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Keir Starmer Formally Appointed as new British Prime Minister; Amanpour Talks to National Rally's Marine Le Pen; Red Crescent: Seven Killed after Israeli Raid in West Bank; New British Prime Minister Faces Daunting Economic Issues; Argentina Survive Thriller to Advance to Semifinals. Aired 9-9:45a ET

Aired July 05, 2024 - 09:00   ET




ELENI GIOKOS, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: This is the scene at Downing Street, the new home of the United Kingdom's New Prime Minister Keir

Starmer, a Labor leader after 14 years of conservative rule. It is 2 pm in London and its 5 pm here in Abu Dhabi. I'm Eleni Giokos. This is "Connect

the World". And today we're connecting you to democracy around the world.

Iranians are deciding between an ultra-conservative and a reformist and they're run off Right Wing Leader Marine Le Pen exuding confidence in an

exclusive CNN interview ahead of France's second round of parliamentary elections. And the Biden campaign and damage control mode, ramping up

unscripted events where the world will see more of the presidents.

Welcome to the show. And national renewal the words of the New Prime Minister Keir Starmer after a landslide victory for his labor party in the

U.K.'s general election. Mr. Starmer was formally appointed by King Charles in the past couple of hours, and was greeted by cheers as he arrived in

Downing Street.


KEIR STARMER, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: With respect and humility. I invite you all to join this government of service in the mission of national

renewal. Our work is urgent. And we begin it today. Thank you very much.


GIOKOS: Labor delivered the worst election defeat to the Conservative Party in modern history taking more than 400 seats. But the real work begins now.

Nic Robertson has very latest from Downing Street while Max Foster is in Westminster with the live reaction there. Great to have you both on the

ground bringing up these live updates.

Max, I want to start off with you. We know the Keir Starmer is facing massive domestic challenges. It's the cost of living crisis. And he

specifically said that they need a bigger reset. I mean, does he have the tools to be able to get this done? These are ambitious goals. But these

also promise that he's making.

MAX FOSTER, CNN LONDON CORRESPONDENT: Yes, it was a clear win, an absolute success for Keir Starmer, no doubt, because of the amount of seats he's got

was going to give him a lot of power here. But if you actually look at the turnout, and the number of votes they received, it wasn't a mandate across

the nation.

It's just the way the British political system works. It's called the first past suppose system. And it worked very well for Keir Starmer. But he's

completely aware of that, and makes it very clear that his challenges are enormous, as you say, cost of living at the center of it. He wants to

rebuild public services.

He just hasn't got the money to do what he's promised. So he's saying, give him time. He's also got this undercurrent in the British electorate which

really came out and this is whilst the -- you know, the mainstream you know, he was the center ground held up, he slightly to the left of the

center ground, very well aware of hard right undercurrents beneath that though.

We saw Nigel Farage, for example, doing very well with his hard right party, and he's going to have a lot of power in Parliament, actually,

because there's going to be conversations going into how the Conservative Party reforms and he's going to be part of that conversation. So he does

have some power and what Keir Starmer spoke to about primarily in that speech in Downing Street, his first as prime minister was one of unity.


STARMER: Whether you voted labor or not, in fact, especially if you did not, I say to you directly my government will serve you. Politics can be a

force for good. We will show that we've changed the Labor Party returned it to service and that is how we will govern.


FOSTER: He is not going to get together his Cabinet will get a sense later on, Eleni, about what his government will look like also calls with foreign

leaders as well crucially, because he's going to have to work with them and we don't know and all, you know, we don't know a huge amount about his

foreign policy.


GIOKOS: Yeah, that's a really perfect question to lead in with. Nic, I want to talk about the U.K.'s foreign policy goals. What we know of Keir

Starmer's objectives down the line, and we've got a NATO summit. That's also coming up. What are we reading into what could possibly pay off in the

next few days?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yeah, what we are expecting to happen in the coming few days is Keir Starmer will be going to

Washington D.C. going to that NATO Summit, there'll be 31 other NATO leaders to meet with there. So, he is going to get a chance to put his

international, his foreign policy positions to them and start to talk about what he wants the U.K. to do?

What he would like to see from them? Those sorts of exchanges, but we do in broad brushstrokes have a certain understanding, of course, he was asked

not long after that disastrous debate between President Biden or for President Biden with Donald Trump, he was asked what he thought about that?

And he said, well, you know, I've got my hands full with the elections here. But when pressed on it, he said, look, it doesn't matter to us who's

in the White House will work with them. He does believe in a strong transatlantic relationship. He does believe in supporting NATO. He does

believe in supporting Ukraine.

He has pretty much aligned at the moment, more or less with the United States on the view of Israel and the conflict in Gaza at the moment, and we

got some insights as well, when David Lammy, the -- who may become this afternoon, the foreign secretary, but it's been a shadow foreign secretary

for a long time, wrote an article for foreign affairs.

And he talked about progressive realism. And he talked about, you know, he wants to see a two state solution for the Palestinians, as soon as is

reasonable. He talks about needing to sort of look at potentially to Europe for security in an environment where the United States might find itself

looking more to the Asia-Pacific than back at the sort of transatlantic security pact that it has in NATO.

So they're aware of the shift, the potential for shift on the international global horizon. But I think at the moment, you'll find it very much aligned

foreign policy wise with what we've seen from the Conservative Party. But definitely when it comes to Europe, labor is going to take this chance and

time of change to signal to Europe.

They want a different relationship and to improve their trading relationship with Europe, which is recognition of how much Brexit has hurt

the British economy and how much they want to redress that as a view to improving the economy here, which is a prime driver for Prime Minister,

Keir Starmer at the moment.

So I think we have some ideas that in terms of detail, I think we're really going to have to wait and see how it plays out. And of course, another big

thing on the horizon for Keir Starmer, in a couple of weeks, he'll be hosting 50 European leaders here in the U.K. for a European summit, not an

EU summit, but a European summit. And that'll be in about two weeks' time. So it's going to be busy.

GIOKOS: It absolutely is and researching and crafting these relationships will be vital. Max, I want to bring you back in. I want to show you this

charts. And we can see that despite some parties winning a certain share of the vote, the percentage of seats in parliament were much higher. What does

this say about the first past posts voting system? What are you reading into it, Max?

FOSTER: Well, it's simply that in each constituency, that one that gets the most votes gets a seat. So you have a situation where across the nation,

certain parties will have a very big vote, but they won't get any seats. That's why it's such a success for the Reform Party, for example, they're

getting, you know, had 14 percent of the vote actually did get some seats as well.

This is where the Lib Dems were particularly successful. They've got -- they went up a huge amount in terms of number seats they've got, because

they very much targeted where they were, you know, there's been boundary changes is quite complex. Some people think it's very unfair.

There are parties that want to change the system. But what it ultimately does, is does create, usually a two party system, where it seemed to have a

more stable, ongoing presence, the parliamentary system. So it's seen as having its benefits rather than having a much fractured system that you get

in some other European nations where you end up having to make alliances with other parties.

And that can create its own chaos, so certainly not a perfect system, but there is some theory behind it. And I think the Lib Dems are the ones that

really succeeded in nailing that this time round.

GIOKOS: All right, thank you to both of you, Nic Robertson and Max Foster. And of course we'll be catching up with you later, as well.


All right, so world leaders are reacting to Labor's landslide victory in the U.K. general election posting on X. Ukrainian President Volodymyr

Zelenskyy congratulated Keir Starmer and his party on the, quote, convincing victory, the war time leader also thanking Outgoing Prime

Minister Rishi Sunak for his support.

A French President Emmanuel Macron also congratulated Mr. Starmer and alluded to having already spoken to the incoming Prime Minister. Christiane

Amanpour is outside the Houses of Parliament. She joins us now live Christiane, always good to see you. We had this discussion with Max and


And one of the most important issues that will be highlighted is what will see on the issue of Gaza and Israel. We know that pro-Palestinian

independent candidates have managed to upset labor in three constituencies, the party won in 2019. Just how much of a challenge will be for the party

splits are on Gaza issues? And of course, how will Keir Starmer ultimately react when he's trying to make sure that his relationship with the U.S.

remains secure?

CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Well, I don't -- one can overplay this. That was three candidates in a 412 seat majority.

However, there has been an issue, just like there has been an issue in the United States about the administration's handling of the Israel-Gaza war. I

spoke to a very prominent Muslim British lawmaker.

And he is the you know that the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, the first ever Muslim elected to that role here in the United Kingdom. And he said, look,

we want a ceasefire, we want the hostages returned, we want more aid into Gaza, and we want a two state solution. That is what we and our allies

want. That is the only way forward.

And you can be sure that that is what they're going to try to work towards. So I think that situation is one in which the British politicians on both

sides and the United States and the EU are aligned. On the other issues, you know, you said that Macron alluded to the fact that he'd already spoken

to him.

There's no doubt that Keir Starmer is being cold or placing calls to top allies, including the United States, including Europeans, perhaps even the

head of NATO, perhaps even eventually to President Zelenskyy. But the matters that really count in terms of foreign policy, they will be talking

pretty soon.

We still wait to hear who's going to be the actual Foreign Minister, the Shadow Foreign Minister, Secretary, as they say here is David Lammy. He's

expected to take up that role. And of course, you will see, definitely David Lammy, and definitely the New Prime Minister Keir Starmer in the

U.S.A. next week, as they represent Great Britain, the United Kingdom at the NATO summit.

And that is where all the allies will get a real take -- be able to take his pulse and get a real measure of this new British leader. But he's very

clear, as Nic was saying that he is a -- he believes in the allies. He believes in supporting democracy around the world.

And that is, you know, especially in democratic nations is under some threat, which is why people were extremely pleased to see here, shifting

back towards a sort of what some people call a sensible center. Yes, center left, but not so much of an extreme as is on offer in some countries around

Europe and even in the United States.

GIOKOS: Yeah, I mean, the question of democracy across Europe is becoming a hot topic. Christiane you've been speaking with Marine Le Pen, the

Figurehead of the French Far Right National Rally Party in France, she seemed very confident about her prospects. What did you learn in that


AMANPOUR: Well, very confident, because they did an unbelievable showing in the first round getting 33 or so percent of the votes in those legislative

elections that were called, it was a snap election call by President Macron. Trying, I think he thought to actually get the country rally

together to stop the far right after their brilliant show in the MEP elections earlier.

So she was telling me that she believes that she will do very, very well. She was saying that if they don't get an absolute majority, it's unlikely

that they would start by even if they're the biggest party taking the Prime Minister's role, but she was confident that even if they got a majority

without an absolute majority, that she would work to peel off any kind of allies she could get in France to make an absolute majority.

But I think what's really important is that she has rebranded a far right party founded by her father and others, which was historically you know,

seeped in anti-Semitism, racism, holocaust denial.


And up until now, the French public have banded together, certainly in the second round when this came up to stop the far right from having any, you

know, hands on the reins of power, and that is what Macron is trying to bank on now, trying to get a coalition together to stop her getting any

close to a majority this Sunday, when the second round goes on.

I spoke to her about, you know, the rise of the far right, even though she's rebranded her party, it is still an anti-immigrant party. It's a

nationalist party. And she's very clear on wanting to potentially renegotiate relationships with Europe and the light. But this is what she

told me.


AMANPOUR: The fact that your party did so well in the European elections, and so did Giorgia Meloni's party, and so did AFD. I mean, you know, AFD

is, you know, a little bit like their Former National Front is very scary, the fact that the far right is becoming a very, very powerful force in


And who knows, maybe now with all that's going on in the United States, Donald Trump might win a second term. How do you see Europe changing?

MARINE LE PEN, MEMBER OF NATIONAL RALLY: Madam, first of all, I strongly dispute the term far right, which in your country refers to small groups

that are extremely radical and violent. If you like the equivalent --

AMANPOUR: You don't think you're far right?

LE PEN: The equivalent of what we are in the United States is between the center right and the center left with regards to ideas. So I think this --

AMANPOUR: You're kidding me, right?

LE PEN: Yes. Yes. I'm telling you very honestly, I think this use of the term far right, carries a stigma and it's very pejorative. It does not

correspond to what we are, and not at all to what the far right is in the United States.


AMANPOUR: So she said, it's a pejorative, and that's the actual point, it is, in terms of those who look at, you know politics and try to figure out

which way a country is leaning. But she is, no matter what she says, presiding over a party that has anti-immigration as its main platform, but

she's also tapped into the bread and butter issues of those in France who still suffer from cost of living and those kinds of issues.

Even though independent economists will point to President Macron's pretty successful stewardship of the country's finances and the economy, having,

you know, brought down what's admittedly a high unemployment rate, but nonetheless brought it down, does have a high deficit.

But nonetheless, he is attracted a lot of foreign business. The markets in France reacted positively when Macron when sorry, when Marine Le Pen did

not win an outright majority on the first round. So in general, there are a lot of questions still that those who are watching and those in France want


And that is why the President has tried to, you know, go into coalition with this huge left wing coalition to try to stop her from winning whether

or not they can she doesn't think that they can stop her. We'll see what happens on Sunday.

GIOKOS: Yeah, really fascinating, especially on the point of how she views the party and the rebranding Christiane, really good to have you on thank

you. And you can tune into Amanpour to see the full interview with Marine Le Pen. That is Friday evening in Paris right here On CNN. You don't want

to miss that.

Well, you're watching "Connect the World". And still ahead on the show, the U.S. President taking new steps to blunt the fallout from his debate

debacle, details on the crucial interview Joe Biden has planned for tonight. And voting is underway in Iran's run off presidential election,

voters are choosing between a reformist candidates and an ultra- conservative. More on what, that can mean for Iran right after the short break, stay with CNN.



GIOKOS: Welcome back. Joe Biden says he's not going anywhere. But the White House is still working to blunt calls for the President to exit the 2024

race after his debate debacle last week. Now tonight, he'll sit down for what will be a closely watched interview with ABC News. And his team is

planning an extensive travel schedule to all the battleground states in the coming weeks.

But there's also this multiple sources tell CNN that Mr. Biden told Democratic governors in their meeting Wednesday that he would stop

scheduling events after 8 pm to get more sleep. Priscilla Alvarez joins us now for a bit of analysis on this. Priscilla, great to see you, this

interview airing tonight in the U.S. is a big deal for the President to try and reset the narrative around his re-election campaign.

How -- you know, everyone's going to be watching very closely and what he says and how he performs frankly?

PRISCILLA ALVAREZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: And it's not just what he says in the substance of what he says but also how he delivers it. This is certainly a

make or break moment for President Biden and his campaign. They have had a very challenging week and trying to reassure their allies across the

Democratic Party, that the President is in it to win it that he is going to stay in the race.

Even as they face mounting pressure and questions about whether or not it makes sense for him to continue as the candidate against Former President

Donald Trump again, going back to that halting debate performance. Now allies have said over the course of the week that they want to see the

President have more unscripted moments, candid moments, on the campaign trail with voters.

And in some ways the campaign memo that was released today that outlines July is a we hear you from the campaign, because it details a lot of what's

been asked for, for example, quote, an aggressive travel schedule that includes the President, the Vice President, the First Lady and the second

gentleman, collectively visiting every battleground state.

The President himself will also be going to Nevada where he will be speaking at two conferences targeting black and Latino voters. It also

includes a $50 million paid media blitz. So -- methods being taken here, but all the same, the point here is to put them on the trail, put his team

on the trail, so that they can try to reassure those on the ground, voters on the ground just as much as they are trying to reassure their allies in

the political class.

Now yesterday, the President was here at the July 4 celebration where he spoke to military families. And during that there was someone in the crowd

that shouted, we need you and the President responded I'm not going anywhere. Also notable, the President was joined by the Vice President to

watch the fireworks from the White House balcony.

She has not been there before often participating in other July 4th events. So it was clearly in some ways, a show of unity between the two as they

again feels so many questions from those within the party about what is going to happen next, especially as they worry about the trajectory of this

presidential race.

So the President today will be going to battleground Wisconsin, he'll have a rally there he will have this interview, all eyes on that. And then two,

he'll visit battleground Pennsylvania on Sunday. So a busy few days ahead, but all of it very important to his bid as his campaign again, just tries

to quell the concerns, calm the nerves that have said in over the last week.

GIOKOS: Yeah, certainly a big debates around President Biden at the stage. Priscilla Alvarez, great to have you with us thank you. Well, I want to get

you up to speed on some other stories that are on our radar right now. A seventh body has been found falling in Israeli raid in the West Bank City

of Jenin.

The group Islamic Jihad reports an Israeli drone attack killed six of its fighters in the refugee camp there. The Palestinian Red Crescent says a

seventh body was discovered in the rubble of the home following heavy gunfire and explosions.


Hurricane Beryl on made landfall in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula a short time ago and as we can to a Category 2 hurricane, Beryl killed at least nine

people in its rampage through the Caribbean. Forecasters say it could come ashore in Texas on Monday. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is in

Moscow to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The two leaders will discuss the situation in Europe and Ukraine. Orban is Putin's closest European ally. Earlier in the week, the Hungarian Prime

Minister visited Ukraine where he urged President Zelenskyy to accept a ceasefire proposal. Voting is well underway in Iran's run off presidential


This follows in earlier votes on June 28th, in which no candidates secured more than 50 percent of the vote. Reformist Lawmaker Massoud Pezeshkian led

the first ballot with 42.5 percent of the votes. Ultra Conservative Former Nuclear Negotiator Saeed Jalili came in second.

That first vote saw the lowest turnout for presidential elections since the founding of the Islamic Republic in 1979. CNN's Fred Pleitgen has reported

extensively from Iran and joins us now live. Fred, good to see you and how likely is it that the Reformers candidate could win and what could that

ultimately mean, for Iran? Does it ultimately mean reform?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It could mean reform in certain areas, but certainly not necessarily on a very broad

scale, and certainly not necessarily also as far as relations with the West and relations with the United States are concerned. But it is certainly a

really interesting election that's happening there.

You're absolutely right, that Massoud Pezeshkian, the moderate candidate and he did come in first place in the first round of elections where there

were still six candidates. Over a million votes ahead of Saeed Jalili, the conservative who came in a second place and who says that he wants his

politics to be like those of the president who was killed on May 19 Ebrahim Raisi, when of course, Raisi and the Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-

Abdollahian died in a chopper crash.

However, one of the things that we do have to mention, Eleni, is that while Mr. Pezeshkian came in first, in the first round of voting, there were more

people in that round who voted conservative than those who voted moderate Saeed Jalili got a lot of votes. But there was also a third place candidate

named Mohammad Ghalibaf was now called on his supporters to vote for Saeed Jalili.

So certainly, Jalili has a chance of winning this round in the election, a lot of it once again, will depend on voter turnout. Usually, the moderates

believe that the more people come to the ballot boxes, the better their chances are of pulling off a victory and a wait and see how that evolves.

Voting set to carry on for a little over an hour, but we do expect that to get extended. As far as all as what all of this could mean. The president,

of course, in Iran does have very broad powers to shape policies to shape foreign policies. But all of that, of course, happens within the framework

of the Islamic Republic and its power structure.

In the end, anything that happens in the Islamic Republic needs to get signed off and OK by the country's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

And then, of course, the whole military complex, as far as the defense of the foreign policy is concerned, also has a pretty large say, of course,

first and foremost, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

So all those are factors, nevertheless, there are things that the President does influence and policies that the President can set. We saw that during

the course of Hassan Rouhani is a term when he mentioned negotiates the Iran nuclear agreement that was later or out of which President Trump of

the United States later pulled the U.S. out of.

So it's going to certainly be an election that a lot of people in Iran believe could be very important. And I think the interesting thing that

we're going to be looking at is to what extent that is going to translate into voter turnout. You mentioned that in the first round, the voter

turnout was not very high. However, now that you directly have a moderate running against a conservative the turnout could be a lot higher, Eleni.

GIOKOS: All right, Fred Pleitgen thank you so very much for breaking that down for us. All right, so ahead on "Connect the World", jubilation for

Britain's new prime minister, but can Keir Starmer fix broken Britain? We'll head back to Westminster to find out, stay with CNN.



GIOKOS: Welcome back, I'm Eleni Giokos in Abu Dhabi and you're watching "Connect the World". U.S. job growth cooled as expected last month, but the

labor market remains strong. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Data released in the last hour of the U.S. economy added 206,000 jobs last

month, and the jobless rate unexpectedly increased to 4.1 percent.

I want to quickly check in on how the markets are faring today, as you can see pretty much flat a mixed market outline. Remember markets are closed in

the United States for July 4th yesterday, and of course low liquidity coming through today as people take an extended long weekend.

But in the meantime in the U.K. a thumping but expected victory for the Labor Party overnight, with the British pound and the FTSE looking fairly

flat today, but of course with a positive bias as well as we can see the FTSE oh down slightly, it's now moved to the negative and as you can see

the pound gaining some ground there.

But I want you to keep in mind that Britain's New Prime Minister has promised to hit the ground running on day one to be the agent of change.

But Keir Starmer is facing a daunting task, fixing the U.K. is ailing economy. During the campaign, he pledged to invest in a new industrial


But where will the money come from? That, of course, is the big question. I want to head now to London. We've got CNN Business Writer, Hanna Ziady

who's been watching the U.K. economy closely. And of course, this is the conundrum for so many leaders are how to spark growth, especially when

you've got stubbornly low growth rates when you've got high inflation.

How does one change that and what tools does Keir Starmer have at his disposal to make a difference?

HANNA ZIADY, CNN BUSINESS WRITER: That is the big question, Eleni, because government finances are really stretched in the U.K. with debt now

approaching the size of the economy. So that really puts a constraint on what Keir Starmer can do, he's going to have to rely on businesses to step

up investment and there are some things he can do to spur that.

One of them is simply providing policy certainty. You know, we've had several years of uncertainty instability with the Brexit referendum. And

then of course, with Liz Truss' tax cutting gamble, about two years ago, so that could be a big win. And then also, there are other things like

planning reform.

Britain has very stringent planning laws that make it difficult to build infrastructure to build houses. The Labor Party promising to deliver 1.5

million new homes in the next five years. And we have seen a bit of a rally in house builders stocks this morning and then also providing certainty and

clarity around the transition to net zero and setting out a very clear goals and how to get this.

So as I say, he's going to have to rely on businesses to step up investment in order to bring about that change and get growths going.


GIOKOS: All right, and really good point of course, the private sector in the markets will be watching his economic policies very closely. So it'll

be interesting to see how the markets respond to all of that. Hanna Ziady, great to have you with us thank you.

Well, elsewhere in the U.K. historic results for Sinn Fein, which becomes the largest Northern Irish Party in the Westminster parliament, it took 7

out of the 18 available seats there, and that's on top of the seats it already holds in the devolved Northern Ireland Assembly. Sinn Fein

advocates for uniting Northern Ireland with the Republic of Ireland.

Its lawmakers will not take the seats in Westminster though as the policy does not recognize the authority of the British government over Northern

Ireland. All right, and we have a lot more analysis on the U.K. election on our websites, where you'll find a breakdown of the results in graphics

which show the makeup of the incoming Parliament's and how Britain's across the U.K.'s four nations voted in this historic election.

So, head over there to get some more analysis. All right and coming up despite some fitness doubts Lionel Messi did play on Thursday in the Copa

America, he'll came down to a penalty shootout, but things didn't quite go as planned -- after this, stay with CNN.


GIOKOS: Spaceflight is at an all-time high halfway through 2024. And we are on track for the fourth consecutive record breaking year in successful

launches to space. With more and more space vehicles in the market. This company in Dubai is looking for a way to simplify how we design them. Take

a look at this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: To get to the moon, you need a rocket, this rocket.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): Engineers took more than a decade to develop and fly the Saturn 5, the rocket used for the Apollo missions to

the moon. Fast forward to today. And in just half that time, SpaceX designed and launched its renowned Falcon 9, rocket science is speeding up.

And these engineers think it could be even faster. Thanks to artificial intelligence.

LIN KAYSER, CO-FOUNDER OF LEAP 71: What we are showing is that you actually can autonomously generate functioning machines through a computational AI.

And this is almost more important than you know the rocket engine.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): Josefine Lissner and Lin Kayser founded LEAP 71 based in Dubai, the company says it's responsible for the world's

first liquid fuel rocket engine designed by artificial intelligence.

JOSEFINE LISSNER, CO-FOUNDER OF LEAP 71: I hit the start button and the program would do everything automatically from now on.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): Within minutes, a new rocket engine design is ready for manufacturing.


KAYSER: So if somebody says I'm sorry, you know that needs to be changed. You know the pressure isn't right or whatever. 15 minutes later you have a

new design and that's huge.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): The Company says this has helped clients save at least $500,000 in the design process.

KAYSER: We basically gave a space startup, a working engine in the first week of their existence. Usually that's the first two years of your

development site.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): The program's very first engine was 3D printed in Germany, and trialed last month in the U.K. Industry experts are

looking forward to expand the uses of AI in space while ensuring safety measures are kept in place.

HERMANN LUDWIG MOELLER, DIRECTOR OF EUROPEAN SPACE POLICY INSTITUTE: I think the risk why the width of applications of AI in space whether it's a

human engineered or whether it's AI support, they need to make sure that what you declare flight ready, that has been verified and validated.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): LEAP 71 is determined to get those verifications with more prototypes.

LISSNER: Well software allows us to do much more complex design.

KAYSER: We want to start the movement of engineering away from these very laborious manual processes towards more intelligent way of working.


GIOKOS: Lionel Messi and Argentina were taking on Ecuador in Copa America action on Thursday, and we thought it would be a relatively easy one, but

it was far from us. This patch had it all including Messi missing a penalty kick. Andy Scholes joins me now. Good to see you Andy. Messi missed but it

really -- out in the end.

ANDY SCHOLES, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, Eleni, you know you get to penalty kicks, you're certainly think you can count on Messi to be one of

them that goes in, but it didn't went off the crossbar but luckily for Messi, Emi Martinez just continuing his all-time great run there in goal

for Argentina.

Yeah, he was a hero at the World Cup. He's faced 24 penalties for Argentina. He's been able to save 12 of those. 12 of those have not gone in

he's guessed right 21 out of those 24 times. I mean when it comes to goalies and penalty kicks Emi Martinez right up there with the best to ever

do it.

So luckily for Argentina, he was on his game, they're moving on in Copa America, but if they want to win that tournament, they're going to need

some more Messi magic. We'll see but they did advance ending up beating Ecuador in those penalty kicks.

GIOKOS: Yeah. All right, Andy, good to see you. We'll see you right after the short break and I'll be back at the top of the hour. You're watching


