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IDF Rescues Four Israeli Hostages During Deadly Raid in Gaza; Far Right Makes Big Gains in France and Germany; Son of President Biden in Court as Defense Indicates he will not Testify; NVIDIA Stock Starts Trading on Post-Split Basis; Alcaraz Claims 1st French Open Crown in 5-Set Thriller. Aired 9-9:45a ET

Aired June 10, 2024 - 09:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: This is the scene in Delaware where Hunter Biden's federal gun trial is now nearing the end. Will the

president's son take the stand? Well, it's 9 am in Wilmington, 5 pm here in Abu Dhabi. I'm Becky Anderson. You are watching "Connect the World".

And we are finding out more details about a daring daytime rescue in Gaza. It brought four Israeli hostages home but their freedom came at a very high

price for Palestinian civilians. Plus, Emmanuel Macron calls for snap parliamentary elections as far right parties across the continent shake up

the EU establishment.

Right, let's get you a look at the stock markets, which will open in about 30 minutes from now. So we are taking a look at the futures markets for

you, currently, the arrows all pointing lower. Remember red hot U.S. jobs numbers released Friday, seemingly dampening investor's hopes of this Fed

rate cut that they had been anticipating this summer.

More on that as we get these markets open for you bottom of the hour. Unbridled joy in Israel, how on earth is how Gaza is being described,

extreme reactions after one of the most consequential events since the start of the Israel-Hamas war. Over the next two hours here on "Connect the


We're going to connect what we know about the dramatic rescue Saturday of four Israeli hostages from a refugee camp in central Gaza, health

officials, in Gaza calling it, one of the deadliest days of the war, the rescue of those hostages, overshadowing the resignation of the centrist

politician Benny Gantz from Israel's war cabinet.

While the top U.S. diplomat is back in this region trying again, to broke a piece. While facing it has to be said increasingly long odds. Let's kick

this off with Oren Liebermann, who has more on the dramatic rescue operation and the devastating toll it took on civilians caught in the

crossfire. And I have to warn you the images contained in Oren's response report may be disturbing to some of you.


OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In a hospital in central Israel, they hugged as if there was no tomorrow, because for so long, they

feared there wouldn't be. Four Israeli hostages were rescued from Gaza in Israeli operation on Saturday after eight months of captivity.

Among the rescued one of the most well-known hostages Noa Argamani reunited with her father here. Video from October 7 showed her pleading for help, as

kidnappers drove her into Gaza. Her father thanks the Israeli military for the rest. But reunions like this remain all too rare.

This is only the third successful Israeli rescue operation since the war began. Orit Meir reunited with her son Almog one day before her birthday

ORIT MEIR, MOTHER OF ALMOG MEIR: -- 120 hostages in Gaza and we want a deal now.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): The daring daytime operation in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza lifted the spirits of a nation. But unity was

fleeting as anti-government protests demanded a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages and a ceasefire. On Sunday, War Cabinet member

Benny Gantz resigned from the government accusing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of slow walking to war for his own political gain.

Netanyahu vowed to keep pushing towards total victory over Hamas, the cost of which was once again apparent. Witnesses in Gaza described Israel's

operation as hell on earth, inside a dense residential area with the crowds of midday.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- bombardment started hitting everywhere. Something we never witnessed before. Maybe 150 rockets fell in less than 10 minutes.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): Palestinians rushed the wounded to ambulances. In this disturbing video, many including women and children bore the horrific

scars of heavy bombardment. Al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital quickly filled with the injured and the dead.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dogs were eating people's remains. We pulled out six murders, all torn up children and women.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): The operation drew swift and severe international condemnation, and Hamas called it a massacre. The Palestinian Ministry of

Health in Gaza says more than 270 were killed in the Israeli strikes, 700 wounded, which would make it one of the deadliest days for Gaza in months.

The IDF disputes those numbers, saying an estimated the number of casualties was less than 100. CNN cannot independently verify these

figures. On Sunday, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told CNN's Dana Bash, that innocent people were tragically killed in this operation. He

called on Hamas to accept a ceasefire that's on the table right now.

JAKE SULLIVAN, U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: And the best way to end this war is for Hamas to say yes to the deal, President Biden announcing that

Israel has accepted.


ANDERSON: Reporting, Oren Liebermann, who joins us now from Tel Aviv. Oren, what more do we know about this rescue operation and indeed the fallout?

LIEBERMANN (on camera): So one of the interesting elements that we've learned from witnesses with whom CNN has spoken in Gaza, is that Israeli

forces went in effectively in disguise, according to those witnesses, dressed as either displaced Palestinians, or as Hamas militants.

And that was how they tried to get as close as possible to the apartment buildings in which the Israelis were held in two separate groups there.

Now, the IDF hasn't commented on this. And when we asked, we were told that the IDF used essentially ways and techniques, so sort of a non-answer


But it is worth noting that the Israeli military has used this tactic before, for example, in a raid into in a hospital in the occupied West Bank

in late January, the IDF went in dressed as medical staff and as patients to try to get access to the hospital where they then carried out an

assassination of three Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants.

So this is for the IDF, a tried and true strategy. In terms of the numbers killed here. It's unlikely we can get a better sense of the exact numbers

here with the competing claims here. One from the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza saying nearly 275 were killed, the other from the Israeli

military saying less than 100 regardless of what the number is, it is still one of the deadliest days in Gaza we have seen in months.

ANDERSON: Oren Liebermann on the story for you. Well, that is what we know as far as the operation that is concerned. The mother of rescued hostage

Almog Meir Jan says he is healthy and quote generally OK, although she says healing fully from his ordeal will be a long road. Speaking just a short

time ago from the hospital, she talked about the hostages who remain in Gaza.


MEIR: I'm one of the lucky ones. They are 120 families who are waiting without being able to breathe or sleep without thinking about the loved one

it Gaza. We are so grateful to the IDF for the brave rescue that brought Almog home to us.


ANDERSON: Well, U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken is visiting Egypt and Israel today. This is CNN effort to push forward talks on a ceasefire

and the release of hostages. Blinken will also travel to Jordan and to Qatar this week to keep that diplomatic pressure up. This is Blinken's

eighth visit to the region since the war between Israel and Hamas erupted in October.

And it comes at what is a particularly tense moment. CNN's Ben Wedeman joining us from Beirut for a closer look at what are these ongoing

diplomacy efforts and an Egyptian official that has told CNN that Israel's hostage rescue operation this weekend that we've just been reporting on

will have an I quote here a negative effect on negotiations to end the war in Gaza.

And Lebanon where you are has condemned the operation as have many countries around the world. What more are you hearing at this point?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, what we're hearing is that there's growing frustration with an American

administration, which eight months actually nine months into this war, and eight visits by Antony Blinken has yet to bring about a ceasefire.


There was that brief ceasefire at the end of November, but since then, the death toll has risen. And the situation in Gaza has gone from awful to

absolutely catastrophic. Now, Antony Blinken has left Egypt. But before he left, this is what he said.


ANTONY BLINKEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: My message to governments throughout the region, to people throughout the region, is if you want a

ceasefire, press Hamas to say yes. If you want to alleviate the terrible suffering of Palestinians in Gaza press Hamas to say yes, if you want to

get all the hostages home, press Hamas to say, yes.

If you want to put Israelis and Palestinians alike on the path to more durable peace and security -- to prevent this conflict was spreading press

Hamas to say yes. Now, if we get the ceasefire, it also opens the path to more durable security, calm, peace in Gaza.


WEDEMAN: And, of course, this is the refrain of the Biden administration that Hamas has yet to accept the American proposal. But our understanding

is that even though the war cabinet and Israel authorized the Biden ceasefire, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister has neither

accepted nor rejected it.

So it's very much up in the air. It's keep in mind that the demonstrations, the very large demonstrations we saw in Israel on Saturday evening, we're

calling on Prime Minister Netanyahu to accept the ceasefire proposal. So both sides are having neither rejected nor accepted the agreement.

And certainly, the Americans are putting the blame on Hamas. But Netanyahu, we know is under threat from the likes of National Security Minister Itamar

Ben-Gvir that, if he in any form, stops the war in Gaza, he will leave his government, his government will collapse.

So the Israeli position is very ambiguous, despite what the American administration is saying, but obviously, at this point, with the death toll

in Gaza, topping 37,000, this Israeli operation that left more than 270 people dead, more than half of them women, children and the elderly.

Certainly the pressure is intense on the United States, which at the end of the day, has the leverage over Israel and can leverage also Hamas via its

Arab allies needs to get this deal done because a ceasefire has never been more desperately needed, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yeah, an Opposition Politician and Former Defense Minister Benny Gantz, of course, resigning from the war cabinet over the weekend accusing

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of slow walking this war for personal gain. He has said he wants a ceasefire deal, albeit a temporary

one in the first instance.

But he wants to see a deal to get these hostages released and a plan for the day after neither of which he sees a priority for Benjamin Netanyahu,

not as anybody else at the moment that Benjamin Netanyahu said he wants to total victory over Hamas, he wants certainly hostages released and the

degradation of Hamas at least as a military operation.

So there's a lot of -- at this point between what Benjamin Netanyahu says he wants to see and the potential for a ceasefire deal. Good to have you,

always a pleasure. Well, now to political upheaval in Europe, where the far right made big gains in France, Germany and Italy in weakened elections for

the European Parliament.

So big, in fact, that French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the national assembly and set snap elections for later this month. Overall,

though, Centrist parties have kept their majority and Ursula von der Leyen, who appears poised for a second term as EU President said quote, the center

is holding.

Well CNN's Frederik Pleitgen is in Berlin, which was not spared the crush of the right. Melissa Bell is in Paris where people will be heading to the

polls in just a few weeks. I think, to both of you the sort of upshot of what we've seen over the weekend is really exemplified in both Germany and

in France and with sort of comments from Ursula von der Leyen, who herself is from the sort of center right.


But certainly not from the sort of far right that is what we are talking about here. Let's start with you in Germany Fred, Scholz's Social Democrats

finished third in the vote. What's the appeal of the far right in Germany? And why did Scholz's party do so badly?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, I think right now, the appeal of the far right in Germany to many people is that

they are not Olaf Scholz, and they're not anybody from Olaf Scholz's governing coalition. I think most people will agree here in Germany that

what this election showed was really that a lot of people are not happy with the work of the governing coalition.

The far right party, the AFD, the Alternative for Germany, did get more votes, substantially more votes than they did in the last European

election. But it by far wasn't the kind of situation that we're seeing in France, where -- which Melissa is going to be talking about here, they got

a little bit under 16 percent, almost 5 percent, more than in the last European election.

So certainly substantial gains, but they are still well behind the Christian Democrats, the party, as you mentioned, of Ursula von der Leyen,

the Former Party of Angela Merkel, as well. But of course, for Olaf Scholz, this is a resounding defeat, not only because his party didn't do very well

at all, and came in third place.

But of the parties of the governing coalition, which is Olaf Scholz, the Social Democrats, the Green Party, and the Liberal Democrats, not even a

third of voters here in this country chose any of these parties. And if you look at the Green Party, which had been flying high on a European level, in

the last European election, Becky, they lost some 8.6 percent.

And there are certain trends in Germany that have a lot of people concern, for instance, in the east of the country, what used to be the Communist

East Germany, the AFD, the Alternative for Germany is by far the strongest political force there. And then also, and this is something a lot of

Europeans are going to be talking about.

A lot of young people move from voting for parties, like the Green Party to voting more conservative and even voting for the right wing parties, Becky.

ANDERSON: And, Melissa, are we seeing a similar trend in France from youngsters? I mean, let's talk about what happened in France, why we are

seeing the right, the far right do so well now. And what seems to be this big gamble for Macron in calling these snap elections?

MELISSA BELL, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Becky, I think first of all, on the question of their support, Emmanuel Macron is remarkably

unpopular President here in France. Remember, in 2017, when he took power, it was by sweeping aside the traditional left, traditional right, since

then what has happened? You've had yellow vests protests. You've had pension reform protests.

He has achieved a lot in terms of the reforms in France he wants to carry out. But at the expense of a great deal of popular anger out there add to

that, things like -- high inflation, cost of living concerns, and, frankly, the electoral success of the far right. It's transformation into a party

that appeals to the young, that speaks to the young through the personal showdown about the law that many feel could be.

The next prime minister if the parliamentary elections go their way. And to your question on the gamble, I think the announcement last night of the

snap elections really took not just people around Emmanuel Macron, but the French center, traditional parties, the French political press really by

surprise, given what an extraordinary gamble it is.

The fear that it could precipitate what many had seen as the continuing rise of the far right. The strategy behind it, of course, is to take the

wind out of their sails ahead of the next presidential election in 2027. Meanwhile, though, should they win, as the polls suggest they might, the

largest majority of the other standing of the parliamentary election?

And the next prime minister is chosen from Manchester ranks, it will be another several years of cohabitation, as they call it here in France

between a French President and a far right Prime Minister. And that really is something that I think no one could have imagined only 24 hours ago

before he called this election.

The question I suppose longer term is will it take the wind out of the sails of the far right ahead of the next presidential vote or on the

contrary, when it simply further their rise, but a gamble that I think took everyone by surprise, and can be partly explained also by the fact, Becky,

that really since the start of his second term, Emmanuel Macron, has struggled to govern insofar as he lost his party, lost its absolute


The French Parliament that had made it difficult to pass specific bits of legislation. They'd had to resort to special mechanisms, very controversial

ones to get their bills through. And a big vote on the budget was looming that threatened not to pass at all. So some say he wasn't throwing away

very much by deciding to call the elections, other say it is playing fast and loose with the future of French democracy itself, Becky.

ANDERSON: It is not fascinating. Meantime, I think let's just spend a moment briefly talking about these European Parliamentary elections.


I mean, the percentage of people across Europe on what 373 million are actually eligible to vote, the numbers are always relatively low. And we

don't want to sort of overdo, you know, the importance of that European Parliament, but at the end of the day, you know, and we still see the

centrist sort of holding sway there.

But there is a message in this, isn't there? As we begin to see this trend in individual countries of where the European Union as a sort of, you know,

as an idea, a political idea may be headed going forward, what's your view?

BELL: I think that idea that the center does hold, you can almost feel the relief coming from people like Ursula von der Leyen as they express this.

Of course, the polls had suggested that it might be far worse for the traditional right or the center than it proved to be, you're applied.

And there were some surprising gains from parties that had not been predicted to do particularly well, from the left and the center. And yet,

what it does speak to our difficulties, no doubt going forward to the European Union as the blocks second group, the far right is going to hold a

great deal more sway than it did.

Now, it's a fairly disparate bunch. They are not all aligned on things like the level of their euro skepticism, they're not all aligned on things like

their proximity to Moscow and their opposition to the continued support in Ukraine. And yet, they are going to weigh heavier than they did on things

like European immigration policy and other issues here in the European Union. And that is a big change to the values and the view of itself that

the European Union had, Becky.

ANDERSON: Fascinating, so it was good to have you, Melissa and Fred, thank you very much, indeed to both of you for joining us. Well, the son of the

U.S. President Joe Biden back in court for what is week two of his federal gun trial, and we are just learning from Hunter Biden's defense team

whether or not he will take the stand.

A live report from the courthouse is just ahead. Plus, Donald Trump due to meet his probation officer, what can he say that might impact his sentence,

details on that coming up.


ANDERSON: Well happening right now, the son of President Joe Biden is back in a federal courthouse in Delaware. His defense attorney is just indicated

that Hunter Biden will not testify in his own defense. The jury hasn't yet entered the room once they do, we'll find out for certain whether Biden

will take to the stand. Biden is pleaded not guilty to multiple charges related to the purchase of a gun in 2018.


CNN's Senior U.S. Justice Correspondent Evan Perez is outside the federal courthouse in Wilmington in Delaware. This was a day many people

anticipated once we know definitively that Biden isn't testifying. Then what's next, what's left?

EVAN PEREZ, CNN SENIOR U.S. JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky, what happens next is that the defense and the prosecution will do their closing

arguments. And we anticipate that once that gets going, we could, the jury could have this case within the next few hours and so things will

accelerate much, much, much more quickly.

What we've been seeing behind the scenes today, though, is a lot of argument behind -- between the prosecution and the defense. The defense has

been asking for jurors when they do get the case to be given some instructions that would be a little bit more favorable to Hunter Biden.

For instance, introducing the idea that the prosecution must prove that he knew he was breaking the law when he bought this firearm back in October of

2018. Of course, some of that language is already present in the instructions that jurors are going to be giving -- given before they

retreat to the room -- to the jury room to deliberate.

But what the defense wanted was more firm language in the form that they were going to fill out when they decide whether he is guilty or not guilty.

One of the things they also asked for was they want to make sure that that jurors understand that he did not think he was addicted to drugs when he

was buying that gun in October of 2018.

That's why we're here. He's facing three charges for filling out the form of lying on that form, according to prosecutors when he -- the federal form

when he bought the gun, and also for possessing the guns for 11 days while he was addicted to drugs. What we heard over 10 -- from 10 witnesses over

4.5 days of testimony last week, is the prosecution putting on evidence of his drug use prior to October of 2018 and after October of 2018.

And so that's what the defense is homing in on and they hope jurors will at least have some doubt about whether the prosecution has firmly proven their

case, Becky.

ANDERSON: And Biden's trial on CNN. Thank you. Well to a legal first now something no Former U.S. President has ever done. Donald Trump will have a

pre-sentencing interview with a probation officer. Now we've learned that it will be virtual it will be part of what is submitted to Judge Juan

Merchan before Trump is sentenced next month.

For regular defendants, the pre-sentencing interview can be a major factor in deciding whether there will be prison time but Trump is no regular

defendant of course. Last month, the Former U.S. President was found guilty of falsifying business records in an attempt to cover up an alleged affair.

Well, joining me now from New York is CNN's, Brynn Gingras. What happened at this meeting? And what's the likely I mean? What are the best guesses

about what the upshot is likely to be?

BRYNN GINGRAS, CNN U.S. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, I mean, anything could really happen. Look, this is a long interview. That's just customary,

Becky. This is all part of the process after a defendant pleads guilty or is convicted of a crime. It happens shortly after the trial has happened.

And so here we are just a couple of weeks later, what's not customary about this is typically the defendant would come here to New York where the trial

happen and go inside that same building where that trial happened and meet face to face with the probation officer. That's not going to happen this

time is going to be as you said, virtual Donald Trump is in Mar-a-Lago.

He's going to have his Attorney Todd Blanche alongside him, which also is not typical for these types of interviews. But that's the case. That's

where we are this is a first in a lot of ways. As far as what the questions are going to be asked, they're pretty standard, but they basically go into

the conviction.

They go into the fact of Donald Trump's background, his criminal history, has he used drugs, alcohol, his family background? They get into all these

sorts of questions, and also give the former president a chance to kind of speak about his conviction. What does he think about it?

What do you think his punishment should be? You know, those are the sort of the questions that are typically customary in these types of interviews.

And then like you said, this will all be packaged up in a report. And it's just one factor that is handed to Judge Juan Merchan before, he hands down

to sentencing.

Remember for those guilty convictions on those 34 counts Donald Trump facing anywhere from community service to possibly even jail time. So we

won't know of course, what that sentencing will be until July 11, when it happens here in New York. But again, one of the factors also some of the

things that we're hearing, you know, of course, his family members can submit letters in his favor as well.


So like you said, it's not very normal to have a former president as part of this interview process but this is what happens after someone is found

guilty of crimes.

ANDERSON: Yep. Good to have you. Thank you.

GINGRAS: Thank you.

ANDERSON: You're watching "Connect the World". I'm Becky Anderson time in Abu Dhabi is just before half past five in the evening is just behind

before half past nine, in fact is just half past nine now. It's struck her on the East Coast that is a big day for one of Wall Street starlings. That

is up next.


ANDERSON: I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi. You're watching "Connect the World". Just after half past five here, just after half past nine in New

York. Let's see if the arrows are still pointing lower as the futures indicated. Yes, not a particularly exciting start a bit of a damp squib

really on Wall Street.

But that is the state of play and that means chipmaker NVIDIA has also started trading on what is a split adjusted basis the tech giant split its

stock 10 for one after trading closed on Friday. Of course, NVIDIA's chips used in everything from gaming, where they originally focused to AI, the

company recently overtook Apple becoming the second most valuable U.S. public company.

CNN's Matt Egan joins us from New York. We're talking about a market capitalization of 3 trillion or at least we were. Well NVIDIA's stock

prices ever return to what were these? You know eye watering levels of some $1,200 a share?

MATT EGAN, CNN REPORTER: Probably not, Becky, but you know, it's hard to count this company out because it has just enjoyed a legendary period of

success. The stock was so hot trading above $1,200 a piece that the company announced this 10 for one stock split where if you own one share, you now

own 10.

So don't freak out if you're an NVIDIA shareholder and you see the stock trading in the hundreds instead of the thousands.


This is actually a good thing. It's a sign of success. This is what companies do when they're trying to lower their sky high share price to

make it more accessible for every day, investors who might not be able to plunk down hundreds or thousands of dollars just to get one share.

We've seen Apple, Amazon, Tesla, and others do this. Now it's important to remember, this is really a cosmetic change the underlying value, the market

value does not change. It's just spread out over a broader number of shares. But again, this is really a sign of success and the sign that the

stock price has just gone to the moon.

ANDERSON: Now NVIDIA amongst a number of companies under scrutiny by U.S. regulators, at the moment over their dominance in AI, this for NVIDIA's

very specifically about its dominance in AI chips. What could that mean for the company at this point?

EGAN: Well, Becky, that's clearly a risk, is the regulatory front. I mean, U.S. regulators are really closely monitoring some of these dominant tech

companies are concerned about just how dominant they've become. So we need to watch that carefully, because this is a company NVIDIA share price has

just enjoyed a meteoric rise.

Look at trade chart that shows what the stock has done over the last 10 years. Just 5 years ago, it was trading just around $5. Then as of Friday's

close, it was above 1200. Now you can see the split adjusted price $120. It's been absolutely incredible. It's worth around $3 trillion right, just

to put some context around that.

That is equal to the combined market value of Starbucks, Boeing, Citi, AT&T, JP Morgan, Tesla, Exxon, Home Depot, and Walmart. Again, all of those

companies combined, are worth what NVIDIA is worth. That is just shows how dominant and valuable this company has become.

And part of it is because they made this massive decision about a decade ago, to become kind of the brains of AI. And that proved to be a brilliant

move, because there's just so much demand for the company's computer chips now. And you can see that it's now worth more than Amazon, more than

Alphabet, which is the owner of Google last week, it briefly past Apple.

And it's really not far behind Microsoft as the most valuable U.S. Company. And don't forget Microsoft, that's another AI play, right. They've got

their own AI ChatBot. They're also under some regulatory scrutiny. And Microsoft owns a massive stake in open AI. That's the company behind


What's interesting is that one of the reasons why NVIDIA has been so successful is because in NVIDIA powers, ChatGPT. Right ChatGPT uses NVIDIA

computer chips. And so as we continue to see this AI arms race and investors just scrambled to bet on the next big thing in AI, it all just

continues to fuel demand for NVIDIA where their share price obviously has gotten so high that they had to do this 10 for one stock split, Becky.

ANDERSON: I love the story as well. And you'll know this Matt, I mean, it's this is not an overnight success. I mean, this is a lot of hard work and

dedication from a CEO who is a founder of this company. It's an unbelievable story. 30 years ago, I think or more he set up this company,

as you can see from that stock chart.

I mean, it was -- it sort of bounced along, sort of nowhere until they took as you rightly point out this big sort of bet in gaming in the mid-2000s.

And then off the back of that into AI and the thing took off and NVIDIA's very few competing in that space, so NVIDIA really in a remarkable


It's a fantastic story if you were -- if you care to read more. I'm sure that story is there at CNN -- all over it thank you Matt. All eyes on Apple

in an effort to reinvigorate iPhone sales, it is expected to announce a partnership today with the creator of ChatGPT. As Matt rightly pointed out,

they're open AI and also unveil its first generative AI tools for iPhones.

Now, they're expected to be branded Apple intelligence. And experts say they will likely be used to expand on series usefulness and if any of

you've got Apple phones, you'll know what I'm talking about. Next history is made at Roland Garros. We'll have for more on the studying French Open

win by this young man.



ANDERSON: Well, he's only 21 Carlos Alcaraz has won plenty of -- silverware in his stellar career. I was going to call it stellarware (ph) maybe we

should just call it stellarware -- on Sunday added another title, one that he has dreamed about he says since the age of five. Tell us more, Amanda


AMANDA DAVIES, CNN WORLD SPORT: Becky, this really is one of those stories that you suspect was written in the stars that shouldn't take away from the

incredible achievement of Carlos Alcaraz, but the pictures have emerged of him as a young boy sitting in the shadows of the Eiffel Tower with his

tennis coach watching Roland Garros play out on the big screens.

He's always talked about what this tournament means on the clay courts because of the history in terms of what Spanish players have achieved a

Roland Garros in the past. He finally has got his name on that trophy. And I got the chance to speak to him back on that famous Philippe Chatrier

Court with a trophy in his hands a short while ago. And we've got that interview just coming your way in a couple of minutes.

ANDERSON: Super. That's after this short break. I'm back, top of the hour for you.

