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IDF Raids Gaza's Largest Hospital in "Targeted Operation"; UNRWA Says 70 Percent of Gaza Population Have No Clean Water; Biden and Xi to Hold High-Stakes Meeting; U.K. Supreme Court Says Rwanda Deportation Plan Unlawful; Ukrainian Forces Gain "Foothold" East of Dnipro River; U.S. Capitol Chaos; Google Harnesses AI for Weather Forecasts. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired November 15, 2023 - 10:00:00   ET




LYNDA KINKADE, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Welcome to our second hour of CONNECT THE WORLD, I'm Lynda Kinkade, filling in for my

colleague, Becky Anderson. Good to have you with us. It is 10 am here in Atlanta, 5 pm in Gaza.

The Al-Shifa Hospital has become the epicenter of concern for Palestinians caught in the crossfire of war.


KINKADE (voice-over): This video released by the Hamas-controlled health ministry in Gaza is said to show the extensive damage inside that major

hospital. It was raided by Israeli forces earlier today in what Israel calls a "targeted operation" against Hamas.

The director general of Gaza's hospital says soldiers enter the ground floor of the surgery building and started interrogating people, including

medical staff and patients. Here is how a doctor inside the hospital described what he saw.


DR. AHMED EL MOKHALLALATI, SENIOR PLASTIC SURGEON, AL-SHIFA HOSPITAL: We can't look through the windows or doors. We don't know what's happening. We

have tanks moving within the hospital. You can hear continuous shooting. You can hear it now.

But again it's a totally scary situation.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So what are these sounds, Doctor?

I'm hearing sounds.

MOKHALLALATI: It's continuous shooting from the tanks.


KINKADE: The conditions inside Al-Shifa Hospital were already described as catastrophic for the staff, patients and the thousands of people sheltering



KINKADE (voice-over): The Gaza hospital's chief says that neonatal babies at Al-Shifa are in, quote, "severe danger" as conditions deteriorate. They

told "Al Jazeera" they are in dire need of a field hospital.

Last hour I spoke about the crisis at Al-Shifa Hospital with Hisham Mhanna. He's a spokesperson for the International Red Cross and he is in Gaza right

now. Take a listen.


HISHAM MHANNA, SPOKESPERSON, INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS: We have been closely monitoring the situation of the ongoing military

operation inside Al-Shifa Hospital, the largest -- hospital across the Gaza Strip since this morning.

And we have been in close contact also with the relevant -- including both Israeli and Palestinian. We have also tried to stay in contact with the

Shifa Hospital like the doctors inside the Shifa Hospital.

And we are extremely concerned because when military operations are conducted in silence in the vicinity of hospitals, there must be a solid

reminder about international humanitarian law. There must be a consideration for the purposes of civilians, including patient casualties.

Also newborns and -- have been more vulnerable than ever before over the past five weeks.

This is not an easy thing to witness and the ICRC stands ready to perform its intermediary humanitarian role and both parties agree to and also

sending our security guarantees on the ground -- cities have been facing major security challenges on several occasions, while we were trying to

deliver lifesaving aid across the Gaza Strip, especially in the north.

KINKADE: And Hisham, can you talk to us about the fuel situation?

Because fuel has been a major problem that we've been talking about. Gaza's health minister says dozens of patients, including babies, have died at Al-

Shifa Hospital because the emergency generator there has run out of fuel.

I understand that the U.N. will be getting some fuel in order to transport desperately needed aid.

What more can you tell us with regards to the fuel crisis?

MHANNA: Yes, fuel challenges -- fueling logistical challenges that the answer since facing gathers in general but most importantly, also the vast

majority of the population. Hospitals depend solely now on alternative sources of power that are not even enough.

The vast majority of the solar systems upon which the houses are running were either damaged or are now non-functional, given the weather.

Even weather now is not on side of the civilians anymore, which is why the sustainable entry of humanitarian aid, including aid in giving oxygen,

heating fuel is an urgent thing, because it's lifesaving.

And also it will not be appreciated, the security guarantees for our humanitarian team, who will be carrying this lifesaving aid across all

Gaza, especially north in Gaza.


KINKADE: Well, in an update a short time ago.


KINKADE: A senior Israeli defense official told journalists at the IDF found, quote, "concrete evidence" that Hamas was using Al-Shifa Hospital as

a terror headquarter (sic), saying evidence would be presented later.

The IDF has insisted that it is Hamas they are targeting and not civilians in Gaza. Our Oren Liebermann has the view from Tel Aviv.


OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: The Israeli military operation going into Al-Shifa Hospital began early Wednesday morning and at

this, point it has continued for the past 13 or so hours with no indication of how long it might take.

The IDF has long accused Hamas of using Gaza's largest hospital, the Al- Shifa Hospital complex, as a base for a terror infrastructure, as a command and control center. A U.S. official coming out and saying that they also

have evidence and intelligence that that is what Hamas uses the hospital for.

A senior Israeli military official who briefed reporters says that they have evidence, specifically showing Hamas uses Al-Shifa Hospital and they

will put that out, not at this point but that is expected later on today.

The official said they've been preparing for this specific operation for a couple of weeks and it required specialized training for the difficulties

and the complexities of operating inside of a hospital.

Israel went in with Arabic speakers to be able to communicate with the doctors, the officials, the patients and the civilians. The hospital been

treating some 650 patients and, over the course of the past several days and weeks, had been home to thousands who were seeking shelter from the

fighting outside.

This is also some video released from the IDF earlier today. It shows them dropping off incubators, medical supplies and baby food. We have geolocated

to Al-Shifa Hospital but because we are not on the ground in Gaza, we cannot independently verify what is happening there because of the

difficulties of reporting in Gaza at this time.

Meanwhile, there have been reports and we've spoken with individuals at the hospital of ongoing fighting on the streets outside. The Israeli military

says that there had been no gunfights or exchanges of fire in the complex itself. They have not been specific on where they are operating.

Take a look at this map. This shows you how large the complex is. They say they're operating in a very specific part of the complex. That is where

they are going after Hamas.

But they will not be more precise about where that is. According to Israeli army radio, they have not found any evidence of hostages being held at Al-

Shifa Hospital. That, too, part of the ongoing effort of the Israeli military in Gaza.


KINKADE: Oren Liebermann there.

The United Nations aid agency that services Gaza has been begging for fuel, warning its operations would cease without it. UNRWA says it did receive

some fuel today but it fell far short of what it needs. The agency also warned that 70 percent of people in Gaza are without clean drinking water.

Juliette Touma is the director of communications for UNRWA. She joins us live now from Jordan.

Good to have you with us. So your agency has been the main coordinator of humanitarian aid into Gaza since it was placed under siege. I understand

for the first time since October 7th, you've got some fuel from Israel.

Just how much are we talking and what does it mean?


Very, very little, in fact it's the equivalent to half of a truck of fuel. And the use of that fuel is conditional for UNRWA. It can only use it to go

and pick up the aid trucks that are coming from Egypt. We cannot use it for anything else, not the hospitals, not other medical facilities, not our own

cars to deliver assistance to people in need.

So it is very conditional and it's only for a specific purpose and it is really, really tiny.

KINKADE: So a tiny amount of fuel and very strict restrictions from Israel as to what you can use it for.

Have Israel given you any other indication that you will get more fuel in the coming days?

TOUMA: Look, it has been five very long weeks for the communities in Gaza but it has also been five very long weeks for my colleagues on the ground,

the humanitarian unsung heroes on the front lines, who, every single day, face multiple challenges to respond to the huge needs of the communities.

And the fuel and the restrictions and the siege and the ban of the delivery of fuel has made our life at UNRWA and the humanitarian operation, by and

large, very, very difficult if not impossible.

KINKADE: And Juliette, there are over 2 million people in Gaza.

How many have access to clean drinking water right now.

And for those that don't have it, what are they having to resort to?

TOUMA: As of tonight, 70 percent of people in the Gaza Strip will not have access to clean water because of the fuel shortages -- 70 percent.


TOUMA: And so many people are resorting to dangerous sources of water, including in some cases well water or other not clean water. Some have told

us that they have seen people going to the sea and using the water from the sea. So 70 percent tonight in Gaza will not have drinking water.

KINKADE: We have heard from Israel claiming that Hamas is stockpiling fuel which is intended for civilians.

What is your response to that?

TOUMA: Look, what I do know is the agency I work with, UNRWA, the largest humanitarian agency in Gaza, does not have fuel to operate, to provide

assistance to 800,000 people who have come to safe protection and safety in our shelters across the Gaza Strip. We do not have it. UNRWA, the United

Nations does not have it.

KINKADE: So how many aid trucks are needed right now just to provide the basic essentials for those 800,000 people plus?

TOUMA: Before the war started, Gaza used to get every single day 500 trucks. Now in the past three weeks, since trucks started coming in, we got

the equivalent of two days just in three weeks.

And now the humanitarian needs on the ground in Gaza for people are huge because of the war and the forced displacement and the collective

punishment. And so we need many more trucks. What is being sent is good but it is by far not enough, especially as the war continues and as the siege

becomes far more (INAUDIBLE).

KINKADE: And Juliette, since Israel announced its operations at Al-Shifa Hospital, we have seen more people on foot, walking south. Speak to us

about the sort of facilities, the shelters that you have in the south of Gaza right now and the overcrowding.

TOUMA: Yes, since the 4th of November, we have seen more and more people leaving the northern parts of Gaza, including Gaza City. Our teams were

there on the receiving end.

They reported that people were arriving on foot; mostly those who could afford it got on donkey carts. They were dehydrated, they were exhausted.

And there is another element that we rarely speak to and that is the trauma and the shock.

For many people, especially the elderly, this is reliving the trauma of 1948. For the younger generation, it is living the traumas of their

ancestors, including their fathers, their mothers, their grandparents. That is an element that we should not underestimate for the Palestinian

communities in the Gaza Strip and elsewhere.

KINKADE: And Juliette, you spoke about the unsung heroes, the aid workers operating under such dire conditions in Gaza. We know that the U.N. has

lost more aid workers in this conflict than any other war in such a short amount of time, in less than five weeks. Now over 101 people killed from

the U.N.

How are your colleagues dealing with this and coping in Gaza?

What are they telling you?

TOUMA: In fact, it is 103 colleagues. Just before I came to speak to you, I got the latest from our colleagues. And this is the worst update I get

every single day, is the number of colleagues killed.

And one has to themselves that these are not numbers or statistics. These are our colleagues and our friends. These are family members, these are

mothers and fathers. They were doctors, they were teachers, they were the backbone of this operation, some of them for decades.

And it is very, very sad for the colleagues who continue to be on the front lines in Gaza, this huge loss. And almost inability to grieve in dignity

for their colleagues, who they lost, who were killed over the past five weeks in Gaza.

KINKADE: Juliette Touma, the UNRWA director of communications, we are so sorry for what you and your team are dealing with there in Gaza as well.

TOUMA: Thank you.

KINKADE: We appreciate your time and thank you for all the work that you guys are doing.

Well, in a press briefing Tuesday, a spokesperson from the IDF said they, quote, "still have a lot of work to get done," and that it will take time.

This comes as Israel's defense minister claims Hamas has lost control in northern Gaza. Take a listen.


YOAV GALLANT, ISRAELI DEFENSE MINISTER (through translator): You've seen troops sitting in Gaza's parliament. This is significant. I can tell you

that, in the northern Gaza Strip, Hamas has lost its control. Actually, we are controlling all of the area that is above and underground of the

northern Gaza Strip and especially in Gaza City.


KINKADE: CNN cannot verify those claims. CNN's Ed Lavandera is live for us in Tel Aviv and joins us now.

Great to have you with us, Ed. Let's start with those claims. We did hear initially that the IDF had encircled the north of Gaza, surrounding it on

all corners. And now it claims that it is in control, that Hamas no longer has control of the north.

What can you tell us?

ED LAVANDERA, CNN SENIOR NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, it is very difficult to confirm all of this because it is impossible to operate on the

ground there inside of Gaza.

But based on the conversations that we have and some of the reporting we have been able to do inside of Gaza, our colleague, Nic Robertson,

traveling inside with a unit of the Israeli military, you can see, as they traveled around, the extent to which the Israeli military has been able to

move deeper and deeper inside of Gaza.

They say they have located nearly 200 tunnels in that area as well as taking out nearly 3,000 Hamas, what they describe as Hamas terrorist

structures as well.

And so they have been able to navigate and get rather deep into Gaza, especially considering the amount of fighting and the fighting that is

ongoing around the Al-Shifa Hospital there in the heart of Gaza City, which is about halfway into the Gaza territory.

KINKADE: And just talk to us more about the operations at Al-Shifa Hospital, now well over 12 hours.

What is Israel saying about any evidence that the hospital was part of headquarters for Hamas?

LAVANDERA: We are getting new information on this tonight here as the Israeli Defense Forces spokesperson says that they have, quote, "uncovered

concrete evidence" that Hamas has used the Al-Shifa Hospital as a command and control area for Hamas fighters, not just in the hospital as well as


Hamas officials are saying that this is a lie and blatant propaganda. However, the Israeli Defense Forces official says that they are working on

providing evidence of what they have found here since this attack was launched in the early morning hours of Wednesday morning, so well into 12

hours of this.

And it has been intense. We have heard from hospital staff, who have described the situation inside the hospital, as Israeli soldiers have moved

in, as quote, "horrific." There was a Palestinian journalist who described firefighting going on between soldiers and people inside of the hospital.

Israeli Defense Forces say they have not been engaged in any kind of firefighting inside or exchanged gunfire inside of the hospital. They do

acknowledge that as they approached and were coming into the hospital grounds, that gunfire was exchanged.

But they deny that that has happened actually inside of the hospital. So very tense and very terrifying moments for many of the civilians and the

hospital staff, who have sought refuge inside of this hospital in the heart of Gaza City.

KINKADE: Yes, certainly terrifying scenes. Good to have you with us, Ed Lavandera, thank you so much.

Well, still to come on CONNECT THE WORLD, the high stakes meeting between the leaders of the U.S. and China.

Can Joe Biden and Xi Jinping ease the strained relations between the two countries?

We will have that story next.





KINKADE: Welcome back, I'm Lynda Kinkade. Good to have you with us.

The high stakes meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese president Xi Jinping is just hours away. The two leaders arrived in San

Francisco on Tuesday to attend the APEC summit.

Their bilateral meeting outside the city is happening with strain -- with tires (ph) straining over Taiwan, business practices and plenty of other

issues. President Biden says that the goal is to get relations with China back on, quote, "a normal course." Our David Culver is back with us this

hour from San Francisco.

Good to have you with, us David. So now that the sun has risen there, I want to start with a fact that these two leaders last met almost a year ago

to the day in Indonesia, where it was said at the time that they did not see eye to eye on a lot of issues.

What can we expect from today's meeting?

What is the aim?

DAVID CULVER, CNN SENIOR U.S. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Right. So how is this for an aim, Lynda? Not to allow the U.S. and China to fall into a

military conflict.

So that may sound extreme but that is exactly what the White House is going into this with the hopes of. They're looking at this as a global stability

effort more than anything else.

And if you look at what they are dealing with, they have Israel-Hamas, now they're Russia-Ukraine and they have the 2024 campaign to be thinking

about. And in so many ways, they want to stop this downward spiral, level it off a bit, pause the issues between the U.S. and China as much as

possible and move forward with tackling the many other global problems they have on their plate.

As for China, they're going into this with the focus of getting something out of it. China does not concede anything without wanting something on the

other end.

What that looks like?

It's very likely, Lynda, it could be something economy related. We know that the Chinese economy has been suffering over several months and years

now, going back to the end of the pandemic lockdowns, which were quite extreme.

I lived through Shanghai lockdowns and saw that first-hand, where everything was shut down for several weeks. That proved devastating long

term for China. So they're just coming to the realization of trying to figure out how to boost the economy.

KINKADE: The economy is a big issue, right, for China. It has had record growth for years but the economy is now slowing. We know that foreign

investment is now negative for the first time in decades.

What does China want from this meeting?

CULVER: You are absolutely right. The housing market is in crisis. Youth unemployment is at an all-time high. And so what they would want to see

would be some sort of agreement that would ease any sort of business dealings between the U.S. and China more than anything else.

What exactly that would look like and how it would come to fruition remains to be seen. And really, how much would Biden concede also is unclear. But

what we do know is that president Xi is not relying solely on this meeting with President Biden.

In fact, he's lined up a big dinner, a welcome dinner for Xi if you will and that is going to be amongst U.S. business leaders, because, as you

point out, foreign direct investment is down.

That is really, really crucial for China, especially after the years of record growth. And for many years, American and other international

companies would look at China as an opportunity to turn huge profits.

Now there is incredible concern and hesitation when it comes to investing in China and trying to expand any sort of international business under the

PRC, in part because of Beijing's many crackdowns that we've reported on.

Still, it is going to be an effort from president Xi to try to win over some of these business leaders. The meeting, though, that they are planning

to host over a dinner is in and of itself very controversial here in the U.S.

It shows you how polarizing everything is. In fact, the chairman of the House Select Committee that focuses on the CCP has asked for the names of

the businesses and the individuals going to this paid dinner.


CULVER: And that's partly because of a reportedly $40,000 price tag, Lynda, to be at the table with president Xi. It is something that the U.S.

lawmaker who wants to look into this calls unconscionable.

KINKADE: And David, the U.S. has indicated that it wants China's help with cracking down on the illicit trade of fentanyl, which is 50 times stronger

than heroin.

Is there any indication that we can see a cooperation on that front?

CULVER: There is and this is a big priority for the White House as well when you go down to the specifics. This is also a major issue here in the

U.S. The fentanyl crisis is one that has taken thousands upon thousands of lives. It is one that has really not slowed down despite law enforcement


And I've actually done a lot of research with my team and we've reported extensively on where this starts. And sure it comes from Mexico in the

immediacy. But indirectly, it comes from China.

How is that?

We've been able to track some of the precursors, the ingredients to make fentanyl if you will, to Chinese factories that ship them over to Mexico,

usually in the Sinaloa area. They are then put together as finished fentanyl and smuggled into the U.S.

And so if you can stop it from the source, as the U.S. sees, it then you will be able to certainly have a significant impact on the fentanyl crisis.

But that is going to have to come from the leaders of those countries.

And not only between president Xi and President Biden but also the president of Mexico. We know that Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is also

meeting with president Xi, also expecting to meet with President Biden. Fentanyl is going to be one of those big topics.

KINKADE: Let's hope that we see some progress there. David Culver for us in San Francisco. Good to have you with, us thank you David.

CULVER: Thanks.

KINKADE: U.S. President Joe Biden has announced a historic nomination for life tenure federal judgeship. If confirmed, one will become the first

Muslim American judge to serve on any circuit court.

Mr. Biden has already nominated three Muslim American federal judges. Two of those nominees have been confirmed by the U.S. Senate and a third is


Still ahead, when CONNECT THE WORLD returns, with most of Gaza's hospitals now nonfunctional, we look at what happens to the sick and the wounded who

managed to get out and into Egypt.

And ruled unlawful, Britain's supreme court delivers a crushing blow to government plans to deport some illegal immigrants to Rwanda. That story






KINKADE: Welcome back to CONNECT THE WORLD with me Lynda Kinkade. Filling in for Becky Anderson.

A top Israeli defense official says its raid of Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital has turned up evidence that Hamas is using the hospital as a command

center. Doctors and medical officials denied that and Israel has yet to provide any evidence.

With most of Gaza's health care system in tatters, a few wounded Palestinians have been able to receive medical care in Egypt. Now Egypt

says it wants to treat 3 dozen sick babies from Al-Shifa Hospital. But it is going to be a dangerous job to get them there. CNN's Eleni Giokos is

back from Cairo and joins us here.

Good to have you with, us Eleni. So for so many weeks, people have been trying to get out of Gaza, especially those in desperate need of medical

help. You have been having the chance to speak with some of those.

What were they telling you?

ELENI GIOKOS, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Lynda, I have. I'm just looking at my phone, because I'm on the line with the Egyptian minister of

health. And I just asked him if he has an update for me on the 36 neonatal babies that the Egyptian authorities are expecting to come through from Al-

Shifa Hospital.

Take that road down to the Rafah border crossing. And he said nothing so far. There is no news in terms of when those babies will come through to

Egypt. They have been prepared for two days now.

That is when they received the call that Egypt will be receiving these babies that are in very dangerous conditions. We know the stories from the

Al-Shifa Hospital, the neonatal ward had run out of oxygen, they were moved another segment of the hospital.

And the Egyptian authorities are telling me that they were told that they would need to put three babies in one incubator, to which the Egyptian

minister said to me that that is an impossibility, that that is absolutely dangerous.

He also highlighted the fact that time is of essence when it comes to these newborn babies that need assistance, that need care, that need the most

basic thing, oxygen. And they do not have that.

And so he says even five minutes without oxygen, their lives are at risk. The Egyptians have been helping to get injured Palestinians into the

country since around the 1st of November. And the Egyptian minister says to me that it's about 200 patients that they are currently hosting in various

hospitals across the country.

Yesterday we went on a exclusive visit to meet some of those patients and let me tell you that it's not only the physical scars but also the trauma.

The children that we spoke to were so stoic.

And they were not responsive and their adopters telling me that they just have so much trauma, that kids should be afraid of the dark or dogs and

cats but not of bombs.

Some of these children have been riddled with shrapnel and broken bones. One child has shrapnel so close to his spine that it cannot be removed and,

of course, these kids are under observation. They witnessed family members dying.

This is the reality. When you speak to each individual, they have harrowing stories from each and every family. This is not just looking at this from a

macro perspective and looking at the numbers. The numbers are enormous. But it's the individual stories that really hit home.

KINKADE: That's absolutely traumatic. Let's hope and pray that those babies and their families can get out of Gaza and get the help they need

soon. Eleni Giokos, good to have you reporting there for us. Thank you so much.

Earlier, my colleague Max Foster spoke to United Nations special rapporteur Francesca Albanese about the situation at Al-Shifa. She said that the

situation was beyond what words cannot describe. Take a listen.


FRANCESCA ALBANESE, U.N. SPECIAL RAPPORTEUR FOR OCCUPIED PALESTINE TERRITORIES: More than 11,000 people have been killed, 5,000 of them are

children. There has been no care and no attention and no precaution to prevent civilian loss. I'm sorry, the context is horrific, horrific. And

let's go to your question.

Hospitals are civilian objects protected under humanitarian law. When there is a threat, when there is evidence that is to be provided that the

hospital is being used for military purposes.


ALBANESE: In that case the hospital loses its civilian status -- its protected status.

And at the same time the nurses, the doctors, the 700 patients, the 7,000 civilians who have sought shelter in this hospital have to be protected.

This is not happening. The level of terror among the civilian population in Gaza is unspeakable. It's incredible that international community has not

called for a ceasefire now.

Israel is not capable, is not capable to protect civilians. This is clear. The rest is just condescending and enabling -- enabling this massacre of

civilians in Gaza.

MAX FOSTER, CNN ANCHOR: And local journalists telling us that Israeli troops are also conducting interrogation operations inside the building. So

you would assume they're speaking to medical staff and patients. Is that appropriate do you think?

ALBANESE: But do we realize that these people have been bombed every second without respite for 37 plus days and are incredibly exhausted?

I don't even imagine what an interrogation can be. Look, there is the need -- it's urgent to have an massive multilateral international intervention

to stop Israel from what it's doing.

This is not self-defense. Self-defense under international law cannot be invoked against the population kept under belligerent occupation and under

the extreme circumstances that the people in Gaza have been forced to live and operate in. I mean this is beyond what words can describe.

FOSTER: The Israelis saying that they're providing incubators for the babies that we've been reporting on. Also trying to find a way to give them

passage out of the hospital. They seem to be, you know, what do you make of that and their efforts to protect the civilians that obviously you and

everyone else are so concerned about.

ALBANESE: Look, there is only one way to protect the civilians. It is to end -- to end the occupation, to end the killing that is being perpetrated

under the fog of war. We need a ceasefire. This is the only thing that is going to protect civilians.

And I've said it from the very first hours of this military operation, which is not the first one. I mean this is the sixth war that Israel wages

against the people in Gaza, the occupied, that besieged people in Gaza. There is no way that Israel is going to protect civilians.

And again, I mean you're talking of -- you're asking me about babies taking into incubators away. I don't have this information. But babies have

already died because they were taken out of the incubators because there was no fuel. There was no fuel.

There has been no essential supplies allowed into Gaza while Gaza was being bombed. This is a crime because preventing essential supplies, preventing

humanitarian aid from entering a conflict zone is a crime.


KINKADE: Well, the U.K.'s top court has ruled that a plan by the British government to deport some asylum seekers to Rwanda is unlawful. The

controversial policy had been widely condemned by humanitarian groups. The U.K. government now says it will consider its next steps.

Our Clare Sebastian is following the story and joins us now live from London.

Good to have you with us, Clare. So this, of course, was a very controversial policy the moment that it was announced.

What can you tell us about the Supreme Court ruling today?

CLARE SEBASTIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Lynda. The legal issue here was not whether or not it is lawful to deport migrants to a third country. The

issue was Rwanda specific and what the court was concerned would happened to those migrants when they got there.

Let me read you a portion of the supreme court ruling today. They said there were substantial grounds to believing that there were real risks that

asylum claims would not be properly determined by the Rwandan authorities.

There were therefore real risks, they say, of what is called refoulement -- that is the technical term for removing migrants back to their country of

origin forcibly, where they face the risk of persecution.

This is something that the court worried about in terms of Rwanda's human rights record, in terms of their record of sticking to their commitments

when it comes to asylum seekers.

Obviously, the Rwandan government had a problem with this. They put out a statement saying that they took issue with the ruling that Rwanda is

committed to its international obligations. The prime minister of the U.K., Rishi Sunak, has spoken to the Rwandan president Paul Kagame --


SEBASTIAN: -- this afternoon and reaffirmed that both sides, according to the British readout of this call, are still committed to going forward with

this. But those were the legal bases for the ruling today.

KINKADE: And, of course, this essentially dismantles the Sunak migration policy.

What is the government going to do going forward?

What are the next steps?

SEBASTIAN: Yes, they are saying that they are committed to this. There was very much an effort to spin this as a setback rather than an actual

failure. And take a listen to Rishi Sunak, the prime minister, when he faced quite a lot of opposition and noise in Prime Minister's Questions



RISHI SUNAK, U.K. PRIME MINISTER: The government has been working already on a new treaty with Rwanda. And we will finalize that in light of today's

judgment. And furthermore, if necessary, I am prepared to revisit our domestic legal framework. Let me assure the house, my commitment to

stopping the vote is unwavering.


SEBASTIAN: So it is not clear what he means by revisiting the domestic U.K. legal framework.

There had been calls from those on the more right-wing side of the Conservative Party, specifically the now former home secretary, Suella

Braverman, who was sacked two days ago, that the U.K. should withdraw from the European Court of Human Rights, that this really did not go in their


Joining us a somewhat unlikely club that includes Russia and Belarus. Now it is not clear if that is what Rishi Sunak was referring to. His home

secretary, his new home secretary said the U.K. would abide by international law.

The ruling does also leave it open that deficiencies, as they put, it in Rwanda's asylum system could be fixed going forward, and the U.K. saying

that is underway and they hope that signing a treaty with Rwanda would (INAUDIBLE) to some of those concerns. Still incredibly controversial.

KINKADE: Certainly is. Clare Sebastian for us in London, thank you so. Much.

You are watching CONNECT THE WORLD. Ahead, what a top Ukrainian official is claiming about troop movements in the Kherson region. It could mark a

significant development in the counteroffensive against Russia.




KINKADE: Welcome back.

Ukraine's presidential chief of staff says Ukrainian troops have gained a foothold across the Dnipro River. This is a significant development in

Ukraine's counteroffensive. It is also the first high-level acknowledgment by Ukrainian officials of a sustained presence on the river's east bank.

The chief of staff says the troops advanced against all odds. He also claims Ukrainian forces are demilitarizing Crimea, step by step. For more

now, CNN's Nathan Hodge is connecting with us from Kyiv.

Good to have you with us, Nathan. So for the first time, Ukrainian troops say they have been able to make it across to the Russian-controlled side --


KINKADE: -- of the Dnipro River within the region of Kherson.

Just how significant is that?

What does it mean for Ukraine's battle to take back Crimea?

NATHAN HODGE, CNN SENIOR EDITOR: Well, Lynda, a grinding war of attrition has been continuing along the front lines throughout Ukraine in its east

and its south amid the much heralded and much anticipated counteroffensive, which, to date, has only really yielded incremental gains for Ukrainian


Yesterday, the Ukrainian president's office released a transcript of remarks by Andriy Yermak. This is Volodymyr Zelenskyy's chief of staff,

saying Ukrainian forces had established a foothold onto the eastern bank of the Dnipro in the southern Kherson region.

Here's why this is significant. Last year, just over a year ago, Ukrainian forces liberated the city of Kherson, on the western back of the Dnipro. In

a major setback for Russian forces. That city continues to come under intense shelling from the Russian side with civilian casualties nearly

every day.

We spoke to and we got some information from Ukrainian military authorities in the Kherson region yesterday. They said that, since the liberation of

the city, over 400 civilians have been killed by Ukrainian shelling.

Of course, there is a very keen interest, one, in trying to push back Russian forces on the other side of the Dnipro. As well, Ukraine really

needs, one could say, some good news here.

The government in Kyiv has really been pushing to maintain support for Ukraine, for continued aid and for continued weaponry at a moment when

there is a lot of anxiety about possible wavering support for Ukraine.

The general distraction of policy makers, both in Washington and in Western capitals, who are focusing their attention on the crisis, the war between

Israel and Hamas in Gaza. Certainly, this seems to be a bright spot of news for the Ukrainian government.

We had been hearing, at least in recent weeks, that Ukrainian forces have been staging, essentially, raids across the river. It does seem that they

have established a more sustained foothold in that region in southern Ukraine as well, alluding to Crimea.

That has, I think, always a goal for President Zelenskyy. He has always said he wants to restore the complete territorial integrity of Ukraine as

it was before Russia annexed Crimea in 2014.

So this could be a key moment. We are watching it closely and as it develops, of course, we will see what kind of information war is brewing

around this and how Russia responds to that. Lynda?

KINKADE: All right, Nathan Hodge for us in Kyiv, good to have you there. Thank you so much.

In New York, courthouse reopen for former U.S. Presidents Donald Trump's civil fraud trial. Accounting expert witness Jason Flemmons has returned to

the stand today. And in an expert on U.S. government bid processors is expected to testify about Trump's bid for a Washington landmark, the old

Post Office.

The former U.S. president's son, Eric Trump, is not expected to be called to testify for the defense until after the Thanksgiving break.

Just as the U.S. House passes a stopgap fiscal measure to avoid a government shutdown, tensions flared among Republican lawmakers on Capitol

Hill Tuesday. A senator from Oklahoma says he doesn't regret challenging a witness at a hearing to a fist fight.

And in the House, one member accused former House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, of elbowing him in the back. CNN's Sunlen Serfaty reports from Capitol



SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I-VT): No, no, sit down. Sit down. You're a United States senator. Sit down, please.

SUNLEN SERFATY, CNN CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A breakdown in decorum today on Capitol Hill.

SEN. MARKWAYNE MULLIN (R-OK): I want to expose this thug to who he is.

SEAN M. O'BRIEN, TEAMSTERS GENERAL PRESIDENT: Do not point at me. That's disrespectful.

MULLIN: I don't care about respecting you at all. I respect --

O'BRIEN: I don't respect you at all.

SERFATY: Senator Markwayne Mullin bringing a congressional hearing to a halt, standing up and challenging the witness to a fist fight in the middle

of the hearing.

MULLIN: So this is a time, this is a place. If you want to run your mouth, we can be two consenting adults. We can finish it here.

O'BRIEN: OK, that's fine, perfect.

MULLIN: Do you want to do it right now?

O'BRIEN: I'd love to do it right now.

MULLIN: Well, stand your butt up then.

O'BRIEN: You stand your butt up, big guy.

SANDERS: Hold -- stop it.

SERFATY: The tense moment escalating quickly after the senator read tweets that Teamsters general president Sean O'Brien wrote in the past being

critical of the senator.

MULLIN: What a clown, fraud, always has been, always will be. Quit the tough guy act in these Senate hearings. You know where to find me, any

place --


MULLIN: -- any time, cowboy.

SERFATY: Leading to numerous attempts by the chairman of the committee to break up the altercation that ensued.

SANDERS: Hold it. No, excuse me --

MULLIN: I will say --

SANDERS: Senator Mullin, I have the mic. If you have any questions on economic issues, anything that's like, go for it. We're not here to talk

about physical abuse.

SERFATY: Afterwards, Mullin said he didn't regret it.

MULLIN: I didn't start it. I didn't tweet at him. I didn't go after him. I have no beef with the guy. I mean, I don't even know the last time I've

gotten in a street fight.

SERFATY: Meantime over in the House today, Republican Congressman Tim Burchett says former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy elbowed him in the


REP. TIM BURCHETT (R-TN): It was a clean shot to the kidneys. And I turned back and there was -- there was Kevin.

SERFATY: McCarthy denying it, saying they were in a narrow hallway intimating he only brushed past him.

REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R-CA): If I kidney punched him, he'd be on the ground.

SERFATY: Burchett maintaining it was intentional.

BURCHETT: There are 435 congressmen. I was one of eight that voted against him. That hallway was -- there is plenty of room. You can walk forward,

side by side. He chose to do what he did.

SERFATY: Elsewhere on Capitol Hill.

REP. JAMES COMER (R-KY): That is bullshit.

SERFATY: Tensions also boiling over and an oversight hearing.

REP. JARED MOSKOWITZ (D-FL): You are doing stuff with your brother, the American public have the same questions. Why. Why should they believe?

You why should they believe you?


SERFATY: Devolving into name-calling between Chairman Comer and freshman Congressman Jared Moskowitz.

COMER: You look like a Smurf here, just going around and all this stuff.


KINKADE: There you have it, we are going to take a quick break, stay with us.




KINKADE: Welcome back.

Scientists at Stanford University have made a breakthrough in deep sea exploration by developing humanoid robots that can study the depths of our

planet's oceans. In a new series called "Bold Pursuits," Will Ripley is meeting researchers who are pursuing major innovations in robotics



OUSSAMA KHATIB, DIRECTOR STANFORD ROBOTICS CENTER, STANFORD UNIVERSITY: I'm Oussama Khatib from Stanford University. Ocean One is one-of-a-kind, of

course, by its ability to physically interact with the world.

RIPLEY (voice-over): With its human-like features, Ocean One has been developed to dive deeper than humans.

KHATIB: Deep ocean is not 100 meters, 200 meters. It's in the thousands. And the first Ocean One that we designed was capable of going to 200 meters

and the new one that we call Ocean One K for kilometers is capable of going to 1,000 meters.

RIPLEY (voice-over): It's been designed to carry out research into shipwrecks, inspections of critical infrastructure and spot environmental


KHATIB: A lot of accidents are happening underwater. Having the ability to quickly intervene could save a lot of lives, could also prevent disasters

in the environment.

RIPLEY (voice-over): With cutting edge technology, it has cameras for eyes using haptic technology, its operator can touch and feel everything the

robot comes into contact with.

KHATIB: The idea is to create not a diver but really an avatar of a diver where the real diver is able to interact with that avatar through an

interface. The hands are going to touch the environment.


KHATIB: And the haptic device will reflect that to the hands of the operator.

RIPLEY (voice-over): The haptic technology is a major breakthrough.

KHATIB: From any point on the planet, from any continent, we will be able to reach this robot at a distance and operate them at a distance. This can

also be something of education, where universities, even high school students, can connect and study and perform operations underwater.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Underwater operations, Oussama hopes, will begin to unlock the unexplored potential of our oceans.


KINKADE: Our thanks to Will Ripley there.

Now to a development that has implications for everyone, from climate scientists to people simply planning their weekends. Google says it has

created weather forecasting technology using AI that offers a faster and more accurate way to predict the weather.

In a study published in the journal "Science," Google's GraphCast AI model was found to give more accurate day-to-day forecasts and better predictions

of severe conditions like hurricanes. The model even outdid an industry gold standard simulation system.

There you have it.

And that is CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Lynda Kinkade. Good to have you with us today. Stay with CNN, "STATE OF THE RACE WITH KASIE HUNT" is up next.