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Connect the World

Beryl Roars towards Jamaica as Category 5 Hurricane; U.N.: "Massive" Movement from Evacuation Zones; U.S. Democrat Quigley Signals Openness to be Biden's Replacement as Democratic Nominee; Eric Trump: "Thrilled" to Expand Middle East Presence; 30 Injured as Air Europa Flight Hits Strong Turbulence. Aired 9-9:45a ET

Aired July 02, 2024 - 09:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Well, this is Hurricane Beryl, a Category 5 storms speeding towards Jamaica, Now to causing severe damage

in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It's 9 am in Kingston. It's 5 pm here in Abu Dhabi. I'm Becky Anderson. You are watching "Connect the World".

Also happening over the next two hours of this show, Kenyan activists say back to the streets to call for President Ruto's removal. We're live in

Nairobi with the details from there. And the U.S. Supreme Court delivered Donald Trump a huge immunity win. We'll talk about how the ruling could

impact his criminal cases, going forward.

Well, the stock market in New York will open about 30 minutes from now at 9:30 Eastern Time and currently the futures are all in the red suggesting

lower opening traders we'll be keeping an eye on what Fed Chair Jerome Powell has to say at the ECB's conference in Portugal, more on that at the

bottom of the hour.

Well, today is July the second and was we -- as we speak, a Category 5 hurricane is barreling through the Caribbean. We have never before recorded

a storm this strong, this early in the year over the Atlantic. Hurricane Beryl has already inflicted ruin across several Caribbean islands, parts of

St. Vincent and the Grenadines, so without water and electricity.

At least one person was killed. Well 95 percent of Grenada is without power. You can see the sheer force of the storm in this video, taken from

the room of someone's home. Will in Barbados entire livelihoods have been wiped out. The fishing industry there a key to the island's economy at

least 20 ships sunk and many more sustained damage. This is how one woman resident described the situation.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm -- fishermen friends, their boats destroyed and still being destroyed was a sinking as we're talking about sinking -- and

its total devastation.


ANDERSON: Well, the hurricane now barreling towards Jamaica, it is expected to make landfall on Wednesday afternoon with life threatening winds and a

storm surge. Well Simon Stiell is the Executive Secretary on Climate Change for the United Nations. He is from Grenada, where the storm hit yesterday.

He joins us today from Bonn, Germany, where the latest U.N. climate negotiations took place. Mr. Stiell, it's good to have you, I know you've

got family who've been personally impacted by this. How are they and how extensive has the damage been for them in Grenada?

SIMON STIELL, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY OF UNFCCC: Thank you. Thank you, Becky. I mean this is a particularly difficult and challenging time for those within

the Caribbean that have been impacted by this. I have not been able to speak to my family on island for the last 24 hours or so, communications

have been cut. There is no power on island but they are through social media through other avenues.

The picture is starting to form so my family -- family is safe. But the islands have been devastated. So we're talking about the Windward Islands

from Grenada up to St. Lucia. But the eye of hurricane Beryl, I'm struck, my particular island which is Carriacou which is just 20 miles north of

Grenada, 13 square mile.

Island's population of 10,000 people, the eye the most intense part of the hurricane struck yesterday morning local time. Island has been flattened

the reports that are coming out show a very, very distressing signal. I spoke literally just half an hour ago to some family members.


And this currently what they've just experienced is traumatic, to say the least there may well be losses of life, there's been loss of life confirmed

in Grenada and up in St. Vincent. The formal assessments will be done over the coming hours, so we'll get a better picture. But what the islanders

have to cope with now in terms of the coming days and the coming weeks.

Buildings have been destroyed, no roofs, there is another storm, that is barreling its way toward them. There will be additional heavy rains over

the coming period with nowhere to shelter. So the picture is a heartbreaking one. And then the weeks and the months ahead, as the

islanders try to recover what they can of their lives and livelihoods will be a significant challenge for them.

ANDERSON: Yeah. Simon -- this is so personal for you, I know. And I'm sorry. We wish your family well and everybody who is caught up in this.

This, as we know, is an historic storm. Never before have we recorded a storm this strong this early in the year over the Atlantic.

Look, I mean, this is a region that is not unfamiliar with significant storms. But this is historic, as I say, given that this is so early in the

season. How is climate change exacerbating? What we are seeing, Simon, just explain?

STIELL: Well, with hurricanes, in particular, we're seeing increased temperature year after year. A global temperature rising off the scales,

that's in ocean states causes the oceans to themselves warm. And the evaporation intensifies both the strength of storms that are generated, but

also the frequency of storms.

Again, that year in, year out. We hear broken records of the number of named storms this year, the Atlantic hurricane season is predicted to again

hit unprecedented levels the most active yet, but it is a direct consequence of global heating.


STIELL: That is fueling these tense hurricanes. But in addition to that, we also have heat waves that are killing thousands, around the world. Fires,

droughts, the extremes that we're reaching, not just in developing countries, but developed countries also, what we're seeing is a clear

pattern that every continent, every country is now being impacted by the effects of climate change. The evidence is clear to see. And right now --

ANDERSON: So do you believe, let me just ask you this deep. Yeah. Do you believe that richer nations will start providing what are this much needed

cash for loss and damage for adaptation? There's climate finance that you and I have been talking about now. It seems for months and months and


We are seeing this damage wrought in the Caribbean. And you've talked about it's not what happens today and that's frightening enough. But it's what

happens tomorrow and the day after how people recover from this. Are we seeing enough action? You just wrapped up the bond climate discussions?

You're confident that countries are on board at this point?

STIELL: Well, if we look at where we are, where the negotiations are, where climate action is. We are nowhere near where we need to be, whether that's

on finance, whether that is on providing the technical solutions to address the climate crisis. We're nowhere near where we need to be. So you're

asking me am I hopeful?


We have a process that clearly sets out what all nations, but in particular the richest nations, the developed nations need to deliver on. And that

concentration in terms of where action and expectation lies is within the G 20. The G 20 constitutes 80 percent of global emissions and 85 percent of

the global GDP.

So that wealth is there, but also the sources of global heating, rest there. And we have a process that outlines who is responsible for what,

when, and how? The challenge that we have is a led by governments is actually following those very clear responsibilities and prescriptions.


STIELL: And that is a challenge that we're going to face as we had the Baku for cop 29, later this year, and Belem in Brazil next year.


STIELL: Where a new goal on climate finance is to be decided, and a new round of climate action plans, which demonstrate country by country, those

actions that need to be taken to avert this crisis.

ANDERSON: Simon, we are looking at this crisis, you know, in moving images in real time, and once again, you know, let's hope the family's OK when you

do eventually get hold of them that others in the eye of the storm, you know, are safe, at least and can recover as quickly as possible.

We very much appreciate your time today. The story is top of our file and so important. Thank you, sir. Well, police have fired tear gas at

protesters in Nairobi has people across Kenya take to the streets again. Activists are calling for government and police accountability off the back

of last week's deadly protests sparked by controversial tax bill.

President Ruto ultimately withdrew that bill. But today activists are angered by the country's violent response to protesters are demanding his

resignation. Kenya's National Commission on Human Rights says at least 39 protesters have died since last month. Let's get you to CNN's Larry Madowo

he is been on the forefront.

This story was following those protests on the ground now for weeks. He joins us live. What are you witnessing as we speak?

LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Becky, we have the third straight week of protests as much smaller in number but there is still some of it and I

think we're about to see even police using more tear gas here, which is a controversial act in Kenya. The High Court recently blocked the police from

using tear gas, water cannon or any kind of force on unarmed protesters.

But in this case, they've been facing some stones coming from these protesters all morning really for the past few hours. And they're trying to

make sure that they are not blocking businesses here. They're not vandalizing anything or looting. But that's the back and forth between

these protesters and the police that we've seen all morning.

They beat them back, put them to a corner and then they come back and regroup. This began as you mentioned about the finance bear, which

President Ruto was forced to withdraw. They have now become protests about President Ruto himself. One of the common chants we hear again and again,

here's Ruto must go.

They no longer feel that President Ruto is listening to them. They no longer feel that he represents them. And so they are out in the streets,

wanting him to step down. That's unlikely to happen. President Ruto has had to compromise. And he said he's willing to engage these young people in

whatever platforms they have, they want to, even if it's on social media, on an X space, for instance, he is open to doing that.

But the anger on the streets is incredible, especially when you mentioned 39 people have been killed according to the Kenyan National Commission on

Human Rights, mostly peaceful protesters across the nation, that are people who remain in custody who are still unaccounted for in some cases, the last

set of Kenyans calling his abductions, people who -- they're not sure exactly why they're being held and that's building up on the anger here

across the country, Becky.

ANDERSON: Good to have you, Larry. Thank you Larry Madowo on the streets of Nairobi in Kenya again. Well up to a quarter of a million people are on the

move in Southern Gaza. It was like a deja vu doesn't it? Israel ordered Palestinians to leave areas near the border with Egypt.


Well the evacuation zones include parts of Khan Yunis were fighting is heating up again. Hospital officials say strikes and shelling killed eight

people back overnight, the Gaza health ministry reports that the death toll from nearly nine months of war is now approaching 38,000.

CNN's Jomana Karadsheh joins us now from London with more. Jomana, explain what's going on, on the ground in and around Khan Yunis? And why it is that

so many people are on the move again? Some telling us that they have moved 6, 7, 8 times at this point over the last nine months.

JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I mean, Becky, like you were saying that seems like a deja vu or a nightmare that is not ending for the people

of Gaza. Khan Yunis is an area where the Israeli military was operating, was on the ground, they withdrew back in April, after their operations,

they are concluded after they are supposed to have cleared that area.

But what we've seen in recent days, in recent weeks, as you've seen, attacks, strikes, fighting reported in and around Khan Yunis. And in the

past 24 hours, the Israeli military reported that a barrage of rockets projectiles targeted Israeli communities near Gaza, 20 rockets, but there

were no casualties reported in that attack.

And following this, the Israeli military announced this evacuation order for Eastern Khan Yunis, asking people to immediately move to what they

describe as the humanitarian zone, which of course is you know, NGOs, aid workers and the residents of Gaza would really dispute that term, when you

look at the conditions on the ground in the so called humanitarian zone.

And you can imagine, Becky, the kind of fear and panic this cause for people who see these evacuation orders is something signaling a potential

ground operation coming. So in the last 24 hours, you have seen people yet again on the move. And as you mentioned, these are people who have been

displaced time and time again.

And most recently, they were moved out of Rafah back to areas including Khan Yunis, where people have been living on the rubble of what used to be

their homes, because they had nowhere else to go to. And impacted by this evacuation order is one of the last standing, the last functioning

hospitals in Gaza.

The European hospital there that immediately after this evacuation order was issued, they looked at the area and they fall within that zone. So they

began, according to the hospital administration, immediately moving equipment, patients, and medical personnel. And we're also talking about

they say, babies in incubators, patients in the ICU, moving them to an already overwhelmed smaller hospital Al-Amal Hospital close by.

And you know we've seen images on social media of people pushing patients on hospital beds and stretchers on these pockmarked streets to try and get

them to another hospital. And as this was unfolding, as we were seeing these reports coming out, as we were hearing from hospital officials from

doctors, the Israeli military hours later, posts on X, formerly Twitter saying that the European hospital did not need to evacuate.

It is not included in this evacuation order. But no one was really going to take the chance, Becky, after seeing what has already happened to other

hospitals over the past few months. And as you mentioned a U.N. spokesperson on the ground saying that this evacuation order is impacting

250,000 people who they are seeing now moving towards these zones. The question is where do they go really? And what happens to them next?

ANDERSON: Numbers are just become numbers, don't they? So let's be quite clear about this. We are talking about 250,000 men, women and children as a

quarter of a million people on the move. And as we've been discussing many of them this -- for many of them, this is the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh

time at this point.

Jomana, it's good to have you. Thank you. Well, first the ruling on presidential immunity and now the fallout, big questions linger over what

the U.S. Supreme Court's dramatic decision means for Donald Trump's criminal cases. Look at the potential impact just ahead. And President

Biden, stern warning about the courts immunity ruling as he tries to save his re-election campaign after that dismal debate performance.



ANDERSON: Well, there are increasingly murmurs among some House Democrats that U.S. President Joe Biden should think carefully about his next steps.

Well, that of course is after his poor debate performance here on CNN last week, which has left his re-election campaign in turmoil. Congressman Mike

Quigley says there's more at stake here than just the presidency.


REP. MIKE QUIGLEY (D-IL): Right, I think he has to be honest with himself. This decision he's going to have to make, it clearly has to understand, I

think what you're getting to here is that his decision not only impacts who's going to serve in the White House the next four years.

But who's going to serve in the Senate, who's going to serve in the House? And it will have implications for decades to come. But we have to be honest

with ourselves that it wasn't just a horrible night.


ANDERSON: Meanwhile, Mr. Biden on Monday delivered a scathing response to the Supreme Court's decision which ruled that U.S. Presidents have an

absolute immunity. He said the ruling sets a dangerous president and wouldn't I quote him here embolden Donald Trump to do whatever he wants if

he returns to the White House.

CNN's Arlette Saenz is at the White House. She joins us now. And Arlette will talk Supreme Court in a moment so with Paula Reid, but in the

meanwhile, the White House still scrambling to contain the fallout from what was a disastrous debate performance. What's the strategy at this


ARLETTE SAENZ, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky, President Biden is still looking for a reset after his debate last week. And really his

campaign team continues to grapple with the fallout of that debate. Now, behind the scenes, Biden's advisors have been working the phones to

Democratic lawmakers as well as anxious donors to try to ease some of the anxiety that stemmed from that debate.

In a call last night, the campaign co-chair Jen O'Malley Dillon and other top officials are really tried to defend President Biden's health and also

insists that his candidacy remains on track, that there are no plans for him to change course in this race. But as you heard there from Congressman

Mike Quigley, there are some Democrats who privately have openness to trying to replace President Biden on the Democratic ticket.

It comes as Democrats are eagerly awaiting polling from over the weekend and early this week to determine what kind of impacts that debate

performance had not just on Biden's own re-election chances, but also on the chances of Democrats running in competitive House and Senate races.

That is something that Quigley pointed to as he was speaking to Kasie Hunt a little bit earlier today.


And so there are concerns within the Democratic Party about the broader impacts that debate performance will have on races in November. Now, the

Biden campaigns also is hearing advice from allies who are saying the President should do press conferences or hold town halls, something more

informal to show that he is up to the task of the job.

Advisors are considering the possibility that the President sits for a major interview, though no final decision has been made at that point. But

what you're also seeing from President Biden right now is him trying to turn the attention back to one of the key arguments of the campaign.

He used that Supreme Court ruling to once again warn that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, and that this ruling would essentially allow him to do

whatever he pleases, whenever he wants. He said that voters need to look at this ruling and dissent at the ballot box in November.

So that's one of the arguments the president is trying to put the focus on, as his campaign continues to grapple with the fallout from that debate. But

still many questions for Biden on the path forward, whether he will remain in the race, as some Democrats are concerned about what having him at the

top of the Democratic ticket could mean in November?

ANDERSON: Yeah, Arlette, thank you for that. It didn't take long for Donald Trump, of course and his legal team to try to leverage Monday's dramatic

Supreme Court decision to get his criminal hush money conviction, tossed out within hours of the ruling. Lawyers for the Former U.S. President filed

a letter with the judge seeking permission to challenge the verdict.

They've also suggested postponing Trump's sentencing which was scheduled for next week. CNN's Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent Paul Reid has the

very latest from Washington. Just remind us about this case for those who may not have been watching CNN over the past few months, and what is likely

to happen next?

PAULA REID, CNN CHIEF LEGAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: So here we're talking about one of two federal cases the former president is facing. This one

focuses on allegations about how he tried to subvert the outcome of the 2020 election. And yesterday, the Supreme Court really handed him what his

own lawyers described as a major victory, because they have determined that he has absolute immunity for official acts that are central to his duties

in the White House.

Things that have to do with his core constitutional powers, then anything outside of that gets a presumption of immunity, but he has no immunity for

unofficial acts. But what they ruled yesterday is enough for Trump's lawyers to try to really destroy this entire case. I'm told that they

believe not only can they get some of the charges tossed out.

But then they're going to move on to the evidence itself, because yesterday, the justices ruled that official acts cannot be used as evidence

in a criminal case. And they believe that what will remain of this case after certain charges are possibly thrown out, will need to be supported by

evidence that they will argue some of it is falls under this idea of official acts.

So they believe they can gut this entire case, thanks to this opinion. But this is a process that will take time. All of these questions now go down

to the trial court judge, Judge Tanya Chutkan, who's overseeing this case. She has shown a willingness to move very quickly in these proceedings. But

here all of this litigation, this is going to take time.

The parties are going to have an opportunity to weigh in, briefings like the hearings. It's going to take a long time to see what remains of this

case. But what is clear is that it is almost impossible that this case in whatever form it may or may not survive and will go before the November

election and if Trump is re-elected, he can make both of the federal cases that he's facing go away.

ANDERSON: Good to have you. Thank you. Well still ahead on this show, 28 minutes past five here in Abu Dhabi. You're watching "Connect the World"

with me Becky Anderson. Of course the Trump Organization is set to expand its presence in this region of the Middle East where these new projects


And why they aren't raising alarm amongst some in Washington? And a terrifying experience for passengers on a nose-diving Air Europa flights.

My flights may be experiencing stronger turbulence. What airlines are doing about it?



ANDERSON: Well, welcome back just after half past 9 Eastern Time, that is the U.S. of course. I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi, where the time is just

off the half past 5. You're watching "Connect the World". Half an hour ago, all arrows are pointing lower on the opening of the markets and indication

at least from the futures markets.

And this is the real state of play with many investors worrying about a widening fiscal deficit. Should Donald Trump win the elections? So the

markets -- the futures markets were indicative of a lower opening. And this is where things stand at the moment. Economic observers are -- and the IMF,

indeed are worried about the world mounting debt burden.

Governments owe an unprecedented $91 trillion. That amount is so massive. It is almost equal to the size of the global economy. And experts say the

cost of the pandemic has certainly played a part but there's a new worry at this point, the debt burden now poses a serious threat to so many

developing countries and really to living standards even in rich economies like for example, the United States.

Meantime, the Trump Organization is expanding its presence here in the Gulf region of the Middle East. It's announced plans for a luxury Trump Tower in

Saudi Arabia in partnership with a Saudi developer. They also plan to build a half billion dollar hotel complex in Oman.

Now these new projects, raising concern amongst some in Washington about potential conflicts of interest should Trump return to the White House next

year. Well, Matt Egan is here to tell us more about this. Matt, what are the details of these plan projects, which certainly to, many looked like a

conflict of interest, and we should actually talk about whether indeed, they are?

MATT EGAN, CNN REPORTER: Well, Becky, this is a big bet on the Trump brand. And on Saudi Arabia, this would be the Trump Organization's first major

project in Saudi Arabia. The plan is for this Trump Tower to be in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and they'd be teaming up with Dar Global which is the London

listed subsidiary of the luxury Saudi developer.

Now terms of the project really have not been disclosed. So there's a bit of a mystery over the price tag around this? How many floors the tower will

be? How many units also when exactly it's going to be rolling out? But the Trump Organization and Dar Global say that it would be targeted at the

luxury Saudi market and international investors.

Eric Trump put out a statement praising this saying quote, we are thrilled to expand our footprint in the Middle East and bring the Trump standard of

luxury to the region. As you mentioned, this comes right after Trump International heads this deal in Oman for a massive hotel, five star hotel

$500 million a night club, golf club.


This is set to open in late 2028. And it would again license the Trump name and logo but the Trump Organization wouldn't actually own the property. All

of this, of course, coming just months before voters here in the United States, head to the polls to decide on whether or not to return Donald

Trump to the White House.

And remember, when he was President, Trump had a pretty cozy relationship with the Saudis for the most part, certainly warmer relations than

President Biden does. And his son in law, Jared Kushner has an investment firm that actually secured $2 billion investment from the Saudi Royal Fund.

That investment is under scrutiny from some Democrats in Congress in Washington and so all of this does raise some questions about conflicts of

interest. I talked to a watchdog the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. And they told me that the Trump Organization's quote,

continued pursuit of foreign business projects raises perilous national security, corruption and constitutional concerns.

Now, I should note that I reached out to the Trump campaign and they did not respond to a request for comment. And it's also worth remembering that

the Trump Organization, it's not run day to day anymore by Former President Trump. It's run by his sons, Eric and Don Jr. And the Trump Organization is

owned by a private trust and the ultimate beneficiary of that trust is Former President Donald Trump.

And listen, I think at the end of the day, all of this is another reminder of some of these messy entanglements. That will be a potential issue, if

Trump does go back to the White House. I mean, there could be some awkward optics, where the President the United States is negotiating with parties

in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, just as a five star hotel is being built in Oman and potentially a Trump Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

It's another issue that I think could be on the minds of voters as they decide whether or not to return Trump to the White House.

ANDERSON: Thank you, Matt Egan is in the House. So folks, there is of course a Trump International Golf Club in Dubai in the UAE where I am. And

talking sports, tears for something that almost did not happen and when it did, the plaudits should go to the incredible goalkeeper. Portugal goes

through in the Euro 2024 tournament more on that, after this.


ANDERSON: Well 30 passengers are recovering from injuries after their flight from Spain to Uruguay hit strong turbulence on Monday.


This video from the cabin shows the damage to the Air Europa planes interior. The flight made an emergency landing in Brazil after what

passenger is described as a terrifying experience.


MAXIMILIANO, PASSENGER: From one moment to the next, the plane destabilized and went into a dive. The people who didn't have seatbelts went up in the

air and hit the ceiling and they got hurt, those who have seatbelts on not so much. Then we landed here as an emergency. They helped us on the runway.

We were on the plane for three or four hours without being able to move.


ANDERSON: Keep those belts on folks on the plane. According to flight aware, the aircraft is a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner this incident the latest

case of severe turbulence in recent weeks. On a video gaming Italian teenager will become the Catholic Church's first millennial saint.

Carlo Acutis was so renowned for using his computer skills to spread awareness of the Catholic faith year and the nickname God's Influencer. He

died from leukemia in 2006 at the age of 15. The pope approved his canonization on Monday being recognized as a saint usually takes decades,

but this case has moved swiftly with the teenager developing a devout following across the world.

Well, who would have thought that Portugal would have such a hard time getting past Slovenia in the Euros, but they did and literally squeaked

into the quarterfinals via a penalty shootout, the Frankfurt arena. So, superstar Cristiano Ronaldo cry, and the absolute hero of the night was the

goalkeeper Diogo Costa.

Let's bring in Patrick Snell, who joins me now. Look, some of these big teams have had a miserable time of it in not only the group stages, but the

beginning of these knockout stages. Just explain what happened last night?

PATRICK SNELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Oh, Becky, you know, I know you love the beautiful game. I do too. And one of the big reasons why is drama and

emotion and that's what we saw on Monday night, use the word squeak there. And it's entirely appropriate with reference to Portugal because they were

expected to get past Slovenia without any trouble at all.

But we saw real emotions on the part of Cristiano Ronaldo, who said afterwards, these are his last Euros. He missed a penalty in extra time. He

literally burst into tears. He was inconsolable at one point, Becky his teammates try their best to console him. And they did a job because I tell

you what he scored the first penalty, the penalty shootout.

And then Diogo Costa, the hero of the night as you said, the real hero, the keeper that gets Portugal into the last day. We'll have it all for you on

"World Sport" plus reaction. It was an incredible night. And it's why we love the beautiful game, right?

ANDERSON: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, we've just been talking as a team about our hat-trick to some of these like you know, not to say less famous but

some of the teams that aren't so obviously sort of stuffed -- with stuff with sort of legends.

SNELL: Yeah.

ANDERSON: I mean, we've seen some great performances from some of these teams and so hat-trick to Slovenia as well.

SNELL: Yeah.

ANDERSON: I'm sure you'll be discussing that and more but -- came again. Going to take a short break, "World Sport" back after that and I am back

top of the hour for you.

