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Some Republicans Pushing to cut Aid for Ukraine War; Zelenskyy Meets U.S. Lawmakers ahead of Talks with Biden; Saudi Crown Prince: Deal with Iran is a "Good Start"; Canada to "Temporarily Adjust" its Diplomatic Staff in India; Norwegian Prime Minister Talks to CNN; India Suspends Visas for Canadian Nationals. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired September 21, 2023 - 11:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNNI HOST: This hour can Volodymyr Zelenskyy shore up support among key allies in the midst of a grueling counter offensive. We

are live in Washington and in Ukraine. First up though, Media Titan Rupert Murdoch stepped down as Fox News Chairman. Saudi Arabian Crown Prince

Mohammed bin Salman says talks on normalization with Israel are getting closer to an agreement.

And India calls Canada a safe haven for terrorists amid diplomatic fallout between the two countries. Canada has accused India of being behind the

murder of face seek activist on Canadian soil. Well, we start in Washington where Ukraine's leader is looking to woo American lawmakers.

Unlike his last warmer, wartime visit, President Zelenskyy won't be given the floor to address congress. Instead he is trying to win over a growing

number of skeptical Republicans and individual meetings at Capitol Hill. He wants to secure continued age of his country's fight against Russia.

Meantime, the Ukrainian military says it has carried out a major attack on a Russian airbase in Crimea. Over its part, Russia sent dozens of missiles

across Ukraine overnight taking aim at the country's energy facilities. Let's start in Washington for the very latest. Our White House

Correspondent Jeremy Diamond is in DC.

This is a crucial day Jeremy for Zelenskyy. It does seem as though there is a steeper and steeper hill to climb in persuading the American public to

continue to support this war. Explain if you will.

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Yes, that's right, Becky. A crucial day at a crucial time, not only in terms of where Ukraine stands

right now in its counter offensive and its push, but also in terms of a crucial time here in the United States with a public support for supporting

Ukraine. And its defense against the Russian invasion, very clearly beginning to wane, particularly among Republicans.

And that is reflected not only in public polling of Republican voters. But also when you see a number of Republican lawmakers, mostly members of the

House, some Republican senators as well, voicing either their outright opposition to additional funding for Ukraine, or casting doubt and raising

questions about continuing this spigot of aid going.

President Zelenskyy as he is in Washington today, his mission will be to try and shore up some of that support and to ensure that his country as it

faces this war against Russia as it tries to retake its territory to ensure that that spigot of aid continues.

The Biden Administration has put down a $24 billion funding requests to lawmakers for additional aid for Ukraine. So far, though, it's not clear

that that can pass particularly in the house where you have Republican members of congress questioning that aid. Republican members like

Congressman Byron Donalds, listen.


REP. BYRON DONALDS (R-FL): The first thing I'll tell you is there's no money in the house right now for Ukraine. It's not a good time for him to

be here, quite frankly. That's just the reality.


DIAMOND: And this is obviously a very different climate from the last time President Zelenskyy came to Washington last year when House Speaker Nancy

Pelosi was in charge of the house. She granted the Ukrainian president a joint session of congress a prime time address. None of that is happening

when Zelenskyy is here.

This time now that speaker Kevin McCarthy, the Republican has the gavel in the house. In fact, McCarthy has refused so far to even be seen publicly

with Zelenskyy meeting with him only behind closed doors, a reflection of just how much skepticism for this additional aid for Ukraine there is among

the Republican base and with Kevin McCarthy's own members in the House.

ANDERSON: Good to have you sir. Well, as Mr. Zelenskyy looks to charm allies in America, Ukraine is deep in a spat much closer to home, Poland.

One of its most important allies says that it won't send more weapons to Kyiv until a tense dispute over a Ukrainian grain ban is resolved.


Let's get more on this fall. I want to bring in TVN24 Senior Anchor Michal Sznajder, who's live from the Polish capital Warsaw for us one of Ukraine's

staunchest allies here, Poland now, deciding not to send any further weapons.

This at a time when you've got Zelenskyy because we've just been reporting, not on bended knee, but trying to persuade skeptical Americans on the

Republican side that this war is still worth supporting. What's the sentiment in Poland right now?

MICHAL SZNAJDER, SENIOR ANCHOR, TVN24: Good afternoon, Becky, thank you very much for this invitation. Thank you very much for having me on your

show. Well, whenever we talk about anything that is happening in Poland, right now, we need to keep in mind that there is an election coming up, it

will take place very soon on October 15, a parliamentary election.

And anything that is being said needs to be analyzed in that context. So right now, the Polish government is being accused of having a hidden or a

political motive in its behavior. On the one hand, one must remember that, especially when it's the matter of grains, that this is a gesture towards

the Polish farmers now, a majority of them vote for law and justice.

That has been the case in the past few years. But also quite recently, in the recent months, there has been some friction; there has been some

dissatisfaction from the farmers towards law and justice. And if the law and justice wants to remain in power, they simply need those votes; they

need to show that community we are fighting for you.

We are protecting you. And that is the case, or at least that is the rationale behind the ban on grains. Another aspect is that the government

is trying to perhaps arguably some are saying that the government is trying to gain votes from those who don't want to support Ukraine, from those who

don't want to get involved.

And perhaps otherwise would vote for the competition for the right wing or even far right competition. And during a TV interview, the Polish Prime

Minister Mateusz Morawiecki was asked, in fact, is line justice trying to steal some voters from for example, the -- party, which is more on the

right on the Polish political spectrum.

And he claims this is not a case. And this is what the Polish government is being accused of. In fact, we do have a sound bite from the leader of the

Civic Coalition, Donald Tusk.


DONALD TUSK, FORMER POLISH PRIME MINISTER: I am not talking about the moral and geopolitical scandal that it is just because it is to be profitable for

them in the campaign to stab Ukraine in the back politically while fighting on the Ukrainian front is being resolved. They cannot organize aid for

Ukraine without harming poles.


SZNAJDER: There's also accusation towards the government that this sort of behavior might be useful for Russia that this might be in fact music for

Russia's ears.

ANDERSON: It's fascinating, isn't it, Michal. I'm just thinking back to February of this year, what, six, seven months ago, Joe Biden in Poland

with a very big speech suggesting that U.S. and Ukraine's allies and I quote here "Will never waver in Ukraine".

How times can change? Good to have you, sir. We'll have you back. Well just of President Zelenskyy's meetings today in congress in the White House,

Russia unleashed a missile barrage targeting energy facilities in Kyiv and other cities.

Two people died in the southern city of Kherson and a nine year old girl among the injured in the Capitol. Let's get you to Fred Pleitgen who is

today in Zaporizhzhia in Ukraine for the very latest. Fred?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hi, there Becky. That was a pretty massive early attack the Russians unleashed and really

early warning hours today and you're absolutely right. It was civilian infrastructure. The Ukrainian say that was hit, but it was also a lot of

energy infrastructure as well. And that certainly is something that the Ukrainian say is absolutely significant to them.

Because they say they have not had strikes on the energy infrastructure of this country on this scale since about six months. So it's been six months

since something on the scale has happened here in Ukraine. Of course, it has happened just as this country is about to go what folks here call the

heating season.

As fall gets colder, there's more heating, more of the central heating power plants get fired up and are needed more. And this is exactly when all

of this has been hit now. The Ukrainians say that of the 43 cruise missiles that the Russians fired in the early morning hours, they managed to take

down 36 of them.


However, of course, there were some that did hit some of the targets that were out there. The Ukrainians say that the largest part of the damage was

caused in the west of the country and then also in the central areas of the country. There were some power outages that lasted several hours, the

authorities there apparently trying to get all of that up and running as well.

There was one extremely tragic case where in Cherkasy, in the center of the country; there was a hotel that was hit with a lot of people who were

injured there. And then if we look sort of more towards some other areas, like for instance, Kharkiv, also Kherson, that was more the work of

ballistic missiles.

Nevertheless, a huge strike by the Russians in the early morning hours, certainly something very concerning to the Ukrainians, very concerning also

to the President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, as he's in Washington DC the first thing he said is the Ukrainians need more air defense systems, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes, absolutely. Thank you, sir. Fred Pleitgen is in Zaporizhzhia, in Ukraine. Let's get you to something totally different now.

A story that's just broken in the last couple of hours, Rupert Murdoch is stepping down as Chairman of Fox Corporation and News Corp. Now the 92-

year-old media magnate says the time is right for him to take on different roles.

He says his son Lachlan will become sole chairman of both companies. Murdoch launched Fox News in 1996, as a competitor to CNN pushing

conservative agendas. And often promoting falsehoods as it became the most watched news channel in the United States. Our Business Editor-in-Chief

Richard Quest is joining me now.

And it's interesting, off times on a story like this loosely term story like this, we'd say, what's the significance and what's Murdoch's legacy?

But I think I've got to reverse that. I think we should start with Murdoch's legacy. And then Richard, talk about the significance of this

movement and what it means for the organization going forward.

RICHARD QUEST, CNN BUSINESS EDITOR-AT-LARGE: I think the legacy aspect of it is clear. Wherever you look, the Murdoch footprint is very firmly on

society, in the UK, from his newspapers and from a sky, more recently in the United States, with Fox in Australia, through the networks that he's

owned and the papers that he's published. But, of course, it is the controversial aspects of the Murdoch's life.

Closing what Fleet Street and opening whopping, the phone hacking sang scandal in the UK, numerous questions over political interference in

Australia. And then it all leads Becky to the Pyramid Peak, which of course is allegations and what happened with Fox News that memorably ended up with

them paying $787 million in compensation.

ANDERSON: So your reporting, your analysis there --


ANDERSON: Underscoring why this story matters, which is important. So the next question is simply this. What happens next to this organization? Where

does it go from here? And what will its influence be Richard?

QUEST: Let's not forget, so lets not forget that Lachlan has been de facto running this thing for some time. Ever since Murdoch pulled them apart,

pull them together, tried to do it again and failed. But it's been Lachlan, that's been the, if you like the constant thread throughout. And Lachlan is

very much in lockstep with his father, totally different to James, the other son who is horrified by what he believes they've done to American


Rupert Murdoch becomes this chairman emeritus. Now whenever I hear that word Emeritus, I always get a bit of the heebie-jeebies, because does that

mean somebody who's pulling the puppet strings? Or does that mean a glorified job where you can sit and just pontificate?

We don't know yet what that literally means for Rupert, but my guess is he will be standing with Lachlan. And if he's not running the company, he'll

certainly be telling Lachlan what to do.

ANDERSON: Yes, interesting, always good to have you, sir.

QUEST: Thank you.

ANDERSON: Nice to see you. Thank you. Listen, I just want to get as to some images out of DC at present in amongst the suits that you will see here in

these next images is the Ukrainian president. He is meeting lawmakers in congress. He is there in DC to try and shore up support for what is this

grinding war in Ukraine.

Polls showing that certainly amongst Republicans and Republican voters, Republican lawmakers representing them, support waning there is a real

sense of fatigue amongst those on the right of the aisle in the U.S. So President Zelenskyy, this of course is the UN General Assembly week when

leaders from around the world meet in New York.


That was where he was yesterday. Today, he is there on the hill. And as we get more on that, -- Chuck Schumer with him with Mitch McConnell, the

leaders, the senior leaders of both parties in the U.S. and of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, let's have a listen to what he may be saying here.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT: White House -- support us -- support from the first -- things in the world. Now, together, Dawson was at

risk for developing -- support the signature of the battlefield of our class, -- all the details that -- we had, very strong path this time for


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What do you say to Vladimir Putin?

ZELENSKYY: Thank you, everybody.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What's your message to Vladimir Putin?



ANDERSON: Apologies there for the flash photography, you can imagine just how many people are there listening to what he says, taking shots of the

Ukrainian president as he leaves his meeting with lawmakers there in the states. A crucial meeting, it has to be said for the Ukrainian leader.

He is now on his way as we understand it to the White House next where he will meet with Joe Biden who is expected to announce a military aid package

which had already been funded. Let's see where that goes next and what that might include. We are going to take a very short break.


ANDERSON: Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson. You're watching "Connect the World" from our Middle East Broadcasting hub here in Abu Dhabi. Well,

another landmark agreement could be in the works for this region of the Middle East. Saudi Arabia is sounding hopeful that it will reach a deal to

normalize ties with Israel. Here's what the crown prince told a U.S. interviewer.


MOHAMMED BIN SALMAN, SAUDI CROWN PRINCE: We have good negotiations continue to now we get to see where it would go. We hope that it will reach a place

that it will ease the life of the Palestinians and get Israel as a play out of middle and Middle East.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS REPORTER: So you think if you were to characterize it, are you close?

SALMAN: Every day we get closer. It seems it's for the first time real one series we're going to see how it goes.


ANDERSON: Well, many consider the Crown Prince, the de facto leader of Saudi Arabia, so what he says matters just yesterday, the Israeli prime

minister also sounded hopeful about a deal. CNN's Hadas Gold is following all of this for us from Jerusalem.


And regionally, we've been following this normalization story closely. Of course, we know the Biden Administration has been pushing hard for it, they

see it as the pillar of sort of U.S. policy in the Middle East going forward. What did you make of those comments from Mohammed bin Salman, the

kingdom's Crown Prince?

HADAS GOLD, CNN JERUSALEM CORRESPONDENT: Two things really stood out to me in that interview from what I heard, one is the lack of a dedicated

mentioned to a Palestinian state. This has been something that Saudi Arabia has long said, would be sort of a pretext for any sort of deal with Israel,

you know, they versus the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002.

But instead, what we heard in that segment that you played with him saying anything that would ease the life of the Palestinians not say, you know,

that it would establish a Palestinian state that is notable by itself, perhaps that is something that they recognize might not happen before this

normalization agreement.

The other thing that really stood out for me is about who he would be dealing with. Because Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leads the most

extremist far right wing government in Israeli history. There are ministers in his cabinet who have been literally indicted, charged with anti-Arab


So there's a question about whether the Crown Prince want to strike a deal with this sort of government, but listen to what he had to say.


BAIER: He's 73 year 38. But you think maybe there's a chance you could deal with him?

SALMAN: If we have a breakthrough of reaching a deal that give the Palestinians their needs and make the region come, we got to work with

whoever's there.


GOLD: So really notable that he's saying, you know, it doesn't matter who is in charge, we will work with them. And that obviously includes Benjamin

Netanyahu. Now, there are major concerns here in Israel about what this deal could include, namely, the nuclear aspect of Saudi Arabia, so widely

reported that they want a civilian nuclear program.

But we've been hearing today from people like former Prime Minister, former Foreign Minister Year Lipid, as well as former Prime Minister Ehud Barak

worrying that if the Saudis get this access to the civilian nuclear program that it could open up a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

And Israel would lose its edge. And that we are hearing from some of these figures warning against it, saying that it would endanger such a deal would

endanger Israel security at this moment. Becky.

ANDERSON: Thank you, Hadas. The Crown Prince also talked about his country's ties with the United States, especially in the area of arms and

security. And he talked about its recent repression with Iran. But when asked about the prospect of Iran, getting a nuclear weapon, he had an

ominous warning.

Well, joining me to unpack all of this is Firas Maksad with the Middle East Institute. First I want to sort of work, work through what Hadas, sort of,

you know, opened up for discussion there. This interview has made headlines, because Mohammed bin Salman said, what he said about


And also that, you know, he doesn't want anybody to have a nuclear weapon. But if others have it, effectively, the Saudis should have it, too. I mean,

he's struck a much milder tone on Iran than we have heard from him before. I want our viewers just to hear this, and then we can discuss the kind of

wider the wider story here.


SALMAN: We have a good stuff, we hope that continues. We try our best and also what we see from the Iranians, that they are taking this very

seriously and they are doing their best. So we are investing in that.


ANDERSON: So on the one hand; he really talked in, in in in much, sort of, less bombastic, certainly much less bombastic terms. I mean, you know, his

refrain about Iran is very different from that, which he would have had, you know, two or three years ago. But he certainly, you know, talks about

the potential for nuclear weapons as well, in that interview. What did you make of what you heard?

FIRAS MAKSAD, SENIOR FELLOW, MIDDLE EAST INSTITUTE: Yes, Becky, thank you for having me on the program. Again, it's a pleasure to be with you and

your viewers. First of all, let me say from the onset that this is no doubt to my mind; the comeback interview for NBS at least as far as Western

public opinion is concerned.

Saudi Arabia has come a long way from the reputational damage of five years ago with the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. And both diplomatically and

reputationally, this interview is going to be a landmark moment, let me explain.

I think this interview is going to reach millions of Americans, millions of households and really change the stereotypical picture of Saudi Arabia,

talking about the Crown Prince's projects, whether in tourism or neon up north or diversifying his economy.


But to your point diplomatically, and this softer tone on Iran, but even the normalization drive with Israel is part of a new diplomatic initiative

that the kingdom is taking. The kingdom is diversifying its foreign policy options, whether in the region or internationally.

So they want to have a better relationship with Iran, this detente that they had that was brokered by the Chinese a couple of months ago. But

they're also at the same time interested in keeping a conversation going and exploring possible normalization with Israel. They want to have a

special relationship with the United States, certainly the security guarantor in the region.

But they also want to have the best of ties with China. They recently had the Chinese President, Chinese Saudi Summit and also Russia. They refuse to

take sides, he was asked about the Ukraine war, and he said, we work with both parties. So this is part of this new diplomatic and reputational push

for the kingdom to come back five years after the Jamal Khashoggi's assassination.

ANDERSON: And you've described this as a breakthrough interview. And I agree that for many around the world, this will have been a narrative from

a de facto leader of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that people won't have heard before.

When you live in the region, we've been well aware of where Saudi Arabia has been headed and how its foreign policy is very much dictated these days

by its economic interests. In 2023 the kingdom is halfway through to, what is the sort of, you know, the vision 2030, which is, you know, ultimately

where it is headed in this era societal change, you know, from top to bottom, as it were. What in that interview, if anything surprised you?

MAKSAD: Well, just the simple in amount of time that the Crown Prince spent talking about the economic projects, the economic transformation of his

kingdom, attracting foreign direct investments, meeting KPIs, meeting financial and economic targets that are set out by the vision.

This is not your stereotypical Middle Eastern leader that at least my generation grew up with, who would spend most of their time talking about

geopolitics and regional rivalries and projecting power. Clearly and, and in every interview with the de facto leader of Saudi Arabia, his passion

lies in the economic development of Saudi Arabia.

And really putting it on the map in terms of the global economy, but also what we're witnessing with this new path connecting India to the Middle

East through Saudi Arabia and then on to Europe, that economic corridor that was announced at the G20, in which President Biden congratulated

everybody on.

There's this very real drive in Saudi Arabia to become an economic powerhouse. And I have to say, halfway through the vision, I mean, the IMF

report that recently was released, had Saudi Arabia as the fastest growing economy amongst the G20 countries, really does show that NBS is having

quite a bit of success in terms of the focus on an economic drive and transformation of Saudi Arabia.

ANDERSON: Fascinating, good to have you, Firas always a pleasure. Firas Maksad is out of New York for you today. I'm guessing you are there for

UNGA, the UN General Assembly where so many of the world leaders are gathered. Firas, thank you.

Well, despite Iran and Saudi Arabia, then restoring diplomatic relations. Despite this thought, in what was such a frosty relationship for so long,

Iran's influence in this region of the Middle East has been condemned and deemed destabilizing by the west, but also by many regional actors over the


One country where Iran is known to have considerable influence is Iraq. But for the country's new Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, who joined

me for an interview from New York who at the UN General Assembly, Tehran is merely a friendly neighbor who respects Iraq's sovereignty.

Al-Sudani says contrary to what some others might believe more engagement rather than less with the Islamic Republic will lead to regional stability.

Here is part of what he told me.


MOHAMMED SHIA AL-SUDANI, IRAQI PRIME MINISTER: Iran is a neighboring country and we have many things in common with them, either socially,

culturally, or religiously. Iran has always been a supporting side for the political process and the efforts of Iraq in fighting terrorism, especially

the war against ISIL. Taking care of the joint interests and no interference from one country to another, this is the basis of our

relationship with Iran.

It's also important into for us to have similar views on Iran with other Arab countries in a way that endears the security situation in the region.

And that's what we've been working on by bringing the views of Saudi and Iran closer.


Our efforts in bringing Iran closer to other Arab countries are still ongoing. And that is the leading role of Iraq that's required in the region

through which will lead to stability in the region and in Iraq also.

ANDERSON: A reminder, Iraq held a number of rounds of talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia before the most recent repression. Well, there's no doubt

that Iraq benefits from its relationship with Iran, Tehran supplies its neighbor with more than a third of its power needs, which translates into

billions of dollars in profit for Iran.

Something its foe the United States has expressed displeasure with, but Iraq is one of the countries with the largest oil reserves in the world. It

hasn't been able to profit off those resources due to political and economic insecurity. But now, its Prime Minister is confident that that

will change.

AL-SUDANI: After two to three years, Iraq will have complete independence. We will depend on the Iraqi gas to let our power stations work that was not

available for previous governments in Iraq. Gas hasn't even been used since 2003. Iraq has huge reserves of gas and that comes within our economic plan

to make Iraq and effective actor in the energy market in the world.


ANDERSON: Iraq's Prime Minister speaking to me earlier. We're going to take a short break back after this.


ANDERSON: Welcome back, you're watching "Connect the World" with me, Becky Anderson time here is just after 7:30 in the evening in Abu Dhabi. You're

more than welcome, a diplomatic dispute between India and Canada deepening. India is suspending Visas for Canadian nationals while Canada says it isn't

quote here temporarily adjusting its diplomatic staff in India.


All of this comes just days after the Canadian Prime Minister accused the Indian government of possibly playing a role in the assassination of a Sikh

leader in Canada, the Indian government denies the accusation, citing a lack of proof. Well, India's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson spoke a short

time ago saying Canada should be concerned about its reputation. Have a listen.


ARINDAM BAGCHI, SPOKESMAN, INDIA'S MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS: You're talking about reputational issues, that reputational damage is this one,

any country that needs to look at this, I think it is Canada. And it's growing reputation as a place as a safe haven for terrorists for extremists

and for organized crime. And I think that's a country that needs to worry about its international reputation.


ANDERSON: We've got a team following this story. Vedika is in New Delhi. Paula Newton is in Ottawa. And to both of you as we await the arrival of

Justin Trudeau at the Canada mission at the U.N., where he is expected to make remarks. I'm likely to address there certainly will be asked I'm sure,

by journalist.

Vedika, these are really strong comments from the Foreign Ministry in India. They are now of course the spending Visas for Canadian citizens.

What is India want to see to resolve this at this point? Is it clear?

VEDIKA SUD, CNN REPORTER: Becky, I think it's just gone too far for now. I mean, between Canada and India hasn't as you just heard the spokesperson of

the Ministry of External Affairs here in India. I mean to talk about Canada stating that it's a safe haven for terrorist's extremists.

And for organized crime is a very, very strong worded statement to make in front of cameras. You know, what was interesting today Becky, is that at

this briefing, that happened a couple of hours earlier in the room was full of international and local journalists. And this briefing lasted for about

45 minutes, of which more than 40 minutes was focused just on the standoff and the escalating tensions between India and Canada.

The spokesperson spoke for more than 42 minutes on this issue, which goes on to show how this has been a top headline in India and across the world

for over four days now. Now, yes, the ties, like I said the tensions are escalating between the two countries. And you also have the Canadian High

Commission in New Delhi coming out with a statement stating that their diplomatic staffing here in India will be decreased.

I just want to read from that statement. It says, with some diplomats having received threats in various social media platforms, Global Affairs,

Canada is assessing its staff complement in India. As a result, and out of an abundance of caution, we have decided to temporarily adjust staff

presence in India.

Now what is to be seen is when and where Justin Trudeau provides proof of the allegations he's made against India. Those are very serious remarks

that he made on Monday, Becky, and India says it has not received any further information from Canada ever since Trudeau went to the floor of

Parliament and made that big claim.

That will take a lot really for India and Canada to reset ties at this point. It's not going to happen anytime soon. And we have to also very

interestingly, wait and watch and see how the G7 nations react to what Trudeau has been saying. Yes, of course, he's been dialing Biden.

He's been dialing Rishi Sunak. But none of these countries have really come out with a strong word statement against India at this point. And I think

that's because no proof has been put on the table yet by Trudeau and his government, back to you.

ANDERSON: Let's talk about that, Vedika, thank you. Paula, credible allegations that India was involved, what more do we know? And when can we

expect to hear more on these allegations? That is clearly what India wants and one assumes what people in Canada want at this point as well.

PAULA NEWTON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely 100 percent right about that, Becky, the issue is these calls are coming not just from India but also

from Canadians. Justin Trudeau has been very clear he will not be able he says to present any more evidence. We spoke with Jagmeet Singh, who is new

Democratic leader here in Canada and opposition leader.

He says that he has seen the intelligence that he had a briefing. He is also of Sikh background, and he says he is 100 percent backing the Prime

Minister on calling out India for its potential involvement in this murder. I can tell you though this is a very large escalation on the part of the

Modi government.

And to be clear, Becky, it likely amplifies the anger from the Modi government a couple of weeks ago, Canada sent its head of intelligence to

India to try and discuss this issue. And yet, they did not get the response they were looking for.


And that's when Justin Trudeau decided to go public, as Vedika was saying the issue here is whether or not finish allies will stand with him many

allies including the U.S. saying they are concerned but as so far not being outspoken about condemning India.

ANDERSON: Keeping an eye on the Canada mission at the United Nations where the time is just after a half past 11 in the morning 20 to 12. There and

Justin Trudeau is expected to come to that podium and address the gathered reporters so we would expect him to either address this issue or be asked,

keeping an eye on that for you to both of you thank you very much indeed.

You're watching "Connect the World" with me Becky Anderson just had political will. And the global push for clean energy. The Prime Minister of

Norway, Western Europe's largest petroleum producer has been telling me about energy transitions that interview, is up next.


ANDERSON: The Global Leadership Council is a big title with an even bigger ambition. It's pushing for energy transitions worldwide keep global warming

below 1.5 degrees Celsius. Well, the GLC was founded by some powerful global players, including IKEA and the Bezos Earth fund.

And then there's the Norwegian Prime Minister. He's the co-Chair. He was also one of the headliners. This hour at the United Nations I had a chance

to speak with him earlier. I started by asking how he described the momentum around energy transition at the U.N. General Assembly this year,

have a listen.

JONAS GAHR STORE, NORWEGIAN PRIME MINISTER: This initiative is one initiative which I hope can support the big trend. We are now moving

towards the cop the big climate summit in Dubai in December. And there I believe that we will get a real focus on the energy transition because if

we are going to cut emissions, we're going to count tons of CO2 and methane.

That we need to cut out from the atmosphere and from the outlets we need to replace coal primarily, but also oil and gas with real renewable energy. So

there are many steps to be taken. But I believe we are getting closer to that key question. How do we do it?

We cannot simply cut out the existing fossil fuels if we cannot replace it by something else, because then you will have economist that we will be

blocked, jobs that will be lost and you will get you know, social reactions against it. We are more focused on this now and I believe that's an

encouraging sign.

ANDERSON: I've heard you speak about the opportunities before and that's certainly a narrative that we see gaining momentum at present. You've

talked about the energy transition, bring in I quote you hear both challenge and opportunity. These are conflictual matters. We don't shy away

from them. Is that still your position?


STORE: Well, isn't that something you experience in life and in politics that are both challenges and opportunities, you know, making an energy

transition, shifting energy systems is the most profound change you make in human civilization. Let's put it you know, that's exactly how it is.

But I believe it can succeed, because we know that wind, solar, these new energy sources, prices are coming down at a high speed. But we cannot

simply say, let's close from one day to the other, the fossil chapter and open the other chapter, it has to be a transition.

And I believe that we are pushing towards that transition. Now, around the North Sea, where Norway is located, all the coastal states are now

investing in offshore wind, which has a huge potential, we plan to produce as much energy renewable from offshore wind, as we today have from our

hydro water resources.

There are challenges and bottlenecks in this start face, because when everybody wants to do the same thing, at the same time, you have price

hikes and challenges, but we need to overcome them and move forward and primarily hear me as the Prime Minister, I also say we need to cut

emissions and create jobs, because there has to be opportunity in this for people.

If people see that jobs leave, income leave, they will block this transition. So it's really a call for a mix of markets, and sound politics.

ANDERSON: Prime Minister how much money is needed, I see, you know, hundreds of billions quoted, and then I see trillions of dollars, quoted,

what's your sense, at this point? Let's put a figure on this, what's really?

STORE: Becky, I cannot put the figure on it. You know, if you go down to the small scale industry in an African country that can translate from

diesel to solar panel, that is a very small figure, it is feasible, it can be done. And we want to support that. If we then move large scale, as we

now plan to do in Norway to use our gas resources, take out the CO2 and deposit that CO2 3000 meters under the seabed.

We can use that gas to produce hydrogen, which again can be a key source for European industry resources we need to do this carbon capture and

storage also to deal with the hard to abate industries, such as waste plants, cement production, to get their emissions down.

So you know, each and one of these investments are manageable, and I believe around the corner they will also be profitable adding all this up

to one figure. I think it's hard to do.

ANDERSON: Norway is Western Europe's largest petroleum producer. We've talked about the importance of the energy transition. Certainly, Norway

very involved in the transition to renewable energy that is a fact. How can a country rich in hydrocarbons and investing more not less in the industry

truly play a role in limiting global warming?

When the IEA for example, it said that the two are simply incompatible, that is what critics of countries whose growth is based on hydrocarbons

will say and once again, let me be clear, you're investing more not less in the industry at this point?

STORE: Well, we are transitioning out of the fossil fuels, you know, we reached the peak of our oil production 20 years ago, that is, you know, on

its trend down, and we are now investing massively into renewables. Norwegian economy is basically based on hydro water energy.

But we are now also you know, making major investment in offshore wind, in land, wind in solar, in hydrogen, these need new sources. So, you know, you

will see a transitioning out, we are taxing our fossil fuel sources with the taxes that will encourage that transition.

But again, you know the fact that Norway is a gas producer was there to save Europe through the winter after the Ukraine war started. Again, we

cannot simply cut out these sources without some having something to replace it with.

And that's why the renewable push which is coming now, from wind, from solar, from hydrogen, from some nuclear. That's what we really have to

scale up. And then gradually, you know, this will become cheaper, it will become valuable investments. And that's how we can secure that transition.

ANDERSON: Let's be quite clear, because I think it's important that our viewers understand this Norway is one of the richest countries in the

world. In addition to pumping oil and gas, you are of course making moves towards the controversial practice of deep sea mining for that reason you

have drawn accusations of hypocrisy for Norway's climate advocacy. What is your response to that criticism?


STORE: You know Norway will make no move to do deep sea mining if we are not completely certain that we can do that within the principles of looking

after our seabed or nature, not causing a threat to it, there has to be a key precautionary principle here.

But listen, we are going to need new minerals to secure this transition to build the wind platform, the wind farms, the solar panels, and either we

say let China take care of that, or let the kids in the meals in the center of Africa dig out those minerals, we have a responsibility to map what we

have available of minerals.

And before we give any green light or any granting to for to industry to explore that we need to be 100 percent certain that we do it with inside

those boundaries. But we cannot simply drop this issue because these are minerals that are also, key to the transition towards these new energy


ANDERSON: And your critics that I put their argument to you again will accuse Norway of green colonialism to which you say what?

STORE: I would say rubbish. You know, it's simply so far away from what we are after Norway is responsible. We have seven times more ocean and sea bed

continental shelf than we have landmass and Norway has leaves from fishing from the resources of the ocean, we are there to protect the oceans, to

safeguard the oceans.

I am chairing the ocean panel of almost 20 lead countries that have now direct plants, how we can protect the oceans. This is our lifeline. And I

think we have a story to tell that we can explore the resources of the oceans in a sustainable way. And we will do that also in the new chapters

that lie ahead of us.

ANDERSON: Alright fascinating conversation with the Prime Minister of Norway earlier. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is speaking right

now at the Canada mission at the United Nations. So let's just listen in to what he is saying here? We are expecting him to at least in principle,

address the diplomatic dispute between India and Canada, which of course is deepening India suspending visas for Canadian nationals.

While Canada says it's temporarily adjusting its diplomatic staff in India. Justin Trudeau is speaking both in French and in English, we are monitoring

that for you back after this short break.


ANDERSON: All right. Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister at the Canada mission in the United Nations in New York, addressing the diplomatic

dispute between India and Canada, which of course is deeply now let's just listen in.


JUSTIN TRUDEAU, CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER: As I said on Monday, there are credible reasons to believe that agents of the government of India we're

involved in the killing of a Canadian on Canadian soil. That is something of the utmost and foundational importance in a country of rule of law in a

world where international rules based order matters.


We have a rigorous and independent justice system and robust processes that will follow their course and we call upon the government of India to engage

with us to move forward on getting to the truth of this matter.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- Mr. Mackenzie Gray with global news so far, none of the U.S., U.K., Australia or New Zealand has echoed the allegations about

India. We know you gave some a heads up to some of those world leaders did you ask them to publicly condemn New Delhi.

TRUDEAU: As a country with the rule of law, we have an obligation to ensure that those processes unfold in a rigorous and independent manner and that

is what we are ensuring the same time we are ensuring that Canadians stay protected and that we stand up for the international rules based order.

That is something that we are doing and it's something we are doing alongside our allies.


ANDERSON: But well, certainly no rolling back from what Justin Trudeau has described and once again underscore as the credible allegations against the

government of India a diplomatic dispute between India and Canada is deepening. I'm Becky Anderson. You've been watching "Connect the World".

"One World" with Zain Asher and more on that story is up next stay with us.

