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Connect the World

Adviser: Israel to Present more Evidence of Hamas Command and Control Center Under Al-Shifa Hospital in Days Ahead; Some Wounded Palestinians are being Treated in Egypt; New UK Foreign Secretary on First Official Visit to Ukraine; Israeli Military: Hamas Combat Equipment Found in Hospital; Formula One Revs up in Las Vegas. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired November 16, 2023 - 09:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNNI HOST: Well, this is the scene from Gaza where the Israeli forces are continuing their incursion inside the Al-Shifa hospital.

We explore what's going on there. It's 4 pm in Gaza, its 6 pm here in Abu Dhabi. I'm Becky Anderson. This is "Connect the World" also happening over

the next two hours.

Mixed messages, the U.S. President says China's Leader is a dictator, but that they are making progress. We'll have the view from San Francisco and

Beijing. "A friend in need is a friend indeed", UK's top diplomat promises President Zelenskyy economic and military support for as long as it takes.

We are live for you in Kyiv.

We're going to start this hour in Gaza, with Israel's military under increasing pressure to provide evidence at the enclaves largest hospital

seen here is in fact, also a command center for Hamas, like it has claimed.

Well, it is yet to offer any solid proof of Hamas tunnels allegedly in under the complex, but it says evidence will come in the days ahead.

Meantime, there is international condemnation over the raid, but that outrage is not coming from the United States.

On Wednesday, the U.S. President said he was absolutely confident, Hamas was running a command center under the hospital and called that a "War

Crime". The Israeli military says its raid on the hospital is complicated and will and I quote them here "Take time". CNN's Nic Robertson takes a

closer look at the operation and what has and has not been found.


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR (voice-over): Inside Al- Shifa hospital, Israeli forces are facing their biggest credibility test in Gaza so far, after weeks of claiming its basement is a network of Hamas

bunkers. The IDF moved in, in the early hours of Wednesday morning. But 24 hours later, no evidence of Hamas's subterranean network here has been


REAR ADMIRAL DANIEL HAGARI, ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES SPOKESPERSON: We found weapons, intelligence materials, military technologies and equipment. In

addition, a military command post was located.

LT. SOL. JONATHAN CONRICUS, ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES SPOKESPERSON: This building of Al-Shifa, Israeli troops reached here a few hours ago. This is

where patients come in order to get MRI services.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): We have no independent access to Al-Shifa hospital so far.

CONRICUS: If you follow me behind the MRI machine, I'll show you what our troops exposed just minutes ago.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): An IDF spokesman gives an unchallenged tour of what he claims they have discovered.

CONRICUS: There is an AK-47. There are cartridges and ammo. There are grenades in here, of course uniformed and all of this was hidden very

conveniently secretly behind the MRI machine.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): CNN cannot independently confirm the IDF's claims. But two days ago when CNN was taken by the IDF to the Al-Ran TC Hospital

[ph] in Gaza, we posed this question when shown another alleged Hamas weapons cash.

ROBERTSON: But some people they would look at this and then question the reality of what you shouldn't use.

HAGARI: I say this is hard evidence that you see here. And when we entered the hospital you asked me why did you open the back of the hospital like

that? Because we knew the terrorists were here.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): Unlike Al-Ran TC Hospital, Al-Shifa still has staff inside seen here a few days ago. But reaching them has been made near

impossible as communications were cut as the IDF went in. One doctor did manage to get a call through.

DR. AHMED EL MOKHALLALATI, SENIOR PLASTIC SURGEON AT AL-SHIFA HOSPITAL: The whole hospital is totally, like, let me say, in a way, handicapped. Like,

no one is operating. No one is seeing anyone. It's like all waiting for what's the end point of this one. Are we going to survive this moment or


ROBERTSON (voice-over): And a local journalist inside the hospital reached by CNN said he had seen the IDF "Conducting search and interrogation

operations with the young men amidst intense and violent gunfire inside the hospital". CNN cannot independently verify these accounts.

Hamas dismissed them earlier IDF claim that found weapons at the site as propaganda. On a tour with troops, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

appeared emboldened by taking the hospital.


BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER: They told us that we would not enter Al-Shifa, we've entered. And in this spirit we say as simple thing.

There is no place in Gaza that we will not reach.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): Absent proof of Hamas's bunkers in Al-Shifa. Netanyahu may find that reach curtailed as international outrage that the

IDF offensive mounts Nic Robertson, CNN, Sderot, Israel.


ANDERSON: Last night, the United Nations Security Council voted to call for a series of humanitarian pauses in Gaza, urgent and multiple pauses in

Gaza. The U.S., UK and Russia abstained from that vote while Israel branded it as disconnected from reality and meaningless. Well, I spoke with the

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights about all of this just a short time ago here is just part of what he told me.


VOLKER TURK, U.N. HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: I saw children, Palestinian children in Irish hospital in Egypt, who had been evacuated

with serious injuries that, frankly, the doctors told me that they hadn't seen before. So it is clear that children in particular suffer.

So the Security Council resolution put a particular emphasis on this and reminded everyone that there are specific obligations for children. It goes

beyond it because it asks for humanitarian pauses. And not just for a couple of hours, but actually to be able to deliver humanitarian

assistance. It sets out, it encapsulates what humanitarian assistance is, has to be done in a circumstance like this. So I hope it will be

implemented very swiftly.


ANDERSON: And we will have my full interview with Volker Turk in the coming hour. Well, the man leading the United Nations humanitarian efforts says

the carnage in Gaza cannot be allowed to continue.

Speaking after Israeli forces raided the Al-Shifa hospital, Martin Griffiths said an entire population is being deprived of the basic means of

survival and that includes the survival of premature babies. The Gaza Health Ministry released this video of premature newborns at the Al-Shifa

hospital on Monday.

Egypt's offering medical assistance. CNN's Eleni Giokos spoke to the country's health minister and she joins me now from Cairo. What's he been

telling you Eleni?

ELENI GIOKOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: They tell me it's a race against time that every minute counts, that if these babies are without oxygen for just a few

minutes, they could lose their life. They've got to have oxygen. They've got to be in incubators, and they need to be powered up.

And we know the situation in Al-Shifa. We have to be moved from one mode to another being held in people's arms. And look, the Health Minister, the

Egyptian Health Minister on Monday told me that we're expecting 36 babies.

I've been speaking to them every single day, very often. And they say Eleni look, we fear that this number might change because it is so critical. They

have been expecting these babies since Sunday. They already had prepared they have ambulances at the border at Rafah and still no news.

No word whether they have actually left Al-Shifa. President Sisi today also put out a statement saying that he's instructing all people responsible to

be prepared and ready to take in these babies. But being here in Cairo, Becky you know, we've been covering the story of all the injured

Palestinians that have been crossing through into Egypt over the last few weeks.

We had exclusive access to one of the hospitals that have been helping these people that have been coming in with multiple injuries and frankly,

harrowing stories. And we went to visit them and this is what they had to say. Take a listen.


GIOKOS (voice-over): In a command center in Cairo, Egyptian authorities working against the clock.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The neo-natal situation is still the same; I was not told anything new. What I was told today that all the cases will come at


GIOKOS (voice-over): Egypt's Health Minister on call to receive some of the most vulnerable patients. He's expecting over 13 neonatal babies to enter

Egypt, new to the world, but caught in the crossfire as the IDF begins its raid inside Al-Shifa hospital.

DR. KHALED ABDEL GHAFFAR, EGYPTIAN HEALTH MINISTER: Time is important, and every single minute that we're not getting them in the incidence or the

chances of losing the life is very high.

GIOKOS (voice-over): Since November 1st, injured Palestinians have crossed through the Rafah border into Egypt, the only lifeline to leave Gaza.

DR. GHAFFAR: We've indicated 37 hospitals with more than 11,000 beds for that purpose and more than 1700 ICU units together with incubators for kids

and other facility for renal dialysis and so on and so forth.

GIOKOS: Would you say that the number of injured Palestinians that are in Egypt right now in the hundreds?


DR. GHAFFAR: Approaching more than 200.

GIOKOS (voice-over): In an exclusive, Minister Ghaffar takes us to visit patients.

DR. GHAFFAR: This is the champ. This is --

GIOKOS (voice-over): Here at the NASA Medical Institute in Cairo, finally safe but haunted by what brought them here. Guilt, heartbreak and utter

despair, Mohammed Wadiya [ph] blames himself for his children's injuries. He says he listened to the IDF's warning and moved south from the north,

only to be part of an airstrike in Khan Younis on October 16th.

He went to buy food and when he got back, everything was gone, he tells me. His son, Abdul Rahman [ph], just 9-years-old, and is fighting through seven

war injuries. His 14-year-old sister beside him both had shrapnel in their tiny bodies and broken bones.

DR. AHMMAD ABDELLATIF, NASSER MEDICAL INSTITUTE, CAIRO: For me and my orthopedic consultant, orthopedic surgical consultant and other teams


GIOKOS (voice-over): They say no physical wounds can compare to the mental scars.

DR. ABDELLATIF: Can you imagine a child if you have a child, he's scared -- he should -- from a cat or a dog at dark. So when you find that scared from

losing his family, it's really shocking.

GIOKOS: Did you get a warning that someone find you --

GIOKOS (voice-over): He tells me no, no warning, on his knowledge of Hamas in his building, he says no. We meet the next family. And they recalled the

strike, 2 pm 31st of October, Jabalia Camp. El Hadmaged [ph] was praying when her husband, Rami Mahmud [ph] went out to get food and when he

returned, his house gone.

He found El Ham [ph] by seeing one finger sticking out from the rubble. She survived. But two of her children did not. Her 15-year-old daughter called

a friend before she died, predicting something would happen to her. Rami shows me a video of his son, he got a haircut three days before the strike.

They tell me he wanted to look good, if he died. For all the survivors we met one wish binds them all to return home to Gaza.


GIOKOS (on camera): Becky, as you can see, it's not just the physical trauma where you see multiple doctors that need to intervene to deal with

shrapnel with burns with broken bones. It's also the emotional trauma. The Egyptian government has intervened as well to assist them on the path to

the recovery.

Look, Egyptians can handle around 40 to 50 patients every single day. They're not getting that number. They talk about a very long and difficult

process in terms of assisting injured Palestinians to pass through into the country. And over and above that they know that politics and issues are at

play on the sidelines.

For them it's just focusing on how they can help people increase capacity in the country as well. And some of the people we spoke to, I mean, the

young boy, one young boy saying he was just eating a bag of crisps when his house was struck. And then he found himself under rubble, he lost all his

cousins. And he saw his grandparents die as well.

And when you hear these stories, these individuals that are affected by this war, you know, you just think about the total numbers, you think about

the deaths. And you also think about the injuries. And you think about the trauma that is attached to that, Becky.

ANDERSON: Eleni Giokos is in Cairo, Eleni, thank you. And if you'd like information on how to help with humanitarian relief efforts for Gaza and

Israel, please do go to, you'll find a list of vetted organizations providing assistance

Well, a shift in tone now and reports of progress, the Presidents of the U.S. and China say they reached agreement on several key issues during what

was their landmark meeting Wednesday in California. Joe Biden and Xi Jinping agreed to restore military communications between their countries

and to take steps to curb the flow of fentanyl from China. President Xi looks to emphasize the positive when he spoke at a dinner that included top

business executives.


XI JINPING, CHINESE PRESIDENT: It is the reaching out to each other -- people that has time and again brought China U.S. relations from a low app

back onto the right track. I'm convinced that once open, the door of China U.S. relations cannot be shut again.


ANDERSON: Well, Marc Stewart connecting us from Beijing. MJ Lee is in San Francisco, aside of the APEC Summit, the leaders are attending this week.


Let's start with you MJ. There are some positive upticks of this meeting. Well, there certainly were some. And then they took somewhat of a hit when

President Biden called Xi a dictator, in response to a question that you asked during the news conference that followed. Just explain and perhaps

suggest what we make of that comment and the sort of overall reaction to the meeting.

MJ LEE, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Sure, Becky. The question that I asked President Biden was whether, after everything that happened

yesterday, after the summit, he still considered President Xi, a dictator. This was a term that he had used earlier this summer.

And he answered in the affirmative, he said, yes, but that is just the reality of the different kinds of government that they have in China. And

this wasn't taken well by the Chinese. The Chinese Foreign Ministry, saying overnight that these comments from President Biden were extremely

erroneous, and an irresponsible political maneuver, making clear, of course, that this is a label that Chinese officials, as you point out, are

very sensitive to.

But I think that comment aside, you're right to that both Washington and Beijing were pretty eager to point to what they said was real progress made

on their shared goal of trying to really take the tension down in U.S. China relations. And one incredibly notable deliverable and really one of

the few deliverables that we saw come out of that summit was that restoration of military to military communications between the two


That of course, had been severed last year when there were tensions and conflicts over issues like China, like Taiwan rather. And so that is

something that both sides are pointing to as a sign that the two countries even though they are competitors, even though they have a lot of areas of

disagreement, that they can sort of work together to, to shore up their communications and make sure that they're basically practicing more


ANDERSON: That's fascinating. Marc, let me bring you in here. We certainly heard President Xi forecasting a more positive future for U.S. China

relations. It was at a business dinner. Perhaps you would expect him to say that. He warned earlier though, he warned the U.S. not to, in his words,

scheme to suppress or contain China, which certainly suggests that the underlying tensions still exist, Marc.

MARC STEWART, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Becky, this is going to be at least in the near future, a very fragile relationship. I mean, the United States and

China have profound views about how the world should look and how government should manage.

And in fact, President Xi is getting a lot of praise in state media here in China, for making that point to Joe Biden, that the United States should

really not interfere or perhaps make judgment about how domestic operations, domestic politics in China are taking place.

In fact, as we've discussed before, Xi Jinping is really trying to lead this broader global effort to create almost a new world order kind of the

anti-U.S., anti-West way of doing things. And he's very unapologetic about it.

Even so, despite some of those firm words from Xi Jinping to President Biden along those lines, this is in China being perceived as a very

optimistic meeting. I mean, some of the words that we're hearing are both positive and comprehensive.

In fact, CCTV which is the state broadcaster is almost highlighting a moment of warmth and goodwill when Xi Jinping and Joe Biden wrapped up.

They were kind of walking through the wooded area where this discussion took place.

Joe Biden walking him to his car, you know, saying goodbye. So I think that the framework is built for this positive relationship moving forward.

That's not to say there aren't some stark differences between these two nations, but they are very now explicit, Becky.

ANDERSON: Interesting times. Thank you, Marc, always a pleasure. Just ahead on "Connect the World" Britain's new top diplomat makes a dash to Ukraine

as Kyiv worries that the world could be forgetting its fight for survival.



ANDERSON: Well, only four days on the job and the new British Foreign Secretary is traveled to wartime Kyiv on what is his first official

overseas trip in that capacity. David Cameron trying to reassure the Ukrainian President about ongoing UK support for his country as it battles

against Russia's grinding war.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been expressing new concerns about divided world attention ever since the Middle East conflict erupted last month. It is

worth noting Cameron's visit comes in the wake of what some observers are calling his political resurrection as UK's top diplomat. Why are they

saying that?

Well, you probably remember David Cameron resigned as Prime Minister back in 2016, following the Brexit vote. He called it but actually he was what

is described as a Romainer [ph] and left his position as Prime Minister when that vote landed in the well, let's say the opposite direction to that

which he would have hoped.

CNN's Anna Coren covering his visit to Kyiv and joins us now live from there. On social media, President Zelenskyy, Anna says they discussed

weapons. What kind of weapons, is it clear?

ANNA COREN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: No, it's not Becky. But Ukraine certainly needs weapons and a lot of them ammunition, weapons, armed production on an

industrial scale to compete with Russia. You know, this counter offensive Becky that Ukraine has waged over the last four months has not yielded the

results that the West thought that Ukraine would.

You know, they were looking at what happened last year. They thought they could replicate the same result. They have not had that beautiful

breakthrough that was expected of them. So there is a great deal of concern about where Ukraine is heading in this war, particularly as we are

approaching winter.

So David Cameron's visit to Kyiv today is incredibly important in bolstering I think confidence amongst the Ukrainians that the world hasn't

forgotten about them. You know, this is an incredibly difficult point in the war. We are 21 months in, come next week since Russia's invasion in

February of last year.

The world is growing tired. The world is distracted by what is happening in the Middle East. There are mass casualties on both sides and the offensive

in the east and also in the south. And obviously, David Cameron is making the visit to Kyiv today and then this afternoon to the Port City of Odessa,

you know, is as I say very important, symbolically very important.


But what was discussed was arms production, security in the Black Sea, which is where that grain is exported through that corridor Russia has been

striking the Odessa region. So these are all the things that they have been discussing today in this surprise visit. But let's now have a listen to the

exchange between President Zelenskyy and David Cameron a little bit earlier.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT: Thank you for coming. So are important. Now, you know, the world is not focused on the situation or on

our battlefield and in Ukraine and diving focus really doesn't help. And we are thankful that UK always supported Ukraine.

DAVID CAMERON, BRITISH FOREIGN SECRETARY: Well, thank you. I wanted this to be my personal -- the strength and determination, because we pay them

people. And what I want to say by being here is that we will continue to give you the moral support, the diplomatic support, the economic support

but above all that the military support, but you need not just this year and next year but -- .


COREN: Becky, as David Cameron says, this is going to be a long war. There is no doubt about it. This is not going to be wrapped up by the end of next

year. So there needs to be a commitment from the west for a long term investment here in Ukraine.

We heard from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Services here in Ukraine, recently, General Zaluzhny. And he said that Ukraine needs technologically

advanced weapons to defeat Russia. Right now Becky, they do not have them.

ANDERSON: Anna, thank you. We will be back after a quick break. I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi, stay with us.



ANDERSON: Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi you are watching "Connect the World". Well, Israel says it will present more evidence soon

that Hamas is running a command center from beneath Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City. That's the line from the IDF who released video of guns and

other military equipment it says soldiers found at the hospital.

Gaza's Hamas run government accuses Israel of fabricating evidence. CNN cannot independently verify Israel's claim. Meantime, the Israeli military

says the footage shows the house of Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh being destroyed. Again CNN can't verify that claim and Haniyeh has not been based

in Gaza for several years.

Well, despite widespread condemnation, the Israeli Defense Forces are pushing ahead with their incursion into Gaza's largest hospital. CNN's

Scott McLean is live from Istanbul. And that condemnation echoed around the region where I am and beyond to where you are in Turkey the President there

Recep Tayyip reacting to Israel's bombardment of Gaza and its civilians this isn't the first time that he has spoken. What is the -- what is he


SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes Becky, remember that? You know, it wasn't long ago at the outset of this conflict that Recep Tayyip Erdogan,

the President of Turkey was positioning himself as a potential peace broker here. But at this stage of the game, I don't suggest holding your breath on

that for very long.

That is because last month Erdogan made headlines when he said that Hamas is not a terror group, but a liberation group. Now he says that it is

actually the State of Israel that is the terror state. In his speech yesterday that he gave here in Turkey, he said, "Israel is implementing a

strategy of total annihilation of a city and its people. I say very clearly and frankly, that Israel is a terrorist state".

Now he went on to say that Turkey intends to take whatever steps it needs to, to hold Israeli leadership and Israeli both political and military

accountable in international courts for what he views as war crimes. This though did not go unchallenged by Israel, despite the fact that Erdogan has

previously said that he's cutting off communication with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Netanyahu managed to get in touch anyways through Twitter or X as they're calling it now. And he said that it's actually Turkey that supporting the

terrorists in supporting Hamas. Now, what's amazing here Becky, is that you know, throughout Israel's history, Turkey has actually been OK with Israel.

It was one of the first Muslim countries to actually recognize the State of Israel. But the Palestinian issue has always gotten in the way of closer

ties. Things really fell off a cliff edge back in 2010, when 10 Turks were killed in an Israeli raid of a flotilla trying to breach the naval blockade

in Gaza.

And it was six years before the Israeli Ambassador to Turkey was actually allowed back ties have slowly warmed up since then. And it was actually

just in September that Netanyahu and Erdogan met face to face at the U.N. General Assembly in New York.

They shook hands. They had a meeting. They talked about developing closer economic ties and other ties. They pledged to visit each other's countries.

And then when the war started, Erdogan quickly decided to cancel his planned trip to Israel. And here we are less than two months later, we go

from handshake to now Erdogan calling for Israel to be prosecuted in international courts and calling it a terrorist state, Becky.

ANDERSON: Good to have you on board. Scott, thank you. Well, loved ones of the more than 200 hostages taken by Hamas and others into Gaza on day three

of their march. They are demanding that the Israeli government bring their loved ones home.

Now they started this march in Tel Aviv and plan to end it at Israel -- the Israeli Prime Minister's residence in Jerusalem on Saturday. Let's get you

more on the situation on the ground from Ed Lavandera. He is in Tel Aviv.

The families of the hostages and look I caught up with him right at the outset of this back I think on the sort of the Monday or the Tuesday in Tel

Aviv, just after their kids -- you know -- their wives and mothers have been taken hostage. They were horrified and already furious with the

government for not having acted quickly to get them home.

We are now what 40 odd days in nearly and they are even more angry. What evidence is Israel getting to these families or what is going on as far as

the efforts to bring their loved ones back Ed?

ED LAVANDERA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I don't think there's much of anything that's being communicated to the families at least from the ones that we

have spoken with.


Even though President Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been saying that they're working relentlessly behind the scenes to get the hostages

released, you know, the families are watching everything unfold and have been for weeks. And what they see is a very intense military operation,

where hundreds and thousands are dying inside of Gaza, and they know full well, that their loved ones are in that mix in Gaza.

So these are very distressful times. And you really get the sense Becky, that, you know, that this is a pivotal moment in this Israeli response to

the attack of October 7th, not just what has been done on the ground inside of Gaza with the Israeli military, and its raid on the Al-Shifa hospital,

but you have this march of families and they have been gathering for days and weeks now demanding that more be done demanding that the hostage

situation be brought to the forefront and that some sort of negotiation be made to get those hostages, not just home but home alive.

And we've already learned that one of the hostages 19-year-old Noha -- I'm sorry Marciano was announced that she had died in Gaza my apologies for

forgetting her name or briefly. But you know this is distressing. The march today Becky went by her family's home on the way to Jerusalem so the

distress and the pain that so many of these families are feeling really coming to the surface now as this March continues across Israel, and as you

mentioned ending in Jerusalem on Saturday.

ANDERSON: Absolutely Ed good to have. Hamas militants broke through that border fence October 7th and began the terror attack. Many were wearing

GoPro cameras to document the assault. Some videos were then shared by Hamas's propaganda but not all of them.

Well, CNN has obtained video from one of those cameras. It's from the Israeli military in one continuous video it shows 100 minutes of horror,

and I've got to warn you, some of what you are about to see is very graphic. CNN's Oren Lieberman takes us through.


OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): An explosion before dawn on October 7th. The time is here. The attack is underway. "Allahu Akbar"

[ph] God is great they chant as they cross the bridge fence. Go right, go right and go right they say less than two minutes later, they crossed the

second security fence. They are in Israel heading towards Kibbutz [ph].

The sun is up in a day that will reshape the region has begun. This video comes from the body cam of one of the terrorists who took part in the

attack. It was obtained exclusively by CNN, from the Israel Defense Forces. For the first time we also see video inside Hamas tunnels before the


It is a look into a network of tunnels with what appear to the supplies stored in the darkness. Writing on the walls in Arabic says what's hidden

is far worse. Above ground, the gunman fires his first shots. Go on man, go on man he screams.

They stop on the way more than a dozen militants gather here to prepare for the next assault. One has several rocket propelled grenades on his back.

Minutes later, a group advances across an open field moving towards the village of -- the gunman charges the last bit and spots an Israeli soldier

on the ground.

Others join in celebration. Moments later he is more composed as he turns the camera on himself. He says his name and that he's 24-years-old. He's a

father. He says he killed two Israeli soldiers. He asked God for victory and well deserved martyrdom.

On motorbikes now they keep advancing moving together along empty Israeli roads or nearly empty. The man cheers as he sees bodies on the road. His is

not the first wave. You round the corner. Here we have seen this place before among the first videos to come out after the attack.

This is dashcam video from a car on the same road moments earlier. The car approaches a group of militants who opened fire. The car -- its driver

almost certainly dead by now it is just after 7:40 in the morning.


After a quick reload, the group approaches a military base near the Kibbutz of Raheem [ph]. For 65 minutes since crossing the Gaza fence, they've had

nearly free rein in Israel. The gunman closes the distance with a weapon he took from an Israeli soldier opening fire and fire comes back. This man's

part of the attack comes to an end. The terror is just beginning. Oren Liebermann, CNN in Tel Aviv.



ANDERSON: Well, the wheels are spinning on the Roulette tables and on the racing cars in Las Vegas right now. Last night's Formula One opening

ceremonies were filled with plenty of bright lights and lots of noise as you would expect. Andy is with us with "World Sport" Andy?

ANDY SCHOLES, CNN WORLD SPORTS: Yes, Becky. You know they've been preparing for this weekend for a long time. They're in Vegas. They had to repave the

entire strip there, put up all kinds of grandstands about I tell you what?

In terms of a setting for a race and they're going to have it late at night. It couldn't look any cooler than that Las Vegas Strip. It's going to

be a certainly a fun weekend there one that F1 fans are going to enjoy. And this is going to be the first race they have. It's going to be annual for

at least 10 years. So it's one of many in the near future. Look at the scenes is the Bellagio fountain shooting off right next to the track it is

so cool, right?

ANDERSON: It is fantastic. Yes. No, it's fantastic. And listen, it is all about entertainment at the end of the day. I mean, it's a sport but sport

is entertainment, and where better ultimately it is the ultimate location. I say that I hear from talking from Abu Dhabi and they'll there -- they

won't support me on that because of course, last race of the season is here in Abu Dhabi. I'll be in trouble for that. Good stuff thank you, "World

Sports" up right after this short break.



