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Russian President Making Landmark Visit to North Korea; Biden to Announce Sweeping New Deportation Protections; Tensions Rise Between U.S. and Mexico Over Water Treaty; Boeing CEO Plans to Apologize for Recent Safety Issues; Coldplay to Release New Eco-Friendly Album. Aired 9-9:45a ET

Aired June 18, 2024 - 09:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Well, its 9 am in Washington D.C., where President Biden is expected to announce an executive action on

immigration that could offer deportation protections to hundreds of thousands of people. 5 pm here in Abu Dhabi, I'm Becky Anderson. This is

"Connect the World" from your Middle East programming hub.

Also happening over the next two hours, Vladimir Putin looking for arms and allies rewards Kim Jong-Un with a statesman's visit to Pyongyang, the first

in over 20 years. What else will he give Kim in return? Boeing CEO faces Congress for the first time amid new claims from another whistleblower

breaking just hours ago. And raging fires in California and New Mexico as extreme weather continues to rock the United States.

Well, markets in New York will open about 30 minutes from now. And if the futures, markets are any indication, these markets will be flat on the

open, keeping an eye on that back with those markets as they open at 9:30 Eastern Time. Pageantry in Pyongyang to welcome Russian President Vladimir

Putin, he is due to arrive anytime now for his first trip to North Korea in almost a quarter of a century.

The two countries have become closer in recent years as North Korea is believed to be sending Russia weapons for the war on Ukraine. They both

deny that. Well earlier Mr. Putin made a working visit to Siberia. CNN's Mike Valerio is in the South Korean capital of Seoul watching this for us

and the pomp certainly impressive. What's the real purpose though, Mike, of this trip?

MIKE VALERIO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, the purpose, Becky, is because both countries want a whole multitude of things from the other country. And you

know we understand that at the end of the song and dance Becky, by the end of the day tomorrow that they're going to sign something some sort of

document that enhances their words that strategic partnership that they both reached in September of last year.

But what that partnership is how tight these ties become, or how strong or how much more strong and strengthened they become. That is an open

question. And, you know, we were talking last night on the air about this treaty between Moscow and Pyongyang in 1961, July 6th of 1961.

That's a mutual military assistance agreement. But you know, Becky, from reading the tea leaves from the Kremlin and speaking of more North Korea

experts and listening to what has been said, as we wait for Putin here on the Korean peninsula, there are more and more experts who are saying you

know what, based on what Moscow was saying, we think this could be more of a small deliverable tomorrow in the economic realm.

So what more what both countries want starting with North Korea, they need help with their missile technology, satellite technology, food aid, energy

aid, the quote, unquote prestige of standing with a leader like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-Un, standing in Kim Il Sung square, seeing that huge parade

that's going to happen tomorrow.

Russia wants more and more ammo to prosecute its war with Ukraine. But you know, Becky, very interestingly, we went back to comments that Vladimir

Putin made not too long ago in recent days, where he thanked, yes, thanked South Korea for not sending lethal munitions to Ukraine.

And because of that, North Korea, experts are saying, you know what, we don't think that Moscow is going to go all the way with a mutual military

assistance agreement when this is all said and done. And we don't think the experts are saying that Russia is going to give up its missile and nuclear

technology to Pyongyang. So listen to what's been said on that point.



PETER WARD, RESEARCH FELLOW AT SEJONG INSTITUTE: I'm a little bit skeptical about both the ballistic missiles and nuclear technology claims. These are

highly advanced technological capabilities that I don't think the Russian side would be willing to give up or give to the North Korean side.

There are the Russians also have to be concerned about potential proliferation and the further resale of these crown jewels of their own

military technological base.



VALERIO: OK, so what we could have in terms of deliverables, Becky, you know, trade is still transacted in U.S. dollars. So what we may see

tomorrow in terms of, you know, a slight change that makes a statement by both Pyongyang and Moscow, is if they go to rubles, is if they decide to

say, hey, we're going to have this strategic partnership.

We're going to trade on an elevated level and, you know, forget the dollar, we are moving to our own transaction system right here, strengthening their

alliances. So we have a lot to get through between this evening when we're still expecting the Russian President to land on the peninsula, and

everything that's going to happen. All the pageantry as you said, but what is the deliverable? That is still the key question, Becky.

ANDERSON: -- 5 pm in Seoul in South Korea might keep a keen eye on proceedings there. We'll watch what plays out over the next 24 hours or so

good to have you, sir. Well, there are more civilian deaths today in Gaza, two Israeli strikes inside the Nuseirat refugee camp, killed at least 15


And a warning the video that you are about to see has disturbing images. CNN journalist witnessed the anguish of the survivors. As bodies were taken

to the hospital one young boy cradling his mother's body saying why didn't, God take me with you, my mum? Well as survivors says most of the dead are

women and children.

The attack happening as they slept and others said most of her family, were killed. Paula Hancocks is in Jerusalem. And Paula, a CNN has reached out to

the IDF for a response on this attack. What are they saying?

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: So Becky, at this point, the IDF response is that they are operating to dismantle the Hamas military and

administrative capabilities. Also pointing out that unlike Hamas, Israel does try and mitigate civilian casualties. So that was the response to this

particular airstrike.

Now, it did happen in the earlier hours of this morning. Survivors did say that it did happen as many were sleeping, the 15 who were killed, as we

understand it from the hospital officials. In this, the majority were women and children. So six miners we understand. And also we know a number of

them were women.

They were taken to two separate hospitals, as well as a number of injured within these two strikes. Now this was in Nuseirat. It's an area that has

seen significant fighting in recent days. In fact, it's the area where just a week last Saturday, the four Israeli hostages were rescued from by the


The devastation they left behind according to hospital officials and Gaza officials was at least 270 killed. It's a number that the IDF dispute

saying it was far lower, but it is an area that has been hit particularly hard by the fighting in recent days, Becky.

ANDERSON: And so the fighting goes on, of course. And it's still going on, of course down in Rafah and we were talking about a technical, a tactical

pause was announced by the IDF for over the weekend, it was quite confusing as to understand exactly what they mean by announcing this tactical pause

in order to try and provide a further opportunity for aid to get into Gaza.

How is that going? Are we any clear at this point about what that pause looks like? Going forward is certainly not a pause in fighting.

HANCOCKS: No, it's not a pause in fighting and I think that's where the initial confusion happened. Not least for the Israeli Prime Minister who

apparently was not happy when he heard about it, fearing that some of the fighting had ended. The fighting nearby in Rafah is continuing.

We're being told by the Israeli military, what they're doing is they're having a safe road as they call it a safe route from the credential on

crossing, where they claim there's about 1000 plus trucks, with humanitarian aid on the Gazan side waiting to be distributed, and that road

will go into the Salah al-Din Road, which is the north side road at main artery through Gaza.

We have been speaking to those on the ground though, the humanitarian aid groups that the U.N. for example, and they say that it's not just the

fighting. It is also the lawlessness within Gaza. That is a problem when it comes to distribution. There is no police anymore within Gaza itself and so

it is extremely dangerous to even be able to get to some of these crossings to deliver this aid, Becky.


ANDERSON: Good to have you. Thank you very much indeed. That's the story in Gaza. Right now, Washington trying to prevent a greater war between Israel

and Hezbollah amid flaring tensions along what is the Northern Front for Israel, the South of Lebanon, and the Israel-Lebanon border.

U.S. Special Envoy, Amos Hochstein met with the head of the Lebanese army on Tuesday, a day after a stop in Israel where he met with the Prime

Minister then Netanyahu and other Senior Officials, Hochstein's latest visit to the country's comes after cross border fight escalated last week.

CNN's Ben Wedeman is in Beirut. Two questions to you, really President Biden the special envoy is in Lebanon, he was in Israel yesterday, and he

is called this escalation serious. How much of an impact does the U.S. have on this growing or widening conflict as it were, Ben?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: That's a good question, Becky. Now, we know that, for instance, here in Lebanon, the

intermediary for the United States when it comes to Hezbollah is Nabih Berri, who is the Parliament Speaker and the head of the Amal movement and

political party that is a political ally with Hezbollah.

So he was the second person that Hochstein met here in Beirut today after Joseph Aoun, the head of the Lebanese army. And clearly messages are being

passed now, whether Hezbollah actually is going to listen to the Americans in terms of the Americans wanting to de-escalate is a very good question.

And also keep in mind that as much as the United States has limited influence on the course of events in Lebanon, in particular, on Hezbollah.

And also has the same problem with Israel, with a prime minister, who we've seen time and time, again, has defied the American requests in Gaza.

So therefore, both sides are sort of a wild card when it comes to United States efforts to try to calm the situation down on the border. Prime

Minister Netanyahu is under intense pressure, not only from the hardliners in his cabinet, from the opposition as well in Israel, who are demanding

that Israel take firm action against Hezbollah in the South of Lebanon.

So both sides have their own agenda, which doesn't necessarily or probably even coincide with what the United States is seeking, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yeah. Good to have you on, Ben. Thank you. Well, in the United States, the Biden Administration is set to announce a new executive action

protecting thousands of undocumented spouses and children of U.S. citizens from deportation. The new policy for spouses would allow them to work

legally in the U.S. as they seek citizenship and applies to those who've lived in the country for at least 10 years.

Now, this move would mark the federal government's biggest relief program for undocumented immigrants in years. And it comes during a presidential

election years. CNN's Arlette Saenz joins us from the White House. This is going to be very, very closely watched and listened to when it's announced.

What do we understand to be the details of this plan, Arlette?

ARLETTE SAENZ, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky, this is a sweeping plan that President Biden is hoping could have an election year

impact as he's looking to show that he's tackling an issue that's arisen in concern for voters and which includes border security and immigration.

Now, this is the most expansive immigration policy that will be put into place since Former President Barack Obama's plan to offer protections for

the so called dreamers. President Biden's plan, what's happened to an existing program known as parole in place, and what it would do is it would

allow undocumented spouses and children of U.S. citizens to seek permanent residents in this country without fear of deportation and set them on a

path to citizenship.

The current system requires that these individuals travel out of the country to apply for this, a really removing them for their families for

extended period of time and raising questions about whether they would be apprehended if they would return. This new plan will change all of that and

would apply to individuals who have been living here in the U.S. for 10 years and married to a U.S. citizen as of yesterday, Monday.

It's expected that this could impact about 550,000 spouses and children of U.S. citizens and these application process is expected to open up towards

the end of the summer, just months before the presidential election.


Now, this policy is coming just a few weeks after President Biden announced that major crackdown at the U.S. southern border essentially shutting off

the asylum process for those who are entering the country illegally. That is something that really prompted a lot of frustration from immigration

advocates and progressives.

So part of President Biden's move with this announcement today is trying to ease some of this. There are concerns that he has hardened immigration

policy in this country. But it comes at a time when voters have increasingly expressed concern about border security and immigration.

If you take a look at polls, most say that they would believe that Former President Trump would do a better job when it comes to those issues. And so

what the Biden team is trying to do is show that President Biden is tackling a both the issues at the U.S. southern border but also the

existing immigration policies that are in place.

They're trying to draw this contrast with Republicans after Republicans on Capitol Hill had tanked those bipartisan border talks. So President Biden

really with this move is trying to -- a balance, delicately balance one of the thorniest political issues facing this country that there really has

not been massive movement on in decades.

ANDERSON: It's fascinating. Right, well we will wait to hear more on that executive action for the time being. Thank you. Just north of Los Angeles

in the states hundreds of people have had to pack up and leave to escape what is a fast moving fire what's making it so hard to control. We are live

at the scene with more, after this.


ANDERSON: Well, happening now, two wildfires in New Mexico converging, forcing around 5000 residents to evacuate. One fire has burned through 2000

hectares and is 0 percent contained, out of control that means the other has scorched over 1000 hectares. Now official say there are now at least 17

large active wildfires in the Western U.S. with most in California, the largest in Los Angeles County called the post fire is now 20 percent


It's burned over 6000 hectares so far and has forced thousands to evacuate. CNN's Natasha Chen is near that fire and as they understand it, drought

conditions fueling this and making things even more dangerous. What are you seeing and hearing where you are?

NATASHA CHEN, CNN U.S. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, Becky, we're at the command post by the post fire in unincorporated Los Angeles County where

luckily the conditions are going to be much more favorable today. And we actually just got an update that the post fire is now 24 percent contained.

So that is good news here in California.


But as you mentioned, New Mexico a very dire situation, the state has been in drought conditions for nearly the entire year. But the southeast part of

that state, Southeast New Mexico is the only part of the United States that is labeled exceptional drought that is the highest designation possible,

makes for extreme fire danger conditions.

And as you talked about, we had an explosive situation yesterday where we saw a fire grow so quickly two fires in fact, starting and approaching the

village of Ruidoso. And then officials there say that the two fires are converging on that village like a pair of tongs and thousands of people

have had to evacuate.

And one person that spoke to CNN was actually visiting the area from another state from Oklahoma and it saw the smoke rising and felt the

headache coming from that, saw the fire had to pack up and evacuate just like the residents there. They went to a different city Roswell and then

right now they are trying to contain that fire.

The utilities there in that area have de energize the lines for part of that town. So we are closely monitoring that situation so much direr there

in New Mexico. Luckily here in California, we might see better conditions today although there is still a Red Flag Warning, still dry conditions and

high wind gusts until later today, Becky.

ANDERSON: Good to have you. Thank you. Well tensions rising between the U.S. and Mexico over a decade's old agreement to share water from the

Colorado River and the Rio Grande. Now Mexico has fallen behind in sending water to the United States because of severe drought is gripping the

country. CNN's Rosa Flores has more on how it's impacting farmers on the U.S. side of the border in Texas.


JOSE SILVA, CITRUS GROWER IN RIO GRANDE VALLEY: -- 71 and growing citrus that's always been my passion.

ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Jose Silva, citrus grower in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas takes us to a grove he has an

irrigated since January.

SILVA: Well, this grove is about 25 years old.

FLORES (voice-over): To show us how his life's work could be imperiled due to lack of water.

SILVA: As you can see the leaves folding and the fruit, how small it is because we haven't been able to irrigate like we should.

FLORES (voice-over): The -- he says are both natural and manmade. There's the years long drought that has reservoirs along the Rio Grande at all-time

lows according to Texas water authorities and a dispute between the U.S. and Mexico over an 80 year old water treaty that has Silva and many Texas

farmers blaming Mexico for their misfortunes.

SILVA: If we had water from Mexico, this grove would be irrigating right now.

FLORES: I'm in South Texas under the 1944 Treaty, Mexico what you see over my shoulder across the Rio Grande owes the U.S. about 390,000 Olympic sized

swimming pools of water so far this five year cycle, which ends October 2025.

FLORES (voice-over): When Mexico released water to the U.S. in 2020. It sparked violent protests for Mexican farmers. Currently about 90 percent of

the country is enduring its most expansive drought since 2011.


FLORES (voice-over): Mexico's Foreign Ministry points to that year's long severe drought and says it plans to meet its treaty obligations by the

October 2025 deadline. But it's too late for some farmers not only have some citrus growers pulled and burned their wilted groves.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you see this, it's just heartbreaking. It just breaks your heart.

FLORES (voice-over): The entire South Texas sugarcane industry is dead, forcing the state's only sugar mill a $100 million business that employs

more than 500 people to close in April, according to this man.

FLORES: Do you blame Mexico?

TUDOR UHLHORN, CHAIRMAN OF RIO GRANDE VALLEY SUGAR GROWERS: Yes, I mean, this is not an act of God. This is a man-made situation.

FLORES (voice-over): Tudor Uhlhorn is the Chairman of the Rio Grande Valley sugar growers.

FLORES: So is this equipment going to be sold?


FLORES (voice-over): And says a group of 90 farmers went from harvesting 35,000 acres of sugarcane and churning giant piles of sugar like this one

to producing less than 10,000 acres in February.

FLORES: Do you impart blame the State Department for not forcing Mexico to provide the water?

UHLHORN: It's definitely the fault of the State Department because this has occurred under Republican administrations and it's recurring right now

under a Democratic administration. Do you start to feel like maybe the State Department doesn't care about you very much?

FLORES (voice-over): The State Department tells CNN that the agency continues to urge Mexico to make water deliveries and continues to work

with Congress to resolve the issue.


SILVA: We have to check with the water districts.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're in a crisis.

FLORES (voice-over): It said meetings like these that will say Silva advocates for the water he needs to save his wilting groves.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is there something that maybe you guys can do to --

FLORES (voice-over): But after much discussion.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And I'm sorry, we couldn't come up with a better solution for you --

FLORES (voice-over): The outcome was there's no water.

FLORES: Could this mean that some of your groves die?

SILVA: There's a good chance. Yes. It's really heartbreaking. It really hurts. It really does.

FLORES: At this point, Texas farmers are praying for rain. They are praying for a miracle. They are praying for a hurricane, anything that will save

the citrus industry. Right now, they're keeping their eye on the weather system that's in the Gulf. Now I checked. According to the National Weather

Service, the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas could get between four to six inches of rain so this could help the citrus farmers.

But the citrus farmers are also hoping that it rains in Mexico. Why because they're hoping that the reservoirs in Mexico fill up, so that Mexico can

pay up its water debt. Rosa Flores, CNN, Houston.


ANDERSON: Well just ahead on "Connect the World". I'm Becky Anderson for you. Boeing, fighting for its reputation, the trouble playmakers CEO is

heading to Capitol Hill for a grilling about safety issues. I'm going to get you live to Washington, after this.


ANDERSON: Well, this breaking news just into CNN the spokesperson with the Sag Harbor Police Department in wealthy. New York vacation spot the

Hamptons confirms a pop star Justin Timberlake is in custody. He was arrested for driving while intoxicated DWI. We're told a press release will

be provided shortly. And CNN will provide more updates as they become available.


So that is Justin Timberlake in custody. He's been taken in for driving while intoxicated in the Hamptons. Well, now it's time to the markets open

in New York and that is the bell. That indicates that we are out of the gate and up for business. Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi.

You're watching "Connect the World" half past 9 in New York.

And this is the story on the markets for you. And these markets are higher up, more than slightly higher on the NASDAQ. It has to be said that's a

tech leading indices of course, but its back down to where it started. So there was a bit of an Aroon indication there so really very flat these

markets are signaling high.

But only just here's how shares of Boeing are faring at the open down just more than half of 1 percent. Two thirds of 1 percent, is it CEO gears up

for a grilling on Capitol Hill in a few hours. Dave Calhoun will face a Senate subcommittee to testify about the playmakers safety culture.

Now, Calhoun took the reins following two fatal 737 max crashes today or face questions in public about a door plug that blew off the side of a 737

max plane mid-flight in January, you may remember that let's get you to Washington. And CNN's Aviation Correspondent Pete Muntean -- questions to

hear, what are we expecting from Congress during this hearing?

What sort of questions do we expect to be asked of the CEO? And he's struggling here, isn't he? Because there's been more whistleblower content

out just as he faces this grilling, Pete.

PETE MUNTEAN, CNN AVIATION CORRESPONDENT: It's going to be a grilling, for sure, on Capitol Hill. The first time Boeing executives are testifying

since that January 5 door plug blowout and it seemed like Boeing would be able to correct here a bit after months of crisis control after being on

the defense since January.

But now it seems like Boeing leaders are really walking into a bit of a buzz saw without going Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun in the Senate committee hot

seat. He along with Boeing's chief engineer will insist that Boeing does not retaliate against whistleblowers to this Senate Committee.

The latest development is that the Chair of this Committee Richard Blumenthal will bring the claims of a dozen Boeing whistleblowers to the

forefront including the claim of a new whistleblower Sam Mohawk is a quality assurance inspector at the Boeing plant in Renton, Washington.

The same plant that built the plane and the door plug bought incident. The NTSB found after that incident that critical bolts that held the door plug

in were not installed. So this is key that Senator Blumenthal says that Mohawk says Boeing is losing track of parts that don't conform to its

standards. Here was what Blumenthal said to CNN earlier. And he called Mohawk's accusations extraordinarily serious.


SEN. RICHARD BLUEMENTHAL (D-CT): There's mounting evidence that Boeing should be prosecuted, and I'm going to withhold judgment until we finish

this hearing. And the investigation throughout this department is now doing its own inquiry. But I do think there's near overwhelming evidence that

prosecution is important to sending a message, a deterrent message and also insisting on accountability.


MUNTEAN: Here is the statement from Boeing about retaliating against employees. They say, quote, we're committed to making sure every employee

feels empowered to speak up if there was a problem. We also have strict policies in place to prohibit retaliation against employees who come


Boeing will also have to answer to the change of culture there. There were a lot of questions about whether or not heads would roll at Boeing after

the door plug blowout. Now, Dave Calhoun, the CEO is stepping down at the end of the year. And in this statement, Boeing says we've heard concerns

loud and clear.

Our culture is far from perfect, but we are taking action and making progress. We understand the gravity and are committed to moving forward.

Also in the hearing room today, the families of the victims of the 737 max eight crashes in 2018 and 2019, 346 people killed Boeing CEO Calhoun will

also acknowledge those families in the room.

ANDERSON: A difficult day for the CEO. Is this a moment of reckoning? Do you think Pete, for the broader airline industry when it comes to safety?

Or is this very specifically a Boeing issue?


MUNTEAN: I get a lot of questions about this and you have to sort of separate the incidents of like turbulence, different type of problems

onboard planes into one bucket. Those are sort of one off kind of safety incidents. And thankfully not a lot of people have been hurt in those. And

then there's a Boeing incident which really has to do more with quality control.

And that was really brought to the spotlight by the January 5 door plug blowout. And it really sort of highlights the problems that have been

happening. They are Boeing not only on the 737 line, but also on the 787 line, also allegations about problems on the 777 line. And so really, this

is a moment of reckoning for Boeing, not the entire industry at large.

Although the entire industry is watching because there is essentially a sort of duopoly here and that is Boeing and Airbus. Those are the biggest

players in the industry. Now the question is, will all of these allegations against Boeing, will all the bad press against Boeing really make room for

a third player, someone like Embraer in Brazil we'll see how this all plays out. But it's going to change the industry as we know it going forward.

ANDERSON: It's good to have you on this, Pete. Thank you very much indeed. Pete Muntean is in the house for you folks. So ahead in sports, a big win

for France now opening match at the Euros but did they lose their biggest star at injury. More on that is coming up.

And just a reminder of our breaking news as a spokesperson with the Sag Harbor Police Department in what is a wealthy New York vacation spot the

Hamptons, confirms a pop star Justin Timberlake is in custody. He was arrested for driving while intoxicated. CNN working to get more on this

story and we will update you as soon as we have it. Meantime, we're going to take a very short break. Stay with us.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Will you marry me?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We've never done that because there's no law that would cover that, so now we can.


ANDERSON: Well see in the jubilation in Thailand is the country -- in legalized same sex marriage. It is a change that's been called a monumental

step forward for LGBTQ + rights. Ties that it is overwhelmingly approved a marriage equality bill earlier today once the king formally approves it.

Thailand will become the first Southeast Asian nation to legalize same sex marriage and only the third place in Asia to allow marriage equality after

Taiwan and Nepal. It's a region where members of the LGBTQ community often face discrimination and even prosecution in countries like Malaysia where

homosexuality is punishable by prison terms of up to 20 years. Well in the entertainment world.


Right, well that's Coldplay's latest track called, Feels like I'm falling in love their new album Moon music set for release on October the fourth

and the band is hoping it'll be the most sustainable record yet. Vinyl copies of the album will be made from old plastic bottles and CDs will be

made from recycled plastic.

The band says its most recent tour cut its carbon footprint by 59 percent compared to previous ones. I just love the fact that they're actually still

producing vinyl and CDs frankly. That's good news story for -- France open its Euro 2024 campaign with a win over Austria but it may have come at a

price as superstar Kylian Mbappe broke his nose late in the match.

And there are questions about whether he will be able to play against the Netherlands. Don Riddell, joining us now, that looked painful. What do we

know about how he is?

JON RIDDELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Yeah, it did look painful. We don't exactly know whether he's going to be failed or play in the next game on Friday,

Becky, that will be against the Netherlands. The French Football Federation has confirmed that he broke it. They have said that he will undergo

treatment no immediate surgery.

So I suppose like its good news. And they've said what I think we all knew at the time that when he does play next he's going to be wearing a face

mask. So that is a blow for the French. Of course, we all know how good Kylian Mbappe is. He's had another great season. It's just time for Real


So he's got a really, really bright future ahead of him. But this is a blow for the French and they will be hoping, Becky, they can get him back as

soon as possible because it was a tight game against Austria yesterday. They only won it by a -- and he was instrumental in that goal. So hopefully

by pay back very soon for --

ANDERSON: You got about 30 seconds, what do you make of the football so far?

RIDDELL: I've liked it there's been some great games I think some of the good teams have had some big wins, some of the other teams that were highly

fancied I've only just managed to squeak their opening games but I mean it's the first round of the group game so it's a bit too early to really

say who's looking good and who's going to go all the way but yeah, I'm enjoying it what's not to like?

ANDERSON: Yeah you know what's not exactly what's not to like a month's worth of football for those of us who love the game and a whole lot of

goals at least in some of those early games good stuff, always good to have you, Don. Thank you and Don is back on "World Sport" after this short

break. I will be back at the top of the hour at 6 o'clock here in Abu Dhabi with the second hour of "Connect the World". Stay with us.

