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Connect the World

Derna President: Situation Originally Seemed Manageable; Kim Jong-Un Continues his Tour of Russia's Far East; Thousands Dead, 10,000 Plus Reported Missing; ICRC: Sending Supplies to Ensure Dignified Burials of Derna, Libya Flood Victims; Survivors in Limbo One Week after Disaster; Union Launches Strike Against Big Three U.S. Automakers. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired September 15, 2023 - 11:00   ET




LYNDA KINKADE, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Hello and welcome, I'm Lynda Kinkade live in Atlanta you're watching "Connect the World". This hour, we

will be reporting on the ground internal Libya after those devastating floods, but first your headlines this hour. North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un

is continuing his tour of Russia today visiting an aviation manufacturing facility.

It comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin said the two leaders are considering some military co-operation. Ukraine says it has claimed a

village south of Bakhmut destroying a Russian outpost in a lightning fast mission of fierce fighting continues along the eastern front.

And a Spanish judge has issued a restraining order against the Former Spanish Football Chief. Luis Rubiales will not be allowed within 200 meters

of the Spanish football player, Jenni Hermoso or he won't be able to contact her either.

Welcome to our second hour of "Connect the World" and utter destruction the Liberian City of Derna has been left like a warzone by catastrophic

flooding, the search for victims still ongoing, with thousands of people known to be dead, some tens of thousands of people reportedly missing.

And a blame game has begun. Libyan authorities are demanding an investigation, while the United Nations says many of the deaths could have

been avoided. Right now however, delivering aid to those who so desperately needed is the number one priority. CNN's Jomana Karadsheh and her team have

made it to Derna a bit earlier. She described the devastation they've witnessed and the immense challenges facing rescue teams and survivors.


JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We've all covered wars, natural disasters before but none of us have seen anything like this. I mean, we

drove into Derna, late last night. And even during night time in the dark, you could still see the destruction.

And now during the day, this is just utter, utter destruction. And it really feels like you're walking through a war zone like massive bombs had

gone off here. And this is what people here would tell you. You know, you've got several cities along the Libyan coast that were impacted by

Storm Daniel by the flooding over the weekend.

But nothing like this where people are describing here as this catastrophe. What happened in Derna, of course, as you know, is those two dams that

burst and you have the floodwaters that swept through the -- of the city, washing out entire buildings, neighborhoods, homes, infrastructure

families, and brought it all down here to the sea, to the Mediterranean.

I mean, it's very difficult for us to really move the camera around because of the communication issues. The communications were disrupted in the city

so our connection is not very stable. But looking into the sea, Poppy, what we see here is people's lives in there. You see homes, you see doorframes,

windows, furniture, clothes, cars, everything. And they are still right now searching for dead bodies.

Bodies that are still washing up on the shore six days after this tragedy happened. Right now, Libyan officials are saying about 5000 people have

been killed. There are still 10,000 people unaccounted for U.N. officials that we've been speaking to say they don't expect to find any more.


KINKADE: Thanks very much there to Jomana. Well, the United Nations says many of the deaths could have been prevented, functioning emergency warning

systems, if they were in place. Libya's U.N. Ambassador tried to downplay criticism about the lack of preparedness in comments at the U.N.


TAHER EL-SONNI, LIBYAN AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS: After the early warning, I mean, we knew that there was a storm and people were warned that

there is a storm that kind of come but nobody expected the magnitude. I mean, unfortunately, the city's infrastructure was not that perfect, but

still with the magnitude of such flood.

Two dams were damaged and blasted and exploded. And that's what the real death toll increased because of that flood that came more than the eye of

the storm hit the city itself. So it was just unfortunately, all these together which led to that.



KINKADE: Were shell shocked residents of Derna say they didn't seem to be any reason for the alarm ahead of the floods. One of them talked about that

and what happened next? Take a listen.


SADI CHOBAN, DERNA RESIDENT: Hours before the floods came the situation, seemed manageable with local authorities keeping the flooding under

control. However, the rupture of the dam caused a huge problem and resulted in a flooding killing many people. It's a tragedy.


KINKADE: You can read more on the Libyan floods in our Meanwhile, in the Middle East newsletter. It drops three times a week. And there's a story up

now about why some experts believe Libya's political instability left Derna a disaster waiting to happen. You can find the newsletter online or you can

scan the QR code on the bottom of your screen.

Ukraine says a Russian brigade has been "smashed to pieces" after some of the fiercest fighting along the eastern front lines. Ukrainian forces

claimed to have retaken the village of Andrivka, south of Bakhmut. Kyiv have described the operation as lightning fast as its troops surrounded and

destroyed a Russian outpost.

According to CNN sources, President Joe Biden is scheduled to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, one on one next week. And in

Russia today, President Vladimir Putin met with a Belarusian leader Aleksandr Lukashenko in Sochi. Cuba and conflicting messages from the

country's leaders and its ambassador to Russia about whether Cubans should join Russia in its fight in Ukraine.

The Cuban Foreign Minister says his government opposes it. But if -- envoy to Moscow says Cuba's government is OK with legal participation in the

conflict, as CNN's Patrick Oppmann reports, families whose loved ones are fighting with Russia confused and caught in the middle.


PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): As Putin's invasion of Ukraine grinds on, the Russian war machine desperately needs to replace

soldiers lost on the battlefield, and is increasingly casting a wider net. To places like Santa Clara, Cuba, with a stagnating economy drives young

Cubans to enlist.

This woman says her teenage son left in July to help Russia rebuilt infrastructure damaged by the war, but was instead sent to fight. She fears

reprisals from Russia for speaking to the media, and asked us not to show her face and to use a pseudonym. He has seen what you see in a war she


He said he has seen the wounded that the hospital, people arrived missing arms and legs. He isn't used to seeing that. But Cubans traveling to Russia

or running a risk back home. Cuban prosecutor said in September the police had arrested 17 people for alleged human trafficking and planning to fight

as mercenaries for Russia.

In Santa Clara, this Cuban father tells me he hasn't heard from one of his sons since he left for Russia over a month ago. Another son contacted by

shadowy online recruiters was arrested by Cuban police in September on suspicions he was also about to fly to Russia.

He was deceived, he says I hope they take that into account and evaluate that because like him, there are many more. Cuba has not accused its ally

Russia of being directly involved. And it's not clear who these recruiters work for. Russia's ministry of defense did not respond to CNN's requests

for comment on allegations that Russia is using Cuban mercenaries to fight in Ukraine.

But families of Cuban recruits tell CNN hundreds more were enticed by promises of high payouts, and fast tracked Russian citizenship into taking

up arms and a war on the other side of the world.

OPPMANN: Small cities and towns and Cuba's economically hardened provinces have proven to be fertile recruiting rounds for Russia's war in Ukraine. A

Cuban soldier fighting there can earn more in a month than a doctor makes here in an entire year. But the families of those Cuban soldiers tell us

they're not only worried about the relatives getting out of the war alive, but what charges they could face if they return home.

OPPMANN (voice-over): A week after news of the arrest and apparent reversal. Perhaps indicative of the enormous influence Russia still wields

in Cuba, Havana's Ambassador to Russia now saying that Cubans have to first sign a contract to "legally take part in this operation with the Russian


It's unclear where that leaves Cubans already on the battlefield or those who want to return home. This mother says her son's fate may already be

sealed. He said mamma I am on the front line in Ukraine. He's there or it's dangerous she says. They are there to shield the Russian troops they are

cannon fodder.

Instead of improving their lives, the fate of the Cuban recruits now appears to be tied to the evermore bloody struggle for Ukraine. Patrick

Oppmann, CNN, Santa Clara Cuba.



KINKADE: Well, North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un to add Russia's largest aviation manufacturing facility the plant develops high tech fighter jets.

Kim is also expected to visit Russia's Pacific Fleet. During a press conference on Friday, Putin said Russia will build good neighborly

relations with North Korea.

Amid warnings from the West that Moscow must not break its international sanctions, which target Pyongyang. CNN's Paula Hancocks is back with us

this hour from Seoul, South Korea. Good to have you with us, Paula. So the North Korean leader continuing his tour, these time at the checkout this

fighter jet.

Both countries have spoken about this potential to cooperate when it comes to aircraft manufacturing and potential arms deals. What would violate


PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Lynda, these sanctions were put in place effectively to make sure that North Korea was not able to pursue its

nuclear and missile desires to make sure that the programs that were in place could not benefit any further.

So effectively if Russia or if any other country is giving information or products that can help further these missile and nuclear programs, then

that is against the U.N. sanctions and many of the sanctions that have been brought into place an arms deal with North Korea would certainly be against

those sanctions.

We're hearing that from the Kremlin that they have no intention of breaking any restrictions or violating any restriction saying that no agreements

were signed between the two leaders, but we can see from what Kim Jong-Un is viewing at the moment that there is definitely a military focus to this



HANCOCKS (voice-over): There aren't many world leaders alive this close to Russian military secrets. North Korea's Kim Jong-Un has shown around the

plant where Vladimir Putin's war planes are developed and built a close up look at the inside of a fighter jet, Kim asking plenty of questions.

He was walking in his father's footsteps the late Kim Jong-Il toured here just over 20 years ago. It is a visit that may prove useful. Beyond the jet

scene at Kim's public events, his Air Force is mostly built on old Soviet era jets in desperate need of an update analysts say.

Putin and Kim made a very public show of unity on Wednesday, Kim pledging his full and unconditional support for Putin, whether in Ukraine or his

fight against hegemonic forces, Putin has appeared willing to help him with his military ambitions. Although how far and how quickly is not clear.

The United States, South Korea and Japan jointly warned there would be "clear consequences" if either country violated U.N. Security Council

resolutions banning unregulated arms trade and military cooperation. The Kremlin says it has fully complied with the restrictions. Russia and North

Korea are both already heavily sanctioned.

NIGEL GOULD-DAVIES, SENIOR FELLOW AT INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES: -- sanctions are a long game. They're not a light switch. They're

a dimmer switch, and we're seeing their erosive consequences steadily in community over time in the case of Russia.

HANCOCKS (voice-over): Kim Jong-Un's Russian tour is not over his private limousine parks up in his special armored train ready for the next stop. It

is a slow journey, but at least it means no photographer is left behind.


HANCOCKS (on camera): Now going forward, what we're expecting in the next day or so is what we've actually heard from the Russian President Vladimir

Putin. He effectively highlighted the agenda for Kim when they met back on that Wednesday. He said he will be going to Vladivostok there will be a

military demonstration of the Russian fleet. He will also be visiting a couple of universities. So the tour at this point is not over, Lynda.

KINKADE: All right. And of course, we do know that Vladimir Putin has accepted the invitation from Kim Jong-Un to go to North Korea. Any more

details on when that could potentially happen?

HANCOCKS: The only details we have at this point is that the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is going to Pyongyang in October. So next

month he'll be going to North Korea presumably to lay the groundwork for any kind of presidential visit. It would be significant it hasn't happened

for 23 years.

The last Russian President Vladimir Putin again back in the year 2000 went to visit Kim Jong Un's father the late Kim Jong Il. So it would be

significant for this to happen. We don't have any clarification on when it would happen though all the visits between Russia and North Korean leaders

for the past 23 years have been the North Korean leader visiting Russia, Lynda.

KINKADE: All right, one to watch Paula Hancocks, good to have you for us there in Seoul, South Korea. Thanks so much.


Well, still to come on "Connect the World", the Former Head of the Spanish Report Federation testifies in the investigation over that unwanted kiss.

We'll have a live report on that and the restraining order given to him.


KINKADE: Welcome back. I'm Lynda Kinkade. I want to return to our top story and there's devastating floods in Libya. The United Nations Aid Chief says

Libya urgently needs equipment to find trapped bodies and healthcare to prevent a cholera outbreak.

Two dams burst near the City of Derna during a torrential rainstorm killing thousands of people thousands more remain missing. Libya has problems

preparing for and responding to this disaster compounded by the fact that the country has rival governments in the east and west.

Or my next guest is the President of the National Council on U.S.-Libya relations, and says there's resentment over neglect in eastern Libya, to

the extent that even individuals and groups that are trying to help from the west and bringing in private cars are not very well received in the

East. And Dr. Hani Shennib joins us now from Washington. Good to have you on the program.


KINKADE: So I want to start with that issue that neglect in the East. Libya, of course, is a country politically divided. You've got the

internationally recognized government in Tripoli. And you've got this rival government in the east, which of course includes Derna, where critical

infrastructure including those two dams, which burst its banks were left in a state of neglect. How is that political instability, compounding this


SHENNIB: So the problems that exist in Libya are not new. There had been neglect in many parts of the country during the era of Gaddafi,

particularly in the City of Derna. City of Derna being had been a defiant city for many, many years, and had been punished by Gaddafi for more than

42 years.

The infrastructure of the city has been left exactly the same way since the days of the kingdom in the 1969. And continue to have only trickled of

funds for its institutions, hospitals and so on. Then they are revolution came in 2011 and there were expectations that things would change.

Unfortunately, very quickly, there was a split in the politics in the country, resulting in war that happened that stopped in 2019, between the

east and the west, and then a division with two governments, one in the east and one of the west, as you have indicated.


Many projects that were supposed to be taking care of including the maintenance of the dam had not been fulfilled due to corruption, due to

ignorance, please, for repair of the dams were made, including about four days before the event that happened, the disasters, collapse of the dam in

a 9/11.

And there was a committee that was held, there was a conference in Derna that was held where they identified again and again that there was a fault

in that dam. And yet there was no response from the government again. The government split also resulted in lack of funding to the east.

There is the oil revenue that is basically predominantly, oil is from the east, and yet it was maintained and kept under the control of the

internationally recognized government and the west. Recently, there was a committee, a financial committee that was set to try and resolve this


They had two meetings there were differences between the Governor and the Deputy Governor, the Governor and being from the west and the Deputy from

the east. So those financial things have been actually hovering for years, and resulted in additional negligence of the needs of the city.

And -- , all of a sudden, this happens five days after that plead for repair of the dam occurred. Now, trying to come together to deal with the

disaster that has happened, there was overwhelming. Overwhelming support by the people, cars, and the hundreds were driven from the west, from the

south to support the City of Derna.

Indicating that the issue is not the people of Libya, the issue is the leadership, the split of the governments, the selfishness, the confusion,

and the corruption that exists at the highest levels in both governments. The meritocracy that was absent completely in the choice of leadership in

the country, the country is run through nepotism, but not through meritocracy.

So now cars are coming in, by the time they get into Derna. They don't know where to go. Some of the products are actually taken before they arrive to

Derna. In fact, there are reports right now that state that, you know, oil and wheat and other food supplies and so on. Some of it is actually been

taken to unknown places.

KINKADE: Wow! I just want to ask you more about that, because you are outlining the fact that there is certainly a lot of blame to go around. And

this is a country that has dealt with a dictator, a civil war, the political instability, the tribal rivalry, in terms of what more support is

needed right now you specialize in Libyan-U.S. relations? What is the U.S. doing to help? What more can be done?

SHENNIB: Well, there's an over pour of support from every country in the world. And when you look at how much the United States is doing right now,

in there. I have to say that, considering the magnitude of the disaster, it is very little, there's only $1 million that have been released for support

in Libya right now.

Which is very little, but the most important thing right now in Libya is not the amount of food and so on that is coming in, it seems like there is

enough that is coming in. It is how to manage these catastrophes that exist.

The expertise in Libya do not exist, the human capacity to deal with a disaster like this does not exist. So we really need more presence of

experts in managing the catastrophe than actually food supplies into dollars at this point.


SHENNIB: So United States, as I understand it, has actually marshaled to put a group of people, the dark team is already in Tunis, and is heading

towards Libya shortly. They're trying to understand the details of the organization of the management of this disaster and who is running what on

the ground.

The Libyans need desperate help. And the expertise of the United States and other countries in that particular area is their priority right now. And

there are other things that we can get into, but definitely the split between the governments even though it is known we're working on it, it's

not helping.

KINKADE: Yes. Dr. Hani Shennib, we'll have to leave it there for now, but you certainly made some clear points about the priorities right now and

what the U.S. is doing.


We appreciate your time thanks so much.

SHENNIB: Alright, thank you.

KINKADE: Well, the restraining order has been issued against the Head of the Spanish Football Federation. Luis Rubiales testified in Spain's

National Court today after prosecutors filed a complaint against him on charges of sexual assault and coercion.

This is over that apparently unwanted kiss he gave to a female player, World Cup player Jennifer Hermoso at the World Cup Final. Joining me now

from outside the courthouse in Madrid is Al Goodman, and in London with reaction from Spain's National Team is Amanda Davies, good to have you both

with us.

I want to start with you first Al, like take us through what the judges said today and certainly what sort of restrictions are being handed down?

AL GOODMAN, JOURNALIST: Well, the restriction that the judge agreed to be that Rubiales cannot contact Jennifer Hermoso the player that he kissed in

front of the global audience, which set off this whole fear any has to say at least 200 meters or 650 feet away from her.

Now the prosecution had asked for more than 2.5 times that amount. 500 meters, the judge shave that down. The judge denied a Jennifer Hermoso's

lawyers request for another restriction, which was a preventative embargo on Rubiales' assets. So the judge issuing an order not cutting it exactly

as the prosecution and Jennifer Hermoso's lawyers would like.

But there is a restriction a restraining order against Rubiales. Now Rubiales and his lawyer came into the court on this street right here to

the court building. They were on the other side of the street. This was packed with media at midday this day. They didn't answer any questions

coming in.

They didn't answer any questions going out. But the prosecution said in a statement that he denied the charges in the court in front of the judge of

sexual assault and coercion. And he did answer questions for the judge, the prosecutor and Jennifer Hermoso's lawyer.

Now she talked to the media on the way out. And she said that this kiss would have to be seen around the world as not being consensual. And that's

what they plan to show during this investigation. It happened at the award ceremony right after Spain, its women team won the World Cup football match

for the first time in country's history, beating England.

And so that whole victory has been overshadow critics say and this really shows the difference between what is considered the old Spain the sexual

ideas in old Spain and a newer Spain, a younger generation Spain that's trying to get gender equality, the judge is going to have to investigate

Rubiales says it was consensual, Hermoso says it was not.

The judge is investigating their experience of investigating in this court, a lot of cases money laundering and like now they've got to try to deal

with this one, Lynda.

KINKADE: And the world is watching his case indeed. I want to go to Amanda because while Rubiales was in court today, the Spanish women's team has

announced they still will refuse to play. Amanda, what are their demands?

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN WORLD SPORT: Yes, Lynda. This is meant to be a moment of celebration for the Spanish national women's side gearing up for what

should be their first match as World Champions against the top ranked sides in the worlds in Sweden and a nation's league encounter next weekend.

But you might remember on August the 25th, there was a letter signed by 80 Spanish players saying they would refuse to play under the current

leadership of Spanish football they were calling for changes. A few changes have been made. We've had the replacement of the coach Jorge Vilda who was

the man on the touchline throughout that World Cup campaign.

We've had the long drawn out eventual resignation of the Former President Luis Rubiales as a result of what has played out and this court case now

pending, he's been replaced by Petro Russia, but the players 39 of them the majority of the Women's World Cup side have said the changes that have

taken place are not enough.

They have said we and they're not enough so that the players feel in a safe place where women are respected. Women's Football is supported. And where

we can give all our all they have called for a number of wide scale changes that you can see here the restructuring of the Women's Football

Organization chart, the restructuring of the Office of the presidential cabinet and general secretary.

Interestingly, this one the resignation of the RFEF President, that is the new President Petro Russia, who was there under the old guard as it were

and the restructuring of areas of communications, marketing and integrity management. Interestingly, they haven't called for a new coaching staff as

things stand.


There is Montse Tome who was the old coach, Jorge Vilda's assistant coach who has been given the main job. She was due to be announcing her first

squad in charge. 90 minutes or so ago that press conference introducing her and naming her first squad has been delayed.

The RFEF have said they will reschedule in due course. But it's fascinating to know how many players how far down the structures will now be refusing

to represent their country. What does it mean for the next competition, the European competition, the UEFA nations league? What we do know? We will see

some of the players in action because the Spanish domestic league Liga F kicks off at last later on Friday.

KINKADE: Certainly a lot of developments with this story, Amanda Davies in London, Al Goodman in Madrid, good to have you both with us thank you.

Well, still to come on "Connect the World" stories of destruction and remarkable stories of survivor. Survivor, we are on the ground in Morocco

one week after that deadly earthquake. And --


GOLSHIFTEH FARAHANI, IRANIAN-FRENCH ACTRESS: The fact that women are not wearing their veil anymore. This is something that Mahsa died for, for not

wearing her veil properly. This is how this revolution is continuing. It has changed forms, but it has not finished, it has not stopped.


KINKADE: Next on "Connect the World" we'll hear from the Iranian Actress on the legacy of Mahsa Amini one year after her death.


KINKADE: Welcome back to "Connect the World" with me Lynda Kinkade, good to have you with us. These are your headlines this hour. The International

Committee of the Red Cross says it's sending medical supplies and body bags to Libya to ensure the dignified identification and burial of flood


Thousands of people were killed in the city of Derna when two dams burst their banks during a torrential rain. Search crews continue to look for the

thousands of people missing. During Kim Jong-Un's fourth day in Russia, President Vladimir Putin says his country will build "Good neighborly

relations with North Korea". This comes out to Kim-Tuit a fighter jet plan on Friday. Kim was also expected to visit Russia's Pacific Fleet.


Moscow says they see potential for cooperation both in aircraft and manufacturing as well as other industries. A restraining order has been

issued against Luis Rubiales, the Head of the Spanish football federation. He cannot come within 200 meters of player Jenni Hermoso or communicate

with her.

Rubiales today testified about that kiss to give Hermoso at the Women's World Cup, as the Court investigates potential charges of sexual assault

and coercion. The U.S. and UK have imposed new sanctions on more than two dozen Iranian individuals and entities tied to the violent crackdown on

protesters, following the death of Mahsa Amini one year ago.

Her death led to the largest protest movement Iran has seen in years, hundreds of protesters were killed or injured during that unrest. My

colleague and "Connect the World" host Becky Anderson spoke with Iranian French actress Golshifteh Farahani about the legacy of the young woman who



FARAHANI: The fact that everyone is thinking because there is no more demonstration or there is no more big, huge noise. Everything has gone

down. It's so wrong because this regime is like a hard shell stone; you cannot go with your head straight in this stone because you're going to

break your head. But the thing is, inside this stone is empty, it's rotten.

So the hardest stone can be broken with water. And now this is happening with the civil disobedience that is going on in Iran, the fact that women

are not wearing their veil anymore. This is something that Mahsa died for, for not wearing her veil properly.

This is how this revolution is continuing. It has changed forms. But it has not finished it is not, it has not stopped.

BECKY ANDERSON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: You've talked about art as resistance and just unpack what you mean by that?

FARAHANI: You know, when I was, when I had been interrogated in Iran for seven months, one of the things my interrogator kept on telling me was that

we don't want you here. We don't want artists, we don't want you just go this is what they want. They don't want us there. They don't want artists.

They don't want women. They don't want freedom. It is a form of resistance. And art is not intellectual in Iran, art is existential.

ANDERSON: Why do you think the regime is so threatened by art?

FARAHANI: You know, because artists, they can inspire people, they can give people hope. They can show them that the world can be different by touching

their heart, but by creating emotions in them, this is what the regime don't want inspiration, hope.

And when a star, when a big face in the international world like Angelina Jolie, like people that they came and they kept posting on what's happening

in Iran, they have a shiver in their core in their spine. And when these huge mega stars, they come and criticize and they come and be the voice of

Iranian people, Oh my goodness, the regime hates it.

ANDERSON: Just talk to us about leaving Iran and being unable to return home right now.

FARAHANI: I always say exile is like you lose an arm that this arm will never grow back again, that Iran I left 16 years ago is not the Iran, I

know today. But there is something in our roots that yes; we are an uprooted tree that we can never be planted again.

But we grow roots in the air like the orchids, or we grow wings because we don't belong to any material anymore, and we belong to nowhere else. But

exile become us, becomes part of us. And that's why we -- is so connected because we connect in our pain. And we keep on searching to belong to

something to be long, but we don't find it we belong to each other at the end of the day. We belong to art; we belong to what we create.

ANDERSON: I wonder what you make of the world's reengagement then with Iran at present a year after Mahsa Amini's death.

FARAHANI: I must say the moment Saudi Arabia came in, that moment was the moment that we lost something because the economy crisis and the economy

issues that they have that they cannot solve. When other countries they come and inject money in that system, they're basically they are being

participated in every bloodshed, every country.


And it's we are all heartbroken because what is happening is that when a tree is rotten, maybe the gardener know that this tree is going to die. But

other people that they come in that garden they look at the tree and they say, Oh, the tree looks fine. But the gardener knows that this tree is

going to die it's just a matter of time.

ANDERSON: What do you think Mahsa Amini's legacy will be?

FARAHANI: So Mahsa, I mean, yes, she was a Kurdish woman from Iran. But she represents all the repression and oppression that is happening on all the

women on this planet. And we need women, men; we need intelligence and wisdom against ignorance. So Mahsa Amini represent woman life and freedom

globally, on every continent, on India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Africa, in America, in abortion rights everywhere that there is anything happening to

women's body that has been a battlefield for men to show their power for power.

It's like they do their battles on women body. And this body, this woman needs to be free and people of the planet need to acknowledge it as we have

made earth or battlefield and we're just destroying it. They're all related. Mahsa represents that and we are all one.


KINKADE: We'll have much more on that the anniversary of Iran's protests be sure to check out our newsletter "Meanwhile in the Middle East". Well,

today we have the powerful story of how one woman who was shot during the protests in Iran became a symbol of the movement, sign up

Let's get you up to date on some other stories on our radar right now. Saudi Arabia is invading Yemen's Houthi delegation to Riyadh for ceasefire

talks. These pictures show the two sides meeting in Yemen this past April. This would be the first official visit to Saudi Arabia by Houthi officials

since the war began in 2014.

At least 10 people are missing after a boat capsized on a river in the Indian state of Bihar, those days sparking search efforts. CNN affiliates

CNN News 18 reports that the boat was reportedly carrying around 30 people, including children. MPOX, formerly known as monkey pox will now be

classified in the same class as COVID-19, AIDS and SARS in China.

The country's national health commission made the classification after 501 cases of Monkeypox were detected last month. It added that more than 20

provinces reported cases of MPOX since the first imported case last September. Still to come on "Connect the World" as aid arrives where it's

most needed in Morocco, reality is setting in. And for residents in hard hit towns, the trauma isn't just physical. We'll have more on that next.



KINKADE: Welcome back. We are now nearly one week on from that devastating earthquake in Morocco. The deaths of from that quake that struck late last

Friday night stands close to 3000 with more than 5600 injured. And the country is now planning for the difficult road ahead.

State media reporting that the king has approved an initial relief fund for survivors and has issued orders to take care of orphaned children

designating them as Wards of the state. Our Nada Bashir has been on the ground in western Morocco all week and joins us now from Marrakech. Nada,

good to have you there for us, so this was Morocco's deadliest natural disaster in six decades, there was a lot of criticism about the initial

response. How things are looking right now one week on?

NADA BASHIR, CNN REPORTER: Well absolutely right, Lynda, there suddenly was a lot of frustration around what appeared to be delays in getting rescue

teams to those impacted areas. We've seen over the last week as we've been traveling across these remote mountainous regions is a real struggle for

these aid groups for these rescue teams, both Moroccan groups and international teams to make it to some of these remote villages.

As you can imagine, in the mountains, a lot of these roads have been damaged or obstructed by falling rocks and -- . In fact, just in the last

two days, we've seen roads being finally cleared and opened up, leading to some of these tabs in order to allow access for these vital aide tees. But

of course, it has been a struggle; it has been several days when we first arrived earlier in the week.

Those rescue operations were still ongoing, but of course now we call, there are no more rescue operations, only recovery operations and the real

focus now is on providing aid to those survivors of the earthquake. But as you can imagine, many of them, thousands have been left homeless.

And yesterday we visited the village of Talat N'Yaaqoub, which again, just in the last few days has had access opened up to those vital aid workers,

take a look.


BASHIR (voice-over): It took days for the winding mountain roads leading to -- be cleared. Debris from the earthquake is making it almost impossible

for aid workers to reach the small town. But a week on, an aid has become a hub for humanitarian aid. Two days after the earthquake struck, doctors who

had team arrived from Casablanca, but it's not just physical wounds that they are treating.

Some of these people have lost their entire families. Children come and tell us that their parents or siblings have died, Doctor Zohar (Ph) tells

me. Sometimes the emotional trauma these people are faced is even worse than their physical injuries. In this town, the crumbling remains of life

before the earthquake are a constant reminder of all that has been lost, homes, livelihoods, and loved ones, all gone in an instant.

BASHIR: Across Morocco's devastated mountains, there are countless stories of tragedy. Few people have been untouched by death and there are towns

like this one, which were cut off for days. But I read the stories of destruction. There are also remarkable stories of survival.

BASHIR (voice-over): Abdul Aziz Rogi (ph) is the head nurse here in -- . He rushed to the local midwives residence with a glimmer of hope, only to find

that the building had collapsed.

BASHIR: So this is where he found -- Maryam and you can still see her pillar. He saw her head beneath the rubble and he began digging himself and

pulling her out.

BASHIR (voice-over): Alone and in the dark, Rogi says he prayed that nurse Maryam, a colleague who considers to be my sister would survive. She begged

me not to leave her, Rogi says, my promise that I wouldn't leave her alone.

Nurse Maryam did survive, and they're shaken and with no clinic to operate in. Rogi tells me she delivered two healthy babies the next morning. This

town like all those affected in the earthquake will never forget the tragedy of September 8. So far, the death toll has climbed to nearly 3000


And while there has been an outpouring of support not only from the Moroccan people, but also from the international community, the row to

recovery for this country will be long.



BASHIR (on camera): And Lynda, the government has so far pledged to rebuild some 50,000 homes across five regions. But this is a process that is going

to take months if not years. The government has said this is a priority for them. Lynda?

KINKADE: Nada Bashir for us in Marrakech, Morocco, thanks very much. We're going to take a quick break. "Connect the World" will be right back, stay

with us, you're watching CNN.


KINKADE: Welcome back. Well, the first time ever union workers are striking at each of the big three U.S. automakers. This was the same way in Michigan

just after midnight as workers went on strike at a Ford plant. Workers at General Motors and Stellantis also walked out at the same time.

CNN Business and Politics Correspondent Vanessa Yurkevich is live outside GM headquarters in Detroit, Vanessa, good to have you with us. So what

prevented the companies and Union from getting an agreement on the table before the strike deadline?

VANESSA YURKEVICH, CNN BUSINESS AND POLITICS CORRESPONDENT: Lynda, the two sides were simply too far apart. In the end, the union has been steadfast

in their demand for a 40 percent wage increase over this four year contract that they're hoping to get. The Ford and General Motors have presented

historic wage increases of 20 percent. And Stellantis came in at 17 and a half percent, but that simply was not good enough for the Union.

I spoke to the CEO of General Motors Mary Barra, about this particular issue. I asked her why she believes that they weren't able to make a deal

in the end, listen to our conversation.


MARY BARRA, CEO, GENERAL MOTORS: Well, I think that's a question you probably need to ask the UAW because we have a very compelling offer on the

table. I'm very frustrated. Because I think we had an offer that resonates with our people. It's a historic offer gross wage increases of 20 percent

that compounded 21 percent, maintaining world class health care, there's several aspects as well.

But I think one thing that's most important is job security. And you know we're an incredibly exciting time in this industry right now, as we make

the transformation from internal combustion engine vehicles, to electric vehicles. And General Motors is well poised. We have a pipeline coming. And

so, when we look at that, and we look at how this could, you know, delay that it's at a critical juncture.


YURKEVICH: Mary Barra also said that she hopes to get back to the negotiating table as soon as possible to come up with a deal. But Lynda,

the UAW said they won't be negotiating with the Big Three today.

KINKADE: And Vanessa, while workers asking for a certain percentage, obviously, the -- suite executives are getting even more. What did Berra

have to say about that?

YURKEVICH: Yes, this 40 percent in pay increase says according to the union is tied to the 40 percent in pay increases that they believe the CEOs of

the Big Three are getting. I posed that question to her, asking her if; in fact, the workers should be making what the CEOs of these big companies

make, listen.



BARRA: We think we have a very competitive offer on the table. And that's why we want to get back there and get this done.

YURKEVICH: But if you're getting a 34 percent pay increase over four years, and you're offering 20 percent to employees right now, do you think that's


BARRA: Well, I think when you look at the overall, the overall structure and the fact that 92 percent is based on performance, and you look at what

we've been doing, if sharing in the profitability when the company does well, I think we've got a very compelling offer on the table. And that's

the focus I have right now.


YURKEVICH: We've heard from the Big Three automakers. We have heard from the Union, we are waiting to hear from President Biden on this very issue.

This is a president who is dealing with a recovering economy. Inflation is still high in the U.S. but he is a pro-union president, he will have to

delicately walk the line and his message will be revealing when he speaks in just a short time, Lynda.

KINKADE: We will be tuning in for that. Vanessa Yurkevich in Detroit, Michigan, thanks so much for that update. I'm Lynda Kinkade. That was

"Connect the World". Thanks for joining us. Stick around; "One World" Zain Asher is up next. You're watching CNN.