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Libya Flooding Relief Effort Grows; Morocco Earthquake Survivors Living in Tents; Kim Jong-un Continues Tour of Russia; UAW Preparing for Targeted Strike; Taliban Welcome China's New Ambassador to Afghanistan; The West Races to Replenish Ukraine's Ammo. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired September 14, 2023 - 10:00   ET




LYNDA KINKADE, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Hello and welcome to the program, I'm Lynda Kinkade, from Atlanta, filling in for my

colleague, Becky Anderson. Welcome to the CONNECT THE WORLD.

Coming up this hour, the United Nations says Libya's catastrophic death toll could've been prevented, as more aid begins to arrive.

An aftershock hits Morocco as the death toll nears 3,000 people.

And a massive strike could hit the U.S. auto industry in just a matter of hours.

And the NFL's Aaron Rodgers makes his first comments since that season ending injury.


KINKADE: The global relief effort is growing for Libya, as traumatized survivors search for their loved ones in what is left of Derna. Newly-

released drone footage shows huge swaths of the city literally washed away after two dams burst during torrential rainfall from a Mediterranean storm.

The death toll stands at around 6,000 but it could be far higher. Today, a withering assessment by the head of the United Nations' World

Meteorological Association, who says the catastrophic loss of life could have been prevented if early warning and emergency management systems had

properly functioned.

Our Ben Wedeman is following the developments for us from Rome and joins us live.

Ben, we've heard of this seven meter wall of water that swept through the middle of the night. That's according to the head of the International

Committee of the Red Cross in Libya. So many critics saying that the disaster and death toll would not have been as catastrophic had the

government done more.

What can you tell us?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SR. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Basically, Libya has been, after the fall of Moammar Gadhafi in 2011, it has been a country at

war between the East and the West.

Certainly, all the attention of the so-called government has been on their war, their civil war and, therefore, they have not focused on basic things

like the weather service, the weather service that should see a massive storm coming, Storm Daniel in this case, and that there are dangers that it

brings with it.

And the fact that two dams upstream from Derna were not being properly maintained and burst as a result of the huge amount of rainfall in that

area. Therefore, if people had known, if there had been an evacuation order, if the infrastructure had been maintained, it all, to a certain

extent at least, could have been avoided.

The result, however is a huge catastrophe, in Derna.


WEDEMAN (voice-over): The bodies are everywhere. Dozens, dozens have been dead and covered with blankets awaiting identification and burial. The dead

number in the thousands but so far no one really knows how many were taken by storm Daniel.

Survivors are finding more and more bodies. Rescue workers and volunteers have retrieved the body of a boy wrapped in a blanket and prepared to put

him in a body bag.


WEDEMAN (voice-over): His father arrives, overcome with emotion. Doctors fear so many left dead in the open could lead to an outbreak of disease.

DR. AYSHA (PH) (through translator): We aren't able to identify all the bodies and bury them, says this woman, identified as Dr. Aysha (ph). We

want to provide a humane place. Freezers where loved ones can then identify them.

WEDEMAN (voice-over): Access to Derna remains difficult. The flood destroyed many of the roads and bridges leading to the city. This port in

eastern Libya has been transformed into a wasteland of mud, rubble and ruin. The raging waters that tore through the city spared no one and



WEDEMAN: Help is on the way, as we've seen; in fact, the authorities in Derna say that the port is now able to receive ships again and, in fact,

the Italian Navy sent a ship from the port of Brindisi full of supplies, a mobile hospital, in the direction of Derna.

The French are sending emergency workers -- we are talking as clearly more money is coming through. One of the problems, of course, is that, because

of the floods, bridges were washed away and many of the roads are impassable as well. Perhaps the sea is the best place from which some of

this aid can arrive to Derna.

KINKADE: We will stay across the story, Ben Wedeman with us, good to have you with us, thank you.

We want to turn to Morocco, where survivors in mountain villages are getting some help after Friday's devastating earthquake. The death toll is

now approaching 3,000 people, with more than 5,500 people injured.

But the injuries are not all physical. After an aftershock Thursday, residents in city of Turandot (ph) told CNN that they have, quote, "a lot

of fear in their hearts."

CNN's Nada Bashir joins us live from Imgdal, which is about 75 kilometers south of Marrakesh.

Good to have you with us. Morocco has been offered aid from around the world, it has accepted help from just a handful of countries.

From those you're speaking to on the ground, what are they saying about their needs right now?

NADA BASHIR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: There aren't many aid organizations on the ground. We have seen international groups pouring in. But as you know,

there was a bit of a delay in getting aid to those rural communities. And they were among the hardest hit.

We're in the Atlas mountains. We're not too far from the epicenter of the earthquake. You can just see, this is one example of the damage, the

destruction that has been sustained by people's homes in these villages.

We visited some that have been almost entirely flattened by the earthquake. These families have absolutely nothing left. They're living in these

temporary shelters, in these camps that have been set up.

But the real concern for many of them is the long term solutions.

What will their futures look like, will they ever have a home to return to?

When will the rebuild effort begin?

For now these aid organizations are focused on the immediate relief effort. But for these families, there are many unanswered questions. Take a look.


BASHIR (voice-over): Sheltering from the sweltering September heat, survivors of Morocco's earthquake spent another day coming to terms with

the tragedy that has befallen this shaken community.

BASHIR: Temporary shelters for those left homeless by the earthquake have been set up across this region. Many of the tents that you can see here

have been supplied either by the Moroccan government or by local organizations and charities.

But the Moroccan government has also requested assistance from members of the international community. And we've seen these international teams on

the ground providing support. Not only on the search and rescue front but also with the humanitarian relief efforts.

ROBERT NORMAN, COMMAND SUPPORT OFFICER, U.K. INTERNATIONAL, SEARCH AND RESCUE: The immediate priorities for our team is always saving lives.

Following on from that, where we can help with medical assistance, identify humanitarian needs, so that even when that rescue phase does close, we've

provided all the information we can to help humanitarian relief that will follow us.

BASHIR (voice-over): Across the quake zone here in Morocco, there has also been an outpouring of support from the local community, with donations of

food, water and medication. The volunteers here tell us, they still need more tents and, crucially, long term support with the rebuild efforts.

The government says the reconstruction of homes lost in the disaster is a priority.


BASHIR (voice-over): But for so many impacted families, there is no telling how long it will be before they have a real home to return to.


BASHIR: And look, Lynda, almost a week on, since the earthquake, we are still seeing international teams coming in. There's been some questions

around a delay from the Moroccan government in accepting offers of help, questions around why these decisions were taken.

We were speaking to aid workers on the ground. They had told us that typically in these situation, there is a concern around the coordination of

many groups coming in at the same time. And often this can be a hindrance in some cases.

But when you look at how remote some of these villages are in the mountains, some of these roads have only just been cleared and opened. You,

can't imagine the difficulty that these teams are facing.

For some of these villages it, took two, three days to get rescue teams in to pull people from the rubble. When we spoke to these rescuers, they

haven't been able to locate survivors and many of them died within the first day or the first two days.

So this is a huge moment of tragedy for Morocco but there is going to be months, if not years ahead, for the country to recover from the impact of

this devastation.

KINKADE: There is absolutely so much heartbreak. Good to have you there on the ground for us, thanks so much.

A stark warning on the conflict in Sudan by the United Nations' special envoy to the country. Volker Perthes told the United Nations' secretary

(sic) council that the conflict, soon to enter its fifth month, has no resolution in sight. It could be evolving into a full scale civil war.

Fierce fighting between the Sudanese armed forces and the Rapid Support Forces has killed at least 5,000 people since the start of the conflict.

Perthes also said he will step down from his role.

Kim Jong-un's visit to Russia isn't officially over yet but already he and Vladimir Putin are planning another get-together. The Kremlin says Putin

has accepted Kim's invitation to visit North Korea.

The pair held a rare summit in Russia's far east on Wednesday. With no documents signed and no news conferences, the growing concern in the West

though is that the two regimes could seal some sort of arms deal.

They have since parted ways, Moscow saying that Kim will stay in the country for a few more days. For more on this, Paula Hancocks is following

the developments from Seoul and joins us live.

Good to have you with us, Paula. Russia has offered North Korea some tech assistance to launch a satellite into space.

What other possibilities are there for military cooperation between the two countries?

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Lynda, the very fact that the meeting was held at the space center really opened up what this meeting was


Vladimir Putin was asked as he was waiting for the North Korean leader, are you going to help Kim Jong-un with his satellite ambitions?

He said, this is exactly why we're here. He was very clear as to what he was willing to give, although experts do question how much of this

technological knowledge he will actually give to North Korea, given how closely Russia does hold its technological secrets like this. It has a very

successful space program.

We also heard about the gifts that were given. And one of the gifts that Vladimir Putin gave to Kim Jong-un was a spacesuit glove that had been in

space. Keeping with that theme but the entire meeting had a military overtone.

And the fact that over the next day or two, however long Kim Jong-un is in the country, his excursions are going to be military based and focused as


Vladimir Putin saying he's going to have a military demonstration by the Russian Pacific fleet. He's going to be going to a factory where they will

be producing civilian and military goods. No more details on that.

But certainly there is a military focus. It has been very clear from the beginning and it has been very open that they are willing to help each

other. Of course the question is, how far will they go, what have they agreed, have they agreed anything.

And that's really now up to the West to try to guess, because, clearly, as you said, there were no press conferences, there were no documents, there

is no communique outlining exactly what they're willing to give each other.

KINKADE: It seems clear, though, that they want to continue to improve their relations, given that Kim Jong-un has now invited Putin to visit. But

there is an international arrest warrant for Putin.

Is that a trip he'll likely make?

And if so, how soon could that happen?

HANCOCK: There is a warrant for his arrest, yes.


HANCOCKS: But I think North Korea is one of the safest countries in the world that he's not going to be fear being extradited from, that's for


We know that the Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov is going to go to Pyongyang in October. We've been told that by the Kremlin, presumably to

lay the groundwork for this kind of meeting.

It would be a big deal, if Vladimir Putin was to go to Pyongyang. The last time a Russian president visited Pyongyang was back in 2000, so 23 years

ago. And it was actually president Vladimir Putin at the time as well.

He went in July of that year to meet with Kim Jong-il, the late father of Kim Jong-un. So it would be significant to have that kind of interaction

and visit. I think this coming so quickly after the first meeting, the fact that there will be a second meeting, just shows us that this is the

beginning of this blossoming friendship, potential military alliance.

And it's a very clear message to the West, that this is an alliance that is going to increase going forward.

KINKADE: It certainly is. Paula Hancocks for us, in South Korea. Thank you so much.

Workers at the Big Three U.S. car companies could go on strike just hours from now. What's being done to prevent it and how the White House could get

involved. We'll have that story coming up next, on CONNECT THE WORLD.

Plus just ahead, a hearing today, here in Georgia, about the election interference case involving former president Donald Trump. We'll have a

live report.




KINKADE: The Big Three automakers have just over 12 hours to avert a strike in the U.S. The United Auto Workers union says it will conduct a

targeted strike. And if there's no agreement with the companies by midnight U.S. Eastern time, even a targeted strike at select plants could shut down

production at General Motors, Ford and Stellantis plants.

Business groups are asking the White House to get involved. CNN Business and Politics correspondent Vanessa Yurkevich outside GM headquarters in

Detroit and joins us live.

Vanessa, unless automakers agree to new contracts before the current contracts expire, at midnight tonight, the workers will strike.

What are the workers calling for?

What do they want?

VANESSA YURKEVICH, CNN BUSINESS AND POLITICS CORRESPONDENT: Just a few blocks down the road, the Big Three automakers are meeting with the union

today, in a last-ditch effort to come up with a contract.

The union, from the get-go, has had extremely ambitious demands. They want a 40 percent pay increase over the next four years. They want traditional

pensions back in play. They want cost of living adjustments.


YURKEVICH: And they want to also limit overtime for workers. But Shawn Fain, the president of the UAW, last night, laid out their targeted strike

plans, which essentially allows for the national union to call on local unions to strike at different times in different places, to try to confuse

the automakers.

This will leave some workers on the job without a contract and some workers on the picket lines. Listen to Shawn Fain last night, where he described

the state of negotiations. And then listen to Ford CEO Jim Farley about how he feels negotiations are going.


SHAWN FAIN, PRESIDENT, UNITED AUTO WORKERS: We're still very far apart on our key priorities from job security to ending tiers (ph), from cost a

living allowance to wage increases, we do not yet have offers on the table that reflect a sacrifice in contributions our members have made to these


To win, we're likely going to have to take action.

JIM FARLEY, CEO, FORD MOTOR COMPANY: On August 29th we made our first offer, almost two weeks ago, to the UAW. We made three offers since then.

And we've had no genuine counteroffer on any of them.


YURKEVICH: At this hour, Ford says they have still not received a counter proposal. The company says it offered historic wage increases at 20 percent

over four years of the contract.

But as we've been speaking about, the union wanting that 40 percent pay increase over four years. There's still time left to come up with a deal;

that 11:59 deadline is a hard deadline.

But as negotiators on both sides are meeting today, there is the -- they both want to come up with a deal. They do not want to strike. But as of

right now, both sides still looking like they have a long way to go.

KINKADE: Certainly seems that way. Vanessa Yurkevich in Detroit, Michigan, thank you very much.

This hour, a hearing is underway in the U.S. state of Georgia's interference election case. It involves two of the codefendants of former

president Donald Trump. The judge is addressing legal requests from former Trump attorneys, Ken Chesebro and Sidney Powell. The two are set to go to

trial together next month.

Joining us is Zachary Cohen.

Zachary, this is the second hearing in the Georgia election interference case, this one focused on these two defendants.

What can we expect today?

ZACHARY COHEN, CNN NATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Lynda, these are two of the 19 defendants and the only two that are facing a trial start

date that is coming up within the next five weeks.

We've just learned that the judge has issued an order, saying that these two defendants, Sidney Powell and Ken Chesebro will be the only ones who

have to start their trial process on October 23rd.

And today we're seeing a hearing where the judge is going to weigh in on some legal requests that they made, who are essentially trying to get a

better idea of what built the case against them as they prepare to go to trial next month.

They want to do things like talk to the grand jurors, the ones who handed down the indictment against them. They want unsealed transcripts from

witnesses who spoke to the grand jury behind closed doors and offer their testimony there.

So really today's hearing is all about these two witnesses trying to get a better sense of what the evidence is and how the case against them was

built, as they approach a looming trial date, here on October 23rd.

KINKADE: And of course, unlike those two defendants, Donald Trump and his former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, have waived their right to a speedy

trial, in this case.

When will they face court and what can we expect next?

COHEN: All we know today is that they will not have to go to trial in five weeks, like Sidney Powell and Ken Chesebro. But a judge ruled today that

Trump and Meadows and 15 of the other defendants in this case, who also waived their right -- or not preserved (ph) their right for a speedy trial

-- that their trial date will be scheduled later.

It isn't -- that order did not include a specific date for these defendants. We don't know exactly when Trump and Meadows might appear for a

trial. That's probably a little bit fluted (ph) at this point but there's several different balls in the air it -- right now.

But Trump not having to appear -- or his trial will not start on October 23rd, it just remains to be seen when and if that might happen down the


KINKADE: All right, we will stay across this, Zachary Cohen for us, in Washington, D.C., thanks very much.


KINKADE (voice-over): I want to get you up to speed on some other stories, on our radar right now.

The Taliban has welcomed Zhao Sheng as China's new ambassador to Afghanistan. A lavish ceremony was held Wednesday at the presidential

palace in Kabul. China is one of a handful of countries who maintain a diplomatic presence in Afghanistan since the Taliban retook control in



KINKADE (voice-over): Guatemala's president elect is saying he's suspending the presidential transition process, after government agents

raided electoral facilities and opened ballot boxes. President elect Bernardo Arevalo says the investigation into his victory is a coup attempt

and an abuse of authority.

The U.S.-Mexico border is now the deadliest land route for migrants worldwide. That's according to the International Organization for Migrants

(sic). Last year the deadliest since -- last year was the deadliest since the organization start -- started records, with nearly 700 migrants killed

or disappeared.

The UAE's interior ministry says the country has seized more than $1 billion worth of the addictive amphetamine Captagon. It released

surveillance video showing the pills hidden in a shipment of doors and building panels. Dubai police arrested six people who it says are part of

an international cartel involved in smuggling the tablets.

Billions have been spent to help Ukraine fight back against the Russian invasion. But with its counter offensive, Ukraine finds itself lacking in

weapons and ammunition. What lies ahead and what allies are doing to help, we'll have that story when we return.




KINKADE (voice-over): Welcome back, I'm Lynda Kinkade, in Atlanta, you're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. These are the headlines this hour.

Vladimir Putin has accepted Kim Jong-un's invitation to meet again, this time in North Korea. That's according to the Kremlin, which also confirms

that Kim will remain in Russia for a few more days. He's expected to visit military and civilian sites and observe the country's Pacific fleet.

The head of the U.N. World Meteorological Organization says the catastrophic death toll in Derna, Libya, could have been prevented if early

warning and emergency management systems had been properly functioning. Floodwaters from burst dams killed at least 6,000 people. Thousands more

remain missing.


KINKADE (voice-over): The death toll nearing 3,000 with more than 5,500 injured. Tens of thousands of people are remaining homeless and aid is now

slowly making its way to hardhit mountain villages.

Hurricane Lee has weakened to a category 2 level storm, a tropical storm warning has been issued for coastal residents along the northeastern U.S.

and Canada. This storm could hit portions of Maine, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick as early as Friday. Residents are told to prepare for damaging

winds, rainfall and flooding.

KINKADE: Ukraine has launched new attacks on Crimea, where it's been focusing a lot of firepower lately. Ukrainian security sources Kyiv's

forces destroyed a Russian air defense system in the illegally annexed territory overnight. Russia reported it shot down 11 Ukrainian drones over


In Eastern Ukraine, more than 2,000 people have been evacuated from the Kupyansk district, where a regional official says Russia is preparing to

intensify its attacks. All of this happening while Russia appears to be hitting up North Korea for weapons and ammunition.

Let's bring in our Clare Sebastian, who joins us from London with the latest.

Clare, it's not just Russia that's facing an ammunition shortage.

CLARE SEBASTIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Lynda, you only have to look at what is happening for example in the eastern front, right now. You're just

talking about the Kupyansk direction, also heavy fighting around Bakhmut.

This is intense ammunition-heavy artillery ground fighting. This is how this war has evolved and how this counteroffensive is, to a large extent,

playing out. Of course we see more and more Ukraine trying to hit behind enemy lines, to take the pressure off the front line.

But whoever gets the edge in these battles as that play out, perhaps it has something to do with tactics, troop numbers but ultimately one key factor

that is already playing out, one Ukrainian MP telling me that Ukraine is only firing about half of the artillery ammunition that it would like to be


But it feels it needs and that boils down to industrial production, so the capacity in the producers in Ukraine's NATO allies, versus what Russia can

produce. All of this is fundamentally reshaping the defense industry, particularly in those NATO countries. Take a look.


MORTEN BRANDTZAEG, CEO, NAMMO: Yes, this is ammunition. But without power, you cannot fire this ammunition.

SEBASTIAN (voice-over): Amid the high tech displays at this sprawling international defense expo, the head of Germany's top weapons producer has

a much less futuristic battle on his hands.

To keep up supplies, these NATO standard 155 millimeter artillery rounds.


SEBASTIAN (voice-over): The lifeblood of Ukraine's defense and now, its counteroffensive.

BRANDTZAEG: We doubled or tripled the -- our resources, our capacities. We are able now to produce next year, 600,000 artillery rounds.

SEBASTIAN (voice-over): He says that's more than six times their prewar output, not yet enough though to clear a multibillion dollar order backlog.

BRANDTZAEG: Three years ago everything thought we can do everything with air force. It's not possible. Yes, we need strong land forces and this is

exactly what we produced.

SEBASTIAN: Are governments and is the E.U. doing enough?

Do you think they woke up quick enough to this production crisis, you can call it?

BRANDTZAEG: The E.U. made decisions and is that OK, we want to invest. There are -- we are still waiting at the moment for the final decisions.

SEBASTIAN (voice-over): Ukraine can't afford to wait. The government tells us they're firing 5,000-6,000 of these rounds a day but would like to be

firing more than 10,000, much more than is currently being produced by its NATO allies.

Russia meanwhile is firing 40,000 rounds a day, Ukraine says. Manufacturers in the U.S., Ukraine's biggest backer, have also rapidly scaled up. Not

fast enough, though, to avoid having to sub in controversial cluster munitions this summer.

JAKE SULLIVAN, U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: We would provide cluster munitions, because the alternative to providing cluster munitions was them

not having enough bullets.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We were at 14,000. We are at 24,000 today. Next month we will be at 28,000. So we've doubled our monthly output. You know, that's

quite significant. Some of these more, longer term investments, beginning next year, will start realizing additional capacity.

BRANDTZAEG: I think we are in a phase of, right now, of industrial war where capacity is the big issue.

SEBASTIAN (voice-over): Norwegian co-owned Nammo, another major munition producer in Europe, says it has gone from making just a few thousand rounds

a year, to a rate of 80,000 a year.

BRANDTZAEG: This is totally changing our company. We are investing at some sites, 15 to 20 times more --


BRANDTZAEG: -- than we normally do in order to be at capacity.

SEBASTIAN: When you look what's happening now, with the counter offensive moving relatively slowly, the fact that it had to start later than planned

because weapons deliveries were delayed, does that concern you?

BRANDTZAEG: To me, it's a major concern, of course. We see the consequence in the battlefield. So I think we all, in the Western society, has a common

responsibility to step up these capacities.


SEBASTIAN: This is, of course, the absolute crux of it: if you don't have the ammunition, it doesn't matter how many guns or weapons systems you

have, you cannot keep fighting.

That company, Nammo, case in point, before the war were producing just a few thousand shells a year. That is not even as much as Ukraine's firing

right now, in a single day.

And the concern, in European political circles is, that as much as Europe and the U.S. are now ramping up, Russia may be ramping up faster, may be

now producing more shells in a year than Europe can produce, essentially winning this war of industrial capacity. And that's why this sense of

urgency now hanging over the defense industry.

KINKADE: All right, Clare Sebastian, good to get that insight from you. Thank you so much for that report.

Turning to Spain, where a man has been arrested, accused of touching the bottom of a female journalist while she was reporting on air. Police posted

the arrest video to their account on X, formerly known as Twitter.

The incident happened while the woman was reporting on the streets of Madrid. The suspect was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault and

released by Madrid's magistrate court. An investigation is underway.

Many of the top titans of tech gathered in a Senate hearing room to talk about how to regulate artificial intelligence. But there was little

consensus on how to proceed.

Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates and others civil society leaders and 60 senators for the closed-door hearing. All agreed that the federal

government should oversee AI development.

But what the government's role should be and how to craft that into legislation exposed some pretty deep differences. Still, Musk expressed

optimism that some regulation is coming.


ELON MUSK, TWITTER OWNER: It's important for us to have a referee, just as you have a referee in sports games. I think it's important for similar

reasons, to have a regulator, which you can think of as a referee, to ensure that companies take actions that are safe and in the interest of the

general public.

I think it's clear that there's a strong consensus, overwhelming consensus, that there should be some AI regulation, that it would be in the best

interest of the people to do so. And I think we'll probably see something happen.


KINKADE: New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers' first game with his new team was also his last, at least for the season. Next, the message he's

sending to his teammates and fans.





KINKADE: The cruise ship that ran aground off the eastern coast of Greenland on Monday is finally free. According to the ship's owner, the

Ocean Explorer was successfully unstuck using the ship's own power and a pole from a research vessel.

The company goes on to say that it happened without injuries, breach of the hull or harm to the environment. Before the ship was freed, an Australian

passenger joked about the real dangers they faced.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: At some point the biggest worry is going to be that you can run out of alcohol.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That is the biggest concern I had. I had swimming lessons before I came and I'm a good swimmer. So look out. I could be

swimming back to Iceland.


KINKADE: Plenty of booze on board that ship. The cruise ship owners says passengers will be taken to a port, when they can then fly home.

NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers is commenting on his season ending injury. He tore his Achilles tendon on the fourth play of the season.

On Instagram, he posted this, "I'm completely heartbroken and moving through all the emotions but deeply touched and humbled by the support and

love. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I begin the healing process today. The night is the darkest before the dawn and I shall rise

yet again."

Amanda Davies is following this and, Amanda, this is obviously terrible news for Rodgers, terrible news for the Jets, who reportedly paid $75

million to sign him for two years. And it looks like he's in for a pretty long recovery.

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, this is not how it is meant to go, is it, Lynda. And I think there's such a feeling that, whichever team you

support, whether you're an Aaron Rodgers fan or not, there were so many people who can empathize, who are sending their sympathies.

Because it was such a hyped start of the season with so much hope and expectation. And the Achilles as an injury is really brutal. It takes a

much longer time, traditionally, to come back from than an ankle break, which is perhaps what was being talked about initially when the team said

he had an ankle injury.

So it's really, really tough. But there are a few people in life who know better than most about what it takes to be a top level quarterback. That

is, of course, the men who have done it themselves.

And in a little short time in "WORLD SPORT," coming up in just a couple minutes, we have Eli Manning, who's been speaking to our very own former

NFL player, Coy Wire. He shares his thoughts on where Aaron Rodgers goes from here. It's a great chat and it's coming up shortly.

KINKADE: Excellent, so Aaron Rodgers is, of course, 39 years old, so hopefully he can recover in time for the next season. We will tune in for

that in just a moment.

Amanda Davies with "WORLD SPORT" at the other side of this break and much more news at the top of the hour.

