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Connect the World

Zelenskyy Pushing European Leaders for more Aid; Chicago & New York see Uptick in Migrant Arrivals; 2023 on Track for Record after Hottest September; Qatar Airways CEO Talks to CNN; Indian Energy Minister Defends Russian Oil Purchases; 2030 FIFA World Cup to be Hosted in Six Countries. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired October 05, 2023 - 09:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Well, welcome to "Connect the World", from a very windy Qatar this evening. It is 4 pm here in Doha 3 pm

in Granada in Spain, and it is what is happening right now. European leaders are meeting there in Spain on the agenda, migration Armenia and


Leaders should speak anytime now and we are monitoring events for you. New York facing the consequences of the migrant crisis as chaos moves north

from the Texas border. Temperatures breaking records by absurd margins, we'll have the very latest numbers from the very latest report from


We're keeping a close eye on financial markets this hour. As well of course U.S. stocks look set for a lower open when trading gets underway on Wall

Street an hour or half an hour from now. Investor's sentiment remains cautious and volatility in global bond markets is clear.

But U.S. stocks did post across the board games on Wednesday looking at that market view as we are 30 minutes out the arrows pointing to a lower

start. Well, a productive day for Ukraine and all of Europe those hopeful words from Ukraine's President who is attending a summit of European

leaders in Spain.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived on an unannounced visit pushing European allies for more military assistance amid the political chaos in Washington.

President Zelenskyy's surprise appearance in Spain comes as U.S. President Voices his concerns about securing future U.S. funding for Ukraine.

Joe Biden says he plans to make a speech soon to stress the importance of continued aid. Meantime, CNN has learned the U.S. will transfer thousands

of seized Iranian weapons and rounds of ammunition to Ukraine to help alleviate critical shortages facing the military there.

There's a lot to unpack our Chief International Correspondent, Clarissa Ward, connecting us from London today. Let's start with the chaos in the

U.S. in Congress, and the juxtaposition of the Europeans today meeting, we've got Zelenskyy calling for more funding, as it appears it could dry up

from the U.S. and the West. What do you make of what you're seeing here?

CLARISSA WARD, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, I think if you're President Volodymyr Zelenskyy right now your blood is running cold

as you're watching what's unfolding on Capitol Hill and with a real knowledge that even if this latest hurdle is overcome that we may be

looking at many more instances of this as the U.S. goes into an election year.

Now on the face of it Ukrainian leaders are trying to assuage fears, they're trying to show that there is still competence, we heard the Foreign

Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, saying that, you know, the relationship and the competence and it has not been shattered. We also heard from President

Zelenskyy himself. Take a listen to what he had to say, Becky.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE: And with the United States being in Washington, D.C. and I had meeting with President Biden and I had and

the word he's 100 percent support in the White House and also a support, bipartisan support in Congress.


WARD: Now really, this couldn't come at a worse time, Becky, because as we have seen Ukraine's counter offensive, somewhat stalling. It has been slow,

bloody progress, and they are burning through weapons and munitions at an alarming rate. Quite simply put, they will be in dire straits if U.S.

funding does dry up.

Not just from the perspective of, you know, munitions and military aid, but also from the perspective of leadership. The U.S. has really kind of taken

the leading role in presiding over this consortium of Western nations in supporting Ukraine in this battle with Russia and I think now there is more

of a question mark over pressure on the Ukrainians to be able to wrap it up.


And deliver a victory in short order. And the reality on the ground, as we're seeing is that things are more complex than that. Things are more

nuanced than that. And things are more challenging than that. So I would argue that there is very real deep concern on the part not just of the

Ukrainian leadership, but ordinary Ukrainian people as well.

ANDERSON: Clarissa, what do you make of the Iranian stockpiles? So we heard about yesterday that the U.S. says it is sending to Ukraine, these are

Iranian weapons that have been seized by the U.S. It's not quite clear what those munitions look like. Do you believe from what we understand that

these will have a tangible impact on the ground which is this, as some have suggested merely grandstanding?

WARD: I think, Becky, maybe it's less grandstanding than it is sort of a stopgap measure. The Biden administration is under a lot of pressure to

show that they're thinking outside of the box that they are trying to find other sources to continue to support this war. And I think the

administration understands as well.

And you said it yourself. They're planning a big speech that they need to really sell the American people on the idea that their continued support is

absolutely crucial for the future of democracy because Americans have made it clear or are starting to make it clear that there is increasing

reluctance to continue to write a blank check without some kind of a tangible game plan.

The real fear I think, becomes Becky, whether this contagion starts to spread to Europe as well, whether you see European nations starting to

raise questions about their commitments, both militarily and financial to Ukraine. And so that's why what we're seeing today in Granada is so

crucial, and why it will be very crucial for President Biden to make a strong case to the American people, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes, absolutely. Clarissa it's good to have you. Thank you very much indeed, Clarissa Ward on the story for you. Well, U.S. authorities are

taking drastic action at the nation's southern border with Mexico. The Biden administration will waive 26 federal laws and regulations to build

more barriers in one Texas border County.

Now, the Homeland Security Chief calling the need acute and immediate, the area has seen a spike in migrants unlawfully crossing into the country. At

the same time the Mayor of New York City is touring Central and Southern America. He says he's trying to understand the crisis is hundreds of

migrants are bused to his city every day. CNN's Polo Sandoval joins us now from New York, Polo?

POLO SANDOVAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Becky, you know, we are still about a year and a half into this migrant crisis in New York City. And what's

quite telling you Becky's that it was just last week that the number of asylum seekers reached 3700 in terms of those arriving here in New York.

That is one of the highest numbers that they've seen in terms of weekly arrivals. So that really is quite telling in terms of this being an issue

that is still ongoing for New York City. Those 3700 will be added to the nearly 63,000 that are still in New York City's care.

There are many factors in play here, Becky, there's certainly that increase in border crossings that we experienced along the southern border that is

certainly potentially linked to that number of asylum seekers arriving in New York going on a daily basis from 400 to nearly 600 a day.

One of the highest figures they've seen, but also Republican Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, has reportedly increased the number of asylum seekers

that he is offering transportation to cities like Chicago, Washington, D.C., Denver, and certainly here in New York.

Now the city is hoping to bring some relief to their shelter system by serving some of those adult asylum seekers with 60 day vacate notices

basically asking that they leave these shelters and reapply for housing. However, the number of people that are coming into the system is so large.

That they have not seen any sort of positive benefit yet, in terms of what we've seen and heard from New York City officials. The Mayor Eric Adams

waking up in Mexico City this morning, I made criticism that this is as described by one migrant advocacy group a pointless trip.

He insists that this is a fact finding trip which he hopes to not only speak to folks in Latin America, but also traveled to Colombia and other

parts of South America potentially a visit the Darien Gap, which is that treacherous stretch of jungle in Central America and that many migrants

will tell you have had to survive before they make their way to major American cities, Becky.

ANDERSON: Polo Sandoval is in New York. Thank you, sir.


Well across the Atlantic, the European Union talking about changing rules for its own migrant crisis. EU countries that refuse to take it asylum

seekers could be made to pay compensation to the countries that do. That, at least is one of the proposals that officials will put two heads of

government with the aim of bringing some relief to countries where a lot of migrants are arriving.

Like for example, Italy and Greece. The discussions have been going on since 2020. But it could be next year before the EU votes on the plan. Will

September was a month of record heat around the world. For the fourth month in a row folks, next on "Connect the World" what a new climate report says

about 2023.


ANDERSON: He talks about sustainability.



ANDERSON: We'll hear what the CEO of one of the world's biggest Airlines has to say about the industry's efforts to bring down carbon emissions.


ANDERSON: Welcome back to "Connect the World", I'm Becky Anderson. And what is you will have noticed a very windy day in Doha here where the time is

almost quarter past 4 we are in Qatar, focusing many of our conversations around sustainability and how we can learn to grow while living with our


Will at least 14 people were killed more than 100 missing and catastrophic flash floods in India's Himalayan region. Heavy rain pushed a glacial lake

over its banks, submerging homes, washing away roads and bridges and sending a torrent of water down the Teesta River.

Well, the government's in the state says that sewage treatment plants that have been damaged, and these are satellite images of Lake Lhonak before and

after it burst its banks more than 60 percent of the lakes water has been drained. And let's not forget that extreme rainfall caused by a dam that

burst in.

Causing a dam sorry to burst in Libya last month triggering catastrophic floods the City of Derna utterly devastated. It's been hard to get an

accurate count of just how many people were killed. Their estimates range from about 4000 to 11,000. And importantly, tens of thousands have been

forced out of their homes.

Well, from flooding to record heat. We aren't now seeing how climate change is making these extreme events, weather events, more frequent. We just had

another month of unprecedented heat, but in 2023 firmly on track to be the hottest on record.


Data from the European Union's Copernicus climate change service shows that this September was half a degree hotter than the previous record set a few

years ago. We'll Chief Climate Correspondent Bill Weir, joining us now from New York. And look as if we needed yet another warning that we are

sleepwalking into a climate catastrophe.

We have just received it this day. And there will be people out there saying more do more gloom. But let's be quite clear about this. I mean,

we're sitting on a precipice at this at this point. Bill, how close are we?

BILL WEIR, CNN CHIEF CLIMATE CORRESPONDENT: Well, if you look at the last 30 years and compare September to that it just wasn't a little bit hotter.

It was almost a full degree Celsius warmer than the rest, off the charts. Gobsmackingly bananas as one American climate scientist, put it here.

And so it seems like after all these years of heat building up in the ocean, it is just coming to the fore right now. And you're seeing you

listed it there, the devastating flooding that's happening. What's happening now and you're shattering records in from Poland and Austria and

France and Spain for the hottest October.

It feels like July in October right now. And so NASA agrees with Copernicus that there's a certain chance that 2023 will go down as the warmest ever

recorded but there's an old, you know, icebreaking cliche. Hot enough for you as a conversation starter, that question becomes takes on a different

meaning with each one of these reports at what point is it hot enough for us to really understand the scope of the damage being done?

ANDERSON: Good to have you, Bill. Really important to get your sense of what is this latest report and putting it in context. Before we move on,

let me just give our viewers some breaking news Ukraine President says 48 people were killed in a Russian artillery strike in Kupiansk in Eastern


He says the attack hit a grocery store, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, announcing the attack at European summit that he is attending in Spain. We're going to

watch this story for you. And of course, we will have more details as they become available. Let's get you straight to CNN Senior International

Correspondent Fred Pleitgen. Fred?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hi there, Becky. This is in the East of Ukraine, Kupiansk which of course has written a

really active front line over the past couple of months. It was a place where the Ukrainian citizen said that the Russians had been pulling forces

together to possibly launch some sort of offensive.

So, definitely a place where a lot of shelling has been going on and lot of shooting has been going on as well and the Ukrainians now saying that

apparently a civilian area has been hit now. I'm going to share with you some of the details they are still coming in because of course all this is

very fresh.

But the Ukrainians are saying that shortly after 1 pm. So sort of around mid-day, I think the exact time they're giving us 1:15 pm. That was

shelling near a town called Groza, which is near Kupiansk in that area. They said that a cafe was hit. And the supermarket was hits there as well.

Obviously, some of the rescue operations, they're still very much ongoing right now. We have sort of stills images of the aftermath of that. It

certainly looks as though the building that appears to have been hit is completely destroyed. The death toll at this point in time and you just

said that.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine had said that 48 people were killed. It seems as though the authorities are still trying to clarify that

whether it was 48 or 49. But of course again, all of that is still very much in flux. Apparently also, some children could be among the casualties,

certainly among the wounded as well.

And you know, again, this is an area where active combat was taking place close to that area. We know that in the City of Kupiansk as well, which is

pretty much right on the front line between the Russians and the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians had been urging people to leave that area.

And in some cases, even talking about mandatory evacuations from there, because the fighting was coming so close because the Russians had been

trying to push into that area for quite some time now the Ukrainians had been saying that they managed to stabilize that front line over the past a

couple of weeks moving some resources up there also some Western equipment as well to try and push the Russians back.

But now the Ukrainians are saying that a soft target as they put it, a civilian target has been hit. Of course, President Zelenskyy of Ukraine who

is currently on a visit to Spain has already condemned what he called this attack that took place, calling it a demonstratively brutal Russian rate, a


A rocket attack on an ordinary grocery store a completely deliberate terrorist attack again, those are the words of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who's

currently in Spain, Becky.

ANDERSON: And the loss of nearly 50 people's lives. Fred, thank you. Let me get you back to our discussion on climate now. Climate Activists can be

loud, climate scientists can be passionate.


But what about those stakeholders often held most responsible for the program the oil and gas producers, for instance. We think it's important to

speak with those in positions of power. To discuss what they are doing to mitigate impacts like that, which we have just reported earlier from

Copernicus see the hottest September on record what their honest take is on green gold.

So over the next couple of hours, you're going to hear from India's Oil and Gas Minister who tells me that he unashamedly buys cheap oil because of his

responsibility to consumers. He also points out, there's a lot of work left in terms of global equality in climate financing that isn't around 15

minutes time.

The OPEC Secretary General says sustainability is important. But it's organization's responsibility is to ensure enough reliable energy to

support growth, that interview coming up in the next hour. First up, though, the Qatar Airways CEO here in Doha, sat down with me to discuss the

airline industry sector aiming to become net zero by 2050.

Well, he has called that goal, a PR exercise, but that doesn't mean the industry and his own airline isn't making changes, have a listen.


BAKER: I very much care about sustainability. Qatar Airways has today one of the youngest fleets in the world. And we keep on investing, we have

nearly 150 aircraft on order that needs to be delivered and they're all absolutely fuel efficient. We are hugely involved in recyclable materials

in the airline.

We are constantly investing in improving fuel burn on the aero plane, but there is only so much we can do the industry should also get involved, the

oil companies need to roll up their sleeves and provide a sustainable fuel in the volume. So we want at the price where the passenger will be able to

afford which is not happening.

ANDERSON: You calls reaching net zero by 2050 a PR exercise. Do you genuinely believe that that is a not a possibility or are you coming round

to feeling like this is realistic?

BAKER: No, you know it will be way after my time. So I should not try to do anything to mislead people. But I genuinely believe that it will be very

difficult to achieve the targets by 2050. Because just there is not that much will. You know 2050 is not too far away.


ANDERSON: It's the CEO of Qatar Airlines. So those are limitations on sustainability for the Qatar Airways chief. We also had a chat about the

opportunities and challenges facing the business. The Gulf carrier is aiming to expand to more than 225 locations.

The U.S. plays a very big part in those plans with the CEO calling it an opportunity to connect the diaspora from this part of the world and

Southeast Asia. But he's bumping into some problems to. Take a listen to what he told me.


BAKER: Unfortunately, India has a much closed air services regime. And it's hugely protectionist. And I keep on dwelling upon the authorities there.

The more they open, the more affluent the aviation industry in India will become. It won't be the other way around India's middle class is 100

million more than the total population of the United States.

There is huge purchasing power that people have. But the air connectivity is bad and they don't want to open it.

ANDERSON: Well, the Air India CEO has been very clear about demands from Gulf Carriers to allow them more flights into the country India, he said

must not open the floodgates. He sees it as in the national interest for his firm to develop nonstop routes for Indian travelers to destinations in

the U.S. and Europe and elsewhere. That must be a worry to you.

BAKER: No, somebody should ask him on what basis he calculates this national interest. It is in the national interest of India to allow more

people to go and the more people to travel to grow the aviation industry to create jobs.

ANDERSON: What he is saying is he wants to see direct flights. He doesn't want to see flights that need to stop over in destinations like this, which

makes Qatar money not India.


BAKER: No, I disagree with that. And I don't think that he has done his homework properly. If he really looks at the load factors of all the

airlines that have completely saturated the rights into India, it's all in above 85 percent. When you reach in an aviation 85 percent load factor in

your aero planes means you're spilling traffic means there is demand, which you cannot fulfill. You know, in today's open world, you cannot keep the

cake and eat it yourself.

ANDERSON: Let's talk about Australia. The government has blocked a request to add more than 20 weekly flights. And now a Senate inquiry is underway.

The last time you spoke to CNN, you said the decision was unfair, but that you were hopeful that the government will come around now the inquiry is

still ongoing. Are you still hopeful? Where do things stand?

BAKER: I don't want to preempt the Senate inquiry. I can only say that I am confident of whatever decision that they will make will be in the interest

of their country. And it is in the interest of their country to allow airlines like us to operate and to serve the Australian people and create

jobs in Australia.

ANDERSON: Are you speaking to officials about this in Australia?

BAKER: I am keeping my mouth shut because it is a government inquiry. So I don't want to preempt whatever decision they will make or in any way

influence their investigation.

ANDERSON: This year has been a good year, not a great year.

BAKER: This is because there is shortage of capacity. And the shortage of capacity will continue for the foreseeable future. And by that time, things

will become clearer in the global political environment of what is happening we have a huge conflict that is continuing. We have another

conflict, which is also getting a little bit to --

ANDERSON: U.S., China.

BAKER: Exactly. We are having a fantastic first five months of our current financial year. It has been the healthiest five months in our history. And

I hope that this will continue. And coral minds will prevail. I don't think anybody can forecast what will happen.

But we as an airline, and as an industry, aviation industry, we have to be very wary of conflicts that are escalating around the world. So the only

thing we can do is make sure that we don't stretch ourselves more than we will be able to handle.


ANDERSON: The CEO of Qatar Airways speaking to me earlier. Well coming up it seems like everywhere you look one industry or another is on strike in

America, we're going to take a look at what is driving workers to the picket line after this.



ANDERSON: Breaking news out of Ukraine for you. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says that 48 people were killed in a Russian artillery strike

near Kupiansk in Eastern Ukraine. He says the attack hit a grocery store around 1:15 in the afternoon local time.

Six people were also injured including a child. President Zelenskyy announced the attack at the European Summit that he is attending in Spain.

We are watching the story of course and we'll have more details as they become available.

Well, now to the United States where industrial action is expanding first game strikes in the entertainment industry of course that it were auto

workers now its healthcare employees. We're talking about tens of thousands of employees CNN's Brian Todd picks up the story.


BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Striking employees of Kaiser Permanente walked the picket lines in Springfield, Virginia. Starting

Wednesday, more than 75,000 unionized employees of Kaiser have walked off the job making it the largest health care workers strike in U.S. history.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you feel like overworked, stretched in rushing.

TODD (voice-over): Workers say they had been hard pressed since the crushing COVID pandemic.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They're working 14 to16 hours so they're tired.

TODD (voice-over): Their demands improved staffing levels and better pay and benefits.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We want wages that keep up with the cost of living.

TODD (voice-over): Kaiser says it has offered a wage bump and a plan to staff up but no deal yet. Kaiser Permanente serves 12.7 million people in

the U.S. The company says some patients could see non-emergency and elective services affected.


trouble getting access to health care. They may have appointments that are going to be canceled. They may have to reschedule those appointments.

TODD (voice-over): Kaiser Workers are not the only ones on strike right now. The United auto workers are in their third week of strikes against

Ford, GM and Stellantis which makes vehicles under the Chrysler Jeep and dodge brands.

A work stoppage that has slowly grown to 25,000 workers at dozens of locations, their demands higher wages better benefits, better job security.

The automakers saying they have already made generous offers, including a wage increase of 10 percent to start reaching 20 percent by year four.

KAYES: Companies and organizations are really struggling to get enough workers these days. So workers have the power now. They can leave, they can

quit they can go on strike, they can ask for better benefits they can ask for a working wage.

TODD (voice-over): And while the writers' strike in Hollywood has been resolved with them getting significant advances and late night talk shows

resuming. The standoff between the Actors Union and the Hollywood Studios continues. So the production of new shows and movies is at a standstill.

TODD: Are all these strikes hurting the economy?

RICHARD QUEST, CNN BUSINESS EDITOR-AT-LARGE: They're not helping but they're not damaging to a huge extent. The U.S. economy is truly huge. What

would be damaging in a bigger sense would be the longer the strikes go on, and the more they are of them.

TODD: While the Kaiser strike is temporary there could be a longer more contentious Kaiser strike in November if a deal isn't reached. And Chris

Kayes of GW University warn there's another potential strike on the horizon that could affect a wide swath of the country a possible airline pilot

strike in the coming months. Brian Todd, CNN, Washington.


ANDERSON: Markets are open in the U.S. Let's check the oil price at this hour. Both Brent and U.S. crude extending their losses from Wednesday's

session, Brent down 5 percent Wednesday afternoon numbers showed that U.S. fuel demand had fallen sharply.

Well earlier this week I spoke to the Indian Energy Minister Hardeep Singh Puri at the ADIPEC Energy Conference in Abu Dhabi. He says India's decision

to keep buying Russian oil has helped prevent oil prices for jumping higher. Have a listen.



HARDEEP SINGH PURI, INDIAN ENERGY MINISTER: The global situation in terms of hot figures is characterized by the fact that about 5 million barrels a

day has been taken off the availability canvas through voluntary cutbacks.

So we've seen this happening once earlier in 2008, when prices shot up, and you know what happened after that? We went into free fall, since the Russia

Ukraine -- you can call it what you like. You know, we push hundred million people into abject poverty.

Now you choose my words carefully. What is abject poverty? What is absolute poverty? I can tell you one thing if people have to stop using fuels, and

go back to wet wood, coal, dirty coal; et cetera it's not a happy situation.

ANDERSON: Call it what you will use said it is an invasion by Russia of Ukraine. And since 2022, you become the top buyer of seaborne Russian oil,

a purchasing policy that you and I have discussed in the past in a very robust fashion. A policy that has been much criticized as undermining

Western efforts to squeeze Russia's main income source. Does that purchasing policy by India of Russian seaborne oil continue?

PURI: We are complying with Western price gap. Now, let me tell you something interesting. Russia produces about 10 percent or there about of

the overall oil which is extracted every day about 10 to 11 million barrels a day.

If India stops buying whatever it does, or one or two other countries stopped buying Becky, do you know what's going to happen to prices? They're

not going to be -- then the OPEC Secretary General will not dismiss the idea that prices could reach $250. So there is a Western -- I'm not saying

understanding. But I talk to my Western interlocutors they say, be a friend, continue to buy Russian -- buy cheaper, buy cheaper than you can.

ANDERSON: Your critics suggest that you are way too reliant on Russian imports at present?

PURI: When you decide to respond to a normal human urge, which is to inflict punitive pain on someone, and you weaponized something like energy?

Did you do a cost benefit analysis on how much of a sledge hammer you used on your own feet? Did you know how much of your daily oil is Russia is

bought from Russia by Europe? I think it was 17 percent in 2022.

ANDERSON: India has a hugely ambitious, a remarkable, formidable targets for clean energy going forward, which should be acknowledged and applauded

by the way. How concerned are you about the financing gap that currently exists?

PURI: Look, I was born in the global south. Climate financing gap -- I say this with a degree of regret. Those who have espoused immediate cessation

of use of toxic fossil fuels, they've only paid lip service to it. I think for gas itself to move from 6 percent in our energy mix to 15 percent

I need $60 billion.

I'm getting it. But that's the beauty India will get it how will we get it because it's a mixture of increasing our own production and offering

economic opportunities to the major oil company and in -- which does transition.

So we are going to be able to do it. But woefully I must say, I lament the fact along with you as a citizen of the planet that people talk about all

these laudable objectives, but when it comes to putting something forward in terms of climate finance, there's much to be done there.


ANDERSON: That's India's Energy Minister speaking to me earlier this week. Well ahead on the show, goal after goal power Newcastle to victory over

PSG, what that means for the two group rivals in the Champions League that is coming up after this.



ANDERSON: Welcome back to "Connect the World" with me all night here in Qatar we're broadcasting live from Doha, where less than a year ago we saw

an incredible World Cup final. The country of just less than 3 million hosted one of the world's biggest events.

In 2030 edition will take place we now understand in six countries across three continents. Morocco, Portugal and Spain and some matches in Uruguay,

Argentina and Paraguay too. And that is not all Qatar's neighbor Saudi Arabia is now throwing its hand up to host the 2034 tournament.

Well, it was a night to remember for Saudi-owned Newcastle United, celebrating a 4-1 victory over Paris Saint-Germain in their first Champions

League home match in 20 years. The win puts Newcastle at the top of Group-F at a point ahead of the Paris based Paris Saint-Germain. Patrick Snell

joining me now, Patrick?

PATRICK SNELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Hi Becky. Yes, it has been a miserable week in the Champions League for English clubs you look at the results of

Manchester United and Arsenal. But Newcastle United restoring plenty of pride in a very emphatic way a massive night for the magpies a packed house

at St. James's Park.

Those fans are renowned for their passion. And it was a historic occasion to PSG made to look very ordinary indeed including their superstar player

Kylian Mbappe and we all know the talent he is. In World Sport in just a few moments we'll be reflecting on it all thanks to our partners that TNT

Sports and one very happy for -- goalkeeper Shay Given as well Becky, back to you.

ANDERSON: Lovely. More after this short break stay with us.


