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One Killed in Thailand Mall Shooting; U.N. Mission Visits Nagorno- Karabakh; Day Two of Trump's $250M Fraud Trial set begin; OPEC Secretary General: $12T of New Investment Needed; Vote to Oust McCarthy from Speaker's Position to Happen Today. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired October 03, 2023 - 09:00   ET




LYNDA KINKADE, CNNI HOST: Hello I'm Lynda Kinkade live from Atlanta. Welcome to "Connect the World". Coming up this hour, Donald Trump is back

in court today for a civil fraud trial. Well, President Joe Biden's son Hunter is in federal court facing gun charges.

Help is on the way the UN approves a security mission to try to stabilize Haiti and wrestle control back from violent gangs. And a bleak future what

will happen to the 100,000 Armenians who've led Nagorno-Karabakh and what remains of that region.

We're taking a quick check of Wall Street U.S. stocks are on track for a lower open with interest rate sensitive. Tech stocks under the most

pressure pre market. Stocks are falling amid fresh rises in U.S. bond yields and the ongoing fears that the U.S. Federal Reserve will continue to

raise interest rates. The yield on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury is now at its highest level in 16 years.

With the United Nations Security Council has authorized an armed force to restore order to gang ravaged Haiti. Warring gangs control much of Port-au-

Prince Haiti's Capital City and Main Port. The Caribbean country has also been plagued by political chaos and a struggling economy in recent years.

Haiti's Prime Minister has repeatedly asked for military assistance and welcomes the UN support. The armed force is expected to be led by Kenya

which has pledged thousand police to spearhead this mission.

CNN's Patrick Oppmann is monitoring this story from Havana, Cuba and joins us now. Patrick, it seems kind of left field to have Kenya lead a security

force in Haiti. It does have a troubling human rights record why Kenya?

PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely. Well, Kenya was one of the few countries to volunteer to put boots on the ground,

something that the United States, Canada and other countries have been hesitant to do, because of course, there is a long history of failure of

foreign interventions in Haiti.

But it's not an exaggeration to say that Haiti's future may depend on the success of this mission of this force. You could have other countries from

the Caribbean offered to send troops as well as which is what they have been saying over the last few weeks and months.

But it does seem to be a primarily Haitian us primarily Kenyan led mission. And perhaps it's Kenya just wanting to have a more visible world presences

and as well, but the United States has certainly said they appreciate Kenya's assistance, and is pledging tens of million dollars of aid.

But ultimately, you need peacekeepers troops that could pass the Security Council that's getting Russia, China and the U.S. are on the same page as

something that's been very, very difficult. But of course, the situation in Haiti is just so dire right now there was really no other choice.

KINKADE: Russia and China, of course, abstaining from that, but the Haitian Prime Minister, of course, Patrick did ask for this well, over a year ago,

and in that time, there has been 2400 Haitians reportedly killed, almost 1000 kidnapped. Why has it taken so long?

OPPMANN: Well, you know, of course, getting United Nations to agree on anything these days, during a time of war -- the war in Ukraine is a tall

order. So yes, China and Russia abstain from this, but they did not veto it.

They essentially are in some form of agreement in particular now that there's going to be an arms embargo and sending guns to Haiti. So much of

the guns that are flooding, Haitian -- Haiti's streets are coming sometimes by boat illegally from the U.S.

So that will be a key part of this mission, making sure that when the Kenyan forces do get there, that they're not outgunned by the gangs police

as the Haitian police force at this moment, is that they simply cannot go head to head with these gangs because the gangs have more firepower.

KINKADE: All right Patrick Oppmann, we'll leave it there for now. Thanks so much for staying across that story for us from Havana. We appreciate it

Patrick Oppmann there. Well, the teenager is in custody after a deadly shooting at a shopping mall in Bangkok, this happened just hour ago, the

popular Siam Paragon Mall.

One person was killed and several wounded. The alleged shooter just 14 years old, he's now in police custody. CNN's Paula Hancocks who's following

the developments for us from Seoul, so the suspect only 14 years old what can you tell us about this and how it unfolded, Paula?

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well Lynda, what we're hearing from police and also from social media videos of those, who were caught up in

the incident is this happened around 5 pm local time. It was in one of the most popular shopping malls in Central Bangkok, one of the upscale shopping



And we understand that gunshots were heard by some inside they were told to evacuate. And we saw footage of hundreds of people running out of the

shopping mall itself of a number of different exits. Also the station right next door was shut at one point and we understand from Bangkok emergency

center that one person was killed.

They say that it's believed to be a citizen, a Chinese citizen, and they say that others were wounded. At least five of them have been seriously

injured. They believe the nationalities of those are Thai and also foreigners.

Now they have just downplayed and downed the number of those killed, as in the initial minutes and hours of this kind of incident information can be

quite confused. But at this point, they say they do have a 14 year old in custody. They say that he was apprehended with a weapon.

We've seen images of him not appearing to resist arrest at any point at being handcuffed lying face down on the floor. And we also know that the

Prime Minister Serta Traveston who has only been in the job just about a month has issued a statement as well.

He has given his condolences to the deceased and also said that the police quickly apprehended the suspect and are continuing with their inquiries at

the mall, Lynda.

KINKADE: All right. Paula Hancocks for us in Seoul, South Korea, thanks so much. Well, the European Union has a message for Kyiv and for the Kremlin.

The EU says its support for Ukraine is "Permanent". That's a declaration from the bloc's top diplomat after EU officials met in the Ukrainian

Capital to discuss the war.

In Washington U.S. President Joe Biden says he fully expects Congress to approve new funding for Ukraine even though it wasn't included in a last

minute deal to avoid a U.S. government shutdown. CNN's Frederik Pleitgen is on the ground in Eastern Ukraine and joins us now live good to have you

with us Fred.

So on the battlefield still essentially a stalemate a lot of back and forth. But in terms of the troops you're speaking to the Ukrainians, what

are they telling you will make a difference in their counter offensive?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, first of all Lynda, I think that they believe that they are making a difference in

the counter offensive already. They think right now, even though as you say it essentially is a stalemate in many places on the battlefield that right

now they are the ones who have the momentum on their side are the ones who were pressuring the Russians.

We could see some of that here in the east of the country. They say what they need is a steady stream of weapons, and especially a steady stream of

ammo. And of course, a lot of them were quite concerned about some of the things coming out of the U.S. and certainly hope that the U.S. aid does not

dry up. And we spoke to some of them and asked to look what would happen if there were less aid from the U.S.? Here's what they said.


PLEITGEN (voice-over): Ukraine's 88th Airborne Assault Brigade, storming Russian positions on the Eastern Front using U.S. made weapons to try and

dislodge Vladimir Putin's troop's gains that would probably be impossible if Washington cuts military assistance. This soldier who we can only name

is Vasil (ph) tells me.

I don't know what to say that would be tough he says. The troops say U.S. supplied weapons like this browning heavy machine guns are helping them

turn the tide because they're more accurate, more reliable and more robust than what the Russians have.

PLEITGEN: You can see just how important military aid for Ukraine is for that country to stay in the fight. It's everything from rifles to surface

to air missile systems to help Ukraine push Russia back.

PLEITGEN (voice-over): The U.S. has sent more than $45 billion worth of security assistance to Ukraine since Russia's full on invasion. Weapons

viewed as game changers by Kyiv like the High Mars multiple rocket launching systems and Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, which Kyiv says

have already saved the lives of many Ukrainian soldiers. Losing U.S. assistance would be catastrophic, Ukraine admits but the National Security

Adviser tells CNN he doesn't believe it will be cut.

We are more than confident that this will not happen he says that the United States is a country responsible for the democratic world and has

assumed this responsibility. It would be a great joy for Putin and all autocratic regimes if the U.S. withdrew the assistance it provides us.

But the Kremlin believes sooner or later, Washington will buckle. Fatigue from the absurd sponsorship of the Kyiv regime will increase in various

countries including the United States the spokesman says.


And this fatigue will lead to a fragmentation of the political establishment and a rise in infighting. The soldiers from the ATS Airborne

say they badly need U.S. weapons to continue pushing the Russians back in the east. But we'll keep on fighting with it without American support. You

don't have a choice he says. We have to do it. Our brigade's motto is nobody but us.

PLEITGEN: Nobody but us Vasil says there and you know that's something that we've been hearing from a lot of soldiers on the ground here in Eastern

Ukraine. They say they're going to keep fighting whether or not they get weapons from the United States.

But of course, the big question is, can they keep winning? And one of the things that we've also seen is that the Ukrainians currently say that they

are making more progress both in the south and here in the East. But a lot of that, of course, is thanks to weapons from the U.S. and its allies.


PLEITGEN (on camera): So there Lynda, you have that soldier called Vasil saying that the Ukrainians will continue to keep fighting no matter what

happens. The big question, of course, is going to be without a steady stream of American weapons. Can they continue to keep winning?

KINKADE: And of course, Fred, we know that Pentagon has said that there is many months' worth of funds to spend on weaponry, just send Ukraine even

without this latest approval in the U.S. budget. But we have heard more from the EU today about this proposal for $5 billion in funding. What is

that sort of support mean, in light of the fact that Russia seems to want to continue fighting month after month?

PLEITGEN: I think it means a great deal to the Ukrainians. And I think you know, things like $5 billion will go away a long way for the Ukrainians. I

think right now, if you speak to units that are on the ground here in the east, but also in the south of the country.

A lot of them believe that by and large, they do have a good quantity of weapons to use on the front lines. If you're talking about for instance

barrel, howitzers, barrel artillery, if you're talking for instance, about main battle tanks as well, the big question for a lot of them is of course,

spare parts to keep them running.

But then also ammunition is one of the things that I think, often underestimated, but it's a huge deal for a lot of the soldiers here on the

frontlines. A lot of them believe that they don't have enough ammo to really put pressure on the Russians in some places.

They say they need more of that ammo they needed to continue to keep coming. It's one of those things where they say they believe support from

the west goes an extremely long way especially as the Ukrainians are also Lynda transitioning in many cases from Soviet era weapons to Western

weapons, and they're going to need a lot more ammo for those Western weapons going forward.

KINKADE: All right, Frederik Pleitgen for us. Good to have you there on the ground for us in Eastern Ukraine. Thanks very much. Well, the United

Nations' mission says it saw no damage to civilian infrastructure in its tour of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The visit focused on the mostly deserted capital of the breakaway region, which will cease to exist at the years and after Azerbaijan took control of

it in a lightning offensive. Since then, nearly all the 100,000 or so ethnic Armenians who lived in that enclave have fled back to Armenia.

Details of the UN mission come amid conflicting reports of a border skirmish involving Armenian and Azerbaijan troops. Our Scott McLean is

following the developments for us from London and joins us now live. Good to have you with us, Scott.

So the Red Cross has said that the capital is pretty much deserted the streets are littered with rubbish that businesses are empty. Residents are

saying only a few elderly people have remained too old to travel. But despite the fact that Azerbaijan said we're not forcing anyone to leave,

that's pretty much exactly what has happened.

SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, precisely. You had a UN mission there yesterday for the first time in 30 years, and they reported much of the

same that the population estimates that they heard on the ground were between 50 five zero and 1000 ethnic Armenians only which is pretty

remarkable considering that two weeks ago, the population was 120,000, at least according to official estimates.

They also said that look; many of the buildings were in good shape. Schools, hospitals, residential buildings they said that the Azerbaijanis

were preparing to resume health care in that area to get utilities back online. The list goes on. What they didn't see is any store still open and

why would there be it is as you said, pretty much a ghost town.

And look, I just did an interview a few minutes ago with Hikmet Hajiyev that is an Adviser to the Azerbaijani President and he says that look, he

blames Armenian officials or officials from the former separatist's government for whipping up fear after this lightning offensive which

ultimately forced people to flee because they thought that they had to flee.


But he is insisting that look, this mass exodus was in no way the desired outcome. He says that look Azerbaijan is prepared to respect the rights of

people who chose to stay behind. And they can apply for Azerbaijani citizenship that he wasn't able to say precisely how many have actually

taken them up on that surely that number is not high.

In terms of access, because obviously, it's been very limited to aid groups, the UN Mission yesterday, very few journalists had been able to get

in, and no one has gotten unfettered access. He said that, look they're not completely in control of the situation. They point to the Russian

peacekeeping mission. He also points to the danger in the area from landmines, potentially elements of armed groups that are still operating in

the area as well.

What is also interesting to note is the President of the separatist government, he is not been arrested, and he is still inside of Nagorno-

Karabakh. And the Azerbaijani Presidential Adviser said that he's not been arrested. I asked him whether he might be in the future.

And he said look, I don't know the answer to that question. That's more of a legal question. And I think what is even more important, certainly to a

lot of people 100,000 of them setting up their new lives in Armenia proper, is, you know, what is going to happen to their homes that they have left


Surely a lot of people have invested money into owning them. And obviously, there are things as well. And I asked the question as to whether or not

people would -- who are outside the country would be able to sell their homes and make money from that? And essentially he said the answer is very

complicated, perhaps in some cases.

But he also pointed back in history to when he says Azerbaijanis were wronged and Armenians had forced them from their home. So this is going to

be a very complicated question to figure out who owns what? And surely there is going to be a lot of grievance on both sides, Lynda.

KINKADE: Yes, no doubt. Scott McLean for us good to have you staying across that story thanks so much. Well, just ahead we are going to go live to

Delaware where the President's son Hunter Biden is due in court shortly. His appearance marks a first in U.S. history.


KINKADE: Welcome back! A massive fraud lawsuit filed against Former U.S. President Donald Trump is in New York resuming at the top of the next hour.

Trump has just left his home at Trump Tower and is headed to a Manhattan Court for the second consecutive day.

He and his two adult sons and others are accused of repeatedly committing fraud for financial gains. The State Attorney General is seeking a $250

million penalty as well as a ban on the Trump's doing business in New York.


Well, CNN Legal Analyst Joey Jackson joins me live to discuss. Good to see Joey.

JOEY JACKSON, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: Thank you Lynda, Good morning.

KINKADE: Trump is expected in court next hour he's already attacked the judge in this case, which could require him to hand over $250 million. He

claims the judge is interfering with an upcoming election. Is that a valid excuse or a defense in this case?

JACKSON: So Lynda, you know, it's never a wise idea to attack judges. It's certainly even less wise when the judge here is the finder of fact, right?

What do I mean, by that this is a bench trial. And what that means is that this judge has to make an assessment as to whether or not those claims have

been met.

And the judge largely did that in a pre-trial motion that was filed. It's called a motion for summary judgment. And what that means in English is

that the judge assesses whether there's any factual disputes as to necessitate a trial on those issues. The judge concluded as to the issue of

fraud, there is not a factual dispute.

In fact, there very much was fraud. And then you turn your attention to well, if that's the case, what are the damages amounts, and the judge not

only concluding that there's issues with fraud, but now has to move into the issue of what the penalties should be?

What does the appointment of a receiver and independent body to oversee the properties and potentially dissolve them and distribute assets? What would

that look like? What would the amount of the fine look like? Should it be 250 million? Should it be somewhat less?

What would the issues right in terms of the loss of the business certificates look like? So I say all that plan that to say that if this is

the person who's deciding your fate, it really does not is not in your interest to attack them. However, we know that there's a presidential

election happening.

And certainly based upon public relations, the President has to cater right to a certain populace who buys into him to give the narrative he's giving.

But as it relates to the law, the issues in the facts are not at all a wise idea.

KINKADE: Yes, he is trying to use this court case to further his campaign, as you would expect from Donald Trump. But the crux of this case does

revolve around Trump over inflating the value of his property to get better interest rates. And the judge has already found him guilty on one of the

seven fraud claims.

I just want to play some sound of what Michael Cohen Trump's Former Attorney said during deposition.


MICHAEL COHEN, FORMER ATTORNEY FOR DONALD TRUMP: So Mr. Trump would call Allen and me into the office. And let's say it said he was worth $6

billion. Well, he wanted to be higher on the Forbes list. And he then said, actually not worth 6 billion. I'm worth 7.

In fact, I think it's actually now worth 8. With everything that's going on. Allen and I were tasked with taking the assets, increasing each of

those asset classes in order to accommodate that $8 billion number.


KINKADE: So Joey, what else does the judge have to do to prove the rest of this case?

JACKSON: Yes, so you know, look, that deposition testimony is compelling, because what happens in any evaluation case is that it has to be tethered

to reality. Certainly, there are certain subjective assessments that are made in valuing property, etcetera. But there are certain facts that can't

be disputed.

Either your property in terms of commercial space in size is 30,000 square feet, or its 10,000 feet, either an apartment is rent controlled, and

thereby getting less than a free market apartment or it is not. So those are factual assessments. And that's why the judge largely concluded there

was fraud as to those issues.

I think the judge will make other assessments and what we just heard there, from Michael Cohen, the President's Former Attorney, is very compelling as

to the mindset and as to how the business practices were done. That's not how you should be doing business. It should be tethered that is valuations

to reality.

And so the judge has to assess whether this was going on, right? To what extent was going on and what really the consequences of this should be? The

New York State Attorney General has not only a prosecutorial role as it relates to prosecuting crime in New York State this is not a criminal case.

But also a civil right relating to protecting businesses, other business is protecting consumers, protecting practices, consumers against deceptive

business practices, and fraudulent business practices. And so I think the judge has to make further conclusions as to fraud.

And the judge ultimately, Lynda has to make an assessment as to what the ultimate penalty would be. And that's why yesterday we heard from the

accountant of Donald Trump, and that's why we'll hear from other witnesses, potentially expert witnesses to talk about the property, the valuations.

And what the benefits were to the Trump Organization as a result of this inflation of values and deflating when it was convenient too to save taxes

and other things so far from over this trial.


But that's what the jobs we'll be assessing today and moving forward.

KINKADE: Yes, Trump, as you point out is accused of doing both inflating and deflating when it suited their purposes. But it was interesting to note

what Trump's lawyer had to say. She said the value is what someone is willing to pay, the Trump properties or Mona Lisa properties. This is not

fraud. This is real estate. What do you make of that defense?

JACKSON: So look, I think that certainly when it comes to values, we live in a free market economy and society. And as a result of that, it is the

real estate what ultimately someone pays for it. But again, I think that you have to have his we've looked there the different valuations.

You know, what, it has to be tethered Lynda, to what the realities are right? Either something is worth a certain amount, right, based upon

practical accounting principles, and based upon real estate valuations versus other properties. Or it's not, you just can't walk into a room and

say, I think its $2 billion more, not how it's done.

And so you can make those arguments day and night. I should also note the judge sanctioned his attorneys. What does that mean? The judge finds his

attorneys, his being Trump's attorney $7,500, a piece for making arguments that were disconnected with reality. And then his prior ruling indicated

that this was a fantasy world.

And so yes, there's subjectivity. But subjectivity cannot fly in the face of facts and fly in the face of reality. And to the extent that happens,

you end up on a civil trial like this for fraud, where the consequences can be monumental in terms of not having the further ability to do any business

in the state of New York.

KINKADE: Yes, such a huge, huge case, Joey Jackson, always great to get you on the program. Good to get your analysis and perspective, thanks so much.

JACKSON: Thank you, Lynda.

KINKADE: Well, I want to get you up to speed on another extraordinary case playing out in a courtroom some 200 kilometers away. We are waiting for

U.S. presidential Biden's son Hunter to arrive at a Delaware courthouse. And for the first time ever we'll see the child of a city prep sitting

President in court on criminal charges.

Hunter Biden is expected to plead not guilty to lying on forms when he bought a handgun back in 2018. Senior U.S. Justice Correspondent for CNN,

Evan Perez is in Wilmington, Delaware joining us now live good to have you with us, Evan. So Hunter Biden is facing three counts. Take us through the

charges he's facing in court today.

EVAN PEREZ, CNN SENIOR U.S. JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: Well we have three charges, all of them relate to him purchasing a handgun and owning this

handgun for 11 days in 2018. Now, during the time that he owned this firearm, he was prohibited from owning firearms in the United States under

federal law, because he was addicted to drugs.

He has spoken about this, he has written a book about his struggles with drug abuse during that time period. And that's why according to

prosecutors, it's a legal violation. He lied on the form when he bought the gun from the gun cellar. It's a form that is filled out for the Bureau of

Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives.

So that's the crux of what Hunter Biden is facing. But obviously, there's a lot more to this. The politics obviously are hanging this. And the fact

that just two months ago, Hunter Biden was in this federal courthouse, he was getting ready to agree to a plea agreement under which that gun charge

would have gone away.

If he had simply agreed to abide by a number of conditions over a couple of years, including not buying any firearms and also not using drugs. Now, all

of that fell apart spectacularly after the judge raised some questions about that deal. And so here we are. Special Counsel, David Weiss, who's

been overseeing this investigation for almost five years, is now going to be bringing these charges.

We expect Hunter Biden to arrive at the federal courthouse any moment now. And we expect this hearing to be very, very brief. He's going to plead not

guilty. And then he's going to be processed by the U.S. Marshals and then probably allowed to go home. But this is only the beginning of his legal


We expect that the Special Counsel has said that they are looking to possibly bring tax charges related to not paying his taxes on time over a

number of years. Those charges could be brought in Los Angeles, where Hunter Biden lives or in Washington D.C. where the taxes were filed so a

lot more to come from Hunter Biden here at federal court, Lynda.

KINKADE: Yes, certainly. It's going to be ongoing. We will continue to watch it Evan Perez. Good to have you on the story first, thanks so much.

Well still ahead on "Connect the World", OPEC Secretary General is out with a harsh warning for global economies. He says the world must spend

trillions of dollars more for energy investments to tame oil prices, his interview with Becky Anderson, next.



KINKADE: Welcome back, I'm Lynda Kinkade in Atlanta. You are watching "Connect the World". Good to have you with us. U.S. stocks are up and

running on Wall Street. The major averages are lower across the board and early trading pressured by rising bond yields.

Stocks falling in Asia too where the HANG SENG tumbling more than 2.5 percent, shares of embattled Chinese property developer Evergrande rallied

almost 30 percent on its first day of trade. Since shares were suspended last week. The company has disclosed that, it's Chairman and Founder is

under criminal investigation.

Despite today's jump Evergrande shares have lost virtually all their value this past year. With another volatile day on global oil markets are both

brand new as crude and moving higher this hour. But U.S. crude continues to trade below $90 a barrel. In Abu Dhabi today it is day two of the ADIPEC

global conference.

So, one of the world's biggest gatherings of Energy Executives and Policymakers, OPEC Secretary General of Kuwait Haitham Al Ghais is in

attendance. He tells CNN's Becky Anderson that oil prices could soar in the years ahead, because of energy under investment.


BECKY ANDERSON, CNN ANCHOR: 100 bucks on the barrel looks likely at this point. Is that where we're headed?

HAITHAM AL GHAIS, OPEC SECRETARY GENERAL: Well, we don't forecast prices at all. Because, you know, I can tell you that the factors that may lead to

this number you mentioned, have been there for some time and continue to be the most notably the under investment that we've seen in oil.

The under investment in the oil industry is dangerous. And I believe it is critical that the world gets this right that by under investing, we are

actually endangering energy security. The world will require at least $12 trillion of investments globally for the oil industry from now to the year

2045. There are serious possibilities that prices the volatility will be increasing.


As demand grows, you know we're talking about a global population within the next 6, 7 years. By 2030, we have over half a billion people moving

into cities globally, there is no way on earth, that we can meet this requirement for future energy demand by relying on renewables --

ANDERSON: You just forecast a significant increase in demand for oil through 2045. And with it the need for a multibillion dollar we're talking

about $600 billion a year annually of new investment in the industry to meet your forecast demand. How do you square that, with the International

Energy Agency's forecasts that demand for oil is peaking and will significantly decrease by 2030?

AL GHAIS: Well, that's a great question. I think that question shouldn't be posed to the IEA themselves, who are saying that in less than seven or six

years' time, demand for oil could drop by as much as 25 or 30 percent if I'm not mistaken. Let me answer it this way by saying, those 30 years ago,

fossil fuels consumption was 80 percent globally.

30 years on today is still 80 or over 80 percent. So to come and project that in five or six years, with all the challenges that are facing the

introduction of electric vehicles, penetration of EVs globally, availability of critical minerals globally, and the geopolitical, the

supply chain logistical issues, the sheer size and volume of electrification required globally to be able to move to an electric world,

it's a monumental challenge.

ANDERSON: Let's talk about what the energy transition looks like to OPEC's members and the role that these countries will play. What does that

investment look like with regard clean energy?

AL GHAIS: We have to ensure the growth. We have to make sure that the world has enough energy, stable, affordable, reliable, not intermittent sources

of energy. And that's what the world's been relying on for all these years. Reducing emissions, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reduction of

flaring, methane emissions reductions.

That's something that is really important for us to see. The oil producers really are putting their words into real actions.

ANDERSON: What worries you most about the market fundamentals that you see, month in, month out, at present? What's changing, what's worrying the most?

AL GHAIS: I would say this even might sometimes keep me awake at night. The key word under investment and I say if we worry about volatility today I

don't know what that's going to be like in the future.


KINKADE: Well, that was the OPEC Secretary General speaking to our Becky Anderson. Well, let's get you up to speed on some other stories on our

radar right now. Jury selection is set to begin this hour in the trial of Sam Bankman-Fried, the CEO and Founder of the failed crypto currency

exchange FTX.

Bankman-Fried has pled not guilty to numerous criminal charges in connection with the firm's collapse. It has been one of the biggest

financial frauds in U.S. history. U.S. army soldier that ran over the democratic align, demarcation line rather from South Korea into North Korea

and was eventually returned was finally reunited with his family at an Army Medical Center in Texas over the weekend.

That's according to an Army Spokesperson. Private Travis King status has also been changed from absent without leave to present for duty. For the

first time, Pope Francis has suggested that Catholic priests could bless couples in same sex unions on a case by case basis. He also hinted that

women's or date ordination into the priesthood should be studied.

The Pope made the suggestions in a letter responding to some of the most conservative Cardinals within the Catholic Church. Still ahead on "Connect

the World" we'll preview a big match tonight of UEFA Champions League with one club looking to break its own championship record.



KINKADE: Welcome back, we're getting some news. Just in from Capitol Hill in Washington is the fallout from a deal to keep the U.S. government open

continues. Far Right Republican Matt Gaetz may set up a historic vote to train out Speaker McCarthy from his leadership position.

We are just learning from congressional sources that vote will take place today. Gaetz accuses McCarthy of setting up a side deal with President Joe

Biden and relying on Democratic votes to pass a temporary spending bill to keep the government open. CNN's Manu Raju is following all the details from

Capitol Hill.


MANU RAJU, CNN CHIEF CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Kevin McCarthy speakership in peril as he tries to stave off a right wing revolt,

led by Congressman Matt Gaetz, who was trying to do something never successfully executed. Ousting Speaker through a vote in the House and

promising to do it over and over again, until McCarthy is no longer Speaker.

REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R-CA): We got to understand why we're here.

RAJU (voice-over): The main reason McCarthy relied on Democrats to help keep the government open until next month.

RAJU: Are you worried about throwing this institution into chaos, paralyzing an institution that your party runs?

REP. MATT GAETZ (R-FL): You talk about chaos, as if it's me forcing a few votes and filing a few motions. You don't know chaos, until you've seen

where this Congress and this unit party are bringing us.

RAJU (voice-over): For Gaetz to succeed, he would need the support of at least five House Republicans. All Democrats voted to -- McCarthy then the

House would be paralyzed until a new Speaker could be elected.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think that members should be looking at for stronger leadership.

RAJU (voice-over): House Democratic leaders have not yet decided how to vote and what concessions to seek from McCarthy?

REP. ADAM SMITH (D-WA): I am not happy with Kevin McCarthy, the Speaker but as a friend of mine says it can always be worse.

RAJU (voice-over): Others not eager to give McCarthy a lifeline.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Would you vote to vacate?


RAJU (voice-over): Once Gaetz filed the motion, the House would vote within two days. Today, the Speaker would not say whether he would have to cut a

deal with Democrats to keep his job even as a Speaker accused gates of retaliating over an ethics investigation he faces something the Florida

Republican denies.

MCCARTHY: You always count me out, right?

RAJU: I'm just asking you the possibility.

MCCARTHY: I'm just telling you the same thing I tell you every time I never give up.

RAJU (voice-over): The last time a similar vote happened was in 1910. But Joseph Cannon remained a Speaker as his powers were weakened. And just the

threat in 2015 of ousting John Boehner led to his abrupt resignation as Speaker McCarthy plans to fight it even as he is facing more pressure from

the right wing to abandon billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine.

REP. MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE (R-GA): He can't do it. It would be a violation of the Hastert Rule, which is a long held role by Republican majorities

that the Speaker cannot bring a bill to the floor of the majority doesn't support it.

RAJU (voice-over): All this frustration builds among McCarthy's allies.

REP. RICK ALLEN (R-GA): I just pray for wisdom for Matt and clarity on this because I think that would be terrible for America.


RAJU (on camera): Well Gaetz also accused Kevin McCarthy of cutting a side deal with President Biden over funding Ukraine, but McCarthy himself deny

that he had reached that agreement with the President to move on an aid package for that country in its war against Russia. And at the same time,

Gaetz contended that he plans to continue to push to seek Kevin McCarthy's ouster over and over again until he eventually succeeds.


He also said he spoke to one person in particular Former President Donald Trump though he declined to say what they spoke about. Mana Raju, CNN

Capitol Hill.


KINKADE: I'm Lynda Kinkade that was "Connect the World". Stay with us, after the break "World Sport" with Patrick Snell is next.



