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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Meets U.S. Lawmakers ahead of Talks with U.S. President Joe Biden; White House to Announce New Ukraine Aid; Rupert Murdoch Stepping Down; Migrant Crossing Surge; India Suspends Visas for Canadian Nationals; Simone Biles Secures Spot with Team USA. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired September 21, 2023 - 10:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST (voice-over): I'm Becky Anderson, live in Abu Dhabi. It is 6:00 in the evening here. Coming up this hour, Zelenskyy

visits D.C., as Russia continues its assault on Ukraine.

India suspends visa applications for Canadians amid a deepening rift.

The U.S. sends 800 troops to its border with Mexico, as the migrant surge grows.

And it is heartbreak on the pitch for Manchester United.


ANDERSON: We start in Washington at this, hour with Ukraine's leader, President Zelenskyy on Capitol Hill. It is his second wartime visit to

Washington and he is trying to court a growing number of skeptical Republicans to ensure continued support for his country's counteroffensive

against Russia.

Later today, he is due at the White House to meet with President Biden himself, who is expected to present Ukraine with a new military aid

package. Let's get you to Washington. We're also, live in London for you with the latest. Our White House correspondent Arlette Saenz is in D.C..

CNN's Katie Polglase joins us from London.

Arlette, let's start with you.

What is Zelenskyy trying to achieve in Washington today, is it clear?

ARLETTE SAENZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Becky, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy is here with the mission to further rally support for his cause

as Russia continues its war against Ukraine.

He will be making the case for continued and sustained support from the United states both here at the White House and up on Capitol Hill. But

while this marks Zelenskyy's second visit to the U.S. since this war started, he is now in Washington in a much different political atmosphere.

When he visited here nine months ago, he visited both the White House and Capitol Hill. That was a period of time when Democrats were still in

support of the House. Now you have Republicans in control. And many Republicans are balking at President Biden's suggestion that Congress pass

additional aid for Ukraine.

The White House has asked Congress to pass $24 billion in additional military, economics and humanitarian assistance to the wartorn country. But

they are meeting significant resistance, specifically with Republicans in the House of Representatives.

There has been bipartisan support for Ukraine aid over at the Senate. But in the House, it is unclear whether they would actually vote on anything or

include that in an upcoming spending bill.

But it also comes at a time when there is a general weariness amongst the American public about Ukraine's war against Russia. If you take a look at

polling, the majority of Americans believe that the U.S. should not be providing more aid to Ukraine.

And if you break that down amongst Republicans, the number runs even higher. So Zelenskyy will have to make a case to lawmakers while he's up on

Capitol Hill. He's meeting with all senators. He will only be meeting with smaller groups of Republicans.

But it all comes as he wants to get more funding, more support, as this war continues on.

ANDERSON: Despite this fatigue as you have described, Joe Biden is expected to unveil this new aid package, which, as I understand it, has

more air defense included.

How significant is this package at this point?

SAENZ: When President Biden meets with Zelenskyy here at the White House, he wants to hear the battlefield perspective from Zelenskyy. He wants to

hear what exactly his needs are. And he will be rolling out a new package.

Now this is already aid that has been approved. It is going to include things like artillery, anti armor, anti aircraft and air defense

capabilities. What it does not include is those ATACMS that Zelenskyy has really been pushing for.

Those are those long range army tactical missile systems that have much more firepower. Zelenskyy told our own colleague, Wolf Blitzer, that he

would be disappointed if this was not in the package that the president would be presenting this week.

Our reporting indicates that it's not expected to be part of that. But the White House has not completely ruled that out of the cards. It could be a

possibility down the road. one thing that White House officials have noted, there has been an evolution in the types of weaponry they are

willing to provide for Ukraine.

So Zelenskyy may leave the White House disappointed today but I think what you should expect to hear from President Biden, is that in his eyes, he

wants to ensure that they continue getting the support they need. And they will adapt the type of equipment they're sending their way.

ANDERSON: Good to have you, Arlette,


ANDERSON: While the Ukrainian war grinds on, back home, the president, of course, in D.C. Let's bring in Katie.

You have been across what is going on on the ground overnight in Ukraine and there has been a massive missile strike overnight and a large attack in


What are the details as we understand?

KATIE POLGLASE, CNN INVESTIGATIVE RESEARCHER: Well, Becky, what we saw overnight Wednesday, into Thursday, is something really of a pattern that

we've seen throughout this conflict.

Russia has targeted a wide number of areas across Ukraine, not just the front lines but also targeted areas in Kyiv, areas in Kharkiv, areas in

Lviv, in Kherson in the south as well.

That unfortunately has resulted in some fatalities. Two men who died in Kherson and many injured, including a 9-year-old girl in Kyiv.

Unfortunately, something civilians in Ukraine are very accustomed to.

Meanwhile, Ukraine is playing their quite usual tactic as well. This attack that you're mentioning in Crimea, this is on Russian infrastructure. Again,

this is something that Ukraine is now starting to do as a pattern. They are targeting areas that are key for Russia's war effort.

Now this particular one was the Saki airbase. It is holding, they claim, according to sources, that we have in Ukraine's security service, 12

military aircraft were there that they damaged.

It's also crucially a training ground for drones that Russia is using quite extensively across Ukraine and damaging quite a lot of areas, including

civilians. That's really what has been emerging overnight.

And worth reminding that while we're looking at this diplomacy playing out in New York and now in D.C. as well but this is all ongoing back in

Ukraine, not only on the battlefield but also in civilian areas.

Civilians are rushing into shelters in the middle of the night, worried about whether their homes are going to be destroyed, whether their loved

ones are safe. This is all ongoing and, again, a reason why Zelenskyy is pressing for more military aid, more funding to push back against what he

claims is this Russian aggression. Becky.

ANDERSON: And Katie, as Joe Biden gets set to announce a new aid package with Zelenskyy in D.C., Poland says that it will not provide any more

weapons to Kyiv.


POLGLASE: Yes, Becky. This has come slightly unexpectedly, perhaps to some of our viewers; this is really actually to do with grain, rather than

anything to do with a counteroffensive in Ukraine.

Clearly very concerning, because Poland is a staunch ally of Ukraine throughout this counteroffensive and throughout the war. Now the issue here

is that Ukrainian grain has been exported to a number of European countries at a lower price.

Now Poland claims that was undercutting their farmers, their farmers in Poland, but also in neighboring countries as well. As a result, they've

banned the import of Ukrainian grain.

Of course Ukrainians' leadership is very unhappy about this. They've been making this very vocally, including Zelenskyy himself when he was in New

York, saying that this was unacceptable.

This line of war of words, as it were, from Ukraine is not going down very well with the Polish side. They in turn said that they would defy a new

suspension of this ban to the European Union then brought in.

All of this has escalated to now talking about Poland suspending delivering weaponry to Ukraine. As a result of this, we're seeing some quite urgent

diplomacy between Ukrainian and Polish sides.

I think it's interesting, just today, the tone of Ukrainian leadership has changed. No longer are they complaining quite so fiercely about the Polish

side but now instead, they're talking about Ukraine proposing resolution to this issue. So clearly, Ukraine is realizing they may need to make some

compromises in this area.

ANDERSON: Yes. Katie, it is good to have you. As you were talking, we saw images of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, live pictures of the Ukrainian leader, with

Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer, the Senate leaders of the Republican and Democrat Parties there.

We are getting set to hear from President Zelenskyy speaking in Congress in the United States. We do know we've been discussing, there is some

increasing sort of apathy and fatigue about the war in Ukraine. And Volodymyr Zelenskyy is there to try and push some sort of momentum for his


Rupert Murdoch is stepping down as chairman of FOX Corp. and News Corp. The 92-year-old media magnate says the time is right for him to take on

different roles. He says his son, Lachlan, will become sole chairman of both companies.

Murdoch launched FOX News in 1996 as a competitor to CNN, pushing conservative agendas and often promoting falsehoods as it became the most

watched news channel in the United States. Anna Stewart is following this for us from London.

I was certainly shocked and surprised to hear this news.

Were you?


ANNA STEWART, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I mean, always going to be shocked and surprised when you hear someone like Rupert Murdoch might be taking a step

back. But I say might be because really, despite being 92 years old, this isn't a retirement.

I think the language you used in the statement as given is quite interesting. It says in the first, line that Rupert Murdoch has decided to

transition to the role of chairman emeritus of FOX News, which is quite different, isn't it, to completely stepping down.

There is no doubt that this is a man who really has shaped the media, the entertainment industry as we know it today, starting in newspapers in

Australia in the 1950s. Moving his way to the U.K., buying up tabloids here, moving to the U.S., buying up 21st Century Fox in the 1980s. And as

you said, FOX News and everything that's happened.

There's been a lot of buying and selling of different companies to forge the empire that we know today. It has not always gone well. There have been

plenty of mistakes along the way. Remember the phone hacking scandal and Rupert Murdoch testifying in British Parliament. I think that was in 2011.

Saying famously, this is the most humble day of my life. More recently, FOX settling with Dominion for $787 million, I think it was. Certainly a case

that raised the credibility of FOX News. So it will be interesting to see what a new era will bring.

ANDERSON: Sure. Well, this is a man whose influence through his media outlets has been hugely consequential. Let's not -- let's not understate

what has happened here over the last 30 years. Consequential is probably an understatement, though.

So what is the future of his business?

STEWART: He is such an influential voice, not just within his own businesses but by virtue through them in the U.S. political landscape. I

think everyone is going to be looking very carefully at what a new leadership role will look like under Lachlan Murdoch.

He hasn't always been necessarily the golden child. There have been moments when perhaps the other son, James, perhaps looking more likely to be a


But in recent years, Lachlan has very much run the show. He is generally considered to have the same right-wing politics of his father. CNN sources

are told that he is not a fan of former president Donald Trump. Make of that what you will.

So I think we might see more of the same. And, of course, you might also see Rupert Murdoch looking over the shoulder of his son in his new role as

emeritus chairman because it doesn't sound like he's taking a very big step back.

ANDERSON: Anna, always a pleasure. Thank you very much.

Indeed, that news breaking in the past hour or so.

Is the Middle East on the brink of history?

Slowly but surely, it seems that Israel and Saudi Arabia are indicating a breakthrough deal to normalize their relations maybe on the horizon. Here's

what the Saudi crown prince had to say about prospect of an agreement.


MOHAMMED BIN SALMAN, SAUDI CROWN PRINCE: We have good negotiations to continue until now. We got to see what we go. We hope that it will be to a

place that will ease the life of the Palestinians and get Israel as a player Middle East.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS HOST: So you think, if you were to characterize it, are you close?

BIN SALMAN: Every day we get closer. It seems it's for the first time really one (ph) serious. We will see how it goes.


ANDERSON: Mohammed bin Salman.

And just yesterday on the show, we reported that Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, told the U.S. President Joe Biden that he believes a

deal is within reach.

Also in that interview, the crown prince discussed America's role here in the Middle East.

We are broadcasting this show from our Middle East programming hub in Abu Dhabi.

An upgraded U.S.-Saudi security partnership is going forward came up. In many ways, Washington's relationship with this region was defined exactly

20 years ago, when U.S. forces began their invasion of Iraq, the "shock and awe" campaign.

But now like many other countries, Iraq wants to reassess that relationship and look beyond just the security file. I discussed that with the country's

new prime minister, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, who joined me from New York from the U.N. General Assembly. Have a listen to what he told me.


MOHAMMED SHIA AL-SUDANI, IRAQI PRIME MINISTER (through translator): There is serious will to develop the relationship. And our relationship should

not be limited to just the security side, despite its importance.

But we need to address the other files and aspects of the relationship, because they're all important for Iraq. Iraq is rich in resources,

especially economic resources. And it is an influential country in the energy market.

ANDERSON: How do you suggest that a strategic partnership agreement with the United States helped develop the oil sector?


ANDERSON: And how will that development trickle down to the people of Iraq, who still feel that the economy doesn't benefit them?

AL-SUDANI (through translator): Iraq has other natural resources apart from natural gas. And these resources are not well employed, not to mention

the human resources in Iraq.

That requires us to cooperate with other advanced countries, especially the U.S., which is a strategic partner to Iraq, who can help us in achieving

such a change economically. And in turn, that will be reflected positively on the Iraqi people, who have been waiting for this reform and for this

economic leap (ph).

ANDERSON: The average Iraqi criticizes the Iraqi government, the authorities, for it being a corruption machine. They feel insecure about

the economy. And it is still, as a country, considered one of the most corrupt in the world.

What is your plan to fix that, sir?

AL-SUDANI (through translator): I agree with the prognosis of the Iraqi people. Corruption is a real challenge that the state of Iraq faces. And it

is something the government has been working on and is still working on and will continue to work on in order to express our real will to eliminate

such a pandemic.

Without fighting corruption, we wouldn't be able to implement our economic vision and development programs.


ANDERSON: That is the Iraqi president speaking to me. We also talked about Iran's visible influence inside Iraq and how that is impacting its

relations with other countries. Stick around next hour to hear more from that conversation.

Ahead on CONNECT THE WORLD, migrants streaming across U.S. border from Mexico. Now the U.S. military ramping up its response. More on that, after





ANDERSON: Welcome back, you're watching CONNECT THE WORLD with me, Becky Anderson.

Now the U.S. is boosting its military presence of its border with Mexico to help with the surge in migrant crossings. The U.S. Department of Defense

sending 800 active duty military personnel as reinforcements.

That is in addition to the 2,500 National Guard members, who are already there. CNN's David Culver has more on the migration spike and the efforts

to manage it on the Mexican side of the border.


DAVID CULVER, CNN SENIOR U.S. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: With growing concerns over a rising number of migrants trying to cross into the U.S.

through the southern border, one of Mexico's largest freight rail operators, Ferromex, has halted several northbound trains. Now these are

the freight trains that migrants jump onto and they ride for days amid really treacherous conditions.

It takes them from places in southern Mexico, closer to the U.S. border. In May, my team and I went aboard and rode only what is a small portion of

what some referred to as La Bestia -- The Beast -- given how dangerous and deadly it can be for migrants.

We have permission to go up. OK. Yes.


CULVER: Many of these folks tell me they've been on here not hours but days.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (Speaking foreign language).

CULVER: It's four days on the train but he's been traveling from Venezuela for six months.

(Speaking foreign language).

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (Speaking foreign language).

He's going to show me the little things he brought with him.

(Speaking foreign language).

This is everything he has, right here. But yesterday, this is what he's --


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (Speaking foreign language).


(Speaking foreign language).

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (Speaking foreign language).

CULVER: He finished his food but he has a little bit of water left.

He says he wants to work in the U.S. when he gets there. He wants a better future, a better life.

I asked him, "Where are they going, then?"

He said they really don't know. But as of now, they are basically just going, with no idea as to what is next.

Getting all their belongings out of what they have with them.

Now the trains were halted to protect the migrants, according to the railroad operator. Mexico's president had said he would assure the routes

continue. But it speaks to not only the pressures for U.S. border officials but the growing number of migrants flooding into Mexico.

It's something we saw firsthand this summer; 500 miles from the U.S. southern border, encampments filling Mexico City.

The country's capital struggling to deal with the influx. Shelters overcrowding. We noted at the time, while the number of migrants entering

the U.S. was decreasing after Title 42 ended, it by no means has stopped the flow.

Those migrants, still desperate, still determined to reach their end goal, which, for most, is the United States -- David Culver, CNN.


ANDERSON: On Wednesday, U.S. President Joe Biden's administration offered a form of humanitarian relief to Venezuelans already in the country. The

plan would make hundreds of thousands more migrants eligible for work permits.

This comes after an influx of migrants to New York; many of them are Venezuelan. Officials there have said allowing more migrants to obtain work

would ease the intense strain on the city's resources.

Well, CNN is hearing both sides are, quote, "feeling encouraged" after Wednesday's talks in one of Hollywood's two walkouts. This from a person

familiar with negotiations between the Writers Guild of America and studio bosses. Those talks are expected to resume in the coming hours.

SAG-AFTRA, which represents actors, is on the picket line. The major issues for both unions include the role of AI, artificial intelligence, and the

streaming revolution. The strikes have frozen film and TV production for months.

And a major name in the hospitality industry is making news. Brian Chesky, CEO of Airbnb, is answering his critics. He tells CNN he believes product

changes should boost the company's reputation. Airbnb has been hit by complaints over prices and fees. Have a listen.


BRIAN CHESKY, CEO, AIRBNB: We started really going deep on people's complaints. We went on social media; we created a blueprint of our entire

experience and we made 53 upgrades based on the experience.

Then I went on Twitter. I said tell me what else we can fix about Airbnb. I got 3,000 responses. The top eight suggestions, we've knocked down five of

them most recently. People say the price of Airbnb are more expensive than they used to be. In the last year, our prices are down 1 percent, while

hotel prices are up 10 percent.


ANDERSON: Interesting. One of the major challenges that Airbnb is facing right now is a crackdown on short-term rentals in New York City, which is a

top tourist destination, of course.

You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD with me, Becky Anderson. Still to come, a diplomatic dispute deepens. The latest measures Canada and India are

pitting against one another -- after this.





ANDERSON (voice-over): Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi. It's just before 6:30 in the evening. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. You are

more than welcome. Here are your headlines this hour.

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy is in Washington right now, meeting with U.S. lawmakers. He's seeking support from Congress as opposition to

additional war funding has grown amongst some U.S. Republicans.

Well later, President Biden is expected to present Ukraine with a new military aid package from funding that has already been approved.

Rupert Murdoch says he is stepping down as chairman of Fox Corporation and News Corp. The 92 year old media magnate says his son, Lachlan, will become

sole chairman of both companies. Murdoch says the time is right for him to take on different roles, as he describes them.

ANDERSON: Well, India is suspending visas for Canadian nationals, while Canada says it's temporarily adjusting its diplomatic staff in India. This

is the latest in what has been a series of tit-for-tat moves between the two nations.

It comes days after the Canadian prime minister accused the Indian government of possibly playing a role in the assassination of a Sikh leader

in Canada. The Indian government denies the accusation, citing a lack of proof.

India's foreign ministry spokesperson said a short time ago that Canada should be concerned about its reputation.


ARINDAM BAGCHI, INDIAN FOREIGN MINISTRY SPOKESPERSON: The issue that the politician damages one any country that needs to look at this I think is

Canada and its growing reputation as a place, as a safe haven for terrorists, for extremists and for organized crime.

And I think that's what Canada needs to worry about, its international reputation.


ANDERSON: Well, that is quite the accusation. We've got Vedika Sud in New Delhi; Paula Newton joining us from Ottawa, in Canada.

Vedika, let's start with you. We've just heard a perspective there from the spokesperson.

What are you hearing from New Delhi at this point?

VEDIKA SUD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It can't get more strong in terms of wording, Becky, when you say that Canada is -- or a rather should be

concerned about its growing international reputation since it's becoming a safe haven for terrorists, extremists and for organized crime.

That is a very strong line for India to take. This is the first briefing that has happened ever since the controversy that was passed by Justin

Trudeau's comment in parliament on Monday.

Two developments have taken place, Becky. One, like you pointed out, India has temporarily suspended visas for Canadian nationals. And this is not

only Canadian nationals in Canada but for Canadian nationals outside of Canada as well.


SUD: That's been temporarily suspended. Along with, that today there was a statement from the Canadian high commission in New Delhi and I'm going to

read a quote from that.

And it said, "With some diplomats having received threats on various social media platforms, Global Affairs Canada is assessing its staff complement in

India. As a result and out of an abundance of caution, we have decided to temporarily adjust staff presence in India."

So now what they are doing is downsizing their diplomatic presence here in New Delhi. When the question was put again, to the official that you just

heard from in New Delhi, from the ministry of external affairs, he did confirm that this request was put in by India and then he went on to say

that the numbers are much higher than as in Canada.

There should be parity in rank. This is just escalating, Becky. This, according to experts, is the lowest in terms of relations between India and

Canada, even though there have been repeated requests and attempts by India over decades to get Canada to act against what they call are anti India


Sikh separatists in Canada who have been demanding for a separate homeland within India in the state of Punjab. Back to you.

ANDERSON: Quite the accusation, Paula, from India, you heard it here on CNN.

What's the perspective there, in Canada?

PAULA NEWTON, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT: We are waiting for more reaction from Justin Trudeau, who is, in fact, at the U.N. General

Assembly. We should have comments from him within about an hour from now.

Becky, this is quite an escalation on the part of India. I'm not sure that the Canadian government was expecting this kind of a pushback. There is

certainly a lot of criticism even here in Canada, with many saying look, what is your evidence?

You put forward what you believe is incredible intelligence but many asking for more information.

Now as outraged as Canada says it is, about the potential, that the government of India, agents of the government of India actually murdered a

Canadian citizen in cold blood, they have not really been able to back that up with any information or evidence that they say they are willing to make


Everything that Vedika just laid out is of huge importance to not just a very large Indian diaspora here in Canada but obviously trade ties,

business ties between Canada and India.


NEWTON (voice-over): It was Father's Day this past June, when Hardeep Singh Nijjar left the temple he led, got into his truck and called home to

say that he would be there soon for a family dinner.

But within minutes Canadian police say Singh Nijjar was shot several times and lay bleeding in his driver's seat. By any measure a, gruesome killing

carried out on the streets of Surrey, British Columbia, in the heart of the Sikh community.

Police say that at least two masked men, describe as heavier set fled on foot and then into a silver Toyota. They were last spotted blocks away from

the temple. And there hasn't been a trace of them since.

Canada has now implicated India in this killing. And that has led to more fear in this community. More questions about police protection here given

authorities warned Nijjar his life was threatened.

His son says the community has a message for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

BAIRAJ NIJJAR, HARDEEP SINGH NIJJAR'S SON: Sikhs around the world believe this is not the end. We expect more.

NEWTON: Many are asking why the crime has yet to be solved. And want more evidence to be made public. Jagmeet Singh is the leader of the new

democratic opposition party and a member of the Sikh community. He has received an intelligence briefing on the evidence.

JAGMEET SINGH, CANADIAN OPPOSITION LEADER: I received a briefing that outlined some of the information we have. And I trust the work of our

security forces. These are very, very serious intelligence reports that have come forward. And now requires a serious response.

NEWTON: Despite Canada's allegations it has had little influence on the Indian government. Both countries have traded travel advisories, diplomatic

expulsions but neither the murder case nor this political issue is any closer to being resolved.

UJJAL DOSANJH, FORMER PREMIER, BRITISH COLUMBIA: My question is this. If you know -- if you know him, he had made it happen, then you must know who

pulled the trigger.

If you know who pulled the trigger, who are they?

Why are they not arrested?

NEWTON: Ujjal Dosanjh is the former premier of British Columbia and former federal cabinet minister. He says Canada needs to disclose more evidence

because, without it, he says, this incident could set relations back decades.

DOSANJH: The government of India rightly distrusts Mr. Trudeau. And Mr. Trudeau, obviously, you know, talks about freedom of expression. But I

think that separatists in this country have gone --


DOSANJH: -- beyond exercising the freedom of expression.

NEWTON: Canada's allies seem to be sticking firmly on the sidelines of this conflict. The Biden administration says that India should fully

cooperate with the investigation but adds India is a vitally important ally.

To that end, India and the United States are sponsoring a military conference in India next week. And an Indian military commander says Canada

is set to be there, too. (END VIDEOTAPE)

NEWTON: You know, Becky, we're still waiting for confirmation that that military delegation will go to New Delhi, given the recent developments of

the last few hours. But, as I say, this is an important issue not just for Canada but for allies as well.

This is a skirmish between Canada and India, two very important allies, that no one wants to see, you know, come to this kind of a conflict,

especially as they are trying to work with India in that Indo-Pacific strategy as a counterweight to China. Becky.

ANDERSON: This is a five generation community, Sikh community, in Canada, well embedded in the community.

As you speak to people from that community -- and you referred to this somewhat in that report -- how do they feel at this point?

NEWTON: You know, it is incredibly unsettling for the Indian diaspora here. It doesn't matter what faith you practice in terms of being Indian,

how long you've been in Canada. This has really stirred up emotions on all sides.

Again, as I've said before, Becky, these fault lines, these very dramatic, contentious fault lines in India, that are already so complicated, many in

the Indian community do not want to see that kind of contentious behavior basically come to Canadian shores.

Many people point the finger back at Justin Trudeau, saying, how and why did you allow this to happen?

They believe, as Ujjal Dosanjh said there, if he had come out more forcefully on what they described as extremists in Canada, this wouldn't

happen. Others though say, they are happy that Prime Minister Trudeau has stood up for what they call, intimidation by the Indian government in


As I said, this is an incredibly complicated issue. It doesn't matter if you are first generation Canadian from India or your family has been here

for generations, this is incredibly unsettling.

ANDERSON: Absolutely. Your report underscores that, thank you. Paula Newton on the story, thank you.

The first so-called reintegration talks for Nagorno-Karabakh happened today in Azerbaijan, calling the meeting with ethnic Armenian leaders of the

breakaway region "constructive" and says the two sides will talk again.

Now today's meeting happened a day after a Russian brokered truce said Azerbaijan's brief military operation, aimed at ending what they call

ethnic Armenians' control of Nagorno-Karabakh. Russian peacekeeping troops are among the dozens of people reported people in the fighting.

You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD live from Abu Dhabi. Up next, the match that everyone was waiting for in the Champions League. The player who's

calling it one of his worst games ever.





ANDERSON: Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles is making another big step, returning to competitive gymnastics. She is the most decorated gymnast in

U.S. history, of course, and is set to compete for Team USA at the World Artistic Gymnastics championship in Antwerp on September 30th.

This is the same city where she won her first all-around title at the world championship a decade ago.

The 17-year-old Joscelyn Roberson, and returning champions Shilese Jones, Skye Blakely and Leanne Wong will round out Team USA.

Well, it is the opening week of the Champions League group stage. The most anticipated football match so far ended in a heartbreaking loss for

Manchester United.

I can imagine there's no one feeling worse about it than Andre Onana. Just have a look at this. Onana fumbling a first half shot by Bayern Munich's

Leroy Sane for a 1-0 lead. That set up ManU for their third loss in a row.

It was an exciting game it, has to be said. And feeling almost as bad as Onana, die hard United fan, Amanda Davies is in the house, joins me now.

I mean, look that was awful. Got to feel for him. Great match, it has to be said. Not the result you wanted, though, right?

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: No. But I have to say, Darren Lewis yesterday said he was expecting a crushing defeat for Manchester United. So

4-3 in some respects isn't so bad.

But this time, yesterday, we were talking about the fact that goalkeepers don't like to be in the headlines, because all too often for the wrong


Yes, this is not how it was meant to go for Andre Onana, after his move from Inter Milan to Manchester United, to join up once again with his

former boss, Erik ten Hag, replacing David de Gea in his first six games.

He completed 14 goals, four of them last night. But you have to say, for all the criticism that he's received from fans, he will have got a lot of

respect for the fact that he fronted up afterwards.

He put his hands up and said, "That defeat was my fault."

It wasn't just his fault. There is a whole lot more going wrong at Manchester United at the moment. But it was a great start to a campaign for

Bayern Munich. And we've got two former Manchester United legends in Rio Ferdinand and Paul Scholes, giving their analysis in just a couple minutes


ANDERSON: Superb. Hanging on for that. That's up after this short break.

Amanda back with you for that. I'm back top of the hour so please stay with us.