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Indian Stocks Plunge as Prospect of Supermajority Dims; Confusion Remains Over Ceasefire Proposal; Former Diplomat who quit over U.S. Gaza Policy Speaks Out; AP/Equilar Study: Half of S&P 500 CEOs Earned at least 196 Times more than their Workers in 2023; Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Begins Spewing Lava. Aired 9-9:45a ET

Aired June 04, 2024 - 09:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Well, opening statements are beginning this hour in the trial of Hunter Biden. This is the scene in

Wilmington, Delaware, where the son of the U.S. President is facing felony gun charges. It is 9 am on the East Coast of America. It is 5 pm here in

Abu Dhabi. I'm Becky Anderson. This is "Connect the World" coming to you from our Middle East Programming Hub.

Also happening this hour, the world's biggest democracy is now counting ballots what we know so far about the results in India's election live from

Delhi. Plus U.S. President Biden expected to announce a big change in U.S. asylum policy, a major shift during this election year.

And the markets in New York will open in about 30 minutes and we are looking at a set of red arrows on the futures markets across the board if

they are any indication. The markets in New York set to open. We're keeping an eye on those for you and we'll get the open, bottom of the hour for you.

All final results are due anytime now from a potentially pivotal race in the world's largest democracy. Right now more than 600 million votes are

being counted in India's sprawling six week election. It does appear that the Hindu Nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on track for a third

straight term.

Early results show the right-wing BJP and its allies with a comfortable lead, although the opposition is doing better than many had expected. Rahul

Gandhi, the son of the famed Gandhi dynasty is the face of the Congress Party lost in the past two elections, of course to Modi.

Well, India's economy has thrived under Mr. Modi. But certain freedoms have not. For more CNN's Ivan Watson standing by in New Delhi, Ivan, let start

with where we stand with election results at this point.

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, I'm here at the headquarters of Narendra Modi's BJP here in New Delhi. And as you can hear

behind me, his supporters are celebrating, it does look from the preliminary results, it does appear that Modi is set to serve in office for

another term after a decade in power here.

However, the preliminary results also suggest that this is not the landslide victory that he had predicted. He was talking about his alliance

winning some 400 seats out of the lower house of parliament. As it looks right now, his alliance may not even get 300 seats. And in fact, his BJP

may not break that 272 seat threshold that would give him a simple majority in the parliament.

What does that mean? Well, he might have to govern in his next term in a coalition. That's something he's never had to do as Prime Minister before,

and that he didn't have to really do as minister of his home state previously. On the other side of the political divide the opposition, the

India alliance led by the Indian National Congress.

They're calling this a big win and a big defeat for Modi, even though he looks to be ruling again, for another term. They're saying this is a

victory for the people standing up to what they said was Modi's erosion of democratic freedoms in this country, of course, he would deny that, but we

are definitely seeing a shift here in the country.

And I do think that the reactions in the Indian stock market reflect that on Monday when the exit polls were coming out suggesting a big win for the

BJP, the stock market surged breaking records. Well, today they have plunged, as the results have proved different from what had been predicted,

falling more than 5 percent.

And I think that indicates that's an indicator of what a surprise result, these -- preliminary results are appearing to be so far, Becky.

ANDERSON: Ivan Watson with the story as we understand its significance, we will talk over the next couple of hours about that election and its

consequences with special guests on this show. Thank you, Ivan. Well, the U.S. President Joe Biden expected to announce an executive order later

today addressing the growing crisis along the U.S. southern border.


That order, is expected to dramatically limit migrants ability to seek asylum at the border if they have crossed illegally, nearly move

reminiscent of a controversial measure from the Trump era. Now migrant apprehensions along the border have reached record levels during Mr.

Biden's administration causing a humanitarian crisis and a political headache for the president.

CNN's Arlette Saenz joins us now from the White House. We knew for some time that immigration was one of, if not the most pressing issue for so

many voters in the United States. What more do we know about this executive order that President Biden is expected to announce today?

ARLETTE SAENZ, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well Becky, President Biden is expected to announce a sweeping executive order that would essentially

shut down the U.S.-Mexico border for asylum seekers crossing into the country illegally, when a certain apprehension number is met.

Now, sources who have been briefed on the plan tells CNN that that limit is expected to be about 2500 encounters a day, which essentially means that

this would go into effect right away as current apprehensions at the U.S. southern border are just under 4000 apprehensions on a daily basis.

Now, it's important to note that sources say this would exempt unaccompanied minors, which is worrisome to some immigration advocates, who

are concerned that this might encourage families to send their children to the southern border on this journey by themselves.

Also, it's expected that the president would be using an authority that was actually used by Former President Donald Trump when he was in office, a

move that was decried by Democrats and eventually struck down by the courts. It's expected that when the president rolls out this executive

order that there eventually will be some legal challenges as well.

But this has already caused some consternation among some progressive Democrats and immigration advocates who say that the president is focusing

too much on enforcement actions. But it does all come as the president's trying to address a major political vulnerability for him heading into the

November election.

As we have seen in poll after polls, more Americans express concerns about border security as they are trying to make up their minds about this

upcoming election. So what the White House is trying to do is show that the president is trying to tackle one of his biggest liabilities, an issue

that's of concern, as you noted, to many Americans.

ANDERSON: Yeah, and this is just weeks, of course, before the first debate between these two contenders President Biden and Donald Trump, Arlette.

SAENZ: Yeah, and the White House had really been hoping to try to head off further Republican criticisms of President Biden's handling of the U.S.

southern border. This announcement is coming just a few weeks before Biden and Trump are set to face off in that June 27 debate right here on CNN.

And Trump has really made his own hardline immigration policies, a key feature of his presidential campaign. He repeatedly lambastes President

Biden for his approach to the U.S. southern border. Now, at the same time, we have seen the White House really trying to take this more aggressive

approach when it comes to immigration, especially in the wake of those failed bipartisan border talks.

President Biden has repeatedly called out Republicans for listening to Trump who urge them to tank that plan up on Capitol Hill, and he has said

that he will use this time to try to remind voters that it was Republicans who stood in the way of a bipartisan border deal between these lawmakers.

But it all comes as we've talked about that there this issue of immigration, issue of border security. Americans continually say that they

have become increasingly concerned not just along the U.S. southern border, but also as we have seen many cities, states up north, also impacted by the

rise in border crossings over the course of the past few years in the Biden Administration.

ANDERSON: Arlette Saenz is at the White House. So Arlette thank you. Also this hour the historic gun trial of President Joe Biden's son gets underway

with opening statements now. Hunter Biden is pleaded not guilty to buying and possessing a firearm while abusing drugs, which is a violation of

federal law.

And today we're getting fresh details about how the prosecution plans to make its case a new court filing shows three of Hunter Biden's exes expect

to be called to the stand to give personal testimony about his addiction. CNN's Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent, Paula Reid is outside the federal

courthouse in Wilmington, in Delaware. Do we have a sense of what we should expect to hear in these opening statements?


PAULA REID, CNN CHIEF LEGAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: One thing that's already surprised me is just moments ago, we saw First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden. She

went inside to show support once again for her step son notable because she and her husband are headed to France tonight. Now, opening statements

expected to get underway any moment now.

This is an opportunity for defense attorneys and the prosecutors to lay out their theory of the case before the jury. And I also want to talk a little

bit about this jury, because yesterday, during the jury selection process, it was a little bit of a challenge for both sides to find people who did

not have a link, some link to the Biden family didn't know someone, for example, someone was dismissed because they used to play a sport with Beau


But they did ultimately select a jury, six women, six men, the majority of the people on this jury are black, there are several gun owners, and jurors

who talked about their own experience with loved ones who had issues with addiction. The overwhelming majority of potential jurors all talked about

how they had some sort of experience with addiction.

It's a reminder of the drug addiction epidemic here in the United States. And this is a key issue in this trial. Now, the first witness we expect to

hear from today, after opening statements is an FBI agent who worked on this case. And then as they go through the case, as you noted, we do expect

to hear from several women who are romantic partners of Hunter Biden who can give firsthand accounts of his addiction issues.

And this is of course, the first of two criminal trials, Hunter Biden is facing. There's this case and then in September, out in California, he's

expected to face a separate trial related to tax issues.

ANDERSON: Good stuff, thank you. More than that, as we get it. Well, Iranian media reporting Israeli airstrikes in Syria have killed an advisor

an Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The reports say Saeed Abyar was killed in an attack just after midnight local time on Monday.

Now, Syrian state media reporting that Israel launched an aerial attack with missiles targeting and quote, here are a number of points around

Aleppo, no word on how many other people died in this attack. He is believed to be the first Iranian IRGC member killed by Israel since April.

Still to come, pressure mounting on the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to agree to a ceasefire proposal announced by Joe Biden, exactly

what is on the table? Plus my next guest quit her career at the U.S. State Department as a protest. She'll join me live to explain why.



ANDERSON: Well, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is walking a political tightrope as he faces pressure to agree to a ceasefire deal with

Hamas party. Three staged proposal announced by U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday is shrouded in confusion. Biden said the plan had come from Israel

and it was welcomed by Hamas.

But Netanyahu then seem to undermine the proposal vowing to continue the war until Hamas was destroyed. Netanyahu's political career is at stake as

Israeli hardliners wanting to continue the assault on Gaza, while opposition leaders and protesters are increasingly demanding that a deal be


Our Nada Bashir following developments so for us today, she is in London. There is some level of confusion, not least about whose proposal this was?

Was this a U.S. proposal announced by Joe Biden on Friday late? Or was this an Israeli proposal?

Certainly the U.S. administration sold this as an Israeli proposal for Hamas to either leave on the table or accept. But since then, things have

become slightly more confusing, ultimately, where do we stand at this point?

NADA BASHIR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Look at this stage, we are still hearing very mixed messages from both the Biden administration as well as the

Israeli government. We heard over the weekend from Prime Minister Netanyahu as well as spokespeople from within the Israeli government saying that the

conditions for a ceasefire that the Israeli government has long put forward still stand despite this peace plan.

This three phase peace plan put forward and announced on Friday by U.S. President Joe Biden that the Israeli government wants to see the full

destruction of Hamas in both political and military terms in Gaza. Now, that stands in contrast, what we heard from President Biden on Friday.

He said that this is the time to strike a deal that Hamas has been downgraded to a point where they are not able to carry out according to a

U.S. assessment and attack at the scale of which we saw on October 7. That has, of course, long been framed as a -- priority by the Israeli government

with regards to its objectives in this war against Hamas in Gaza.

And of course, as you mentioned, Becky, we are seeing the Israeli government facing different kinds of pressure from different corners, of

course, as the international pressure coming from the likes, the U.S. and other world leaders for this war to come to an end for a ceasefire to be

struck given the mounting civilian death toll that we are still seeing in Gaza and the unfolding humanitarian catastrophe that we are seeing.

We're also seeing pressure from Israeli citizens. But over the weekend, still more protests taking place against the Netanyahu government calling

on the government to focus more on securing the release of hostages held captive by Hamas in Gaza. But Netanyahu is also facing pressure from within

his own cabinet on the opposing side from those hardline.

And far right members of his cabinet who do not want to see the war come to an end, who wants to see the full destruction of Hamas. And of course, that

was something that President Biden touched on during his speech on Friday. He said there would be members of the cabinet who want to see a

continuation of the war, who in his words may want to see an occupation of the Gaza Strip.

But that this will only further Israel's isolation on the global stage and also would not work towards the security of the Israeli state. Now, when it

comes to Hamas, of course, we have heard from Qatari officials -- while there are some positive indications at no firm commitments just yet with

regards to the deal, but they are looking for further clarification on some of the language.

While the U.S. State Department says it is confident that Israel will go along with the plan. It has also noted that the terms of this current peace

plan are nearly identical according to a spokesperson's words to a proposal agreed to by Hamas weeks ago, so perhaps some positive indications there.

ANDERSON: It's good to have you, Nada. Thank you. Well, my next guest never imagined she would leave her career as a diplomat. Hala Rharrit spent her

entire adult life working at the U.S. State Department after joining the Foreign Service back in 2006. She raised her hand for some of the toughest

postings including to Yemen for her first assignment, later, serving in Qatar, Hong Kong and South Africa.

Most recently, Hala Rharrit state department's Arabic language spokesperson but she says the Biden administration's policy on the war in Gaza forced

her to quit, making the first known career U.S. diplomat to resign over the administration's position on the war. I'm pleased to welcome Hala to the

show, joining me here in the studio. It's good to have you. Thanks for having me.


ANDERSON: Thank you for spending the time with us. I just want to start, before we talk about why it was that you've quit after such a long and

storied career. What do you make of President Biden's decision to late on Friday night announced the details of a ceasefire proposal on hostage deal,

which -- at the time he called an Israeli proposal?

But since then, it seems that the Israelis haven't actually signed up to this. Why did he do what he did on Friday? What was the thinking behind the

scenes here?

HALA RHARRIT, FORMER ARABIC LANGUAGE SPOKESPERSON FOR U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT: Look, Becky, I think clearly, Biden is a bit fed up with what's

going on in Gaza. Clearly, he realizes that this is undermining him domestically. The elections are only six months away. There has been a

significant uncommitted vote, which jeopardizes his, own reelection.

And I think he wants to put this war to an end, as he very forcefully said, and for the first time really said out loud, I think it was very telling

that he spoke directly to the Israeli people and asked them to support this ceasefire, which clearly is a strange tactic when you're saying that it is

an Israeli proposal.

And the fact that Netanyahu has come out and basically undermined President Biden after the fact does not make him look good.

ANDERSON: Let's be quite clear here. Is this U.S. administration to your mind, which has got to the point where they believe that Israel has crossed

Biden's red lines?

RHARRIT: It's a very good point. Biden's red line we have all seen has been continuously shifting. But Becky, I can tell you why we are here. And why

this has been such a failed policy and why we have not been able to achieve a ceasefire, despite President Biden's very vocal speech last Sunday.

The fact that we have been -- he has been continuously shifting his red line has absolutely undermined U.S. credibility. And it has emboldened

extremists on all side. Why should the Israeli far right listen to the United States, when he keeps allowing them to get away with everything?

Really, they have no motivation to do so.

ANDERSON: You're a veteran diplomat? I heard you just say we and then you correct it.


ANDERSON: -- because you are no longer working at the U.S. State Department. He has some very -- Joe Biden has some very trusted allies and

members of his administration who are working very, very closely with him on this for Antony Blinken and Brett McGurk, for example.

Do you believe they will urge him to take stronger measures at this point? If and let's be quite clear about this. We have heard from the Qataris

today that Hamas are positively -- sort of a positive attitude towards this ceasefire proposal. I can tell you sources telling me they do not believe

that they have a guarantee at this point that Israel will stick to Phase 2 and 3 of this deal.

They want guarantees from Qatar from Egypt and from the United States. They're not getting those at the moment. So this is you know, and Israel

hasn't signed up to this either. So what happens next at this point?

RHARRIT: We need to use our leverage, and this is what has been missing. And this is what Brett McGurk and Secretary Blinken should have been

advising the president to do months ago. It is what our career diplomats have been advising the president to do for months. It's diplomacy one on


You can't expect to affect outcomes when you're not using diplomatic leverage. First and foremost, it's our military aid. The way we continue to

flow arms to Israel is not only a violation of international law, but it's also a tantamount violation of U.S. law. And we cannot keep making

exceptions for Israel.

It is not in Israel's interest. And it's certainly it is not in our interest. And the fact that Netanyahu keeps undermining, the president

shows that no more words, we need to take action, and we need to leverage our both military assistance and our political influence.

ANDERSON: You say that those around President Biden need to up the ante as it were. Is this because he is getting this advice from those around him

are not listening or to date have they not been giving him the sort of strategic advice that you have just suggested?

RHARRIT: Look, I can just tell you what advice was coming from the field as a diplomat, the type of advice that we were sending up through diplomatic

cables, the type of advice that we were trying to show was undermining U.S. credibility throughout the entire region, whether it was going into the

president's ear, that's really up for them to tell us.

And I think that is also part of the reason why I resigned because fundamentally, I felt that we were not being heard. As diplomats, we were

not being heard. And I felt it was my responsibility as not only a diplomat but as an American to come out and explain to the American people why this

is hurting the United States.


ANDERSON: See Biden Administration too little too late in there shift in their attempt to pressure the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

There's a most recent polling -- shows that the Prime Minister is gaining popularity amongst the Israeli population compared to rivals, like Benny

Gantz and relieving some of the pressure on him, if he were in this sort of pincer like position, relieving some of the pressure on him at this stage

so Biden administration missed the boat.

RHARRIT: I think so. And this has been what's been so frustrating that despite the ICJ ruling, saying plausible genocide, despite the ICC ruling,

we continue to provide political cover. And we continue to send arm sales again, in violation of our own U.S. law that has only emboldened Netanyahu

and the far right.

They have no reason to listen to us. They've been getting away with everything. And then some, we need to stop it now. We need to use our

diplomatic leverage, our arms sales and stop protecting them politically and diplomatically. Enough is enough, too many people have died, and too

many people have suffered on both sides.

And again, Biden needs to listen to his experts, we are here to help him -- I was in there to help him, not undermine him. And I certainly don't

appreciate seeing a foreign leader continuingly undermining the U.S. President.

ANDERSON: And when I said missed the boat, I meant about effectively the removal of Benjamin Netanyahu from this, you know, theater of war, as it

were both militarily and diplomatically because it's clear that for a period of time. There has been some hope on the side of the international

community that in fact, there might be room for a new government and the government who may work toward a different solution at this point.

You of course, resigned from your position at the State Department. We've seen other resignations across the administration. We also see a constant

flow of news about internal dissent. Why have there not been more resignations, do you believe at your level?

RHARRIT: For one, I will say that the number of resignations has really been unprecedented in terms of the interagency I just spoke last night with

the group of -- and it's incredible how much coverage we have in terms of our own interagency Department of Defense, Department of Interior, USAID

just recently.

But I think a lot of people, you know, have various concerns. For one, I think some people still want to believe, still want to believe that they

can affect change from within. And others as they told me, countless, I can't even tell you, Becky, how many people came up to me after my

resignation was announced internally and said, we wish we could resign, we are so disgusted.

ANDERSON: Why didn't --

RHARRIT: A lot of it is for financial reasons. They said that to me very bluntly, you know, they have kids to pay schooling for, they have various

circumstances that they feel like they just can't. But I think people don't want to give up especially for career diplomats. You know, as you

mentioned, I spent my entire adult life in the State Department.

It was a devastating realization that I could no longer affect change. I could no longer do good from within the system. And a lot of people are

holding on to that. They feel like they want to make their voices heard. But at the same time, they're scared to do so. It's a very strange time

within departments.

ANDERSON: I have to say it's been clear for a very long time, the lack of Arab voices within the administration and within the State Department. And

then those voices that are there, it seems, you know, haven't felt comfortable in raising their voices. What sort of impact do you think this

is having and will have on quote the day after when the guns eventually fall silent? And at this point, we don't know when that will be.

RHARRIT: It's had an absolute chilling effect. We are the subject matter experts on the ground. We're the ones who live in these countries who have

studied the history intensely who know the ins and outs of these countries.

And when we're not listened to and I can say in my particular situation, I was silenced. I was sidelined for the advice that I was giving. And my

advice was based on my 18 year experience. I served in Yemen, I served in Qatar.

ANDERSON: Can I just follow up on that?


ANDERSON: -- briefly silence and sideline. Can you just explain what you mean by that?

RHARRIT: Sure. I was literally kept out of meetings. I was kept off of emails, I was told to not brief certain senior officials because I was -- I

made my concerns abundantly clear. And my concerns to be clear, Becky, were never about my personal opinion. They were always based on what I was

monitoring as a diplomat and on my experience throughout the region.

And what I was monitoring across pan Arab media was extremely concerning. I was documenting and reporting back to Washington a rise in anti-American

sentiment, the likes of which I have really never seen including in the Iraq war. And it was unacceptable for me to continue undermining the U.S.

throughout the region and I was raising the alarm.


This is dangerous to us. This is undermining our own U.S. national security. We must change course. And despite all the efforts, it was thank

you, we appreciate this. But please just basically stay quiet.

ANDERSON: I've read that you believe that some people just felt uncomfortable about listening to you, and others specifically didn't agree

with what you were saying. Was it more about people feeling uncomfortable, about hearing from you?

RHARRIT: There was some of that as I mentioned, I was sending reports back to Washington on a daily basis. And that included the pictures that were

going viral in Arab media.

ANDERSON: What impact has your resignation made?

RHARRIT: Well, I hope that it has done some good, that has woken up the administration a little bit, not just mine, but all of the other resignees.

We again, I consider us patriots, we're doing this for our country, and whether it's from the inside or the outside, I hope the administration

listens and tries to change course immediately for all those involved.

ANDERSON: Hala, it's good to have you. Thank you very much indeed for joining us today.

RHARRIT: Thank you, Becky.

ANDERSON: Still ahead on "Connect the World", the widening pay gap between CEOs and their employees. Some eye opening numbers revealed in what is a

new report that is coming up.


ANDERSON: Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi, you're watching "Connect the World" and the markets are open. The futures were lower when

we started the show some 1.5 hour ago and the markets have opened, lower the indication was right the widening pay gap between top executives of

major companies and their workers coming into stark focus today.

The new study the Associated Press Equilar survey shows half of the CEOs from companies trading on the S&P 500 own at least get this, 196 times more

-- than the average workers.


The wage gap is even higher in companies where employees have low paying jobs. Well, Matt Egan is here with more of this. Matt, those numbers are

telling, are they surprising though?

MATT EGAN, CNN REPORTER: Becky, it probably not shocking, because we know the stock market is a major driver of CEO pay. But listen, it is a great

time to be as CEO. They've always been paid more than workers. But the gap between the two, it is growing, this survey finding that the median CEO

making 196 times the median employee that is up from 185 times in 2022.

And when you look at the numbers, the median CEO last year S&P 500 companies making $16.3 million that is up 13 percent from the year before.

Now, the good news is that employees are making more money to 81000 is the median employee salary, and that is up but only up by 5 percent.

And just to take this a step further, the annual increase for workers is about $4,300. For CEOs, it's $1.5 million. Now, these numbers are obviously

tough to swallow for workers because a lot of people are hurting right now from the high cost of living, right? Rent, groceries, daycare, car

insurance, life is expensive. And yes, wages are going up. But they're still just catching up to all, of the big price increases of the last few

years, Becky.

ANDERSON: So there may be many people who are watching this, who are wondering why it is that CEO pay is rising so fast. Can we explain?

EGAN: Yeah, it does really go back to the stock market, right last year was a gangbuster year for the S&P 500. A lot of these companies their share

prices went up, up, up and listen, CEOs, their main compensation, it's not salaries, and it's not perks, although those are pretty nice. It's really

the stock awards.

And this survey found that stock awards were up by almost 11 percent last year to $9.4 million. And again, this is the bulk of the total

compensation. And when you look at the list of highest paid CEOs in the S&P 500 one name stands for it above all of them. And that is Hock Tan.

He is the CEO of the tech company, Broadcom and he took in $162 million last year. He's the only CEO in the S&P 500 with a 9 figure pay day. This

was more than double what he made the year before and it was largely because the stock price of Broadcom almost doubled last year.

He made more than 500 times the median employee. Some of the other notable names on this list include the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook; the Netflix CEO, Ted

Sarandos. And look the stock market down a bit this morning. But as we know it's trading right near all-time highs.

So Becky, you got to think that some of these CEO pay packages, they're only going to get bigger this year. The question of course is whether or

not worker pay will also rise by the same amount. Stay tuned.

ANDERSON: Absolutely. Good to have you Matt, thank you.

EGAN: Thanks.

ANDERSON: Well still to come, one of the worst kept secrets in the world of football or soccer finally got confirmed? Yes. Kylian Mbappe is moving on.

More details in what is our sports update.



ANDERSON: Will the volcanoes making up the so called a ring of fire been putting on spectacular displays. Kilauea was in Hawaii started spewing lava

early on Monday after being dormant for three months. The U.S. Geological Survey reports that the eruption has now passed but they warn that activity

in the region is dynamic and could change quickly.

Well after an amazing career at PSG Kylian Mbappe has finally made it official. He is moving to Spain. Real Madrid is setting another star to

their constellation and he is calling it a dream come true. And Amanda Davies joining me now that I know you caught up with him recently.

I mean, I spoke to Kylian about what was it 2.5, 3 years ago about whether or not he would be leaving PSG to go to Real Madrid has been absolutely a

question of when not if, hasn't it? But still it's got to be one of the biggest stories in sport, Amanda.

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN WORLD SPORT: Yeah, very much, Becky, one of if not the best player in the world at the moment moving to the club side that is

dominating the rest. Real Madrid winning that 15th European crown on Saturday in such emphatic style, and whilst he might be describing it as a

dream come true, what he's wanted as a move since he was a young boy, is potentially an absolute nightmare for everybody else because it is making

an already very, very good side even better.

We've been speaking getting some of the reaction to the news from Spain. It's been impossible to avoid the excitement and the anticipation and

that's where we're going to be finding out a little bit more about in just a couple of minutes in "World Sport". Of course it's still got the Euros to

come with France before we see him in a Real Madrid shirt for the first time but certainly a major moment for him and football in Spain.

ANDERSON: Yeah, absolutely. Football in general and there is Euros of course coming up mid-June. And "World Sport" up after this short break. We

are back with "Connect the World" after that. Stay with us.

