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Connect the World

Anger and Anguish in Aftermath of Quake; Rubiales Resigns as Soccer Chief after Unwanted Kiss Backlash; Iran yet to Provide Explanation on Uranium Traces; Protests in Israel ahead of Supreme Court Hearing; Police, Protesters Clash at March Marking Pinochet Coup; Museum of Failure Highlights the Ideas that Didn't Work. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired September 11, 2023 - 11:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNNI HOST: Well, this hour the critical 72 hour window to rescue earthquake survivors in Morocco is closing fast. Nearly 2500 people

are now confirmed dead and there is a race against time to save those still trapped.

Kim Jong-Un appears to be on his way to Russia to meet with Vladimir Putin. The North Korean Leader is heading there by train. America remembers the

nearly 3000 lives lost 22 years ago in the 9/11 terror attacks. Families of the victims gathered in New York to read their names an observed several

moments of silence.

And Luis Rubiales resigned as President of the Spanish Football Federation following weeks of criticism over an unwanted kiss he gave star player

Jennifer Hermoso after Spain won the women's world cup.

Welcome back. This is our second hour of "Connect the World". And wherever you are watching you are more than welcome. Work underway in Morocco to

clear roads blocked by Friday's powerful earthquake and to reach remote areas of the Atlas Mountains. Right now nearly 2500 people are confirmed

dead with as many injured and that number is certain to climb. CNN's Sam Kiley reports from a village that has been decimated by the quake.


SAM KILEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Another victim buried returned to the earth that killed when it shook. More than

2000 people who perished in the worst Moroccan earthquake in over 100 years. Most of the deaths were in villages in the Atlas Mountains, where

homes cracked and crumbled late on Friday night.

KILEY: The pancaking of these buildings down a side street here in Malai Ibrahim killed 25 people. Three or four are still missing believe buried in

the rubble. And this is a pattern that has been repeated throughout this province. And it looks very often like there's been some kind of air

strike. The collapsing buildings here actually leave holes as if they've been hit by Russian bombs in Ukraine. But this has been an all too natural


KILEY (voice-over): At least three elderly people had been in tuned here in the remains of their hotel, and a fourth guest is missing. After the quake

Sammy called his parents for a day and a half. It rang out until the battery died too.

SAMI SENSIS, PARENTS DIED IN EARTHQUAKE: I'm here just because I have lost two of my best thing that I have in this life. My parents, my father and my

mother, I have lost them here

KILEY (voice-over): His grief turns to anger at the government as it does for so many here.

SENSIS: They have no planification only they have words. It's a balloon of words. Only that they have worth. That's all.

KILEY (voice-over): It is arriving but slowly in Asni nearby authorities tells me that 27 people were killed in the quake and 1200 lost their homes.

KILEY: So -- husband have said that when they were in the house she was in the bath. When this series of explosions broke out, they said there was no

shaking of the ground. She's saying that it felt likely last from a Kalashnikov automatic rifle that this was like a sense.

That the place had been hit by a war they had no idea that they were suffering from an earthquake. Luckily for them, they evacuated their family

very rapidly. Nobody in their family was killed. But in the village, there was going to be and even said 27 people were killed.

KILEY (voice-over): The house is now abandoned. But Fatima led a team of local women to find food and shelter for the homeless before any aid

arrived. All the food here, they result to private donations. Many villages here remain isolated roads cut by landslides, relief operations will focus

on getting to them.

Firefighters consider searching for bodies beneath the hotel. Their conclusion is disappointing. Amidst shocks and shattered masonry, it's just

too dangerous to rescue the dead. So for now, Sami's parents will stay buried where they are.



ANDERSON: Sam Kiley reporting there. International aid is arriving in Morocco, the Moroccan King, thanking the United Kingdom, Spain, Qatar, and

the UAE for their efforts. The United Nations had this to say, "The Secretary General expresses his solidarity with the government and people

of Morocco in these difficult times".

United Nations is ready to assist the government of Morocco and its efforts to assist the impacted population. So what could that assistance look like?

We want to note that the UN has not yet received a formal request for assistance from the Moroccan government.

For more I'm joined by Farhan Haq Deputy Spokesperson for the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. And just explain if you will how you assess the

needs at this point and how you stand ready, at least at the United Nations to help address them?

FARHAN HAQ, DEPUTY SPOKESPERSON, U.N. SECRETARY-GENERAL: Yes. We are in touch with our counterparts in the Moroccan government who are in the lead

in terms of all of the humanitarian efforts on the ground, including the search and rescue efforts.

We have brought some additional experts to Morocco right now. And we're on standby, waiting for requests for assistance. But in other earthquakes and

natural disasters in the past, we've been ready to coordinate assistance on the ground, including for the sort of things we believe will be needed in

this case, such as food and water, health care, including blood supplies and other things and shelter so there's a very clearly the needs for that.

We're monitoring the situation; it's obvious that there are a large number of people who have to sleep outside out of doors, given the weakness of

different structures. There are people who clearly will need food, water and other humanitarian support in the days ahead. So we are prepared to

help once we get the request.

ANDERSON: Right. Can you explain why you believe or you understand why it is that the Moroccan government hasn't yet requested that help?

HAQ: I think it's doing a great job in terms of trying itself to mobilize aid, including rubble recovery search efforts on the ground right now. You

just mentioned that they've accepted offers from the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and others. And we expect more of these

bilateral offers of assistance to also come in.

So we expect all of these to happen in due course, like I said, we've already brought some people into Morocco, who are experts in terms of

coordinating activities, and we'll see what sort of help we can provide once we're asked?

ANDERSON: Do you expect to be approached?

HAQ: Well, certainly this is what's happened in other occasions, so we'll have to see.

ANDERSON: What do you believe is the best strategy to reach what are these very remote areas? Of course, that is where we are seeing and we are likely

to see more damage going forward.

HAQ: The basic point is that in the immediate term, there needs to be recovery of rubble and ways to improve access to the areas where we need to

have that access. Even before the earthquake, that terrain was difficult, because some of it is very mountainous terrain. So we'll have to see what

can be done to make sure that roads are open and we can get the people who need to get the assistance in can get to those who require the aid.

ANDERSON: That's the perspective of the United Nations. Sir it's good to have you thank you very much indeed. And of course, for more information

about how you can help victims of the Morocco earthquake. We've got a site which may help you this is And there, you will find a lot

of information about how you can be of aid.

Well, there are new signs that a meeting between the Leaders of North Korea and Russia could happen very soon. North Korea's Leader Kim Jong-Un appears

to be heading to Russia by train that's according at least to the South Korean government official.

It comes a week after U.S. officials warned that Putin and Kim were expected to meet to discuss a possible arms deal. Well joining us now is

CNN's Paula Hancocks in Seoul with the very latest.


And I just wonder what that Intel is telling us about what that arms deal might look at and what more we know, at this point about this meeting?

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well Becky, what we know about the meeting at this point from the Kremlin certainly is that Kim Jong-Un will

be in Russia in the coming days they say.

From the North Korean side from state run media, they say that it will be soon. So we don't have a specific timeline for when we should expect it to

see the two leaders together. But what we have heard when it comes to the Intel it's from the U.S. and the South Korean side, primarily about what

they believe is happening with this closer relationship between Russia and North Korea.

The U.S. intelligence and U.S. officials have said that they believe that they are actively moving towards this arm deal, something that both Moscow

and Pyongyang have denied. But we've heard from U.S. officials backed up by the South Korean side that they believe that that the Russians are looking

for ammunition for example.

This is something we've been hearing from other experts in the field as well that they need more ammunition they need small arms, for their war in

Ukraine. And this is something that we know that North Korea is able to produce very well and in great numbers. So that's certainly something that

they could provide.

And of course, there are also similarities between the militaries in Russia and North Korea, in the sort of weapons and ammunition they use. So

potentially ammunition which was given from North Korea to Russia could be used immediately or at least quite quickly with little modification, and

that is of concern to Washington and Seoul and of course, to Kyiv as well.

And so what we know from the other side, what would North Korea get out of some kind of deal? U.S. officials have told CNN, they believe it could be

satellite technology, it could be nuclear submarine technology that they would get in return because North Korea is a transactional country, it

would want something in return for anything it could give to Russia.

But it is an interesting dynamic change. We saw the two leaders meet four years ago back in 2019. Kim Jong-Un traveled to go and meet Vladimir Putin.

Now there were many pledges of friendship of promising closer ties but nothing materialized from that.

There were no agreements or announcements after that meeting. But now it appears that the dynamics are very different now, that as U.S. officials

say Russia needs something and it needs this that multiple types of ammunition, according to the NSC.

So it will be interesting in the coming days to see what the dynamics are like to see what kind of meeting it is. We don't expect to have any

communique or any kind of detailed statement the likes of which we would have seen from other bilateral meetings from these two countries, but

certainly what they do agree will be of concern to Washington to Seoul to Tokyo and to many other capitals around the world, Becky?

ANDERSON: Absolutely. Certainly from where you are, I'm sure. The South Korean authorities keeping a very close eye on what is going on? Thank you

very much indeed. Well, after weeks of mounting pressure, Luis Rubiales resigned as President of Spain's Football Federation over the weekend.

Now, this follows weeks of criticism over what was an unwanted kiss that he gave star player Jennifer Hermoso after that Women's World Cup victory. On

Friday, the Spanish National Prosecutor filed a complaint against Rubiales for sexual assault and coercion against Hermoso.

Rubiales took social media on Sunday to maintain his innocence and said he will continue to defend his honor. I want to bring in Atika Schubert

standing by in Valencia in Spain. Two questions really, how has this announcement gone down? And at this stage is it clear what's next for


ATIKA SCHUBERT, JOURNALIST: Well, what's next for Rubiales is the legal process. The National High Court has just confirmed that it is has opened

an investigation into his conduct at the World Cup and in the days after. And so they are beginning to gather evidence, specifically video evidence

we've been told by the prosecutor spokesperson of what happens at the World Cup but also keep in mind that there are two halves of this investigation.

One is sexual assault, the other is coercion. And the coercion part comes from a claim by Jenny Hermoso Spain's Star Player that not only did she not

give any consent to the kiss that she received at the World Cup, but that she was continued to be pressured by Rubiales in the days afterwards. And

that pressure according to the prosecutor could constitute harassment.


So these are the kinds of claims that Rubiales is going to have to deal with and are if this investigation goes ahead, then it could very well be

that he faces -- possibly faces criminal charges. The reception of the resignation here has, I think, been one of relief, really.

We've seen a lot of politicians, particularly the Equalities Minister and the Vice Prime Minister, hear both of them commenting that this is a good

day for feminism in support of the women's team and using the rallying cry for the feminist movement. Here's a couple of meaning it's over for sexism,

and it's over for Rubiales.

We haven't heard much from the players themselves. Jenny Hermoso especially hasn't had any statement since the resignation was announced. That could be

because she's in Mexico, playing with her Mexican Team Pachuca. She actually received a standing ovation yesterday, when the news of the

resignation was announced.

So I think even though he has resigned he hasn't apologized for anything. In fact, he remains quite adamant that he's done nothing wrong. He sees

this as in his words as an excessive persecution. And for him he's continuing to fight a legal battle and that's going to take some time


ANDERSON: Atika Schubert some story. She's in Valencia in Spain. Thank you. Well, still to come here on "Connect the World" with me Becky Anderson, the

international community's efforts to rein in Iran's nuclear ambitions appear to be going backwards. We'll be speaking with the Chief of the

International Atomic Energy Agency up next. And Britain's Prime Minister has some strong words for China, after an alleged spy was taken into



ANDERSON: Well, some developing news for you now. Iran has yet to provide the international nuclear watchdog with explanations for uranium traces

found at previously undeclared nuclear research sites. Now the IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency censored Iran last year for the traces

found in 2019 an action which Iran described as politicized.

Tehran responded by removing security cameras at key sites and it's been more than two years since Iran has granted access to the IAEA. Well, the

Director General of that organization Rafael Grossi told the Board of Governors today that "These outstanding safeguards issues stem from Iran's

obligations and need to be resolved for the agency to be in a position to provide assurance that Iran's nuclear program is exclusively peaceful".

Joining me now live from Vienna is Rafael Grossi the IAEA Chief. Well, thank you for joining us.


While you say no progress has been made in talks with Iran on the nuclear front in parallel, we are seeing efforts to de-escalate you know, on a

diplomatic basis, sir, efforts that seem to be gaining momentum again. Can you explain why this is?

RAFAEL GROSSI, DIRECTOR GENERAL, INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY: Well, first of all, it's good to talk to you again, to see you again. The

different aspects, different platforms, if you wish has to deal with the situation. Of course, the IAEA has and you were describing that, in your

introduction, has a number of activities in Iran. We have an open process with Iran, which is, like you say, like you said, not making the progress,

we would like to see it making.

But at the same time, we are aware of the fact that there is a bilateral dialogue of some sort, because there is no direct, as you know,

conversation between the Islamic Republic and the United States, there is some conversation where nuclear issues are discussed. But this, the IAEA is

not, it's not a party to that conversation, which has implications, of course, for what we do.

So I think there has to be some separation in order to understand what is happening. We always welcome any, any conversation, any dialogue that could

lead to clarification of the several issues that are happening. But if there's going to be de-escalation, the escalation should also include

clarifying things here with the IAEA.

ANDERSON: Right. OK. Yes, let's talk about these specific issues. Can you provide clarity on Iran's stockpiles of enriched uranium? Are they

increased or decreased at this point?

GROSSI: They are -- they are increasing. Of course, there are some oscillations in the quantities, I don't, I don't want to get too technical

or, you know, boring with the grams and isotopic degrees of enrichment. But by and large, let's say that they are they continue to enrich uranium,

which is not forbidden. Let me also clarify that.

But of course, Iran is the only country, is the only country in the international community not having nuclear weapons, which is enriching at

60 percent level, to have weapon grade material, you have to go to 90 percent. So it's a fraction a little bit more that you should do. So again,

this is not forbidden.

But it's obvious that it's not, but now, it has repercussions people are concerned. So we are telling you, let's clarify these issues, let's have

the degree of visibility for our inspectors that are commensurate with this ambition, simple as that.

ANDERSON: Well, that you don't have at this point, do you? I mean, have you made any progress at all, on installing surveillance cameras, for example

after the agreement made in March?

GROSSI: I was in Tehran in March, as you rightly recall. I met President Raisi, Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian and others. And we sort of agreed

on our through a joint statement on certain things we would be doing, this started but then stopped. And I've been trying ever since to reengage with

Iran to try to accelerate, if you wish, that the pace of this cooperation, which would mean having more cameras, this technical means that an

Inspectorate like the IAEA would have in place to know what is going on.

ANDERSON: So let's be clear here. As I understand it, you are not I repeat, not in a position to provide assurance that Iran's nuclear program is

exclusively peaceful, is that correct at this point?

GROSSI: I would say we are not able to say that everything is in order. Because for that we do inspect, we do inspect a lot. We see many things, I

don't want to give the audience the impression that we are not there. We have some capacity to inspect, but there are issues that have not been


So until and unless I have full clarity, I as Director General of the IAEA would not be able, even with the best of these positions, to say that

everything is in order. So you were also recalling that we found traces of uranium work none should have been. So where is this uranium? Where is the

equipment that was being used to deal with it?

So it's a long story, and we don't seem to be able to get on the right track to make the necessary progress in order to clarify these issues and

to move forward.


ANDERSON: I wonder, can I just ask you about the timing of this assessment? Why now, sir?

GROSSI: Well, we have our assessments regularly in the course of the year, because the program, of course, is continuous. So I have to report to my

board of governors, member states, what is going on? So I do it on a relatively regular quarterly rhythm pace.

And this is why this was the time to come up with another report of where we are, and we are going back. My last one was in June. So every three

months or so, we report to member states what's going on.

ANDERSON: You mentioned in your statement earlier today, while closing that your agency is facing a, and I quote you here serious liquidity challenge

due to a delay in contributions from member states. I wonder how will that affect your operations and are you frankly -- future of the agency at this


GROSSI: Exactly, that's a very good point. At this moment, the IEA is involved in some of the, I would say most sensitive issues in the

international agenda, name Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia, you know, I think we discussed about this, we have my teams there. I go regularly, we are

involved in the Indo Pacific, we are involved in Japan, with the Fukushima water, we have this issue with Iran, all these very critical points.

And we are facing this situation because some of the major contributors are not paying their assess contributions. And this might lead the IEA to a

halt in each operation. This is why I decided that it was important to raise this issue to appealing to a public level because it is a very, very

serious situation that could impede us from carrying out this crucial work for international peace and security.

ANDERSON: Do you think that is likely that you will have to hold your work? Frankly, are you getting enough support from member states on these talks?

GROSSI: I'm trying to convince them that they have to, I can tell you that next month at this point, I don't have money to make payroll. So it is a

very serious situation which this agency has not seen for almost 30 years. So I hope that you know countries normally praise the IAEA for what it

does. So, I think that talking the talk is good, walking the walk is even better.

ANDERSON: Rafael Grossi, you and I talk regularly it's good to have you on these are important times, critical times as you said.

GROSSI: Always I bet.

ANDERSON: -- a myriad of files and it's important to get your insight as ever. Thank you.

GROSSI: Thank you very much, always a pleasure.

ANDERSON: I'm Becky Anderson. You're watching "Connect the World". Still to come, thank you. Protests in Israel ahead of a Supreme Court hearing on the

controversial judicial overhaul plan. We'll speak with one of the leaders of the protest movement about the demonstrations. And the U.S. president

went to Vietnam to strengthen relations between the one time enemies bringing big business with him.



ANDERSON: Welcome back, you're watching "Connect the World" with me Becky Anderson. Your headlines this hour, Morocco reporting nearly 2700 people

now confirmed dead from Friday's earthquake. That number is expected to continue to rise as searchers dig through hard hit areas in the Atlas


Crews are working to clear roads that are blocked by debris. The military is now dropping aid by helicopter to some of those villages that remain

unreachable by land. And in just the last few minutes, we've learned that the Moroccan military has arrived at the quake's epicenter. Well, Americans

are marking 22 years since the deadly 911 terror attacks, ceremony is being held across the U.S. today to pay tribute to the victims of 911.

Nearly 3000 people died, the majority of casualties were at the World Trade Center in New York. North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un appears to be heading

to Russia by train. That's according to a South Korean official. Russia and North Korea acknowledged Kim would be visiting at the invitation of

Vladimir Putin but have provided no details.

This comes a week after U.S. officials warned that Putin and Kim were expected to meet to discuss a possible arms deal. And at Israel large scale

protests are taking place today over the government's controversial judicial overhaul plan. Clashes broke out outside the home of the Justice

Minister earlier.

And more demonstrations are happening outside the Supreme Court ahead of a key hearing tomorrow. Well, the court will hear an appeal against a law

limiting its own power which was passed by the government in July. CNN's Hadas Gold reports.


HADAS GOLD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It is now the longest and largest protest movement in Israeli history. For nine months tens of

thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets every week, protesting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's plan to completely reshape the Israeli

Supreme Court. When Netanyahu returned to power late last year, he brought along the most far right wing and religious government ministers in Israeli

history. But he promised he would be in control.

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, PRIME MINISTER OF ISRAEL: I've got my two hands on the wheel and believe me; it's going to be a good direction.

GOLD (voice-over): If Netanyahu's hands have been on the wheel, it's been a bumpy ride. And the ride is about to get even bumpier. The Supreme Court

this week will begin to hear arguments on the first aspect of the digital overhaul to pass parliament, a new law that strips the court of its power

to nullify government actions it deems unreasonable.

Netanyahu has refused to say whether his government would even abide by a court ruling striking the law down, which would spark a judicial crisis

setting different branches of government against each other.

AMIT SEGAL, CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT, CHANNEL 12: The Supreme Court and the government alike possess a credible nuclear threat against the

other side. If both sides are rational actors that will put the, they will disarm theirs themselves. Problem is we're in a crisis that is not very

rational anymore.

GOLD (voice-over): Netanyahu's ally says the judicial reform is needed to rebalance powers between the branches of government. But it's prompted a

crisis in Israel's defense forces reservist in some soldiers vowing not to serve, the Israeli shekel weakening as well as concern from Israel's

greatest allies.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu's far right coalition partners including Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, pushing contentious new bills and making

controversial statements about Palestinians while violence and deaths spike to record levels in the decade's old conflict across Israel and the

occupied territories.


Israeli security expert Haim Tomer, a former Chief of Intelligence for Mossad warned that Israel security is on the line as the country risks

tearing itself apart.

HAIM TOMER, FORMER MOSSAD INTELLIGENCE COMMANDER: -- said I see that collapses of Israel is already started. We should wait on the sidelines and

see how Israel is, is ruling itself.

GOLD (voice-over): Questions looming as Netanyahu heads to the United States next week for the UN General Assembly, where a long awaited

invitation to meet President Joe Biden remains up in the air just like Israel's future. Hadas Gold, CNN Jerusalem.


ANDERSON: Well, as Hadas has just reported, Israel has been rocked by months of protests over the government's plans to overhaul the judicial

system. Josh Drill is one of the leaders of this movement. He says he left his family in the U.S. nine years ago to enlist in the Israeli military

and, "Contribute to Society".

Well, he now channels that ambition through social activism. Josh joins us now from outside the Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem. Let's start with

what message protesters have for the Israeli government tonight, Josh, just explain.

JOSH DRILL, LEADER, NATIONAL PROTEST MOVEMENT IN ISRAEL: Masters of pro- democracy protesters are here, outside Israel Supreme Court to send the clear message that the Israeli public supports the Supreme Court. And not

Netanyahu's extreme government, which seeks to consolidate all power and turn Israel from a democracy to an autocracy.

ANDERSON: Despite months of protests like these, it seems the Israeli government isn't listening. So what do you do to counter that?

DRILL: Well, we do in fact, Becky, see that government is listening, when the government tried to pass legislation, not just one law at a time as

they're trying right now. In January, when the government went forward with the entire package to pass a law that a simple majority, could override the

Supreme Court to remove independent attorney generals from the ministries.

We stopped the government. They have the hands in parliament to pass legislation, and they were not able to. And this determination has only

increased since January. And we have never been more energized, or determined to stop the Israeli government from turning Israel into a


ANDERSON: What do you think the likely outcome of this hearing will be Josh?

DRILL: I don't know how the Supreme Court will decide; we are not here to tell the Supreme Court what to decide. We are here simply to say, as an

institution, we want the Supreme Court to stay independent. We saw just this week by the way, central ministers in Israel's government say that

they will not listen to the Supreme Court's decision if it does not decide how they wish. That is not how democracy works.

Sometimes the Supreme Court will decide how you want or how you don't want. But there is a social cohesion aspect of this institution that we accept

the Supreme Court. And it's important to understand that these messages were shared and amplified by Prime Minister Netanyahu.

ANDERSON: Is the action is, as you suggest, it could be despite the Supreme Court's decision, and we'll get that of course, tomorrow, what happens

next? What are you and those protesting in their tens of thousands? And let's be quite clear, I mean, the momentum really hasn't dropped for these

protests. What do you do next?

DRILL: So we've been protesting for nine straight months now, hundreds of thousands of Israelis every single week, nationwide, from the north to the

south in the major cities of Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Jerusalem. And what we've said from the beginning has, in fact, not changed. We've said that we will

not stop protesting until the judicial overhaul is completely shelved until this legislation is thrown in the garbage.

We understand that Netanyahu and the extreme factions of his government, Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Ben Gvir, racist fascist ministers, who are

hell bent on completing the supreme and completing this overhaul of the Supreme Court. There will be hundreds of thousands of protesters in the

street until the government stops.


ANDERSON: When you say until the government stops, there are no elections scheduled for at least three years. Can you see this current government

staying in power this current coalition government surviving at this point?

DRILL: I don't know how long this government will stay together. What I can guarantee you is that as long as the government is intact, and they attempt

to continue advancing, this legislation that will infringe on the rights of LGBTQ will infringe on the rights of Arabs, and all minorities. There will

be hundreds of thousands of Israelis protesting.

ANDERSON: Josh, thank you for joining us. That is the scene in Jerusalem. We are as Josh described it nine months into these protests in Israel.

Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that are on our radar right now.

And Lebanon's national news agency is reporting at least six people have been killed and more than sixty others injured amid clashes at a

Palestinian refugee camp. Now this happened near the City of Sidon. The UN says hundreds of families are fleeing for safety amid ongoing fighting

between the Palestinian Fatah movement and other Islamic groups.

An airstrike on the market has killed at least 43 people according to a Sudanese doctors group. It happened Sunday in southern Khartoum. The deaths

make it the single largest single incident death toll since that civil war started back in April. Northern Libya has gotten more than two thirds of

its normal annual rainfall in just a day, a heavy rain inundating this hospital.

Also flooding streets and knocking out phone service. It came from the remnants of that Storm Daniel which pummeled Greece, you may remember last

week. British lawmakers want answers after a parliament employee was arrested on suspicion of spying for China. We're live from London with the

latest on that. Stay with us.


ANDERSON: Police and protesters clashed in Chile's capital Santiago, at a march commemorating 50 years since the military coup there by General

Augusto Pinochet. Some protesters threw stones while police responded with water cannons and tear gas.

Meantime families who lost loved ones when Pinochet rounded up opponents, social activists and students to be tortured and executed were also at the

March, clutching photos of those who were killed or disappeared.


Well today, ahead of today's anniversary, the Chilean government announced a new initiative to find the remains of more than 1000 people who vanished

during Pinochet's 15 year dictatorship. Well, U.S. President Biden has wrapped up a visit to Vietnam. He flew in after her attending the G20

Summit to discuss strengthening economic and diplomatic ties between Washington and Hanoi.

Now this is all part of an effort to reduce America's reliance on China. White House has announced the $7.8 billion deal between for example, Boeing

and Vietnam Airlines. Companies like Apple and Intel have already moved some production to Vietnam to diversify their supply chains.

Well, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is calling potential Chinese interference in British democracy, obviously unacceptable. Sunak says he

raised very strong concerns to China's Premier League calling about this after reports that a British Parliamentary researcher has been accused of

spying for Beijing.

CNN's Nic Robertson is following this diplomatic dust up as it were, for us from London. Of course, UK is not the only country calling out Chinese

political interference at this point. So why has this incident so rattled British politicians?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Well, it's in the heart of government; it's in the place where the business of government is done.

The researcher in question would have had access to senior conservative members of parliament, people on influential committees like the foreign

affairs committee. So this is something that strikes concern into many MPs about how they might have been.

How they their backgrounds, the details of their references and interests in China may have been looked into and what this person was doing with the

information they were getting. And there's, there are other MPs, some of whom who've been sanctioned by China are disappointed and upset that they

weren't informed sooner.

Because the police actually arrested these two men, a 20-year-old in Scotland and a 30-year-old in Oxfordshire bought them to London. Back in

March, they'd been released on bail since expecting to be charged, they'll be formally charged in court with breaking the Official Secrets Act

espionage in October.

So there's been a big delay in many MPs, if you want to know more finding out about this. And it's been made, much as information has been made

public in some of the British newspapers over the weekend actually causing the researcher in question to try to clear his name as well saying that the

idea that he's been spying for China is untrue, that he has been trying to tell people about the dangers of the Chinese Communist Party. Chinese

Embassy here also pushing back very strongly calls it fabrications. Becky?

ANDERSON: Nic, and as I reported, the British prime minister at G20 this weekend raised this issue, according to a read out of the meeting that he

had with the Chinese Premier, not the president, of course, because he wasn't at G20. He didn't attend. What do you make of what was one suggested

about the conversation that Sunak had with the Chinese Premier? And more widely just, you know, what was achieved at G20 this weekend?

ROBERTSON: Yes, the British prime minister, this British prime minister we've been through a few recently, actually has been taking more of a

conciliatory tone towards China. And the other part of his meeting there that you said he had with the Chinese Premier, did discuss other areas of

mutual interest.

And I think there's a perception, perhaps among some of the Conservative Party, that this Prime Minister is being softer on the Chinese than others

might and hence, we heard that very strong language for him. But you know, where does this you know, where does this sort of push that relationship

and what came out of the G20, not as strong on Ukraine, and that was anticipated going in if you don't have President Xi, don't have President

Putin. That's too big holdouts of the meeting.

India trying to hold that position of all doing good for each other, the rich trying to help the poor up and of course, that's the ethos of the G20.

But I think widely regarded as a summit that set out to achieve a lot didn't fail, but really didn't have a huge impact. Obviously Africa being

invited to join, that is significant going forward.

ANDERSON: Conspicuous by their absence, Russia and China, Nic, thank you. What people were could land them in trouble with the law in China.


The government considering banning clothes and symbols that "Hurt the nation's feelings" and are considered detrimental to its spirits now

violators could be fined and even jailed critics say the proposal is overreaching and too vague by not spelling out which clothes will be


It also targets articles and even remarks that the government deems offensive. Well, not every idea can be a winning one. Still ahead new

museum is celebrating the failures of life and invention that is after this.


ANDERSON: Well, it can take a lot of trial and error to find the perfect idea or create a great invention. But lessons, of course can be learned

from the bad ones that frankly didn't work out. CNN's Paula Newton takes a look at the inspiration behind the Museum of failure.


PAULA NEWTON, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Not all ideas are winners and those duds' flops losers and never made it to the marketing world are the

stars of a new exhibit in Washington DC called the Museum of Failure. And despite the soul crushing nature of its theme, organizers say it's a fun

experience that shows how failure can lead to success.

JOHANNA GUTTMANN, MUSEUM OF FAILURE EXHIBITION ORGANIZER: Failures have actually a much better teacher than success. We learn a lot from failure

and seeing that as part of the journey and part of our path to innovation and success.

NEWTON (voice-over): Visitors are invited to take a spin on the Hewlett chair designed to work out your abs while sitting at a desk. That is, if

you stay still long enough to get any work done. There's also fish flavored water for cats, but the fussy felines turn their noses up at it, or spray

on condoms in peppermint and banana varieties.

But those didn't catch on, like the more than 150 other products displayed in the exhibit, which has successfully toured the world for the past six

years. Here visitors can appreciate the endless combinations of Oreo cookies, some of which just didn't dunk well with consumers.

Then there's the former board game of a former president that didn't gain much of a following. And then there's a new addition the Starbucks Oleato

drink and olive oil infused coffee. That's getting mixed reviews and still on the market. But it's definitely a no for some customers who complained

it sent them straight to the bathroom. The event organizer says deciding what to include in the show isn't exactly an exact science.

GUTTMANN: The products that we are saying that their failures are subjective debatable, but it is about that conversation. So we are sort of

having fun with it. We want to take away the stigma from it. So I think the fun factor makes it much more attractive to people.

NEWTON (voice-over): Paula Newton, CNN.


ANDERSON: Well time for our parting shots this evening. And tonight we look at how Morocco's tragic earthquake is leaving ripple effects that extend

not only into the future but also the past.


Morocco is home to nine UNESCO world heritage sites with some dating back as far as the third century BC. The Marrakech Medina for example, nearly

thousand years old and usually filled with sounds of life now sits in silence with rubble lining the streets instead of its usual vendors.

Well, outside Marrakech and high in the Atlas Mountains, a site like this 12th century mosque was not any safer from the grounds tremors. Swan sand

important structure in Morocco's history from the Almohad period, it's now a reminder of a natural disaster with a death toll that sadly continues to

rise. And stay with CNN for our reporting as we continue to cover that developing story. "One World" with Lynda Kinkade tonight is up next.

