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Candidates Target Ramaswamy Throughout Debate; American Soldier Travis King Returned from North Korea; At least 100 Killed after Fire Rips Through Celebration; U.S. Stocks Open Mostly Lower Thursday; ChatGPT AI Tool Gains Powerful New Upgrades; Nagorno-Karabakh Leader Dissolving Self- Declared Republic. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired September 28, 2023 - 09:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: You are looking at live pictures from Capitol Hill in the U.S. where the impeachment inquiry into

President Biden begins in just under an hour. It is 9 am in Washington, its 5 pm we are broadcasting from here in Abu Dhabi. I'm Becky Anderson.

This is "Connect the World". Here's what else is happening over the next two hours. Israel Supreme Court is hearing a case at the heart of the

political controversy swirling around Benjamin Netanyahu. Iraq in mourning after a fire at a wedding and trying to make sure such a tragedy never

happens again.

I'll speak to an advisor to the Prime Minister about exactly how they plan to do that. And American Army Private Travis King that acclimatizing going

back to life in the United States, often North Korea expelled him. Well, before we get to the headlines of the day, let's get you a look at the U.S.

futures and the major averages on track for a lower open after what was a mixed day of trade on Wednesday.

Stocks also remain on track for a losing week investors, just a little shy at present not looking good as far as a U.S. government shutdown is

concerned. That of course, is the deadline end of this week and the macro- economic picture, not one that investors in stocks are particularly happy about at present.

New York's trading day starts in just under 30 minutes' time. First up this out the debate that everyone is talking about today. It was a crowded stage

of U.S. Republicans plus the elephant in the room. Once again, the dominant front runner in the party's race for the White House, Donald Trump was not


The barbs were flying fast and furious. But the early consensus is all that bluster didn't make a dent in Trump's lead. Kyung Lah has the latest for



KYUNG LAH, CNN SENIOR U.S. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A chaotic second GOP presidential debate, with seven candidates all vying for second

place behind Donald Trump criticizing the front runner for not showing up.

CHRIS CHRISTIE, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You're not here tonight, because you're afraid of being on the stage and defending your

record. You're ducking these things. And let me tell you what's going to happen. You keep doing that. No one up here is going to call you Donald

Trump anymore. We're going to call you Donald Duck.

LAH (voice-over): The candidates and vote Trump's name more this time around zeroing in the economy and possible government shutdown.

RON DESANTIS, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The people in Washington are shutting down the American dream with their reckless

behavior. They borrow, they printed, they spent and now you're paying more for everything. They are the reason for that.

And where's Joe Biden, he's completely missing an action from leadership. And you know who else is missing an action? Donald Trump is missing an

action he should be on this stage tonight. He owes it to you to defend his record.

LAH (voice-over): Pence took direct aim at the President's Bidenomics agenda.

MIKE PENCE, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Joe Biden doesn't belong on a picket line. He belongs on the unemployment line. Bidenomics

has failed. Wages are not keeping up with inflation auto workers and all American workers are feeling it.

LAH (voice-over): On the auto workers strike a range of views and blame.

TIM SCOTT, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: They want for day French work weeks, but more money, they want more benefits, working fewer hours

that is simply not going to stand.

DOUG BURGUM, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The reason why people are striking in Detroit is because Joe Biden's interference with capital

markets, and with free markets.

LAH (voice-over): The debate hit on many red meat issues for the Republican Party, including immigration and border security.

CHRISTIE: Our laws are being broken every day at the southern border every day. And Joe Biden and his crew are doing nothing about enforcing that law.

NIKKI HALEY, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Defund sanctuary cities. You see what's happening in Philadelphia right now. It's got to

stop. We need to make sure we put 25,000 more Border Patrol and ICE agents on the ground and let them do their job.

VIVEK RAMASWAMY, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, if the kid of a Mexican diplomat doesn't enjoy birthright citizenship, then neither

does the kid have an illegal migrant who broke the law to come here.

LAH (voice-over): Vivek Ramaswamy who faced direct attacks during the first debate was forced to defend his business record in China and his use of


RAMASWAMY: I have a radical idea for the Republican Party. We need to win elections and part of how we win elections is reaching the next generation

of young Americans where they are.

HALEY: -- infuriating because TikTok is one of the most dangerous social media assets that we could have. And once you've got, I honestly every time

I hear you I feel a little bit dumber for what you say.

LAH (voice-over): And the two candidates from South Carolina sparred over gas taxes in their home state and curtains.


SCOTT: Nikki offered a 10 percent gas tax increase in South Carolina as the U.N. Ambassador. You literally $50,000 on curtains at a $15 million

subsidized location, next.

HALEY: You got bad information. First of all, I fought the gas tax in South Carolina multiple times. Secondly, on the occurrence, do you have mark 10,

because Obama bought those curtains?

SCOTT: It is in the back?

HALEY: It's in the in the back. It's the State Departments.

SCOTT: Do you send them back?

HALEY: Do you send them back? You're the one that works in Congress.

SCOTT: Oh, my god!

HALEY: You get --

SCOTT: -- your curtains.

HALEY: They were there before even showed up at the residence.


ANDERSON: Well, Kyung Lah joining us now and as the dust settles your report, certainly highlighting. Let's say, you know, what many will see as

the key takeaways, I guess, ultimately, what are we supposed to take away from that debate last night?

LAH (on camera): Well, I mean, from that last bit there is that they're arguing about curtains. You know, it's a little hard to say that anything

really substantively changed, Becky, in regards to the overall movement and dynamics of this field right now, you have these seven that made the debate

hall, and they made the debate stage.

And then you have Donald Trump who has already moved on to the primary, he says, and this is his word in advance of this debate. He called a "stupid"

that in the sentence, he's saying this is all irrelevant that he believes this is more of a coronation than a primary. So as far as that overall

trend, it doesn't appear to have changed that much.

But what these candidates were really trying to do. The seven who are vying to be the Trump alternative is they need to knock each other down. But yet

they need to somehow not Trump while still getting some of the people who are backing him. So that's the difficult dance that they're currently in.

ANDERSON: Yes, it is fascinating. And we are a little more than a year out from the 2024 election stick with CNN. You get it all here, Kyung, thank

you. Well, in under an hour, House Republicans hold their first hearing their inquiry into President Joe Biden and their determined efforts to find

something they can use to impeach him.

You're looking at Capitol Hill where that hearing will take place. Republicans claim President Biden abused his office to enrich his family

members but have yet to publish evidence of any wrongdoing. The wall is playing out despite a looming government shutdown. White House

Correspondent Jeremy diamond on CNN "Newsroom" this morning told us what we can expect from today's events. Have a listen.

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: The impeachment hearing today is obviously going to be the first opportunity for House Republicans

to try and start building this case that they believe they have to make against Joe Biden. But it is important to know that the backdrop to all of

this is the fact that they simply have not yet proved or provided any concrete evidence for any of these allegations.

That they are making about Joe Biden in terms of abuse of power, or bribery. So far, all of the documents that they have put up, none of them

include any kind of direct evidence that Joe Biden profited from any of his son Hunter Biden's business dealings. But and today's impeachment inquiry

is certainly not expected to go any further in terms of providing concrete evidence.

That's because this is going to feature a panel of three conservative legal experts who are going to opine effectively on some of the claims that these

House Republicans are making. But none of these witnesses are going to be direct fact witnesses to any of the allegations that House Republicans are


And so the White House really is using this as an opportunity to try and sharpen the contrast between what House Republicans are focused on. And

what the White House is focused on, especially as the President today delivers this speech on democracy.

And the White House is also saying that House Republicans instead of focusing on what they call partisan political attacks, that they should be

focused on trying to keep the government funded just a couple of days before the government runs out of money.

ANDERSON: Well, as Jeremy Diamond is speaking just a little earlier, it's important to understand what these hardline Republicans in the U.S. are

trying to achieve here. Their big questions are the following. First, did Joe Biden as vice president and or President take any official action or

effect any change in government policy because of money or other things of value provided to his family or him from foreign interests?

Second, did Joe Biden is vice president and or President abused his office of public trust by providing for foreign interests with access to him and

his office in exchange for payments to his family or to him?


Third, did Joe Biden as Vice President and or President abused his office of public trust by knowingly participating in a scheme to enrich him-self

by giving foreign interests the impression that they would receive access?

Fourth, did Biden abuse his power as President to impede, obstruct, or otherwise hinder investigations of his son, Hunter Biden? Well, there is no

evidence to suggest any of those answers would be yes. We will begin to see how they can answer those questions next hour.

Well, as Jeremy pointed out, there is an awful lot going on in U.S. politics today, Joe Biden will deliver a speech on defending democracy

against extremist threats later, that is in Tempe, Arizona will bring you that live it is scheduled for 2:45 pm U.S. Eastern Time, that is 7:45 pm

London time.

You'll work out what time it is locally, wherever you are in the world from a political crisis, potentially brewing in the United States to political

turmoil in Israel, the country's top court today hearing challenges to new law that could be key to Benjamin Netanyahu's future by making it harder to

remove a Prime Minister from office, even the Knesset own lawyer, who is arguing for the law admits it will benefit Mr. Netanyahu himself.

CNN's Hadas Gold following today's hearing for us in Jerusalem. How's this going? At this point, just explain who's sitting, who's speaking, and what

we expect from this?

HADAS GOLD, CNN JERUSALEM CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Becky, this building behind me, the Israeli Supreme Court has been super busy place this month because

never before has the Supreme Court heard so many challenges to amendments to basic law have passed in the Israeli problem.

And this is all of course connected to this massive judicial overhaul the Netanyahu government is trying to push through but the particular case that

they're hearing today, this one could have the most personal effect on Benjamin Netanyahu and his ability to serve as leader as discovered,

because this is related to a law that was passed in March.

That makes it much more difficult for a sitting Prime Minister to be removed from office, because he would be declared unfit for office. And

what this law says is the only way a Prime Minister can be declared unfit for office is for physical or mental reasons.

The Prime Minister themselves can do it or supermajority in the cabinet, ratified then by the Parliament only that could remove them beforehand.

There wasn't really a law on the books, and it was essentially agreed, based off of case law that it was the Attorney General who could declare

the Prime Minister unfit for office.

And there was a major concern that because of Benjamin Netanyahu's ongoing corruption trial, that that could cause him to be declared unfit for office

so based off of this new law, that couldn't happen anymore. And so that's why there are petitions against this law, because the petitioners are

saying this was passed solely to benefit Benjamin Netanyahu.

And because of that, it should not stand. And what's interesting is what we've heard from the lawyers arguing for this law, the lawyer for the

parliament saying, sure, yes, this was actually to benefit Benjamin Netanyahu, it's hard to deny that because those are comments that were made

by members of parliament while this law was being debated back in March.

But they are arguing that by knowing this law by tearing it down, the Supreme Court will be going against Democratic values would be tearing down

the millions of votes that were cast for Benjamin Netanyahu, and that it's not up to the Supreme Court to do so.

What's interesting is once again, the Attorney General for the government is not arguing on the side of the government because although she's a

member of the government, she's not a political ally of Benjamin Netanyahu. And a lawyer for her has argued that this law cannot stand as it is now

because she says a basic law cannot be used as a kind of private resource that removes personal problems from the field of morality and criminal law.

Now, Becky, this will take a faster timeline than the other cases in front of the Supreme Court. We do expect a decision on this within the next

couple of weeks. But it is possible the Supreme Court could sort of punt on this and say, this law can stand but can only take effect in the next

parliamentary session, Becky.

ANDERSON: Good to have you Hadas, happening this hour Israel's top court hearing challenges to a new law. That could be, key, to Israeli Prime

Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's future stick with us for more as that develops. So what's next for Travis King? He's a U.S. soldier who has or

was returned from North Korea two months after dashing across the DMZ, the demilitarized zone.

King now back in the United States arriving in San Antonio in Texas overnight. He had some help in his release from Sweden and interestingly

from China.


Let's get you live to CNN, Oren Liebermann, who is sat at the Pentagon. What are the details on this as we understand them?

OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Becky, this was a very interesting process about how he got out of North Korea and how this played

out over the course of the last several weeks. Sweden very much a key player here and effectively was the go between the U.S. and North Korea and

it was also a Swedish convoy in North Korea.

That brought private Travis King to the border with China across the Friendship Bridge, where he was met by the U.S. Defense Attache to China

and was then transferred into U.S. military custody, China also playing a critical role here acting as essentially the transport option or the

transport venue for King, to leave North Korea and to travel back to the United States.

King was brought into China and then flown out into South Korea before he hopped on a U.S. military flight and landed about seven or eight hours ago

at Joint Base San Antonio where he'll head to Brooke Army Medical Center. That's where detainees from overseas are taken for medical evaluation,

perhaps accurate and psychiatric evaluation and essentially to help them re acclimate to being out of detention and in the United States.

So for example, Brittney Griner, and Trevor Reed were taken there after they were released from Russia. But there are a number of interesting

questions here. First, the U.S. insists that didn't give anything up to North Korea for the release of King and interestingly, North Korea says or

hasn't claimed at least that it got anything in return from the United States.

But one of the big questions that hangs over all of this and for which the army hasn't yet given clarity, will King face Uniform Code of Military

Justice charges. He was absent without leave when he ran into North Korea and officials here said that he did so willfully and intentionally.

And the possibility was raised that he could face military charges. But that question now at least doesn't have an answer, perhaps pushed off to

the side a little bit. What's important is that he's home, Becky, he has talked to his family, and he is recovering at a hospital in San Antonio.

ANDERSON: Oren Liebermann has the story out of the Pentagon for you. Oren, thank you. Coming up, as mourners in Iraq, bury their dead from a tragic

wedding fire, I want to speak to the Prime Minister's adviser about the pursuit of justice and how the country suggests it will avoid this sort of

disaster going forward?


ANDERSON: You're watching "Connect the World", I'm Becky Anderson for you, 90 minutes past 5 here in Abu Dhabi. In Iraq, the anger and grief over that

terrible wedding hall fire is now turning to the pursuit of justice. 14 people have been arrested including the owner of the hall.

Well, those arrests coming as hundreds of mourners scattered to bury the dead in the predominantly Christian area of Northern Iraq.


At least 100 people were killed after a fire swept through the building on Tuesday. So I was say it felt like they were hit by a nuclear explosion.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Feather decorations were hanging from the ceiling and caught on fire in just one minute. The owner of the wedding hall opens the

door immediately, when the hall was set on fire. We thought it was a nuclear bomb.


ANDERSON: Iraq's Prime Minister has ordered his government to assist everyone affected by the fire, according to his office. Joining me now live

from Baghdad is Farhad Alaaldin Adviser to the Prime Minister. Sir it's good to have you an awful tragic event, 14 people have now been arrested.

Will there be more arrests?

FARHAD ALAALDIN, FOREIGN AFFAIRS ADVISER TO IRAQI PRIME MINISTER: Indeed, thank you for having me. It is a sad day for Iraq and for the people of

Nineveh, al-Hamdaniyah. The Prime Minister every morning went to Hamdaniyah definitely stood over the ground and looked at visited the victims and the

hospital and so on.

And an investigation is already underway, as to the reasons of this tragic accident and why this has happened and how could be prevented in the

future. And this is where the investigation is going to be announced. The results are hopefully today or tomorrow. And the culprits will be brought

to justice and people held accountable for this tragedy that happened.

ANDERSON: There was no fire exit, no fire plan, officials turning a blind eye to safety standards. As far as reports are concerned that investigation

has been launched, you say the results of that are expected very soon. What will the Prime Minister do with those findings, sir?

ALAALDIN: Well, first of all, is prevention of such tragedy in the future is will be one of the priorities and certainly evaluation of existing

venues and public holds on public places where people would be gathered would be another issue that new fire regulations and new public safety

regulations need to be published.

And taken into account what's been taken place. And the lessons learned from that, will all be results of this investigation, as well as obviously

bringing those who are neglected their duties to justice.

ANDERSON: Sir, let's be absolutely clear about their seat, sad reality is that corruption and mismanagement are rife in Iraq. This is just another

example of what is, you know, a series of preventable deaths. So I asked you again, what will be done with these findings? And what is the

government doing to root out corruption?

ALAALDIN: This corruption in Iraq is nothing new that we all know about it. This government's priority is to root it out. And as the Prime Minister

called it, it's a pandemic corruption rather than just that the fact that is corruption, he calls it the pandemic. And definitely the government is

taking practical steps to root out corruption as much as possible and on all levels.

Not only that and it is yes, it has happened in the past. And this is yet another example of this kind of incidents happening. But one thing about

this government and this Prime Minister is that he follows through with his investigations, he publishes the results and definitely gets it to the end.

We now had a similar accident in Mosul in 2019, where 103 people lost their lives in the river Tigris. And until now, we don't know what happened to

these victims and who was to blame for and nobody was brought to justice. This is going to be different. And this is just an example to tell you that

this government is very serious to get into the root of this matter and definitely make sure this is not going to happen again.

ANDERSON: And in 2021, a hospital fire in Nasiriyah claimed the lives of nearly 100 people. In July of this year, four people died in Karbala. So we

could go on, you are acknowledging on behalf of this Prime Minister that corruption is at the root of so much in Iraq. It is rife.

The Prime Minister has said part of his job is gaining the trust of the people of Iraq and you've suggested that, you know, the buck stops here as

it were.


Just how endemic is corruption in Iraq? Just how rife is it just explained to us what it is that this government is trying to get to the bottom of?

ALAALDIN: Well, the corruption is a multi-level in many ways. And it is the preventative measures that's in place now starts from the very small

measures from small entities going to the top of the chain, where, for example, in the past were, when budgets were allocated, annually.

For example, projects that included in the budget that didn't exist, this is no longer the case, this budget that was approved for three years, it

reflects exactly what the government program included all the projects, and all the money allocations that are included in the budget is actual

projects that's on the ground.

And it's only allocated for these projects. This is this is one preventative measure. That's an example I'm giving you. The integrity

commission is working very hard. And we almost every day, they have announcements of capturing people at the act of corruption, either being

receiving bribes or asking for bribes.

And they are arrested and prosecuted. So it is something that is an ongoing on daily basis. And if you follow Iraq news, you will see this kind of news

and this government seriousness about rooting it out. However, it is large scale, and is going to take time. But definitely if you compare like this

year to last year, and all observers would agree that there is a big difference now.

ANDERSON: Well we do follow the news from Iraq and on Iraq on a regular basis. It's good to have you on sir. Just one last question briefly, Yes or

No? Will there be compensation for the victim's families.

ALAALDIN: Already compensation being considered by the Prime Minister the victims of the families have already will be receiving between, 5 to 10

million dinars according to their family status. And also, all the victims will be registered with relevant departments and will be getting allowances

depending on their needs and so on. So yes, the Prime Minister will be already having ordered that.

ANDERSON: Thank you, sir. Good to have you. Coming up, exciting breakthrough or a terrifying prospect, ChatGPT rolls out the ability to see

speak and hear and browse the web. At the same time, we'll demonstrate, up next.



ANDERSON: I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi you're watching "Connect the World" time here -- five in the evening. The trading day underway on Wall

Street, U.S. stocks mostly lower after the second straight day of losses for the Dow on Wednesday. The major U.S. averages are currently on track

for a losing week and a losing month as benchmark.

U.S. bond yields rise to 15 year highs making borrowing more expensive also weighing on sentiment higher oil prices. They rose more than one year to

more than one year highs on Wednesday on continued supply concerns, some 3 percent up on those oil prices yesterday.

We'll ChatGPT as far as becoming embedded into our vocabulary, isn't it? Just like Google did at the turn of the century. And you may well have

tried it this week the golden child of artificial intelligence received a large dose of steroids. These are major upgrades that will make AI much

more powerful and relevant -- makers say we could be having these conversations soon.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tell us a story about the super duper sunflower hedgehog named Larry? Start with telling us a little bit about him. Larry

was a unique hedgehog unlike any other. He had bright sunflower petals instead of spines residing in Meadowvale, Larry spread joy and color

wherever he rolled.


ANDERSON: Now indulge me here a little, but that kind of interaction was predicted way back in 1968 in the movie 2001, A Space Odyssey and it didn't

end well.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Open the pod bay doors Hal.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.


ANDERSON: Well, let's hope ChatGPT doesn't go down that road. But as well as seeing listening and talking. The latest paid version now draws from

current information off the web. That's current information off the web until now it relied on data that it had been trained on from years ago or

scraped from years ago and say years ago, actually October 2021 or before.

With more Anna Stewart, Anna, just how significant is this upgrade from open AI, the organization behind ChatGPT. Just explain why this is


ANNA STEWART, CNN REPORTER: This is a huge move. I mean, that was one of the biggest restrictions. But anyone who's used ChatGPTs. You try and

search for something, maybe you want reviews or places to go or products to buy. And of course it doesn't have anything beyond September 2021.

Or it didn't until today. And I think actually given this as the second major announcement from open AI within a week that just shows you the pace

of change and development in this technology really. So anyone who has the subscription to the plus or enterprise option on ChatGPT will be able to

scour the internet.

This will use Microsoft's Bing search engine which is no surprise because of course Microsoft is a major backer of open AI. It was interesting to

open AI did test out this function earlier in the year and they appear to have learned a few lessons. I enjoyed reading one of their posts on X today

which says since the original launch of browsing in May, we received useful feedback.

Updates include following robots text and identifying user agents so sites can control how ChatGPT interacts with them. Essentially, Becky, this is a

way to limit which websites the ChatGPT WebCrawler as it's no GPTbot. How much they can crawl, an index from websites?

Now a lot of websites have already inserted code, which stops ChatGPT from scraping them. But it is an interesting point. We know about copyright

issues and AI. This is an example of an AI company trying to think of a way around it and attempt to self-regulate. Will it be enough? I mean, that's

the big question that we'll all be asking for a while I think.

ANDERSON: Yes, it's interesting isn't it, that those who were at the top of this organization are being very vocal about the need for regulation?


But at the end of the day, you do wonder just how willing they are to accept or will they be willing to accept sort of wider regulation that does

feel as if they are looking self-regulate as the internet did back in the day. Thank you elsewhere in business uses a developing story out of China.

Embattled property developer Evergrande has just confirmed that its Chairman is under investigation for unspecified crimes. This comes after

reports earlier in the week that he was placed under possible observation. Now the new developments explain why Evergrande shares were suspended for

trade in Hong Kong?

Today, the company says its stock will not trade again until further notice. I mean, this isn't the first problem for Evergrande. Shares have

lost nearly all their values since the start of the year as its debt defaults mount. It is just one of a number of property giants who have been

hit hard by China's ongoing real estate slump fueled by massive overdevelopment.

A Former Chinese statistics official says that the country's entire population of 1.4 billion people isn't enough to fill all the vacant homes

and apartments across China right now, just a sense of the scale of this issue. Just ahead, a Ryder Cup preview and why this biannual battle of

Europe versus the U.S. will look somewhat different this year, that is after this.


ANDERSON: Well, the President of Nagorno-Karabakh says the self-declared Republic that he presided over and that we have been talking about here for

days now will no longer exist. He signed a decree that effectively dissolves Nagorno-Karabakh as a self-identified state. What does this mean

for the people who call this enclave home?

Well, let me show you, take a look at these two girls who have just in the last few days fled their homeland for neighboring Armenia. And these two

women, you can see on their faces just how hard it is to leave your life behind. Here's why one woman explained, she felt she had to go.


ALDA HARUTYUNYAN, FLED NAGORNO-KARABAKH: When they started shooting at us. My grandchild ran to our neighbor's basement in shock. He is just 12 years

old. He was screaming asking me if our relatives and friends are OK. We were scared to even go out to bring water.

They were heavily shooting at us. All the debris of the bomb fell in our yard. You weren't able to go out or to make something to eat. We were

staying in the basement. How can I live with them? My sister's child was killed. Many of my relatives were killed.



ANDERSON: Armenians Prime Minister accusing Azerbaijan of ethnic cleansing policies. His government says nearly 70,000 have already fled to Armenia

more than half of those who were living in those enclave just days ago. Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that are on our

radar right now.

And NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says that Ukrainian forces are gradually gaining ground in their counter offensive against Russia. He made

an unannounced visit to Kyiv. Today on the heels of what Ukraine says was a massive Russian drone attack overnight on Southern targets.

Well, several months' worth of rain dumped across Greece in less than 24 hours. It caused severe flooding in the central part of the country near

the Port City of Volos. More than 3000 people have been evacuated and more rain is on the way. When U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is a well-

known figure of course on the diplomatic stage he may also have a future on the concert stage.




ANDERSON: Well, Blinken showing off his talents at the State Department Wednesday as he announced a new music diplomacy initiative. Blinken -- if

this doesn't clear the house. I don't know what will. The Ryder Cup starts tomorrow in Italy. The athlete that you are seeing here will not be part of

the European side despite this eye opening shot on the course.

You would expect that to stick him squarely in the squat. Amanda Davies joins me now. So this is a tennis superstar making a nifty shot.

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN WORLD SPORT: Yes, 260 yards -- on the 16th on the Ryder Cup course in Rome, you would think if somebody became a 24 time Tennis

Grand Slam champion that'd be pretty single minded that might take up most of their attention, but annoyingly it seems Novak Djokovic is one of those

people who can turn his hands to other sports as well.

He had whale overtime on Wednesday taking part in the All-Star match ahead of the Ryder Cup alongside a host of names from other sports. Gareth Bale

took part, Andriy Shevchenko -- signs from Formula One. I'm not entirely sure who won if I'm honest, it seemed like they were just all in it to have

a great day and why not?

But it is over to the pros over the next few days isn't it? A really hotly anticipated Ryder Cup per in Rome, Europe, looking to retain or regain the

trophy on home soil and we've got plenty of buildup coming up in just a couple of minutes say "World Sport".

ANDERSON: Good stuff. Look, I was thinking for golf fans, this is always a great weekend. But for those who may not love the game, it's also just a

really fun watch. So Ryder Cup this weekend that's coming up on "World Sport", up after this short break, I'm back for you at the top of the hour.

