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Israel Defense Forces: Hamas "Lost Control" of Northern Gaza; U.N. Emergency Relief Coordinator: "Hospitals are not Battlegrounds"; Xi Arrives for U.S. at Fragile Economic Moment in China; UK Supreme Court: Rwanda Deportation Plan Unlawful; IDF Launches Operation at Gaza Al-Shifa Hospital; India's Virat Kohli Celebrates Cricket Record. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired November 15, 2023 - 09:00   ET




LYNDA KINKADE, CNN HOST: Hello and welcome to "Connect the World". I'm Lynda Kinkade in for Becky Anderson. Good to have you with us. Let's get

straight to our top story.

We're starting Gaza's largest hospital now the scene of an Israeli operation on the frontlines of the war. Israel and U.S. officials have

accused Hamas of hiding a command center below the hospital, a claim Hamas and doctors there denied. For its part, the Israeli army says it's found no

signs of hostages at the Al-Shifa complex, but the troops are still searching.

The IDF release this handout photo of what it says shows troops in operation near Al-Shifa Hospital, although CNN is not able to independently

verify when and where these images were taken? CNN's Ed Lavandera is following developments for us and joins us now from Tel Aviv. Good to have

you with us, Ed. So this operation Al-Shifa hospital now well over 12 hours, has the Israel found any evidence of Hamas control center under that


ED LAVANDERA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, CNN just spoke with -- spoke with a spokesperson for the Israeli Defense Force and so far no confirmation of

any signs of a hostage or hostages inside the Al-Shifa Hospital.

Right now, Israeli military officials have been saying that this is really a military operation, specifically targeting the command and control

structure of Hamas military fighters that it believes is operating in large part underneath this massive hospital complex in there in the heart of Gaza


As we've reported on this one -- this is the largest hospital in Gaza, a very significant location. For years, the Israeli military has believed

that Hamas is operated in a series of complex tunnels largely underneath much of this hospital. And that is why they say that this is a very precise

and targeted military operation.

We were told by Israeli military officials that soldiers have gone inside the first floor and the basement areas of the hospital inside the emergency

room. Physician -- one supervisor told CNN that what they are seeing inside is simply horrific. You can -- they can hear the cries of children and

older people as one Palestinian journalist described as violent gunfire erupting between fighters there inside of the hospital.

The Israeli Defense Force just told us that they deny that any exchange of gunfire has actually happened inside the hospital. They do say that there

was some initial fighting with gunfire outside of the hospital grounds before the Israeli military entered. But this is clearly a very tense

situation in the military operation that has been going on, as you mentioned, Lynda for well over 12 hours now.

KINKADE: Yes, exactly. And Ed, Israel has said that Hamas has lost control of the north of Gaza. What exactly does that mean, because they're saying

they lost control, both above and below ground?

LAVANDERA: It's hard to -- I think fully grasp exactly what that means at this point. But this is coming from the Defense Minister, the Israeli

Defense Minister, who said that this is now the military operations inside of Gaza are entering a second phase.

But clearly, as we've seen, and been able to report as our colleague, Nic Robertson was able to get inside of Gaza with an Israeli military unit. And

you can watch from the images that he brought back and his team brought back from all of that you could see just how much control Israeli forces

have on the ground.

They're able to move and navigate certain areas of Gaza with their tanks and their military units in areas you do here. And they did report on here

in a kind of constant exchange of gunfire in many places. But clearly over the last week, Israeli military forces have been able to move deeper and

deeper into Gaza. And they say this is all a very slow and deliberate process to try to dismantle the Hamas military operation.

KINKADE: And Ed just quickly we saw mass protests yesterday calling for hostages to be returned. We also heard from U.S. President Biden saying

that it's going to happen. He certainly sounds optimistic. What more can you tell us about those negotiations?

LAVANDERA: Right. It's hard to say. As you mentioned, President Biden has expressed to optimism that a deal is going to happen. There have been some

other officials who have suggested the same some Israeli officials saying last night that they were a little bit more skeptical.

Obviously this comes as a great ordeal to the hundreds of family members who are still waiting for any kind of news about their loved ones in these

hostages that have been in custody there in Hamas for more than a month right now.


But we do understand according to various sources that there are some broad parameters that have been put in place for a hostage negotiation, which

could involve exchanging a large number of hostages, perhaps not all of them, but a large number of them in exchange for some Palestinian prisoners

held here in Israel, and also including several days of ceasefire.

Now, Israeli officials have said that there would be no ceasefire without any -- without the release of hostages. So this has been kind of a -- you

know, a very thick line that has been drawn in the sand here. Israeli military officials very concerned that a ceasefire would allow Hamas

fighters the time to regroup and attack their forces.

So this has been a very delicate and tense negotiation that has been going on for weeks now. It's not exactly clear whether or not this is really

actually close to getting done, though Lynda?

KINKADE: OK. Ed Lavandera for us in Tel Aviv good to have you there on the ground for us thank you. Well, just drove families of hostages taken by

Hamas are on a five day march from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It's a show of frustration and despair that end Saturday at the residence of Prime

Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

They say they want answers and action from the Israeli government. A huge crowd in Washington D.C. on Tuesday also called for the release of the

hostages and voice support for Israel. One woman with several family members being held by Hamas said despite her anger, she's still sympathetic

with Palestinians in Gaza.


ALANA ZEITCHIK, RELATIVE OF SIX PEOPLE HELD HOSTAGE BY HAMAS: For too many it feels like to care about one family to love one child is to diminish the

suffering of another. But the simple human truth is that you don't have to choose. You can abhor the suffering of Palestinian families and the

suffering of Israeli families like mine.


KINKADE: Well, Egyptian officials say they're working to bring three dozen of the babies from Al-Shifa Hospital to Egypt. They will go through the

Rafah crossing in which what would be a precarious transfer. That's according to the Egyptian Health Minister. Wounded Palestinians have been

trickling out of Gaza for treatment in Egypt.

CNN's Eleni Giokos joins us from Cairo with a rare look of what's happened to some of those who've made it out. Eleni good to have you with us so

after weeks, and weeks of failed attempts, and certainly plenty of waiting, we are starting to see that trickle out of the desperate and the injured

from Gaza into Egypt. I understand you've been speaking with some. What are you hearing? What are you seeing?

ELENI GIOKOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, it's been really fascinating few days here in Cairo. I mean, we spent a full day with the Egyptian Health

Minister. And he was talking about just what it takes for the Egyptians from a logistical perspective to get injured patients into, you know, the

Palestinians into Egypt and how they're deployed into different hospitals across Egypt?

But the most important thing that we've heard is, of course, the 36 neo- natal babies, and this is what the Egyptian Health Minister was telling us about that they already and they are waiting, they have ambulances with

incubators. And when we were with him, he was calling the Rafah border crossing to find out just the status of that, and there was just no news.

And this is the thing. It's just the state of these babies. Are they're able to travel to the border? Do they have enough oxygen and are they going

to be safe by the time they get to Egypt? One other thing that we really learned which was really fascinating is just how these injured patients are

coping with a multiple injuries.

You know, one young boy that we met has multiple -- injuries, seven injuries on a nine year old boy and shrapnel riddled all over his body. One

piece of shrapnel is so close to his spine that doctors are unable to remove. It was just really emotional to speak to some of these patients.

Some of them were at the Jabalia Refugee Camp at the big strike on the 31st of October. Some had moved to Khan Younis (ph) for safety and they succumb

to injuries, losing family members. And the Egyptians say that they are ready to take in around 50 patients per day. They're not getting that

number because there are delays coming through from Gaza.

We know that the Health Ministry in Gaza has said that the hospitals are in dire conditions right now fast depleting resources across the board in many

hospitals that are completely out of service. But here's the reality. The only lifeline right now for injured Palestinians is to move through the

Rafah border crossing and into Egypt for assistance.

We know there are over 28,000 injured people in Gaza right now with multiple war injuries and the question is what becomes of these people?


The Egyptians say they're ready and waiting that deploy capacity. They've opened up bed space across the country. They have deployed multiple doctors

because one patient might need around seven doctors to operate on them. So you just get that glimpse and insight of what it takes to deal with these

injured people.

KINKADE: Yes, and of course, it's not just those physical injuries but also the mental trauma that so many must be dealing with right now. Eleni Giokos

we'll leave it there for now. Good to have you with us. Thanks so much.

Well still to come after the break, a crushing blow to the British government's plan to deport illegal migrants to Rwanda. Britain's Supreme

Court says that is unlawful. Plus, the U.S. and Chinese leaders will sit down today and a high stakes meeting with tempered expectations will

preview the Biden Xi Summit that's happening in California.


KINKADE: Welcome back. I want to go back to what's happening inside Gaza now. We know that for weeks CNN's Nada Bashir has been following the human

toll of this war inside Gaza, including the crumbling healthcare system. She joins us now live from Jerusalem.

Good to have you with us. We have been discussing so far the military raids that are happening and the interrogation at Gaza's main hospital. The U.N.

Relief has been calling it appalling. What are you hearing?

NADA BASHIR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well absolutely worse. We know there are still hundreds of patients inside this hospital. There are hundreds of

medical staff and of course, many other civilians who had flocked to Al- Shifa to take shelter there.

But clearly this hospital has now been encircled by on the ground fighting and ongoing strikes as part of this Israeli military raid that took place

in the early hours of this morning is said to be ongoing. And there is a huge amount of concern both from doctors on the ground and their

international partners on the safety and security of these patients.

We know of course that they have been warned to stay away from the window to take cover that was in the early hours of the morning. We heard that

directly from a doctor inside the hospital speaking to CNN and of course, as we know there have been those repeated calls for patients for medical

staff and civilians to evacuate the Al-Shifa Hospital the Israeli military saying that they have allowed for a safe evacuation route on the eastern

side of the hospital.

For many doctors on the ground they say it is simply not safe enough for any patients to be evacuated at this point in time given the ongoing crises

(ph) and given the ongoing bombardment around the Al-Shifa Hospital including reports from doctors working with "Doctors Without Borders" have

live fire striking parts of the hospital complex.

So there is a huge amount of concern over the safety and security of the civilians inside this hospital. Again, to reiterate how hundreds of

patients inside this hospital of course while the IDF says it is focusing on targeted Hamas.


It believes there is a Hamas Command and Control Center beneath this hospital. Those allegations echoed by U.S. intelligence. But of course

those allegations have been denied by both Hamas as well as doctors on the ground. And these are claims that CNN hasn't been able to verify important

to underscore that.

And there is concern of course that as the fighting around Al-Shifa intensifies the humanitarian situation will only continue to deteriorate

and that is saying a lot given the fact the humanitarian situation is beyond collapse at this point.

The Al-Shifa Hospital, it's hardly operational anymore. We know they've had to close down their operating theatres. The neonatal unit is no longer

operational. We saw some three dozen premature newborn babies being moved out of that unit because of the lack of oxygen supplies. We saw the

horrifying video of babies being huddled together in a rush and foil and blankets to try and keep them warm.

So doctors are really working under unimaginable conditions as things stand now at Al-Shifa. As we know the vast majority of hospitals in Northern Gaza

are now no longer operational. Only one left really able to provide care for patients' adequate care.

Although we have heard from doctors at Al-Ahli Hospital that last remaining hospital in Northern Gaza have said that they are carrying out surgeries

without anesthetic. So that just gives you a picture of how dire the situation is for Northern Gaza's hospitals.

And while we are hearing this repeated calls for civilians and patients to evacuate southwards, as we have seen airstrikes are continuing in the south

hospitals in the south overrun. And for many patients inside hospitals across Northern Gaza, it is simply not safe enough to evacuate doctors

saying that some of them simply can't be evacuated at this point, because they require specialist medical evacuations Lynda.

KINKADE: Yes, Nada just while you're talking we've got an alert from Israel saying they have found concrete evidence of Hamas terror headquarters.

Although they haven't provided any of that evidence, nor could they comment on whether there were any tunnel shafts under the hospital. We will try and

get some more information on that as it comes down, Nada Bashir good to have you with us thank you.

Well, in just a few hours the U.S. and Chinese Presidents will sit down for a high stakes summit in California. U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese

Leader Xi Jinping meeting with relations between their countries at a low point with wars raging and Ukraine and the Middle East President Biden says

the goal is to get U.S. China relations back on a "Normal course" expectations for any big breakthrough a low. Our David Culver has more on

the challenges the leaders will face when they meet later today in California.



DAVID CULVER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Sharing this sofa and a smile at Mar-a-Lago serenaded by Former President Donald Trump's grandkids. Seen

in Chinese for visiting President Xi Jinping the blossoming it seemed of a new friendship and with it closer ties between the U.S. and China.

DONALD TRUMP, 45TH U.S. PRESIDENT: I think long term, we're going to have a very, very great relationship and I look very much forward.

CULVER (voice-over): Not quite how the story played out in the six years since Xi's last visit to the U.S. U.S. China relations have plummeted to

all-time lows.

BIDEN: They must play by the rules.

CULVER (voice-over): The issues were to begin a bruising trade war, a devastating pandemic.

TRUMP: It came out of China.

CULVER (voice-over): Rising tensions in the South China Sea, growing threats from Beijing over its goal of unifying with Taiwan, and amidst

Russia's ongoing war in Ukraine, and alarmingly cozy Xi and Putin relationship in the war between Israel and Hamas, China refusing to condemn


President Xi's first trip to the U.S. was 1985 as a local Communist Party official taking in the sights. Today he's China's most powerful ruler since

Mao demanding near total control of a population of 1.4 billion people.

Xi now returns to an increasingly divided United States, something Chinese state media repeatedly highlights in its propaganda. But if there is one

topic that consistently unites Washington, it's been tough on China, a sentiment bolstered by the downing of a suspected Chinese spy balloon

earlier this year.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're testing us. They're mocking us. They're trying to embarrass us.

CULVER (voice-over): China has its own issues. After years of record growth, the world's second largest economy is struggling its housing market

in crisis, youth unemployment at record highs, and for the first time in 25 years a deficit in foreign direct investment. International companies

increasingly uneasy putting money into China, in part because of Beijing's unpredictable crackdowns.

The U.S.'s reputation has also taken a hit in China fueled by state media's anti-western messaging and nationalistic posts on China's tightly

controlled social media ahead of the Summit, rising skepticism towards U.S. intentions.


One Weibo user posting that this is a U.S. delaying tactic. Its strategy of containing China won't change but only intensify. Another posting anyone

who thinks that China U.S. relations will become better is simply naive. It's just your wishful thinking.

Many in China's supporting Xi's proposed new world order one that's not led by the U.S. The U.S. now hosting this high stakes West Coast meet up with

low expectations on the outcome. No more love seat for the leaders of two superpowers instead, both on a hot seat with the world watching if they can

tamp down tensions.


KINKADE: Our David Culver joins us now from San Francisco, which is the sight of the APEC Summit that both leaders are attending. And our Marc

Stewart is in Beijing. Good to have you both with us. I'll start with you first, David. China has had recorded years of growth, record growth, but

now things are slowing foreign investment now in the negative for the first time in decades. What does China want from this meeting?

CULVER: Yes, it's going to be surrounding the economics of all of this Lynda and good to see you as well. We know that China won't walk away from

this if the U.S. is getting something without also I mean, home was something and certainly for the domestic audience Marc can speak to that.

It's something that plays very strongly into state media and how it's going to be portrayed. What specifically comes out of it gives yet to the seen.

We do know there is actually a dinner that is seen as a welcome dinner. It's hosted by two U.S. organizations that focus on U.S. China relations,

and trying to better those relations.

However, there's controversy surrounding this dinner, because it's going to involve several business leaders, American business leaders, and there is a

price tag on it. And one U.S. lawmaker who's the Chairman of the House Select Committee that focuses on the Chinese Communist Party is already

demanding the names of those who will be going to that dinner, and those who are going to be paying a very high price to sit at the table with

President Xi.

It's reported that that is about a $40,000 price tag to be able to do that. So he wants to know the names of companies and people who are going to be

involved and choose to just help polarizing Lynda, this entire discussion back and forth, even outside of the big summit between President Biden and

President Xi is, and yet this is crucial for China as they're trying to stabilize their economy.

KINKADE: Yes, exactly. And, of course, the last time they met was a year ago. I just want to go to Marc on this question, because the last time the

two leaders met was a year ago back in Indonesia, where it said that they didn't meet eye-to-eye on just about any issue. In terms of China what --

how important is this meeting for China that Xi make a good impression?

MARC STEWART, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, let me first touch on the first point you brought up, Lynda. The fact that this meeting is even taking

place is very significant, considering there was so much turmoil between this relationship over the last year or so.

This is not a meeting that is going to solve wholesale philosophical differences between these two nations, but it will at least ignite some

conversation. Now if we look at state media, which is really what the country is thinking or at least that's what the government would like the

country to think.

It is stressing that this meeting is all about cooperation and mending relationships. And as David mentioned, there are so many economic issues

right now, in China. This is important for Xi Jinping to come across as strong and confident despite the fact that the economy here has slowed

down, despite the fact that young people cannot find a job and despite the fact that the housing market is facing a rough spot.

But this is also goes well beyond the borders of China for Xi Jinping. As David reported, there's this new -- this idea of a new world order, an

alternative to the west and alternative of the American way of doing things. And what that means Lynda is not being apologetic for its views or

its stances.

China gets a lot of criticism for its human rights record. This is a way for Xi Jinping to tell the world hey, we can do what we want to do and be

it at a visible forum like APEC gives him some credibility. That's in addition to meetings he's had in recent weeks, in fact, with Vladimir Putin

and Syria's Bashar Al Assad, all here in Mainland China.

KINKADE: All right, Marc Stewart for us in Beijing, David Culver in San Francisco. Good to have you both with us. We will be following that meeting

closely later today. Thank you.

Well, the UK's top court has ruled that a plan by the British government to deport some asylum seekers to Rwanda is unlawful. The controversial policy

has been widely condemned by humanitarian groups. The UK government now says it will have to consider its next step. Our Clare Sebastian is

following the developments and joins us now live from London. Good to have you with us Clare.


So this was a highly controversial plan from the second the idea was floated the Supreme Court today ruling it unlawful on what grounds?

CLARE SEBASTIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Lynda this is not a ruling on whether or not it's lawful to send migrants to a third country as such.

This was a ruling that focused on Rwanda, specifically in whether assurances that migrants would be treated fairly there are credible. And so

the ruling suggests that they aren't.

Let me read you a portion of that ruling. It is said there were substantial grounds for believing that there were real risks that asylum claims would

not be properly determined by the Rwandan authorities. There were therefore real risks of what's called "reforment" (ph) which is the technical word

for the forced return of refugees or asylum seekers to their country of their origin where they're at risk of persecution.

So obviously, this raise concerns with you know Rwanda's human rights record its record on asylum. This is something that unsurprisingly, the

Rwandan government is not happy about. They put out a statement saying we take issue with the ruling saying that Rwanda is committed to its

international obligations. But those were the legal grounds today, Lynda.

KINKADE: And of course, essentially, this dismantles the Sunak's government's migration policy. So what are the government's next steps?

SEBASTIAN: Yes, they're not spinning it as the end of this. They are saying that this is just a setback. And they're going to press on. Take a listen

to what the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak had to say on this in Prime Minister's questions today.


RISHI SUNAK, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: The government has been working already on a new treaty with Rwanda. And we will finalize that in light of

today's judgment. And furthermore, if necessary, I am prepared to revisit our domestic legal frameworks. Let me assure the house my commitment to

stopping the boats is unwavering.


SEBASTIAN: So the question of revisiting the UK's domestic legal framework has raised some eyebrows because one of the issues around this one of the

things that the Former Home Secretary who was sacked just two days ago, so well, a bereavement had been calling for was for the UK to leave the

European Court of Human Rights.

If this ruling did not go in the government's favor could he be suggesting Rishi Sunak that that is potentially on the table? It's not yet clear. His

new Home Secretary said that the UK will abide by international law and separately, the Supreme Court ruling did seem to leave the door open for

"Deficiencies in Rwanda's asylum system to be fixed in the future".

This is something that the UK government says is happening and they hope that any concerns will be put to rest by upgrading their deal with Rwanda

to a treaty. But obviously, this is something that is highly divisive and the small boats issue that it was put in place to try to fix the movement

of migrants towards the UK in small boats is still ongoing Lynda.

KINKADE: All right, Clare Sebastian for us staying across from London. Thank you very much. Well still to come, more signs of a cooling U.S.

economy Americans are spending less. We'll see how the markets react when Wall Street opens right after the break?



KINKADE: Welcome back. I'm Lynda Kinkade in Atlanta in for my colleague Becky Anderson. Good to have you with us. Well, as the fight that goes on

in Gaza I want to bring in Hisham Mhanna. He is with the International Committee of the Red Cross. He joins us on the line from Gaza.

Good to have you with us. This war has now been going on for over five weeks. We are hearing about the raids that Israel is conducting on Gaza's

largest hospitals. What are you hearing about the situation at the Al-Shifa Hospital? All right, I think we've just lost the connection there. We're

going to try and get him back. For now I want to take you to some other stories that we are covering right now.

Ukrainian officials report at least one person killed two others injured in a Russian strike on a residential building in the Donetsk region. Five

others rescued from the rubble including a child. Last report, several more people remain trapped.

The United Nations report warns the world's not doing nearly enough to avoid the life threatening levels of climate change. It says that even if

countries stick exactly to their climate pledges, emissions in 2030 will be 9 percent higher than they were in 2010.

Trading is underway on Wall Street. We're watching how the markets react amid signs the U.S. economy is slowing. U.S. retail sales fell point 1

percent in October compared to the month before. That's a smaller drop than the market forecast.

On Tuesday, new data revealed inflation is calling raising speculation that the U.S. Federal Reserve won't increase interest rates any further. Have

more on all of this. Our Matt Egan joins us. So Matt, the U.S. economy doing slightly better than expected an inflation cooling and then we had

those inflation numbers that were better than expected.

MATT EGAN, CNN REPORTER: Yes Lynda, you know, it does increasingly look like that inflation, wildfire. That was just consuming the U.S. economy. It

looks like that wildfire has really been contained. I mean, yesterday, we learned that consumer prices between September and October were unchanged.

That was a huge surprise. It was greeted on Wall Street by Investors with the financial equivalent of a standing ovation. I saw the DOW spike almost

500 points. It was the best day for the S&P since April. And as you mentioned, those gains are continuing this morning, with markets starting

higher on some more positive inflation news.

Today's numbers are wholesale inflation. That's inflation in the pipeline before it gets to all of us as consumers. And what was really impressive

there is as you can see on the chart; annual wholesale inflation has slowed dramatically to around 1 percent. That's half the pace that we saw in


Its miles away from the peak on that shard in 2020, when this gauge was at nearly 12 percent and when you look month-over-month, wholesale inflation

actually fell by half a percentage point. That's the biggest drop that we've seen since April 2020.

So all of this is being seen by investors as a sign that inflation is under control you mentioned retail sales, retail sales did dip in October for the

first time since March. So we do need to keep an eye on that because we are looking for any sort of signs that maybe consumers are starting to get

tapped out because of inflation because of high debt levels.

So we need to keep an eye on that. But I do think that the big picture here is that Wall Street is getting increasingly confident that inflation is

under control, and that the Fed is going to be done raising rates. In fact, Lynda, markets are betting that the next move from the Fed is going to be a

rate cut sometime next year.

KINKADE: Right. And you do wonder whether the retail sales will increase with the advent of blacks -- but the Black Friday sales that of course are

happening next week. But I do want to ask you about China because we've got the leaders of two economic powerhouses meeting later today.


Right now, the Chinese growth went from breaking records to slowing down. Compare and contrast the state of the economy of China?

EGAN: Well, I think that, you know, everything's got to be put into context as far as where things were expected to be right? Because China's economy

has, for the longest time been growing rapidly, and it's still growing a lot faster than America's but there are a lot of real problems in China,

namely, the real estate market and how that has begun to infect the rest of the economy.

Now, China still has a lot of ammo in terms of stimulus that they can pump into the economy to try to boost growth. They have a lot of different steps

they can take to sort of contain the damage. But you do look at this meeting, and you see that U.S. economy is in a lot better shape than people

anticipated. China's, however, has a lot of big challenges ahead.

KINKADE: Matt Egan for us in New York staying across at all thanks so much. Well, I want to return now to the situation in Gaza. We're going to try to

get Hisham Mhanna back on the line. He's with the International Committee of the Red Cross. He's in Gaza right now.

If you can hear us so we know this war is now well over five weeks. We know that Israel is conducting raids in Gaza's largest hospital. What are you

hearing about the situation at Al-Shifa Hospital?

HISHAM MHANNA, INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR THE RED CROSS/GAZA: Thank you, Lynda for having me. We have been closely monitoring the situation of the

ongoing military operation inside Al-Shifa Hospital, the largest -- hospital across the Gaza Strip since this morning.

And we have been in close contact also with the relevant -- including both Israeli and Palestinian. We have also tried to stay in contact with the

Shifa Hospital like the doctors inside the Shifa Hospital.

And we are extremely concerned because when military operations are conducted in silence in the vicinity of hospitals, there must be a solid

reminder about international humanitarian law. There must be a consideration for the purposes of civilians, including patient casualties.

Also newborns and -- have been more vulnerable than ever before over the past five weeks.

This is not an easy thing to witness and the ICRC stands ready to perform its intermediary humanitarian role, and both parties agree to and also

sending our security guarantees on the ground -- cities have been facing major security challenges on several occasions, while we were trying to

deliver life-saving aid across the Gaza Strip, especially in the north.

KINKADE: And Hisham, can you talk to us about the fuel situation because fuel has been a major problem that we've been talking about. Gaza's Health

Minister says dozens of patients including babies have died at Al-Shifa Hospital because the emergency generator there has run out of fuel.

I understand that the U.N. will be getting some fuel in order to transport desperately needed aid. What more can you tell us with regards to the fuel


MHANNA: Yes, fuel challenges -- fueling logistical challenges that the answer since facing gathers in general, but most importantly, also the vast

majority of the population. Hospitals depend solely now on alternative sources of power that are not even enough. The vast majority of the solar

systems upon which the houses are running were either damaged or are now non-functional, given the weather.

Even weather now is not on side of the civilians anymore. Which is why the sustainable entry of humanitarian aid including aid in giving oxygen

heating fuel is an urgent thing because it's life-saving and also its not be appreciated the security guarantees for our humanitarian team who will

be carrying this life-saving aid across all Gaza, especially North in Gaza.

KINKADE: Alright, Hisham Mhanna good to get you on the line for us from Gaza we appreciate your time and wish you all the best with your work, hope

to speak soon. We're going to take a quick break we'll be right back.



KINKADE: Well, time for Sport, and it is a numbers game in international cricket with India's Virat Kohli scoring a record 50th One Day

International Century. He managed to rack up three figures in the World Cup Semi-Final against New Zealand. Amanda Davies joins us now. So the former

captain of the Indian Cricket Team making history?

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN WORLD SPORT: Yes, not just any three figured bat -- batting score Lynda. It is a century that sees him become the undisputed

most successful batsman in one day cricket in history.

His 50th One Day Century, overtaking Sachin Tendulkar, with Sachin watching on alongside David Beckham no less on perhaps one of the biggest stages

there are a World Cup Semi-Final in India looking for a place in the final. He helped his side set up pretty commanding total of 398 that's what New

Zealand are currently chasing. And we've got more coming up in World Sport, Lynda.

KINKADE: No good for Sachin Tendulkar but records are meant to be broken. Good to have you with us Amanda Davies. We'll see you at the other side of

the break with all of World Sport. And I'll be back at the top of the hour with much more news.

