two specific ones on the part of the

North Koreans as well. What's been the U.S. response on this?

OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN PENTOGON CORRESPONDENT: Well, the U.S. has watched this very closely ever since the Russia Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu

visited Pyongyang in July that was followed by another delegation of Russian officials to visit North Korea according to the U.S.

And of course, the U.S. watched very closely when earlier in the war, North Korea provided artillery shells to the Wagner Group. Now it's advanced

beyond that North Korea and Russia their leaders at least talking about bilateral cooperation and advancing their mutual interests in this North

Korea is looking for help with its satellites.

They just failed in their attempt to launch their second spy satellite just recently. And they're looking for help with developing their own nuclear

submarines. That's similar Russia can definitely help them with North Korea trying to push its own abilities.

But how does the U.S. see Russia's actions in this? Well, the fact that Russia a world power has to turn to North Korea is very much a sign of

something according to the National Security Council listen to this.


JOHN KIRBY, NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL: Weakness, I mean, why else would Mr. Putin have to be reaching out to -- regimes where he's talking, he's going

to Iran. He's going to North Korea to try to get artillery shells and the basic materials so that he can continue to shore up his defense industrial

base. There is no other way to look at that than desperation and weakness quite frankly.


LIEBERMANN: Even if it is a sign of weakness, those artillery shells if they're reached the battlefield can have a very deadly effect, because

that's one of the key weapons for Russia. And of course, the U.S. would view it very worryingly if Russia were to provide North Korea with the

technology and the capabilities to launch spy satellites or even more worryingly perhaps to develop nuclear submarines, Becky.

ANDERSON: To both of you thank you very much indeed. And folks that are a bit later in tonight's show we'll speak with a Russian Analyst about the

war specifically in Ukraine and finding a solution to it.

He thinks making concessions to Russia may be the only way for sustainable peace. We will discuss the conceit of his argument a little later this

hour. Well, now to the discovery that Cuba says it has made a human trafficking ring that recruits its citizens to fight for Russia in Ukraine.

Authorities say that the ring operated in Cuba and in Russia, the Foreign Ministry says Cuba not part of the war in Ukraine. And they are working to

"Neutralize and dismantle the network". Patrick Oppmann joins us now from Havana. Patrick, what do we know about this network?

PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, no words of if there's been any arrests at this point, either here in Cuba or anywhere else, but the Cuban

Foreign Ministry releasing a statement last night it's quite striking because up until now Cuba has blamed the West.


Specifically, the United States NATO for causing they say, the war in Ukraine. But it's one thing I apparently to provide lip service, another

thing to absolutely -- actually provide troops on the battlefield and the Cuban Foreign Ministry.

And let's just read part of that statement said that Cuba is not part of the war in Ukraine, it is acting in -- will act firmly against those who

within the national territory, participate in any forms of human trafficking, or mercenaryism, or recruitment purposes so that Cuban

citizens may raise weapons against any country.

And you know, the reports of dozens, perhaps as many as hundreds of Cubans who were either recruited here in Cuba or part of the large Cuban presence

in community in Russia where a country that does not require Cubans to have a visa to travel there.

So you know, it's not much of a secret that Russia is recruiting anybody they can to fight in their war, or they had been putting up pictures of

Cuban citizens who they say volunteered to fight because they will be getting $2,000 a month, which is a fortune here in Cuba more than a doctor

makes in a year and then crucially, as well, that they will be given Russian citizenship.

So this is perhaps very, very tempting for Cuban citizens, you know, this relatively high pay of the ability to become a citizen of Russia. But the

Cuban Foreign Ministry is apparently drawing a red line saying that they do not want their citizens fighting abroad in any war.

This war in particular, they do not allow Cuban citizens to fight in other armies essentially become mercenaries. What the reaction will be in Russia

told us is the question right now we've asked we've not heard any response because of course, Russia sends so much aid to Cuba has literally been

keeping the lights on here. You have to wonder how this will be going down in the Kremlin.

ANDRESON: Patrick Oppmann is in Havana in Cuba. Patrick, thank you. You're watching "Connect the World" with me Becky Anderson. Still come, why

scientists say that the risk of malaria outbreaks it's growing with the planets warming climate more on that, coming up. And as Africa some suffers

some of the worst effects of the climate crisis the President of Kenya calling for more funding my interview with President Ruto is coming up.


ANDERSON: Africa is landing some major investment deals at its summit in Nairobi in Kenya. The UAE has just pledged $4.5 billion to support clean

energy projects on the continent. That's the largest commitment so far from this summit. The UAE also of course hosting this year's COP28 and the

President's Sultan Al Jaber says it's time for donors to -- previous pledges to financially support Africa.



SULTAN AL JABER, COP 28 PRESIDENT- DESIGNATE: We need a complete upgrade. In fact, we need a surgical intervention of the global financial

architecture that was built for a completely different era.


ANDERSON: His remarks come as the UAE prepares to host world leaders at the COP 28 Climate Conference later this year in Dubai. And Al Jaber is echoing

what leaders in Africa are saying. The International Energy Agency estimates that Africa will need $2.8 trillion by 2030 to meet emissions

targets set by the Paris Climate Agreement.

That means they'll need a 10 fold increase in financing. Many African countries struggle to access funding through multilateral institutions

because high debt burdens. Earlier this summer, Kenyan President William Ruto told French media that the system is broken, it is rigged, he said, it

is unfair.

Well Ruto, is also calling for a new clean energy pack to utilize the continent's vast resources for the green transition. I spoke to the

President yesterday on the sidelines of the Climate Summit on what that means have a listen.


WILLIAM RUTO, KENYAN PRESIDENT: As a continent, we have the largest reserves of clean energy, or renewable energy resources. And we want to see

how these renewable energy resources can be consolidated, can be packaged into bankable opportunities for investment by the rest of the globe.

Our push is that using the enormous resources we have, and I dare say 60 percent of the world's renewable solar resources are in Africa. And we want

to use these resources to power our own growth in a responsible manner. That we are not using fossil fuels, we are using renewable energy. And we

want to do it not just for Africa we also want to use these renewable energy resources to decarbonize the world economy.

ANDERSON: So the opportunity for the continent is there. You need, you say to make it bankable. So let's talk finance. Kenya's debt burden is high

that's something we see across the continent. You've called the global financial system and multilateral development bank's broken and rigged,

what needs to happen to fix this for Africa's benefit?

RUTO: What we are saying is debt distress is a reality. And it is -- it comes as a result of two reasons. Reason number one is that we are

accessing development resources from capital markets at five times what advanced countries access development resources from these institutions are


And number two, is that we are spending more resources managing the effects of climate change, managing drought, managing cyclones, managing mudslides,

what is happening in the Sahel? What is happening in Southern Africa?

As I told you last time, we had a chat, the Horn of Africa, Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia and Djibouti we lost 9.5 million heads of livestock because of

drought. So we are spending in ordinate resources, trying to manage the effects of climate change.

We do not want just to have a conversation about financing. We have ideas as a continent on how this can be resolved. Number one, we have ideas on

what we can do with our multilateral development banks.

SDRs for example, Special Drawing Rights, we believe it's time that we use that window to leverage maybe $500 billion from the SDRs to sort out the

immediate distress, no liquidity challenges that our economies are experiencing.

Number two we can also explore the possibilities of using a multilateral development balance sheet to be able to leverage new funding. And number

three, we also believe it is time to have a candid discussion about carbon tax.

We're saying when it comes to taxation this time round we do not want developed countries to pay taxes alone. We want to pay as the global south

as well.


We want to have a new conversation that gives us an opportunity for a win- win.

ANDERSON: You've called for the phase out of fossil fuels, COP28 opting to the language of phase down and phasing out of emissions. What do you think

of that approach?

RUTO: It's not a new conversation. It's a conversation that is already on the table. I think we need to progress that conversation and provide clear

timelines on when. We are committed to ensuring that we unlock the potential that we have in our continent of our renewable resources as a

substitute for the fossil fuel that is fueling development elsewhere today.

ANDERSON: Do you have a problem with the UAE a producer of some 3 percent of the world's oil hosting COP28?

RUTO: No, I don't, because they are also the biggest investors in renewable energy. I think they realize that they need to balance out because the

economy for reasons which I don't think we can blame them are producing fossil fuel, but they are among us the biggest investors in renewable

energy, including in Kenya. So I think they recognize that there is an absolute need for us to invest in renewable energy.


ANDERSON: President of Kenya speaking to me from the summit. CNN's Larry Madowo is at the African Climate Summit for us. He's also following another

big story. Larry, the immediate risk to human health that parts of the world faces as the climate warms, you are talking here about the risk of

malaria. How is that related to climate change?

LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: There's a direct correlation, Becky, because there's mounting evidence about warmer temperatures means more

mosquitoes and they are surviving longer and becoming infectious sooner. And 96 percent of malaria deaths are here in Africa. That's why it's such

an important topic.

The World Meteorological Organization, the World Health Organization say malaria is one of the most climate sensitive diseases and the vast majority

of those deaths are happening here in Africa. These are the people affected by it.


MADOWO (voice-over): Mary and both her sons are in hospital for malaria. Four year old Mark says he's doing better and so is his big brother Joseph,

who's 12. They keep getting malaria, Mary says, and she can barely afford the treatment.

MARY ACHIENG, MALARIA PATIENT: Malaria has hit my family hard. In a month I use about $35 on drugs and the following month, one of them falls sick


MADOWO (voice-over): Mary lives in Western Kenya, a hot region where residents have an especially high risk of malaria. More than 10,000 people

die each year from the mosquito borne disease in this East African nation, but kids are especially vulnerable. Researchers are collecting mosquitoes

here to study how they're evolving. Rising temperatures let them grow faster and live longer.

MADOWO: Why do you come to collect mosquitoes here specifically?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The mosquito densities here are very high.

MADOWO (voice-over): They're tracking the full lifecycle of mosquitoes to get ahead of this tiny insect before it does even more damage.

MADOWO: This is a typical high malaria zone. It's hot and humid, swampy. Those are rice growing fields back there, a lot of water right next to

where people live. But as temperatures warm across the board, scientists are concerned about malaria causing mosquitoes breeding in new places.

DAMARIS MATOKE-MUHIA, PRINCIPAL RESEARCH SCIENTIST, KEMRI: Mosquitoes are the deadliest animals on earth.

MADOWO (voice-over): Damaris Matoke-Muhia has made it her life's work to neutralize the insect that causes malaria, the female Anopheles mosquito

after her brother died of the disease. Her team of scientists at Kenya's largest research institute is studying mosquito samples from around the

country to guide Kenya's response to malaria and how to beat it.

MADOWO: Are we any close to eradicating malaria?

MATOKE-MUHIA: We want but with the change of now climate, we are seeing more mosquitoes than they were before. We're seeing new species. We are

seeing it going to places where we didn't expect before, and then we are taken back to zero.

MADOWO (voice-over): Climate change is helping mosquitoes responsible for transmitting malaria reach colder parts of the continent. Scientists at

Georgetown University Medical Center found drawing on data going back 120 years. But heat is also helping mosquitoes live longer and to become

infectious sooner, worrying public health officials.

MADOWO: Are you concerned about a resurgence of malaria in your work across the continent?

DR. GITAHI GITHINJI, GROUP CEO, AMREF HEALTH AFRICA: We are concerned that areas that had seemed to eliminate malaria are now having malaria. And we

are seeing that actually the public health system is not prepared for this resurgence.


MADOWO (voice-over): Malaria is having devastating effects on more people suffering from serious cases. Steve Ngugi says he was sick for nearly three


MADOWO: Your malaria was very serious.


MADOWO: Are you afraid you could die?

NGUGI: Of course, yes, because by the time I left the hospital, I couldn't even manage to move my head.

MADOWO (voice-over): 96 percent of people who died from malaria are in Africa, the World Health Organization says. As the continent warms faster

than the rest of the world, malaria persists, and experts warn it risks spreading into global threat.

RICHARD MUNANG, CLIMATE CHANGE PROGRAM COORDINATOR, UNEP AFRICA: What is happening in Africa will gradually see itself elsewhere because with a

warming climate, with the changing temperatures, malaria, mosquitoes are migrating to other areas that are conducive for them. Malaria will displace

people; they will migrate to other areas within the continent and out of the continent.


MADOWO: So why don't you think some of that migration when you talk about the Sahel and the adverse weather effects, it has people risking their

lives across the Mediterranean to try and get to Europe. But the World Bank also estimates that by 2050, areas that were previously unexposed to

malaria like China and South America, other parts of Sub Saharan Africa could suffer from malaria because of the effects of climate change, Becky.

ANDERSON: Larry, important report. Thank you very much indeed, Larry Madowo reporting from the sidelines of the Africa Climate Summit. Well, finding a

resolution to the war in Ukraine may come down to negotiating with Russia. That's at least according to Russia analysts who thinks concessions with

Moscow may be the only way out of war. We'll speak with him just ahead.

Plus, slimming down means fat profits for drug maker Novo Nordisk the new milestone for the company behind Wegovy and Ozempic is coming up.



ANDERSON: Welcome back. You're watching "Connect the World" with me Becky Anderson, your headlines this hour. And the UAE is pledging four and a half

billion dollars to support clean energy projects in Africa. It's the largest commitment so far at the Africa climate summit in Nairobi, in


Heads of State, climate scientists and other key leaders are gathering for what is this three day event to address the climate crisis and propose

green development in Africa and beyond. Well, Cuba says it has discovered a human trafficking ring that recruits its citizens to fight for Russia.

Authorities say Cuba is not part of the war in Ukraine and they are working to "Neutralize and dismantle the network". U.S. officials warning that

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un may travel to Russia to discuss providing weapons and ammunition for Moscow's war on Ukraine.

The Kremlin refusing to comment on the potential meeting but intelligence officials says it could take place soon. Well, Ukraine's President

Volodymyr Zelenskyy says there can be no peace until Ukraine regains control of Russian occupied territories. Have a listen.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT: Without Crimea, without Donbas, without occupied territories, there can be no real sustainable peace in

Ukraine and Europe. Please have a look at what is happening to Crimea when it is under the control of the Russian Federation. Does civilization exists

there? No. Does tourism exist there? No. Did they increase number of workplaces? No. Did entrepreneurs open their businesses there? No.


ANDERSON: Well, my next guest makes the case for negotiations as the only way out of this warm. Samuel Charap is Russia Analyst for the RAND

Corporation and wrote in the New Yorker, and I quote, "It's not necessarily that I think Ukraine needs to make concessions. It's that I don't see the

alternative to that eventually happening".

Well, joining me now live from Washington, DC is Samuel Charap. And Samuel, explain, then, for our viewers sake, to your mind how this war should end?

SAMUEL CHARAP, RUSSIA ANALYST, THE RAND CORPORATION: Well, actually, the way I frame it is less about should because I think should side it's clear

that Ukraine is in the both international legal and moral right to restore its territorial integrity, and more about the way it's likely to end. And I

think what we've seen so far, does really demonstrate that neither side has the ability to impose a decisive military victory, there might be some

movement lines here or there.

But that suggest is going to end in some sort of negotiation at some point in the future. That could just be merely a ceasefire, or it could be

something more political. But I see little alternative to a negotiated and given that neither side have the capacity to sort of achieve an absolute


ANDERSON: I do wonder whether you still support the conceit of your argument now that the West has conceded to the delivery of F-16s to support

the Ukrainian effort. This is something that Ukrainians wanted from day one. And I think without that many people would agree with you. Given that

that has happened in the past couple of weeks, does that change your thinking in any way?

CHARAP: Not fundamentally. No. I mean, I think that it would be a, it's going to be a significant capability upgrade from the current Ukrainian Air

Force. But we're not talking about a quantity of planes or even a type of plane some of these dates from the late 60s, of course, that is going to

fundamentally alter the military balance or, you know, pose such on surmountable challenges that the Russian Air Force would have no chance.

So, I mean, it's important for Ukraine, but I don't think it alters the fundamental reality that this is not a war that's going to end in a

decisive military outcome.

ANDERSON: And to be quite clear, the training of the pilots to operate those planes and to maintain those planes will take months and months and

months, which, to a certain extent leads me into the next question. Have a listen to how former U.S. President Donald Trump said he would end the war.


DONALD TRUMP, 45TH U.S. PRESIDENT: If I'm president, I will have that war settled in one day, 24 hours.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How would you settle that war in one day?

TRUMP: I'll meet with Putin, I'll meet with Zelenskyy, they both have weaknesses and they both have strengths and within 24 hours that war will

be settled. It'll be over, it'll be absolutely over.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you want Ukraine to win this war?

TRUMP: I don't think in terms of winning and losing.


ANDERSON: Look top presidential Republican candidate says, let's be clear; have suggested that they would withdraw support for Ukraine. So I just

wonder whether that might mean that the deadline for this war is actually next November.


CHARAP: I mean it's certainly possible that a new U.S. administration would radically change U.S. policy. And maybe there's some who are betting on

that in the Kremlin. So I mean, I would argue that that is sort of an argument to accelerate the timeline on the end game, because there is this


But at the end of the day, even though U.S. military assistance has been central to Ukraine's war effort, this is a fight that the Ukrainians are

fighting. And if the U.S. policy changes, that doesn't mean that dramatically overnight, there's going to be a shift in, you know, the

dynamics on the ground.

So it clearly is important, and it clearly could be a major turning point. But, you know, ultimately, the U.S. is a third party here, and the Russians

and the Ukrainians are the ones whose decisions are going to be more determinative of the outcome.

ANDERSON: I want to read out another quote from your piece. You say, and I quote you here, "The strategic defeat of Russia has already taken place.

Their international reputation, their international economic position, these ties with Europe that had been constructed over decades, literally

physically constructed were rendered useless overnight".

I take your point, but they are still on Ukrainian land that won't be much consolation to President Zelenskyy. We are admitting here that

international borders quite frankly, don't matter, right.

CHARAP: Well, I clearly wouldn't go that far. I think Russia has paid a tremendous price for its aggression against Ukraine. And really, no matter

how the war evolves from here that is going to be true. You know, strategically, economically, militarily, politically, I mean, Russia is far

diminished as a result of this.

It's hard for me to imagine anyone, any other country looking at this case and saying, OK, well, you know, territorial aggression against the

neighbors are good idea for my country's future. So, you know, I see it as, as this is sort of a locked in element that Russia's diminishment here,

it's just a reality.

As for, you know, the message is sending to other countries, I just think that we've been in, you know, the U.S. and its partners have been able to

create such tremendous costs for Russia that should serve as a powerful deterrent for others. But on the question of how this war ends, and whether

it's going to end with Russia occupying illegally, some portion of Ukrainian territory, you know, Russia did occupy Ukrainian territory

illegally for 2014 to 2022, before, you know, full scale war began.

And that was illegal, immoral, wrong. But nonetheless, you know, and it certainly was damaging to Ukraine. But Ukraine wasn't systemically affected

by it and anywhere near the same extent that it's systemically affected by this war. So I'm more concerned with a war outcome that leaves Ukraine

secure and prosperous.

I think, you know, we've been able to manage territorial disputes and illegal occupations even over the long term, in such a way as to allow

countries to prosper, and you could point to Korea or West Germany and so on. But obviously be better if Ukraine can restore virtual integrity. The

question is, is that a plausible outcome.

ANDERSON: Yes, certainly, President Zelenskyy wants to see all Ukraine's territory back and doesn't want to negotiate on that. Let's just take a

perspective finally from the U.S. then. Coming to the table would mean an about face, certainly by the Biden Administration, wouldn't it? Do you

think that is feasible at this point?

CHARAP: I think it would have to be done together with Ukrainians. In other words, the Ukrainians would have to be in the lead and basically calling

for U.S. involvement in a negotiation process at this point, because of the potential perception that this would be some sort of abandonment.

And then in general, I don't think that there's any appetite for doing it against the Ukrainians will. So this would involve or need to entail some

sort of Ukrainian decision to open up a negotiation track now. The Ukrainians and the Russians were talking in the first month of the

conflict. They even you know came relatively close to agreeing some sort of framework in late March of 2022.

Obviously, those talks have largely been suspended. You know, they talk about small discrete things like the prisoner, prisoner exchanges and the

Grain Deal when it was still functioning. But I think the short answer is it's only going to be politically feasible if Ukraine is in the lead.


ANDERSON: We'll leave it there. It's good to have you sir, your perspective is important. Thank you. You're watching "Connect the World" with me Becky

Anderson. Coming up, more and more Arab Israelis are becoming victims at the hands of members of their own community. Why they say the government

isn't doing enough to protect them.

Plus, should you have to take drugs like Wegovy forever to stay slim. We'll ask the CEO of Novo Nordisk about temporary weight loss drugs, coming up.


ANDERSON: You're watching "Connect the World". I'm Becky Anderson for you. Time here in Abu Dhabi is just before quarter to eight in the evening. If

you are a regular viewer of this show, you'll know that there's been a surge in violence between Israelis and Palestinians this year, in fact has

been the deadliest year for both sides in more than a decade.

But inside Israel's Arab communities, there's been a wave of murders being perpetrated by their own. So far more than 160 Arab Israelis have been

killed this year in violence, mostly attributed to organized crime. And while the deaths have been unrelated to the Israeli Palestinian conflict,

many Arab citizens of Israel blame the government for not doing enough to protect them.

CNN's Hadas Gold has more on what is going on, and what we understand to be behind this rising wave of deadly violence.


HADAS GOLD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A mother's anguish, grief, still fresh. Enough, she cries. We want to live in peace and quiet. We want

to find who is behind all of these. Why? Why? Why kill these kids? -- was murdered just last week, a year out from a stint in prison. An Arab citizen

of Israel, he's one of the latest victims in an alarming crime wave that's rocking the Arab community across the country.

At a recent protest in the northern Israeli city of Haifa, thousands turned out to call for equal justice. Arabs make up around 20 percent of Israeli

citizens. Many speak fluent Hebrew and also identify as Palestinian. But they say Israeli authorities are not treating their cases the same as

Jewish ones.

Tashida -- says she blames the police, government and the law, her son was said to be married soon. When I asked her whether the police have made any

progress on the case, she says not yet and stops, overcome by emotion.

GOLD: These coffins represent more than 160 Arab Israeli citizens of Israel who have been killed thus far this year. These numbers far eclipsed

previous eras for the same period.


And these coffins many of them have messages saying what their victims were doing when they were killed. Some of them say I was out getting a pizza; I

was studying for my university exams. And these citizens, they say that this government is not doing enough to protect them.

GOLD (voice-over): In addition to targeted killing innocent civilians, including children have been caught in the crossfire. But -- Khnifes's

Daughter Johara was an anti-violence and women's rights activist killed last year when a bomb exploded under her car. Her mother who identifies as

an Arab Druze Israeli citizen said the police have made no progress.

I feel like a neglected stranger in a completely neglected dictatorial country, she says. I don't have a sense of belonging. Reasons behind the

violence include gang warfare, loan sharking, an influx of guns. And activist say a vacuum in the Israeli policing of Arab communities and fear

of cooperating with police investigations.

Israel police declined our request for an interview. Arab Israeli politicians like Ahmad Tibi say far right ministers are to blame,

especially Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir, himself once convicted of anti-Arab racism.

AHMAD TIBI, ISRAELI KNESSET MEMBER: This man who is a convict and a terrorist, according to the Israeli court, is leading the police fighting

the police, the police fighting him. The cost of this failure is a lot of bloodshed in our streets, in our community.

GOLD (voice-over): In the early 2000s, Israel successfully fought a crime wave spurred by organized criminal Jewish gangs. Prime Minister Benjamin

Netanyahu says they'll do the same with the Arab community.

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER: We will use all means, including the Shin Bet, including the police all means to defeat this

crime. We eliminated organized crime in Jewish society in Israel; we will eliminate organized crime in Arab society in Israel.

GOLD (voice-over): If they don't, these citizens argue, their anguish will ricochet back into the Jewish community's backyard. And these coffins will

be theirs to carry Hadas Gold, CNN Haifa, Israel.


ANDERSON: Well, President Joe Biden is nominating former U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew as his Ambassador to Israel at a fraught moment in U.S.

Israeli relations. Lew who also served as chief of staff during the Obama administration will likely face a tough confirmation battle as Republicans

seek to challenge Biden's policies towards Israel.

Novo Nordisk is riding a wave of profits from drugs that have captured the world's attention. Coming up the CEO speaks to CNN about the success and

controversies of the new in-demand injection, Wegovy and why this is Asian Champions League is one to watch. I'll show you how diplomacy is bringing

two tournament rivals very much closer together.



ANDERSON: Beating diabetes and losing weight is big business for drug maker Novo Nordisk. The Danish company behind Wegovy and Ozempic is now Europe's

most valuable company topping French luxury giant LVMH. Wegovy has been a part, a big part of that achievement, their weight loss shot, has in huge

demand in the U.S. and Denmark and in Norway, and now it is being rolled out in the UK and in Germany.

But at the close of trading on Monday, Novo Nordisk was valued at almost $430 billion dollars know, its products come with side effects and

controversy. CEO Lars Jorgensen says the company is just scratching the surface in meeting demand for weight loss drugs.

While he's been discussing his company's success with CNN Medical Correspondent Meg Tirrell, and she joins me now live. Fascinating to listen

to the CEO of this company, which is just going gangbusters at this point, we know demand for these drugs has been through the roof and there have

been shortages, which is really significant. Just explain what you learn.

MEG TIRRELL, CNN MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, you know, we had been expecting that these shortages might go on for a few more months. They have

already extended the period when they said they really couldn't make enough of this substance to meet all the demand in the world.

They've been limiting doses in the United States. We talked with the CEO about how that may actually go on for longer than we all expected. Here's

what he said.


LARS FRUERGAARD JORGENSEN, CEO, NOVO NORDISK: We have started showing that there is sustained weight loss for up to two years. But we also started

showing that if you stop treatment, your weight will come back. So I think it's important also to note here that, like those who live with obesity

would know, obesity is a chronic disease, just like high blood pressure, or type two diabetes, you need to keep treating it. And also symptoms will

come back.

TIRRELL: How do you address the suggestion that a weight loss drug should be temporary?

JORGENSEN: I will say that that's based on a flawed logic around what is obesity. One can speculate over years of maintained weight loss, would that

change your body's set point in terms of what is your perceived normal weight, we all built by nature to store energy, to store fat for say, a

cold winter or whatever. And maybe we can address that over time. But all the evidence so far indicates that it's actually chronic treatment.


TIRRELL: So of course, talking about one of the main questions around these drugs, the idea that you have to keep taking them, you know, in perpetuity

in order to sustain weight loss. And that really contributing to some of the supply issues we were talking about where he also told us it's going to

take them years really to try to fulfill the demand around weight loss medicines, Becky.

ANDERSON: We talked about diabetes, and we talk about weight loss. Are there any other benefits to taking these drugs?

TIRRELL: Well, they have been proving benefits and clinical trials around preventing things like heart attacks and strokes. But perhaps slightly more

curiously, there have also been some anecdotes really just stories from patients who are taking these medicines, who say they've also sort of tamp

down their desire to do things like drink alcohol, and smoke cigarettes. That's something we asked the CEO if they've heard about as well. And if

they're planning on testing the drugs for, here what he said.


JORGENSEN: We know that one of the benefits in obesity is that it addresses this craving, the desire to snack and eat. And I also met patients who

participate in the clinical development. And they told me how they felt that they got control of their life back. They could live more social

lives; they could leave their home more and not be obsessed about the next meal, so to say.

And that function in the brain in this craving center is perhaps also what is benefiting some of the other addictions. It's not something we have

studied. But I also hear the same anecdotal evidence from physicians who write to me that they have observed this for the patients.


TIRRELL: So we asked, are you planning on studying this in the future given that addiction is something that really needs better treatments? He said

that's not something that Novo is planning on pursuing, at least imminently. He said these are very hard studies to run, Becky.

ANDERSON: Meg, it's good to have you, really fascinating conversation. Thank you. Well for tonight's parting shots, the beautiful game is helping

bring two rivals closer together. Football fans in Iran. Witness live showdowns at this year's Asian Champions League that seem nearly impossible

just a year ago.

That's because for the first time in nearly a decade, Saudi and Iranian football clubs will be allowed to play a hole away matches in their

respective countries as part of the Asian Football Champions League.


And there might even be a pretty awesome cherry on top of the cake for Iranian fans if mega stars like Cristiano Ronaldo, Karim Benzema and Neymar

Jr. who are all now playing for Saudi teams, of course, decide to travel and play. Now, it's not unusual for Saudi and Iranian clubs to face off,

but a restoration of diplomatic ties between the two will now see either side play on home turf, rather than on neutral grounds.

The tournament's group stage is set to kick off in less than two weeks, and we'll see, we'll stay on it. So make sure you stay tuned for that. All

right, those are your parting shots. That's it from us. CNN continues after this short break.

