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Southwest Flight Plunged To Nearly 400 Feet Above The Ocean; FAA Investigating Sudden Drop By Southwest Airlines Flight; Israel Announces "Tactical Pause"; U.S. Surgeon General Calls For Social Media Warning Label; IDF: "Tactical Pause" Is Designed To Allow More Aid Into Gaza; Prime Minister Netanyahu Disbands Israel's War Cabinet; U.S. Special Envoy In Israel To Try And Defuse Tensions. Aired 9-9:45a ET

Aired June 17, 2024 - 09:00   ET



PETE MUNTEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: You may remember a similar incident on a United Airlines flight also in Hawai back in December of 2022, the NTSB

found significant miscommunication in the cockpit.

Now, people might be asking if this was a Boeing problem, because this was on a Boeing 737 MAX 8. It is not likely pilot error here. Pilots simply

outclassed by the busy problem unfolding ahead of them in the cockpit. FAA investigating here, we will wait to hear if the National Transportation

Safety Board will also throw its weight behind this incident, although that seems very likely. Amara?

AMARA WALKER, CNN HOST: Pete, I need your words of comfort before I travel on Sunday. I mean, it just feels like there have been so many negative news

coming out of the aviation industry lately. You know, also, with the titanium pieces and now this, and all the close calls on the runways.

Please, give me some support -- some moral support here before I fly on Sunday.

MUNTEAN: Aviation continues to be the safest form of travel, especially in the United States. There has not been a fatality on a commercial airliner

in the U.S. since 2018. That was a single fatality, a freak incident, when a fan blade came off of an engine on a Southwest Airlines flight and killed

the passenger sitting next to it.

There has not been a fatal crash of a commercial airliner in the U.S. since 2009. The Colgan air crash that caused major reforms across aviation,

changed the way the pilots were trained, changed the experience requirements for them. There's been really, really significant change here

in aviation, and no real significant issues that have followed.

The big thing here is to separate these incidents out into a few different buckets. The Southwest door plug blow out back on January 5, that was a

Boeing quality control issue.

So many of these other issues really are simply pilot error issues, and they come to light, in part, because we report on them, because that is why

we are here, we're the fourth estate, but also because there're just simply more people paying attention to these things.

WALKER: Yeah. With you, Pete. Thanks for holding my hand. I appreciate it. Good to see you, Pete Muntean. I'm Amara Walker. Connect the World With

Becky Anderson is next.



BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST: Well, this is a scene in Washington DC as we speak where President Biden is meeting with NATO's Secretary, General Jens

Stoltenberg, to discuss Ukraine. It's 9 AM in the U.S. Capitol. It is 5 PM here in Abu Dhabi. I'm Becky Anderson. You're watching Connect the World,

and wherever you are watching, you are more than welcome.

Also, happening this, Israel's Prime Minister disbanding the war cabinet on the heels of Benny Gantz's resignation and the Military announced a

tactical pause along southern Gaza, while continuing that Rafah offensive. Firefighters are struggling to contain wildfires in northern Los Angeles

just the latest in a month of extreme weather across the world.

And the U.S. Surgeon General calling for warning labels on social media platforms as a social media fueled mental health crisis grows amongst


Well, stock markets in New York will open about 30 minutes from now, and taking a look at the futures markets, if there are any indication, this

will be a relatively mixed open today. Well, just hours ago, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu disbanded Israel's six-member war cabinet

according to an Israeli official.

The cabinet was formed just days after the October 7 terror attacks by a mass. Now, this comes as the Prime Minister expressed frustration over a

new IDF policy of a daily tactical pause to allow more aid into Gaza. The Israeli military spokesperson has just given CNN a direct explanation about

that new plan, saying, it was introduced to allow the movement of aid, but that the fighting never stopped.

Also, today, U.S. envoy, Amos Hochstein, has arrived in Israel to try to defuse tensions along the border with Lebanon, and UN issues a new warning

about the prospects of a wider conflict. Right. Let's start with the logistics of that. Tactical pause, Paula Hancocks reports from the Israeli

side of the Kerem Shalom border crossing where she spoke to the IDF spokesperson. Have a listen.


PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: So, this is the Kerem Shalom crossing and the Israeli military has brought us here to show us that there is aid

here that is waiting to get into Gaza. They also said, there's more than 1,000 trucks on the other side, just inside Gaza, that is waiting to be


Now, the IDF has announced this tactical route, which will be from 8 AM to 7 PM. And, it will be a safe road from the Kerem Shalom crossing, they say,

and up the Salah al-Din Road, which is the north south artery in Gaza. Now, we have spoken to international aid groups to the UN within Gaza about

this. And they have said that they have used this route before, they're not sure what's new about this passageway.

But, their concern is the lack of police, the lack of law and order within Gaza itself. So, it is very dangerous for them to be able to come and pick

this aid up. It's something I asked the IDF spokesperson about. Are you going to escort these trucks, the military will escort them?

DANIEL HAGARI, ISRAELI MILITARY SPOKESPERSON: This is the war zone and we need to act inside the war zone, and to find inside the complexity, the way

that find solutions. The first step is to make sure that the word the road is safe, the road will be safe. Military wise, it will be safe in our

planning, and our attacks, et cetera, et cetera.


ANDERSON: All right, well, let's get you to Paula Hancocks, who has connecting us this hour from Jerusalem.


Ben Wedeman is with us in Beirut. So, Paula, just following up on the conversation you were having there with the IDF spokesperson, it's not

quite clear just whether the this tactical pause as it's being described, will actually allow more aid to get to people who need it most. Did you get

the thing more from the IDF?

HANCOCKS: No, it's not clear, Becky, and it's not clear whether there would be military escorts with these trucks. I asked that a number of times and

didn't get a response. The issue is, from -- from these international aid organizations point of view, is that, it has become extremely dangerous

within Gaza, the fact that the lawlessness is one of the issues, of course, the fighting as well.

So, they can take the fighting away from that one particular route. But then you still have the issue of trying to keep the humanitarian aid groups

safe, being able to protect that aid, going in. And that's really the crux of it at this point. Now, we've had heard from the Gaza media office saying

that as far as they're concerned, there is no tactical pause, they can still see the fighting, they call it, quote, Israeli lies.

But, the IDF was quite clear that the fighting would continue in tandem with this. So, there will still be the fighting in Rafah, which is very

close to where we were today and very close to where this -- the aid is supposed to be getting to.

And what we did see was the Israeli Military was really putting the onus on the UN, the onus on the international groups to be able to distribute this

aid, despite the fact that there is this -- this lawlessness within the Gaza Strip at this point, saying that they will work together to come up

with solutions. But of course, eight months in, those solutions presumably should have been talked about a little earlier. Becky?

ANDERSON: Paula, the Israeli Prime Minister has disbanded his war cabinet. Why? And what's the likely impact on decision making?

HANCOCKS: So, the war cabinet basically existed of three men. So, it was the Prime Minister, the Defense Minister, and then, Benny Ganz, who's the

opposition leader, who recently resigned, because he said, Netanyahu, the Prime Minister didn't have a day off to plan and did not have decisive

plans for getting the hostages out for -- for dealing with the northern border with Lebanon as well.

So, it's effectively a two-person war cabinet now. So, it's not unexpected that, that would be disbanded. Of course, the question now is, who makes

the decisions on the day-to-day running of the military strategy in Gaza, for example.

Now, an official within the Prime Minister's office said, that, that will be done within the security cabinet. So, a wider cabinet now, rather than

the war cabinet, and he will -- the Prime Minister will convene smaller groups, if necessary.

Now, the assessment from some is that this was to try and prevent the far right elements of his coalition from -- from filling the void, if you like,

filling the vacuum in that war cabinet, which would have been a difficult situation, and not very popular with certainly the international community

and the Biden Administration. Becky?

ANDERSON: Ben, let me bring you in at this point. We know that Amos Hochstein is in -- is in Israel at present. This is a -- this is a U.S.

diplomat who has been working. He will say, and I'm sure the Biden Administration will say tirelessly behind the scenes to try and avoid a

widening of this conflict into Lebanon. What do we know at this point about where -- where his narrative stands? And how close we are to a widening of

this conflict at this point?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, as far as Mr. Hochstein's schedule, and what he's discussing with, all we know is that, he did meet with Prime

Minister Netanyahu today, and they discussed the situation in Gaza, and on Israel's northern border, and in Lebanon.

Now, we haven't heard anything from either the Lebanese Foreign Ministry or the U.S. Embassy here in Beirut, as to whether he will be coming here, but

I think it's fairly safe to assume he will, even before the war in Gaza.

He was traveling regularly to Israel, to Lebanon, to try to work out, for instance, border issues between the two countries. Now, clearly what he's

going to be focusing on is, trying to head off a possible full scale war between Israel and Lebanon.

Now, Prime Minister Netanyahu is under intense pressure from the opposition from members of his own government to take firmer action to Strike



And stop the daily back and forth, and fire, between the two sides and allow the more than 50,000 Israelis who have fled their homes in the north

to return safely.

Now, there is this pressure to launch some sort of massive military action against Hezbollah in Lebanon. But, I think the Americans are well aware and

probably some elements within the Israeli military, that Hezbollah is a serious foe probably the most formidable foe, Israel has faced on its

border since the October 1973 War.

Israel's options are very limited. If it has a ground incursion into southern Lebanon and create some sort of security zone to ensure the safety

of those northern Israeli communities, it's back to where it was before it pulled out in May of 2000, essentially, occupying Lebanese land having to

deal with a Lebanese insurgency, no question led by Hezbollah.

On the other hand, if it launches massive air campaign against targets within Lebanon, Hezbollah is perfectly capable of responding and striking

Israeli cities all the way to Tel Aviv, and probably way beyond. So, the price of war for both sides, Hezbollah and Israel, is very high. And I

think Mr. Hochstein's mission is to convince both sides, don't do it.

Now, we have had a period of quiet on the border between the two sides back in November of last year, when there was an eight-day ceasefire in Gaza.

Hezbollah has made it clear, if the fighting stops in Gaza, Hezbollah will stop firing at Israel. That's probably the best solution. But, as we've

seen, efforts to reach a ceasefire, led by the United States, haven't really worked at this point. Becky?

ANDERSON: Yeah, absolutely. Ben, and thank you, and to viewers, apologies for the ambient sound there in Beirut. Thank you, both. Well, a massive

fire is burning in Los Angeles County in California. The post-fire as it's called has scorched more than 14,000 acres, that is nearly 6,000 hectares,

and authorities say, the blaze which started on Saturday is only 2 percent contained so far.

The National Weather Service's warning high wind gusts in very dry air could potentially fuel the flames, sound a major heatwave is expected to

descend upon large parts of the U.S. this week with record breaking heat building from the Midwest and Great Lakes to the northeast.

Meteorologist, Allison Chinchar, is at the CNN Weather Center for us. Look, I mean, we would expect temperatures to be rising at this point. But, how

off trend are these? How unusual is -- are these weather patterns at this point?

ALLISON CHINCHAR, METEOROLOGIST, CNN: That's a great question, Becky. And it's also how much of the population is impacted because I think that's

something that people need to understand, this isn't just a few states here and there that are dealing with it, over 80 percent of the U.S. population

is expecting temperatures above 90 degrees at some point this week.

That's a large swath of the country. Some of them, it's just a few degrees above average. But, for many, it's going to be very significant. That's why

you're talking nearly 200 places could end up having some high temperature records, that, now the vast majority of them are in the Northeast and the


But, you can see, we've got a few dots down there into the southeast, as well as a few over by the Rocky Mountains. So, this isn't just limited to

just one particular area. You have all of these excessive heat alerts in effect across numerous states, because of the prolonged nature. Some of

these areas may even set those records two or even three days in a row.

Looking at these temperatures, again, you're talking well above average, some of these spots 10 to 15 degrees even higher than above normal. The

other thing we're keeping an eye on is down across the Yucatan Peninsula, this low pressure system right here is going to very slowly make its way

across and back out into the Gulf of Mexico.

But, before it does, it is expected to dump a tremendous amount of rain across several of these Central American countries, keeping in mind that

for many of these, this will be a month's worth of rain in just three to five days. Some of them over the next course of the week may even see more

than a month's worth of rain.

So, this is going to be very significant for this area as we go through the rest of the week. Now, then, the system will make it into the Gulf of

Mexico, and once it does, it has a 70 percent chance of becoming a tropical system in just the next 48 hours. Then, it begins to make its way off

towards the United States.

Now, regardless of whether or not this becomes a named tropical storm or not, it's expected to provide a surge of moisture for many of the Gulf

Coast States, including Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and even Texas. Look at all of this rain. I mean, you are talking in excess of eight to 10

inches, maybe even as much as a foot of rain.


So, again, for metric folks, I mean, you're talking several 100 millimeters of rain in just a few days. So, this is going to be a pretty significant

system here. That's why, for the next few days, we have what's considered a moderate risk. That's a level three out of four for excessive rainfall and

flooding for a lot of this area.

ANDERSON: Good to have you. Thank you. Well, as Russia continues its offensive in eastern Ukraine, Vladimir Putin getting ready for a landmark

trip. He is going to North Korea, a live report on that is coming up.


ANDERSON: Well, intense fighting is said to be going on in eastern Ukraine, it's centered on the town of Vovchansk, which you can see near the top of

the map here along the Russian border. Russia launched a series of fresh attacks there on Sunday, it's among the territory. Ukraine is struggling to

hold this. Russia pushes forward in the East and in the south.

And Ukraine's army chief says, Moscow is trying to make more gains before new military aid arrives in Kyiv. Meantime, the Kremlin says, Russian

President, Vladimir Putin, is preparing to visit Moscow's newly important ally in North Korea. He leaves Tuesday and he will be there for two days

before moving on to Vietnam.

CNN's Mike Valerio, joins us from Seoul. And Mike, so, newly -- newly minted friends as it were, why? What do we know about the relationship

between North Korea and Russia, very specifically between these two leaders when it comes to munitions and arms at this point?

MIKE VALERIO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, you know, Becky, it's pretty simple, right? It's because they need each other. This whole visit is about what

each country needs and what each country is going to get. So, what we're acutely watching, Becky, here on the Korean peninsula is, whether or not,

at the end of this whole thing, when it's said and done, is there going to be any kind of new military agreement between Pyongyang and Moscow.

And the last time, you got to go back into the archives, the UN Treaty archives, that there was a Military agreement between Pyongyang and Moscow.

We're talking about July 6, 1961, between Khrushchev and Kim Il Sung, a mutual defense treaty that said, you know, if something happens to North

Korea, the USSR will come to its defense.

So, people here, and around diplomatic quarters, are acutely attentive and waiting to see if some sort of agreement about military drills, military

cooperation results from this latest meeting of this new, as you mentioned, strategic partnerships.

So, what each country wants? Let's start with North Korea, shall we at the very top of its list, it needs help with satellite/missile technology.

Becky, for years, it's tried to launch these five satellites. It's only been successful one time in November.


They failed a couple of weeks ago, started sending trash balloons after that failure. They also want food, energy help. They need the prestige of

meeting somebody like Vladimir Putin, a strong leader from their point of view, and they want another ally against the United States and South Korean

interests. What Russia wants? It's a shorter list in terms of bullet points, but the magnitude is, just as large, if not larger, what they want?

More ammo from North Korea.

South Korean intelligence officials here in Seoul and in Washington, DC, have told us that there's certainly evidence that North Korean ammo has

ended up already on the battlefield in Ukraine. So, Russia has had shortages of weapons. North Korea is desperate for foreign cash, because of

all the sanctions it's been under.

And then, meanwhile, where we end with this, Becky, we got to forget about -- we cannot, excuse me, forget about China, all roads in this region,

inevitably lead to Beijing. At the same time while this is all happening, China and South Korea will be meeting, for the first time in years, to talk

about their mutual security, to maintain the status quo here on the peninsula.

If there's some agreement between Russia and North Korea, new military agreement that would certainly raise American eyebrows. China doesn't want

anything that would add potentially more American troop levels here on the peninsula. So, a lot to watch. A lot that's going to be going on starting

tomorrow into Wednesday, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yeah, absolutely. Good stuff. Thank you very much indeed the insight there with Mike Valerio.

VALERIO: No problem.

ANDERSON: Well, Donald Trump expected to meet today with House Speaker, Mike Johnson, and Richard Hudson, the Chairman of the National Republican

Congressional Committee. Our source says, they'll meet privately at Mar-a- Lago, which, of course, is Donald Trump's Florida estate.

Today's huddle comes just days after the former U.S. President was in Washington to shore up support within the Republican Party ahead of

November's election. CNN's Arlette Saenz joins us from the White House, and CNN's Lauren Fox is at our Bureau in Washington. What more do we know about

this private meeting, Lauren? How should it or could it help Johnson?

LAUREN FOX, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, I mean, obviously, this is an important meeting for Speaker, Mike Johnson. And it follows one that he had

back in April with President Donald Trump that down at Mar-a-Lago, and obviously, follows the Congressional Meeting that happened last week.

But, it continues to send a message to conservatives within his conference, that, he is very close to the former President, that the former President

has his back. And that is an important message to send to people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, who just, a couple of weeks ago, tried to oust

speaker Mike Johnson.

She too is close with former President Donald Trump, cares deeply about what his views are, cares deeply about staying in the fold with former

President Trump. So, this sends a signal to some of those conservatives and his ranks, that, he is still aligned with the President, that the President

has his backing.

It is also clear, though, that, they want to make sure that they are all on the same page ahead of the election, because so much of the future of what

former President Trump is going to be able to do, if he wins in November, is going to hinge on whether or not Republicans keep the House of

Representatives and whether or not they take back the United States Senate.

Without those two chambers in Congress, it really would significantly limit what Trump could do, even if he's able to win. So, they want to make sure

that they have a unifying message going into November. They want to make sure that everyone's on the same page.

And they want to try to get rid of any message that's out there that the Republican Party is in disarray, or not unified, going into November.


ANDERSON: And they will want as much money to do that as possible, both in terms of fundraising for Donald Trump, of course, and for those who are up

for election across Congress. Arlette, there is major fundraising going on at present over the weekend. Joe Biden was in LA, who's ahead in terms of

money at this point, Trump or Biden?

ARLETTE SAENZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky, we are still waiting for the Biden campaign to announce their numbers for the fundraising in the month

of May, but former President Trump has announced that he raised $141 million during that month, including $53 million that came in the 24 hours

after his criminal conviction up in New York City.

But importantly, the Trump campaign has yet to say how much cash on hands they have. Of course, that figure is important because that's how they

continue to buy ads, build open up campaign offices, and hire more organizers. The Biden campaign had touted having $192 million cash on hands

at the beginning of May.


So, we're still trying to get that bigger fundraising picture to see who is ahead in the money race, but Biden has led Trump in fundraising for most of

the year until the month of April that was the first time that Trump surpassed him in raising money.

But, this past week, President Biden added to his campaign war chest, when he held this major Hollywood fundraiser featuring former President Obama,

and also, Hollywood stars like, George Clooney and Julia Roberts. That event brought in $30 million for the campaign, which is the biggest

Democratic fundraiser in history.

And the Biden campaign, during this fundraiser, the President and Obama really warned, in very stark terms, about what a Trump presidency could

hold if he is re-elected. The President really drilled in on how he could have a further impact on the Supreme Court if he secures a second term,

saying that, there likely could be two Supreme Court appointments that come up in the next four years.

And Biden also criticized the court taking them on directly saying, that, they are more out of kilter today than they have ever been before. It's all

part of Biden's arguments as he is really trying to sharpen his attacks against Trump, heading into this first debate in just 10 days.

The campaign today actually released a new television ad, which is directly calling Trump a convicted criminal, the first time that they're leaning

into using the former President's legal woes in their campaign advertisements.

What the campaign is trying to do is, frame this as a choice between a divisive figure, a convicted criminal, who they say is only looking out for

themselves, and versus, President Biden, who is working for the American people. That's the main focus of that ad. But, it's clear that President

Biden is trying to amp up his attacks on Trump, heading into this first debate, and hoping to put some of that fundraising money that they've

brought in, to use on the television airwaves with that ad. It's part of a $50 million campaign.

ANDERSON: Yeah, absolutely. And he will hope some of that star power works for him. We've been showing some images of him surrounded by celebrities.

Good to have you, both. Thank you. Well, a new crackdown on illegal e- cigarettes in the United States. The Justice Department is teaming up with the FDA to stop the flood of counterfeit vapes.

Details on that are ahead. Plus, the U.S. Surgeon General's urgent call for Congress to require warning labels on social media apps. This is all about

protecting U.S. teens. I know. Those of you watching outside of the U.S. will be fascinated to hear this. Those stories are just ahead.




ANDERSON: Welcome back. Half past five in the UAE, half past nine on the East Coast. And that means the markets in New York are opening as we speak.

I will give them a little time just to get underway. But, that is the picture, we've seen a mix look on the futures market, and indeed, these

have first started all, but flat traders, were very much in a holding pattern, with no interest rate decisions and yet on the horizon.

So, perhaps the reason there, the volumes don't look particularly high either. Let's take a quick look at Facebook, and its parent company Meta,

social media companies are in the spotlight today. That is because the U.S. Surgeon General is calling for urgent action to help protect young people

against harm from social media use.

In the New York Times op-ed on Monday, Vivek Murthy demanded Congress put warning labels on social media apps just like there are for alcohol and

chocolate. For example, let me let me say that again, alcohol and cigarettes, of course, there are not warning labels on chocolate bars.

He called the mental health crisis among young people an emergency, and said, social media is a major contributor. Speaking on NBC, Murthy said,

labels would help remind parents and adolescents that social media has not been proven safe.


VIVEK MURTHY, U.S. SURGEON GENERAL: Not only have companies not demonstrated that their platforms are safe for kids, but there's growing

evidence of harm, but warning label would help parents to understand these risks. Many parents don't know that those risks exist.


ANDERSON: This is fascinating. CNN Medical Correspondent, Meg Tirrell, joins me now from New York with more on this story. And as the Surgeon

General said, the addition of a warning label requires congressional action. So, that begs the question, is there an appetite for this sort of

action amongst congressional members?

MEG TIRRELL, CNN MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, we have certainly seen leaders of social media companies hauled in front of Congress for some very

powerful exchanges. We haven't yet seen legislation introduced along these lines.

So, we're going to have to see how Congress reacts to this call. But, the Surgeon General this morning, citing data, showing that as of last summer

anyway, according to Gallup, kids were spending almost five hours per day on average, using social media.

He also cited, a study from the journal JAMA Psychiatry that showed that kids who use at least -- social media for at least three hours a day, have

double the risk of mental health problems, like, internalizing problems and showing symptoms of anxiety and depression. He also noticed almost half of

kids, say that, social media makes them feel worse about their bodies.

And so, in this op-ed this morning, he says, it's time to require a Surgeon General's warning label on social media platforms stating that social media

is associated with significant mental health harms for adolescents. Now, he says, this would be something that at least would let parents know that

this could be a risk for their kids.

He said, the data are imperfect right now. But, it's an emergency and he thinks action is warranted. And this really harkens back to 1965 when we

saw that warning label go on cigarettes.

ANDERSON: And this is absolutely fascinating for anybody who's watching who has kids, and those who, you know, people who haven't got kids will totally

get it as well. This is really frightening stuff. The Surgeon General is calling not only for a health warning, but also, on social media companies

to be audited.

But, what's the likelihood that a policy like this is put in place, and these social media companies are held to account, and I guess, that begs

the question, account for what? But, we can have that discussion as well.

TIRRELL: Yeah, he's calling for a lot of different things in terms of this potential legislation. If anybody in Congress does act on it, in addition

to the warning, as you said, which requires Congress to act, he's also asking Congress to require social media companies to report data on the

health impacts of children to the public, and to independent scientists, so that, audits can be done that are independent.


He notes that, the social media companies have said that they've put steps into place to protect kids using their sites, but he says, those are words.

What we need to see is, a real evidence that kids are being protected.

He's calling for other requirements on social media companies as well, like, restricting the use of autoplay, and push notifications, infinite

scroll, trying to actually have Congress step in to legislate these companies. That would be a big step. And it's not something we know whether

there's likely to be a law that actually gets through.

ANDERSON: Yeah, little Congress act?

TIRRELL: That is the question we don't know yet.

ANDERSON: No, it's fascinating. All right. Well, we'll stick with this one, because I know that there will be huge appetite for this story, yeah, from

our viewers around the world. Thank you. Well, Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. Senate are showing rare unities. They criticize government efforts

to crack down on illegal e-cigarettes.

Under Pressure, a new coalition of government agencies fail once again to try and stop the flood of unapproved vaping devices favored by young people

across the country.

The Justice Department and the FDA announced the new coalition would include agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and

Explosives, the U.S. Marshal Service, the Federal Trade Commission, and the US Postal Service, they are taking this seriously.

The new effort could include significant fines and jail terms. More than one in 10 young adults in the U.S. regularly use e-cigarettes according to

the U.S. CDC 2023 Survey, found that about 2.1 million youngsters reported currently using e-cigarettes. We'll get you up to speed on some of the

other stories that are on our radar right now.

And in southern China, record-breaking flooding, forcing more than 11,000 people to flee their homes. State media says, heavy rainfall across Fujian

and Guangdong provinces has caused 17 rivers to flood, triggering power outages and other damage. Landslide alerts have been issued for multiple


Well, in Greece, police still searching for three missing tourists as extreme heat there grips the country. Official say, a U.S. citizen went

missing on a Amorgos Island, and two French women are seen in the island of Sikinos, following a walk. Temperatures this month have been above 40

degrees Celsius.

And in Florida, it's been nearly a year since a new law ban many Chinese citizens from buying property in the state. Many Chinese nationals continue

to voice anger and frustration of the law, which they say, is unfair and discriminatory. Violators face a felony charge and possible prison time.

That law is being challenged in court.

Well, it is time for your fill of sports and in the world of sports, a thrilling conclusion to golf's, third major tournament of the year, decided

by what the top two finishers did on the final hole. That is up next.

ANDERSON: Celebrity, Chef Gordon Ramsay says that he is, quote, lucky to be alive after a recent cycling accident. He took to Instagram on Sunday, to

underscore the importance of wearing a helmet while also revealing a massive purple bruise he sustained from the accident.


GORDON RAMSAY, BRITISH CELEBRITY CHEF AND RESTAURATEUR: Honestly, you've got to wear helmet. I don't care how short the journey is. I don't care.

Yo, the fact that these helmets cost money, but they're crucial. Even with the kid's, a short journey, they've got to wear a helmet. Now, I'm lucky to

be standing here. I'm in pain. It's been a brutal week. And I'm sort of getting through it. But, I cannot tell you the importance of wearing a



ANDERSON: Wow. Ouch. Ramsay went on to say, he believes that helmet saved his life. CNN has reached out to a representative for Ramsay for common.

Well, the U.S. Open came to a thrilling conclusion on Sunday Rory's Raw ending with a (inaudible) the Bryson DeChambeau comes up clutch in the end,

claim his second career golf major.

Amanda Davis joins him. Before we do that, I have to say, I wasn't sure I wanted to see Gordon Ramsay's stomach, but boy, that look pretty painful,

didn't it?

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN WORLD SPORT: Becky, it was incredible. I actually saw that video when he posted it last night and did a double take. He's a huge

cycling fanatic. He loves his Ironman. He's really proficient on a bike, on a road. And yeah, real, real work, warning shots for people to wear a

helmet, if you're out on your bike, on the road.

We have plenty of the golf to come. I don't know whether I've got time to tell you about it. But, yeah, agony and ecstasies, Bryson DeChambeau, Rory

McIlroy, very much the two sides of a Sunday, a final round at the U.S. Open. We're bringing you that in just a couple of minutes in world sport.

And we are hearing from, the now two-time U.S. Open Champion, Bryson DeChambeau, and what was a very special winning day for him, Father's Day,

he was able to pay tribute to his late father, who passed away just a couple of years ago.

ANDERSON: Yeah. Well, wonderful, a man is back after the break. I'm back top of the hour, we stay with this.

