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Hostages, Palestinian Prisoners Released; Israeli Military Raid, Clashes in West Bank; Hope for Truce Extension by End of Day; USAID Presses for Ramping Up Aid to Gaza; Snowstorm Brings Hardship and Death to Ukraine; Riyadh to Host World Expo 2030; Interview with Father of Former Hamas Hostage Emily Hand; Virgin Atlantic Flight Uses 100 Percent Sustainable Aviation Fuel; Family and Friends Remember Rosalynn Carter; Tiger Woods to Host Hero World Challenge in Bahamas. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired November 29, 2023 - 10:00   ET




JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN ANCHOR: Coming up this hour, today may be the final day of calm and Gaza after days of seeing Israeli hostages being exchanged

for Palestinians held and Israeli prisons.

The extension of a humanitarian truce between Israel and Hamas is about to run out but the league mediator says he is hopeful we will hear some good

news today.

Meanwhile, in the occupied West Bank, Israeli forces conducted a heavy incursion into the city of Jenin, killing at least two Palestinians. The

head of Doctors without Borders said he was trapped with staff inside of a hospital while the incursion and ensuing clashes were ongoing outside.

And as we gear up for the annual year-end climate conference tomorrow, some good news on the sustainability front. The first transatlantic flight

operated by a commercial airline used 100 percent sustainable jet fuel. We will hear from the airline CEO a little bit later on the show.


CHATTERLEY: Israeli officials have received the latest list of hostages set to be released by Hamas on what is the sixth day and possibly final day

of the truce in Gaza. Those releases could happen anytime now.

Talks are underway in Qatar though to extend the pause in fighting. A top Qatari official telling CNN that he is hopeful and announcement will happen

by day's end.


DR. MAJED AL-ANSARI, ADVISER TO QATARI PRIME MINISTER: We are hopeful that, within a couple of hours, we will have the release of the final batch

but also we will be able to announce an extension.

We are working on an extension that would be guaranteed by the same provision that guaranteed the release, which would include at least 10

hostages coming out and 30 hostages -- prisoners from the Israeli prisons and we are very optimistic that we have been negotiated.


CHATTERLEY: Hamas released 12 more hostages on Tuesday, including a woman in a wheelchair and a teenage girl with her dog. So far, only women and

children have been freed.

Negotiators hope to broaden that to include the release of men and Israeli soldiers. Now Israel freed another 30 Palestinian prisoners on Tuesday.

Celebrations over those releases are coming amid reports of an ongoing Israeli military incursion and clashes in the West Bank.

As I mentioned, Doctors without Borders report two Palestinians were killed in Jenin on Tuesday after Israeli military vehicles blocked ambulances from

reaching them. Israel's military says it is conducting ongoing counterterrorism activities there.

And the IDF says it won't comment until the operations are complete.

Ben Wedeman is back with us this hour from Jerusalem.

Let's start with the Palestinian releases and what we're hoping to see over the coming hours.

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SR. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, we understand from the Palestinians and the Israelis that 30 people will again will be

released this evening. These are all women and boys under the age of 18.

We do not have a breakdown of how many are administrative detainees and how many are actually prisoners. But certainly this does represent, if there is

no breakthrough for an extension of the truce, the last exchange that will take place.

Although as you have been reporting, all indications are that there is a very good possibility that the truce will be extended perhaps a few days.

Hamas has suggested that it wants four days; the Israelis indicated perhaps two, maximum three. And then it will be back to ground offensive in Gaza.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, and, of course, that is the broader concern at this moment. What we do know in this truce agreement, it really only pertained

to Hamas and the activities there.

I want you to tell us more about the last 24 hours and the West Bank and what you are describing last hour. If you can expand on that, I would love

to hear more about it, the possible surge in support for Hamas as that continues.

WEDEMAN: Yes, what happened is that at 9 pm last night, Israeli forces, we're talking about military vehicles, bulldozers, drones overhead, raided

not just the Jenin refugee camp but the city of Jenin itself.

We understand that they have since pulled out. They pulled out about 3 pm local time.


And but this city of Jenin and the northern West Bank -- and particularly the Jenin refugee camp -- is no stranger to these Israeli raids.


WEDEMAN (voice-over): Israeli forces with bulldozers and jeeps entered the camp under the cover of darkness. This has become a routine.

And this is the usual aftermath, wreckage and rubble, asphalt roads plowed down to the dirt. Once the damage is repaired, there is another raid and it

is the same thing all over again.

WEDEMAN: For almost two years, a low intensity war has been raging in the occupied West Bank. Residents here in Jenin's refugee camp say that there

have been more than 30 Israeli military incursions since August of this year.

WEDEMAN (voice-over): The camp is home to militants who Israel has accused of involvement in attacks on Israelis but here, those whom Israel calls

terrorists, are seen as fighters against a decades-long military occupation.

Wadiyam Kuskas (ph) is not a fighter; he works for the local government.

WEDEMAN: This is the kids' room.

WEDEMAN (voice-over): But last week, Israeli soldiers took over his home during yet another raid.

As he shows me around, the remains of what was a family's life crunched under our shoes. "Brutal" is how Wadiyam (ph) sums up the soldiers'

behavior. Scars of battles past pockmark the camp's walls, debris on almost every corner.

Unsemi (ph) shows me spent cartridges on the floor of her house, saying that Israeli troops used this room to fire down into the street.

"They took my husband, bound his hands and pushed him outside in the cold," she says. "They kept him there from 6 in the evening until 5 in the


Eventually, the soldiers let him go but took away her recently married son after ransacking his bedroom, searching for weapons; 18-year-old Mahmoud

Awalhegi (ph) was shot last Thursday evening, shot through his bedroom window.

His mother, Hidam (ph), holding a bloodstained towel, recounts how Israeli soldiers would not allow medics to take him to hospital.

"I was sure we were going to the hospital," she says. "We went downstairs. A second officer was there and made the medics put the stretcher down."

Mahmoud (ph) bled to death in front of his home.

Tuesday night, Israeli forces raided the camp again, sparking gun battles with militants. The deadly routine goes on -- Ben Wedeman, CNN, Jenin, in

the occupied West Bank.


CHATTERLEY: Our Thanks to Ben Wedeman there.

Let's talk more about the likelihood of the current truce being extended. Katie Bo Lillis is in Washington for us.

Katie Bo, we did hear from the adviser to the Qatari prime minister, using words such as "hopeful" and "optimistic" earlier this morning that this

truce could be extended. It is clearly a priority for the United States, too.

What are we hearing from that side?

Are they sharing similar levels of optimism that this can be extended?

KATIE BO LILLIS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Julia, I think there are nonstop meetings going on right now behind the scenes, of course, in the region

between senior U.S. officials and between Qataris, between Israelis.

Everybody kind of pushing for this ultimate goal to try to get this truce extended. At least another day if not another couple of days. There has

been a real surge of senior U.S. officials to the region, which I think gives you a sense of exactly how serious the priority that this is.

Secretary of state Antony Blinken speaking in Brussels this morning, on the way to the region with meetings scheduled in Israel, the West Bank and

perhaps the UAE. CIA director Bill Burns leading meetings in Qatar yesterday with both his Egyptian, Israeli and Qatari counterparts.

And, of course, now we have learned today that the U.S. special envoy for hostage affairs, Roger Carstens, also in Israel, sort of working on the

broader issue of hostage release. His deputy has been there for the better part of the month.

So really kind of all hands on deck here, trying to get this pause in fighting extended at this point.

No clear confirmation that this is going to happen but, of course, as you mentioned, we heard from a senior Qatari official this morning, telling our

Kaitlan Collins that he is optimistic that, in the coming hours, we may hear some kind of announcement. But again no clear confirmation at this


So we will be watching closely to see what happens over the coming hours.

CHATTERLEY: We certainly will.

Let's bring in Oren Liebermann, he joins us now from Tel Aviv.

Oren, Ben Wedeman was suggesting earlier than, in terms of the extension Hamas is perhaps floating the prospect of further four days.


The Israelis, perhaps another two days. And as you and I were discussing last hour, the challenge that comes in beyond that, a two-day point, is the

fact that we are running out of women and children hostages for Hamas and perhaps their partners, too, in the region to release.

The question is, then what happens to the terms of these agreements or arrangements before starting to talk about some kind of detainee prisoner

swap on the Israeli side?

How many for each hostage in this case if we're talking about men and soldiers?

OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Right, and that is the question, Julia. The framework has been in place for quite some time. We

have known the big picture idea behind the agreement for even weeks before it was officially announced.

And that is a exchange of Israeli hostages, at first women and children in exchange for Palestinian prisoners. But the devil has always been in the

details here.

How many Israeli hostages for how many Palestinian prisoners?

The agreement was reached for a 1:3 ratio there. And we've seen that play out. As you point, out at some point, the current truce is going to run

into the cold, hard math of the fact that, according to the Israeli prime minister's office, there are 161 hostages remaining in Gaza, including

foreign nationals.

Only 35 or so of them are women and some of those are soldiers. And so there aren't enough of the women in children to keep this going. The

current agreement is going for a much longer period.

And that means that it's back to the drawing board and quickly if you want to keep this truce going. You have to find a number that can work.

How many Palestinian prisoners of essentially what are they being held for?

Are they detained?

Have they been arrested and charged?

How many of that group for Israeli elderly man held by Hamas?

And then for soldiers?

That math is likely to change with each of these iterations. And the problem is, if I'm not mistaken on the Israeli political side, it takes

time to approve a new deal each time. We saw how long it took for that to play out the first night that the deal was approved.

All of this is a tremendous challenge. So it is, I should say, incredibly encouraging that we're hearing optimism from the countries that they can

keep this going. And yet at some point, it is realistic just to look at it and wonder how far is optimism going to take you here.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, it is a critical question among many.

Katie Bo, can I bring you back in here, because I think one of the suggestions that's being made here and we -- oh, actually, I've lost her.

So I will come back to you, Oren, on this. Just to talk about the prospect of some kind of talks about a cease-fire for the full release of all of the


Just to your point about the challenges, particularly with Israeli politics perhaps, of the government agreeing to that, despite the pressure from some

of the hostage families, saying, do more to get all of these hostages released.

LIEBERMANN: At some point, there will be a cease-fire but I would say that the Israeli government, particularly prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu,

have made it abundantly and repeatedly clear that they intend to pursue their aims of this war, which is to destroy Hamas.

Is that a realistic goal from where we stand right now during this pause?

It seems a very, very long way off in a very difficult mission for Israel to achieve completely. And, yet it does still inevitably mean that the war


Israel's defense minister also promised the campaign going out here would be even bigger and stronger, even as the White House has urged Israel

privately to not unleash the same sort of damage and devastation on southern Gaza that we've seen on northern Gaza.

And to keep in, mind all of the hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians. Still, Israel will pursue in some fashion a continuation of

this war and that makes the prospect of a long-term cease-fire a true end to this round of fighting, very, very distant right now.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, you certainly didn't hear that from the United States and what we heard in the last 24 hours, certainly. Oren, I'm going to let you

go. Thank you so much for that report there.

Oren Liebermann there.

A further extension of Israel-Hamas truce would allow more aid to get into Gaza. USAID administrator Samantha Power says some 240 truckloads of aid

are now entering Gaza each day, carrying much-needed food, clothes and medical supplies.

Power says sustaining the flow of emergency assistance into Gaza will be crucial in the days and weeks ahead.


SAMANTHA POWER, U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: We are seeking, with our international partners, to take full advantage of this pause but

also to make sure that the flow of trucks and supplies continues, that this becomes a new normal.


CHATTERLEY: And Power noted that the amount of aid getting into Gaza remains a small fraction of what was going in before the war.


And humanitarian groups say the aid remains a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed to ease the growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza,

especially as the rainy season approaches. Larry Madowo joins us from Cairo now.

And Larry, those messages only echoing what you are saying, that simply, for all of the increase in aid that we have seen, 240 trucks a day now

compared to 500 trucks before the war began, it is simply not enough.

LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's right. And there has been a surge in aid to Gaza, to be clear. On Friday on the first day of the truce, every

day after that has been higher than the previous day.

And now U.S. officials estimate that around 140 trucks are coming to Gaza every day, which is important because bringing in food and fuel and water

and (INAUDIBLE) material and shelter as the rainy season gets by.

And they will need a whole lot more and according to U.N. estimates, 200 trucks coming in every two months just to meet the needs.

But here is the problem. There are a lot of trucks backed up on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing. Egyptian officials now telling

CNN that there are 572 trucks of aid waiting to get in at the (INAUDIBLE) checkpoint run by the Israelis.

They cannot go to Gaza until they go through that process. And that Israeli checkpoint takes hours until every truck is cleared. That is part of the

holdup here.

But so many people who are waiting for aid on the Gaza side just have not had that cleared to get past them and that has been an issue. That is

Qatari and Egyptian officials who want to move this process faster.

But also the ceiling that was put on this deal, 200 trucks, to be raised so that more aid can come in for the people who badly need it, 1.7 million

people displaced across the Strip. At the same, time they don't have basic essentials like power, water desalination plants, as you can see from this

individual who runs this facility in southern Gaza.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): We rarely get fuel and this means that we cannot provide water for the people and this leads to long queues

for thousands as we are not able to operate the facility because of the lack of fuel. People arrive here on foot from afar, around 10 or 20 or 30

kilometers away, just to obtain potable water.


MADOWO: And without power, they can't run the water deceleration plants but all of the infrastructure that people need in a functioning society.

CHATTERLEY: And Larry, can I ask a question about checks that are being done on these aid trucks that are now passing into Gaza, because part of

the holdup at the beginning of this process was that every vehicle was being checked.

And there were concerns about security and what indeed was being taken into Gaza beyond the crucial medical and beyond supplies.

How are these vehicles being checked?

MADOWO: The Israelis have to go through every truck to make sure it is bringing in what it thinks it is bringing in.

Is it food, fuel, is it cooking gas, is it winter weather gear?

Is it relief materials for the medical supplies?

And that is why it is such a slow process that takes hours, according to this Egyptian official.

In the best of times, our understanding is that going through the Rafah border crossing should take less than an hour, less than a half an hour if

they were just going straight from Egypt into Gaza. But that is another process. They have to drive down and go through this queue, in which they

are checked before they go into Gaza.

The other problem and the fear that the Israelis had was that this aid would be ending up in Hamas hands and would be aiding Hamas. And that has

been largely confirmed to be not true. It's going to people who need it. But this checkpoint is slowing things down considerably, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, certainly. Larry Madowo, thanks for having. You

Still to come here on CNN, the U.S. says that NATO support for Ukraine in its war with Russia is unwavering and shows no signs of fatigue. A live

report and more details ahead.

Plus, a severe winter storm system has been sweeping across Ukraine, putting this nation at war under additional stress.






U.S. secretary of state Antony Blinken says that NATO allies stand strong in their support for Ukraine in its ongoing war against Russia and there is

no sense of fatigue.

Kyiv has expressed concerns that the Israeli-Hamas war may be shifting the world's attention away from Ukraine.

However, Blinken says that NATO support for Ukraine is, quote, "unwavering." He spoke earlier at NATO's headquarters.


ANTONY BLINKEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: I heard a strong, enduring commitment on the part of alliance members to Ukraine, in making sure that

it had what it needs to defend itself, to retake territory seized from it by Russia but also to build itself up so that it can stand strongly on its

own feet, militarily, economically and democratically.


CHATTERLEY: Blinken's remarks came after meetings over the past few days with NATO foreign ministers in Belgium. For more, let's bring in Clare

Sebastian, who is following the story for us from London.

We can debate the prospect of whether or not fatigue exists; financial fatigue certainly exists, Clare.

CLARE SEBASTIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, I think it is good certainly for Ukraine to be there at this NATO Ukraine council. This is the first time

that it is met at the foreign minister level. This was the council set up at that NATO summit in Vilnius in July.

It's good to hear this rhetoric and these remarks, especially from the U.S., which is Ukraine's biggest military backer, saying that support is

unwavering. But support and practice is not unwavering because Congress has yet to pass new funding to provide more military aid to Ukraine.

And so the Pentagon is essentially having to ration what is left and to meter (sic) it out in its own words. The latest U.S. aid package to Ukraine

in November was less than 100 million.

We've seen packages over this year that were in the billions and so they are getting smaller. That is practically speaking. I think that there are

also concerns about fatigue in Europe. We've seen certainly this new government and Slovakia has counseled military aid to Ukraine.

The election and another lens, which the most votes were garnered by a far- right pro Russian politician has caused some concern there and the Netherlands has been a very staunch backer of Ukraine so far.

And so I think that this is a concerted effort that we saw from Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO secretary general, from Secretary Blinken and other

foreign ministers, to shift that narrative, to try to get that message across and that they are standing firm with Ukraine. They want to support

Ukraine as it tries to push Russia out of its territory.

And they do want to do that in the long term and work toward NATO membership. But I think some of that will ring a little hollow in Ukraine

as they are seeing those aid deliveries reduced, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, certainly. Clare Sebastian, thank you so much for that.

A heavy snowstorm has swept through Ukraine leaving at least 10 people dead and hundreds of towns and villages without power. The severe weather system

has also impacted Ukraine's war with Russia. Anna Coren reports.


ANNA COREN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Heavy snow and ferocious winds as a severe winter storm sweeps across Ukraine, putting a nation at war

under additional strain.

Days of extreme weather here has left at least 10 people dead, more than 20 injured and hundreds of villages and towns without power, according to

Ukraine's interior ministry; the southern region of Odessa taking the hardest impact.

VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT (through translator): Unfortunately, as of now, there are some deaths. The highest number is in

the Odessa region. Five people. My condolences to their families and friends.

COREN (voice-over): The storm was caused by a low pressure system over Eastern Europe over the weekend.


On Sunday, wind speeds of up to 65 miles per hour were reported; 1,500 responders were taking part in operations across the country, according to

officials, and power engineers were working to restore the electricity supply to households.

The severe weather also hit Russia and occupied Crimea, where a state of emergency was called for parts of the peninsula. 93,000 there were left

without electricity and the water supply for 245 villages was disrupted, according to Russia's local head of the peninsula.

The residents of Ukraine's capital their thoughts will be those now fighting a war in even harsher conditions.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): I start crying when I think about the soldiers, it's hard to imagine what it feels like there. These

are very heavy thoughts.

COREN (voice-over): A harsh winter getting only harsher still. More heavy snow and rain is expected to hit Ukraine this week, bringing further danger

and possible devastation -- Anna Coren, CNN, Kyiv.


CHATTERLEY: Coming up on CONNECT THE WORLD, down to the wire: negotiators continue talks just hours before a six-day pause in fighting between Israel

and Hamas is set to expire. We will speak with an international peace scholar about the likelihood that the truce may be extended.

Plus, freed after 50 days and Hamas captivity, the father of 9-year-old former hostage Emily Hand describes how she survived. That is ahead.




CHATTERLEY (voice-over): Welcome back to CONNECT THE WORLD with me, Julia Chatterley, and your headlines this hour.

The U.S. military says the search and rescue operation is underway after an Osprey aircraft crashed off the coast of Japan. Japan's Coast Guard says at

least one person was killed and six were on board. The Japanese Coast Guard released this image of what is believed to be debris from the crash.

Saudi Arabia's capital city, Riyadh, is celebrating its winning bid to host the 2030 World Expo. Riyadh beat bids from Rome and South Korea's Busan.


CHANCE (voice-over): Reports say the Saudi's plan to spend more than $7 billion building the expo site. The event brings together nations from

around the world to share their technological innovations, cultural achievements and more.

And Lebanon's prime minister expressed hope for a lasting peace as he talked to his cabinet about the impact of the Israel-Hamas war on Lebanon.

Najib Mikati thanked Lebanon's regional and international allies for negotiating the current truce.

Cross border fighting between Hezbollah and Israel has virtually stopped since the beginning of the pause and Gaza.

And the father of a 9-year-old former hostage, who initially thought his daughter had been killed, is sharing some of what she went through during

her time and Hamas captivity. Emily Hand was reunited with her father on Saturday and Clarissa Ward has more.


THOMAS HAND, EMILY'S FATHER: He said, they should be here in a couple of minutes, like, whoa, I can't believe it. And all of a sudden, the door

opened up and she just ran.

It was beautiful, just like in -- just like I imagined it, you know, running together. I squeezed. I probably squeezed too hard.

CLARISSA WARD, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It was a moment Thomas Hand thought would never come, told his 9-year- old

daughter Emily had been killed in the October 7th attacks, then that she was believed to be held hostage in Gaza. Finally, reunited with her family

after 50 days in captivity, free but visibly haunted by her ordeal.

HAND: And suddenly, when she stepped back a little, I could see her face was chiseled like mine. But before she left it was chubby, girly, young kid


Yes, she's lost a lot of body weight and the color, I've never seen her so white.

The other and the most shocking, disturbing part of meeting her was -- she was just whispering. I couldn't hear her. I had to put my ear on her lips,

like this close, and say, "What did you say?"

"I thought you were kidnapped."

WARD: She said, "I thought you were kidnapped"?

HAND: She thought I was in captivity.

WARD: And what has she told you about what she's gone through?

HAND: I thought she was in the tunnels but she wasn't in the tunnels. They were actually fleeing from house to house. Some like it's being referred to

as (inaudible). She says the kufsa (ph), the box. So you have to say, like, how long were you in the box?

The kufsa (ph). She said a year.

And apart from the whispering, that was like a punch in the gut.

WARD: There's that one photograph right after your reunion and you're holding her. And there is this sort of seriousness to her facial


HAND: Yes. She's almost staring, isn't she?

A little bit of a disconnect with everything going on around her.

WARD: Has she cried?

HAND: Oh, yes, yes. Last night, she cried until her face was red and blotchy and she couldn't stop. She -- like she didn't want any comfort.

I think -- I guess, she's forgotten how to be comforted. I just had to wait until she come out of it by herself. And she knows how to do that. She's a

very determined little girl, very strong. I knew that her spirit would get her through it.

WARD (voice-over): There have been glimpses of the old Emily, her first request to listen to Beyonce and play with the family dog. But many moments

of pain like when Thomas was forced to break the news to her that his ex- wife, Narkis, had been killed.

WARD: Does Emily understand what happened on October 7th?

HAND: Yes, yes, yes. Unfortunately, she does. And I had to tell her, "You know, your second mom is dead, killed, shot."

When we got back to the hospital, I asked the psychiatrist, you know, what do I do?

What should I do?

He said you've just got to tell her straight. It's the best way.



But yes, that was very hard because we told her. And, you know, her little eyes glazed up and she just went, took a sharp intake of breath. Terrible

thing to tell a child but then they recommend that you have to close the book.

It sounds cruel but you have to stop their hope. You've got to stop that. It has to be final. Narkis is dead.

WARD: And so what is the next step now?

How long do you stay here?

How do you start a new life?

HAND: The future is obviously get Emily back to health and we will do that along the way. But the next thing is -- along the way is that we have to

get all the children, obviously, all the women, all the men, all the hostages have to come back. They have to be brought back.


CHATTERLEY: Right now mediators for both Israel and Hamas are working toward another potential extension of the truce now in its sixth day. A top

Qatari official telling CNN they are hopeful for an announcement on a deal by day's end.

Meanwhile, America's top diplomat says his focus is also on extending the pause as he heads to the Middle East later Wednesday. It will be secretary

of state Antony Blinken's third trip to the region since the start of the Israel-Hamas war.

Now when the fighting in Gaza resumes, be it within hours or days, Israeli officials stress their military objectives have not changed. But U.S.

officials are urging Israel to be more precise when targeting Hamas militants and infrastructure amid growing outrage over the soaring death

toll, almost 15,000 killed, mostly civilians, in less than two months.

According to the Hamas-controlled ministry of health and Gaza. And as Alex Marquardt reports, senior officials have been in daily contact with their

Israeli counterparts, urging more caution.


ALEX MARQUARDT, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: With the pause between Israel and Hamas expected to continue into Wednesday, a sixth day,

the question is, what happens then?

What does day seven look like?

Could Israel start its military operations up and Gaza again?

Or will Hamas continue to release hostages?

The hope by the Biden administration is that the pause does continue and more hostages continue to come out. The quiet goes on for a bit longer,

they hope, and more aid goes into Gaza to deal with the really catastrophic humanitarian situation.

Tuesday saw the CIA director, Bill Burns, and the Qatari capital of Doha to work on just that. He has become President Biden's point man on all hostage

issues, meeting in Doha with Qatari officials and his Israeli and Egyptian counterparts.

Burns' goal was also to try to broaden the negotiations to more than just women and children and to try to get men and Israeli soldiers out, which,

everyone agrees, will be much more difficult.

The Biden administration is also urging Israel that, if they start their operations up again militarily in Gaza, which they say that they will, to

be much more careful, to be more cautious, more surgical and precise to try to minimize the often deadly impact on Gazans civilians, most of whom are

now displaced -- Alex Marquardt, CNN, Washington.


CHATTERLEY: Coming up on CONNECT THE WORLD, the head of the COP28 climate summit, the U.N. chief, telling the world why he is shocked and worried for

the planet.

And there's been a change of plans for one of the biggest names expected at that summit in Dubai. All the details on that too, next.





CHATTERLEY: Welcome back.

The head of the U.N. is urging world leaders to tackle fossil fuels and their impact on the environment. It comes out of the COP28 climate summit

in Dubai, which kicks off on Thursday.

Antonio Guterres used a visit to Antarctica over the weekend to highlight the climate crisis.

Posting on X, quote, "It is profoundly shocking to stand on the ice of Antarctica and hear directly from scientists just how fast the ice is

melting. The cause is clear: fossil fuel pollution."

Representatives from nearly 200 countries are expected to attend COP28. But the leaders of the two world's biggest carbon polluters, U.S. President Joe

Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping, are not expected to be there.

The leader of the COP28 climate summit also denies using the talks to strike oil deals. Sultan Al Jaber is hitting back at allegations that have

been suggested by some leaked documents.

He told a Dubai news conference that this is, quote, "an attempt to undermine the work of the COP28 presidency."

Meanwhile thousands of people are expected in Dubai for the summit. But there will be a notable absence. Pope Francis will not attend on the advice

of his doctors. The Vatican says the pope is just getting over the flu. Barbie Nadeau reports from Rome.


BARBIE NADEAU, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Pope Francis, one of the most traveled world leaders, has been grounded. He will not be going to

Dubai this week to address COP28 on climate change -- doctor's orders.

After suffering lung inflammation last week, the pontiff, who turns 87 in December, has been told to stay put. Extra care for a man who had part of

one of his lungs removed as a young man.

At his Wednesday audience in Rome, he was on his own two feet. But he admitted that he is not quite his usual self.

POPE FRANCIS, PONTIFF, ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (through translator): I am still not well with this flu. And my voice is not nice.

NADEAU (voice-over): Since his election in March 2013, the pontiff has taken 44 trips to 62 countries. But he has also had some serious medical

problems and has been hospitalized three times in the last two years.

He has part of his colon removed in July 2021 and returned to the hospital twice in 2023, the last time in June for an abdominal surgery. Whenever a

pope is sick, it is assured that the faithful start to pray.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I hope and wish him a speedy recovery. Obviously, his health is most important. Hopefully he can get back soon to leading and to

getting back to work.

NADEAU (voice-over): Last year Pope Francis said he signed a resignation letter in case he becomes incapacitated.

The hardworking pope still has plans for the Catholic Church and does not seem ready to leave center stage anytime soon -- Barbie Latza Nadeau, CNN,



CHATTERLEY: We wish him a speedy recovery, too.

Now for the first time a transatlantic test flight operated by a commercial airline was powered by 100 percent sustainable aviation fuel. Virgin

Atlantic Flight 100 traveling from London to New York made history on Tuesday by running on the fuel. Have a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Virgin 100, cleared for takeoff. Thank you, well- wishers. Both engines are running on 100 percent sustainable aviation fuel. We are ready to go.


CHATTERLEY: Now the founder of Virgin Atlantic, Richard Branson, was on that flight and he spoke to CNN earlier about it.


SIR RICHARD BRANSON, FOUNDER, VIRGIN GROUP: Really was a, you know, truly historic moment.

Now we know it can be -- it can -- it can fly, we could fly.


We could have flown to L.A. We could have flown to Tokyo. We could have flown to anywhere in the world. Now we've just got to get the fuel

companies and we've got to get entrepreneurs to start making enormous quantities so that, you know, our planes can fly on it.

You know, we also have a cruise company. We would like our cruise company to be able to use it. And this will be an important part and sort of

tipping the world into a clean energy world.



But what does it cost and is it scalable?

Critics say this kind of sustainable fuel used by the plane will do little to clean up aviation's climate impact.

OK, moments from now, dignitaries and loved ones pay their respect for the late former U.S. first lady, Rosalynn Carter. Details on today's service up





CHANCE (voice-over): A loving tribute to former U.S. first lady, Rosalynn Carter, continues today. A private funeral service is scheduled to begin in

just a few moments in Plains, Georgia. Loved ones and friends will gather at the Maranatha Baptist Church.

A long list of dignitaries attended a memorial in Atlanta on Tuesday. This included her 99 year old husband, the former U.S. President, Jimmy Carter,

as Nick Valencia reports.


NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: On a brisk Atlanta day under the beaming Georgia sun, family and friends of the former first lady, Rosalynn Carter,

gathered to celebrate her life.

At 96 years old, her death was far from a life cut short. Her husband of more than 77 years, who was rarely seen without her, the former president

Jimmy Carter, was there by her side, for one final time, despite his frail health.

The 39th president has been receiving hospice care since February. He's appearance was visibly diminished but he reportedly was so determined to be

there. He had a new suit tailor made for the service.

Also in the front, all of the living former first ladies, along with President Joe Biden, first lady Jill Biden and former president Bill


Melania Trump sitting on the end of the row in a rare public appearance. She has largely avoided the public eye since her husband left office. She

was seated next to Michelle Obama, their husbands did not attend.

Three generations of Carters were also present there. All four of their children and 11 of their grandchildren who served as honorary pallbearers.

Their marriage described by so many, especially their own children, as one of the greatest love stories of all time.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They've given us such a great example of how a couple should relate.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My mom spent most of her life in love with my dad.

VALENCIA: Their youngest child and only daughter Amy struggling through tears reading a letter written 75 years ago by her father to her mother

when he was serving in the Navy.

AMY CARTER, ROSALYNN CARTER'S DAUGHTER: "When I see you, I fall in love with you all over again.

"Does that seem strange to you?

"It doesn't to me. Goodbye, darling, until tomorrow. Jimmy."

VALENCIA: Jason Carter, the couple's grandson, recounting some of his fondest memories with his grandmother.


JASON CARTER, ROSALYNN CARTER'S GRANDSON: We were on a family trip, we were in a flight on Delta from here to somewhere and we were all sitting in

the back of the airplane together.

It took off and we looked over, my grandmother took out this Tupperware of pimento cheese and this loaf of bread and she just started making

sandwiches. And she gave it to all of us grandkids and then she started giving it to other people on the plane.

VALENCIA: A touching celebration for a woman who led such a full life and delivered hope to so very many people in this world.

Tuesday's services were poignant, they were somber and even at times lighthearted. They very much so a public celebration of life for the former

first lady. On Wednesday a third and final day of memorial services will be held.

Her motorcade will make a funeral procession through Plains, Georgia, in a very much more smaller ceremony. The first lady is headed home -- Nick

Valencia, CNN, Atlanta.


CHATTERLEY: Republican presidential candidate, Nikki Haley, has received the endorsement of the powerful conservative political network associated

with billionaire Charles Koch. This is the latest sign of the growing support for her campaign. But Donald Trump is still far and away the front-

runner in the race. Jeff Zeleny reports.


JEFF ZELENY, CNN U.S. NATIONAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Nikki Haley on the move tonight, hoping to capitalize on a golden endorsement in

the Republican presidential race.

NIKKI HALEY (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Trump It's pretty much even with Biden. On a good day, he might be two points up. In every poll, we beat

Biden by 10 to 13 points.

ZELENY (voice-over): One of the nation's most powerful conservative grassroots organizations, financed by billionaire Charles Koch, has crowned

Haley as its choice to try and dethrone Donald Trump as the overwhelming Republican frontrunner and unseat President Biden in the White House.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Joe Biden and Donald Trump had their chance. They can't fix what's broken.

ZELENY (voice-over): The question for Haley is whether she'll ever get the chance and move beyond the race for second place. Today's highly coveted

endorsement from Americans for Prosperity Action is the latest attempt by some GOP heavy hitters to urge voters to coalesce around a Trump

alternative. The group is pledging to spend millions on television ads and more. Yet it's far from certain how many Republicans are actually looking

for one.

WAYNE GRACHEK, REPUBLICAN VOTER: Right now Trump has my vote.

ZELENY (voice-over): We met Wayne Grachek walking into a Haley rally on Monday in South Carolina. Her rise intrigues him and he's open to her

candidacy, yet far from sold.

GRACHEK: I want to look at all candidates, you know, to see who has and who's going to finally get my vote. But I am strongly leaning toward Trump.

ZELENY (voice-over): That sentiment underscores one of Haley's biggest challenges, navigating a Trump tightrope by appealing to Republicans

clamoring for anyone but Trump, even as she works to win over true Trump believers.

ELAINE MYERS, REPUBLICAN VOTER: We got to find somebody other than Trump.

ZELENY (voice-over): Elaine Myers told us she voted for Trump twice but believes he can't win next year.

MYERS: A vote for him is going to be a vote for Biden. And I hope that doesn't happen and that's why I'm voting for Nikki.

ZELENY (voice-over): Yet she's hardly the only candidate. Haley is locked in an increasingly bitter battle with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis,

particularly in Iowa, where he's won several big endorsements of his own. They'll face off again next week at the fourth Republican debate.

HALEY: The stage is getting smaller. When the stage gets smaller, our chances get bigger.

ZELENY (voice-over): The views of Haley, a former U.N. ambassador, are now coming under closer view. Her hawkish foreign policy stands in sharp

contrast, with the rising isolationist strains in her party.

HALEY: Now you have D.C., saying, do we support Ukraine or do we support Israel?

Do we support Israel or do we support closing the border?

Don't let them tell you that because that is a false premise.

ZELENY (voice-over): She also faces other potential roadblocks, including Chris Christie's candidacy in New Hampshire. He's trying to win over some

of the same independent and moderate Republican voters. Haley makes clear a split ticket benefits Trump above all.

HALEY: We are now in second place in Iowa, second place in New Hampshire and second place in South Carolina. We just have one more fellow we got to

catch up to.

ZELENY: With less than seven weeks to go before the voting begins and the Republican presidential race starting in Iowa followed by here in New

Hampshire, endorsements are key.

Now of course, endorsements don't win races outright but they do create momentum. That's what the Haley campaign is looking for at this moment.

Momentum in the race for second place. They're eager for that one-on-one contest with Donald Trump. Of course, we'll see next year if that happens -

- Jeff Zeleny, CNN, Derry, New Hampshire.


CHATTERLEY: In other news before we let you go, Tiger Woods is set to return to competitive golf this week as both the host and a participant in

the Hero World Challenge at the Albany Golf Club in the Bahamas.


In an interview, the 15 time major winner said he will walk away from golf only when he believes he can no longer win.


TIGER WOODS, 15 TIME MAJOR WINNER: What drives me is I love to compete. There will come a point in time, I have not come around to fully yet, that

I won't be able to win again. When that day comes, I will walk. Now I can walk -- I won't say run away but I will say walk away.

QUESTION: You being here assumes you think you can still win?

WOODS: Absolutely.


CHATTERLEY: Woods underwent ankle surgery back in May, the latest of a number of physical injuries that have troubled the star since a car crash

two years ago. The Hero World Challenge starts on Thursday. I will say not done, yet judging by that face but we are.

That is it for CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Julia Chatterley. Stay with CNN, "STATE OF THE RACE WITH KASIE HUNT" is up next.
