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Decision Comes out of Four Changes Filed Against Trump in August 2023; Far Right Leads after First Round in Blow to Macron; Beryl Enters Caribbean as Powerful Category 4 Hurricane; Presidential Elections Heads to a Runoff; Afghanistan Sees Startling Rise in Teen Girl Suicides; Next Hour: Justices Set to Rule on Presidential Immunity. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired July 01, 2024 - 09:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Well, it is difficult to overstate the importance of this day in the United States. Next hour the

Supreme Court is set to rule on a case that will not only have major consequences for Donald Trump's legal fate, but also for the future of the

Office of the U.S. Presidency.

At the same time, the man currently holding that office is under immense pressure. His family reportedly urging Joe Biden to stay the course in his

reelection bid despite new polling. It's 9 am in Washington, it is 5 pm here in Abu Dhabi in the UAE, I'm Becky Anderson, you're watching "Connect

the World".

Also happening over the next two hours campaigning underway for the second round of elections in France after the far right's strong showing in the

first round and Category IV Hurricane Beryl bearing down on Barbados and other Caribbean Islands and the stock market in New York will open in about

30 minutes from now. And if the futures markets are any indication, things are looking better on the opening all arrows pointing higher on the futures


Right well, let's begin with what is an immense day in the United States. We are waiting for that huge Supreme Court ruling due next hour that could

redefine the parameters and the power of the U.S. Presidency. The court is expected to resolve the question of whether Former President Donald Trump

can claim immunity from federal election subversion charges.

Now the stakes for that looming decision seemingly rose after President Joe Biden's debate performance on Thursday, which has a good number of

political pundits calling for him to exit the presidential race though he still has the backing of party leaders it has to be said.

We are going to talk about the debate fallout in a few minutes. First, I want to take a deep dive into what we may hear next hour from the U.S.

Supreme Court with CNN Senior Crime and Justice Reporter Katelyn Polantz and CNN Politics Senior Reporter Stephen Collinson. Katelyn, let me just

start with you lay out the possible scenarios that we might see today.

KATELYN POLANTZ, CNN SENIOR CRIME AND JUSTICE REPORTER: Becky, there's a couple different ways the Supreme Court could go when they are expected to

issue this ruling at 10 am or just shortly after that. The big question here is can a U.S. President be protected from criminal charges in any way

for things that took place while that person was serving in the office of the presidency inside the White House.

Crucially, this is about Donald Trump, and what happened after the 2020 election, including up to and on January 6th, where he encouraged people

who were his supporters to go to the U.S. Capitol March there. And then they rioted, committing many, many federal offenses inside that building.

Trump is charged with obstruction and some other things to hold him account for this, because that's what the Justice Department has decided they want

to do. What Trump is saying is that he should not be able to be held account -- accountable for this.

And whatever the Supreme Court does here, Becky is going to weigh in a lot on timing. So the options would be to dismiss the case entirely. That's

very unlikely, based on the questions that the justice -- the Justices had asked at the oral arguments a few months ago for this case.

But they could do other things like draw lines around the presidency, create a bubble that says these are things that could be protected, that a

president could do that could never be charged as a crime. And then there are things that may be private actions or campaign activity that a

president while in office could do that could be charged as a crime.

If they do something like that then the case goes back to the trial court, Trump still would be a criminal defendant. And a lot more questions would

arise on timing. How long will it take to go to trial? It could be something that could happen in the coming months or there could be many

more rounds of appeals we just don't know. It is going to all fall on the Supreme Court and not just what their up down decision is here.


But how they articulate what they believe about the U.S. Presidency and this case specifically.

ANDERSON: Yeah, that's really important to underscore here. Steven, let me bring you in. This is the first time that the High Court has weighed in on

whether a president can be criminally prosecuted for actions that he took while in office. I want our viewers just to hear a bit of what we heard in

the oral arguments back in April standby.


ELENA KAGAN, JUSTICE: How about if a president orders the military to stage a coup to piece it and official?

JOHN SAUER, ATTORNEY FOR DONALD TRUMP: On the way you've described that hypothetical, it could well be. I just don't know. You'd have to again,

it's a fact specific context is determinative.

KAGAN: That answer sounds to me as though it's like yeah, undermine a test. It's an official act.

UNIDENTIFEID MALE: But that sure sounds bad, doesn't it?

KETANJI BROWN JACKSON, JUSTICE: It's the most powerful person in the world, with the greatest amount of authority could go into office knowing that

there would be no potential penalty for committing crimes. I'm trying to understand what the disincentive is, from turning the Oval Office into --

you know the -- of criminal activity in this country.


ANDERSON: Let's be quite clear here, Stephen. The U.S. system was built on a balance of power specifically to prevent one person from becoming too

powerful and undermining democratic institutions. How seismic could this decision be?

STEPHEN COLLINSON, CNN POLITICS SENIOR REPORTER: I think you're right to say that it gets to the parameters of the powers of the presidency in the

future. Clearly, some of those arguments that were made by Trump's team, were a little bit absurd and go against everything that the Office of the

Presidency has been understood to stand for in a country, which was born on the idea of resisting tyranny and unchecked executive power.

I think this case is very interesting for a number of reasons. First, as Katelyn was saying, it gets directly to the issue of whether Trump will go

on trial now or in the future for what happened in 2020. It is also the justices are drawing the parameters of a potential second Trump presidency.

This is a potential president who believes that he has unlimited executive power, that kind of drawing the lines here about what Trump would

understand about the office going forward. And I think that's very important. And it's an aspect of this case that hasn't had a lot of


And then we're talking about ages to come can a future president decide that he won an election that he clearly lost, and then seek to interfere in

-- interfere in the process, and then escape any accountability? So those are three huge things. And we're going to get some clarity on some of them

in about an hour's time.

ANDERSON: Katelyn, thank you, for your input absolutely crucial at this point. Stephen stay with me because I want to get your insight and analysis

on this next part of the show. Meanwhile, Joe Biden's family, of course, is encouraging the president to stay in the race. That's despite growing calls

for him to step aside after his poor debate performance here on CNN last week.

His family spent time together on Sunday at Camp David and also discussed whether top aides should be fired. That's according to two of the

president's advisors. CNN's Priscilla Alvarez is at the White House, and she joins me from there now. What more are we learning Priscilla at this


PRISCILLA ALVAREZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well Becky, the president was huddled with some of the most influential people in his orbit. And that is his

family members. They have often played a pivotal role in his decisions about running for the presidency or for reelection.

And what Biden advisers are telling CNN is that they stand behind the president. They have expressed their support and say that he should stay in

the race. These advisors telling CNN of the conversations at Camp David, we're about what the family can do to continue to back the president, not

about whether he should reconsider his candidacy.

Of course, the president himself is also collecting data anecdotally, and also looking at public polling. And then too this morning, we saw some

comments from First Lady Jill Biden, who spoke with -- and said that the president will quote will continue to fight.

Now we should know this is still the early stages of the fallout there. So a lot of polling that we just don't know yet where this is going to fall

with voters despite the campaign's insistence that it did not change the trajectory of the race?


And there has been a lot of panic among all corners of the Democratic Party, including donors who were also with the president this week. He had

a fundraising blitz, where he acknowledged that he did not have his best debate performance on Thursday night, but also made the point that he would

continue to fight.

Now we should know as well, that allies took to the airwaves on Sunday, where they reiterated that argument essentially saying the president should

be judged on his record, and that alone and how that compares to Former President Donald Trump.

But look, Becky, panic has that in there is anxiety. And just as an example of that there was a fundraising email that went out over the weekend that

showed the polls and what it would mean, if all their alternatives were to go up against Former President Donald Trump there being other Democrats to

make the point that President Biden is best equipped to go against Former President Donald Trump.

A remarkable move by the campaign that just goes to show how much panic there has been and how many private calls have had to go out to try to calm

those nerves.

ANDERSON: Yeah, this is fascinating. And we've got a bit more polling out over the weekend. That I'm going to come to Priscilla thank you. Stephen

Collinson still with us you published an article on President Biden's efforts to save his reelection campaign after last week's debate debacle,

frankly, here on CNN.

I'm going to get you back to just get me some comment here. Senator Chris Coons member of the Foreign Relations Committee was on CNN this morning.

Now you and I know Coons has been very close to the president for years. I'm -- I was to first play some of his defense of Mr. Biden, and then a bit

of what Republicans are saying standby.


SEN. CHRIS COONS (D-DE): Here's what we're seeing on the screen that you're showing right now. A president who is frankly, Thunderstruck by just how

aggressively Donald Trump is lying about everything from January 6th, to when there's a record deficit.

GOV. DOUG BURGUM (R-ND): All of America saw it and you know who else saw our adversary saw it? Putin saw it. Xi saw it.


BURGUM: -- the Ayatollah saw it.


ANDERSON: Let's remind ourselves, none of what Donald Trump is saying is new. Let's be quite honest about that. Look, polling released over the

weekend, found that only 27 percent of those polled felt that Mr. Biden has the mental acuity to be president. Those are shocking numbers. Stephen,

have we ever seen anything like this in a U.S. presidential election? And frankly, is there any coming back from this?

COLLINSON: We're certainly not seen anything like it this close to a modern U.S. presidential election. Let's face it. President Joe Biden has the

delegates to be the nominee. This isn't like Lyndon Johnson, back in the 1960s deciding during the primary race, that he wasn't going to run for

another term.

The problem is Chris Coons and all these Democratic leaders are coming on television doing what they have to do because to do anything else would be

seen as treachery. You cannot spin away what people saw with their own eyes. The idea that the president was just dumbfounded with shock about

what Trump is saying, doesn't hold a lot of water.

Considering he already stood on a debate stage with Donald Trump has been warning for four years that everything that Trump says is untrue, that is a

massive threat to democracy. That image, I think is said on the minds of many American voters who were already by super majorities in polls, saying

that they thought Trump -- thought Biden was too old to run for a second term against Donald Trump or anybody else.

That is the real issue. So while there are talks going on behind the scenes among Democrats, I think at this level from what I'm hearing is its more

bemoaning the plight of their party rather than thinking that anything serious is going to happen to change the equation.

ANDERSON: Good to have you, Stephen Collinson in the house thank you Stephen. Well, official election results from France confirmed the far

right came out on top in the first round of parliamentary voting. 39 of the 76 candidates elected on Sunday are from Marine Le Pen's National Rally

Party as it is known.

The left wing New Popular Front also had a strong showing with President Emmanuel Macron was on -- coming in a distance third. Well the final makeup

of the French Parliament will be decided after the second round next weekend. And CNN's Jim Bittermann reports the national rally is closer to

assuming power than ever before.



JIM BITTERMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Jubilant chairs filled the headquarters of Francis far right national rally, as the party triumphs in

the first round of parliamentary elections, garnering just over 33 percent of the vote.

Once seen as a fringe movement, the National Rally could be positioned to assume power and become the first far right party to enter French

government since the Second World War. The controversial -- of the party Marine Le Pen asserted that the second round of voting to be held next week

will secure their position.

MARINE LE PEN, NATIONAL RALLY PARLIAMENTARY LEADER: Democracy has spoken and the French people have placed the National Rally and its allies in

first place. Nothing has been won, and the second round will be decisive.

BITTERMANN (voice-over): Complete results of the election are not finalized and much political maneuvering as expected before the second round of

voting is held next week, which could determine whether a seismic shift is underway in French politics.

National Rally's Leader and Le Pen' Protege 28-year-old Jordan Bardella could be positioned to become France's next Prime Minister, a child of

Italian immigrants. Bardella has maintained the party's nationalist politics and hardline anti-immigration stance across the country and its

overseas territories.

Voters turned out in huge numbers to participate in the high stakes election. Uncertainty has loomed ever since President Emmanuel Macron

suddenly dissolved parliament and called for snap elections earlier this month, sending shockwaves across the country.

Now his gamble appears to have backfired as the alliance of centrist parties faltered in the vote, finished in third place with just under 21

percent. In a statement, the president called for the formation of a broad alliance to block the National Rally from coming to power.

Faced for the National Rally, the time has come for a broad clearly Democratic and Republican Rally for the second round. The coalition of left

wing parties also had a strong showing coming in a close second at 28 percent.

However, no party achieved it outright majority possibly leading Parliament into political deadlock. For now the preliminary results of the election

are being received with intensity and drawing some protesters out to demonstrate in Paris as a country with a painful history with fascism and

far right movements, deals with an uncertain future Jim Bittermann, CNN, Paris.


ANDERSON: Let's check in on the mood in Paris. Melissa Bell there not far from the National Assembly we saw demonstrations from where you are against

the National Rally's gains. What are these protesters concerned about if the party takes power Melissa?

MELISSA BELL, CNN PARIS CORRESPONDENT: There are a number of concerns that we've heard expressed by those people that have made it onto the streets to

demonstrate these last few weeks ever since we heard the dissolution of their Parliament's and with all the risks there was a what would happen in

this first round of voting.

We've seen those protests. There is -- there are the concerns expressed there in the protest, but also amongst France's moderate political classes,

not least, those in Emmanuel Macron's own party. There's a great deal of anger, that he should have dissolved parliament.

There's a great deal of anger that this period of uncertainty is a self- inflicted wound that had Emmanuel Macron ploughed on and not dissolved parliament, then he could have held weakness in next parliamentary

elections held after the next presidential election and none of this would have happened.

There is anger there is resentment from within his own ranks. And of course, now this tremendous period of uncertainty, even if we consider the

likelihood now, Becky, that whilst we don't know of course whether the far right will have an outright majority. It is certainly look set to dominate

the French Parliament that is going to mean a difficult cohabitation with the president.

It's difficult to see over the next and the rest of his parliamentary of his presidential term what more of his agenda he's going to be able to get

through probably very little it was already looking fairly fraught even before this.

And the question of how much the far right -- how much power the far right wheels in the assembly, of course, is going to be significant in terms of

that second round of voting Becky because with an outright majority, with a prime minister in the shape of -- it will mark a distinct rupture with what

you've seen in French politics so far, not least with regard to France's peace within the European Union. It is policies of withdrawal behind French

geographical lines economically, politically.


And I think the scale of the change to come can only really at this stage be guessed that, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yeah, the consequences could be really quite dramatic. It's good to have you Melissa. Thank you. You're watching "Connect the World" with me

Becky Anderson. Time here 20 past 5 in the afternoon in Abu Dhabi. After the break, Caribbean islands prepare for an unprecedented and extremely

dangerous hurricane.

We will be tracking its path for you. And a potential deal between Boeing and the U.S. Justice Department has angered the families of people who died

in two fatal plane crashes we have the details of what is a controversial offer and the backlash.


ANDERSON: Hurricane Beryl now slamming into the Caribbean and its back to being a powerful Category 4 storm. It is expected to barrel through the

Windward Islands bringing violent winds and flash flooding while St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada are especially at risk.

Beryl's arrival marks and active start to the Atlantic hurricane season. We've got team coverage for you tracking this dangerous storm before I head

to the weather center. Let's bring in Patrick Oppmann who is in Havana today. It's no secret that island has been pummeled in the past, of course,

when you look across to where this hurricane is bearing down at present, how are officials and residents in these communities in the Caribbean,

coping and preparing Patrick?

PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Oh, it's so difficult to prepare, of course, when you have a hurricane that on Saturday was a tropical storm,

something of a regular event in this part of the world. And then within 24 hours, it becomes a category very, very powerful Category 4 a hurricane.

And so that just means that people don't have enough time to prepare for that kind of storm, because we're talking about a very difficult a

different storm.

When the National Hurricane Center talks about catastrophic damage caused by the strongest forms of hurricanes that really means that just sheltering

in your home probably isn't enough, you're very likely to lose your roof or you need to seek shelter much higher, higher ground away from the water

which is not easy on a small Caribbean island.

And you really need to be in a school or shelter, hospital, something like that, that is built to withstand these kinds of upper level winds. So, on a

small island in the Caribbean, where you may not have enough supplies, where you cannot get out of the path of the storm, you know, we've seen

people gassing up.


We've seen people getting food and reinforcing the residences and that's about all you can do. The scary thing of course is that people have so much

less time to prepare when you have a storm like this it intensifies so rapidly. There's really nothing typical about the storm that, you know,

here we are July 1, looking at a major hurricane.

It's very, very scary. It's going to cause damage in the Windward Islands probably continue through the Caribbean, perhaps impacting places like

Haiti, Jamaica, as it continues with Mexico and insights. But of course, this is just the beginning of hurricane season. And we expect you to have a

one of the busiest hurricane seasons on record so lots of more of these storms to come, unfortunately.

ANDERSON: And Patrick, just explain why this storm is already one for the record books?

OPPMANN: Well, you know, we've never had a Category 4 category storm form this early, you know, you look at the water temperature in the Caribbean

right now. And it feels more like August or September, and that is the fuel for hurricanes, the heat of the water, which of course is influenced by

climate change.

That's the gasoline if you will for hurricanes, so you're going to have hurricanes that develop and intensify much, much earlier. And what that

means for someone on a small Caribbean island is they will just have less time to repair and time all too often, Becky, means whether or not you

survive the storm or not.

ANDERSON: Good to have you Patrick. Thank you. Let's bring in Elisa Raffa from the CNN Weather Center. You're tracking this storm, what are you

seeing at this point?

ELISA RAFFA, CNN METEOROLOGIST: It has really intensified over the last 24 hours. I mean, we already had that Category 4 storm yesterday, but

overnight it did what we call an eye wall replacement cycle where that structure is just resetting itself a little bit. And what that did was that

made that eye much stronger you can see just how clear it is there on satellite and it's fatter.

You have those hurricane and tropical storm force winds making it much farther out from the center more than 120 miles out from the center as some

of these outer bands start to get into some of these Windward Islands, Barbados are readying seeing gusts over 60 miles per hour.

So it's a Category 4 storm right now continuing to maintain that major strength of 130 miles per hour moving west and its 60 miles east there of

Grenada and you could see some of these winds have already been gusting up to 60 miles per hour in Barbados, the sustained winds at 43 miles per hour.

The core of this eye wall here, we're talking about potentially catastrophic impacts because of the how intense the winds are also with how

strong it is. It will wash some of that ocean water. We're talking about storm surge six to nine feet so again, incredibly dangerous, rain as well

three to six inches of rain.

Some of the higher elevations of some of these mountainous areas could see up to 10 inches of rain. So just incredible! It maintains the strength as

it goes through some of the Caribbean Sea here. You've got hurricane warnings in effect. It will bring some impacts. You can see the tropical

storm watch from Southern Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

It continues its trek towards Mexico by the end of the week as it tracks across the Caribbean Sea. We're talking about ocean temperatures in the

middle and upper 80s. This is why it intensified so quickly over the weekend and why it's the first Category 4 storm that we've ever seen this

early in the season, Becky.

ANDERSON: Good to have you. Thank you and stay safe if you are in the eye of the storm and in that region in the Caribbean. Well, the U.S. Department

of Justice is facing criticism as it nears an agreement with Boeing over the company's recent string of safety failures and production problems.

An attorney representing 737 Max crash victims' families is calling the offer a sweetheart deal. It said to include a corporate monitor and a fine

in exchange for a guilty plea to criminal charges. Boeing has until the end of the week to decide whether to accept the agreement or go to trial.

Well this is causing consternation in some areas. CNN Aviation Correspondent Pete Muntean is at Reagan National Airport for us in

Washington D.C. And just explain the backlash if you will, over there still families of victims extremely upset reminders of some of the recent Boeing

safety issues and certainly why these families are so upset about what's going on?

PETE MUNTEAN, CNN AVIATION CORRESPONDENT: Becky, a lot of upset among the Boeing Max 8 families you have to think back a few years to the beginning

of this Saga, the Max 8 crashes of 2018 and 2019. And those families showed up in droves at the Senate hearing that skewered outgoing Boeing CEO David

Calhoun, this is according to their attorneys.


The victim's family's attorneys say that Boeing and the Department of Justice will once again reach a deal to avoid criminal charges and a trial

for Boeing, after the Max 8 crashes of 2018 and 2019, Boeing entered into what is called a deferred prosecution agreement with the Department of


That meant that it would avoid a single fraud charge for misleading the FAA, after the max eight crashes. Then you have to think to this past

January, the January 5th door plug blow out on that Alaska Airlines flight that put the microscope back on to Boeing. And that really led to the

Department of Justice reconsidering criminal charges for Boeing.

This is what the deal sounds like now, according to the attorneys representing Max 8 victims' families, three years' probation a small fine

is what they say that as a subjective quotes around small and also an independent monitor that will monitor Boeing's safety compliance. I want

you to listen to this quote now from Robert Clifford, who is the Head Attorney in the civil case against Boeing representing Max 8 victims'


He says there is no accountability, no admission that Boeing admitted a crime that caused the 346 days and families will most certainly object

before Judge Reed O'Connor and ask that he reject the plea if Boeing accepts. So far, no comment from Boeing on this, no comment also from the

Department of Justice, though this is a huge development in this year's long tail that could ultimately lead to a criminal charge for Boeing.

Although it may seem like they've skirted it once again.

ANDERSON: Good to have you, Pete. Thank you. Well it is 31 minutes past 5 here, 31 minutes past 9 in the U.S. and we are standing certainly on the

East Coast and we are standing by for one of the most anticipated decisions in U.S. Supreme Court history. Does Donald Trump have immunity from the

federal charges against him more on the ruling that could have lasting implications on the power of the U.S. presidency?

And the first round of a pivotal election in Iran sees a reformist candidate take the most votes. Will explain who he is and what a win for

him could mean.



ANDERSON: Welcome back, I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi, you're watching "Connect the World". Time here is just after half past 5. It is 9:35

Eastern Time in the U.S. we took a look at the futures at the beginning of this show and the arrows were all pointing higher. Let's see where we are


That is a market that is out of the gate on a Monday, first day of the week, first day of the trading month, of course, as well data at the back

end of last week suggesting to investors at least there is a chance of rate reductions forthcoming. They like that. And that is one of the reasons why

these markets are higher.

Well throughout this hour, we've been looking ahead to the U.S. presidential elections in November and also reviewing the first round of

France's parliamentary voting. Well, on Friday, we saw another pivotal election here in the Middle East at least the beginning of that election, a

reformist candidate who has won the most votes in the first round of Iran's presidential election.

Masoud Pezeshkian will face off against the ultra-conservative former nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili in a run off to decide who will be the

replacement for Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash in May will to break down what this means who the remaining candidates are and what

could happen next?

Ali Vaez, Iran Project Director at the International Crisis Group, a regular guest on the show, always good to have you. You posted on X, the

first round of elections created a quote, lose-lose-lose dynamic. What did you mean by that?

ALI VAEZ, IRAN PROJECT DIRECTOR AT INTERNATIONAL CRISIS GROUP: It's great to be with you, Becky. What I meant was that it was a loss for the regime

because this was the lowest turnout in any election in the Islamic Republic around 40 percent. The average participation rate in presidential elections

historically was 65 percent.

It was a loss for the conservatives, because although they got one of the hardline candidates into the second round into the runoff, but if you

combine the votes of the two main conservatives Mr. Ghalibaf and Mr. Jalili, it was still 5 million shorter of what Mr. Raisi could secure in


So there is a loss of popularity in the conservative camp. The reformist ended up leading, but although they brought out all the big guns and all

the key characters in the reformers then, and pragmatics camp, they still couldn't get through the first round didn't have sufficient votes to get

through the 50 percent threshold.

ANDERSON: Right. Yeah.

VAEZ: And so this is why it's a lose-lose-lose dynamic.

ANDERSON: You also outline what the reformers might have to do to actually drive home a win here. And you said, and I quote you the key factor in the

next few days is whether Pezeshkian is able to come up with a new strategy beyond fear, to mobilize parts of the great silent majority.

I wonder what you think that strategy might be. And what could a more moderate face in the presidency mean, for Iran's relationship with this

region, with the east and importantly, with the west?

VAEZ: Well Becky, as you know, the presidents are not in the Islamic Republic system. The final decision maker that's the supreme leader and

Iran's regional policy is primarily set by the Revolutionary Guards. That doesn't mean that the President and his foreign policy team are irrelevant,

because they are in charge of implementing state policy and have a lot of influence on the diplomatic apparatus.

And we know the ultra-right candidate Mr. Jalili has an ideological view about the world and was under his tenure that in the mid-2000s, Iran became

a threat to international peace and security under U.N. Charter's chapter VII whereas Mr. Pezeshkian is surrounded by really the top -- of Iranian

diplomats and very competent managers.

So it will be very different. But what I argue is that it's a mistake to just count on the fear factor that a great silent majority in Iran will

come to the polls out of fear of a Jalili presidency in the same way that we saw the far right and the French elections come to power despite the

fear factor.

I think the same issue applies here. And that's why Mr. Pezeshkian has to come up with some positive program and commitments.


VAEZ: That's go beyond just trying to appeal to the center.


ANDERSON: It's going to be interesting to see where we're at. We will check back in with you as we move towards the second round. Thank you. Finally

they are probably still celebrating wherever you find cricketing cohorts who are Indians. Anywhere in the world quite frankly and I flew to here in

the UAE there are 3.5 million Indians here after Indian won at the T-20 World Cup, this weekend.

The cricket fans are all over the country of India party late into the night after India beat South Africa on Saturday and proved they have what

it takes. Superstar Virat Kohli hit a match winning 76 and set up India's seven run win at what was the Kensington Oval Stadium in Barbados

Congratulations more news after this break.


ANDERSON: Some young women and girls in Afghanistan are frankly losing hope since the Taliban's returned to power nearly three years ago. The Islamist

militant groups, crackdown on women's rights has led to an increased rate of mental health crises and suicide among Afghanistan's women and girls

with little to no intervention from the international community.

My colleague Anna Coren spoke with, one Afghan teen, who almost became another statistic on her second chance at life. A warning, you may find

this report to be upsetting.


ANNA COREN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (on camera): It's been described as the most serious women's rights crisis in the world Afghanistan under Taliban rule.

But despite this grave warning the United Nations has been accused of betraying the girls and women of Afghanistan agreeing to Taliban demands to

keep women's rights off the agenda at the two day U.N. led conference in Doha.

It comes as a mental health crisis is sweeping across the country with adolescent girls who see no future, trying to kill themselves. We now bring

you the story of one of those girls.

COREN (voice-over): Huddled on the floor over schoolbooks. 16 year old Arzo (ph) meticulously copies the English sentences, her neat cursive writing, a

display of devotion to furthering her education. Learning new words makes me happy, she explains. But this thing was unthinkable just eight months

ago when we first met Arzo in the same room on the outskirts of Karachi in Pakistan.

Don't worry, you'll be fine says her brother kissing her hand. We are with you always. As I was bedridden, her skeletal frame wasting away. Every

breath she took and movement she made causing unbearable pain.


Arzo is from neighboring Afghanistan. And it's there in her home in July of last year she tried to kill herself.

COREN: Can you talk to us about --

COREN (voice-over): This is the first time the teenager whose identity is hidden due to security concerns, is able to speak to us about what led her

to that point. On that day I felt like everything was over. I glanced at pictures of my classmates and felt a deep sense of longing. I was

overwhelmed by hopelessness.

And that's why I drank battery acid, convinced it would end my life. Arzo seen here in pink in happier times, is one of countless Afghan girls who

have attempted suicide and alarming trend spreading across the country since the Taliban returned to power almost three years ago.

A ban on secondary education for girls one of the most damaging a dozens of effects enforced by the Taliban, contributing to what human rights

activists describe as the most serious women's rights crisis in the world. A call backed up by U.N. officials.

RICHARD BENNETT, U.N. SPECIAL RAPPORTEUR ON HUMAN RIGHTS IN AFGHANISTAN: The Taliban institutionalized system of gender oppression, established an

enforced through its violations of women and girls fundamental rights is widespread and systematic, amounting to crimes against humanity.

COREN (voice-over): But despite this powerful language, the U.N. has appeased the Taliban for the U.N. Conference on Afghanistan in Doha.

Agreeing to its demands that women's rights, are off the official agenda, guaranteeing its attendance for the very first time. No will Afghan women

be represented in Taliban meetings.

HEATHER BARR, HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: This is shocking and shameful behavior. And this really represents a huge win for the Taliban honestly. And in

terms of how much power they're able to exercise how much the international community is allowing their conduct, their abuses to be normalized, and

this is really devastating for Afghan women.

COREN (voice-over): Especially for girls like Arzo. After her suicide attempt, she was vomiting blood and couldn't swallow. Her siblings smuggled

her into Pakistan for treatment at a local hospital. But Arzo's condition only worsened.

CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: The rising number of girls turning to suicide out of their despair.

COREN (voice-over): When our story aired in December, a highly respected institution in Pakistan that wishes to remain anonymous contacted CNN,

offering Arzo proper medical care that would ultimately save her life.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Her weight was that over, probably a four year old, she was 20 to 22 kilograms at the time that we saw her. There's no doubt in my

mind that she had only a few months or left to live really.

COREN (voice-over): By consuming battery acid Arzo suffered what's called an esophageal stricture and narrowing of the esophagus stopping food from

passing to her stomach. Over several procedures, doctors inflated a tiny balloon inside her esophagus to gradually widen the passage, allowing her

to eat.

In January this year, she ate her first meal of rice and milk. It was delicious. I felt strong at that moment and so happy. I told myself I could

get through these hard days, and since then, she has doubled her weight. Yet Arzo's battles are far from over.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: See the area where she was pretty badly scarred.

COREN (voice-over): Her doctor says she requires ongoing medical care, and is now at risk of developing esophageal cancer. But the immediate threat

facing Arzo and her siblings is deportation as Pakistan prepares to expel the next wave of undocumented Afghan migrants.

Approximately 1/5 of the nearly 3 million Afghans living in Pakistan were deported by the end of last year. Homes in refugee camps have been marked

by authorities for the next round, and Arzo is visibly upset at the prospect.

COREN: Would you try to kill yourself again, if you were forced to return to Afghanistan?

COREN (voice-over): If I go back to Afghanistan, I would end up doing the same thing again, because I can't attend school or see my friends. I cannot

live there. For the pediatric surgeon who operated on Arzo, he says they were lucky to get to her in time.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We don't want to be at the resuscitating end. The goal is to be at the prevention part, and to kind of not allow it to happen.

COREN (voice-over): But sadly, there is no way to stop what is happening in Afghanistan under Taliban rule. As an entire generation of girls, just like

Arzo are unable to see any light on the horizon.


COREN (on camera): The U.N. led conference which wraps up today wants to engage the Taliban on issues such as -- the economy narcotics and security.

But by refusing to address the systemic abuse of women's rights, activists say the U.N. and international community is abandoning the girls and women

of Afghanistan who continue to suffer every single day back to you.


ANDERSON: Anna Coren reporting, while it's not on the agenda. Two U.N. officials tell CNN that the treatment of women and girls is expected to

come up in discussions. We will be right back.


ANDERSON: Minutes from now the U.S. Supreme Court convenes as justices prepared to issue the biggest decision of their term. They are set to hand

down their ruling on whether Donald Trump is immune from the federal election subversion charges against him this case has monumental


And I cannot underscore that more that could impact not only Donald Trump's legal future, but also the 2024 presidential race and the future of every

U.S. presidency moving forward. Justice Neil Gorsuch summed up the lasting significance with these words quote, we are writing a rule for the ages.

We are joined by Corey Brettschneider. He's a Professor at Brown University and author of the book "The Presidents and the People", five leaders who

threaten democracy and the citizens who fought to defend it. Good to have you.


ANDERSON: And let's just play a little bit of the oral arguments back in April on this, Justice Sotomayor, questioning Trump's lawyer. Have a



SONIA SOTOMAYOR, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES: The president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he

orders the military or orders someone to assassinate him. Is that within his official acts that for which he can get immunity?

SAUER: It would depend on hypothetical but we can see that could well be an official --


ANDERSON: Well, that was just one of a series of back and forth and what were the oral arguments. Back in Corey, what do you make of what we've just

heard that and what do you believe is the most likely outcome today?


BRETTSCHNEIDER: I think what you just heard is absurd and it's an argument as listening to it from Justice Sotomayor of why they should never have

taken this case. There have long been serious arguments about whether or not sitting presidents have immunity from prosecution.

And the argument has always been pragmatic that a sitting president is so busy, so important, that indictment or trial would just be too distracting.

But no one really disputed when this argument came up during the Nixon era that after somebody was President that they would be subject to


What you heard was just extremely worrying that a former president would never be prosecuted for assassination. So yes, I'm very worried about this.

I think there really are no good arguments for former presidents having criminal immunity.

ANDERSON: Thank you, your insights really important. "Connect the World" continues after this break and we are expecting to get that decision, stay

with CNN.

