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Roughly 50,000 have Left Rafah in Past 48 Hours; Gaza Orphan Remembers Family Killed in the Conflict; Chinese President's Europe Tour Continues in Serbia; Biden to Unveil New AI Facility in Wisconsin; Wisconsin Voters Speak Out on the Election, Economy. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired May 08, 2024 - 09:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: This was the scene in Rafah after Israeli airstrikes killed at least 35 people including a four month

old baby that's in the past 24 hours alone. It's 4 pm in Gaza, its 5 pm here in Abu Dhabi. I'm Becky Anderson. You're watching "Connect the World".

Also happening over the next two hours after explosive testimony from Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump's hush money court case on Tuesday, a

federal judge has postponed his classified documents trial in Florida indefinitely. Michigan has been hit by tornadoes and violent storms with

more to come from much of Central and Eastern United States just as another record moment of heat is being recorded.

And join France but not for Paris, Borussia Dortmund, giving a sensational performance to reach the Champions League final. Well, the stock market in

New York will open about 30 minutes from now 9:30 local time and it's just after 9 o'clock in the morning in New York. And that is a picture as far as

the futures markets are concerned the indication at least is that these markets will open slightly lower today.

We'll keep an eye on that bottom of the hour. We'll get you the opening numbers. Well, a U.S. official tells CNN that an American weapons shipment

to Israel was paused last week over concerns that bombs in the shipments weighing 2000 pounds can be used in Rafah.

Previous CNN analysis has shown that Israel has already dropped hundreds of these massive bombs on Gaza. Meantime, despite weeks of public opposition

from Washington, Israel says its operations in Rafah will continue until Hamas is eliminated there or that the first hostage returns.

About 50,000 people have fled Gaza's border city in the past 48 hours according to a U.N. agency. We'll stay across these moving lines for you.

Jeremy Diamond is in Jerusalem. Natasha Bertrand is at the Pentagon. Jeremy, let me start with you. We're looking at images of Rafah.

We are aware of the operation there. Now over the past what 36 hours and from airstrikes, continued killings of Palestinians? What's next for Rafah?

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That is a very difficult question to answer at this stage, Becky, because what we are seeing right now is a

fairly limited Israeli military operation contained to the Eastern part of Rafah mostly in and around the Rafah border crossing. The Israeli military

continuing not only to operate with ground troops tanks, armored personnel carriers on the ground, but also carrying out airstrikes from the air.

At least 100 targets were hit according to the Israeli military over the last 24 hours in terms of airstrikes. But does this portend a wider ground

defense of the kind that has been threatened for months? That much is unknown at this stage. Certainly that is the intention longer term. But how

quickly that could come is really unclear right now.

But we are already starting to see the impact that even this limited military operation is having. The Israeli military ordered 100,000 or so

residents of Eastern Rafah to leave their homes to evacuate north to the Al-Mawasi. Humanitarian zone as the Israeli military is calling it

according to the United Nations agency for Palestinians UNRWA in Rafah.

They say that about 50,000 people have actually fled as far as they can tell. But we are also seeing impacts to hospitals, at least one major

hospitals shutting down altogether amid these military operations, trying to set up a field hospital. Elsewhere in the area humanitarian aid groups

that regularly operated in Rafah are seeing their operations impacted.

And this just really speaks to what a refuge Rafah has been for months of war and the extent to which that is now being threatened. The Rafah border

crossing as we've been talking about, it remains closed at this hour.


But today, the Israeli military did reopen the Kerem Shalom crossing not too far away which has been the major point where if humanitarian aid

trucks have been undergoing security screenings and also where they have been going into Gaza that crossing reopened today, according to COGAT, that

Israeli agency in charge of humanitarian aid to Gaza, but the Rafah border crossing, no indication yet have a timeline for when it may reopen.

ANDERSON: Stay with me, Jeremy. I want to bring in Natasha, we report at the top of this hour. Natasha that the U.S. has chosen to pause, the

shipments of a number of significant weapons they've decided to do that now. Or at least it is now that we aren't reporting this why now? Is the

timing significant to your mind? Is it clear?

NATASHA BERTRAND, CNN NATIONAL SECURITY REPORTER: -- told from U.S. officials is that this decision to stop or pause, this shipment of over

3500 bombs to Israel came amid these discussions between the U.S. and Israel about how Israel was going to move forward with a potential ground

incursion into Rafah.

And over the last several weeks, the U.S., of course, has not seen a credible plan by the Israelis that would protect the more than 1 million

Palestinian civilians who have been sheltering there. And so we're told that this decision to pause this transfer of weapons came as a direct

result of the Israelis not providing the U.S. with a plan to protect those civilians.

And so the U.S. is now actually exerting its leverage over these weapons sales to send a message to the Israelis for the first time really since

October 7th. We should note that the U.S. has been transferring these bombs to Israel repeatedly over the last several months, including as recently as

last month.

But we're told that it's these 2000 pound bombs that the administration has previously sent to the Israelis and that the Israelis have used to

devastating effect inside Gaza elsewhere on the strip that is really concerning for the administration that the Israelis might use these bombs

inside Rafah in an extremely densely populated area, where civilians have really nowhere else to go in the Gaza Strip.

That led the U.S. to consider finally up putting a pause on the transfer of these weapons. Now, this is just a pause, it is potentially temporary and

it could be lifted if the Israelis provide the U.S. with a credible plan to remove those civilians prior to conducting any kind of major operation in


But it is a significant, at least political message, at least a signal to the Israelis that the U.S. is willing, at long last to finally leverage the

influence that it has in terms of military support to the Israelis to pretty much force a policy shift by the Israelis in terms of how they're

carrying out this war, Becky.

ANDERSON: Bring Jeremy back in, yesterday I spoke with the Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, Jeremy, about the negotiations that are

ongoing as we now understand it in Cairo for the hostage for prisoners ceasefire plan as it were, let's have a listen.


AYMAN SAFADI, JORDANIAN FOREIGN MINISTER: There are negotiations mediators are saying that they are close. Netanyahu is obligated to give those

negotiations a chance. Unfortunately, he's done just the opposite. And again, he's pushing towards further escalation that would undermine the

strenuous efforts that were made to get to a deal.


SAFADI: And obviously, conducting another massacre against Palestinians.


ANDERSON: The Jordanian Foreign Minister, they're firmly placing the finger of blame on Benjamin Netanyahu. What are you hearing from your sources as

to the kind of pressure that the Israeli Prime Minister is under at present?

DIAMOND: Well, he's under a variety of pressures. I mean, he's under pressure from the right wing governing coalition that keeps him in office

to prioritize this military operation in Rafah and to not end the war before Hamas is destroyed the goal that he has set out of course.

That is a goal that military analysts say is going to be very hard if not impossible to achieve in terms of destroying Hamas altogether. But he is

also facing pressure from the Israeli public, from a majority of, whom, believed that of hostage deal should be prioritized over a military

operation in Rafah.

New poll just came out from the Israel democracy institute that shows that 56 percent of Jewish Israelis believe a deal to release the hostages should

be a top priority, while 37 percent say the same about a military operation in Rafah. But one thing is clear is the Israeli Prime Minister has long

believed that the military operations can work hand in hand with negotiations.

There is some evidence although pretty limited evidence for that actually working but here's the Israeli Prime Minister talking about that connection

as it relates to Rafah yesterday.



BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER: Pressure on Hamas is a necessary condition for the return of our hostages. The Hamas proposal

yesterday was intended to torpedo the entry of our forces into Rafah, it did not happen.


DIAMOND: And we know, of course, that more pressure needs to be brought to bear if Hamas has to change its position. I mean, we know that Hamas in

this latest proposal has demanded an end to the world together for Israel to agree to withdraw all troops from Gaza. And the second phase of this


Those have been ideas that the Israeli Prime Minister and his government have outright refused. And interestingly, even Benny Gantz, a member of the

coalition who has favored hostage talks, a hostage deal over military operations in Gaza. He was also on the same side of Netanyahu in viewing

this latest proposal from Hamas as simply not meeting Israel's core demands. So negotiations continue, Israel CIA Director Bill Burns, I'm

told, just met with the Israeli Prime Minister just a few hours ago, Becky.

ANDERSON: Fascinating. Watch this space, always good to have you, Jeremy. Thank you very much indeed. Well Israel's war with Hamas has taken a

staggering toll on Gaza's children. More than 13,000 dead, thousands more injured with many losing limbs and about 20,000 now orphaned. Well CNN's

Jomana Karadsheh meets one orphan child who is coping with the pain of losing her parents.


JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): During giggles and shrieks at the same time, the pain from bending her knees is just too much.

You promise you won't make me cry today she tells the nurse. Months of these physical therapy sessions after multiple surgeries, has gotten her

back up on her feet, starting to walk again as she turned 11.

Last time we saw, Darin she was laying injured, unconscious in a hospital bed in Gaza last October. She and her brother Kenan had just survived an

Israeli airstrike. Kenan was quiet and confused, barely able to open his eyes. Their great aunt is by their bedside, trying to shield them from the

most crushing of news.

DARIN ALBAYYA, PARENTS KILLED IN GAZA: For the first time now I feel that I am an orphan. In the morning when I go to school, my mom and dad are not

there to give them a kiss before I leave.

KARADSHEH (voice-over): Darin and Kenan now know they were the only ones who survived that airstrike. Their mom, dad, and an eight year old brother

Alid (ph) are gone. Their grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins 70 loved ones are perished that October day. Children made it out to Qatar for

medical treatment.

They have new friends they go to school, they play and laugh. But beneath this veneer of normal -- is the pains they share with nearly 20,000

Palestinian children with the U.N. estimates have lost their parents in this war. Five years old Kenan seems oblivious to it all but sometimes is -

- He pretends he's on the phone to his parents.

They laugh, they smile, but they also cry Ursula (ph) tells us. Sometimes I can't be strong anymore. I hugged it in and we cry. Then I pull myself

together and tell her we have to be strong and get through this. Ursula (ph) separated from her own family in Gaza has not left their side since


She's become, their, everything they now call her Tata or grandma. Not a day goes by for Darin without thinking of her parents and all those she's

lost. She interrupts her interview several times to look through their photos. It's what she does when she misses them.

ALBAYYA: I miss mom's cooking. I miss mom, my dad and my brother. Dad made me my own princess themed room. Mum used to spoil me. When I was little and

war would come, it would last a few days but this war is unlike any other war. God chose to take the people we love, the good people.

KARADSHEH (voice-over): On a call to her injured uncle in Gaza, that he breaks down begging anyone to get him and his family out. She has to

protect them she says. It's that all-consuming fear of losing those she has left.

ALBAYYA: I wish I could go back to Gaza, but what will be left in Gaza? Destruction, people are all in tents. Gaza is no longer Gaza. It is now a

city of ghosts.

KARADSHEH (voice-over): For now she's finding her own way of dealing with grief.


I am not sad that my family was killed, because they are happy in heaven. They are not dead, they are alive. We don't see them but they see us.

KARADSHEH (voice-over): Jomana Karadsheh, CNN, Doha.


ANDERSON: Amidst all the trauma and suffering a high stakes report due out in Washington that could have significant repercussions on future U.S.

policy towards Israel. The Biden administration will present to Congress, its findings on whether Israel has violated international humanitarian law

during the war.

The report has been months in the making and the subject of intense debate within the White House. Kylie Atwood is with us. What can we expect and

when, Kylie?

KYLIE ATWOOD, CNN U.S. SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Well, the report was due to Congress today, Becky, but we're told by congressional sources that the

administration has said it's going to be slightly delayed, probably you know, we'll see it within the next week or so here.

But as you said, it's looking at the use of U.S. weaponry by Israel. And if they're using those weapons in accordance with international humanitarian

law, the Secretary of State has to gather assurances from Israel that they are doing so but then make the determination as to if those assurances are

credible and reliable.

And there's pressure from lawmakers in his own party, Senator Van Hollen, who has been an advocate for this national security memo that required this

report saying that the U.S. shouldn't just take on face value, the assurances they're getting from Israel. But should have actual evidence

from Israel should have explanations from Israel, for why they carried out certain strikes that could have been perceived to be out of line with

international humanitarian law.

The other part of this report that it's going to make a determination on is whether Israel impeded the delivery of humanitarian assistance getting into

Gaza. That's another key one, because U.S. officials have consistently said that Israel is doing more, but they have also said that Israel isn't doing

enough. So where did they land on that key question?

And, Becky, this is not a report that is going to require a policy change. But it could certainly trigger one, it could certainly trigger pressure on

the Biden administration to change the way that it has been consistently going ahead with these arms sales to Israel. Of course, we know that

there's a pause on one of those at this moment in time.

But this is a really key moment for when this report is coming to fruition. I also want to note that in the backdrop, there have been other

organizations Amnesty International, just in the last few weeks that have said that Israel is using U.S. weaponry in a way that is not in accordance

with international humanitarian law.

ANDERSON: Kylie, good to have you. And viewers, you can keep up with the very latest on that U.S. Israel relationship. There are fast moving

developments on that and across this region. And where I'm broadcasting to you from of course, this is our Middle East programming hub in Abu Dhabi.

And our "Meanwhile in the Middle East" newsletter is where you will find the action, including this piece on why a landmark security deal between

the U.S. and Saudi Arabia hinges on Israel. If you haven't signed up yet, please do, you'll get the region's biggest stories and why they matter

direct to your inbox three times a week.

You're watching "Connect the World", I'm Becky Anderson now for you time here 18 minutes past 5, 18 minutes past 9 in the U.S. certainly on the east

coast of the U.S. Still to come we are following a big legal win for Donald Trump and what his four criminal cases. A live report on that is just




ANDERSON: Well, the adult film star at the center of what is Donald Trump's hush money trial took the witness stand on Tuesday divulging quite frankly

salacious details about an alleged affair with Trump. Some of Stormy Daniels, his remarks were so explicit in fact that the judge cut her off

several times saying some things were quote, better left unsaid.

Court transcripts indicate Trump was cursing and shaking his head during Daniels' his testimony while the defense demanded a mistrial over Daniels'

explicit descriptions, which the judge denied. Trump did not say a word about Daniels after court ended but claimed the prosecution's case is

falling apart.

Well we wait for Donald Trump's criminal trial in New York to resume on Thursday. A federal judge on Tuesday postponed his classified documents

trial in Florida indefinitely. The trial has been scheduled to start this month. Judge Aileen Cannon, Trump appointee says there is much more work to

be done around classified evidence in the case before a jury can be chosen.

She said the process will take until at least late July. CNN's Evan Perez is following this developing story from Washington. And let's just

concentrate on this classified documents case. This is a federal case, of course.


ANDERSON: Why might the move by Judge Cannon is considered a significant win for team Trump? That's certainly how they are playing this.

PEREZ: Right. Well, the Trump team has been making a number of requests of the judge pre-trial motions. So far, she says she has eight of them that

are pending. And she has been very slow in tackling any one of these. And so what we now see from her latest order, Becky is that the judge is

scheduling a number of hearings, including a too late in June, where she will consider a couple of very long shot requests by the former president.

And one of them is to get access to documents that Trump claims will show that this was a malicious prosecution. And the second one has to do with

his -- claim that Jack Smith, the Special Counsel was unlawfully appointed again, both of these motions are things that in other cases have been

discarded by judges very quickly. But she is going to actually hold hearings. And that's what she's been doing with a lot of these things.

Typically judges often ask for lawyers to brief and to provide filings and then make decisions. She doesn't do that. And so what we see from her is

that this is now delaying things, at least as you pointed out to July, which means that we're not likely to see a trial before November that seems

to be pretty clear now. Given that the calendar and given the slowness, with which Judge Cannon has taken this case forward, Becky.

ANDERSON: Therein lies the sort of wider significance of this. Thank you. Let's get you up to speed on some of the stories that are on our radar

right now folks. And Russian forces have carried out what's being called a massive missile attack on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, wounding 3


According to Ukrainian authorities strikes in the early hours of Wednesday, targeted power facilities from Lviv in the West to Zaporizhzhia in the

Southeast. Chinese President Xi Jinping is in Serbia meeting with the President of the Balkan country to discuss investments is part of Mr. Xi's

first European tour in five years.


This visit coincides with the 25th anniversary of NATO's accidental bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. He travels to Hungary next. And Prince

Harry is in London marking the 10th anniversary of his Invictus Games. But the fifth in line to the British throne will be catching up with his father

King Charles during this visit home.

Duke of Sussex of course has had a difficult relationship with his wider family in recent years. So unprecedented heat streak is stretched to 11

months -- April temperatures soaring the warmest on record, according to data from Copernicus, the European Union so climate monitoring service.

Scientists are warning that there is a strong chance. 2024 could now end up being the hottest year ever for the planet breaking 2023's record. Well

Michigan has been time being hit by tornadoes and violent storms with more to come from much of Central and Eastern United States. At least a dozen

people were injured in a mobile home park while 50 were trapped when the roof was torn off this FedEx facility.

They were later rescued by authorities with no reports of serious injuries. At least nine tornadoes were reported leaving tens of thousands of homes

without power. More than 145 million people from Texas to the Carolinas now face the risk of severe weather. Well, the Middle East tourism sector is

strong, COVID in conflict not keeping this region down.

We'll break down the surprising travel numbers and explain what is driving them with our market watch which is up next. Plus, TikTok ready to find a

potential ban in the U.S. in court in what is shaping up to be an historic legal battle. More on that is after this.



ANDERSON: And we are out of the gate in New York. It is 9:30 am there. New York Stock Exchange opens for another day of trading as U.S. markets

continue to try and recover from a tough April. Well, let me tell you that these markets were down on the futures and they have opened lower, only


So let's just let those settle for a moment. I'm Becky Anderson, in Abu Dhabi, where the time is 5:30 in the afternoon. You're watching "Connect

the World". Will TikTok suing to block a U.S. law that could force a nationwide ban of the popular app. Now this is said to be an historic legal

battle pitting security concerns about the platform against user's right to free speech. Clare Duffy is following all of this from New York. And she

joins us now.

Proponents of this ban have said TikTok poses a national security threat. This is of course, from China ByteDance being the owner of TikTok and that

is a Chinese company, mostly although I have to say there's got some part of that companies that are owned by one of the sovereign wealth funds here.

The U.S. Senator Mitt Romney and Secretary of State Antony Blinken suggests that there may be more to it, though, than that. Have a listen.


ANTONY BLINKEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: You have a social media ecosystem environment in which context, history, facts get lost, and the emotion of

the impact of images dominates, and we can't discount that. But I think it also has a very, very challenging effect on the narrative.

SEN. MITT ROMNEY (R-UT): Yeah small parenthetical point which is some wonders why there was such overwhelming support for us to shut down

potentially TikTok or other entities of that nature. If you look at the postings on TikTok and the number of mentions of Palestinians relative to

other social media sites, it's overwhelmingly so among TikTok broadcast.


ANDERSON: Does this now become a free speech issue?

CLARE DUFFY, CNN BUSINESS WRITER: Yeah, Becky, it absolutely is a free speech issue. And that is really the argument that TikTok is making in this

lawsuit is that this is effectively a ban. TikTok says that it's not going to be possible to spin off the U.S. portion of the app from its parent

company ByteDance.

And that, therefore, this law is effectively a ban and that it violates not only TikTok's First Amendment Rights, but the rights of its 170 million

American users. The company says that this is, you know, infringing on their ability to speak freely, and that it unfairly singled out one

platform rather than focusing on the larger social media ecosystem, and then many other platforms that work similarly with, Becky.

ANDERSON: What do you expect to happen next?

DUFFY Well, U.S. legal experts have told us that TikTok does have a fairly strong case here that there are serious First Amendment concerns, and that

if the U.S. government wants to win this case, it's going to have to bring the receipts. It's going to have to bring more specific evidence of these

U.S. national security concerns.

So far, what we've heard from lawmakers is mostly hypothetical these concerns that the Chinese government could force TikTok or ByteDance to

hand over U.S. user data. But we've haven't seen a ton of specific evidence that could or is actually happening.

And so, U.S. legal experts have told us that the U.S. government is going to have to bring that evidence in order to win out, in order for these

national security concerns to win out over the very real worries that this law could infringe on people's First Amendment speech rights, Becky?

ANDERSON: Fascinating. Good to have you. Thank you. Still ahead, Wembley bound Dortmund Stan PSG to reach the final of the Champions League all the

action, after this.



ANDERSON: President Joe Biden will be touting a big job announcement today as he hits the campaign trail in the Midwest of the country. Later this

morning, he will be landing in the Battleground State of Wisconsin to announce the building of a new artificial intelligence facility there.

Microsoft footing the $3.3 billion project which is expected to create thousands of jobs. It's a must win state for Biden and his Republican

opponent Donald Trump. CNN's Jeff Zeleny spoke to Wisconsin voters about the economy and the upcoming election.



JEFF ZELENY, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Dave Flannery is talking about the state of American politics.

FLANNERY: It's a mess.

ZELENY: How does it get fixed?

FLANNERY: I wish I knew.

ZELENY (voice-over): Flannery has a ringside seat to the noisy presidential race from his quiet orchard in battleground, Wisconsin. President Biden

will be just miles away Wednesday when he returns to the state for his fourth visit this year.

FLANNERY: A lot of construction going on. Several 1000 jobs are going to be created over there during the construction process.

ZELENY (voice-over): The President is touting his economic agenda. It's an open question whether any projects will ease anxieties of small business

owners like Flannery.

ZELENY: So this is the top of it.

ZELENY (voice-over): -- who debated it. He should add a new building on his Apple Holler farms.

FLANNERY: Things are really uncertain not knowing what's going to happen with interest rates and what's going to happen with the whole economy.

ZELENY (voice-over): Wisconsin is an essential piece of Biden's re-election roadmap.

MAUREEN GLYNN, WISCONSIN VOTER: I hope that people will look to reason, integrity, and character of our national leader and vote appropriately.

ZELENY: And in your view, which way is that?

GLYNN: Biden, he's old so what?

ZELENY (voice-over): Maureen Glynn and her husband Dennis (ph) worry and wonder why the Biden, Trump rematch seems so bitterly tight.

GLYNN: I just think that people have forgotten how chaotic it was when Trump was president. I feel a lot better now that we've had almost four

years of Biden. It's not great, but it's better.

ZELENY (voice-over): Biden is visiting Racine, home to one of 46 democratic offices across the state, where a key piece of his coalition is black

voters, some of whom don't see how they benefit from his economic plan.

JAVONNA LUE, BLACK LEADERS ORGANIZING FOR COMMUNITIES: As they see the prices rise with Biden. They think Trump made the economy better and Biden

is making it worse.

ZELENY (voice-over): JaVonna Lue and Kyle Johnson are community organizers. They say the president must address his challenge with young voters who

question his foreign policy and more.

KYLE JOHNSON, BLACK LEADERS ORGANIZING FOR COMMUNITIES: What I want is something to vote for and vote against. Now we hear a lot of what is the

other guy going to do? What is Trump going to do? What happens if he wins? I understand that, you know, I think a lot of us understand the stakes.

ZELENY (voice-over): At the Cozy Nook Farm, Tom Oberhaus finally recalls Trump's policies, but as far from his biggest admirer.

TOM OBERHAUS, OWNER OF COZY NOOK FARM: It's more, Trump's mouth that we're not happy with.

ZELENY (voice-over): Or Biden's biggest critic.

OBERHAUS: Once he was elected president. I was yeah, he's our president. You know, supporting,

ZELENY (voice-over): He believes the country deserves better.

OBERHAUS: I think we need a new constitution amendment that says if you're 70 year over, you can't run for national office and you're like, oh, I

can't be on the local court board -- can be President of United States.

ZELENY (voice-over): Back at the orchard, Flannery worries and neither side will cool the rising tensions.


FLANNERY: I consider myself an independent.

ZELENY: Is your vote up for grabs in November?

FLANNERY: If at this point in time, I would say no. But November is a long ways away.


ZELENY (on camera): For President Biden there is no path to re-election that does not include winning Wisconsin. His advisors are well aware of

that. It is why he's coming back here again on Wednesday, as part of his investing in America tour, trying to make voters see his economic

achievements and feel them through the inflation.

Now Former President Donald Trump also campaigning in Wisconsin here just last week, expected to come back again, of course. Wisconsin as part of

that blue wall, including Michigan and Pennsylvania that Trump carried in 2016. Biden flipped in 2020 and won the White House Jeff Zeleny, CNN,

Racine, Wisconsin.

ANDERSON: Right. Well, black and yellow left PSG feeling black and blue in the Champions League semi-finals. What am I talking about? Well, Borussia

Dortmund, giving a sensational performance against Paris Saint-Germain in the second leg of their tie. Dortmund, the German team now through to the

finals and will play either Real Madrid or Bayern Munich.

Amanda Davies joins me. I'm not a betting person but if I was or have been in the past and had been thinking about, who I would bet on in the finals.

I don't think it would have been Dortmund maybe you're just you know, a bet, better than me. I don't know Amanda; would you put a bet on Dortmund

to be the finals?

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN WORLD SPORT: No, I'm really not many people did, Becky, from not only the group stage where they qualified top of what was dubbed

the group of --


DAVIES: But then heading into the second leg of their semi-final. Yes, they were a goal up but they will go into Paris Saint-Germain's home turf and

with you know the weight of expectation Kylian Mbappe in such superb form hoping to lead PSG to the one they have wanted for so long.

But this Dortmund team is very much one the sum is greater than those of its parts, defying the odds booking their place in the final back at

Wembley. They were in the Champions League final, of course, the last time it was held at Wembley in 2013. That time, they were beaten by their fellow

Bundesliga side Bayern Munich.


DAVIES: So will Bayern be able to recreate that piece of history, its 2-2 heading into the second leg of their semi-final against Real Madrid. We've

got plenty more that we're looking at in the build up to that in just a couple of minutes, Becky.

ANDERSON: Wonderful. Can't wait that is "World Sport" with Amanda up after this short break. I'll be back with "Connect the World" after that top of

the hour for you.



