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Al-Shifa Hospital Director: "All Essential Units Have Collapsed"; CNN Speaks To UNRWA Commissioner-General About Gaza Death Toll; Netanyahu: After War, Will Have To Answer For My Responsibilities; New Exchanges Of Fire At Israeli-Lebanese Border; Former United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron Appointed Foreign Secretary. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired November 13, 2023 - 10:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: Well, hello and welcome to CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson. 7:00 p.m. here in Abu Dhabi. It is 5:00 p.m.

in Gaza, where hospitals that are supposed to be a place of healing and safety in wartime are in tatters.

They are grappling with a lack of supplies, especially fuel, with fighting and airstrikes very close by.

This video said to show the aftermath of a strike near the Indonesian Hospital in northern Gaza. Well, now the head of Gaza's largest hospital,

al-Shifa, says its essential units have collapsed.

The stories are horrific with incubators unable to run, and surgeries called off.

Meantime, the Israel Defense Forces, it has opened another window today for civilians to move from Northern Gaza to the south. But with Internet and

cell phone service, spotty at best, it's not clear how many people got that message.

CNN's Nada Bashir has more on the crisis at Gaza's hospitals, and you may find some of the images in her report unsettling.


NADA BASHIR, CNN INTERNATIONAL REPORTER (voice over): These are the sounds of the final gasps from Gaza's collapsing healthcare system. Medical staff

in Gaza City working under near relentless Israeli bombardment for over a month. But now, this chorus of frantic voices seen here working on the

torchlight tells its own gut-wrenching story.

The Al-Quds Hospital, the second largest in Gaza, has now collapsed. It is one of many hospitals in Gaza that are completely out of service, according

to officials. Those remaining, now, on a cliff edge.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): There is a direct injury in the head, internal bleeding, and we can't do surgeries. No surgeries, no

oxygen, no electricity. We work manually. We are using a manual resuscitator. It is a clear injury. It needs an urgent surgery, a

lifesaving one. He is less than a year old.

BASHIR (voice-over): Remarkably, this baby survived. But his father, who was in the very same building when an Israeli airstrike hit, did not.

At Gaza's largest hospital, Al-Shifa, officials say three babies in the neonatal unit died after a generator powering incubators was damaged in an

Israeli strike.

CNN has reached out to the Israeli military for comment. The IDF regularly says it is targeting Hamas. But doctors here say the hospital is now

completely surrounded.

MOHAMED KANDIL, DOCTOR, AL-SHIFA HOSPITAL: The situation overall is difficult, according to our colleague there. There is no water, no

electricity. They cannot communicate between each other. There is a lot of targeting around the hospital.

BASHIR (voice-over): The Israeli military said, Sunday, it has sent 300 liters of fuel to the entrance of the Al-Shifa Hospital, said to only be

enough to power the hospital's generators for 30 minutes. But the IDF says Hamas blocked the hospital from receiving it.

Hospital officials however, say staff were too afraid by surrounding Israeli tanks to collect the fuel. Inside the hospital, doctors are

overwhelmed, morgues now long beyond capacity. And with communications frequently cut off. contacts between medical teams on the ground and with

the outside world is growing increasingly difficult.

Hospital officials say thousands of displaced civilians are still thought to be in the compound, taking shelter in what once was thought to be a

sanctuary in the midst of this seemingly unending nightmare.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): We thought the hospital was a safe place, but it wasn't. If we had stayed another five minutes, we would

have been killed. They started to bomb us and we ran away from Al-Shifa.

BASHIR (voice-over): The Israeli military says it is now enabling passage from three hospitals in northern Gaza.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, telling CNN on Sunday that there is no reason why patients cannot be evacuated from Al-Shifa. But

doctors on the ground say a near constant barrage of airstrikes has made it impossible for patients and staff to safely evacuate.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): This is another form of torture. We have about six kilometers to go, no less. She got a stroke that caused her

brain damage. She can't speak and is paralyzed.

BASHIR (voice-over): Israel says additional routes have been open to allow civilians to evacuate southwards, but the United Nations itself has raised

doubts over the so-called safe zones outlined by Israel. Warning that nowhere inside Gaza is safe for civilians anymore.

And for those to injured, to sick, evacuation is impossible. Many doctors on the ground vowing to stay beside their patients no matter what.

Nada Bashir, CNN, in Jerusalem.


ANDERSON: Well, the U.N. relief agency, slamming what it calls the disregard for the protection of civilian, infrastructure, all over Gaza. It

says even one of its agency staff guest houses in southern Gaza was hit by an Israeli naval strike over the weekend.

CNN has asked the IDF about that strike. This, despite Mr. Netanyahu's assurances there will be corridors leading to safe zones in the south.


BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, PRIME MINISTER, ISRAEL (through translator): So, we have designated routes to a safe zone, south of Gaza City where there's no

fighting. And we're telling them, go ahead, move.

And by the way, 70,000 have moved three days ago. I think 50,000 moved yesterday, more will move today. We want all the civilians to be removed

out of harm's way. And Hamas is doing everything in their power to keep them in harm's way.


ANDERSON: I just had the chance to speak to the commissioner general of UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini. And I began by asking you about those evacuation

corridors. Here is our full conversation.



maybe corridor, even 10 corridor, to allow people to go from the north to the south. But if you look at, only the U.N., which normally should have a

premises protecting people when we have about 750,000 people being sheltered, we had more than 60 of our installation, which have been hit,

and the 70 percent of these installation were in the south.

This has led to the deaths of more than 60 people and 100 people injured only yesterday. We had the guesthouse of the U.N. in Rafah, in the south,

which has also been hit. And this is a guesthouse where international staff are normally used to be. Fortunately, no one were there at the time of the

shoot of the missile.

ANDERSON: More than 100 U.N. employees have been killed since October the 7th. The U.N. today having a moment of silence for all of those killed. How

difficult has this crisis been for your organization?

LAZZARINI: On this, has been completely devastating. We have reached more than 101 colleagues who have been killed since the beginning of this war.

They have all been colleagues, a father, mothers, people dedicated to their communities, many teacher, nurses, doctors, young and elderly colleagues.

And I do believe that UNRWA will never be the same anymore after such devastating period.

Unfortunately, Becky, my fear is that we might even have more staff having been killed to one at 101 out of one, we can confirm that, indeed, they

have been killed over the last month and a half here again, that we might have many, many more and especially those who haven't been in contact with,

might be under the rubble, or we might have just lost contact with their families.

ANDERSON: So, you're saying that UNRWA sadly quite confident that that number of 101 killed in this conflict is likely to rise?

LAZZARINI: Unfortunately, it will most likely increase. Yes.

ANDERSON: I have over the past what five weeks now and watched you address the United Nations Security Council. I've seen you address or certainly

seen images of you addressing Antony Blinken, the U.S. Secretary of State in Jordan, just a couple of weeks ago.

You, this last weekend, address the Arab and Islamic leaders' summit in Riyadh.

What is your sense about whether or not that summit will lead to any improvement in the situation? What was your feedback from the meetings that

you had in Riyadh?


LAZZARINI: In Riyadh, the main -- the main call has been a ceasefire. And besides the ceasefire, a significant increase of the volume of assistance

in the Gaza Strip.

And I also keep saying, it's not just humanitarian assistance, because we, as humanitarian, we will not be in a situation to provide the basic to 2.2

million people who have lost absolutely everything.

It is also equally important that basic services like municipal services: water, electricity do run, and that there is still also a private sector to

allow people to have access to basic community or commodities in the market.

So, all these conferences have been extremely important in order to build up a consensus about the urgent need of a humanitarian ceasefire, but also

about the understanding that a handful of trucks entering right now in the Gaza Strip are not making a difference. And that very soon, people will

start to die because of the impact of the severe siege imposed on 2.2 million people.

ANDERSON: But Philippe, the problem is, at this point, I hear your words, you have had the opportunity to brief so many key stakeholders. And yet, we

still don't have as a humanitarian pause, let alone a secession of violence or ceasefire.

I know how difficult that is for you. How confident are you that anytime soon, that will be the eventuality? How optimistic are you at this point?

LAZZARINI: This is deeply, deeply frustrating. I'm also trying to convey the message that we need to express empathy what's unfolding on the -- our

watch is just unbearable. And I really hope that we are now reaching the threshold where we say enough is enough.

And I do believe that today we have more and more leaders who are genuinely calling for an urgent ceasefire.

ANDERSON: You genuinely think that -- why is it? Why is it that you -- that you have that confidence? A lot of people will say that they simply don't

see that as a reality in the air on the ground at this point.

LAZZARINI: I don't have the confidence that there will be a ceasefire anytime soon. But I'm seeing a shift in the narrative with a certain number

of leaders who are recently were still reluctant to call for an immediate ceasefire. And now seeing the death toll in the Gaza Strip, said, there is

no other avenue than to lead to this.

So, I'm still hoping that all those with influence will succeed to, you know, to impact the decision for a ceasefire. But, as you say,

unfortunately, we are not yet there.

ANDERSON: I know that you wouldn't normally entertain, you know, a political sort of narrative. But sir, with respect, you know, it is

politicians that you are speaking to these days. And you know, how important it is that we get some sort of humanitarian pause.

My sense is that you are speaking about President Biden, the U.S. I mean, how constructive conversations that you've been having with congressman and

women, senators, men and women from the House of Representatives, are they listening in United States?

LAZZARINI: I'm equally also reaching out to lawmakers in Europe and to leader in Europe. What I -- what I have seen is that the narrative from the

first few days, where basically all the empathy was expressed towards Israel, and rightly so because of the brutal murder and massacre of more

than 1,200 people by the Hamas in Israel.

But equally, the empathy was lacking for some times, the language of international humanitarian law was also lacking, at least, for a week and

10 days. And this has definitely fueled here in the region, the feeling that there is a double standard in international humanitarian law.

This has fortunately evolved and noticed not only in Europe, but also in the United States. Now, the next phase should be that all of this needs to

lead to a humanitarian ceasefire.

ANDERSON: Six weeks, and what is your message, sir?


LAZZARINI: Listen, today, I have been informed that if we do not receive a fuel today, there will be no convoy in the Gaza Strip anymore as from

tomorrow. We run out of fuel for the handling of the tracker.

As of this evening, we are running out of fuel when it comes to providing it to hospital, to water station, to bakeries, but also to all our shelter

across Gaza Strip.

It is time now that the crossing be open for these critical commodities in industry. But otherwise, what we have seen unfortunately, will not be the

end of this catastrophe unfolding on our watch.


ANDERSON: Philippe Lazzarini, speaking to me a little earlier today.

We've got a lot more on the situation in Gaza, at the Al-Shifa Hospital and other hospitals in our newsletter.

Meanwhile, in the Middle East, you can find out more about the extreme measures that healthcare workers there are going to, to try to keep

patients: adults and small babies alive.

For that, just do please scan the QR code on your screen. That newsletter gets delivered three times a week. It's an extremely good read and well

worth your time.

Coming up, a look at the spillover risk into a broader conflict as the crossfire intensifies on Israel's border with Lebanon. The IDF says Beirut

and Hezbollah must shoulder the blame for attacks on Israeli people. More on that coming up.

Plus, the Israelis ramping up the pressure on their own government to do more to bring those some 240 hostages held in Gaza back home. A live report

on that is up next.


ANDERSON: While global leaders continue to pile pressure on Israel over the mounting death toll from its bombardment of Gaza, thousands of protesters

took to the streets in Tel Aviv over the weekend to shine the spotlight on the hostages being held in Gaza.

Many protesters are growing more angry and are demanding the Israeli government do more to bring those hostages home. More than 200 people were

taken mostly by Hamas into Gaza, following the Hamas attack, the brutal attacks on October the 7th.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told CNN on Sunday, he is doing everything within his power to bring those hostages home.

Well, for more, let's bring in CNN's Oren Liebermann, in Jerusalem. And Oren, Netanyahu was interviewed by our colleague, Dana Bash over the

weekend. She asked him about what is being done on the hostage far. Here is his response.



NETANYAHU: And we're doing everything we can around the clock, and I can't, you know, talk about it. I personally met with the hostage families,

families of hostages several times, and it's just tears your heart out.

But yes, we're doing everything and many things that I can't say here, obviously. But, this is one of our two war goals. I mean, one is to destroy

Hamas, and the second is to bring back our hostages.


ANDERSON: Specific objectives, destroyed Hamas and bring back those hostages.

The families of hostages have been really indignant about making those hostages an absolute priority. And there is been much disagreement with

prime minister about their objectives. How is this all playing out domestically for Netanyahu?

OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Well, you're absolutely right that those families are furious at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,

first, for allowing this to happen. They see him as not solely responsible, but certainly largely responsible for the security failures on October 7th.

But it's also unclear how much the goal of destroying Hamas can overlap with the goal of freeing the hostages. It's possible you do one or the

other. You're either having these negotiations and that's the focus of your effort to try to free all 239 or so hostages, or you're trying to destroy

Hamas and will do so by any means possible.

The IDF is trying to figure out how to do that, so, as Israeli leadership, Netanyahu just said it there. But these are different tracks. The hostage

effort is largely run through Qatar, which is in communication with Hamas, the Mossad, the CIA are involved in those conversations, but it's very

opaque. And it's not clear that Israel has any idea where they are, how they're being held, in what sorts of groups?

And that makes this difficult. And that leads to a lot of the anger from the -- from the families of the hostages held in Gaza.

ANDERSON: Yes. And Israel continues to say no ceasefire until those hostages are released. We know, because we've been in contact with the --

those who are very close to the mediation talks.

We know that one of the demands from the mass was a ceasefire, humanitarian pause, a pause, call it what you will. And so, that, at least in principle,

there can be a list put together of who these hostages are and where they are.

and where they are is a really good point. Because, as you rightly point out, not all of these hostages, as we understand it are actually being held

by Hamas.

Many, but there could be -- that there is a likelihood that there are hostages being held by others as well.

Oren, Netanyahu also said that he will answer questions about what happened and about his stewardship, about his responsibility, accountability about

what happened on October the 7th once the war is over. Have a listen.


NETANYAHU: Look, it's a question that needs to be asked. And these questions will be asked. And I've said -- and I've said, I've said that

what -- one thing that is important. And I've said we're going to answer all these questions. Including me, I'm going to be asking tough questions.

Right now, I think what we have to do is unite the country for one purpose, one purpose alone, and that is to achieve victory.


ANDERSON: And that has been the narrative for the last six weeks. Oren, are Israelis going to wait until the end of this conflict, whenever that is, to

ask those questions of Netanyahu?

LIEBERMANN: Well, there will, of course, be a formal military investigation and intelligence investigation to figure out what went wrong, and where

everything broke down, leading to October 7th. But in terms of holding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responsible, even if in all those words,

you heard in that soundbite, he didn't say the words, I am responsible and has been incapable of saying those words to this point.

The public here, at least, according to the polling, the surveys talking to people on the street, they overwhelmingly hold him responsible. And it's

worth pointing out, and a lot of the Israeli media have talked about this, a lot of Israelis will talk about this.

At the time when Israel sent in, or began to send in money from Qatar to Gaza, it was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2018, who is not only

prime minister, he was also foreign minister and defense minister, it is solely his decision.

And those, in his immediate vicinity that began what strengthened Hamas to the point where it could carry out such an operation. And yet, he has to

this point, refuse to say the words, I am responsible, even as the IDF has said those words, the Shin Bet Israel's internal security service and

others as well. Not Netanyahu.

ANDERSON: It's good to have you, Oren. Oren Liebermann, on the show for you. Thank you.

Well, the U.S. defense secretary is demanding an end to attacks on American forces in Iraq and Syria.


Over the weekend, the U.S. said it struck targets in eastern Syria, used by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and affiliated groups. Now, this

video described as a U.S. airstrike on an Iranian weapons facility in Syria, was really released last week by the U.S. military.

In South Korea earlier today, Lloyd Austin said he'll do whatever it takes to protect American lives.


GEN. LLOYD AUSTIN (RET), UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: These strikes are intended to disrupt and degrade the freedom of action and capabilities

of these groups, which are directly responsible for attacks on U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria.

These attacks must stop. And if they don't stop, then, we won't hesitate to do what's necessary, again, to protect our troops.


ANDERSON: Lloyd Austin, speaking earlier.

Well, Lebanese state run media report that two Israeli missiles have hit a media convoy near the Israeli-Lebanese border. The incident comes amid a

rising tempo of cross border fired there.

Senior international correspondent Ben Wedeman is in southern Lebanon. And Ben, we've been talking now for weeks, about what is happening on that

border, and whether what you witnessed there could be -- just could be, the beginning of something bigger, which could lead to a real escalation in

this conflict. What's your assessment today?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, certainly, Becky, the tempo seems to be picking up. In addition to that strike on the

group of journalists, there was another strike on a house in the central sector of the border, where two civilians were killed, and several others


And, of course, what we know is that both sides, Israel and Hezbollah, have long been preparing for war.


WEDEMAN (voice over): In May of this year, Hezbollah put on a show for the media, acting out, perhaps a future operation.

Leaving no doubt, who the fool would be. That was then, this is now. Hezbollah posts almost daily videos of their attacks on Israeli positions

along the border.

From the day after Hamas's surprise attack on Israel, a low intensity war has been raging between Israel and Hezbollah, as well as other factions

operating in South Lebanon.

With Israeli forces battling Hamas inside Gaza, Houthi rebels launching missiles from Yemen and the Lebanese-Israeli border area seen daily and

sometimes fatal exchanges. It's a multi front war.

Saturday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah proclaimed that the region's 75 years struggle with Israel has reached a turning point.

Regardless of what design is due, he said, after October 7th, Israel is a different Israel, existentially, strategically, historically, and in terms

of security.

The day he made the speech, saw the heaviest cross border exchanges yet. The weapons both sides are using evermore deadly, reaching ever deeper into

one another's territory.

YOAV GALLANT, MINISTER OF DEFENCE, ISRAEL: Hezbollah go well at Lebanon --

WEDEMAN (voice over): Speaking with troops near the border, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, warned, what we are doing in Gaza, we can also do in


It's a slow burn for now, but it could at any moment, explode into something much bigger.


WEDEMAN (on camera): Now, what we have seen is that until recently, both sides were respecting what's known as the rules of engagement, unwritten

understanding between the two sides that they would target only one another's military, that they would not target civilians and they would not

fire deep into the territory of the other, what we're seeing is all of those points are slowly frame as this conflict in Gaza goes on. And it

seems to be perhaps, spreading to here. Becky?

ANDERSON: Worrying. It's good to have you, Ben. Thank you.

Well, still to come. A dramatic reshuffle in the British Cabinet brings a familiar face back into the spotlight. We take a look at what that could

mean for the U.K.'s roll, and, you know, its influence in what is this Middle East crisis.


More on that after this.


ANDERSON: Welcome back. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson.

Well, the Israeli military says it has killed more than 20 Hamas fighters embedded among civilians at Gaza's Al-Quds hospital after its troops were

fired on from the hospital entrance. Now, Al-Quds is not -- no longer operational because of a lack of fuel. And now, the director of Gaza's

largest hospital says "all essential units," and I quote him here, "have collapsed."

The Al-Shifa doesn't have the fuel to power operating theatres or even incubators. So, workers are scrambling to keep their patients, adults, and

babies alive. While Al-Shifa is also housing 1000s of displaced people who came to the hospital for safety.

Meantime, an Egyptian border official says more than 500 foreign nationals entered Egypt from Gaza today. Well, as the crisis in the Middle East is

reaching unprecedented levels, the U.K. is shuffling its key leadership, including the role of foreign secretary.

Earlier today, U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak appointed David Cameron to the position of foreign secretary. It is a posting crucial to the U.K.'s

approach to international crises like the hotspots that we are seeing right now in the Middle East and, of course, elsewhere.

And you'll, of course, remember, this face as a former British Prime Minister David Cameron led the U.K. during its vote to leave the European

Union or Brexit as it came to be known before resigning straight after that..

I want to bring in Lina Khatib. She is the director of the Middle East Institute at SOAS University, in London, here in Abu Dhabi, and it's good

to have you with us. Thank you very much indeed for joining us.

I want to deal with David Cameron first, because I think there's a really good context for this.

So, well, a brave man, sacked as the interior minister after accusing metropolitan police have been too lenient with pro-Palestinian protesters.


And that ushered in James cleverly, former Foreign Secretary former foreign secretary into her position as home secretary and David Cameron into

position of foreign secretary.

Let's just start with Suella Braverman before we move on. I mean, she is a what's known as a hardliner in U.K. politics and controversial is probably,

you know, an understatement.

LINA KHATIB, DIRECTOR, MIDDLE INSTITUTE, SOAS UNIVERSITY OF LONDON: Yes, unfortunately, I would say absolutely. And for me, the biggest problematic

issue is that she undermined her own institution, the home office, by writing an article in The Times, accusing the police of bias.

I thought that really was not acceptable. And obviously, the prime minister in the U.K. agrees.

ANDERSON: David Cameron, in his foreign secretary in what is this cabinet reshuffle. And I know that you tweeted this morning that this is -- this is

a man who brings greater experience on the Middle East, (INAUDIBLE), Israel, Palestine, and gulf countries. And hopefully, this will be an

appointment that will make a difference, a positive difference to what the U.K. might do as far as influence is concerned.

KHATIB: I mean, as far as the Middle East is concerned, I think this is a really good appointment at this time. The U.K. had been seen as not having

much of a policy, frankly, on the Middle East beyond just expressing support for Israel.

But here we have a former prime minister, who, at the time when he was in power, had the Quartet being very active on the Israel-Palestine issue. He

had appointed very capable people. For example, Alistair Burt, at that time, was serving as state minister for the Middle East, who knew a lot

about the region. David Cameron is highly knowledgeable. He is no stranger to Abu Dhabi. And he knows a lot on the region and his heart was in the

right place on the Syrian conflict, even though, in 2013, the parliament vote did not quite go to plan. Because, you know, he didn't handle that one

that well, frankly. However, he's had 10 years to reflect on what went wrong.

ANDERSON: It may be one of the few files that people will say, he can make a positive difference on because, of course, he oversaw Brexit, which, you

know, for many, many people, not just in the U.K., across Europe and beyond. And, you know, we're pretty angry about his stewardship of that,

despite the fact that he resigned because it wasn't -- it didn't go the way that he ultimately wanted it to go.

Let's talk about what happens next in the in the in the Gaza conflict, in the Israel-Hamas war. And what happens as far as the sort of Palestinian

horizon is concerned going forward?

This is what the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has said about what a future administration of Gaza might look like post-war. Have a



NETANYAHU: Secondly, we have to understand is that there has to be an overriding -- an over reaching Israeli military envelope, because we've

seen any place that we leave, we just, you know, exit, give it to some other force, very soon, terrorism resurges, so, must achieved nothing.

The third thing we have to understand is that a civilian authority has to cooperate in two goals. One is to demilitarize Gaza, and the second is to

deradicalize Gaza. And I have to say that the Palestinian Authority has unfortunately failed on both counts. They don't demilitarize the West Bank,

Judea and Samaria. We have to do it. We have to go in and fight the terrorists.


ANDERSON: Insisting that there be an Israeli security file on Gaza going forward, dismissing the Palestinian Authority as capable of, you know,

being involved in the administration of Gaza going forward.

Jordan's king, King Abdullah, tweeting this in a meeting with senior Jordanian politicians, reaffirming Jordan's rejection of any scenario of

Israel re-occupying parts of Gaza, or establishing buffer zones, warning it will exacerbate the crisis and infringe on Palestinian rights.

What's your sense of -- and I know -- I know what this is some distance down the road, but the conversations are being had. What does a post

conflict Gaza look like? What's its future?

KHATIB: Well, when it comes to Arab countries, they are rejecting all these issues that Netanyahu is presenting, saying -- they are not workable.

What they want instead is for a Palestinian coalition to be formed under the umbrella of the PLO. And that coalition would have wider representation

than what the Palestinian Authority currently has.

And this way, you get to have a government that is, perhaps, more legitimate as far as Palestinians are concerned, both in Gaza and the West



No Arab country wants to have a mandate over Gaza. No Arab country will want Israel to surround Gaza in a security arrangement. What they want is

to resurrect the peace process, and work again towards the two-state solution.

And what we're seeing which is really important right now is that Arab states that had their own individual, very divergent engagements with

Israel, come together and agree on a pragmatic way forward. And I think this is a hugely positive development. The U.S. is starting to take this

seriously. And, I think, soon, Israel will have to. But first, let's see what happens with Netanyahu.

ANDERSON: Well, one of those states, of course, that you are talking about is the UAE, which retains its normalization with Israel. It hasn't. It

hasn't sent the -- it hasn't expelled the ambassador here. When I talked to sources here, they told me, you know, keeping an open track at this stage

with Israel is massively important. That's the UAE's position, like it or not.

The diplomatic adviser to the UAE's president, Anwar Gargash, was at the top that you were at this morning, you're in the audience.

His keynote urges a political settlement for the Palestinians and a refocusing on a two-state solution. Let's have a listen.


ANWAR GARGASH, DIPLOMATIC ADVISER TO THE UAE PRESIDENT: Underlying the current crisis, initiated by the October 7th attack is a -- is a serious

failure of the policy of containing the Palestinians. And it would be an epic, historical tragedy if we don't course correct, and re-engage

politically on the issue of borders, refugees, and East Jerusalem.

The only pathway to achieve lasting peace and security for both the Palestinian and Israeli people is through a political process to achieve

the two-state solution with an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.


ANDERSON: The two-state solution, it's an argument that some suggest is now rather hollow, devoid of realistic solutions. Has the scale of this war

reignited that two-state solution discussing? Do you think in what you might describe as a productive way?

KHATIB: It's the only way that this conflict can end. The peace process is the only way. And so, we shouldn't just focus on just stopping the

hostilities that are happening right now. The day after matters a lot more, because all those people who have died on both sides, in Israel and in

Palestine, you know, let's hope they have not died for nothing.

They have not died for just yet another cycle of violence that's going to be resurrected in the future. And the only way to prevent that scenario is

through a two-state solution.

And the good thing in the region right now is that Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt are all aligned on the importance of resurrecting

the peace process, and they are engaging in real hardcore diplomacy to make that happen.

So, for me, it's not that -- it's not a fanciful idea. The Arab Peace Initiative of 2002 is still very much on the table. And now, we need to see

serious efforts made to make that happen with international by in.

And that is why, for me, you know, for example, having David Cameron, as foreign secretary in the U.K. is pivotal, because the international

community needs people like that who are serious and engaged to be part of this conversation. It's not just about the Arabs and the Palestinians.

ANDERSON: Yes, it's fascinating. It's really good to have you here.

Your analysis and insight is so important. And we know now for some weeks, Arab leaders out loud, publicly have said, no conversations about the day

after, as it's known until, you know, Israel deals with the today, which is their argument that says we need a ceasefire.

But clearly behind the scenes, as we all understand, there are now conversations about what needs to happen next, and those conversations are

important ones, and your insight, as I say, is invaluable. Thank you very much.

KHATIB: Thank you for having me.

Still ahead, Donald Trump's oldest son testifying today in the civil fraud trial against his family.

We are live in New York with that up next.



ANDERSON: Donald Trump's eldest son is back on the witness stand this hour in the civil fraud trial against the former U.S. president, his adult sons,

and the family business.

Donald Trump, Jr. answering questions from defense lawyers who began making their case today.

Brynn Gingras is with us from outside the Court.

What is -- the Court has -- Brynn, what is the case and what can we expect from the former president's son?

BRYNN GINGRAS, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Becky. So, he's on the stand right now going through the history of Trump Organization. Our court

reporters inside saying it's sort of a light hearted mood inside that courtroom with the judge even making jokes on the -- on the stand, and

witnesses making jokes as well, Donald Trump Jr. himself.

Again, now, just going through the history of Trump Organization, not yet getting into the nitty gritty of the financial statements were are -- which

are the heart of this case.

The defense is expected, beginning with Donald Trump Jr. to sort of lay out its case. We'll have more leeway to do that, since they're the ones asking

the questions, basically, trying to prove that the Trump sons, Trump himself, and the Trump Organization didn't intentionally, you know, alter

financial statements in order to get better loan deals from banks and insurers.

And that's really what their point is, that banks -- no victims here. They are not complaining about any defrauded financial statements or anything of

the such. So, we expect to see that argument sort of being replayed over and over as this defense is laid out with over the next four weeks.

Now, remember, it's just two weeks ago, that Don Jr. was on the stand for the state's attorneys, and he was answering questions and distancing

himself as someone who prepares those financial statements. Saying, he relies on accountants and lawyers to do that.

So, we expect him to expand on that when we do get to that part of his testimony.

He is expected to be on the stand for much of today. It could go even into tomorrow, as cross examination will be definitely happening as well. The

state asking more questions from Don Jr.

And we are expecting some of the same witnesses to be called that we saw from the states, including Eric Trump, his brother, and possibly even the

former president as well. And we're also expecting some states, I'm sorry, some expert witnesses from the defense like some of the banks and some of

the people who are in the real estate industry.

So, the defense just starting its case today. This is day one and we are expecting their case to wrap up within the next month or so. Becky.

ANDERSON: Good. Thank you. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD, live from Abu Dhabi. This is our Middle East programming hub, of course.

Still ahead, watching for a possible volcano eruption that could prove catastrophic for one Iceland town. More on that after this.



ANDERSON: As A.I. or artificial intelligence emerges as a new technology, university researchers around the world are using it to drive innovation in


In Abu Dhabi, a team of researchers is using A.I. for search and rescue robots in the desert. As part of our series called "BOLD PURSUITS", Will

Ripley meet scientists pursuing breakthroughs in robotics technologies, and discoveries that could help our lives.


WILL RIPLEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It is very early, we are in the desert and it's already 36 or 37 outside.

RIPLEY (voice over): In this desert outside Abu Dhabi, I find a group of researchers working with robots that mimic what certain species do in


RIPLEY: Enrico.


RIPLEY: Good morning, sir.


RIPLEY (voice over): Taking a cue from the way a colony of ants work together to perform tasks, they're building a swarm of drones and robots

that collaborate and work together.

NATALIZIO: Basically, they work autonomously in the sense that they can do operations by themselves. We mimic the natural system that exists in


This, social insects, for example, they have a very limited intelligence by themselves, but they can do great operations together. And the -- what we

do, what we mimic is the way they communicate, the way they coordinate, they exchange of information they have, and let them self-organize and

perform the best as they can.

RIPLEY: So, break down some of the scenarios that you imagined these be most effective.

NATALIZIO: Disaster is one of them. We have logistics, transportation, inspection, monitoring, any kind of activity where we need eyes, and we

need to perform some activity on the -- on the spot.

RIPLEY: Back in the labs at the Technology Innovation Institute, they fit the drones and robots with sensors, cameras, and communication devices.

With all this tech, out in the field, the scientists carry out research by giving these machines tasks and challenges.

NATALIZIO: Robots by themselves, without being able to do operation by themselves will not mean much. The idea of giving them all the autonomy to

understand the scene and apply their intelligence in order to solve some specific task, that's a step highr.

All these innovations, the idea is that they are actually feasible, in maybe, five, 10 years to have it as mass produced.

RIPLEY: Can these do it better and more efficiently than humans?

NATALIZIO: It's something that robots can do much more efficiently, cost effectively and fast.

RIPLEY: They don't complain about the brutal heat.


RIPLEY: Which with the changing climate, that's going to be more and more crucial.

NATALIZIO: Yes, and more difficult.


ANDERSON: Well, a state of emergency is in effect in Iceland. Officials say there is a significant likelihood of a volcanic eruption near the world-

famous Blue Lagoon.

Was follows a wave of earthquakes, about 1,000 of them on Sunday morning. The town of GrindavA-k had to be evacuated at the weekend.

Well, more than 180,000 people marched against anti-Semitism across France this weekend. Sunday's demonstration in Paris is reportedly the largest

such protests since the desecration of a Jewish cemetery in France more than 30 years ago. 105,000 people filled the streets of the capital city.

Well, the demonstrations come amid a spike in anti-Semitic incidents. French president Emmanuel Macron posted on social media, "France, where our

Jewish fellow citizens are afraid is not France."


Well, before we leave you, a mark of remembrance, as flags fly at half- staff at the United Nations offices around the world, commemorate colleagues who have died in the Israel Hamas conflict.

A moment of silence was also observed in New York for the 101 employees who lost their lives. It is the largest loss of humanitarian workers in the

organization's 78-year history.

With thousands of Palestinians flee northern Gaza, many are comparing these haunting images of those of the Nakba in 1948. The Nakba, or catastrophe is

the Arabic term for the mass displacement of Palestinians from their towns during the founding of Israel.

And the mass exodus we are now seeing from Northern Gaza is a reminder of that traumatic experience now as in 1948 Palestinians carry what few

possessions they can. Children, the elderly, and others searching for safety and security and heading for an uncertain future.

I'm Becky Anderson. That was CONNECT THE WORLD. Stay with CNN.

"STATE OF THE RACE" with Kasie Hunt is up next.