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Erin Burnett Outfront

One of the Biggest Lottery Jackpots in World History; Afghan Massacre Investigation; Mysterious Death in China

Aired March 30, 2012 - 19:00   ET


ERIN BURNETT, HOST: Tonight, one of the biggest lotteries in world history. Everything you need to know about the mega million.

And a businessman with ties to British spies and communist officials found dead. It reads like a spy novel but this story is all true.

And the Trayvon Martin case, George Zimmerman's brother talks about the medical reports. Let's go OUTFRONT.

I'm Erin Burnett. OUTFRONT tonight, Mega Millions madness, Americans across the country are dreaming of winning $640 million jackpot. That is the biggest in American history. So many people have things that look like this. This is our show's. Your chances of winning, all right, odds aren't great, 176 million to one. You do have greater odds of dying from a bee sting, but I want to get one thing out there right away.

This is a rare lottery because usually the expected value of a ticket, of $1 ticket is well below a buck and lotteries are bad bets. The pot's grown so large this time and so many people are playing that expected value of a ticket based on the $640 million jackpot and about 175 million playing, it's over $1, be a little bit over $3, which means if you haven't bought a ticket, you might as well. And a lot of people are imaging what a win could do to their lives.

There were lines for tickets in 42 states and the District of Columbia today as lottery sales tripled. In New York alone ticket sales reached $3 million an hour. These are numbers that have never been seen before, and it adds up to more than just a windfall for the lucky winner. In 2010, lottery sales generated nearly $18 billion in profits for state governments. A top among them, New York, Florida, Texas, California and Massachusetts and what are they doing with all of this money?

Well, about half of the value of a ticket actually goes to the ultimate winner. About 35 percent of it goes to the states, and most of that goes to education. Since most lotteries in this country began in 1970s, three states put more than $20 billion into education, New York, California and Florida. And with the nation's biggest lottery, New York, funding 15 percent of its school budget last year alone. Now, it's important to point out that while many states advertise, I mean really advertise, as part of their logos that the lottery funds education, a lot of states have cut education budgets even as lottery proceeds have risen and funding education isn't always what it seems. Today we ran the numbers from Florida where all lottery proceeds go to education and about 78 percent of the money goes to college scholarships and school construction bonds. Not K-12 and the public schools that do get funds from the lottery get them only if they're A- rated. So schools in wealthy areas with good test scores get the most money. Gary Grief is executive director of the Mega Millions Lottery. Paul Hickey is co-founder of Bespoke Research. Both are OUTFRONT tonight with two very different and two very important takes on this.

And Gary, I do want to start with you. This is massive. I mean this is something that probably put a whole lot of people in a good mood today, you know just the dream and the hope. You know there was someone on our staff didn't even want me to flash our tickets, because it might give us bad luck. But the president today called lotteries a regressive tax. Do you agree with that?

GARY GRIEF, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, TEXAS LOTTERY COMMISSION: No, I do not. And thank you for having me, Erin. What we believe is it's a way for people to have some fun at a very low price, and also contribute to good causes. And as you so eloquently mentioned, in most states, including Texas, all of these millions of dollars that are being spent on the lottery does go to help fund public education. We look at it as a chance for people to dream, as you said. The real fun part about playing the lottery, especially at a $640 million jackpot is that time from when you purchase the ticket to when the balls are drawn. And you can dream about what you might do if you're the lucky winner of that enormous prize.

BLITZER: And I think -- you know a lot of people have done that and you can see the good in that. But I do want to run this by you. A Gallup poll that says 57 percent of American adults that say they bought a lottery ticket in the past year, 53 percent of people who bought them had incomes under $25,000. Is this a fair way for the states to raise money?

GRIEF: Well I'm not familiar with that particular study, Erin, and we do our own demographic study in Texas and it depends on the sample of people that you're talking to. It also depends on what type of answers people give. It might not surprise you to know that people always aren't real forthcoming with how much they wager on lotteries or other forms of gaming. So you need to take that with a grain of salt.

BURNETT: Paul, let me just ask you about you've been crunching the numbers. The odds obviously are very slim. The whole -- "Daily Beast" did a very funny article of things that are more likely to happen to you than win the lottery. But are there better ways to pick numbers, or should you go with what we appeared to do, the quick picks?

PAUL HICKEY, CO-FOUNDER BESPOKE RESEARCH: You know I think there are all sorts of theories on what to do. Some people say to pick higher numbers because there's less -- most people play their birthdays or the day they were born so there's less odds that you're going to share the jackpot. But in reality there are certain numbers that come up more often than others. Thirty-six comes up twice -- is the second most frequent number of the five. And of the mega ball, it's the most frequent number --

BURNETT: Thirty-six --

HICKEY: So yes, for some reason if you have 36 as your number in the mega ball that's the best odds of the mega ball coming up, but --

BURNETT: Ooh, we have one.

HICKEY: There you go. So that's the key there and 36 in the regular numbers, so but there are (INAUDIBLE). The odds are astronomical. You know, you know I'm a left-handed person, the odds of dying -- of a left-handed dying in an accident because it's a right-hander's world are one in four million. You know the odds of winning the lottery are one in 775 million. You'd have to fill out 35 million cards if you wanted to play every combination and just for the person to process all those, you know it would take them years to just put all those cards in. So you know it's just astronomical no matter how you look at it. And just one other thing --


HICKEY: (INAUDIBLE) had a good comment today. The (INAUDIBLE) jackpot, 640 million accounts for 11 hours worth of U.S. oil imports, so I mean to put that -- and that's how much oil --

BURNETT: Way to rain on my parade (INAUDIBLE). All right, well but how many tickets would you need to buy to get all the combinations? I mean because literally you could do that, if you could do it, you could end up -- well, I mean, guaranteeing you would win and getting up a huge profit.

HICKEY: Right, there are 175 million different combinations, so if you -- you could do it and if you were the only winner, then you would make a profit, but the odds are -- first you have to worry, what if four other people win then you're suddenly out -- you know in the hole. Second of all, just to play all those cards or -- I don't think the lottery would let you just go in and say -- maybe they would. This is a windfall for the states as you were saying. Over 10 percent of their revenue come from lotteries.

BURNETT: And a final word to you, Gary. What happens if no one wins? And I understand the jackpot could go to almost a billion dollars, correct?

GRIEF: I can't imagine the excitement that's going to be happening. It's crazy today. If we don't have a winner tonight we're going to get close to that magic "b" word. That means a billion dollar jackpot.

BURNETT: That's crazy. All right, well thanks to both of you. We appreciate it. And you know --


BURNETT: Whatever you feel about some of the very serious questions about lotteries, regressivity (ph) it is an exciting time to watch the numbers come out. John Crow is the man who will be calling the winning numbers tonight. He is the host of the Georgia Lottery and Mega Millions and right before the show I asked him if he's ready.


JOHN CROW, HOST, THE GEORGIA LOTTERY AND MEGA MILLIONS: There's this Mega Millions mania out there. There's -- you know it's excitement across the United States, the frenzy, the people, the amount of people out there buying tickets today is incredible. As you know, it's a world record $640 million. That's more than half a billion dollar, Erin.

BURNETT: That's pretty -- it's pretty amazing, and I know there's six numbers and I guess that you can go -- you can pick anywhere between one and 60, so I know you've done this a lot, John, but are you worried at all I don't know that you would -- stutter, say the wrong number, slur, something that I think I would probably do, if the whole country were watching.

CROW: Well, Erin, until you just put that pressure on me, there, I wasn't worried. No, I mean it's very tight, especially with the numbers falling so quickly. I definitely have said some snines (ph) in my life, which is a six/nine, but not tonight, Erin. Not tonight.

BURNETT: (INAUDIBLE) what's your voice? Can you give us a little sense of the voice in which you do it?

CROW: My voice when I do it. Hello America I'm John Crow. It's -- tonight's Mega Millions jackpot is a world record-breaking $640 million. Could you be the winner tonight? Play on, America.

BURNETT: All right. Thank you very much, John. Appreciate it.

CROW: Thanks, Erin. You have a good night.

BURNETT: All right, you too.


BURNETT: All right, well now someone who heard the "could you be a winner" and actually was. What it's like to imagine what it would be like to win the lottery, but frankly as we all know with the whole bee stings, you're more likely to die of a bee sting thing, well not many people get to experience it. Cynthia Stafford (ph) though did. She won $112 million in 2007 and is OUTFRONT to talk about it. Good to see you.

CYNTHIA STAFFORD, WON $112 MILLION IN 2007: Thank you. You too.

BURNETT: OK, as we think tonight about you know if we get this winner and how that person might react, $112 million and your numbers, that was the night when that happened. What happened at that moment to you?

STAFFORD: It was one of those surreal moments. Just like, wow, it did happen. We were just excited, totally excited. BURNETT: I mean were you screaming or were you just like --

STAFFORD: Oh, yes. We did the screaming, the jumping up and down.


STAFFORD: The hitting each other. Oh, yes.

BURNETT: So then, you know, we've also heard a lot in the past few days about a lot of the bad things that come with lotteries. Some people win and they, years later they don't -- they're destitute. They don't have the money. You though got it right.

STAFFORD: Oh, yes.


STAFFORD: Learning when to stop the spending. Having a really good financial planner behind you, and listening to them, so I -- I'm fortunate that I have some really good people who advised me in terms of my funds, and it helps. It really helps, and it also helps to educate yourself in regards to money.

BURNETT: What was the hardest thing when you say you know spend, spend, spend. What was the thing that, when you realized I've gone too far or I don't have the sense of what this money means, and I'm, you know -- I could get out of control?

STAFFORD: Well I think when it gets to a point where you're spending just without even thinking about it, and not thinking about the future, that's when you need to really just kind of put the brakes on.

BURNETT: And you've given a lot of money away.

STAFFORD: Yes, I have.

BURNETT: Has that been the part that's made you actually feel the best, that power to give?

STAFFORD: It does, because I'm a believer that you give and you receive it back, and so this is something I've lived with all my life and I believe in the power of good, doing good for others, and it will return to you.

BURNETT: All right, well thank you very much. Appreciate it.

STAFFORD: You're welcome.

BURNETT: (INAUDIBLE) just sitting next to someone who won $112 million in a lottery. The chances of sitting next to someone who's won $112 million in a lottery are also really, really low, so I'll take that as my win tonight.

(CROSSTALK) BURNETT: All right, next on OUTFRONT the attorney for the soldier accused of murdering 17 Afghan civilians says one thing -- we spoke with someone though who says it's not true, who has talked to the people in that Afghan village that night.

And a businessman was found dead in a hotel room in China. He has ties to British spies and Communist officials. This is true and talking about dreams tonight, so we've got a flying car.


BURNETT: John Henry Browne, the defense lawyer for Staff Sergeant Bales, came out swinging today. He said that military prosecutors are not cooperating in the case of the shooting deaths of 17 civilians in Afghanistan. In a very strongly worded press release and press conference Browne said they have not been given accesses to witnesses of the shootings.


JOHN HENRY BROWNE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY FOR STAFF SGT. ROBERT BALES: That's what's really, really frustrating. Our staff on the ground is really upset with this promise they made to us which we normally trust these promises and we have to trust these promises, and we've been misled greatly, and these witnesses are now, who knows where, and you know people just disappear into the countryside in Afghanistan.


BURNETT: Browne also said the military has requested a mental health board to evaluate Staff Sergeant Bales. That would take place in the next two months. But a short while ago we did talk to one of the few foreign journalist who has actually visited with the witnesses and victims of what happened that night and gotten their version of the story. She also spoke to the Afghan guards on the base who interacted with Staff Sergeant Bales. Yalda Hakim a correspondent with SBS Australia is in Afghanistan and I asked her how hard it was to actually gain access to these witnesses.


YALDA HAKIM, SBS AUSTRALIA CORRESPONDENT: Well, just a few moments ago, Erin, I spoke to President Hamid Karzai's office about the claims that the attorney has made. They strongly rejected his claims and say they have no knowledge of any investigation team or defense team arriving to Kandahar to speak with the witnesses. They said that if that's the case he's more than welcome to come and speak with the witnesses and the families of the actual victims.

But from someone who has actually been to the villages and spoken to the wounded, these people are desperate to get their story out. They want justice to be served. So I don't think that they're actually afraid of coming out and speaking about what's actually happened to them. They have heartfelt stories. The majority of people I spoke to were children. It's always difficult to assess whether a child witness is actually giving you the account that they actually saw or whether they're traumatized, but certainly I felt their accounts were heartfelt and they're desperate for their story to come out.

BURNETT: And what did they tell you? What were some of specifics of what they told you happened that night?

HAKIM: There were some horrific accounts, Erin. I spoke to one woman who told me how her husband had been shot in the head and how she dragged him into her house and she had his brain in her hands. You know deeply traumatic sort of stories that they were telling me. She also then told me that there were 15 to 20 Americans standing in her yard ushering her to get back inside her house. You know these are difficult, very intense claims that she's making. They don't really match up to some of the other claims that some of the children told me. They told me that one American entered their home and one American shot their family members, so there are a lot of disparities in the stories. It's difficult to know who saw what and when.

BURNETT: And Yalda, I know that you had a chance to speak with some of those Afghan guards at the base and I'm very curious what they told you. At this point U.S. officials have told CNN that they are alleging that Sergeant Bales left the base, killed some people, returned to the base, told some people that he had killed Afghans and then went back out. Are you hearing at all anything about what he might have said when he went back to the base in between the alleged shooting rampages?

HAKIM: No, because I only had access to the Afghan guards. I didn't actually hear anything about what he said to his roommates. But the guards told me that they didn't actually see him leave the base. They saw him come back to the base at 1:30 a.m. That he was in the base for about an hour. Then another guard saw him leave the base at 2:30 a.m. Both times apparently the American forces have been informed that one of their soldiers had come into the base and an hour later had been informed again that someone had left the base.

And by the time they pulled a search party together and decided to go out looking for him, around 4:00, one of the Afghan guards noticed the American soldier coming back towards the base, at which point they informed the forces and they went out and collected their man and they told the Afghan guards not to shoot, that this was the soldier that they were looking for. But exactly what he said when he came back to the base is unclear as far as I'm concerned.

BURNETT: And Yalda, from talking to those guards, did they have any information to you as to how Sergeant Bales behaved? Was he distraught? Was he acting normally? Was there blood on him or gunshot residue? Were you able to get any of their thoughts on that?

HAKIM: I asked them a lot about that sort of thing and they told me that -- the first guard told me when he arrived at the base at 1:30 in the morning he had his weapons with him and he was trying to rush into the base. The Afghan guard apparently cocked up his gun and said to him, where are you going and where have you been? He responded to him in the local dialect of Pashto, said hello. The guard then said to him again where have you been and he rushed into the base. The guards who saw him leave at 2:30, again said he rushed out, and said hello, but continued to walk out. Then when he returned at 4:00 in the morning, he apparently walked up to the forces, U.S. forces who were waiting for him at the front of the base, put down his weapons, put his hands up and handed himself over. He was then completely strip searched apparently and brought into the base in his underwear. That's what the Afghan guards claim.

BURNETT: All right, well Yalda, thank you very much and some truly amazing reporting there from Afghanistan on Sergeant Bales. Thanks again.


BURNETT: And now a dramatic story. This story is -- I'm obsessed with this story because it's like a real-life spy novel and it's happening in China. So we've got more details coming out about the mysterious death of a businessman. He had links to Britain's spy agency and to powerful Chinese politicians. Now, the U.K. government is asking China to reopen the investigation into how Neil Heywood died last year.

They said it was alcohol, now apparently it could be poison. And they're asking this, because his relationship with the disgraced Chinese Communist Party official has come to light. An official whose situation has had something, there could be a coup in China. The drama is throwing Chinese politics into turmoil. It has captivated the country and shown a spotlight on the city of Chongqing. Here's Stan Grant.


STAN GRANT, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The choking streets of Chongqing in southwestern China, more than 30 million people and a story shrouded in mystery. We're following this tale of intrigue, betrayal and suspicions of foul play that has now spread as far as Britain and drawn in the U.K.'s spy agency MI6.


GRANT: First stop for us, the British consulate.


GRANT (on camera): Yes. Hello. I was wanting to know if the consular official was in at the moment?

(voice-over): Perhaps here are some answers about what happened to Neil Heywood, a British businessman with Chinese connections who companies use to help broker deals. He was found in a Chongqing hotel room last November. The British media reports Chinese officials told the British Embassy he drank himself to death. The same officials claim his body was cremated without an autopsy.

(MUSIC) GRANT: Now Heywood's death is being linked to the sacking of a rising star of the Communist Party and Britain wants China to investigate.

(on camera): So just a matter of discussing with the consular officials behind those doors they say because there is an investigation now pending, they're very much bound by confidentiality. There's simply no more they can say.


GRANT (voice-over): Here Chinese and British companies network and do deals. It's the Chongqing British Chamber of Commerce monthly (ph) drinks. Tonight the talk is not just of money lost and won but the death of Neil Heywood.


GRANT (on camera): Do you think anyone really thinks they know the truth?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think everybody thinks they know the truth.

GRANT: Truth is behind the truth.



GRANT: There are so many whispers about Neil Heywood. He was certainly well connected in China. He was married to a local woman. He did business here for years. He also moved in the orbit (ph) of a company set up in China formed by former members MI6, the British spy agency and he also came into contact with (INAUDIBLE), who is the former Communist Party chief of Chongqing and that has placed Neil Heywood at the center of a political drama that has absolutely captivated China.

(voice-over): Only now is it emerging Heywood and (INAUDIBLE) families were linked. No one we talked to here admits they knew Heywood, but they've heard the rumors.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The guy never drank alcohol, never touched alcohol. So -- and I think the guy's wife (INAUDIBLE) was still (INAUDIBLE) --

GRANT: Bo Xilai was sacked as party chief of Chongqing after his hand-picked police chief sought refuge in a U.S. consulate reportedly fearing for his safety. (INAUDIBLE) reports (INAUDIBLE) diplomatic sources now say the cops split with (INAUDIBLE), after raising suspicions with his boss that Heywood had been poisoned. Bo Xilai fashioned himself as a greater (ph) than red communist hard man, the son of a party hero adopting revolutionary songs and slogans.

He cracked down on criminal gangs and corruption and made enemies. A source close to Bo Xilai tells CNN the family rejects all the allegations against him. They say one day they hope to be free to tell their side of the story. Right now, with Neil Heywood dead and Bo Xilai banished and out of sight, whatever truth there is remains hidden in the mist and haze of Chongqing.

Stan Grant, CNN, Chongqing.


BURNETT: Well OUTFRONT next, new developments in the Trayvon Martin case and investigators talk to one of Osama bin Laden's wives who says she was helping the al Qaeda leader while he was on the run.


BURNETT: We start the second half of our show with stories we care about, where we focus on our reporting, do the work and find the "OutFront 5".

First CNN has learned Defense Department officials debated how to dispose of human remains from the September 11th attacks on the Pentagon, 1,300 fragments ended up in a Delaware landfill. Internal discussions revealed that officials considered spreading the ashes at sea before ultimately choosing a landfill. The details emerged as part of an ongoing investigation into the mortuary at Dover Air Force base. That mortuary is accused of mishandling the war dead including burning the remains of U.S. troops in a landfill.

Number two, the U.S. has put new pressure on Iran's oil business and ultimately on its possible pursuit of nuclear weapons. Today President Obama decided there is enough oil supply in world markets to rely less on Iran's supply. The decision means U.S. sanctions will penalize foreign companies that purchase oil from Iran's Central Bank. Analysts believe that nearly a million barrels a day could ultimately be lost from Iran. But the country that will have to make up for that is Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia only has between 2 million and 2.5 million barrels of unused capacity and pumping closer to its full capacity than any time since the oil crises of the 1970s.

Number three: Japan said today it will shoot down North Korea's long-range missile if it enters its territory. However, OUTFRONT spoke with Brian Finley (ph), an expert on the region, who told us Japan's defense systems are not capable of shooting down the rocket. North Korea says the rocket carrying a satellite will launch in mid- April. Several nations, including the United States say that the launch is really a test of a long-range ballistic missile. North Korea denies it.

Number four: Millions of people could possibly be affected by a massive credit card breach today. We've learned someone gained access to card data from Global Payments which is a company you may not have heard of, but they really process billions, trillions of card transactions. The scope of the breach is unclear, but we are told that all of the major credit card brands are affected. Global Payments processed $167.3 billion in transactions last year.

It has been 239 days since the U.S. lost its top credit rating. What are we doing to get it back? Well, it will help if the market goes up. The Dow and S&P both closing with their best first quarters since 1998.


CROWD: No justice, no peace.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Race had nothing to do with it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For justice, justice, justice.


BURNETT: The brother of George Zimmerman, who killed Trayvon Martin in Florida last month, says medical records will prove it was Martin who attacked first. Robert Zimmerman tells Piers Morgan his brother had no choice.


ROBERT ZIMMERMAN, JR., GEORGE ZIMMERMAN'S BROTHER: George was out of breath, he was barely conscious. His last thing he remembers doing was moving his head from the concrete to the grass so that if he was banged one more time, he wouldn't be, you know, wearing diapers for the rest of his life and being spoon-fed by his brother, and there would have been George dead had he not acted decisively and instantaneously.


BURNETT: This case has raised questions about racial profiling and started a heated debate about self defense and gun laws in this country. All of those issues are highlighted tonight on a CNN special "Beyond Trayvon."

Soledad O'Brien has a preview.


SOLEDAD O'BRIEN, CNN ANCHOR: His name was Trayvon Martin and his death has come to symbolize the racial tension and suspicions that still exist in America.

I'm Soledad O'Brien.

People from across this nation are here in our audience tonight to talk about this case and the questions that it raises. Questions that cut to the heart of a country that promises liberty and justice for all. Let's take a look at some of the evidence that we do know. You have talked to a young woman named Dee Dee, Trayvon Martin's girlfriend.

BENJAMIN CRUMP, MARTIN FAMILY LAWYER: What she heard was not him coming to identify himself as any neighborhood association captain or anything like that. He said, what are you doing around here? As to suggest that he didn't have a right to be here.

O'BRIEN: How many people in this room -- you don't have to tell me how you decided -- but how many people have already formed an opinion on George Zimmerman's innocence or guilt? Raise your hand.

George Zimmerman, if you can paint a psychological profile of him from what we know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What concerns me about George Zimmerman and this is the big moral flaw that I see that I find really concerning, is that that man who had a license to carry a gun chose to bring that gun to a job where he was not permitted to have it. And that is no small thing. That is not a soft line in the sand. That is a moral crevasse that he leapt over.

O'BRIEN: Was there anything that he did right that night?

CURTIS SLIWA, GUARDIAN ANGELS: He did nothing right except wake up early that day and began to stalk people that -- who has paranoia he thought looking to commit on his compound -- a self-appointed watchman.


BURNETT: David Mattingly is in Sanford, Florida, for us tonight.

David, good to see you again.

I mean, just looking at Soledad's report there. You saw the show of hands. It seems like most people made up their minds on this. It has become an issue of people feeling passionately about.

Is that the case down in Sanford, too?

DAVID MATTINGLY, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, Sanford, Florida, is no different from anywhere else in the country in that respect when it comes to people making a judgment about what happened in this case. What is different here is that because this case happened right here in Sanford, it has opened up what appears to be very deep animosity within the African-American community towards law enforcement in this city.

We've been to meetings. We've heard some very emotional testimony from people who feel like that they have not been treated fairly by police in this city.

So, even beyond this case, this city is going to have a lot of work to do in addressing this rift that exists here, and has been exposed by this case. They've got a lot of decisions to make about how they're going to move forward from here.

BURNETT: One thing I was looking at this week. Spike Lee tweeted out an address what he thought was the Zimmerman's home -- George Zimmerman's home, which was disturbing on a lot of levels, and then it turned out George Zimmerman didn't even live there.

What happened to the people who did live in that house?

MATTINGLY: Well, this house belonged to a couple, in their 70s. They did have a son there who lived there at one time whose middle name was George and last name Zimmerman but it wasn't the right guy. It wasn't the right address.

So, when Spike Lee retweeted this address that was out there, this couple started getting a lot of attention from the media. They started getting menacing letters. They started getting menacing phone calls. They were worried about their safety.

So they moved into a hotel. They just left their house behind. Well, they did get in touch with Spike Lee. They got an attorney. They reached -- they received an apology from the star.

They also were able to negotiate a monetary agreement there.

So, if this -- out of this little bit, out of this entire tragedy, there's probably two people tonight who are happy with where they're sitting right now.

BURNETT: David, some people have described where you are as literally -- it's become a tinderbox. Is that true? Is that too strong of a word? I mean, people can feel passionately, but that's different than being angry, or violent?

MATTINGLY: Well, the city has been very concerned about that for weeks now. With so much national attention here, with emotions raised so high. In fact, tomorrow we're going to see another March by the NAACP, which is going to be coming right here to this location, to the police station here behind me. So, the city has long been concerned about that's we've seen people on both sides of this issue appealing for calm, appealing for patience, but continuing to press the case.

And you're going to hear a lot of people on this location tomorrow that are dedicated, that are emotional, and they're going to continue to press their case, if they believe that George Zimmerman should be arrested. Right now, everyone waiting to see what the state of Florida, what the Justice Department does with their own investigations.

BURNETT: All right. David, thank very much -- from Sanford tonight.

And as you saw, Soledad O'Brien that a special report tonight, "Beyond Trayvon: Race & Justice in America" and it starts at the top of the hour right here on CNN.

Well, from the Trayvon Martin case, we got to another controversial shooting. Police in Pasadena shot and killed an unarmed teen under arrest, the person who called 911. That story next.

And new details about Osama bin Laden's life on the run. His wife talking to investigators. That's next.


BURNETT: Started with a robbery, then a call to 911 and in the end an unarmed 19-year-old college student shot dead by police. Did one word used during the call trigger the deadly consequences?

Here's Miguel Marquez.


MIGUEL MARQUEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Police say when they responded to the burglary they were on full alert. The alleged victim, Oscar Carrillo, who called 911 told the dispatcher two men who stole his backpack and computer were carrying guns.

DISPATCH: Do they have any weapons?

CALLER: Yes, they have a gun.

MARQUEZ: Minutes later --

DISPATCH: Do you remember anything about the gun?

CALLER: Both have a gun, man. They both have a gun and run from me.

MARQUEZ: Two officers only a few years each on the Pasadena police force responded. No lights, no siren. Police cars in Pasadena are configured to automatically record events when lights and sirens go on. It appears there is no recorded version of what transpired.

Police say 19-year-old Kendrec McDade ran away from the police car his hand on his waist. For a block and a half, the police car chased McDade until officer Matthew Griffin caught up with him. They were just feet apart police say. Kendrec McDade turned towards the officers still in his patrol car. With seconds to react, the officer from the driver's seat fired.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Pasadena police officers responded to that scene believing that an armed robbery had just occurred. The shooting of Mr. McDade is absolutely tragic.

MARQUEZ: McDade was shot at and hit multiple times by both Officer Griffin and backup officer Jeffrey Nuland (ph).

McDade was carrying no gun and had no stolen items on hill. His 17-year-old alleged accomplice was charged with grand theft. No gun was found on anyone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: His crime was being black at night in the wrong place at the wrong time. Every officer is given the discretion when and when not to pull the trigger. MARQUEZ: Kendrec McDade is not the likeliest victim, a good- looking 19-year-old, no police record, attending classes at a community college, played high school football and wanted to be a lawyer.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Kendrec was good kid.

MARQUEZ: McDade's mother who just gave birth to her third child last week is deeply grieved.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This has been a very traumatic time for me. I really don't have that much to say. I just know that I want justice.

MARQUEZ: Arrested in connection with the shooting, 26-year-old Oscar Carrillo, the burglary victim -- arrested because police say he lied about his 911 call about McDade and other suspects having guns. He was arrested on suspicion of involuntary manslaughter. The L.A County district attorney hasn't decided yet if he'll formally charge Carrillo.

Officers Griffin and Nuland have been listed as victims on the initial police report. They are currently on paid time off.


BURNETT: All right. Miguel, such a pretty unbelievable story. What's been the response to the police department? I mean, are they -- looking into -- you talk about how the lights weren't on on the police cars, just one example.


BURNETT: We got no record.

MARQUEZ: Yes. The police here have been very aggressive in getting out in front of this and releasing as much information as possible, Erin. They held in press conference last Wednesday. There is -- this is the vigil growing to Mr. Kendrec here at the corner where he died or where he was shot. And the police here are trying to get out as much information.

There are three investigation going on. One by the police department itself, one by the L.A. County sheriff's office and another independent investigation by the L.A. County district attorney's office. All of those are pending.

BURNETT: And you mentioned the vigil going on right behind you. Has there been significant outpouring and does this feel to you that this is getting more attention and more people focusing coming to the vigil because of what happened to Trayvon?

MARQUEZ: Yes, there is a very quick Trayvon Martin connection to be made here and people are making that certainly in town. At the moment, it appears most people in the area and across Los Angeles are holding their breath to see what the police come up with. They are interested in seeing the full police report. They are interested in how these investigations played out and the family is very interesting in knowing exactly how it is that their son died.

There's a lot of confusing details on what happened that night. The police have a long way of explaining how it is that those police officers found themselves in a situation where they felt their lives were threatened.

At the moment, that connection to Trayvon isn't as great, perhaps, as some are trying to make it in the community, but the police are holding another community meeting tomorrow morning in order to answer questions and try to stay out in front of this one -- Erin.

BURNETT: All right. Miguel, thank very much. It really sounds like the police have learned transparency. It could go a long way.

Well, new details about Osama bin Laden's secret life on the run. Ever since his death, investigators have been keeping his wives under house arrest in Pakistan. And now, at least one of them is revealing valuable information.

Our own Brian Todd reports.


BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Erin, according to an interrogation report from Pakistani police that we've obtained, bin Laden's youngest wife, her name is Amal Ahmed Abdul Fatah, has given some new details about their life on the run since 9/11 with bin Laden. And according to her, she at least, her branch of the family, lived in Pakistan the entire time after 9/11 until his death.

According to the report, Amal Fatah says, after 9/11, right after 9/11, her family scattered. She says, she went from the area around Kandahar, Afghanistan, to Karachi, Pakistan, lived there for about eight or nine months.

In mid-2002, she says, she went from Karachi to Peshawar, reunited with bin Laden's there. From Peshawar, she says, she went to the town of Swat in northern Pakistan, stayed there for about eight or night months. In 2003, she says, she went to the town of Haripur in Pakistan, lived there for about two years.

Then in 2005, she says, she went to the compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, where she said they stayed for about six years until bin Laden's death.

It was very interesting here, she says in the town of Haripur she gave birth to two out of the five children she had with bin Laden in a Pakistani government hospital. She says on each occasion she stayed in the hospital for only about two or three hours.

According to "The New York Times," there's another document where she says she gave a fake ID to hospital staff there in that town of Haripur. We have tried to contact Pakistani officials to get some answers about that. What kind of government hospital was it? Did Pakistani officials have any glad a wife of bin Laden was giving birth to two of their children in a government hospital in Pakistan? We have not gotten those answers yet, and no response to these new details from Pakistani officials, new details from his wife about their life on the run with Osama bin Laden -- Erin.


BURNETT: All right. Thanks to our Brian Todd.

And still OUTFRONT we got a sneak peek at a flying car. For real.

And a number of reasons why -- well, someone who isn't American might be about to win the lottery.


BURNETT: Automakers around the world are rushing to put the finishing touches on nearly 1,000 new cars. They're going to debut next week at the New York International Auto Show.

But OUTFRONT got out front with a look at one car that will undoubtedly capture the imaginations of -- well, all of us.


BURNETT (voice-over): It's a bird. It's a plane. It's a Transition?


BURNETT: Traditional cars and trucks are in for some serious competition from an unlikely source at next week's auto show in New York City.

The Terrafugia Transition, street legal airplane literally a flying car.

Carl Dietrich, Terrafugia's cofounder and CEO got the idea for his flying car in 2005 when he was studying at MIT.

CARL DIETRICH, CO-FOUNDER & CEO, TERRAFUGIA: The Transition is the evolution of a lot of years of thinking and, you know, dreaming about things like this, and it started long before me.

BURNETT: Way before.

Glenn Curtiss, the chief rival of the Wright brothers was the first design a flying car. But his large three-wing Curtiss auto plane was only able to hop, not fly.

But what was once the stuff of fiction is now reality if you have $279,000 lying around and at least 20 hours of flying time under your belt -- the standard needed to pilot a light aircraft.

The Transition is essentially a small plane designed to be road worthy. Push a button and the wings pull up, allowing the pilot to drive it like a car. It even runs on regular unleaded gasoline.

DIETRICH: It definitely gets a lot of attention. When you're driving this on public roads or we had it at a gas station yesterday filling up. And, you know, people definitely stare a little bit. It's -- I would say it's better than having a super sports car. This one really does fly. So --

BURNETT: But is it safe? The flying car can travel at a speed of about 115 miles an hour with a range of about 450 miles in the air, similar to a small plane.

DIETRICH: If you're a Transition owner and the weather changes on you, you know that you can land, fold up your wings in 20 seconds and drive safely. And you can still get to where you're going.

BURNETT: Around 100 aircraft have been reserved, and the first is due to be delivered later this year.

DIETRICH: The transition is kind of a symbol of what we can accomplish in that these things are totally technically achievable.


BURNETT: All right. If you'd like your very own flying car, Terrafugia is taking orders now. So, you apparently just need $10,000 deposit, which is something you would have if you had just won the Mega Millions lottery. Speaking of which, OUTFRONT next, why that lottery might end up. It's money outside America.


BURNETT: So back to the lottery. We saw this on the Mega Millions Web site today. Quote, "Non-U.S. citizens can legally play, and non-U.S. citizens are eligible to win any prize offered in the game."

That's right. Non Americans can play and win Mega Millions. I didn't know that. So, you know, if you're here on vacation from Beijing or Paris, you might take home 640 million bucks.

And that brings us to tonight's number: 22.4 million. That's how much more of this mostly American funded jackpot that a Canadian would take home than an American. Yes.

So, here's how it breaks down. Tonight's lottery has a $640 million jackpot. If you take it as a lump sum, you get $462 million.

So, Mega Millions withholds taxes, 25 percent for U.S. residents, 30 percent for foreigners, i.e., Canadians. That leaves us with $346 million for an American and $326 million for a Canadian.

But it doesn't end there for you, Americans. Why? Well, because those millions comes the 5 percent federal tax rate. Gambling winnings, even the lottery are taxed as income.

And since Mega Millions only withheld 25 percent, Uncle Same will take the other 10 percent when you file. That will knock your jackpot down to $301 million.

But Canadians don't have to pay it. They literally walk out of the country with $22 million extra dollars -- something to think about the next time you see a guy in a hockey jersey standing in the lottery line.

CNN special "Beyond Trayvon" starts now.