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U.S.-Made Munitions Used in Rafah; Trump Charged with 34 Counts of Falsifying Business Records; Water Rationed in Delhi Amid Extreme Heatwave; Jury to Resume Deliberations in Trump Hush Money Trial; Olympiacos Becomes First Greek Club to Win Major European Trophy. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired May 30, 2024 - 09:00   ET




ELENI GIOKOS, CNN HOST: This is the scene in New York where jury deliberations are set to resume in 30 minutes time in the Donald Trump hush

money criminal trial. It's 9 am in New York and 5 pm here in Abu Dhabi. I'm Eleni Giokos, and welcome to "Connect the World".

Also coming up this hour, desperation in Rafah as the Israeli military takes control of the key corridor between Egypt and Gaza. Turkey's

President lashes out at Benjamin Netanyahu and his Western allies. And the court in Hong Kong delivers a massive blow to the pro-democracy movement.

All right, so markets in New York will open in around 30 minutes from now. Let's check in to see how the markets, the pre markets are faring. As you

can see DOW Futures showing 300 points in the red this is after a very difficult day on Wall Street yesterday. It's all because Salesforce missed

revenue expectations for the first quarter that stock dropping 15 percent.

We'll be talking about what will drive the markets later on as we get closer to the opening bell in New York. But I want to start off with an

important new development in the war between Israel and Hamas. So it concerns the Philadelphi Corridor. It is the corridor along the buffer zone

between Egypt and Rafah.

It's 14 kilometers long and the IDF now says that it has operational control of the entire corridor. Israel says -- 20 tunnels in the area

connecting Gaza with Egypt saying Hamas has been using them to smuggle weapons into Gaza. Egypt denies there are any such tunnels.

Meanwhile, want to talk about Rafah, two Palestinian Red Crescent medics were killed on Wednesday when the ambulance was hit by Israeli bombs,

according to Gaza's health ministry, I want to -- go now to Jeremy Diamond who has now more for us and I want to warn you that this piece contains

graphic images. Let's take a look.


JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): On a hilltop in Western Rafah, Israeli tanks overlooked Gaza's border with Egypt, the Israeli

military's latest prize. Three weeks into its Rafah offensive. Israel says it now controls the strategic Philadelphi corridor, spending the length of

that 7.5 mile long border, which the Israeli military says Hamas has used to smuggle weapons into Gaza. Egypt denies these tunnels exist.

REAR ADMIRAL DANIEL HAGARI, ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES SPOKESPERSON: The Philadelphi corridors served as Hamas' oxygen pipeline through which Hamas

regularly smuggled weapons into the Gaza Strip. So far, our forces have located about 20 tunnels in the Philadelphi corridor area. We investigate

these tunnels and neutralize them.

DIAMOND (voice-over): This is the human toll of that military offensive. United Nations says more than 940,000 people have been forced to flee the

city in recent weeks. For many this is not the first time. There is no safety, Al-Mawasi is hit, the U.N. warehouses are hit, and the U.N. schools

are hit.

There is no safety -- says. You might die at any moment anywhere. Multiple Israeli strikes on camps for displaced Palestinians in recent days have

made that point with deadly clarity. None more so than this strike in Northwestern Rafah on Sunday night, which killed at least 45 people and

injured hundreds more according to Gaza's Ministry of Health.

The Israeli military has said it did not expect civilians to die and has launched an investigation into the strike, which killed two senior Hamas

militants. But at least three people can be seen on the road outside those structures, moments before the strike. The Israeli military targeted these

two containers like structures just steps away from structures housing displace civilians, which were also destroyed in the blast or the

subsequent fire.

Four weapons experts tell CNN the weapons used in the strike were U.S. made bombs. They say these remnants found at the site of the attack are pieces

of a GBU 39 small diameter bomb, carrying a relatively small payload intended to minimize civilian casualties, but dropping them in densely

populated areas can still have devastating consequences.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: If they go into Rafah, I'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with


DIAMOND (voice-over): But for now the U.S. doesn't plan to stop providing those weapons with the White House insisting Israel hasn't crossed that red


JOHN KIRBY, WHITE HOUSE NATIONAL SECURITY COMMUNICATIONS ADVISOR: We don't want to see a major ground operation. We haven't seen that at this point.

DIAMOND (voice-over): Major or not, the Israeli military is now deep in Rafah or Palestinian rescuers are struggling to safely reach the wounded,

as the dangers are mounting for so many. Jeremy Diamond CNN, Jerusalem.


GIOKOS: We've got CNN's Scott McLean live in Istanbul with the very latest. Scott, we just saw this piece from Jeremy, really devastating images which

has sparked global condemnation of Israel after those deadly strikes, specifically one in Rafah. The Turkish President, in the meantime not

mincing, his words. Take us through what we know.


RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN, TURKISH PRESIDENT: World is watching the barbarism of a sick man, a maniac, a psychopath, and a blood feeding vampire called

Netanyahu. And they're all watching it on live broadcasts. Oh, the American state. This blood is on your hands also. You are responsible for this

genocide at least as much as Israel.


GIOKOS: All right, Scott. So there we heard from Turkish President Erdogan. Do his words hold in wait in terms of what happens next?

SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yeah. It's pretty remarkable. Yeah, so look, this was a pretty blunt statement from President Erdogan. Pretty

plainly blaming the United States, pretty plainly blaming European leaders for what has gone on in Rafah. And what is especially remarkable is that

look, if you go back nine months ago, you had President Erdogan, you had Prime Minister Netanyahu shaking hands on the sidelines of the United


But the relationship has deteriorated in a hurry, as this war has gone on. Erdogan's language has gotten increasingly sharp toward Israel, especially

toward its prime minister. The comments you heard there referring to Netanyahu as this vampire are some of the most creative language that we

have heard thus far.

But Erdogan has frequently compared Netanyahu to Hitler. He has called Israel repeatedly, a terrorist state. He has also though, put his money

where his mouth is, and actually cut off all trade with Israel. There'll be six months or so into the war. He also criticized Islamic countries as well

for you know failing to put in policies that might stop what he refers to as genocide in Gaza.

He also called Zionism, an unlawful perversion. And look, Erdogan makes these speeches quite often. And obviously they make headlines here in

Turkey. But one of the main messages that he comes back to over and over again, is that the West is undermining its own values, its own message, its

own preaching about a rules based system and a rules based order by allowing Israel to carry on in Gaza, even supporting Israel's efforts in

Gaza with really few or no consequences at all, Eleni.

And I think it's also worth noting that obviously, as you said, criticism of Israel has come in fast and furious, especially in light of this strike

on the tent camp in Gaza, and even from the United States, which made clear this did not cross one of their red lines. But the Secretary of State

Antony Blinken said that Israel needs to ask itself whether or not incremental gains are worth the horrific consequences of carrying out

warfare in such a densely populated zone.

GIOKOS: All right, Scott McLean in Istanbul for us, thank you so much. Well, in the occupied West Bank, a market has been destroyed in the town of

Ramallah following an Israeli incursion. Eye witnesses said the vegetable market was set on fire by Israeli troops after a nearby raid earlier on

Thursday. Here's what one local official said occurred.


ROBIN AL-KHATIB, DEPUTY MAYOR OF AL-BIREH: Israeli forces delayed the entry of civil defense equipment for a full hour. This hour was decisive and led

to the spread of fire in the area. There was a commercial building with about 100 shops that was completely burnt, and the central area of Al-

Hisbah was also completely burned. The neighboring buildings were severely damaged.


GIOKOS: Well, the IDF has not responded to CNN's request for more information. One day often Norway, Ireland and Spain officially recognized

a Palestinian state. French President Emmanuel Macron indicated that he's willing to do the same, but he says French recognition will only come if

the Palestinian Authority makes what he calls necessary reforms.


Macron delivered the message Wednesday and a call with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. The French President says he offered the

prospects of recognition and highlighted France's commitment to building a common vision and security guarantees for Palestinians and Israelis.

To Prague now, we need to achieve Jens Stoltenberg says the current meeting of the alliance is intended to bolster support for Ukraine. A short time

ago, he also announced that the July NATO summit will put Ukraine support on a firmer footing to use his words. America's top diplomat is also in

Prague for the NATO Foreign Ministers meeting.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been making headlines after he appeared to soften his language around Kyiv striking within Russian

territory. Blinken has been meeting with the Czech President, and he's on right now. Well, CNN's Melissa Bell joins us live from Paris, Melissa, so

much going on here.

I mean the prospects of the question of whether other countries are going to allow Ukraine to use weapons on Russian territory. I mean, this is

consequential as well, for the -- you know, for NATO and very importantly, to ensure that everyone works together and together working to help

Ukraine, because Putin is looking at potential issues that might arise given it is the year of U.S. elections.

MELISSA BELL, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: That's right. And I think what we've seen over the course of the last few days have been this

growing chorus within some NATO allies. Not all you're quite right, Eleni, there are those resisting the calls for Western weaponry to be allowed to

give Kyiv, the green light rather to use Western gifted weaponry to strike targets within Russia, from where attacks have been being made on Ukraine.

There are those who backed it. Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz, Poland, as well as behind Jen Stoltenberg calls, but it is a divisive issue for NATO,

because it represents such an important shift, Eleni, in what the policy had been so far. And in fact, when you look at the comments that were made

by Secretary Blinken, yesterday, in direct response to this question, of course, all eyes are very much on what the biggest donor of weapons to

Ukraine, the United States are going to say on this issue.

He was much less categorical than he'd been in the past saying that so far, the American position had been to adapt and adjust to the battlefield in

terms of its weapons deliveries, and that this he trusted would continue. And again, in direct response to a question about whether the United States

would stand firm with its previous red line, that none of its weapons should be used against Russia target.

So, certainly a suggestion that might shift not that it had, but that it might. And in fact, we've just heard a very direct response from the

Kremlin in to watch and Secretary Blinken had said yesterday, saying -- accusing the United States and NATO, wanting to prolong the war of

provoking by this rhetoric, and a suggestion of a shift in policy, wanting to provoke Ukraine into making this war last.

And that tells you a couple of things. First of all, that Moscow is listening very closely to what it's hearing from NATO allies in these

growing calls. But also that it's keeping that you have a sort of growing rhetorical war on both sides, about that frontline in Ukraine, and how

closely NATO gets involved.

Because what we heard from Vladimir Putin only a couple of days ago, was that from Moscow's point of view, the use of such weaponry, even by Ukraine

would involve Western intelligence and Western military personnel, even if they were at the -- And this therefore, would represent direct NATO

involvement in a way that Moscow doesn't consider that it's been involved so far, hence the red line all this time.

So this rhetorical war around this question is likely to continue when in fact, we're going to hear from Jen Stoltenberg again, and we're likely to

hear once again, of his growing calls that it is time for Ukraine to be allowed to defend itself without both hands behind its back.

The point that Jen Stoltenberg is making is that these attacks that we've seen this pressure being brought on the Ukrainian frontlines, this price

being paid by Ukrainian civilians along the border with Russia, with the opening of this new front means that it is time to give Ukraine the chance

to do that, but opposite. It is a question that's being considered and watched, monitored, Eleni, very closely.

GIOKOS: Yeah, and we'll be catching up with you later as his meetings continue and get underway. Melissa bell for us, thank you so much. And of

course another big story, we are watching very closely, developments and Donald Trump's hush money trial.

The jury started deliberating yesterday and is considering 34 counts of falsifying business records against the Former U.S. President. My

colleague, Omar Jimenez is in New York, standing by for any movement, Omar.


OMAR JIMENEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Eleni in about 20 minutes from now. That's what we're watching for that's when the seven men and five women on

the Trump jury will deliberate for a second day here in New York. Now, we're going to show you here is Trump leaving Trump Tower earlier today.

Obviously making his way towards court and the jury's hands now, though, is a historic decision that could have big implications for the upcoming

presidential race and for Former President Trump. They've asked to review four pieces of testimony from witnesses, Michael Cohen and David Pecker.

And they asked to rehear a portion of their instructions from Judge Juan Merchan. Now, what do these requests from the jury tell us? That's why

we've got CNN Senior Crime and Justice Reporter Katelyn Polantz who is in Washington for us. All right, Katelyn, just lay out for us what we learned

yesterday and what we can expect more of today?

KATELYN POLANTZ, CNN SENIOR CRIME AND JUSTICE REPORTER: Well, Omar, more work from the jury today. Yesterday in the afternoon, in the span of about

one hour, the jurors rang a buzzer in the courtroom twice because they needed more information. They're clearly hard at work here.

They've deliberated at this point, for a little over 4.5 hours on these 34 counts of business falsification of records Donald Trump accused of these

felony counts. And what we can tell from what the jury is doing is that they're looking quite closely at the evidence that they've already been

presented. And they want to look closely again, also, at the law, as the judge has instructed them to go forth and to reach a unanimous verdict.

We don't know if they will reach a unanimous verdict at this point, or what they could possibly be discussing what that discussion might look like in

those secret jury deliberations very confidential, a much protected space. But so far, Omar, there are four points that they have wanted to have read

back to them.

And we do expect parts of the transcript of the testimony of Michael Cohen. And if David Pecker who was the CEO of the media company over the National

Enquirer read back to them, much of the questions that they had that they want to hear that transcript testimony again from David Pecker.

It's about phone calls that Pecker had directly with Trump as well as a meeting in August of 2015 where Pecker, the very first witness, prosecutors

put on the stand, testified to sitting down with Michael Cohen and Donald Trump and telling them that his publication would help the campaign.

The campaign being a pivotal issue here in establishing whether there's a crime. Prosecutors have tried to convince the jury that campaign makes this

more of a possible political campaign finance violation than just a typical business records violation. So we'll see what happens today. It's very

unlikely though a jury doesn't want that free lunch that the court provides before they wrap.

JIMENEZ: It's important to remember these are people like you and I, we have individual wants and needs, a lot to monitor for on the court front

and on the lunch front. Katelyn Polantz, really appreciate it. Coming up on "Connect the World", a landmark national security case lands a blow against

Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement.

We're going to explain that's all just ahead and on the verge of monumental change. Early election results are in from South Africa, suggesting the

biggest political shift there since it became a democracy. Stay with us.



GIOKOS: Welcome back. I'm Eleni Giokos in Abu Dhabi. Hong Kong prosecutors confirm they will appeal the acquittal of two pro-democracy figures. Two

former district councilors have been cleared of subversion charges. But in a major blow to Hong Kong's democratic opposition movement, a court has

handed down guilty verdicts to 14 other opposition figures.

The defendants were among 47 arrested in 2021 for organizing an unofficial primary election ahead of Hong Kong's legislative vote. CNN's Kristie Lu

Stout has the details.

KRISTIE LU STOUT, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The verdicts are out in Hong Kong's largest national security trial today to devolves 47 pro-democracy

activists now 31 had already pleaded guilty to charges of subversion, including the high profile activists Joshua Wong was 16 had pleaded not

guilty but of the 16, 14 were found to be guilty on charges of subversion today, including the Former Journalist Gwyneth Ho as well as the Former

Opposition Lawmaker -- Long Hair.

A sentencing will come next, a security has been tied. We have been watching hundreds of people pour into witness the proceedings, including

diplomats from the United States, the EU and elsewhere. And then there was that moment in the courtroom when the project was read out loud.

Some family members of defendants wept and cried openly upon hearing the news that their loved ones could very well be facing life in prison. This

has been a long legal ordeal. It all dates back to over three years ago, January of 2021 when 47 pro-democracy figures were arrested in a dawn raid.

They were charged of conspiracy to commit subversion, which is a serious crime here in Hong Kong. Under the National Security Law it's punishable by

up to life in prison. They are accused of staging and unofficial primary vote which was deemed illegal by authorities here. Now the National

Security Law was imposed by Beijing on Hong Kong in 2020 in the wake of the massive anti-government protests of 2019.

Critics say it is dismantled the opposition, it is crushed dissent. Supporters say restore law and order with authorities saying it's a matter

of national security, as they warned against any foreign interference. But observers say that this case is a significant test of Hong Kong's judicial

independence. Watch this.


JOHN BURNS, EMERITU.S. AND HONORARY PROFESSOR OF UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG: It's absolutely clear that the National Security Law reduced the

independence and the autonomy of the judiciary, no juries much more difficult to get bail. Those are all things that previously were determined

by the judges.


STOUT: This state has won every national security case until now. Now two defendants, there are two former district councilors who have become the

first two national security defendants to be acquitted after trial. But we've also learned that the Department of Justice here in Hong Kong plans

to appeal that decision, back to you.

GIOKOS: Well, that was Kristie Lu Stout for us. Let's get you up to speed on some other stories that are on our radar right now. An investigation

into the helicopter crash that killed Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi has ruled out foul play as a cause. According to Iranian state media, the

aircraft came down in mountains not far from the Iran Azerbaijan border on May 19.

Investigators will now look to establish if bad weather was a factor. Prosecutors in New York say more people claiming to be victims of Harvey

Weinstein of coming forward and a fresh indictment may be issued against him. The disgraced movie mogul is set to be retried later this year for

alleged sex crimes.

His 2020 rape conviction was overturned last month. In the Indian capital Delhi, water is being rationed amid an extreme heatwave that is seen

temperature saw to record highs. Readings of 49.9 degrees Celsius, or nearly 122 degrees Fahrenheit were recorded on Tuesday. Water is running

short because of the severity of the heatwave, and fewer deliveries of water from north of the capital.

Right let's now connect you to South Africa where early election results are suggesting the biggest political shift since the end of apartheid.


Initial results show support for the ruling ANC party falling well below 50 percent. And that could mean the party is forced into a coalition with its

rivals. David McKenzie, keeping a close watch on those numbers that are coming through, he is in Johannesburg for us. David, will be seeing images

of ballots been counted. You know, I guess it's not a question of whether the ANC will lose majority. It's about just what percentage we're looking


DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, not just yet, actually. But at this point, I want to show you the results coming out.

This is what 20 percent of the voting districts that have been counted, and it's very significant, as you say, Eleni, the ANC is looking at this stage

to have around 43 percent of the vote, that is an astronomical drop from what they got last national election.

And it would mean that they'd have to form an alliance, a coalition with one of the larger opposition parties to form a government. Now, we did

expect that possibly, the ANC would dip below 50 percent, but if these results stand, and they're certainly going to shift one way or the other in

the next 72 hours or so.

But if this general trend stands, it means that the ANC will lose its majority. And I think a very significant thing to also talk about is

they're at the bottom of that list, and then controversies are a party led by a Former President Jacob Zuma, who has had years and multiple

allegations of corruption against him forced to resign several years ago from the presidency.

This party is playing a major spoiling role in the selection. What you see there at 8 percent doesn't reflect the regional picture, which is in the

KwaZulu-Natal province, they have bled voters from the ANC significantly, that could mean something very significant, both for the provincial

leadership in that province and the national picture at large.

If these results hold and as I say, it's too early to say definitively they will be a lot of soul searching amongst the ANC and a lot of pressure on

the President Cyril Ramaphosa because as the man who led what he said was the revival of this party is in fact seen a major drop off in support.

And the first time in 30 years, we could see the ANC having to reach out to other parties to stay in a coalition government in power and I am sure the

horse trading and the negotiations are happening right now behind the scenes, Eleni.

GIOKOS: Absolutely, David an interesting one. Thank you so much. We'll catch up with you later to get an update David McKenzie for us in

Johannesburg. Well, more business news coming up right after the break, including the return of zero down mortgages in the United States it could

help first time homebuyers, but is it worth it in the fine print? We'll find out right after the short break, stay with CNN.



JIMENEZ: I'm Omar Jimenez here in New York where jury deliberations should be resuming any minute now in Donald Trump's historic hush money trial, the

jury is deciding whether Trump falsified records in order to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

Now the jury met for more than four hours yesterday, before they broke for the day. They asked to rehear several pieces of witness testimony and some

of their instructions from the judge. I want to bring in someone who's very familiar with how juries and the court process in general how it works?

State and Federal Prosecutor, David Weinstein, really appreciate you taking the time. All right, where we left off yesterday, when they broke they

asked to rehear several portions of the testimony here. We expect them to get those read backs before they actually continue their deliberations.

But critically to of the parts that they asked to get read backs for concern at 2015 Trump Tower meeting with that involves David Pecker,

Michael Cohen, Donald Trump, where essentially the catch and kill scheme was born. And they asked for read back to the testimony from Michael Cohen

and from David Pecker.

If you're sitting there watching that and analyzing those moves by the jury, is there any significance there? Why do you think they are going for

that particular moment?

DAVID WEINSTEIN, FORMER STATE AND FEDERAL PROSECUTOR: Well, Omar, I think that they're following the judge's instructions and looking closely at a

couple of them. One is how they should weigh accomplice testimony. He told them that you can't convict just on an accomplices testimony alone. But if

it's corroborated, then you can use both that testimony and the corroboration.

So that's what they're doing. They're focusing in on is there corroboration for what Michael Cohen said about those early meetings. And then that goes

to another obstruction, criminal intent. Did the defendant intend to participate in this conspiracy? What evidence has the prosecution shown

that he did, in fact, participate in the conspiracy?

And it doesn't mean that any particular juror is already prepared to vote guilty or not guilty, but simply they're going through the steps. This is a

trial that's gone on for 20 days, including opening and closing statements in 16 days of actual testimony. So they're not going to quickly run and

rush to a verdict one way or the other.

JIMENEZ: Not to mention with a large gap in between from when they heard a lot of the evidence into when we got into closing arguments. Now look, the

judge here also made a distinction in his instructions to the jury, saying although for a felony conviction, they have to be unanimous that he

falsified records with the intent to commit aid or conceal another crime, which in this case would be New York election law.

And while the New York election law says you can't conspire to use unlawful means to promote a candidate's election, jurors don't have to be unanimous

on what those unlawful means were? How unusual is this if it is at all? And why is it being structured this way, do you think?

WEINSTEIN: Well, a lot of what's going on here in New York is unusual. They always say in Florida where I am the rules are different. Well, the rules

are vastly different in New York. For starters, they don't get the jury instructions to go back. So, when they need to have themselves reminded of

what they're supposed to do, they have to have them reread?

And with regard to unanimity, let's be abundantly clear on all this for everyone who's watching their verdict guilty or not guilty has to be

unanimous. What they don't have to all agree on is what this crime was that they were covering up? Some members of the jury may believe that it was to

promote somebody's election to the office.

Others may think that it was to file a falsified record. Others may believe that it had something to do with finance, but they all need to agree that

there was an additional crime that was violated, but they don't have to agree on what that crime was. That's the second element of finding the

former president guilty of the main charge.

So again, they have to be unanimous guilty or not guilty. What they don't have to agree on is what this other crime was?


They could have been mixed back of what some believed the prosecution improved, and when others believed the prosecution improved.

JIMENEZ: And it's important distinction and perspective there as some, including the former president have claimed that the jury does not have to

be unanimous in these charges. That is absolutely not the case here. They will or may not come to a consensus in regards to these charges.

But that is what we are waiting to see on the other side of deliberations here. David Weinstein, really appreciate you taking the time. Thanks for

being here. All right, for now, I want to send it back to, Eleni, for a look at what's going on throughout the rest of the world, Eleni.

GIOKOS: All right, thank you so much. We will check in with you in a little bit. But in the meantime, I want to give you an update on how the markets

opening in New York is going and it's not looking good. We've got red all round. DOW JONES is down just less than 300 points. As you can see, we've

got red across the board after a very difficult day yesterday.

But what's driving markets today is shares of Salesforce are plunging. And we're talking about a 17.89 percent drop. And that is because of the cloud

based companies reported forecast on revenue as well as growth for the first quarter as well as second quarter it's creating a bit of fear and

jitteriness in the markets.

And of course, it's all about artificial intelligence competition, which seems to be underpinning the losses today. In the meantime, another big

story for us, some Americans will be able to buy their first home without paying any money upfront. One of the biggest U.S. mortgage firms has set up

a zero-down program for first time buyers, and it should allow more Americans to own their own home.

But also, it brings back memories of the subprime mortgage crisis that helped trigger the global financial crash of 2007. We still have PTSD from

that 2007 crash. We've got Matt Egan to bring back some of those memories and also perhaps explain how zero down program works? And what is exactly

in the fine print and whether it could cause systemic problems again?

MATT EGAN, CNN REPORTER: Well, Eleni, we know that millions of Americans would love to buy a home right now. They don't have tens of thousands of

dollars saved up for a down payment. This can be an insurmountable hurdle. And so one of the nation's largest mortgage lenders is coming up with what

they see as a solution.

This is coming from United Wholesale mortgage and they've launched this 0 percent down payment mortgage program. It's for first time homebuyers and

lower income borrowers. It's really two loans. The first one covers 97 percent of the home value, the second one 3 percent of the value up to


But experts do stress that you really need to read and understand the fine print. That second loan is interest free, which is great, but it is due in

full. When either mortgage is paid off, it's refinanced or the home is sold. The company told me that even though they just launched this two

weeks ago, demand has been through the roof they've already gotten thousands of applications, Eleni.

GIOKOS: Wow. Matt Egan, good to see you. Thank you for that update. Well, coming up next Herculean celebration and Athens' Olympiacos makes football

history we'll bring you an update on that story right after this, stay with CNN.



GIOKOS: It is a country famous for its ancient history. But Greece is celebrating history of a very recent kind right now, as Olympiacos became

the first Greek club in history to win a major European trophy. It's thanks to a thrilling one-nil win over Fiorentina in the Conference League final

in Athens, a goal that came in 116 minutes of the game.

Patrick Snell joins me now. I tell you there was so much anxiety in my house last night until 4 am. Glad to see these images. My husband is of

course an avid fan so you can imagine what was going down?

PATRICK SNELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Oh, incredible scenes. Yeah, what a historic wins. It comes 20 years after the Greek men's national team became

champions of Europe when they had that really famous win to win the European Championships that year. But now Greece is first club side to

prevail, and bring home European silverware, no scenes there in Piraeus, the port city district of the Greek capital Athens.

Absolutely amazing to see that one-nil win over Fiorentina that I thought I suppose with Fiorentina although your husband may not agree it's a second

time that lost in the final.

GIOKOS: I mean it looks like a celebrations. It's like --

SNELL: I know incredible.

GIOKOS: -- everything is a blaze.

SNELL: Yeah.

GIOKOS: Athens is just beautifully lit up --

SNELL: Wonderfully lit up.

GIOKOS: Have you seen anything like this before Patrick?

SNELL: I just incredible. I do remember -- I do remember Greece's celebrations from 2004 when they won the Euros. But Ayoub El Kaabi who was

kind of a hero of the run all the way to the final and then he gets that winning goal there four minutes from the end, Eleni. You have extra time in

the 116 minutes.

Absolutely sensational scenes there, a night that will live long I'm quite sure in the memory of every Greek football fan and bear in mind that

triumph took place in the home stadium of one of their big rivals from the Greek Super League incredible stuff all round, Eleni.

GIOKOS: Yes, it absolutely is. I wish I was there. I wish I stayed up for it I had to go to bed but I was just too much anxiety. Patrick Snell good

to see you, we'll see after the short break. I'll be back at the top of the hour with more "Connect the World", stay with CNN.



