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Dr. Drew

Donald Trump Phenomenon. Aired 9:00-10:00p ET.

Aired July 15, 2015 - 21:00   ET


DREW PINSKY, HLN HOST: We begin with breaking news about Bobbi Kristina Brown. A tent, there it is, yes, a tent has been set up outside the

hospice where she has been for a week. This is purely speculation that her condition maybe changing. We`ll be monitoring that situation during the


But first, let us get to the Top of the Feed and Donald Trump, the mogul has his share of critics but he also has a very vocal fan base including

himself. Take a look at this.


DONALD TRUMP, AMERICAN MOGUL: I want to save the country. Our country is going to hell. We have a problem. I want to make America great again.

Many people in the Republican Party agree with me a hundred percent on illegal immigrants and that`s why I`m leading in the polls.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He is -- has the right to free speech in his own opinion.

STEPHEN BALDWIN, ACTOR: Everybody says, "What do you think of Trump?" "He fired me twice." But I think he`s fantastic.

He said something the wrong way recently but what he said has never written. The (scab) of that issue.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He said that he could make this world a better financial place which is what we need because we are really in debt. He

can do wonders but as long as (inaudible)...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What`s wrong Cathy (ph)...

TRUMP: We have incompetent people as our leaders, we have incompetent people as our negotiators, and the whole world is laughing at us.

BALDWIN: I think he`d make a great President.


BALDWIN: Because he`s not a politician.


PINSKY: Joining us, Jody Ho, Clinical Psychologist, Professor of Pepperdine University, Areva Martin, attorney and legal consultant, Dave

Rubin, comedian, host of the "Rubin Report" on the Young Turks Network. In the audience I`ve got Andy Dean CEO of He also is a

contest of NBC`s "The Apprentice" and he worked for Donald Trump for seven years, and Georgianna Kelman, attorney.

Dave thank you guys, Dave, what is it that he seems to have -- Trump seems to be tapping into. I mean it`s amazing the amount of -- as Stephen

Baldwin said that he pulled a scab (ph) on something.

DAVE RUBIN, COMEDIAN: Well, Dr. Drew I want to get the technical phrase right for you on this one. He is a -- I think what`s known in the medical

field, as a complete and utter buffoon, right? Am I right on that?

PINSKY: I`ll check out the DSM5 (ph) but I`m not sure that (inaudible) check it out for me. Well, I mean some people think he is but a lot of

people don`t think it. People were taking him very seriously and think he`d make a great President.

ANDY DEAN, CONNECTPAL.COM CEO: You`re calling him a buffoon. You`re on a show (ph) and some network nobody has ever heard of him, he`s a

billionaire. So, it just -- it just sounds a little strange.

RUBIN: That -- see, that right there summed up exactly what...


RUBIN: ... people don`t like about Donald Trump.

DEAN: He`s produced results in his life and you haven`t, so you`re a hater.


RUBIN: You are sitting in the audience right now.

PINSKY: Georgianna Kelman you`re -- you`re -- you`re a Republican immigrated...


RUBIN: By the way -- by the way -- that`s (inaudible) apologies to the rest of you in the audience, I`m sorry.

PINSKY: You immigrated...


PINSKY: ... illegally when you were nine years of age, is that right?

GEORGIANNA KELMAN, ATTORNEY: Yes, I was 10 when I got to this country.

PINSKY: And you heard some of his comments, again Stephen Baldwin on the tape saying maybe he spoke a little bit, you`re Hispanic, how do you feel

about what he was saying?

KELMAN: Look, he made an off the cuff statement, I think that he has stricken accord with many people because he`s refreshing. He is telling

people the truth. He doesn`t have special interest or any kind of motivation that he needs to have loyalties to anyone so he`s going to speak

the truth. And so it`s refreshing to hear it. Having said that, I think the way he sent his message across was completely wrong. As an immigrant,

I took offense to that.


KELMAN: But I think his message got lost.


KELMAN: Because he`s insulting an entire people.


KELMAN: He`s telling Mexicans that they`re rapist and...

PINSKY: No, no, illegal undocumented immigrants were used...

KELMAN: Regardless of them being illegal undocumented immigrants, you don`t completely take an entire country and call them rapist and criminals.

PINSKY: I didn`t hear, Andy help me with this...


DEAN: I think you`re presenting a false argument. He didn`t say Mexico is rapist. He said illegal undocumented immigrants, they`re not the best that

Mexico has to offer and they`re committing crimes and we need to do something.

KELMAN: He basically said everyone that Mexico sends here is an...

DEAN: No, he said they`re not sending their best.

KELMAN: He said to some -- he said to some...


DEAN: I will send you the YouTube link (ph), you need to watch it again.

PINSKY: We have it, we have it.

DEAN: Then (ph) watch it.

PINSKY: Wait, wait. Controller (ph), do you have the clip? All right, we`re going to play it. Here`s what he said about Hispanic voters on

MSNBC. Just this -- I beg your pardon, this is a little bit different. Here is what he said about Hispanic voters -- no, no, no, I don`t want this

one. I want the -- I want the one where he actually spoke the actual original thing you`re talking about Andy.

DEAN: Right.


PINSKY: Where he says -- the problem was what was shown on the press was not contextualized either.

DEAN: Exactly.

PINSKY: Listen, I`m not particularly a Trump apologist myself. I think -- I think...

DEAN: I am.

PINSKY: I understand that`s why you`re here. But there are -- there are people -- I was surprised that my Hispanic friends took -- everybody help

me with this. He took that what -- my Hispanic friends are very upset about it and every time I kept saying, "No, he`s talking about undocumented

workers" they would say, "No, he`s talking about all Hispanics" He never said that.

MARTIN: Well first of all, even if he`s talking about undocumented workers, not all undocumented are rapists.

PINSKY: No, because...

MARTIN: Already that`s a problem, that first statement.

PINSKY: Back, what he was referring to was that a report that showed that women who were coming through from Central America were objects of

exploitation and rape by people outside of the United States. It`s kind of a bizarre jump at the rapist.

MARTIN: Well, you know, I think the problem, Dr. Drew, is look how long it took you to explain that.


MARTIN: And still there`s debate about it.


MARTIN: So anyone in that position that has that platform has to be more responsible with their pronouncement. Just irresponsible.

PINSKY: Would you guys have that actual tape, can we play that? It`s still taking (inaudible). I...


PINSKY: I throw everybody to a tease by asking for that tape. Let me go to this.

He discloses net worth. He had to -- as part of -- his candidacy had disclosed and he said it`s over $10 billion. In 2014, he earned something

like $360 million. And I think one of the things he`s tapped into, I`ll be curious if our audience feels this way as well, Jody, is that he is free.

He`s really free to say whatever he wants.


PINSKY: Because he has -- so what should be looking here -- what`s his income is going to go down to $360 here.

Ho: That`s right.

PINSKY: If he lose a couple of jobs, I mean, he can say whatever he wants. But -- Areva you`re shaking...

MARTIN: Being rich...


MARTIN: Being rich isn`t a get out jail free card give you the right to make bigot statement. It is like you`re wealthy...

PINSKY: No. I agree with you on that.

MARTIN: ... but we`ve had tons of billionaires run for office in California particularly. That doesn`t make you a great politician or...

PINSKY: No, agreed.

MARTIN: ... elected official.

HO: No.

MARTIN: ... or public servant just because you`re wealthy.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: By the way, let`s not forget.

HO: We`re damned if we don`t and we`re damned if we do, you know. With Trump, we`re getting somebody who`s just spewing out and we don`t like

that. But then we also don`t like politicians who dance around and are flip floppers.


HO: And make everything so contextual.

MARTIN: But then also, what is it that we want?

HO: (Inaudible) no.

MARTIN: Maybe we need to decide.

PINSKY: Yeah. But I agree but I`m not saying...

MARTIN: I think we know what we want. We want people who have honesty and integrity and who are going to serve the country and serve people and not

just make bombastic, narcissistic, bigoted statements.

HO: But then, you see it right away.


HO: You see it and well, you don`t have to vote for him.

MARTIN: What...

HO: So, he`s not going to lead us down this path and road, you know what I mean?

MARTIN: It`s beyond voting. No, it`s beyond voting.

HO: I get that.

MARTIN: Let`s talk about the damage that someone like him does. He has his platform and let`s go back to Dylann Roof. We know what happened in

Charleston. We know those nine people were massacred and we learned from that manifesto, he was sitting around listening to all these hateful

speech. So Donald Trump is dangerous. It`s beyond just who votes for Donald Trump, who doesn`t vote for him, whether he`s rich or not. He is


PINSKY: So Areva my question is, if he`s dangerous and if he`s saying things that are disturbing and bombastic, what has he tapped into that

people get so...


PINSKY: ... exorcised about him. Well, he -- and I think he`s tapping to (inaudible).


HO: Right.


PINSKY: And let me -- well no. Andy, let me play.

DEAN: ... to the Charleston killer. And what is it -- what do we like Donald Trump for that movie theater shooter, for World War II and the

Nazis. I think your thinking is great.

PINSKY: Let me play the tape. I now have it.


MARTIN: My thinking isn`t crazy. Your statement is crazy.

PINSKY: Well, let me...

HO: Nobody is saying that.

PINSKY: One at a time everybody, one at a time. Here is the sound bite I was looking for where he -- well, let`s look at it. Let`s see what he

said. Here we go.


TRUMP: When Mexico sends its people, they`re not sending their best. They`re not sending you, they`re not sending you. They`re sending people

that have lots of problems and they`re bringing those problems with us. They`re bringing drugs, they`re bringing crime, they`re rapists and some I

assume, are good people.


HO: As of the people in attendance might not have some feeds in there too, right?

RUBIN: Yeah. Dr. Ho, you know, this...

HO: What do you mean, that`s not sending you? That is a (inaudible).

RUBIN: This country is built on immigrants that have problems.


RUBIN: Every single one of us.


RUBIN: Literally, literally, every single one of us has ancestors that was brought here as an immigrant or a slave. Those are the only two ways you

become part of America, right? So, we all came here with problems. You don`t just bring in people that are like him, that are orange with crazy

hair, you know.

PINSKY: Let`s me talk the audience. Yes, ma`am?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yeah, Drew, I mean, even if he does have a crazy (inaudible) he`s probably paying this guy of to give him some sort of nice

endorsement on CNN. Anything is better than Obama.


PINSKY: Hold on. No wait, wait, wait. Hold the mike. Hold on. But I think that`s something else that is going on here. I`ve not heard such --

well, OK, go back up to your seat. But I...


PINSKY: I think she`s running away.


MARTIN: Obama is not right for president, newsbreak, newsbreak. Obama`s turning out. His, you know, term is over. He`s not running for president.

HO: Yeah.

PINSKY: Yeah. You mean, exactly a third to fourth term?


HO: Come on, come on.

PINSKY: Go ahead. Yes, sir?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. I think he`s just misunderstood.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That the -- yeah. Like the thing is because he`s just saying if they`re not bringing Mexico`s best.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He`s not saying the whole Mexico. He`s just pointing out not Mexico`s best.

PINSKY: Do you think it`s a little...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And I just think also, it`s because the classes of humanity, we just feel like -- we make just decisions on emotions.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And, I always say, never make a permanent decision on a temporary emotion.

PINSKY: Yes. That is so true.

HO: But that`s what we all do Dr. Drew. Emotional appeals are a lot worse, it gets people riled up, it get some to the polls and it gets them


PINSKY: I think that is exactly. We`re going to keep this conversation going. Jody`s point is exactly right which is that he has tapped into

something, there`s frustration with the current leadership, there`s -- I don`t know what that is, why it suddenly emerged (ph) but there seems to

be, there`s frustration. There`s anger and frustration with the economy and there is a tendency what people are having sort of built up

progression, they will pick a escape goat. And it seems that Mr. Trump has found an escape goat that has gotten everyone really worked up.

We`ll keep this going. We`re also watching breaking news from Atlanta where a tent has been set up with the hospice where Bobbi Kristina Brown

remains in a coma. We`ll be back with more after this.



TRUMP: When Mexico sends its people they`re not sending their best.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think that Mr. Trump is running for president and he needs to get out issues that are important to him. And immigration is

certainly a hot topic issue that everyone is talking about.

TRUMP: They`re bringing drugs, they`re bringing crime, they`re rapist.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That is by definition a racist statement.

BROWN: To say that there are only Mexicans across in the boarder that are raping people and killing people in America is (inaudible).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You all need to leave Trump alone, okay? Because I am pro-Trump, today and forever, he can make this world a better place

because he knows how to make money. He knew how to get money.


PINSKY: Well, say what you might, Donald Trump has tapped into something in this country. I want to show you what he told CNN`s Dana Bash. Take a

look at this.


DANA BASH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A new poll just came out saying that 40 percent of Republican voters think that you`re just doing this for


TRUMP: That`s what I don`t understand.

BASH: How do you change their minds?

TRUMP: Well, I think it`s a great thing for me.

BASH: Why?

TRUMP: Because a lot of those people want to vote for me. Why would I be doing this? I take abuse from everybody and I`m doing this for fun? This

isn`t fun. I want to make America great again.


PINSKY: I misspoke. Dana Bash not Diana Bash. And I am back with Judy, Areva, Dave, Andy and Georgianna. You know, we looked at it, do you

believe him? He`s doing it to make America great?

RUBIN: No, of course not. One of (inaudible).

PINSKY: Why is doing it, he`s losing money, why is he doing that?

RUBIN: This is pure ego. You know, a little something about the ego, right? This is the worst. Watching him, it hit me during the break like

everything about him, about this guy have an audience, everything about them is what we don`t need in America. America needs healing, right?

That`s what most people want right now.

We want to come together. And this kind of picking on immigrants, this is the reverse of everything that we need in this country.

KINDLER: America needs healing? You sound like some bizarre Lionel Richie character. Americans need jobs, OK? And Donald Trump knows how to get

jobs. And you make it seem like he`s doing this for ego. He`s got all the money. He`s got a beautiful wife. He`s got everything he wants. He

believes in making America great again. That`s why he`s doing this.

RUBIN: Well, his ego is basically a giant black hole and it can never be filled. I think, right? Like the ego can never get enough, right?

HO: You`re talking about the "it" actually. I think that`s what we`re talking about. It`s all the way back to (inaudible) days where it`s that

big baby that always want and never wants to give and is selfish. I think that`s what...

RUBIN: Yeah.

PINSKY: What`d you call the King David...

MARTIN: We want to have an intelligent conversation about immigration.

JUDY: Yeah, King David. Yeah.

MARTIN: You can`t start it by talking about races.

RUBIN: Exactly, exactly.

MARTIN: And a country not sending its best.


MARTIN: Donald Trump wants to be taken as a serious candidate that really wants to be president of the United States and not just see this big ego.

Let`s have an intelligent conversation about immigration. The 25 million Filipinos (ph) who are eligible to vote...

KINDLER: Nobody`s talking immigration until Donald bought -- Donald brought it up.

MARTIN: That`s absolutely insane. I mean that`s absolutely insane. The President...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want Georgianna.

KELMAN: He started the conversation but he`s doing our party at the service in the manner that he is sending out a message.

PINSKY: Republican Party.

KELMAN: He is making the Republican Party look worst. He`s making us look like a bunch of racist.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know what, Georgianna, I`m...

PINSKY: Yeah, go ahead.

KELMAN: That only some people from Mexico that come here might be good. The majority of Mexicans that are here, immigrants, illegal and legal

immigrants are good hardworking productive people.

PINSKY: Yes. They are.

KELMAN: Yes, there`s a criminal element...


KELMAN: ... that when you (inaudible) close our border.

PINSKY: Given that there`s -- you simply can`t deny that there`s -- even you Andy, have got to admit that there`s a racist quality to the language

easy as that.

KINDLER: Be careful there because Obama -- as we want to talk race and race hustling.

PINSKY: All right.

KINDLER: When Freddie Gray gets -- that happened, right? Obama`s out front, when Michael Brown, Obama`s out front. But when that girl is killed

in San Francisco, he`s not out front. So, Obama`s (inaudible)...

MARTIN: When Freddie Gray happened -- when Freddie Gray is shot and killed by police officers that`s not when Freddie Gray happened, let`s be

absolutely correct about what we`re talking about. That`s an insulting thing to say...

KINDLER: Well, you just (inaudible) shooter and now I`m offensive, no you`re offensive.

MARTIN: The President is not -- the President is not...

PINSKY: One at a time.

MARTIN: The President is not race hustling.

KINDLER: Yes, he was hustle.

MARTIN: The President is talking about excessive force used by police against African-American men that`s well-documented and...

KINDLER: Michael Brown (inaudible).

MARTIN: ... (inaudible) criminal justice system. That was the President talking about. The President is not racist.

KINDLER: Wake up. She needs to wake up.

PINSKY: Okay, hold on.

MARTIN: I`m very awake.

KINDLER: I hope so.

MARTIN: I`m very awake.

PINSKY: One at a time. Yes, I`m with you wherever you are Gray. You are there. But, in spite of a racist quality to his rhetoric...


PINSKY: ... a surprising number of people of color are jumping behind him. You saw in the tape and my audience jumps up.

RUBIN: (Inaudible) the color orange. What color are you?

MARTIN: What color are you talking about? What people are you talking about?

PINSKY: Listen, I just checked my Twitter. My Twitter feed that a bunch of pro-Trump tweet and it was all -- none of them were light colored faces.

There was -- there was -- there are people who are brown...

MARTIN: Anecdotal, that`s not (inaudible)...

PINSKY: It is anecdotal, but it`s surprising to me that people are responding to something here.


PINSKY: There`s something they`re responding to.

KELMAN: Isn`t it obvious?

PINSKY: No, it`s not obvious.

KELMAN: Isn`t it obvious? This country is starving for truth. The past eight years have been zero transparency as opposed to...

MARTIN: Oh, it`s not.

KELMAN: We have someone now at least who`s being raw honest, agree with him or don`t agree with him. But he has tapped into something. People,

he`s resonating with people because he`s speaking truth...

PINSKY: Without...

KELMAN: He`s not pondering to anyone and I don`t necessarily think people agree with him but they -- I think fine his force rightness, refreshing.

PINSKY: So all of this is a pushback against political correctness...


KELMAN: Absolutely, 100 percent.

PINSKY: So that was creating all of our...


PINSKY: ... frustration and anger.

KELMAN: Absolutely.

PINSKY: I said here two weeks ago, Areva, we have some very productive conversations race, and racism, and the aftermath of Charles. I thought

this is going good.

MARTIN: Can I ask a question? When did bigoted and hateful speech become truth, let`s talk about that. Everyone keeps talking about all this truth

that Donald Trump is telling. I don`t hear if it`s true I hear as a race that it is statement.


HO: That is the way he sees the world...

PINSKY: Yes ma`am.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. It`s just I`ve been following what was going on with Donald Trump and everything. From what I see, he is not a racist and

his just against illegal immigration and because we got a lot of illegals in our community...


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... like we`re I lived, a bunch of illegal -- I don`t want to use Hispanic because I don`t want to single out any kind of any

groups of people, I do run into illegals that just don`t -- they don`t, you know, even respect traffic law. And they just ran over red lights and I

got in an accident and...


HO: OK. Well, Hispanic (inaudible) of Mexican..

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALEL: I`m (inaudible) see which race or groups but Donald Trump, Trump is his not a racist, OK? He just telling the truth his


PINSKY: Anti-illegal immigration.



HO: I`m sorry, Dr. Drew, I have to jump in here. I`m sorry.

MARTIN: Wait the traffic law.


MARTIN: ... at a higher rate than people born in the United States.

PINSKY: But, Areva, you`re -- but you`re incredulity though isn`t response to what is happening here, emotionally for people which is the (inaudible).

They`re focusing their aggression on a group.

This group, I don`t understand why it became a crisis when Donald Trump spoke up. When I was in training as a medical student, I was in a county

facility here in this town where people said, "Oh my god, the county can no longer continue to care for all this illegal immigrants and the whole

things can fall apart. That was 35 years ago. Why did this become a crisis with Donald Trump spoke about it a week ago?

RUBIN: You know...

PINSKY: ... it became suddenly crisis...


PINSKY: ... because there is some aggression in us, I don`t know if it`s the containment of the political correct where we`re in that suddenly we

have to focus our aggression somewhere. But it looks like Donald Trump focused our aggression. Yes, ma`am.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi. I feel like his approach wasn`t politically correct, I do feel like that it rubs us the wrong way.

PINSKY: But that`s what people like I think.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think that -- yes, it`s refreshing because we`ve had so many politically correct presidents and I appreciate what they`ve

done. But I am ready for a straight to the point entrepreneur to be in charge this country.

PINSKY: Did you hear this? That`s going to be (inaudible) person.

HO: No, I understand...


HO: I know that there`s a lot of support for him and I understand what you`re talking about that the emotional contagion of what is happening



HO: But, the definition of racism is when you (inaudible) one characteristics to a whole group of people...


HO: ... and really that is what he did, the only caveat he said at the end of that speech was, oh and some of them might be good people as well.

MARTIN: Right.

HO: But in general, he believes that illegal Mexican immigrants are bad people. I don`t wanted president like that.

PINSKY: Do we have time for more, point, OK go ahead sir.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I just want to say that this whole to Donald Trump phenomenon that`s going around, it`s not going to last and his -- this is a

gift to Democrats because his a joke.

PINSKY: OK. Enough time, we`re going to back with it, more of it. And later, people mark at (inaudible ), we`ll have that and more Trump -- oh my

goodness look at that, after this.



TRUMP: We`re too worried about tone in this country and that`s why we`re getting beaten by everybody. It`s about results.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Trump your cat giving your fee line that Donald hair line.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So your brush your cat, you take that hair brush that you just use and you take the out of it, you put that hair to (inaudible)

on top of your cat.


PINSKY: Back to Judy, Areva, Dave, Andy, Georgianna. We`re all talking about Donald Trump, now trending under Twitter the #trumpyourcat.

And here`s the cat Michael Jordan who was trump by his owner. All right, we`ll get some enough funny games here, because as we`re saying, Areva,

during the break I was saying that his tempted to something and there`s people are mobilizing. I think we used to look at, you know, Russia was

the enemy and they have -- people have a common enemy they gather together and they galvanize as a voting block against the common enemy. Now, they

created the illegal immigrant as the common enemy.

MARTIN: And what I`m fear for, Dr. Drew, is what we really tap into is this ugly racism that we have not been able to read ourselves up as a

country for over 400 years. And all of this African-American, gays, transgenders, who are getting behind Donald Trump and slam the Latino

community under the bus, be careful, because his going to come after us as African-American. He`s going to after gays. He`s is going to after other

marginalize community.

PINSKY: Gerogianna says no.

KELMAN: Let`s really to track from the issue here...

MARTIN: That is the issue.

KELMAN: No. The messenger is wrong but let`s not forget the message. We are losing side of what he is trying to say. He opened a very important

conversation that we need to have. And frankly, all the other political candidates in the Republican Party are toe in the line. They, there,


MARTIN: Can we talk about the executive order that Obama passed for illegal immigrants and talk about the work that his done immigration. So

where are you guys getting off that Trump somehow is the only one...


MARTIN: ... talking about immigration. The president has been working on immigration for years...

KELMAN: But here`s the issue.

MARTIN: And because of Republican Congress...


MARTIN: ... we haven`t been able to get immigration laws have...

KELMAN: Here is the issue.

MARTIN: ... under his administration.

KELMAN: Michelle Obama is in the history of all presidents. She has reported more illegal immigrants than any president of the history of this

country. However, they keep coming back that`s the problem. They leave and they come back six times over and they kill a young lady in San

Francisco because...


MARTIN: They, they, there you go.


MARTIN: Thank you for making my point. They...

KELMAN: They...

RUBIN: Where do in this whole thing upside down.

KELMAN: They illegal immigrants.

RUBIN: We`re doing this whole thing upside down. I always thought that you fight the power, you fight upward. You don`t fight the people below

you right? And that`s what Trump is doing it. Trump, Trump literally is the rich guy fighting the poor people and there`s people applauding for

that. That shows you how messed up this country.

PIINSKY: And now that TMZ reports that 30,000 customers have complained to Macy`s about the firing of Donald Trump. Macy`s Facebook page has been

inundated with comments like this. From Donna T, quote "I tore up my Macy`s credit care. I will never shop or recommend Macy`s ever again."

hashtag boycott Macy`s.

So, I mean, it`s -- just mobilizing force here that he`s topped into...

HO: That`s right.

PINSKY: I`m kind of surprise, Areva.

HO: It`s a little bit of...

PINSKY: I`m seeing your concerns. I -- go ahead, Judy.

HO: Yeah. It`s a little bit of a mob mentality in group, out group idea and we really do give more things on get mobilized, get excited. When we

feel like we`re a powerful in group and there`s a common enemy. That really helps people to bound together as a group of community, a group of

people, that`s what he is getting to.


HO: He sort to get us to mobilize and come us one, right?

RUBIN: And the enemy he is choosing is...

HO: I`m not surprised.

RUBIN: ... the most powerless enemy there is. Literally...


HO: ... mischaracterize him and that`s my problem, Dr. Drew. Over 70 percent of Mexican immigrants are working. That is more than almost every

single other immigrant group from any country. So, before he tries to criticize the whole group of people, he should get us back straight.

PINSKY: Now, in the new poll from...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Illegal immigrants are working.

PINSKY: ... Suffolk...

HO: That`s not true. That`s not statistics.

PINSKY: ... Suffolk University USA Today poll, Trump is ahead of all other Republicans. He is at 17 percent. Jeb Bush is at 14 percent. I think


MARTIN: But he loses against Hillary Clinton and those same poll.

PINSKY: And Andy (ph), I`m concerned that`s some of the bombastic quality that he has is going to have adverse consequences. I mean he is -- here,

the good news is he can say whatever he wanted, he doesn`t care. I won`t kind of admire that.


PINSKY: But when you go into the international stage and you start bouncing around like that, I`m fearful that it could have really dark

consequence. El Chapo`s son wants to kill him because he`s shooting mouth load (ph). I mean it`s a real consequence.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Right. But I don`t think El Chapo`s son is going to get to Donald. His massive body guard security is -- it`s not going to


PINSKY: Regardless of is it going to happen or not going to happen, the fact is that by being bombastic, you have a real consequence and what if

next time, it`s some secret service in one other country.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s like he being bombastic is interesting because he holds conservative opinions and that`s why people are so upset is that the

hypocrisy. The Macy`s dumps Trump, NBC dumps Trump because he has a conservative opinion but Brian Williams who lies openly 11 times is

protected by NBC because he`s a liberal.

People don`t like to hypocrisy. Corporations protect liberals. Media come to protect liberals were pissed off when they go after conservatives.

HO: No. But Brian Williams is not running for president and the president candidate has to be held with to its higher bar, it`s just a different


MARTIN: And Brian Williams paid consequences, suffered extreme consequences for his actions.

DREW: Yeah. He did. He completely did. Come on.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He has $50 million over a five-year contract. He still living with the contract.

MARTIN: He was taken off of a primetime new show.

HO: That`s right.

MARTIN: He did suffer consequences for his actions and that`s not fair again to generalize and say that everyone is going after Trump because of

his conservative views. We`re going after Trump because of his bigoted views. Let`s be clear about that.

DREW: There have been many political movements that have come out of nowhere in countries through a history and people have always been shocked

and surprise when they do but let`s not hide from what`s happening. Something is happening. He`s topping into something. We need to get our

head around it.

And when things get confusing, I say it in this show all the time, we need to find the middle ground. The middle ground is where there is truth,

where there is possibility of reconciliation, where there`s growth and -- he`s topped into something. Let`s not pretend it`s nothing. It`s

something and we need you to take that enthusiasm and that galvanizing force and maybe focus it in a different direction.

I think it`s great that they -- we are all mobilized, that we`re all exercised by Donald Trump. It`s great. I`m concern if we get -- if he

ends up being president. I`m worried about the way Areva is that some of the things may -- I`m just concerned. I`m just saying it. And I`m -- I

worry that unless we can find the middle ground.

My hero Abraham Lincoln, he was -- he`s genius as finding in middle ground and navigating through it.

Next up. Some of Bill Cosby`s former co-stars are remaining silent but one says he`s guilty. Back after this.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bill Cosby is like a father figure to me personally.

DREW: Yeah. He...

MARTIN: Bill Cosby, everyone agree, reprehensible conduct but he was America`s dad.

DREW: Yup, yup.

MARTIN: He changed the discourse at America for African-Americans.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In generation`s past, it wasn`t as frown upon to maybe manipulate a woman in different various ways to get her in her bed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But rape, if this had been made public in 2005 as it should have been, we would have all known for the last 10 years what

Cosby`s up to. And maybe a lot of women wouldn`t have been raped.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There`s 40 women who have come forward sharing the same stories. I`m sorry, that looks like a duck quack, like a duck at the

dam duck.


PINSKY: We are tracking, tracking breaking news now out of Atlanta. At this hour, Bobbi Kristina`s condition may be changing. A tent has been set

up outside her hospice. They`re having changes or something happens, we will let you know.

Right now, the pressure is on the White House to revoke Bill Cosby`s Presidential Medal of Freedom. President Obama says that is not like

likely. Take a look at this.


PRES. BARACK OBAMA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: There`s no precedent for revoking a medal. We don`t have that mechanism. I`ll say this. If you

give a woman or a man, for that matter -- without his or her knowledge a drug, and then have sex with that person without consent, that`s rape.


PINSKY: Even with their knowledge that would be rape.

HO: Right.

PINSKY: And he chose his words very carefully, very interesting. He said there was no mechanism for revoking the Medal of Freedom. It does mean he

doesn`t want to do it.

Cosby was honored by President Bush in 2002. I don`t think it`s a good idea for him to revoke the Medal of Freedom.

[21:35:01] Back with Judy, Areva, and Dave. Because I think, Areva, to what you were saying the other day that he was an important figure



PINSKY: And he deserves an acknowledgment for that. It`s -- rather than the ad hominem argument that he`s a bad guy and we haven`t really shown

that yet but it`s OK that he acknowledged what we did for African-Americans and for our country at one time.

MARTIN: Yeah. I think what`s important about what the president did today was he acknowledged those victims and we know the president of United

States and the statue of his office stand up and acknowledge rape victims. That`s a huge point that was made today for women, for advocates.

As a lawyer, that represents women in situations like the women that have come forward, those 40 or so women. That`s incredible. So I think the

president just, you know, heated up park for women, for advocates who are standing and saying, "This is reprehensible conduct."

RUBIN: He may not have a mechanism to revoke it but I`m pretty sure he just revoke it right there, right?

PINSKY: Well, that was it and you know what...

RUBIN: I heard that he would like to revoke it...

PINKSY: Yeah...

RUBIN: But I think that was his way of saying it. You know, last week, I said to you that I think you can draw a real true line between the "Cosby

Show" and Barrack Obama becoming the first African-American president because he portrayed black people in a certain way and comedian especially

for the black community from Dick Gregory to Richard Pryor to Cosby to Chappelle to Chris Rock.

They`ve helped the change. They have caused the change. That`s why the Cosby thing is so conflicting for comic especially but for everybody

they`ve done so much important stuff.

PINSKY: Let me give that comment for the audience. Yes, ma`am.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi. So I mean I feel really bad about the situation about the women that just came forward, but I just don`t have, you know,

strong opinion like the rest of America because there`s a lot of things that are still left unsaid. Bill Cosby haven`t even gotten a chance to

speak up about the rape part of this.

PINSKY: When you say the rape part of it, you know, he got seven prescriptions for Quaaludes to have sex with women. He said that on the



PINSKY: We can argue that we shouldn`t have access to that record. I get that argument because the judge opened it up based on his moralizing which

is a weird argument Areva but OK.

MARTIN: There is a public forum.

PINSKY: There you go.

MARTIN: Churches, community halls, not just what he did as a comedian. He became this public figure beyond what he does as an entertainer.

PINSKY: The moralize.

MARTIN: That should -- it made him fear games.

PINSKY: The moralizing.

MARTIN: The moralizing.

PINSKY: So we now know that he got seven prescriptions from a crazy medication...


PINSKY: ... with the intent to have sex. He didn`t say he gave it but that was his intent. That`s already pretty whacky.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I mean yeah, I can`t -- I`m not going to argue with you like.

PINSKY: You can. It`s OK.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So, I mean I get that part. I just don`t have a strong opinion about, you know, Bill Cosby is this. Bill Cosby is that.

PINSKY: Do you think he is being unnecessarily attack in the public?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think the attack is a little hard.

PINSKY: It shields back.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Because like it so many years later and...

PINSKY: It doesn`t feel right to you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s just doesn`t feel right.

PINSKY: All right, let me bring in on Skype Angela Ross. She is director of PAVE. This is that`s an acronym for Promoting Awareness Victim


Her group started the petition to revoke Bill Cosby`s Presidential Medal of Freedom. Are you disappointed what the president said today?

ANGELA ROSE, DIRECTOR OF PAVE: Well, I am a little disappointed Dr. Drew and I see that you said in the last segment about a galvanizing moment.

And this is a galvanizing moment for the notion of consents. There are young men and women especially in high schools, on college campuses. Were

there are so much alcohol and drug facilitated sexual attempt.

PINSKY: Yup. Yes ma`am. Then that`s not. That`s rape. That`s rape.



ROSE: Absolutely.

PINSKY: Yup. We have audience again. Sorry, Angela. Hold on a second. Yes, sir.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I recall reading that he had purchased the Quaaludes. That`s kind of nuts. It`s very crazy but that doesn`t mean that he did it

and I thought it was...

PINSKY: Well, he said -- but he admitted under oath...

MARTIN: That`s right.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That`s the intent but that doesn`t mean that he did it. If I go and buy a gun and I intent to shoot somebody but I don`t shoot them

am I guilty of shooting them? No, not. Absolutely not.

HO: So Dr. Drew, what I`m hearing from your audience members and also really from the public is that there is that conflict right because...


HO: ... Bill Cosby representing his person on T.V.


HO: And now it`s really hard for people to wrap their heads around completely changing their views about him and even his co-star Joseph

Phillips said today please just go and live a quite country life that some of us can still preserve our image of you. It`s almost like people are

begging him to just not confirm that it happened.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How do you hold a human to portrait somebody perfect that he did on T.V. in his regular life? Everybody makes a mistakes.

HO: This is not just about perfection. It is not just about being perfect. He allegedly raped over 50 women.


HO: I understand but they all didn`t know each other.


HO: And I don`t like the fact that people are trying to dictate when victim should come forward and talk about their story. Not all victims

even come forward because of the victims claiming that the received. This is the widespread phenomenon. Think about that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean can they not easily be out there seeing dollar signs. It`s Bill Cosby so they can be 40 people...

HO: Nobody asks for money half the time. Half of them didn`t even ask for money...


PINSKY: Let me get out to Angela. Angela, you must be encountering this kind of thinking a lot.

ROSE: Well, absolutely. And when these women first came forward, years and years ago, they were met with blame...

MARTIN: Right.

ROSE: ... and disbelief and shame as those mentioned.

[21:40:00] We live in a very victim blaming society.


ROSE: And we have come along way but we have a long way to go.

PINSKY: I think that back then you`re talking about well, when this all started there was a culture of nostalgia (ph), there`s a culture of

exploitation women and some of these women who did come forward to their employers were told to shut up, yes sir. What do you say?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think it`s kind of like Koby Bryant or Mike Tyson, like you said it`s really about the money man because he is wanting -- they

know you can`t play innocent all the time.

HO: Oh my god.


HO: Oh my god. This instant?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s wrong to rape of course. If you rape you need to be in prison but I don`t think he rape anybody. I think these women put

themselves in a position to...

HO: Let me try to stay calm right now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. All right, whatever man.


PINSKY: Hold on. (inaudible) we appreciate it. We appreciate it but again, I think people are confused by consent.

MARTIN: Yeah. We keep hearing this over and over again and rather than trash this young man, let`s try to help him.

PINSKY: Yeah, go ahead.


MARTIN: So the reality is you cannot -- you have consent if you`re unconscious so you can`t...

PINSKY: No, no. (Inaudible) wait.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (Inaudible) and know what`s going to happen after the drugs.

PINSKY: But I...


PINKSY: ... if you`re going to (inaudible) I`m going to try this...



PINSKY: Because I think it`s important for you. If you go to a hotel room with a girl who says, you know what I`m dying to have sex with you. We`re

going to get drunk and have sex is going to be great. If the point she has two glasses of wine in California, she can`t render consent anymore.


PINSKY: That`s a law.


PINSKY: You`ll be guilty of rape if she in retrospect but, you know, I thought a second -- I have second thoughts about it. In retrospect, I

don`t think I was quite...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My idea of rape is man and woman doesn`t want to have a sex and they have sex with her...

PINSKY: No, no I know.


PINKSY: That`s...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you say, hey let`s take some drugs and have a good time tonight that`s not rape.

MARTIN: OK but what we`re talking about is these women didn`t say let`s take some drugs and have a good time.

PINSKY: Even if they did it. Even if they did it.

MARTIN: So women are saying they -- he slipped drugs until their drinks...

HO: Right.

MARTIN: ... or either drugged without them knowing it and they were unconscious and he had sex with them while they were unconscious. That`s

not (inaudible).

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If that`s the case, if that`s the case I (inaudible)...

MARTIN: OK. Great.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... but I`m not buying.


MARTIN: We`ll make you some progress. We made a little progress.

PINSKY: (Inaudible). Give us opportunity to (inaudible). Listen the it`s all cool. Just give us opportunity but a lot of you guys do not know what

consent is...

HO: Yes.

MARTIN: Yeah. They don`t know.

PINSKY: . and they could get themselves in trouble.

MARTIN: That`s good.

PINSKY: Next up and I`ll look inside an imprison drug lord escape tunnel with a motorcycle, of the track, ventilation system all that after this.



PINSKY: Time for Click Fix. Where are my guests? Tell me what is trending on their Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram feed and a reminder, we

are now on Snapchat. Follow us there @drdrewhln, D-R-D-R-E-W-H-L-N. We`re putting up stuff throughout the sow back with Judy, Areva, and Dave.

Judy, Click Fix.

HO: All right. So we have a surveillance video from inside El Chapo`s jail cell. There is a drug lord that escaped. This is the video footage

of him disappearing under a hoe and then that led to a mile long tunnel which he used to escape.

PINSKY: And now we actually have the video of him leaving.

HO: That`s right. He`s leaving right now in this video and he has a monitoring bracelet on but somehow he managed to remove it so now there`s

no way to track him, they`re still looking for him, the prison director has been fired. Two other prison guards have been fired. They obviously

haven`t been doing a very good job keeping track.

PINSKY: And now his son wants to kill Trump and it`s true.

HO: Yeah, I know.

PINSKY: Areva.

MARTIN: OK I have a plane that landed on a New Jersey highway. A small plane was forced to make an emergency landing.

PINSKY: Look at this.

MARTIN: Look at this.

PINSKY: Watch this.

HO: Wow.

MARTIN: That`s on a New Jersey highway but guess what.


MARTIN: He managed to miss all the cars. Only one person in that plane was treated four minor cut on his arms. That was the only injury.

PINSKY: Amazing.

RUBIN: Dr. Drew, I have a video of that Trump over in the crowd before actually having sexual relationships with Dr. -- with Donald Trump and I`m

not going to show that right now. Sorry about that.

I just called him a doctor that`s very sad. This is actually -- it was actually from a Facebook. This is a surveillance video from a Texas

convenience store.

There`s a guy armed with a knife and he`s trying to rob the clerk. Unfortunately for him, the guy standing behind him is a firefighter and

former marine and he takes him down and pinned him. That is a technical knock out right there.

PINSKY: Let`s see it again. Let`s see that again.

HO: One more time.


PINSKY: Yep. This from other angle?

RUBIN: Here it is.

PINSKY: That is no four. Oh my goodness.


HO: He`s (inaudible)

PINSKY: You got to be trained to do that. Not the average person should not make that attempt.

HO: Don`t try this at home. You have to be trained.

MARTIN: Yeah, you definitely don`t.

PINSKY: I think but how we all feel when we see that is sort of a Donald Trump feeling. We`re all like, "Just keep going. We like to having a

focus of our aggression." You know? Let`s get the bad guys. It not simple out there in the real world.

Remember, get follow us on our Snapchat also next up, I have two grocery store customers who go, "Get out!" at the deli counter. Yup, there they


Well, is it a Walmart? Again, I`ll tell you about that I mean usually, it`s a Walmart video. I don`t think this is.

And a reminder, we are monitoring breaking news regarding Bobbi Kristina Brown in Atlanta. There`s a tent that has been set up outside the hospice,

the speculation to her status may be changing. Back up to this.



PINSKY: Back with my Click Fix, of course, I think most people know that fights in stores, it`s -- we`ve become everybody fights on stores are

actually destinations on YouTube now. You go watch fights in America everyday on YouTube.

Here`s one that is no exception. Two men go at it in a Publics grocery store, Publics is name of that grocery store in guess where in Florida.

Shocking. Watch this.



Male: Are you (inaudible) out of your mind?

That`s my pregnant wife, bro.


PINSKY: Remember when I said, during the Donald Trump conversation that we have aggression that we focus, this is what I`m talking about.

Then this one began at a parking space. The man in the blue is angry because the other man had cursed at his pregnant wife for leaving her cart

in a parking space. She then called her husband, the two men took the conflict inside of course, right in front of the salami and the boloney

there in the deli isle.

RUBIN: Dr. Drew, I just want to apologize for my dad. He gets fired up.

PINSKY: I knew he was going to break it. Sorry about that.

RUBIN: He doesn`t mean.

PINSKY: Do not forget to follow us on Snapchat. Our Snapchat is again, drdrewhln. I would ask you to please DVR us and you can watch this show

any time.

[22:00:00] I appreciate my panel`s conversation and the audiences` participation and you all for watching and we will see you next time.