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NATO Chief: Counteroffensive "Slowly Gaining Ground"; Flooding in Brazil Causes Death and Chaos; CNN Speaks with U.N. Official on Environmental Migration; Mexican High Court Decriminalizes Abortion; Japan Launches Lunar Lander and X-Ray Satellite. Aired 10-10:45a ET

Aired September 07, 2023 - 10:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: I'm Becky Anderson live from Abu Dhabi. This is "Connect the World" 6 pm in the evening here coming up

this hour. The U.S. Secretary of State wrapping up his two day visit to Ukraine, Mexico decriminalizes abortion, a desperate cave rescue underway

in Turkey.

And Daniil Medvedev braves brutal heat to reach the U.S. open semifinals. Well, it's a two, sorry let me start that again. It is day two of a major

show of American support for Ukraine, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken touring military sites and announcing a billion dollars in new aid.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian drone caused an explosion inside Russia near its southern military headquarters. And NATO's chief noting that Ukraine is

making gains in its counter offensive, for let's get more insight on what we are reporting, Melissa Bell, covering developments on the ground from

Kyiv for you this hour.

Our International Diplomatic Editor Nic Robertson is in London. Let's start with you, Melissa, on the ground. There has been another drone attack close

to the Russian southern military headquarters in Rostov-on-Don. I also want to get your perspective on the U.S. saying they are providing depleted

uranium shells to Ukraine. What more do we know at this point?

MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, as far as the drone attacks go, this has been part of a pattern of what we've seen these last couple of weeks is

almost daily attacks now as Ukraine seeks to bring this war ever more clearly and openly to Russian soil not just bringing those drone attacks

but actually recognizing them more and more in the past.

Kyiv hadn't spoken specifically than what we saw at the end of last week and was not only speaking to them, recognizing them but boasting that some

of them had been launched from inside Russian territory. So you're seeing a much more open attempt to shift the battleground of this war from Ukrainian

soil or even Russia and held Ukraine to the soil of the Russian Federation proper.

And I think that is an interesting development and one that Antony Blinken, Secretary Blinken spoke too, yesterday as part of his comments when he

spoke with his Ukrainian counterpart. This is a part of the Ukrainian strategy that is now openly being discussed.

What, Secretary Blinken was here to announce, Becky, was not just the show of solidarity that this third visit to Kyiv since the war began represents

but more tangibly a new $1 billion package that includes some of the Pentagon stockpiles that Washington believes will help Ukrainian forces

pierce through those very difficult Russian defenses.

That we've been speaking about, along the southern and eastern fronts many kilometers deep many kilometers wide. They've been building them almost

since the frontlines have stabilized, Becky, a year and a half ago. And so the latest ammunition, the controversial ammunition that Secretary Blinken

confirmed yesterday is the addition in that package of the depleted uranium munitions.

Now this comes of course, just a few months after the cluster munitions were added to what Washington was sending to Kyiv that was controversial.

And we've had a furious reaction already from Moscow with regard to this latest addition to Ukraine's arsenal.

It's coming from Washington, from Ukraine, Russia's Deputy Minister Ryabkov saying that this was a criminal act. It showed clear disregard on the part

of the United States for the environment and what he was doing to Ukrainian soil. That is the latest reaction. I think it tells you something of what

Moscow fears these new munitions will be able to do.

Once they're able to be used on the frontlines with the arrival here this fall of the Abrams tanks from which they'll be launched, Becky.

ANDERSON: That's interesting. Let me bring Nic, in at this point. I mean, I think, you know, people's concern, of course, about these uranium shells is

whether or not they are radioactive, Nic. I mean, this is part of Lincoln's offer to Ukraine in support of the country's counter offensive against


The NATO Chief Stoltenberg says that Ukraine is gaining ground. I guess it's important just to get your perspective at this point on Blinken's

visit and how it is shaken out and what you make of the NATO chief's comments on this counter offensive?


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yes, I mean, clearly a Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at NATO has a position to hold and that

is that the allies support for Ukraine is working that keeping unity and support for that going is important.

And part of the messaging to do that is to say that there's been success on the battlefield. And he does it in a measured way, saying, you know, the

gradually gaining ground in difficult battles, but he doesn't really hedge. I mean, it's very clear that these are tough battles, and they're hard


And the word gradually tells you that those gains are coming cost. Part of the support and supply coming from the United States obviously, will go

into right now helping on the frontlines, not just the depleted uranium, which NATO's own independent studies of use in Kosovo and other places have

shown that it does not have harmful effects on the troops handling those munitions.

And it was, in particular, these depleted Israeli munitions particularly designed, you know, back in the 70s, to take on the Soviet then, now,

Russian T-72 tanks, which is in the tank battles that are expected between the Abrams are now being used by Ukraine or soon to be used by Ukraine, and

the Russian forces, there'll be going up against T-72.

So there'll be used in that environment they were designed for, but what we've heard from Secretary Blinken is an assessment of sympathy of support

of solidarity and getting around a lot of different places to inspect and see where human tragedy has occurred, which you spoke about the resilience

of the Ukrainians.

But also, you know, to see some of those de-mining products that the United States is giving and sending to Ukraine.

ANDERSON: To both of you, thank you very much indeed. Your latest both from the ground and perspective from our International Diplomatic Editor Nic

Robertson, thank you. Well, Mexico's Supreme Court has declared loudly and clearly that access to abortion care is a human right and any effort to

stop it, is a violation of those rights.

The country's top court rule the federal government's ban on abortion is unconstitutional and reproductive rights, activists are celebrating. CNN's

Rafael Romo has the details.


RAFAEL ROMO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The effort to decriminalize abortion in Mexico has been going on for years, especially in Mexico City

where abortion rights groups have taken to the streets to say my body, my decision. In fact, by the time the Mexican Supreme Court issued a ruling

Wednesday decriminalizing abortion at the federal level 12 out of 32 states had already invalidated laws banning abortion.

MARIA ANTONIETA ALCAIDE, IPAS/MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA: Our reaction was of pure joy and celebration, but also been very proud of being part of this

green wave this movement that have been working to advance the abortion agenda.

ROMO (voice-over): In a statement the court said that banning abortion is unconstitutional because it violates the human rights of women and people

with the capacity to gestate. Anti-abortion groups in Mexico blasted the ruling.

ALICIA GALVAN, PRESIDENT & FOUNDER OF PATRIA UNIDA FOUNDATION: There are millions more Mexicans who are in favor of life from the moment of

conception until natural death.

ROMO (voice-over): The Supreme Court first ruled that it was unconstitutional to criminalize abortion in 2021. At the same day the

ground shook in Mexico. The earthquake was filled for about a minute but the shockwaves sent across the nation by that court's ruling are still

being felt.

GALVAN: It is a black day for Mexico the country's mourning the Supreme Court of Justice, the highest level institution in the country. They want

in church watching over justice and human rights, both to betray the first human right, without which no other human rights can exist, life.

ROMO: Back in 2021, the Court issued a decision on a law enacted in the northern state of Coahuila, which said that women who get an abortion may

get punished with up to three years in prison and a fine.

ROMO (voice-over): Exactly a week before Wednesday's ruling. Aguascalientes had decriminalized abortion becoming the 12 states to do so. Mexico City

was the first jurisdiction to end the ban and abortion in the country back in 2007. Starting a trend in this still mostly conservative country, where

more than three quarters of the population identify as Catholic.

Abortion rights groups say even before the ruling, Mexico had already become a destination for some American women seeking an abortion.

ALCAIDE: Before Mexican women used to go to the U.S. to look for abortion services. And now Mexico more and more American women are coming to Mexico

for services.


ROMO (voice-over): And while no woman can be prosecuted any longer for having an abortion in Mexico, there are still 20 states where the procedure

remains illegal, but the ruling paves the way for the federal healthcare system to start providing abortions.


ANDERSON: Rafael Romo joining us now from Atlanta. Does this move represent a leftward shift in Mexico? That's certainly a question that's being asked

so on the back of this.

ROMO (on camera): Yes, well, Becky, just to give you an idea of how far to the left Mexico has moved, the party of President Andres Manuel Lopez

Obrador, a leftist chose Former Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum Wednesday to run in next year's presidential elections.

The 61 year old is politically speaking, completely aligned with the President. Meanwhile, the opposition has chosen another woman, Former

Senator Xochitl Galvez, even though there are many differences between them. They both support the criminalizing abortion what happened yesterday.

And Mexico is also the country with the second largest Catholic population in the Americans three quarters of its population identified as Catholic,

but that percentage used to be well over 90 percent during most of the second half of the last century, Becky.

ANDERSON: Fascinating, thank you. In the U.S., there are signs that many women are traveling to have abortions a year after the U.S. Supreme Court

overturned Roe vs. Wade. A study shows that abortions have increased in states next to those where the procedure is banned.

Researchers note that abortions had already been on the rise before the High Court ruling the study was done by an organization that supports

abortion rights. With desperate rescue efforts is underway in Turkey for an American trapped in a cave. 150 rescuers so rushing to save Mark Dickey

trapped in one of the deepest caves in Turkey.

The Turkish Caving Federation says the complex rescue could take days that Dickey fell ill love to exploring more than 1100 meters below the surface.

Jomana Karadsheh has more on what is this complicated rescue.

JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We don't really know the full details of what really happened. But what we do know from the Turkish Caving

Federation is that American caver Mark Dickey, who was part of a local and international research team, fell ill last weekend or early this week.

More than 3000 feet or 1000 meters from the entrance of Turkeys third deepest cave, the Hungarian cave rescue service that is involved in his

rescue operation right now say he's lost a lot of blood as a result of gastrointestinal bleeding. He got 6 units of blood and was stabilized

according to the Turkish Federation.

They say his condition is continuing to improve the bleeding has stopped, he's stable, he's able to walk on his own and he is right now at base camp

and that is still more than 3000 feet from the surface and it's a real logistical challenge to get him out of there. There are more than 150

rescuers and personnel from Turkey from its emergency and disaster management agency.

AFAD and rescuers from countries including the U.S., Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Croatia and many others that are involved in this complex

rescue effort. Mark Dickey according to his own bio is a very experienced caver. He's been caving in 20 U.S. states and 10 countries since the 90s.

He's a rescuer himself and a rescue instructor and the Chief of the New Jersey initial response team focusing on cave cliff and abandoned mine

rescue. The Turkish Caving Federation says it takes 15 hours for an experienced caver to reach the surface in ideal conditions.

And this cave has really narrow and winding passages making it hard for them to get him out on a stretcher and they're consulting with doctors on

moving him out. They expect that this effort could take days. Jomana Karadsheh, CNN, London.

ANDERSON: Well, let's get you some perspective on just how far into this cave Mark Dickey went. Take a look. This map provided by the Turkish Caving

Federation, you can see that the cave wines more than 1200 meters below the surface and that red circle. I know it's not particularly clear, but I

thought it was important to bring it up for you.

That red circle marks the campsite where Dickey was last reported to be resting more than 1000 meters underground. Coming up Brazil underwater

torrential rain flooding in the South, whatever report on the devastation there. And while Chinese chipmakers latest move has some U.S. lawmakers

crying foul.



ANDERSON: U.S. lawmakers are accusing China's top chipmaker of violating sanctions and they want the White House to increase restrictions on exports

to the company. Now the new advanced chip was made by Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation or better known as the SMIC.

And it's believed the chip was used in a new smartphone made by Huawei. Industry experts can't understand how SMIC would be able to develop the

chip after U.S. efforts restricting China's access to foreign chip technology. Huawei has been on a U.S. blacklist since 2019, due to national

security concerns.

Let's bring in Anna Stewart for more on what could be, quite frankly, already is a looming tech war between China and the U.S. And this is very

specifically aimed at the chip market. Just explain what's going on here?

ANNA STEWART, CNN REPORTER: Yes, if anything, we could be entering a new phase, I think of what is a bit of a tech war between China and the U.S.

The chip found in this new Huawei phone is so high tech, it was believed that a Chinese chip makers simply would not be able to make it.

And that's one of the reasons there's been huge sanctions and all sorts of bans on sending any kind of high tech chip from the U.S. and a few other

Western nations. To China, there are all sorts of export bans in place. The question is do they work because quite clearly, China has been able to

develop this technology?

Now, the concern here isn't about phones. It's not about who can make the smartest phone around the world. The issue here is the sort of chip that's

used in this new phone is really a linchpin of other technologies. And the big one everyone's concerned about is weaponry combined with artificial


And there will be concerns not just in the U.S. but around the world. I think that China might have developed much more technology in this area

than perhaps had been realized. And then that would raise questions is whether you could develop the technology end to end within China without

the international community knowing about it.

So U.S. lawmakers, certainly sounding the alarm bells over the last 24 hours. We've had a load of different comments, one from the Chair of the

House of Representatives committee on China. So that clearly this is an example of sanctions busting China has bought around it.

And they need to be more extensive on their bans and maybe stop all products being exported to Huawei or SMIC, which is the chipmaker behind

that particular high tech chip, Becky.

ANDERSON: I think what the Americans are also concerned about is the export to other countries and the RE export of these search chips into China. How

is this being portrayed in China, Anna?


STEWART: Well, that's interesting because as I said the U.S. believed this is an example of sanctions busting and actually that's the exact same

framing we're seeing in China looking at some of the lines coming out of Chinese state media lines, saying that they have broken U.S. sanctions

saying, this is a sign that China has achieved technological independence.

And actually there are a few memes circulating on social media in China as well. I want to show you one of them. This is one of many actually this is

the Commerce Secretary in the U.S. Gina Raimondo, crowned as the unofficial brand ambassador of this new Huawei phone.

The sort of argument here is being that if it wasn't perhaps for the strict ban on high tech chips to China, perhaps China wouldn't have bothered to

develop it. I mean, it's an argument I suppose. What is undeniable is this new phone by Huawei is getting quite a lot of coverage. I'm sure the

marketing teams are thrilled.

ANDERSON: Thank you, Anna. It was good to have you, Anna Stewart in the house. In southern Brazil, 39 people are now confirmed dead in heavy

flooding caused by an extra tropical cyclone. A warmer than usual winter in the southern hemisphere is being blamed for severe and deadly weather in

that part of the world.

The rainfall totals are equal to what the area normally would receive in the entire month of September. And Stefano Pozzebon joining us now, from

Bogota, we've talked about the impact on lives of this torrential rain. How are authorities coping?

STEFANO POZZEBON, JOURNALIST: So authorities are usually, Becky, saying that or not effort will be spared to try rebuild the homes and the

infrastructure that have been destroyed by the water but at the same time disease, the worst natural disaster in 40 years in that region of Brazil.

Just a look at the numbers we're talking about 39 people dead, the 79 municipalities across the state of Rio Grande do Sul that have been

affected by floods and the cycle on there, the Governor, Local Governor has declared a state of emergency but at least 3500 people have been displaced

and to have an idea of how the situation is down there on the ground.

Nothing better than hearing directly from the Governor of the state that Eduardo Leiter who spoke yesterday night with our affiliates CNN Brazil,

take a listen to what he said describing what he saw on the streets.


EDUARDO LEITER, RIO GRANDE DO SUL BRAZIL GOVERNOR: When you go on the streets and you speak with survivors, what you see is appalling what the

force of the water did, we are talking of places that never got more than 10 centimeters of rainfall. And this week got over four meters.


POZZEBON: And Becky, I think it was very interesting what you pointed out that right now in southern Brazil, it's the end of the winter, we have seen

crazy weather around the world with fires in the -- , in southern Europe, in Greece -- earlier this week and last week. Well, here we are in the

opposite situation.

It's at the end of the winter, and it's raining a lot, one thing that I found very interesting from that interview with Governor Leiter from our

affiliates, yesterday where he was mentioning that the state was in the middle of a drought. Just the four or five months ago, they had to give up

about 40 percent of their harvest of soy.

They granted a soul is an agricultural powerhouse with the intense soy production and 40 percent of that production hat was affected a few months

ago by a drought. And now it almost seems like all the rain that was meant to arrive. Normally in the spring and early summer season in Brazil is

arriving now with catastrophic effect.

It really seems that in this era of crazy climate and crazy weather events, there is no season that is spared by a disaster by appalling catastrophic

effects from extreme weather events, Becky.

ANDERSON: Around the world, not just there, Stefano thank you because in Turkey, torrential rain causing, have a condensed too. At least seven

people have been killed off the days of heavy downpour flash flooding down the street to assemble into a river subway station partially submerged and

dozens of people had to be evacuated too at a library.

Two people have died in the country's largest city and five more in the northwestern area of Kirklareli. And in the next hour, we'll be speaking

with Andrew Harper. He's Global Special Adviser on Climate Change to the U.N. Refugee Agency. He was in the Dadaab Refugee Complex in Kenya last

week on what he calls the front lines of the climate crisis in Africa. Do stay tuned for that.


Well, in Sudan, the commander of the Sudanese armed forces has issued a decree to dissolve the paramilitary rapid support forces. Tensions between

the army and the RSF, of course erupted into brutal fighting earlier this year. According to a statement released on Wednesday by the Sudanese

Transitional Sovereignty Council, and I quote here.

"The decision comes as a consequence of the rebellion of these forces against the state, the grave violations they committed against citizens and

the deliberate sabotage of the country's infrastructure." Well, on Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that the U.S. was

also imposing sanctions on the Deputy Leader of the RSF Abdelrahim Dagalo for his involvement in human rights abuses.

Dagalo calls the sanctions unfair. For context, he is the brother of the RSF commander Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, who is seen here the sanctions come

after consecutive CNN investigations expose the violent methodology utilized by the RSF in Darfur in Sudan.

Well, in Gabon, the military leader who staged a coup there say the country is Ousted President is now free to move about. Ali Bongo had been on that

house arrest since the military ousted him late last month during a TV address on Wednesday. The coup leaders said that Mr. Bongo can also travel

abroad for medical treatment if he wishes.

State television also released these images of him greeting the Head of the U.N. Regional Office of Bongo's residence in Libreville. The queue in Gabon

has been condemned by the African nations and in the West. But search is underway for an escaped prisoner in the United States.

Still ahead, the challenges law enforcement faces in finding the man. Plus the unusual way that he escaped that is after this.



ANDERSON: Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi. You're watching "Connect the World". Time here half past six in the evening, these are your

headlines this hour. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is winding down his two day trip to Ukraine. Today he visited border guards on a de-mining

center that's on the heels of an announcement of a $1 billion U.S. aid investment.

Well abortion rights activists are applauding a decision by Mexico's Supreme Court to decriminalize the procedure. The court said the current

ban violates women's human rights. This means women can't be prosecuted for having an abortion in Mexico, but it does remain illegal in 20 states where

laws will now need to be amended.

And in Turkey, a mass rescue effort underway to save an American man trapped in one of the country's deepest caves. Mark Dickey fell ill in

about 1100 meters below ground in the Morca Sinkhole. Turkish Caving Federation says it could take days to get Dickey out of that cave.

Well, stunning new video shows the moments a convicted murderer escaped from a prison in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. And this happened last

week. Here you can see Danelo Cavalcante crab walking his way up a wall in that prison. He then pushed his way through some razor wire to make his


A manhunt underway but heat and a heavily wooded area around the prison have made it hard to search for him. Joining us now is CNN's Danny Freeman

from Pennsylvania and these images are really quite remarkable. He escapes. What do we know about what happened next?

DANNY FREEMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: You know, Becky, that video truly is astonishing. A lot of us were surprised frankly when we saw it first

yesterday. Listen at this point; there have always been two big questions after Danelo Cavalcante escaped from the Pennsylvania prison behind me.

First was, how did he get out of that prison? And second is where did he go? Well, we got the biggest answer to that question of how yesterday, take

a look.


FREEMAN (voice-over): New video showing the moment convicted murderer Danelo Cavalcante escaped a Pennsylvania prison last week. The five foot

120 pound inmate extended his arms and legs against the narrow section of the exercise yard before crab walking up the wall to the roof and dropping

down on the other side. Cavalcante then pushed through multiple layers of razor wire to escape the Chester County Prison.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, we believe the security measures we had in place were sufficient. They've proven otherwise. And we'll quickly we move

quickly to enhance our security measures.

FREEMAN (voice-over): County officials say this escape is nearly identical to another inmates escape at the exact same spot just four months ago.

Court documents obtained by CNN describe how that inmate also climbed a wall in an exercise yard and "Pulled himself onto the roof of the prison".

But the tower guard on duty flagged the inmate within five minutes he was caught. That did not happen last week.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The tower officer did not observe nor report the escape. The escape was discovered as part of the inmate counts that occurred when

inmates come in from the exercise yard.

FREEMAN (voice-over): The tower officer has been put on administrative leave and the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office is investigating.

Meanwhile, pressure continued to build Wednesday to catch Cavalcante.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE I think that it's a very challenging area.

FREEMAN (voice-over): One week on, the search perimeter has been rapidly expanding. On Monday night, Cavalcante was caught on camera in a botanical

garden on Tuesday night, another sighting by a resident in a creek bed. But this time, no video.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everything that I'm able to see the various sightings that we've had. Other aspects of this investigation lead me to believe that

he is still there in that era.

FREEMAN (voice-over): Hundreds of officers, dogs, drones and helicopters continue to search. Police have created roadblocks, checkpoints and often

issuing warnings.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): If you see this individual, do not approach him.

FREEMAN (voice-over): Fear gripping the community, especially for Sarah Brandao. It was her sister that Cavalcante was convicted of murdering in

2021. You know, would that feeling of fear of insecurity she told CNN, fear of him showing up here at home.


FREEMAN (on camera): Now, Becky, you noted earlier that police have said that the heat and the humidity out here have been challenging for the

search efforts that taking place over the past eight days. But police emphasized yesterday that that same heat and humidity and those factors

must be impacting Cavalcante's, well they're hoping that could perhaps contribute to him slipping up and ultimate capture, Becky.

ANDERSON: The sister of his victim just describing a little of whom this man is, what else do we know about him?


FREEMAN: You know a lot of questions are still outstanding about him himself. But what we do know is that back in 2021, Cavalcante was accused

and ultimately convicted of killing Deborah Brandao. And it was, frankly a brutal murder. He stabbed her 38 times. Basically, in the light of day in

front of Brandao's two younger children, one of those children actually testified against Cavalcante in that trial.

Becky, he was just sentenced to life without the possibility of parole a couple of weeks ago. But all of that is why police are saying he is

extremely dangerous and really urging residents to be on high alert as the search continues.

ANDERSON: We can still on the run, thank you. Well, that's not the only Prison Break making international headlines. Britain's Justice Minister

announced that he will launch an independent investigation into how a former soldier turned terrorist suspect escaped.

Daniel Abed Khalife escaped from London's ones with prison on Wednesday by strapping himself to the bottom of a food delivery truck. The hunt for him

is impacting travel in the UK. There are long lines at airports and ports, please check out going travelers in their search for him.


COMMANDER DOMINIC MURPHY, LONDON POLICE COUNTER-TERRORISM COMMAND: He could be anywhere in the country at the moment. And yes, of course, we're mindful

of the risk of him potentially leaving the country. We're focusing our efforts in London at the moment. So we have counterterrorism officers now

deployed across London, working with colleagues from across the Metropolitan Police and our partner agencies to try and find him here.


ANDERSON: Let's see a story out of the UK for you. U.S. open play heating up, but as the heat on the tennis court too much, one player warns that it

is reaching dangerous levels, more on that after this.


ANDERSON: Well a few headlines from the cosmos for you now, humans appear to be one step closer to sustaining life on Mars. NASA says its oxygen

generating equipment which accompanied this rover successfully completed its latest mission on the red planet.

The experiment used an instrument called Moxie to generate enough breathable air to potentially enable future astronauts to explore the red

planet. Well NASA working with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology or MIT to develop this incredible project.

And Japan successfully launches the H-2A rocket carrying it so called Moon sniper lunar lander and a new X-ray satellite. Now the satellite telescope

called CRISM is already an earth orbit and we'll study galaxy clusters black holes and the chemical makeup of the Universe.


Japan smart lander for investigating the moon or slim will arrive in lunar orbit in a few months and attempt a soft landing on the Moon using high

precision vision based navigation landing technology hence, the nickname Moon Sniper. And NASA says it is on track to launch a spacecraft next month

to study a metallic asteroid known as the Psyche Mission.

The launch window opens on October the fifth aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket. It will travel more than 3 billion kilometers and reach the

asteroid site by 2029, and then spend some 26 months orbiting the asteroid.


LORI GLAZE, DIRECTOR, NASA PLANETARY SCIENCE DIVISION: The psyche asteroid is representative of one type of asteroid. But in fact, there are several

types of asteroids, some with different chemical or physical properties, some that are found in distinct locations within the solar system. And each

of those asteroids is a remnant of the earliest building blocks that made up all the planets and moons.

So by studying these small bodies, we can learn about the origin and evolution of our solar system as well as the active processes that are

still at work today.


ANDERSON: Well, wrapping up your headlines from the cosmos, style on planet earth, of course, is the heat, now the U.S. open dangerous for players.

Well that's why Daniil Medvedev says the third C player warning that someone will die from playing tennis and the hot weather. Temperatures in

New York have reached 32 degrees Celsius during play. And we have had some long matches. Amanda Davies is joining me now, Amanda.

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN WORLD SPORTS: Becky, I think actually, we might need to call on some of those NASA scientists to say if they might be able to come

up with a solution. Daniil Medvedev has said yes, it's unacceptable. He's used those pretty brutal warnings to tournament organizers saying, he's

worried somebody might die on the tournament watch.

But equally has said he doesn't have a solution to this heat which we've been talking about so much on CNN. Haven't we over recent weeks, the heat

wave that is spreading not only across the United States but other parts of the globe.

Yesterday, Wednesday was the hottest day of the U.S. Open tournament so far. I mean, some of the descriptions that he was giving about the feeling

were quite frightening. He was saying he was struggling to see at times there were moments he was just playing by sensation that obviously is not


The tournament organizers said they've tried to close the roof to provide a little bit more shade, but there's the balance here between a tournaments

going on. Players are used to playing in the heat, but perhaps not this humidity. If they leave it too late and of course they go very, very late

into the next day and the players have been complaining about that as well. So not ideal but he did win he has gone through and he's going to semifinal

still to come.

ANDERSON: More than that coming up after this short break. Amanda has World Sport for you, we are back top of the hour, stay with us.

