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Thousands Dead After Flood Devastation In Derna, Libya; North Korean Leader Continues Tour Of Russia's Far East; On The Front Line With Ukraine's Artillery Troops; U.S. Union Launches Strike Against Big Three Automakers; Spanish Judge Approves Restraining Order Against Luis Rubiales; Survivors Of Morocco Earthquake In Limbo One Week After. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired September 15, 2023 - 10:00   ET



LYNDA KINKADE, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello, I'm Lynda Kinkade, in for Becky Anderson. Welcome to CONNECT THE WORLD.

Coming up this hour, CNN is on the ground in Derna as the natural disaster in Libya develops into a health crisis. No deals signed, but Kim Jong-un's

Russia trip isn't over yet. A historic auto workers strike kicks off in the United States. And a David versus Goliath Rugby World Cup match-up of

Namibia versus New Zealand.

Well, new details are emerging today about the horrific flooding in Derna, Libya. One survivor, who found shelter with his mother in the fourth floor

building -- in the fourth floor of a building says they heard screams from the windows as the raging water carried away cars and people. Thousands of

people were killed when the two dams burst during a torrential rainstorm.

CNN's Jomana Karadsheh and her team have made it to Derna and she described the devastation they witnessed a short time ago.


JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We've all covered wars, natural disasters before, but none of us have seen anything like this. I mean, we

drove into Derna late last night, and even during nighttime, in the dark, you could still see the destruction. And now during the day, this is just

utter, utter destruction. And it really feels like you are walking through a war zone. Like massive bombs had gone off here. And this is what people

here would tell you.

You know, you've got several cities along that Libyan coast that were impacted by Storm Daniel, by the flooding over the weekend. But nothing

like this. What people are describing here as this catastrophe. What happened in Derna, of course, as you know, is those two dams that burst,

and you have the floodwaters that swept through the whole of the city. Washing out entire buildings, neighborhoods, homes, infrastructure,

families, and brought it all down here to the sea, to the Mediterranean.

What we see here is people's lives in there. You see homes. You see door frames, windows, furniture, clothes, cars, everything. And they are still,

right now, searching for dead bodies. Bodies that are still washing up on the shore six days after this tragedy happened.


KINKADE: Our Jomana Karadsheh reporting there from Derna.

Well, the United Nations is appealing for $71 million in aid. The World Health Organization has released $2 million from its own emergency fund.

I want to welcome now from Saudi Arabia in Mecca, the WHO's Libya representative, Dr. Ahmed Zoulten.

Good to have you with us. So you're a medical doctor.


KINKADE: You are appointed to represent the WHO in Libya just a few months ago. How does this disaster compare to situations you've seen in the past?

ZOULTEN: Thank you very much for having me on the show. First, I want to convey all my heartfelt condolences to all the Libyan people. What has

happened in Libya is a catastrophe of epic proportion. We have never seen something like this. Our teams are on the ground as close as possible to

the affected areas. They are in Derna and they have been from day one doing assessment together with the help of authorities.

We are also working with the health authorities to get the latest numbers on the dead and the missing. So, so far, up until yesterday, 3,958 bodies

were recovered and also documented and buried. There is also about 9,000 people that are still missing, and as the risk to teams are continuing

their operations, I'm really happy to announce yesterday 58 survivors were uncovered alive. But the missing are in the tens of thousands, so we are

expecting a death toll to even climb further.

And while everyone is talking about the dead bodies and the death toll, we also need to focus on the survivors.

KINKADE: Yes. And I do want to --

ZOULTEN: Survivors today have no food.


KINKADE: Doctor, I do want to ask you about that because we have been covering the reports of bodies washed up miles away from Derna. Talk to us

about the biggest health threats for the survivors right now?

ZOULTEN: So people are talking about possible hazards from the dead bodies, and that is not confirmed. There is no evidence to back that up, unless

there is any type of communicable diseases like cholera or Ebola or something. The bodies do not carry those kinds of diseases. We don't have

any reports of those kind of problems so the problem is more an environmental problem. We know also that the contamination of the water

will come from the survivors, who do not have access to proper water and sanitation, or to proper food.

So we are expecting, if nothing is done correctly, would have a surge in waterborne and foodborne diseases. We have seen also that the disruption in

health system in the provision of primary health care specifically for children. The immunization program, if it's not operating optimally within

a few days, we might also start to see a resurgence of some children diseases. So overall, we are trying now to restore functionality of all the

primary healthcare and hospitals. And, you know, many hospitals have gone out of order because of structural damage, because of the lack of human

resources or medicine.

Tomorrow, we are bringing a full chapter from (INAUDIBLE) in Dubai with 150 cubic meters of medical equipment and medicine that will restore

functionality of the hospitals. We are also increasing our surveillance, and our early warning systems for epidemic prone diseases. So working

alongside the health authorities to increase the capacity to detect, confirm, and respond to any disease -- epidemic prone diseases.

If we have today to look at the priorities, safe burial of the bodies, that's safe and not only safe, but safe and dignified, because it can be

very also a mental health proportion for the families. The sick is also provided health care to the survivors and to the affected communities as

close as possible to their dwellings. We need also to account for some people who have chronic diseases who do not have access today.

So we are bringing kits of chronic diseases and not communicable diseases so we are able to restore their provision of those health services. So a

lot of work ahead to get medical teams on the ground, to restore functionality of primary health care, and also specialized care and also to

ensure that there is no epidemic and no communicable diseases that served in the area.

KINKADE: All right, Dr. Ahmed Zoulten, we'll have to leave it there for now but really good to get you on the program. I do hope to speak with you

again soon. Thanks so much. And we wish you and your team all the best.

ZOULTEN: Thank you very much.

KINKADE: Well, in the next hour of CONNECT THE WORLD, I'm going to speak to the president of National Council on U.S.-Libya Relations, who frequently

organizes medical missions to Libya and has a unique perspective on what's going on there right now. His family is in Derna so be sure to stay tuned

with us for that.

Well, there are growing questions on the whereabouts of China's defense minister. Li Shangfu, who was appointed to his position in March, hasn't

been seen in public in more than two weeks and there are reports saying that he has been placed under investigation. This follows the unexplained

disappearance of China's former foreign minister. CNN will continue to monitor that story.

Well, just a few hours ago, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visited Russia's largest aviation manufacturing facility. And Kim got a firsthand

look at inside the cockpit of a fighter jet. He is also expected to visit Russia's Pacific fleets. A tour of key sites comes after President Vladimir

Putin said Russia is considering some military cooperation with Pyongyang.

Well, for more on all of this, I want to welcome our Paula Hancocks, who joins us from Seoul.

So take us through the tour. Obviously this tour of Russia continues, even though Putin is no longer by Kim Jong-un's side. What more can we expect

from the cooperation when it comes to any sort of arms deal going forward?

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Lynda, we have heard from the Kremlin. We've heard from Vladimir Putin as well today and he has said that

there have been no agreement signed.


This coming from his spokesperson, saying it is a, quote, "sensitive sphere of cooperation." So, they've said that nothing has been signed at this

point and they've also said that they're not intending to violate any restrictions. Now, of course, this refers to U.N. Security Council

resolutions, to other sanctions which are put in place to prevent any help, any aid going to North Korea's missile and nuclear program.

U.S. officials and South Korean officials fear that any kind of ministry cooperation between Russia and North Korea will help that program. In fact,

U.S. officials believe there will be satellite technology that will be passed on. We saw on Wednesday, when they were meeting at the space launch

center that Vladimir Putin had said that that is why they are meeting where so that he can help Kim Jong-un.

So at this point there are great concerns as to what may have been agreed, even though nothing was signed, according to the Kremlin. Now we've heard

from the national Security advisers of the U.S., Japan, and South Korea, they all had a call last night and issued a joint warning saying that there

would be, quote, "clear consequences if U.N. Security Council resolutions were violated."

But of course, it's difficult to know when or if we will know exactly what kind of a deal may be done between North Korea and Russia. Neither one

completely transparent when it comes to telling the West exactly what it is doing.

Now, Kim's tour isn't over. He's still in Russia. We understand that he'll be heading to Vladivostok next. Putin has said that he will have a military

demonstration from the Pacific fleet. So really continuing the military theme of this trip that he has undertaken. But it isn't clear at this point

what sort of cooperation there will be on either side. The U.S. officials also assume there will be ammunition or artillery shells being given from

North Korea to Russia to be used in Ukraine.

But of course, it is a case of wait and see. What exactly the two may have agreed upon. U.S. officials say they already believe that North Korea has

given shells and infantry rockets to the mercenary group, Wagner, late last year. We heard just yesterday from a presidential office official here in

South Korea, who said that they believed already there have been North Korean weapons used by Russia in the Ukraine battlefield.

But we'll have to see, going forward, what else may be provided at this point. The Kremlin says that they are not intending to violate any

restrictions -- Lynda.

KINKADE: All right, Paula Hancocks for us in Seoul, South Korea. Thank you.

Well, Ukraine says a Russian brigade has been, quote, "smashed to pieces" after some of the fierce fighting among the eastern frontlines. Ukrainian

forces claimed to have retaken the village of (INAUDIBLE), south of Bakhmut. He had described the operation as lightning-fast, as its troops

surrounded and destroyed a Russian outpost.

And to get an idea of what it's like in the day in and day out for Ukrainian troops along the frontline, our Melissa Bell is with an artillery

unit. Take a look as she and her crew witnessed firsthand the danger the Ukrainian forces are facing.


MELISSA BELL, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Aiming for a specific target, the fury of Ukrainian artillery.

UNIDENTIFIED UKRAINIAN SOLDIER (through text translation): Fire.

BELL: Nothing in this war goes unseen, not even the Russians walking into this house eight kilometers away. The target, spared by a Ukrainian miss.

As they try to move the Zaporizhzhia frontline forward, these gunners must now wait for better coordinates from the surveillance drone. Even though

they too are constantly watched and more often than not outgunned.

ODESA, UKRAINIAN BATTERY COMMANDER, 128TH MOUNTAIN ASSAULT BRIGADE (through text translation): The Russians are learning. They copy our tactics. As

soon as our guys strike, they strike back. They can respond to one of our howitzer with two or three of theirs.

BELL: And 20th century artillery is slow to move and far too easy to see with 21st century technology.

MARIAN, UKRAINIAN GUNNER, 128TH MOUNTAIN ASSAULT BRIGADE (through text translation): There are a lot of enemy drones flying here. That's why we

constantly hide our positions because when the enemy sees us, they start shooting.

BELL: Russian surveillance and attack drones are never far, but neither are Ukrainian ones, says Odesa, the batteries commander.

ODESA (through text translation): We use aerial reconnaissance. We watch the flight of the shell and adjust to hit target so we waste less



BELL: Odesa tells his men to lower the gun one notch. Between drones and artillery, nothing is left to chance.

(On-camera): What they've been targeting is a building just on the other side that has Russian infantry and Russian artillery inside. The drones

been guiding them. They're about to fire for a third time, and what they say is that we should then expect incoming Russian artillery in response.

(Voice-over): This time, it's a hit. Not just a building, but Russian ammunition and artillery, too, which means that the retaliation should be

swift, and it's time to go as fast as we can. The reply doesn't take long.

ODESA: Now we are targeting their -- lay down. Incoming over there.

BELL (on-camera): They're heading over there?

ODESA: Yes. So let's go.

BELL: Let's go. Let's go.

Because, as expected, that incoming artillery followed, we're now heading to drive away as quickly as we can. Although, what they explained is that

it isn't just an incoming artillery, one of the most dangerous things about driving around these parts are the drones.

(Voice-over): From his position at the back of the pickup truck, Odesa can hear and see the incoming fire.

(On-camera): Go, go, go, go! He's telling us to drive fast because of the incoming artillery.

(Voice-over): In all, nine artillery rounds were fired back, a measure of Russian anger and today, for these soldiers, of Ukrainian success.

UNIDENTIFIED UKRAINIAN SOLDIER (through text translation): After you have experienced this, you begin to understand the value of life.

BELL: The rush of survival, for today, at least.


KINKADE: That was our Melissa Bell reporting there. Well, meanwhile we have learned that U.S. President Joe Biden is scheduled to meet with the

Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, one-on-one next week. That's according to CNN sources. Mr. Zelenskyy will be in the U.S. to attend the

United Nations General Assembly.

Well, workers at three U.S. auto plants are walking off the job and on the picket lines. Why the United Auto Workers strike could get a lot bigger. We

have more on that next on CONNECT THE WORLD. And later, the former head of the Spanish Football Association testifies in court over that unwanted

kiss. We will be live in Madrid.


KINKADE: Well, it's a historic walkout of the big three U.S. automakers.

This was the scene in Wayne, Michigan, just after midnight, as workers went on strike at this Ford plant.


Workers at a General Motors plant and a Stellantis plant also walked out at the same time. One Ford worker telling CNN that he thinks the targeted

strategy will work because they can strike at more plants if there is no progress in those contractors.


VANESSA YURKEVICH, CNN BUSINESS AND POLITICS CORRESPONDENT: The union is doing a targeted strike approach. I want to know, do you think that's going

to be effective in these negotiations?

SCOTT FOX, STRIKING FORD WORKER: Definitely, yes, yes, because what's going to happen is if things don't improve in regards to that, we are going to

take out maybe Livonia trans or we'll take out an engine plants, and by that time everything else will fall from that point there. But right here

this is -- we're serious. This is what we're doing. We need to get on board.


KINKADE: We just saw CNN business and politics correspondent Vanessa Yurkevich talking to a striking worker there. She joins us now live from

outside General Motors headquarters in Detroit.

Good to have you with us, Vanessa. I want to ask you a bit more about how big this strike could become. But first, I understand you've just spoken to

the CEO of General Motors. What did you learn?

YURKEVICH: Yes, so, listen. All eyes are on these three plants, where you would now have striking workers starting at midnight. And they will be out

there all day. They are going to be changing over shifts. There will be people on the picket lines throughout the day.

But I did just speak to CEO Mary Barra of General Motors, and I asked her about one of the key demands that the union is making. They want these 40

percent wage increases over the next four years. General Motors has offered 20 percent, Ford has offered 20 percent, and Stellantis 17.5 percent. And I

talked to her about how she felt negotiations were playing out and also, she herself has received a 34 percent pay increase over the last four

years. So why shouldn't her workers receive the same? Here is what we spoke about just a short time ago.


MARY BARRA, CEO, GENERAL MOTORS: We think we have a very competitive offer on the table. And that's why we want to get back there and get this done.

YURKEVICH: But if you're getting a 34 percent pay increase over four years, and you are offering 20 percent to employees right now, do you think that's


BARRA: Well, I think when you look at the overall structure and the fact that 92 percent is based on performance, and you look at what we have been

doing, the sharing in the profitability when the company does well, I think we've got a very compelling offer on the table and that is the focus I have

right now.


YURKEVICH: Now General Motors had record profits in 2022, and that union wants a piece of that pie for their members. They also want to claw back a

lot of the concessions that they made in 2009, when they, along with the federal government, essentially helped bail out General Motors when it

filed for bankruptcy. The union looking for more profit-sharing. They are looking for traditional pensions to come back. And they are looking for

greater wages.

Now, today, we do not expect the big three to be negotiating with the union. The union said that that's not happening, and said they're going to

be a holding a rally in downtown Detroit, with Bernie Sanders. Mary Barra also told me that she did speak to President Biden yesterday, updating him

on negotiations. She wants to get back to the negotiating table, but in terms of what the union wants, not today, she and the other big three CEOs

are going to have to wait a little bit longer before they can nail down some of these details that the union is looking for.

KINKADE: Vanessa Yurkevich, in Detroit, Michigan, we will stay on this story and talk to you very soon. Thanks so much, and a great interview,

appreciate it.

Well, Spanish judge has issued a restraining order against the former chief of Spanish football. Luis Rubiales is not allowed to get within 200 meters

of player Jennifer Hermoso or contact her. Rubiales testified today in the investigation into that unwelcome kiss he gave Hermoso at the Women's World

Cup. Prosecutors filed a complaint against him on charges of sexual assault and coercion.

Joining me now from outside that's courthouse in Madrid is Al Goodman.

And Al, we just saw those images of Rubiales and his lawyer outside court. Did either speak to reporters? And what else did the judge have to say

about those restrictions?

AL GOODMAN, JOURNALIST: Rubiales and his lawyer just walked on this area right into the court door around 12:00 -- around 11:00 a.m. in the morning

local time for the 12: p.m. They had said nothing on the way in. There were a throng of reporters at this time. They said nothing on the way out after

the hourlong hearing.

Now the prosecutor said that -- in a statement said that Rubiales denied the charges during the hearing for sexual assault and for coercion. But

Rubiales did answer questions, Lynda, from the judge, the prosecutor, and Jennifer Hermoso's lawyer.


Both the prosecutor and Jennifer Hermoso's lawyer asked for some restrictions for some measures against Rubiales. The only one that was

granted is the one you just said, the 200-meter or 650 feet. Can't get that close to Jennifer Hermoso or communicate with. The prosecutors had asked

for 500 meters. More than twice that amount. And Jennifer Hermoso's lawyer had asked for the judge to embargo or cease his assets. That was also


The lawyer for Jennifer Hermoso did speak to the media outside the court, and one of the things she said was that the whole world could see, in her

words, that this was a nonconsensual kiss. And she's referring to the fact that the kiss happened right after Spain won the Women's World Cup in

football for the first time ever in Sydney, Australia, just under a month ago on a Sunday, beating England. And it was televised globally, the awards

ceremony, and that's where the kiss happened.

Rubiales says it was consensual. And the judge is now charged, Lynda, with investigating this. They do a lot of investigations at this court into

money laundering, organized crime. Now they've got this one. The judge is going to try to sort this out before any potential trial. That's the way it

works here. They will be looking at video footage and taking other material, trying to figure out whether this case moves forward and whether

the potential could be a trial in this case at some point in the future -- Lynda.

KINKADE: OK. Al Goodman, good to have you there on this trial. Thanks so much for that update.

So I want to get you up to speed on some other stories on our radar right now

Saudi Arabia is inviting Yemen Houthi delegation to Riyadh for cease-fire talks. These pictures show that two sides meeting in Yemen this past April.

This will be the first official visit to Saudi Arabia by Houthi rebels since the war began back in 2014.

Sources tell CNN that China appears to have suspended its surveillance balloon program. It comes after the incident in February when a spy balloon

was shot down by American fighter jets over Montana. China has repeatedly claimed the spy balloon was a civilian research airship that was blown off


This Saturday marks one year since the death of Mahsa Amini in the custody of Iran's notorious morality police. Her death led to the largest protest

movement Iran has witnessed in years. Those protests weren't met with a brutal crackdown by security forces that killed and injured hundreds of


My colleague and CONNECT THE WORLD host, Becky Anderson, spoke with Iranian French actress Golshitteh Farahani about the legacy of that young woman who

died. Take a listen.


GOLSHITTEH FARAHANI, IRANIAN-FRENCH ACTRESS: So Mahsa Amini represent woman, life, and freedom globally on every continent. On India, Indonesia,

Bangladesh, Africa, in America, in abortion rights, everywhere that there is anything happening to women's body that has been a battlefield for men

to show their power.


KINKADE: You can watch that full interview next hour right here on CONNECT THE WORLD.

Still to come, one week after that deadly quake in Morocco, we're going to look at the response so far in what kind of help still needs to come.



KINKADE: Welcome back. I'm Lynda Kinkade in Atlanta. You are watching CONNECT THE WORLD. Good to have you with us.

We are now nearly one week on from that devastating earthquake in Morocco. The death toll from that quake that struck late last Friday night stands

close to 3,000, with more than 5,600 injured. And the country is now planning for the difficult road ahead. State media reports that the king

has approved an initial relief fund for survivors.

Our Nada Bashir has been on the ground in Western Morocco all week, and joins us now from Marrakech.

Good to have you there for us, Nada. So this was Morocco's deadliest disaster in six decades. There was something a lot of anger about the

initial response. How our response and rescue operations looking now?

NADA BASHIR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: There certainly was a lot of frustration around the delays that we saw getting aid to those areas hardest hit. And

what we've seen as we've been traveling across some of those mountainous regions that were impacted by the earthquake is a struggle by these aid

groups, by rescue workers to try and get to those remote villages, remote towns that were almost completely destroyed by this earthquake almost a

week ago now.

Yesterday, we visited the small town of Turret Nico, very close to the epicenter. And in fact that road was only just opened up a few days ago. It

took us hours longer than it typically would have to reach this town because there is still debris on the roads here. Authorities are still

working to clear these winding, narrow mountain roads. And that has proven to be a huge obstacle, but almost a week on, aid is arriving at these towns

impacted by the earthquake but it is going to be a long road ahead. Take a look.


BASHIR (voice-over): It took days for the winding mountain roads leading to Talat N'Yaaqoub to be cleared. Debris from the earthquake making it almost

impossible for aid workers to reach this small town. But a week on and it has become a hub for humanitarian aid. Two days after the earthquake

struck, doctors (INAUDIBLE) team arrived from Casablanca. But it's not just physical wounds that they are treating.

Some of these people have lost their entire families. Children come and tell us that their parents and siblings have died, Dr. Sahel (PH) tells me.

Sometimes the emotional trauma these people have faced is even worse than their physical injuries.

In this town, the crumbling remains of life before the earthquake are a constant reminder of all that has been lost. Homes, livelihoods, and loved

ones all gone in an instant.

(On-camera): Across Morocco's devastated mountains, there are countless stories of tragedy. Few people have been untouched by death, and there are

towns like this one which were cut off for days. But amid the stories of destruction, there were also remarkable stories of survival.

(Voice-over): Abdelaziz Rogi (PH) is the head nurse here in Talat N'Yaaqoub. He rushed to the local midwife's residence with a glimmer of

hope. Only to find that the building had collapsed.

(On-camera): So this is where he found the midwife, Meriam (PH), and you can still see her pillow. We saw her head beneath the rubble, and he began

digging himself and pulling her out.

(Voice-over): Alone and in the dark Rogi (PH) says he prayed the Nurse Meriam (PH), a colleague he considers to be like a sister, would survive.

She begged me not to leave her, Rogi (PH) says. And I promised that I wouldn't leave her alone.


Nurse Meriam (PH) did survive. A nurse shaken and with no clinic to operate in. Rogi (PH) tells me she delivered two healthy babies the next morning.

This town, like all those affected in the earthquake, will never forget the tragedy of September 8th. So far the death toll has climbed to nearly 3,000

people. And while there has been an outpouring of support, not only from the Moroccan people but also from the international community, the road to

recovery for this country will be long.


BASHIR: Of course, we have seen an outpouring of aid and support coming in from the local Moroccan communities around those areas hardest hit, as well

as international organizations on the ground, providing that relief support across the mountain region. But of course, the real focus for many people,

and we've been hearing from people on the ground who have lost absolutely everything, they say to us that what they really need is concrete plans for

the rehousing of those who have lost their homes.

Now we've heard from the Moroccan government. They say that there is a program set to be in place to provide 50,000 new homes across five regions.

But this is a process that is going to take a long, long time. We know, of course, there will also be direct funding, according to these plans, going

towards those who have lost their homes. But again, the immediate relief effort is still a bit of a scramble.

We are still seeing these tents being set up to provide temporary shelter. And as we head towards the winter months, the real focus for those who have

lost everything is when they will be able to return to a real home -- Lynda.

KINKADE: All right, Nada Bashir, it's really good to have you there reporting on the ground for us from Marrakech, Morocco. Thank you so much.

Well, the mayor of Lampedusa says the migrant crisis has reached a point of no return. Tensions flared on the tiny Italian island as it struggles to

cope with the surge of arrivals in the past two days. There are unconfirmed reports of 7,000 people landing on its shores. Lampedusa's population is

just 6,000. The island in the Mediterranean has long been a hot spot for migrants crossing from North Africa and Europe.

The United States is dealing with yet another historic indictment. This time, it's the president's son. The Justice Department indicted Hunter

Biden Thursday on three felony gun charges making it the first time in U.S. history that the DOJ has charged the child of a sitting president. The

charges include allegedly lying on a form while buying a gun in 2018. Lying to a federally licensed gun dealer. And he has also accused of illegally

possessing the gun while he was addicted to crack cocaine.

If convicted on all counts, he could face up to 25 years in prison, and up to $750,000 in fines. His attorney vows to fight the charges.


ABBE LOWELL, HUNTER BIDEN'S ATTORNEY: This charge brought today violates the agreement the government made with Hunter Biden. That was a stand-alone

agreement, different than this plea. Second, the constitutionality of these charges are very much in doubt. And Hunter owned an unloaded gun for 11

days. There will never have been a charge like this brought in the United States.


KINKADE: Well, you can go to for analysis on how this high profile legal case could impact the race for the White House.

CNN's Zachary Wolf points out that two of Joe Biden's biggest weaknesses were front and center this week. His son's legal issues and his own

advanced age.

Well, ahead in sports, New Zealand looks to rebound at the Rugby World Cup. What happened to the All Blacks at the start of the tournament that's never

happened before?



KINKADE: Welcome. Back the three-time world champs, New Zealand are back in action today at the Rugby World Cup in France. And the All Blacks are in a

situation they've never faced before after losing the tournament opener.

Amanda Davies joins me now with a preview.

So, Amanda, they lost to France. Now they're set to play Namibia. They are calling this a vital game.

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN'S WORLD SPORT ANCHOR: Yes, that was very much the message from Coach Ian Foster. And this is uncharted territory. Their

defeat to France in the opening match was their first World Cup defeat in 31 matches. But we knew that this was a different New Zealand team heading

into this tournament. They suffered that record defeats to South Africa at Twickenham in their pre-tournament friendly.

And France had said they have been building up to that opener for years. For them, on home turf against the might of the All Blacks. That was the

one they really wanted to win. But this is a really, really long tournament, and New Zealand do know how to win the Rugby World Cup, so do

not write them off. But they do have some stiff competition, don't they, Lynda?

Ireland, very much many people's favorite still. South Africa, France, promises to be a fantastic weekend of action. England, also, back in action

on Sunday. But it is a very busy sporting day. Lots of breaking news from Spain. Latest developments around the Spanish Women's World Cup side.

They're coming up in just a couple of minutes time in "WORLD SPORT."

KINKADE: Excellent. Looking forward to all of that. Amanda Davies, as always, we will tune in on the other side of the break for "WORLD SPORT."

And I will be back at the top of the hour with much more news.

Stay with us. You're watching CNN.

