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Biden and Netanyahu to Meet at UNGA; Preview of Fareed Zakaria's Interview with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi; Reported Cease-fire in Nagorno-Karabakh; Libya Floods; India Denies Links to Death of Sikh Leader; Ukraine May Be Striking Wagner-Backed Forces in Sudan; Macron Greets King Charles III and Queen Consort. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired September 20, 2023 - 10:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST (voice-over): I'm Becky Anderson, live from Abu Dhabi, you're watching CONNECT THE WORLD, 6 pm here.

Coming up this hour, the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Joe Biden finally face to face.

How tense will that meeting be?

More this hour.

Iranian president Raisi tells CNN that his country will do what it wants with its own money.

And King Charles is in France on what is an official state visit.


ANDERSON: With Ukraine taking center stage at the United Nations this week in New York, U.S. President Joe Biden turning to another tense spot in the

next few minutes. He will sit down with the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, on the sidelines of the General Assembly.

It is their first meeting since Mr. Netanyahu returned to office, leading the most right-wing government in Israel's history. Amongst other, things

they're expected to discuss a possible deal to normalize ties between his country, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.

CNN's Hadas Gold is following what is, Hadas, a high stakes meeting. You are in Jerusalem.

Senior politics reporter Stephen Collinson is in Washington.

Let's start with you, Hadas. The perspective from where you are on what is a sort of non meeting as it were. Certainly Netanyahu has not been offered

an official invite to the White House at this point. This is a meeting on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly.

Your sense of what we might expect?

HADAS GOLD, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: I think the sort of tone that we get between the two leaders will be really important to see. I'm sure we

are going to hear a lot of the typical platitudes about this ironclad relationship between the U.S. and Israel, the commitment to security.

But listen, Becky, it's been more than nine months since Benjamin Netanyahu took power once again. He had not been invited for a face-to-face meeting

with President Biden in that time.

I can't think of any other prime minister that took so long to meet face to face with a U.S. president. It is so notable that this meeting is taking

place on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly and not in the White House, in the Oval Office, with that proper White House meeting.

Because Joe Biden is going right back to Washington after this. And he will be hosting Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy for that proper White

House visit. And, Becky, that sense about as clear message as you can get about where this relationship stands.

But among the topics that we expect them to talk about, of course, is normalization with Saudi Arabia, will talk about Palestinians and situation

across the occupied West Bank and Gaza, will talk about Iran, will talk about the judicial reform which really has been one of the sticking points

in this relationship.

President Joe Biden has been so clear to the Israelis about how the Americans feel about this judicial overhaul that Benjamin Netanyahu's

government has been trying to push through, telling them to pump the brakes, come to some sort of consensus.

But for Benjamin Netanyahu, the most important aspect of this meeting is just the photo op, it's just appearing next to President Joe Biden, the two

of them shaking hands, almost doesn't matter that it's in New York now, that it's not in the White House anymore.

But it's an important message domestically here for the Israelis because there were questions about where this relationship.

Has Benjamin Netanyahu irreversibly damaged the relationship with the Americans, with President Biden?

So Benjamin Netanyahu, it will be very important for him to just show that photo op, that he's sitting next to President Biden. Yes, they might have

disagreements but everything is fine, don't worry but us. We're still best friends with the United States.

But I do expect we'll hear some potentially tough words from the Americans. And it will be interesting to hear Benjamin Netanyahu's response. I think

we'll hear similar to what we heard him say to Elon Musk, that on the judicial overhaul, he wants to come to some sort of broad consensus.

He wants an agreement; he wants it to be a bit more moderate.

But when you hear what Benjamin Netanyahu and his government say here in Israel in Hebrew to a domestic audience versus what they say in English to

an international audience, they are sort of different messages.

To the Americans, they're talking much more about consensus and agreement and to the Israelis, the government is still saying, we're going to push

forward on this. Sure, we would love to have an agreement. But we'll still do this whether or not we have an agreement.


ANDERSON: Stephen, I don't know whether we actually know what the perspective from the White House is at this point.

But just to your mind, what should President Biden expect to get out of this meeting?

STEPHEN COLLINSON, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, as Hadas was, saying I think the optics speak volumes. President Biden is deeply fond of

Israel, much less so these days of the prime minister.

Both of these politicians are speaking to different domestic audiences a lot of the time. Netanyahu's shift to the hard, right the judicial reforms

really alienated the Biden administration, not least because they contradict, in the U.S. view at least, with one of Biden's top global

priorities, which is the protection of democracy all over the world.

American officials see these reforms as denuding Israel's democracy. There is also resentment, I think, among many Democrats about the way that Prime

Minister Netanyahu played in U.S. elections, aligned himself very closely with former president Donald Trump.

And we have an election, really starting to gather pace in the United States. There's a chance that Donald Trump could come back to the White

House. So that is clearly sensitive.

But at the end of the day, Biden and Netanyahu, historically, have been somewhat transactional politicians. And there is a bigger game here and I

think there's a reason why the U.S. is willing to reengage with him, if not at the White House state dinner summit level.

That's because of this attempt to try and get a normalization agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel. That, although there are very big risks

inherent in that, would be a huge foreign policy win for the United States.

Biden's playing a much bigger game than just with Israel. He's seeking to draw nations like Saudi Arabia out of the advances of nations like China

and Russia.

This is a big geopolitical game going on in the Middle East and elsewhere. If Biden can get something out of Netanyahu on those lines, that could be a

victory for him going forward. And that's why this meeting is important from his point of view.

ANDERSON: It's good to have, you Stephen.

Just finally, Hadas, Benjamin Netanyahu has already met with the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It's a first-time meeting that comes at a

time when relations between the two countries, which had been very, very sticky for some time, is described as thawing.

What came out of that meeting?

Is it clear?

GOLD: It's very interesting because this was actually their first face-to- face meeting between the two leaders. That is notable in and of itself. It's clear, that in the last few months, there's been an improvement in the

relationship. There's been some cooperations on security elements.

And I think what we will potentially even see the future is there is an invitation, an exchange of an invitation, to potentially even see Benjamin

Netanyahu visiting Turkiye. That will be, of course, a change.

This is a very important relationship for both countries. And I think right, now it's in their interest to be working together. Of course, Israel

was sent a lot of aid during the earthquake that affected Turkiye. So I think it's interesting, this first face-to-face meeting that the two have

had with an Israeli prime minister and the Turkish president.

And I do expect that we will see the two leaders potentially visiting each other's countries. That will be a very notable development in the

relationship between the two countries.

ANDERSON: Good to have you, Stephen, always a pleasure.

Thank you very much indeed, both of you.

Meantime, the Palestinian health ministry says that the Israeli military has killed six Palestinians in clashes over the past 24 hours in the

Occupied Territories. The ministry says four were killed in an Israeli incursion into the Jenin refugee camp. Another was killed during an

incursion into Jericho.

The sixth was shot during protests on the border in Gaza. The Israel Defense Forces say their troops were shooting at armed gunmen or people

with explosives.

As the U.N. General Assembly kicked into high gear Monday, five Americans who had spent years in an Iranian prison were making their way home. I was

reporting from Doha when they arrived there on their way to the United States.

Getting them home involved releasing five Iranians from U.S. custody and unfreezing $6 billion worth of Iranian assets. It's no secret relations

between Washington and Tehran are strained.

But now political observers are asking if this move could signal a new direction in Western diplomacy. CNN's Fareed Zakaria wasted no time in

asking Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi about the deal. Here is part of what was their exclusive conversation.



FAREED ZAKARIA, CNN HOST: There was also a piece of this deal, which was the release of several billion dollars of money which has been earmarked to

be used only humanitarian reasons. It is being monitored from Qatar.

Will Iran abide by that part of the agreement and use that money only for humanitarian reasons?

EBRAHIM RAISI, IRANIAN PRESIDENT (through translator): You see, these funds belong to the people of Iran. These are the fund that, up until now,

they were unjustly and unfairly blocked.

These were funds belonging to the Iranian nation. Naturally, when these funds come back, they will have to be spent towards the needs that --

towards objectives that address the needs of the Iranian people.

And we will certainly keep to the core of our belief that the objective is to spend those funds to respond to the needs of the Iranian people.


ANDERSON: You can see that full interview with president Raisi on "FAREED ZAKARIA GPS," that is, Sunday 3 pm London time, 6 pm if you are watching

here in Abu Dhabi.

A reported cease-fire is in effect in Nagorno-Karabakh. Fears of war have been growing in what is this breakaway region, which is inside the

territory of, Azerbaijan but self governed by ethnic Armenians.

The Kremlin says a Russian peacekeeping contingent in the region mediated the truce. It comes a day after Azerbaijan's military launched attacks that

its government describes as anti terrorist organizations -- or operations.

Dozens of people were reported killed, including two children. Nic Robertson, connecting us to this story from London.

And for the benefit of those who may be new to this story, let's just ensure that we've got some context here.

Nic, what do we understand to be going on as we speak and what happens next?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN SENIOR DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yes, the cease-fire in place that has been in place over the last couple of hours, it is a cease-fire to

get to the two parties, the Armenian representatives from the Nagorno- Karabakh into a conversation with the Azerbaijani government.

Azerbaijan is -- Nagorno-Karabakh is an internationally recognized part of their country and they say all they're trying to do here is peacefully

integrate that Armenian population in Nagorno-Karabakh.

The situation has been building for some time. From an Armenian perspective, they've seen the roads and humanitarian corridor that link

them to Armenia proper, they've seen that cut. They feel that the Russian peacekeepers have not been doing their job, they've seen a buildup of

Azerbaijani forces.

And then that will escalate into this artillery barrage and gunfire yesterday.


ROBERTSON (voice-over): Casualties from Azerbaijan's deadly artillery assault rushed to hospital in the majority Armenian enclave of Nagorno-

Karabakh. The Armenian death toll growing as the historic foes' fragile peace explodes into dangerous warfare, with potentially disastrous


JENS STOLTENBERG, NATO SECRETARY GENERAL: We are concerned and it is important that both parties now de-escalate.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): They've been here before; two wars in the past 30 years, over the disputed region.

But in June, Azerbaijan began blocking the strategic Lachin Corridor, the only link between Armenia proper and 120,000 people living in the enclave,

internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan.

Humanitarian aid convoys were denied access. Russian peacekeepers couldn't or wouldn't get them through. Food and fuel in the enclave were in short


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Blocking the Lachin Corridor --

ROBERTSON (voice-over): Respected international lawyer, Luis Moreno Campo, wrote a legal opinion, calling the blockade "genocide."

Azerbaijan disputes his analysis.

And in recent weeks, Armenians claimed Azerbaijani forces were massing weapons, readying for a new offensive. Tuesday, their fears of attack were

realized. The enclave's de facto capital, Stepanakert, echoing to gun and artillery fire, frightened women and children cowering in the streets.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): You don't know how to live in such a situation, how to raise your children. When you constantly live in

stress, tension.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): And no one wants to help you.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): Civilian homes smashed as Azerbaijani officials claim they've launched an offensive against terrorists, demanded the

Armenian army leave and the Nagorno-Karabakh government disband and depart. Armenia denies it is the aggressor.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Armenia is in no way involved in any military operation and I reiterate that the republic of Armenia has no

army in Nagorno-Karabakh.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): E.U. politicians, while calling for calm, also calling out Russia's peacekeepers' inaction and Azerbaijan's intransigence.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Full condemnation of the actions that we saw earlier today was also a recognition that this is Russia at play. We are seeing yet

another conflict, a one-sided attack.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): But escalation cannot be ruled out. Azerbaijan's powerful neighbor, Turkiye, risked fueling the fire.

RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN, PRESIDENT OF TURKEY (through translator): Karabakh is the territory of Azerbaijan. Any other status imposed will never be



ROBERTSON: And the concern now for the Armenians is that, although there is a cease-fire, if it holds and what happens next is going to be

determined by these talks that will take place Thursday. And they are worried that they go into that as weak, not militarily strong, not being in

a position to hold the Azerbaijani forces back.

That's what they're saying. And that the Azerbaijanis will force terms on them that they will not be able to or many of them will not be able to

accept and, therefore, they will end up leaving the enclave.

If, and I say if, because we don't know yet, but if that happens, they believe that that would effectively be ethnic cleansing. The terms would be

so bad, they would be forced to leave. But for, now this cease-fire is in place and it is holding. But it seems potentially rickety.

ANDERSON: Good to have, you Nic. An important story and important reporting. Thank you.

We want to understand Azerbaijan's motivation for raising the temperature this week. The foreign policy adviser to the country's president will join

me next hour to explain why now and what is next. Stay with us for that.

Still to come this hour on CONNECT THE WORLD, with me, Becky Anderson, the floods in Libya not only killed thousands of people, they left thousands of

survivors devastated. How the people of Derna are coping with insurmountable loss.

And India issues a warning for its citizens in Canada as relations between the two countries hit an all-time low. That is coming up.




ANDERSON: Welcome back, I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi.



Now officials in Libya are considering whether to isolate some of the hardest hit areas hit by devastating floods last week amid growing health

concerns. The health ministry there says that there could still be an awful lot of bodies trapped under the mud. And there is concern about waterborne

diseases being easily spread.

Now officials have also restricted the number of journalists that it allows in Derna. However, among the small number allowed to stay on is CNN's

Jomana Karadsheh.


JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Bit by bit, they begin to clear what's left of Derna's battered streets and buildings. But for its

people, it's too soon to move on. It's all still so incomprehensible.

KARADSHEH: What happened here, residents say, was a disaster of epic proportions. It was like a bombing, an earthquake and a tsunami all in one,

a wall of water as high as six stories submerged buildings and crushed almost everything in its path and split this city in two.

KARADSHEH (voice-over): Divers combed the Mediterranean for the remains of men, women and children swept away into the sea with their homes. It is now

these waters that tell the stories of lives ended too soon. Survivors still cling on to the hope their loved ones are just lost in the chaos.

Outside schools turned into shelters, people scour through lists with the names of survivors inside. Salma has been searching for parents and her

brothers but the gut wrenching reality is starting to sink in. The single mother is now homeless, living in the school. What happens to them next

keeps her up at night.

KARADSHEH: Salma says it feels now that life has no meaning anymore, life is over, she says.

KARADSHEH (voice-over): For the youngest survivors, life goes on. Makeshift swings enough to distract them and help them forget.

But Derna's nightmare is far from over. Warnings of a looming health crisis have everyone on edge. Access to the disaster zones now restricted as they

fumigate the area to wash away the stench of death and the ills it may bring.

The once bustling streets around Derna's old city now almost deserted. Defiant residents who've returned to their homes are now being asked to

leave. Muftah (ph) survived ISIS that once ruled his city. He's also been displaced by civil war just a few years ago. He refuses to live through

that again.

"I would rather die here than leave," he tells us.

He doesn't trust the same powers that failed them to now protect them.

KARADSHEH (voice-over): Shock and grief have turned into anger, with calls for accountability for a calamity brought by Mother Nature compounded by

man. It's years of negligence, neglect, mismanagement, corruption and a failed state they blame. A resilient Derna and its soul have been crushed.

No one knows how they or their city will ever heal from this -- Jomana Karadsheh, CNN, Derna, Libya.



ANDERSON (voice-over): Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that are on our radar right now.

And at least 10 people have been killed as two tornadoes ripped through two cities in China's eastern Jiangsu province, according to Chinese state

media. Tornadoes are rare at this time of year for the region. And the country has been grappling with high temperatures, spurring extreme weather


Some 8,000 migrants were apprehended along the U.S.-Mexico border on Monday. A Homeland Security official says that migrant crossings are on the

rise and include many families. In fact, Mexico has suspended 60 cargo trains running north to the United States, citing potential dangers to

thousands of migrants waiting to get on.

Right, now in the United States, attorney general Merrick Garland is on Capitol Hill. Testifying before Congress, he was expected to defend the

Justice Department up against Republican claims that it has a political bias toward Democrats. Those complaints have gotten louder as an election

year approaches in the States.

ANDERSON: India is advising its citizens and students in Canada to exercise extreme caution and to remain vigilant.


It comes amid a diplomatic round between the two countries over the assassination of a Sikh leader on Canadian soil. Vedika Sud has more on the



VEDIKA SUD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Ever since this meeting between Indian prime minister Narendra Modi and his Canadian counterpart,

Justin Trudeau, on the sidelines of the G20 summit in New Delhi, tensions between the two nations have escalated even further.


SUD (voice-over): Modi conveyed strong concerns over anti-India campaigns and violence by Sikh hardliners in Canada, home to almost 800,000 members

of the religious community, a significant voting bloc.

SUHASINI HAIDAR, DIPLOMATIC AFFAIRS EDITOR, THE HINDU: The first reason is obviously Prime Minister Modi's own political capital, which comes from him

being a tough leader, especially on issues involving terrorism and separatism.

The second part of it is the particular attacks, the targeting, the vandalism on Hindu temples, on Hindu community centers.

And that is a real worry again for his particular vote bank in India but also in terms of taking care of the Indian community in all these


SUD (voice-over): For decades separatists have demanded an independent Sikh homeland known as Khalistan to be carved out of the Indian state of

Punjab. The Sikh fundamentalist movement launched a violent insurgency in the 1970s.

After massive crackdowns and the deaths of thousands of Sikhs, the government banned the movement. Decades later, the most vocal supporters

are still among the Indian diaspora.

One of them was Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a prominent Sikh leader and Canadian citizen who was gunned down outside a temple he led in British Columbia in


In a stunning accusation, the Canadian prime minister now says there's credible allegations linking New Delhi to Nijjar's murder, a claim that the

Indian government has strongly denied.

Saying such unsubstantiated allegations seek to shift the focus from Khalistani terrorists and extremists who have been provided shelter in

Canada and continue to threaten India's sovereignty. Relations between the two nations, now at a new low.

HAIDAR: I think what you're looking at is not just a deep freeze. It's an open declaration of diplomatic war and the next few days and weeks could

see more of that.

SUD (voice-over): And we have. In a rare move, both nations expelled key senior Indian and Canadian diplomats. With a national election coming up in

months, Modi wants to be seen as a leader who talks tough on terror and separatism.

But for Trudeau, the expectation back home from a sizable Sikh diaspora is just as furniture. This is one diplomatic rout that allies will be watching

closely -- Vedika Sud, CNN, New Delhi.


ANDERSON: Let's bring in our Paula Newton for more on this. She joins us from Canada's capital, Ottawa.

Paula, I think there are many people around the world who have been quite surprised by Trudeau's action on this.

What is he doing about it?

PAULA NEWTON, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT: You know, in terms of what Trudeau's next move is, he certainly went out of his way to let allies know

that he would be calling out India very publicly.

They are looking to Trudeau to provide more evidence. He continues to say he can't provide more evidence and that what he's looking for is Indian

cooperation. But there is certainly a sense that the Canadian government stands isolated, even with allies at this point.

Remember, Becky, you know that India is a linchpin in any Indo-Pacific strategy, whether you're talking about the United States or Europe in

general. They're using it as a counterweight to China.

And given that context that leaves certainly Trudeau but the entire Sikh community in a very odd position here, especially when they have called out

India so publicly. And, yet Becky, a reminder; this crime seems very far from being solved. There are no suspects in custody.

While the RCMP tells Canada that, of course -- pardon me -- tells CNN that this investigation is a priority for them, there've not been any arrests.

And through all of this, many people here in Canada are calling on Trudeau to show more evidence, evidence that, so far, he has been unwilling to

show. It is very interesting as well how measured any comments have been from allies.

That includes France, the United States and Britain. At this point, they are content to stay on the sidelines of this row. I should say both India

and Canada have now traded travel advisories. That goes along with the expulsions.

Right now, many are waiting to see exactly if, either side, whether it's Canada or India, will actually escalate this, perhaps with trade sanctions

or any more expulsions -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Thank, you.

Paula Newton on the story for you, folks.

Now a mysterious ground operation and drone strikes inside Sudan are raising the question about who is behind them. And an exclusive CNN

investigation indicates that it could be Ukraine.





ANDERSON: Welcome back, I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi. Time here is half past 6 in the evening. You are watching CONNECT THE WORLD and, wherever you

are watching from, you are more than welcome, of course.

The United States' top military officer says that Ukraine has now liberated more than half of the territory that Russia occupied since it invaded last

year. Now he made those comments as dozens of countries gathered in Germany on Tuesday to discuss providing weapons and equipment to Kyiv.

So some good news for Ukraine's pushback against Russia. But for so many the counteroffensive has been tough and it has been slower than hoped.

CNN's Wolf Blitzer sat down with Ukraine's president, the de facto face of the country's resistance, of course. And he asked Volodymyr Zelenskyy

whether he could see a breakthrough on the front lines this year.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE: I think nobody knows, really. But I think that we will have more success and, really, we see it now on

the east direction.

On the south, really total a minefield (ph). But we go slowly but we go forward. Very important information that initiative in our arms, in all the



ANDERSON: Well, meantime, the fallout from Russia's invasion of Ukraine may be spreading far beyond Ukraine's borders. That exclusive CNN

investigation has now uncovered compelling evidence that Ukrainian forces struck Wagner-backed fighters inside Sudan.

Bear with me on this one. It comes as Russia tries to expand its influence in Africa following the death of Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin. CNN's Nima

Elbagir reports from neighboring Chad.


NIMA ELBAGIR, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Nightfall in a war-torn neighborhood in the Sudanese city of Omdurman. You are watching a

thermal imaging video depicting military forces equipped in high-tech gear. Far more sophisticated than the Sudanese have demonstrated to date.


ELBAGIR (voice-over): And here, a series of high precision daytime strikes raining down from the sky, in and around the same city, hitting targets

backed by Russia's Wagner mercenary group in Sudan.

A Ukrainian military source told CNN this is the work of a foreign military. Pressed on whether they would say unequivocally that Kyiv was

behind the attacks. The source would only say that Ukrainian special services were likely responsible, which would constitute a dramatic

expansion in Kyiv's theater of war against Moscow.

Previous CNN investigations exposed that the Sudanese paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, RSF, has been heavily backed by Wagner as they fight the

Sudanese army in a war for dominance.

CNN obtained a series of videos of the operations show 14 different strikes on RSF weapons and equipment, believed to be provided by Wagner.

We pinpointed several different locations of the drone strikes in Omdurman, an RSF stronghold that has become a focal point of the conflict. And we

geolocated footage of the night raid to the same city by identifying the buildings seen here.

The drone video, obtained by CNN, had already been edited but clues remained as to the identity of those behind the attacks. Text on the

monitor of the drone control, as seen here, is in Ukrainian.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Press to start recording --

ELBAGIR (voice-over): These commercially-available drones are widely used by Ukrainian forces. They have a maximum video transmission range of around

nine miles. That means we can tell the pilots of the drones were in Sudan, close by.

It's a common tactic in Ukraine but not so much in Sudan. Drone experts consulted by CNN said this is the first time drones like this have been

deployed in this fashion in Africa.

CNN shared the videos with a high-level source in Sudan's army for comment, who said they had no knowledge of the Ukrainian operation in Sudan and did

not believe it was true.

Sudan became embroiled in Russia's war against Ukraine last year, despite being thousands of miles from the front line.

When as we reported, Wagner exploited Sudan's gold resources to help finance Moscow's Ukraine war effort, circumventing U.S. sanctions on


After a plane carrying Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin plummeted to the ground late last month, many believed that Wagner's influence would

proceed. But just the opposite has happened.

Major whistleblowers in a number of African countries have told CNN that the Kremlin is consolidating its power over Wagner's networks. In the

Central African Republic, in Sudan, in Libya and in Mali. And now that work has expanded further, this time into Chad.

ELBAGIR: Chad has really been impacted by the fighting in neighboring Sudan. And yet, it's emerging as a key transit point for supplies to the

Rapid Support Forces in Sudan. Part of an expansion of Russia's influence in Africa.

ELBAGIR (voice-over): Cross-referencing testimony from intelligence and military sources active in the region with satellite imagery, CNN has

uncovered evidence that Wagner arms crossed through Chad within the last two weeks to get to an RSF military base in Sudan.

If you look closely, you can see over 100 vehicles, including scores of trucks at the base, proof the supplies provided by Russia, Wagner,


A strike on Wagner-backed forces in Sudan would constitute a blow to Moscow. If it is Ukraine, they will have raised the stakes for those

willing to accept Wagner's backing in the future, a lesson illustrating the price they could be forced to pay for cooperating with Russia -- Nima

Elbagir, CNN, N'Djamena, Chad.


ANDERSON: CNN also reached out to U.S. officials for comment. Multiple United States officials appeared unaware of the alleged incident and

expressed surprise at the suggestion that the strikes and ground operation may have been conducted by Ukrainian forces.

We will speak to Nima live next hour for more context on her reporting.

Right. "WORLD SPORT"s news is coming up. One of the rarest feats in football.

What happened in the European Champions League match that hadn't happened in 13 years?





ANDERSON: An ancient relationship appears to be addressing a crisis of the moment: climate change. Britain's King Charles III has been touring Paris

this hour. These are live pictures.

A source at the Elysee Palace said the king's discussions today with French president Emmanuel Macron would include a range of topics like Ukraine and

the environment. This state visit is steeped in pomp and history. It's also six months later than planned.

President Macron was forced to postpone the royals' original trip amid nationwide clashes over his government's pension reforms.

In football, the goalkeeper's main task is to keep the ball out of the net, right?

Well, the keeper in a Champions League match in Rome turned that idea on its head, so to speak. Amanda Davies joins me now to explain.

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Becky, Lazio back in the Champions League for just the second time in 16 years. And I think it's fair to say

they wanted to get off to a decent start and make a good impression.

This is the kind of thing you see as a last-ditch effort to avoid an exit or to get a result in a World Cup final. But here in Lazio's first group

stage match against Atletico Madrid, they were 1 down the 95th minute and pretty much the final kick of the game.

Their goalkeeper, Ivan Provedel, in his first ever Champions League match, ran the length of the field and, I have to say, the run and the header is

something that some of the best strikers in the world would be so, so proud of.

ANDERSON: Exactly.

DAVIS: It's absolutely brilliant and he said it's a night he's going to remember for the rest of his life.



ANDERSON: There's a whole lot of Premier League clubs who could do with a striker/poacher like that. He found nobody in the window and clearly, there

is an opportunity there hiding at the other end. Lazio, wonderful, I love this story. Thank you, looking forward to "WORLD SPORT," after this short


