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U.S. House Speaker Ousted in Hardline Republican Revolt; Journalists Critical of PM Modi have Homes Raided; Thousands of Kaiser Permanente Employees Walk off the Job; UAE Energy Minister on Green Energy, Oil Investment; Verstappen Three Points Away from Championship. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired October 04, 2023 - 09:00:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Hello and welcome to "Connect the World" live from Doha. It's 4 pm as we begin our broadcast here in

Qatar this evening, its 9 am in New York, I'm Becky Anderson.

This is what is happening right now. Chaos on Capitol Hill as the Speaker of the House is ousted. How action in Washington will affect the frontline

in Ukraine. Trump will be heading to a New York court any moment for day three of his civil fraud trial. Labor discontent spreads across the U.S.

this time in healthcare. And a tragic night in Italy after more than 20 people dies in a tourist bus accident.

And on Wall Street a bit of relief inside for investors after Tuesday's sharp selloff U.S. futures now pointing to a higher open when trading gets

underway about half hours from now, stocks were hard hit in the previous session after a sharp rise in global bond yields. The major U.S. averages

fell well over 1 percent as benchmark U.S. 10 year yields rose to levels not seen in some 16 years.

Well, the DOW beginning Wednesday's session in negative territory for the year, more on that later this hour. First up the wheels of government in

Washington effectively frozen in place today with one bang of the gavel --


REP. STEVE WOMACK (R-AR): The Office of Speaker of the House of the United States House of Representatives is hereby declared vacant.


ANDERSON: An historic vote in the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday removing the chambers speaker from his post. Republican Kevin McCarthy

ousted by hardliners in his own party after he compromised with Democrats to keep the U.S. government open. This is a first in U.S. history, leaving

Congress in uncharted territory.

Let's break all of this down with CNN Political Commentator S.E. Cupp. She joins me from Connecticut. I guess the big question at this point is who

will be the next Speaker of the House and what will be their politics? Just give us a sense here of the enormity of what's going on.

S.E. CUPP, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Well, as you said, this is unprecedented. It's been tried before and failed. This time it was

successful. And Kevin McCarthy basically goaded Matt Gaetz, the Congressman from Florida sort of rebel in the House goaded him into trying this


I think assuming he could survive it. He said, bring it on. And Matt Gaetz said just did. And he was successful. And so we saw something

unprecedented. It's very disorienting and pretty alarming but at the same time, not surprising.

Kevin McCarthy is leaving the way he came in, basically in Matt Gaetz's hands. Matt Gaetz, you know, put Kevin McCarthy through the wringer making

him go through 15 rounds of votes back in January, and making him concede to some very, I think kind of absurd and handcuffing new rules including

that it would only take one person to open votes for a call to vacate. Which is exactly what happened?

So there are no clear front runners for this job. It is not a job most people want because Kevin McCarthy, who had wanted to be Speaker almost his

entire life, couldn't do it effectively, because the politics of the Republican Conference in the House are such that they are just unable to

govern. What you saw was eight people holding an entire House conference hostage.

ANDERSON: Ironically, the Democrats could have helped McCarthy out why didn't they? I mean, he showed a willingness at least to work with them,

they may now of course, get to a less moderate speaker and that could be you know, hugely consequential going forward.

CUPP: Yes. We'll see if they regret that. Democrats for their part are saying it wasn't their job to bail the Republican Party out and we're not

going to enable more of your dysfunction figure yourself out and get your party in order.

But they also say, look, Kevin McCarthy did himself no favors in the, you know, last hours of this event, kind of slamming Democrats and that rubbed

them the wrong way as well. So they didn't bail out Republicans, Republicans are going to have to solve this problem of on their own.


And they could get someone who is, you know, I wouldn't say more moderate. I mean, everyone in the Republican House is pretty much cut from a similar

cloth. It's just a scale of who wants to be more disruptive? Not so much whose more moderate, who's more conservative? It's who wants to be more

disruptive? And who wants to actually govern?

ANDERSON: Yes I know very good point. Look, there is an impact or a potential impact on Ukraine and how much funding Ukraine gets from the U.S.

going forward. And that is potentially very significant and could be very consequential for the war in Ukraine. And we're going to talk about that in

a moment. But I just wonder how you believe this is likely all of this all of what is going on? It's a mess. How this is likely to play out


CUPP: Yes, added to the pile, right. I mean, we've got a budget to pass. We've got a lot of stuff to get done. And you know, Republicans aren't even

coming back until next Tuesday. And then they'll have to sort that out. But looming over this is Ukraine aid.

And the good news is, if you believe like me that the U.S. should continue aid to Ukraine. The good news is there is a big willingness in the Senate,

even among Republicans, and all Democrats believe that that is an important thing to do.

The bad news is there is decreasing support among Republicans in the House and decreasing support among the American electorate. That creates a sense

of urgency to get something done before that support wanes even further.

We know having covered, you know, foreign policy and international news, as long as we have, the longer something kind of hangs out there, the less

interested American voters are in it. And so there is an urgency to get that done. I'm not optimistic though that you know, the House will get

their act together in time for that very, very important stuff.

ANDERSON: S. E. Cupp there is -- there is a real argument that suggests that everything that is going on at present has real reputational damage on

the U.S. a sort of dysfunction that people see internationally, as they look at what's going on the Hill.

You know, have consequences, and are significant look, thank you. It's really good to have you later on in the show. Of course, we're going to

talk about the fact that Donald Trump will appear at day three of his civil court trial.

And of course, that's what we will be doing momentarily. But as we just mentioned, the chaos on Capitol Hill has left the funding of U.S. AID to

Ukraine in limbo. The House can't approve new funding until there is a speaker and the Pentagon warns that the money already approved is running

out fast.

The U.S. has contributed $113 billion in security, economic and humanitarian aid to Ukraine in the past 18 months or so since the war

began. Ukraine burned through about $2.5 billion worth of equipment and munitions alone every month.

Well CNN's Frederik Pleitgen is on the ground in Eastern Ukraine. Is this U.S. political stalemate Putin -- Vladimir Putin single greatest strength

in this Ukraine will?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, I think it certainly is something that the Russians will be quite happy about a

hearing and certainly Vladimir Putin, Becky would also probably be pretty happy about as well.

There have been several things have been pretty good for Vladimir Putin over the past couple of weeks, though, if you look at for instance, Poland

curtailing its aid for Ukraine and also this the elections in Slovakia.

But nothing, of course, with the impact of what we're seeing right now with the U.S. there in Congress, and really the uncertainty about when Ukraine

is going to get more weapons and if in the future, Ukraine is going to get the same amount of weapons that it has in the past.

And I think two things that S. E. Cupp was talking about are absolutely correct. On the one hand, the Ukrainians are extremely concerned about the

fact that right now, there is no Speaker in the House. And so therefore, new funding for Ukraine right now simply can't be brought on the way.

And it's one thing that is happening as the Ukrainians that we're speaking to Becky, on the front lines are telling us that they're running short of

ammunition, they need more ammunition, and they understand that the U.S. of course, is by far the single largest donor of ammunition for the Ukrainian

war effort?

There are some other countries that could make up for shortfalls when you look at you know, pretty standard ammunition like for instance 155

millimeter artillery shells you look at some howitzers as well.

But there are specialized types of ammunition Becky that only the U.S. can provide. If you're looking for instance, at High Mars if you're looking at

it certain surface to air missile systems but also if you're looking for instance at spare parts for vehicles that have been provided by the United



That's certainly something that only the United States would be able to then get new spare parts for those machines in here. So a lot of concern on

the Ukrainians part as far as that's concerned, but then also, of course, in the long run, who is the next Speaker of the House going to be?

Or is it going to be someone? Could it be someone, who is less inclined to give Ukraine the aid that it believes that it needs? So a lot of

uncertainty right now, for the Ukrainians, we've seen some Ukrainian officials already come out and sort of question the Republicans and their

willingness to confront Vladimir Putin to come back to your question.

And wondering why that could be the case, not necessarily sure whether that's something that would help the Ukrainians cause on the whole. But you

can see how they're quite taken aback by what's going on in the United States.

And certainly also quite uncertain and concerned about what it means for the future, not just their offensive operations here on the battlefield

that are conducting right now, but in general of their war effort to defend against Russia's invasion Becky.

ANDERSON: Good to have you, Fred. Thank you very much indeed. Well, Venice has just released graphic video of a deadly bus crash near the historic

city. It shows the horrifying moment when a passenger bus plunged from an overpass on Tuesday.

Children aren't among the 21 people killed in that tragedy, the crash being described as an apocalyptic scene CNN's Ben Wedeman tracking this story

from Rome and joining us now live, Ben?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes Becky, this happened Tuesday evening at 9:38 in the evening, and what I mean 7:38 in

the evening, and what you see on the CCTV video which some viewers might find disturbing, is this bus slowly going over through this guardrail and

falling from this overpass.

And now there's no sign for instance of skid marks that the driver perhaps slammed onto the brakes. It just slowly goes down, falls 15 meters about 30

feet onto railroad -- railway tracks below. Now investigators believe that perhaps the driver had some sort of health crisis. But when it hit the

ground, it burst into flames.

And at this point, the authorities are saying 21 people were killed, but not many of them have been identified because their bodies were so badly

burned. Burned perhaps investigators say because the battery this was an electric vehicle.

The battery so big, may have caused intense flames to kill that many people now, the members of the fire brigade who arrived shortly after the

accident, had difficulty actually getting retrieving people survivors from inside we understand some are still in critical condition.

Now the Venice prosecutor has opened an investigation. They're looking at a variety of possibilities. But at this point, it's not at all clear how this

happened? Among the victims who were on this bus that was taking them to a campsite outside of Venice.

We understand were Ukrainian, Germans, Spanish, Spaniards, French Austrians and Croatians two children among the dead. So the city is in a state of

shock the flags in Venice have been lowered to half-mast and the Italian Senate in mourning took a moment of silence Becky.

ANDERSON: Ben Wedeman is on the story for you. Thank you, Ben. Well, to India now and there are protests happening around New Delhi today after the

homes of dozens of journalists were raided by Indian police.

Reporters, editors and contributors for News Click were questioned by authorities that news group has been critical of Prime Minister Narendra

Modi's government. Some press freedom groups in India voiced their concerns calling the crackdown an "Attempt to muzzle the media". Let's get you live

to India's capital and to CNN's Vedika Sud who was at the protests earlier in New Delhi. What are people there telling you Vedika?

VEDIKA SUD, CNN REPORTER: So we were two protest sides today, Becky the first was at the -- where a lot of these protests take place, and they have

the license to protest there. And out there were several students, along with some people who are affiliated with the left party here in India.

Out there essentially student question how an anti-terrorism law could be slapped against journalists who were critical of the Indian government? In

the second protest side and both were peaceful protests let be mentioned here.


There were hundreds of journalists who had converged who had gathered, and they jointly condemn the actions of the Delhi police, which in this case

come under the central government under the Modi government in Delhi.

They condemned the actions of the raids as well as the draconian laws that have been slapped against the journalists and the arrests of them. Largely

what journalists there said is basically, if you criticize the Modi government, they will take action against you.

Here's what Siddharth Varadarajan, the Founding Editor of "The Wire" had to say, remember, his offices, his residents, and a lot of his co- workers,

their homes have been rated in the past in the last few years. Here's what he had to say about the situation in the state of democracy here in India.


SIDDHARTH VARADARAJAN, SENIOR JOURNALIST: We are not just speaking about our own freedom, freedom of the press is a responsibility that we discharge

on behalf of the wider public. And if democracy has to survive in India, then freedom of the press is essential.

And if freedom of the press is attacked, then it's clear that democracy stays in India number. So this is something that worries us bothers us with

which we are determined to keep fighting about.


SUD: And when the Information Minister in Indian Anurag Singh Thakur was asked a question on Tuesday's raids, he said he doesn't need to justify the

actions of the Delhi police. Now, what's worth mentioning here is Becky, in the last couple of years, India's freedom ranking has really plummeted.

It's gone down dramatically. India stands at 161 out of 180 countries on the Press Freedom Index published by "Reporters without Borders". This is

indeed worrying. And you have a lot of these journalists who want to continue with these protests.

All they're asking is, why does this always happen? It's not the first time Becky you and I spoke about eight months back when raids were conducted by

India's tax authorities at the BBC's offices in New Delhi and Mumbai, if you remember, after they had published a documentary that criticized the

alleged role of the Indian Prime Minister in the Gujarat riots back in 2002.

So it seems to be now a pattern of sorts and that's what worrying journalists, who see journalism and the right to speak the truth as a

fourth pillar in a democracy back to you Becky.

ANDERSON: Vedika thank you. You're watching "Connect the World" live from Doha this evening. Next up, we take a deep dive into the relationship

between Azerbaijan and Israel in the wake of Azerbaijan's military operation doing control of Nagorno-Karabakh. What role did Israeli weapons

play that is coming up?

And U.S. healthcare workers joining the tens of thousands of union employees who are striking in the United States, we'll take a look at the

impact that patients could feel. You're watching CNN stay with us.



ANDERSON: Welcome back! You're watching "Connect the World". I'm Becky Anderson. We're here in Doha this evening, where it is nearly 20 minutes

past 4. Well, Armenia criticizing Azerbaijan's reported detention of four former leaders of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Now, these latest arrests coming two weeks after Bacchus took control of the breakaway region in what was a lightning offensive. Most of the 120,000

ethnic Armenians who live there have since fled to Armenia, leaving behind a near deserted capital that a Red Cross Crisis Leader describes as


Well, there's widespread speculation that Azerbaijan relied heavily on Israeli weaponry to stage that offensive. Hadas Gold with us from

Jerusalem. What's been the previous relationship that Israel has had with Azerbaijan in terms of arm deals? And just how significant have the -- and

I think what we're talking about here is drone technology, drone weapons, how significant a role did they play?

HADAS GOLD, CNN JERUSALEM CORRESPONDENT: Yes Becky, it's been sort of an under the radar relationship that actually in the last year or so has

become more above the radar more publicly talked about.

But according to information from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute from 2016 to 2020 some 69 percent of Bacchus major arms

imports came directly from Israel 69 percent that makes up about 17 percent of Israel's arms exports.

Now, most of these are those drones, missiles and mortars drones of which, of course, we have heard quite a bit about in this recent conflict. Now,

why this relationship, it all comes down to geopolitics, you look at where Azerbaijan sits on Israel's northern border.

And you'll understand why Israel wants to be close to them both see Iran as a direct threat. And there have actually been various reports that Israeli

intelligence has actually used Azerbaijan as a base from which to conduct operations in Iran.

And Israel also gets a decent percentage of its crude oil from Azerbaijan as well. But in recent years, actually, in the last year or so the

relationship has actually become a little bit more public. Just in May of this year the Israeli President Isaac Herzog had an official visit to

Azerbaijan where he received an honor guard.

And during that visit the Azerbaijani President he had this to say. He said Azerbaijan has access to modern Israeli equipment in this area for many

years which helps us to modernize our defense capability and to be able to protect our statehood, our values, our national interests, and our

territorial integrity?

But the recent conflict has increased the scrutiny on the relationship. There was actually recently an editorial in Israel's left leaning newspaper

Haaretz where they said that Israel's fingerprints are all over the ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh and the Armenian Ambassador to Israel said

Israeli weapons. He actually said this in an interview recently with "The Jerusalem Post".

That Israeli weapon is being used against civilians in that region. We reached out to the Israeli Ministry of Defense for comment on this -- they

Becky, after repeated requests for -- they have repeatedly said that they have no comment on the situation right now, Becky.

ANDERSON: Hadas Gold is in Jerusalem for you folks. And you can read more on this story in our "Meanwhile in the Middle East" Newsletter including

how the relationship between Israel and Azerbaijan extends well beyond weapons sales? Now that newsletter drops three times a week. You can find

it on or by scanning the QR code on the bottom of your screen. Well worth a read do sign up for them.

Well, thousands of healthcare workers are picketing in several U.S. states starting the largest health care strike ever in the United States of

America. More than 75,000 unionized employees of Kaiser Permanente were expected to walk off the job today demanding higher pay and a plan to

tackle chronic staff shortages among the worker taking part in the three days strike nurses, receptionists and pharmacists.

Well CNN's Meg Tirrell following the walkout from New York. How will patients be affected by this strike first and foremost?

MEG TIRRELL, CNN MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, what we're hearing from Kaiser that they are keeping their offices, their hospitals and emergency

departments open but just by the scope of this strike and the folks who are on the picket lines now. It could be pretty disruptive.

It's scheduled to go from this morning through Saturday morning if no deal is reached. We've heard from Kaiser they were trying to work through the

night to reach something. They did come to some agreements but not a final one. So now West Coast employees have joined their East Coast colleagues on

picket lines. Kaiser of course is one of the largest nonprofit health organizations here in the United States.


It serves almost 13 million people across eight states and Washington D.C. The strikes are happening in five states and the Capitol, but will be

predominantly affecting patients really in California, Colorado and Oregon. That's where the majority of where the healthcare workers are going to be

on the picket lines.

75,000 healthcare employees, that's about 35 to 40 percent of the entire workforce of Kaiser so they will still have folks working. This does not

involve physicians, for example, but the list of the professions this affects nurses, folks doing imaging, people who take blood, who clean

rooms, who answer phones, pharmacists, optometrists, this could be incredibly disruptive.

We are hearing that the unions are saying that this is really about pay and about understaffing. A problem that they say was exacerbated through the

COVID pandemic. They are trying to reach an agreement on across the board wage increases for example. They have not been able to come together on

that yet as we know so far.

Now Kaiser does say it will keep its emergency rooms all of its locations open but they may have to reschedule some appointments that are not urgent

and they will reach out to folks on that. They're also encouraging people to use their mail order pharmacy because this will affect pharmacists as


It is scheduled to go until Saturday if no agreement is reached, and the unions are saying they may strike again with even more folks in November if

they still haven't reached an agreement then Becky.

ANDERSON: Thank you. Coming up on "Connect the World", I'm Becky Anderson and of course. The UAE Energy Minister tells me new investments in oil

infrastructure are not incompatible with his country's plans for a green energy future all that plus his outlook on prices. And the trading day

about to get underway on Wall Street will stocks recover from Tuesday's sell off the opening bell is just ahead.



ANDERSON: Well, sounding on Wall Street ringing the bell this session the Empire State Realty Trust. Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson tonight in Doha

for you. You are watching "Connect the World".

And U.S. stocks are up and running on Wall Street a modestly higher start to the trading day after Tuesday sharp sell-off driven by surging bond

yields. Now, the U.S. 10 year yield is pulling back a bit right now, thanks to a weak and unexpected read on private sector U.S. jobs growth.

But yields hit fresh 16 year highs earlier Wednesday and the 30 year treasury yield hit 5 percent for the first time since get this 2007.

Investors are selling bonds amid fears that global central banks will have to keep rates higher for longer in their battle against inflation.

Well, the ouster of U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy only adding to concerns on those U.S. bond markets deep U.S. political divisions means

that spending battles will likely continue with another potential U.S. government shutdown looming next month.

Oil prices pulling back sharply in Wednesday's session Brent and U.S. crude both off by more than 1.5 percent all this as Saudi Arabia and Russia

announced as expected that they will keep voluntary production cuts in place until the end of the year. Well, the UAE Energy Minister told me on

Tuesday that his country's green revolution is well underway, but the producers must still invest in oil infrastructure to keep energy prices in



ANDERSON: You say that the industry needs to invest more in producing more fossil fuels. But how can that go hand in hand with your energy transition

commitments? This is a question that many people around the world are asking, what's the response?

SUHAIL MOHAMMED AL MAZROUEI, UAE ENERGY MINISTER: When it comes to the energy mix in UAE, the highest investment we are putting is a renewable

energy with no doubt. So we are tripling the installed capacity of renewable energy despite the fact that we have the largest solar projects

in the world.

We are tripling that by the year 2030 before we call upon the whole world to do the same. We are keen on producing an alternative to gas which is

hydrogen. So we also announced a strategy aiming to produce 1.4 million ton of hydrogen of which more than 70 percent is going to be green hydrogen so

we're not some accusers, or we're bringing just blue hydrogen, no.

ANDERSON: Give me the context for that. What does that number mean when you consider the energy mix here?

MAZROUEI: 30 percent of our energy mix will be clean by the year 2030 38 percent by the year 2035.

ANDERSON: You say you aim to produce 5 million barrels a day of oil in four years' time that is a significant increase. What do you say to those

critics who say you cannot be serious about your climate pledges, if you're boosting production to record levels?

MAZROUEI: Well, first of all, we're not boosting production. We're saying production capacity and there is a difference between production capacity

and our production. Those barrels will not be produced unless they are needed.

ANDERSON: I will say it looks very likely at this point that we are looking at 100 bucks on the barrel. And I say that because many analysts in the

market are forecasting that. Is that within the range, I know you're not going to give me a price forecast. But is that $100 plus within the range

that you would be comfortable with?

MAZROUEI: I think Becky, whatever price suits the consumers and ensure that the demand is healthy, that's the price that we are targeting and that

price is going to be a balance between what we supply and we can supply and what the demand is required.

ANDERSON: The problem is a $100 on the barrel does not satisfy the consumer because it is inflationary. I spoke to the Indian Oil Minister and he said

$100 on the barrel he worries that $100 on the barrel plus is a self- fulfilling prophecy. It will knock economic growth.

MAZROUEI: We need to look at it from a different perspective. One, how much taxes if you're talking about gasoline and diesel? The taxes are many

countries are putting on gasoline and diesel that goes to the government budget is way beyond the price.


So if they reduce those taxes, the price would be the same. The world has changed. The commodities have increased significantly from 2013. If you

compare it with call, if you compare it with copper with gold with anything, oil did not actually was the least to have a spike, nothing have

been stable more than oil. And the reason behind that is this group that is trying its best to achieve what's good for all of the consumers.


ANDERSON: The perspective of the UAE Energy Minister -- the UAE of course, part of the OPEC Plus grouping. You can keep up with the latest business

news from green energy to tech stocks and so much more. It's all news you can use and that is at

As you can see we are broadcasting "Connect the World" live from Doha today and the rest of the week. And next hour my interview with the CEO of Qatar

Airways, he's also the Head of Qatar Tourism, about the fierce competition in the Middle East travel sector. Plus the outlook for Doha Tourism, what

is nearly a year on from the World Cup?

Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that are on our radar right now. And three Filipino fishermen were killed after their boat

collided with another vessel in the South China Sea on Monday. That's according to authorities. 11 crew members they say survive the crash and

use service boats to carry the dead to land.

The Philippine Coast Guard looking into an oil tanker sailing under a Marshall Islands Flag was in the area at the time on its way from South

Korea to Singapore. Well, at least five people are dead and 23 Indian troops are missing after flash floods hit the Northeast of the country.

The Indian Army says a sudden cloudburst upstream of a lake in the Northern State of Sikkim raise water levels as much as six meters. Heavy rain

continues to hamper search and rescue efforts there.

Pope Francis slamming climate change deniers in a scathing document on the environment and the dangers it poses. The Pontiff warns the effects of

climate change are "Already irreversible", and blames world leaders and big industry for the worsening situation.

Well, looking ahead to what's happening next hour? Donald Trump back at the courthouse for his civil fraud trial. You're looking at live pictures of

that courthouse in lower Manhattan. Day three of the trial set to resume at the top of the hour with Trump's longtime accountant back on the stand.

Now the judge in this case rebuked Donald Trump on Tuesday for attacking the court clerk in a social media post and is now banned all parties from

making any public comments about his staff. You're watching CNN. I'm Becky Anderson. Ahead in your sports news, a drama filled night in the UEFA

Champions League a look at the biggest winners and losers after this.



ANDERSON: Well, this is set to be an exciting weekend here in Doha as the F1 Grand Prix stage this weekend at the Lusail International Circuit. This

though, won't just be a normal race weekend. In fact, it might be the most important of the season and that is because Red Bulls Champion Max

Verstappen could win his third consecutive drivers title before his tires even reached the track on Sunday's Grand Prix.

Here is how this weekend will not only feature the regular Grand Prix that we know and love but it will also have a shorter 100 kilometer race the day

before that is known as a sprint and here's the kicker with a 177 point lead Verstappen needs to finish as low as sixth place in Saturday's sprint

to be crowned this year's drivers champion. Now I don't want to speculate but if the past two seasons have any taught us anything it's that Max

usually finishes a lot higher than sixth place. But I guess we will have to wait and see.

Well drama in the UEFA Champions League with thrilling matches Tuesday but some not so thrilling results that has to be said for the English clubs.

Patrick Snell joining me that's a tease and a half isn't it?

PATRICK SNELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Hi Becky. Yes, can I get anyone stopped Max very quickly, short answer no. To the English clubs in the Champions League

a great night for Galatasaray winning at Old Trafford against Man United's special piece of footy history there for Turkey and their game a

Galatasaray's history going back 117 years but Man United Becky in real trouble now.

They've lost the first two Champions' League group stage games for the first time ever. So that's an unwanted stat for Man United and they're in

real trouble now as well in the Premier League. They just look far from convincing.

Arsenal another English team they did win their first Champions' League group stage game. They thrashed PSV Eindhoven, but they were brought

crashing back down to earth they went to France last night they lose to last 2-1, but overall they're in pretty good shape. They won't like defeat

though they still got those three points to build on.

And also in an upcoming edition of World Sports in just a few moments, we have the goal Becky, that you just have to see from English Star Jude

Bellingham who plays for Real Madrid now it's an iconic goal already and it's already being talked about everywhere in so many different footy

circles. It's the goal we're all talking about, and we're not going to show it to you now. Oh no, it's coming up on "World Sports" Becky.

ANDERSON: You're going to have to stick around a folk that is after this short break. We're back top of the hour for you.