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Ukraine Targets HQ of Russia's Black Sea Fleet; U.S. Sending $325M Security & Arms Package to Ukraine; McCarthy: Hard-Right Members Want to "Burn the Whole Place Down"; China and Syria Agree to "Strategic Partnership"; Footballing Farewell for USWNT Star; Man Arrested Over $7,000 Worth of Lego Thefts. Aired 11a-11:45a ET

Aired September 22, 2023 - 11:00   ET




LYNDA KINKADE, CNN ANCHOR: Hello, I'm Lynda Kinkade. I want to take you right now to Ottawa, Canada. Here you're looking at live pictures of the

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy meeting with Canadian officials ahead of an address he's expected to give to Canada's parliament.

This is the first address and the first time in Canada since Russia invaded his country. Well, Mr. Zelenskyy is looking up to shore up his support for

his country in its fight against Russia's brutal and unprovoked war. Let's just listen in for a moment. You just heard that Mr. Zelenskyy been

described as an inspiration to so many people.

Well, this is all happening as Russia's Defense Ministry says one soldier is missing after a Ukrainian attack on a Russian Black Sea Fleet

headquarters in Crimea. And State Media are reporting that debris was scattered for hundreds of meters and a large number of ambulances work or

to the scene.

Well, the Ukrainian President will address the parliament in Canada in the coming hours. He is of course seeking more aid. And this is Mr. Zelenskyy's

first visit to Canada since the Russian invasion. We have our team covering this from all angles. CNN's Frederik Pleitgen is on the ground for us in

Ukraine, in Dnipro.

Paula Newton is live from Canada's capital Ottawa. Good to have you both with us. I want to start with you, Paula, so 19 months into this war. This

is President Zelenskyy's first trip to Canada where he will address the parliament. What is he hoping for when he speaks?

PAULA NEWTON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, as we see him now he is signing obviously the guestbook there, as he will be giving that address to

Parliament. He has addressed parliament before virtually this will be in person, definitely a lot of anticipation for this visit in Canada.

And as I said almost a unanimous applause will be there in the House of Commons, as many people in Canada do feel that this is a situation that

Canada needs to be involved in and they fully support Ukraine and its endeavors and its military endeavors to try and push back the Russian


You heard Jagmeet Singh there, Lynda, actually one of the opposition members say that, of course, President Zelenskyy and his country were an

inspiration to Canadians. He is an opposition leader and again, near unanimous support here in Ukraine.

The point is how much money is Canada willing to back up that support with and that is a crucial issue, when Ukraine has come here with President

Zelenskyy and not just him, but also his Defence Minister at this hour meeting with Canada's Defence Minister to see what else can be put on the


President Zelenskyy comes here as well, understanding that there was a very large Ukrainian diaspora here. We're largest in the world anywhere outside

of Russia. He knows that they will be a formidable force in trying to convince Canada and not just Canada but other allies to continue to

convince democracies around the world to support President Zelenskyy, even though he himself admits this will be a very long and grinding war, Lynda.

KINKADE: And it has already been very long and grinding, Paula, good to have you there. First, I want to go to Fred, because there has been

certainly some major developments since Mr. Zelenskyy began his trip first in the U.S. and now in Canada. Overnight, Russia's naval fleet in Crimea

was attacked.

Just explain the significance of that because a Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson quoted a blow to the dictatorship of Putin?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, it seems as though it's absolutely significant. In this case, what happened was that

the Ukrainians apparently didn't strike any ships with the Black Sea Naval Fleet, but the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet.

So the very heart of the Black Sea Fleet from the information that we're getting this is mostly from the Russian side, obviously, after they were

hit with those Russian installed officials. There in occupied Crimea saying they believe that it was cruise missiles launched by the Ukrainians that

were behind this.

They claimed that they shot many of the cruise missiles that were fired towards Crimea towards the town of Sevastopol, which is where the

headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet is, that a lot of those were shot down, but obviously, judging from some of the video that's coming through.

And some of the pictures that are coming through, there seem to have been a direct hit on the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet, the Russians right

now saying that only one Russian soldier is missing. But nevertheless, of course, this potentially is a very black big blow to the Russians.


Especially since in the last couple of weeks, we have seen a good deal of Ukrainian strikes on Russian assets in occupied Crimea, and specifically

also around that port of Sevastopol as well you recall that there was a Russian submarine and a landing craft that were both apparently hit by the

Ukrainians when they were in a dry dock.

A Russian military airfield also hit also a very sophisticated surface to air missile installation. That was quite interesting because I actually

just came from an interview with the commanding general of Ukraine's counter offensive in the south. And I asked him about this as well.

And he said, it's absolutely crucial to Ukraine's counter offensive to be doing these things he said, and he said of Russian officers that they take

out in the rear areas, in the rear echelons would not then be able to command any sort of forces on the front line. And of course, also any sort

of tech that they take out any weapons that they take out in the rear Echelon is also something that can't fire at Ukrainian forces.

So they say, from a military standpoint, this is extremely important. But then, of course, also from a morale standpoint, as well as lifting morale

for the Ukrainians, but then also, of course, driving fear, they believe, into the Russians as they are now getting hit right in the heart of their

headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet, which is so important to Russia as what they call the special military operation, of course, the war in

Ukraine, Lynda.

KINKADE: And also, as those developments play out there in Ukraine and wondering what people think about Mr. Zelenskyy's trip in the United

States, and Canada, of course, he just received $325 million from the U.S. I'm just going to pull away for a second Fred, I just want to listen in

right now Zelenskyy with Trudeau, listen.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE: And you have helped us on the battlefield, financially and humanitarian aid, which is crucial. -- I've

got my words to all Canada's, so that you stay with us to our victory. I'm sure. It will be. Thanks so much.



KINKADE: Alright, that's it to, Fred. Obviously, Fred, we did just hear from the U.S. at the end of Mr. Zelenskyy trip that he was given our $325

million in an aid package. Mr. Zelenskyy is now meeting with Canada's leader he's about to address the parliament. What does he hope to get from


PLEITGEN: Well, I think from Canada, just like from the U.S., it's obviously additional weapons, but then also continuing solidarity. And I

think that Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine does understand that Canada is a very important ally in NATO, a very important ally of the

United States, and has also been pretty rock solid.

As far as aid for Ukraine has been concerned as well, you look, for instance, at some of those leopard main battle tanks that were shipped by

the Canadians, but in general, also some of those weapons packages as well. So I think for him, very important to show that the Ukrainians are very

grateful for the support that they're getting from Canada, the same that we sort of saw Vladimir Zelenskyy do in the White House.

And also, when he was on Capitol Hill say, look, we are extremely grateful for the support that we're getting. I think that he also very much

understands that probably less than Canada, but certainly in the United States, the sort of skepticism towards the awarding Ukraine is on the rise

not just among lawmakers from the Republican Party, but certainly also among the general population as well.

I think that Volodymyr Zelenskyy understood that. And so he made sure everywhere that he went to talk about the gratitude that he feels that the

Ukrainians feel towards the aid that they've been given. And they obviously need all of that to continue every single partner that they have deliver

something and they're all very important, none more important, of course, than the United States delivering by far more than any other country.

But look, we saw for the Ukrainians how quick things can change with Poland, for instance, now saying that, at least for now, they will stop

delivering weapons to the Ukrainians, that certainly is a pretty big blow to them. There were of course, some other factors, possibly behind that

dispute over grain imports from Ukraine, through Poland.

But nevertheless, they understand that they are dependent on this. And I think from the perspective on the ground here, Lynda, from the population

here in Ukraine, they sometimes feel that there are a lot of people outside of Ukraine who are talking about Ukraine.

But not necessarily taking into account the opinions and the polls here inside Ukraine. And right now, the Ukrainians certainly wants to continue

the fight that they're fighting. They believe it's existential for their country. And certainly if you talk about things like possible negotiations,

they are in no mood to give any sort of territory in return for negotiations.

And I think that's something that Volodymyr Zelenskyy has made clear in the United States. And we'll make clear in Canada as well, that Ukraine wants

all of its territory back and certainly needs the support of its allies to continue to do that, Lynda.


KINKADE: Yes, he certainly has made that clear so far. Are there any sort of peace plan, peace deal going forward won't entail, won't include handing

over territory to Russia. Good to have you both with us on this story Frederik Pleitgen for us in Dnipro and our Paula Newton in Ottawa.

We will stay across that story of course, Mr. Zelenskyy and his visit to Canada. Thanks for you both. Well, I want to turn to Poland, where the

President now is trying to come what is an escalating route between his country and Ukraine that involves grain exports and weapons? Take a listen.


ANDRZEJ DUDA, POLISH PRESIDENT: Ladies and gentlemen, I do not believe that one political and legal dispute can erase the capital and achievements you

have made. I have no doubts whatsoever. I have no doubt that the dispute over the supply of grain from Ukraine to the Polish market is an absolutely

tiny fragment of the entire Polish Ukrainian relations.

And I do not believe that under normal conditions, it can significantly affect them. This is an issue that we need to resolve among ourselves, and

there are various words, sometimes better, sometimes even painful.


KINKADE: When Ukrainian President Zelenskyy issued veiled criticism towards Poland and a number of other countries at the U.N. General Assembly

Tuesday, have a worthless decision to continue an embargo on Ukrainian grain. Poland's Prime Minister later said his country won't send Ukraine

any new weapons or a mark.

The President Andrzej Duda says when misinterpreted before heading to Canada for Volodymyr Zelenskyy was in Washington appealing for more aid,

for Ukraine's wartime leader wasn't feeling the love from everyone this time round on Capitol Hill. Instead, some skeptical congressional

Republicans questioned the future of U.S. support.

At the same time Mr. Zelenskyy secured another aid package from the Biden Administration. But there are lingering questions about possible Ukraine

fatigue. Well, CNN White House Correspondent Jeremy Diamond joins us with more on all of this. Good to have you with us Jeremy.

So cold frosty getting the cold shoulder was some of the ways that this reception that Mr. Zelenskyy got was described where the headlines from

this visit in the U.S. which was such a contrast to the huge standing ovation he got last time round when he visited last year.

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: No doubt about it. Last time President Zelenskyy was here nine months ago, he received essentially a

hero's welcome in Washington. He was offered a joint session of Congress to address a joint session of Congress in a primetime address by the Speaker

of the House at the time, Nancy Pelosi.

But nine months later, he faced a much frosty reception, at least from the current House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who did meet behind closed doors with

Zelenskyy. But did not It seems want to be seen in public with the Ukrainian leader. And that's because that's a reflection of waning support

for Ukraine within the Republican Party.

Among its rank and file among its base voters, but also, among some of those elected members of the House as President Zelenskyy arrived 23 House

Republicans and six Republican Senators issued a letter rejecting the Biden administration's latest requests for $24 billion of additional aid for


They are questioning essentially the open ended commitment to this war and asking questions about Ukraine strategy, as it has made this kind of

halting progress and its counter offensive against Russia. And so that those numbers of Republicans, that's certainly not a majority of the

Republican caucus.

It seems fair to say that a majority of Republicans in Congress still do support aid for Ukraine. But the problem is Kevin McCarthy has a very, very

narrow majority in the House. And in order to retain his speakership, he needs to retain the support of those members. And so far, he hasn't

committed to bringing up that package for a vote.

Of course, all of this is tied up in these broader spending negotiations as lawmakers race to avert a government shutdown in just over a week. So

there's a lot of complicating factors. But one thing that President Zelenskyy and President Biden very much tried to use yesterday's visit as

an opportunity to do was to try and make the case to the American public, for why supporting Ukraine is so important.

Not only for that country, but also for the world at large and for the precedent that it could set if Russia is allowed to rollover, and

essentially grab all of this territory in Ukraine. And so President Biden was able to make that statement of continued support for the Ukrainian


He expressed optimism that Congress will continue to approve additional funding for Ukraine. Why? He said, because there is simply no alternative

to that. And he was able to express that support, of course, as you mentioned, with that additional $325 million in additional assistance for

Ukraine. The question is, will he be able to get that $24 billion package through and if so, when, Lynda?


KINKADE: So Jeremy, just break down for us what's included in that $325 million package and what's missing?

DIAMOND: Yes, well, he has significant air defense capabilities, anti- armor, munitions, as well as those cluster munitions, the controversial munitions which President Biden approved for the first time to send to

Ukraine earlier this past summer. What it does not include, though, is the attacking system, that long range missile system, which President Zelenskyy

as recently as a few days ago was pleading with the United States to provide.

The National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said the President Biden ultimately decided not to provide that system at this time after conducting

an assessment of Ukraine's battlefield needs and also weighing that against the U.S.'s own defense arsenal needs. But to be clear, he said that it's

not off the table entirely.

And it is certainly possible that that system which Ukraine has been asking for some time now could eventually be provided. We have seen of course,

time and again, the United States deny Ukraine's request for step up weaponry, we look at fighter jets, look at tanks, look at various long

range artillery systems.

Saying no, and then ultimately reversing that decision and saying yes, at a later date when they feel it's more appropriate for the conditions on the


KINKADE: Alright, Jeremy Diamond with a very comprehensive update from the White House. Thank you. You are watching "Connect the World", live today

from Atlanta. Still ahead hopes are fading in Washington to avoid a U.S. government shutdown. What hardline House Republicans are doing that is

angering their speaker.

But first in the face of recent unrest and ongoing uncertainty, how can Pakistan ensure that its elections next year will be free and fair? We're

going to hear from the country's Interim Prime Minister as he speaks with "Connect the World".


KINKADE: Welcome back. Pakistan's caretaker Prime Minister is speaking right now at the U.N. General Assembly. And he began by addressing the war

in Ukraine and the global economic uncertainty. As well as the impact of climate change were Pakistan hit hard by recent flooding.

These are live pictures you're looking at right now. This speech of course comes as the country has announced a new general election for the start of

next year amidst a troubled economy. Becky Anderson spoke to the Interim Prime Minister about how he will ensure the elections are transparent, free

and fair?


ANWAAR-UL-HAQ KAKR, INTERIM PAKISTANI PRIME MINISTER: You understand Pakistan is a transitional democracy and when it comes to the transitional

democracies every region has its own standards of what you call transparency or clean or objective processes for the elections.


What I can assure to the audience which is listening to me at the moment that there wouldn't be any institutional interference at the behest of the

Government of Pakistan in either favor or fear of any political group. If certain individuals or political parties or groups try to influence or

engineer the process that will not have any sort of organized backing by the government. If it happens, it would be responded and dealt with

according to the law.

BECKY ANDERSON, CNN ANCHOR: How confident are you that date, as specified now, of January delayed from November is likely to be the date on which

Pakistan's electorate will vote? Are you confident of elections in January?

KAKR: I am confident at the moment because the reason is that this constitutional exercise of delimitation if you anyone applies common sense

on the timeline that, how much is it required to achieve de limitation of all the constituencies that probably would be around, let's say, a couple

of months or two, maximum three.

So if I see through that prism, I do appreciate and understand. And there's a timeline again for filing criticism on the formation of those new de

limitations. So, all the process could be at max between 3, 3.5 to 4 months. And this is the kind of tentative date which we are seeing that

they are announcing.

ANDERSON: With respect you do not seem particularly confident?

KAKR: Well, I think so I am very comfortable. If I don't slam snobbish for in my answers that could be interpreted as I'm not confident, but I'm very

comfortable that this is the timeline and it can be achieved, and we will achieve it.

ANDERSON: Relations between Pakistan and the United States deteriorated significantly under the Former Prime Minister Imran Khan. We know the

successive government has tried to mend faces. How would you describe your relationship with Washington at present?

KAKR: First of all, we do believe and this caretaker government believes that relationship with Washington and us is one of the corner stone of our

foreign policy. And we always explore the ways how to constructively engage with the U.S. for any government, be it caretaker or an elected government,

irrespective of what rhetoric's we apply for a special or specific constituency back home which does thrive on anti-Americans.

Every government appreciates and understands the value of relationship for the U.S. and so we are also continuing to cultivate that relationship,

strengthen it further and try to find more values where we can bring the two nations, more closer.


KINKADE: Thanks for Becky Anderson with that interview with Pakistan's Caretaker Prime Minister. Well, U.S. government shutdown is looming U.S.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy sound lawmakers home for the weekend, after failing to convince hardline Republicans to allow a procedural vote that

could have led to a stop gap government funding bill.

That makes the prospect of avoiding a shutdown on October 1 very remote, where U.S. Congressional Correspondent Lauren Fox is following the

developments and joins us now live. Good to have you with us, Lauren sorry, as Zelenskyy have been pushing for more -- we've got a U.S. government

struggling to find its own government.

Just explain to us what the concerns are right now because the potential shutdown is about a week away?

LAUREN FOX, CNN CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, the issue for House Speaker Kevin McCarthy right now is how many conservatives in his right

flank are vowing to vote against any short term government funding bill that would keep the government open for just about a month.

So what they're trying to do right now is pass individual spending bills. The problem with that plan is it would take a considerable amount of time

on the House floor. It would also require the same hardliners who have been opposed to everything up to this point to rally around each individual

spending bill.


There's just not really a way forward right now to pass 11 individual spending bills in just about 8 days, which is the timeframe that McCarthy

has in order to avoid a shutdown. We asked McCarthy just a few moments ago, if the U.S. Senate came together around a plan to fund the government for a

couple of months that included Ukraine aid and disaster relief.

Would he put it on the floor of the House of Representatives? But once again, McCarthy was noncommittal because he knows that putting anything on

the floor and working with Democrats could potentially mean the end of his speakership.

KINKADE: All right, it certainly is a lot at play. Lauren Fox, for staying across those developments, thanks so much. Well, a new Middle East Benjamin

Netanyahu says that is on the horizon if Israel strives to deal with Saudi Arabia, but there are still questions of the Palestinians and Iran. We are

live from Jerusalem when we come back.


KINKADE: Welcome back to "Connect the World", I'm Lynda Kinkade, good to have you with us. These are your headlines this hour. Pope Francis is

highlighting the plight of Europe's migrants and an overnight trip to Marseille. France says it won't admit any more migrants from Lampedusa.

That's the Italian island where there's been a surge of arrivals from North Africa. The Pope plans to preside over a meeting of Mediterranean bishops

and celebrate mass. Iran is investigating a fire that broke out at a Defense Ministry warehouse. Iranian state media posted these images showing

columns of black smoke rising from a building near Tehran.

It said the warehouse was used to make batteries. The fire has now reportedly been contained. Syria's President of Bashar al-Assad and China's

Xi Jinping have agreed to a strategic partnership. The two met ahead of the Asian Games in Hangzhou, China. China has also pledged to help rebuild

Syria and strengthen its counterterrorism capacity.

According to state run media CCTV. This is Assad's first visit to China since the Civil War broke out in Syria 12 years ago.


Well, the new vision of the Middle East, but whose vision is it? We have heard from the Palestinian Authority President and just a short time ago

from the Israeli Prime Minister at the United Nations General Assembly. Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel is on the cusp of a historic deal with the


And he says that will redraw the map of the Middle East as a more peaceful region. Mr. Abbas says Peace is not possible without the Palestinians.

Well, for more on this, I want to bring in CNN's Hadas Gold from Jerusalem. Good to have you with us. So this obviously has been a huge week for Mr.

Netanyahu, both at home and abroad. He spoke to the United Nations, what did he say about a peace plan and the Palestinians?

HADAS GOLD, CNN JERUSALEM CORRESPONDENT: Well, he really talked about how they were on the cusp of something really huge for the Middle East a cusp

of a breakthrough of this normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia. And that really made up the bulk of his speech.

And what was interesting in this speech was to hear what he said about how the Palestinians play into this, because we know the issue of the

Palestinians will play a major part in whatever this normalization deal will be. But what Benjamin Netanyahu said, is he said the calculation has

essentially been reversed?

It used to be that everybody said you Israel won't have peace with any Arab nations until peace with the Palestinians has been settled first until the

Palestinian question has been settled. And Benjamin Netanyahu said, look, the equation has now changed. We have the Abraham Accords.

And now we're on the cusp of peace with Saudi Arabia before things with the Palestinians are settled. He said he wants Palestinians to be part of the

process. But he said they need to reconcile with the fact that Israel exist, and he said that they should not have a veto over the process

either. Take a listen to what he had to say.


BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER: I believe that we are at the cusp of an even more dramatic breakthrough, an historic peace between

Israel and Saudi Arabia. Such a piece will go a long way to ending the Arab-Israeli conflict. It will encourage other Arab States to normalize

their relations with Israel.

It will enhance the prospects of peace with the Palestinians. It will encourage a broader reconciliation between Judaism and Islam, between

Jerusalem and Mecca, between the descendants of Isaac and the descendants of Ishmael.


GOLD: Now, what's interesting is when you think back to what the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia told Fox News earlier this week. He also talked

about how he hopes this deal would ease the Palestinians lives but not necessarily talking about a Palestinian States interesting to hear from

Benjamin Netanyahu saying that he thinks that this deal will help the Palestinians later sort of in the end.

But there were no specifics on what exactly the Palestinians would potentially get out of this. And that is the major question because

whatever concessions are things that Palestinians may be offered Benjamin Netanyahu will have to get that through his own right wing government.

Some of whose ministers have said things before, like they don't believe a Palestinian people exist, it's not clear how he would be able to get that,

over that major hurdle of his own government. We email yesterday, we heard from the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, saying that there

will be no such peace in the Middle East until the question of the Palestinians is settled. Take a listen.


MAHMOUD ABBAS, PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY PRESIDENT: Those who think that peace can prevail in the Middle East. Without the Palestinian people enjoying

their full, legitimate national rights would be mistaken.


GOLD: So devil are always in the details here. If you hear what has been happening over the past week, do you think that there's going to be a

signing ceremony within a few days, that's unlikely to happen? We've heard from the Israeli Foreign Minister who said he thinks it will be in the

first part of next year, but still a lot of gaps to be bridged over this possible deal.

The details about the Palestinians, detail about a possible Saudi Arabian nuclear program. Still a lot of bridges to be gapped here, but its, still

incredible just to hear how much on the table this conversation is even being had to hear from the Crown Prince, to hear from President Biden, to

hear from Benjamin Netanyahu. That normalization deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia could be as close as just a few months away, Lynda.

KINKADE: Yes, huge dome. Hadas Gold, good to have you covering those developments. And both sides, the Palestinians and Mr. Netanyahu's speech

at the U.N. General Assembly, good to have you with us. Thank you. Well, of course back home, Mr. Netanyahu does face huge protests over his plan to

overhaul the Israeli courts.

And while many protests are believed the plan is an erosion of democracy. Some Palestinians say it could bring Israel closer to annexing the West



You can read much more about that in our newsletter me well in the Middle East, or you can just scan the QR code you can see on your screen. Well,

next in sport don't tell me it costs a big farewell to one of America's top women's footballers. Not just one, but two. We'll have that when we come



KINKADE: Well from floods to heat waves, the world is facing the consequences of climate change. It despite a growing need for solutions

clean tech startups grow slower than companies in other sectors. That's according to research by startup genome, more now in today's edition of

startup trail.


KINKADE (voice-over): As these tanks are lowered for entrepreneurs Ziad Hussami's business is on a high. He is the Co-Founder of Mruna, a startup

that says it has developed an innovative wastewater treatment system.

ZAID HUSSAMI, CO-FOUNDER OF MRUNA: Our key solution is BiomWeb. And BiomWeb is a nature based solution that harnesses the power of nature to treat

wastewater in a circular way. You get most of your nutrients out here, but the hardest thing to get out is usually the last bit and that's where the

plants do the work.

KINKADE (voice-over): Instead of adding chemicals, Ziad says plants such as mint and reeds, helped to break down the contaminants in the water. Mruna

currently has tanks in two different sites in the UAE. As Ziad says new dreams for his business, he says ongoing support will be, key, to his


HUSSAMI: The ecosystems have mature and they're more selective. They're not looking for things which are going to be just pilots being in accelerators

here that could really tie you in with companies and persons and individuals that are you know, Visa V understand you and your product, your

pains, and what it takes to implement it. Yes, I don't think you can find many places like here.

KINKADE (voice-over): And that's one of the reasons why he moved from Lebanon to register his company in Abu Dhabi in 2020.

CHRISTOPHER SCHROEDER, CO-FOUNDER OF NEXT BILLION VENTURES: In the end, what entrepreneurs really are trying to do is take as much friction out of

their lives, they want to be able to move as quickly as possible as efficiently as possible.

So if you have an ecosystem where you have a lot of other talent around you who wants to build, where do you have a lot of policy and regulation which

is steps back and helps to unleashes, where you have infrastructure in place with work, you've taken all that friction away.

KINKADE (voice-over): Mruna is finding that support through Masdar City, a sustainable development just outside Abu Dhabi.

SULEIMAN AMIN, MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE CATALYST: Climate tech is still fairly new in this region. Companies like Masdar city were going to drive

the growth of these companies getting their office space here and having these kinds of meetings and introductions and networking opportunities.

I think that's incredible. Nowadays, what we're seeing is amazing kind of commitment and ambitions to climate change mitigation and the adoption of

clean technologies as well. It's really important for entrepreneurs to come and explore these new markets, especially in the -- region in the Middle



KINKADE (voice-over): With the UAE hosting the Global Climate Conference COP 28 later this year, and as the international community looks into

adopting green solutions. Entrepreneurs in the fields of green tech might be a breath of fresh air.


KINKADE: Or they typically say what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. But sometimes things that happen make international headlines, like the arrest

of a man suspected of stealing over 30 LEGO sets during more than a dozen visits to Target stores. They were sets that were collectively worth

thousands of dollars math 7000, to be precise.

Police say a 33 year old -- performed for theft with the help of an unidentified woman. And if you're wondering why here is a fun fact, police

say LEGO sets are commonly stolen and resold for a profit. The suspect is set to appear in court on Monday. Well, sports now and a footballer who has

enjoyed a legendary career and is just 31 years old.

The U.S. Women's National Team says farewell to one of its biggest stars, Julie Ertz, the two time World Cup winner and two times Olympian who

recently announced her retirement. And she's not the only big name saying goodbye to the U.S. Women's National Team. Amanda Davies has all the

details. And arguably there's an even bigger name that's retiring.

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN WORLD SPORT: Oh, well, I think Lynda it's no coincidence that they've decided to keep these two retirements set for, because Julie

Ertz absolutely deserves her moments of celebration to get the adulation from the crowd, as you said, after over 120 appearances for the U.S.

Women's National side.

And all that she's done, not just on the pitch, but off it as well. She came back from having her son Madden last year to represent the U.S. women,

the World Cup just gone by and Australia and New Zealand. But yes, from one farewell today to another on Sunday. That of course is Megan Rapinoe.

I hope there are plenty of tissues in the U.S. dressing room because it has certainly been an emotional few days. But interestingly, whilst the U.S.

already focused on Paris 2020 for the Olympics, and next year, Spain's Women's World Cup winning side are getting ready to play their first match

since everything that unfolded in Sydney.

A very much in the midst of the crisis that is engulfing them, and we've got more build up to that coming up in just a couple of minutes in "World

Sport", Lynda.

KINKADE: Yes, many people watching that game to see how they play amidst all the scandal and drama we have been covering for weeks. Amanda Davies,

we will see you after the break for "World Sport". Thanks so much. You're watching CNN, stay with us.

