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Erin Burnett Outfront

Dow Plummets, Worst Drop Of 2014; Family: Why Did White Ebola Patients Live, Black Victims Die?; Police Seize Cab Owned By Suspect In UVA Case; New Airstrikes Against ISIS In Syria, Iraq; Where in the World is Kim Jong Un?

Aired October 09, 2014 - 19:00   ET


ERIN BURNETT, CNN HOST: OUTFRONT tonight, breaking news, the Dow down 335 points, the biggest drop in more than a year after a roller coaster week on Wall Street. So the markets be headed for another collapse?

Plus the family of the Ebola patient, Thomas Eric Duncan, speaks to OUTFRONT. Tonight, they are asking why a black patient died while the white Ebola patients in America lived.

And the major development in the case of missing University of Virginia student, Hannah Graham, tonight. Let's go OUTFRONT.

Good evening. I'm Erin Burnett. OUTFRONT tonight, we are following two breaking news stories, stocks plunge in their biggest selloff in more than a year and the family of Ebola patient, Eric Duncan, tells OUTFRONT exclusively.

I'll quote them, "It is suspicious to us that all the white patients survived and this one black patient passed away. He wasn't given a chance." It's a major statement and we have much more on this breaking story.

But first the markets, the Dow fell off a clip today down 335 points. Paul Hickey is the co-founder of Bespoke Investment Group. He's OUTFRONT.

Paul, you have been following this for a long time. This market is a sense to me a bit reminiscent of those days on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange where you saw huge gyrations that we couldn't even imagine in the midst of the financial crisis, big ups and big downs. Why the fear right now?

PAUL HICKEY, CO-FOUNDER, BESPOKE INVESTMENT GROUP: Yes. You know, Erin, it is like old times and it is not really a good thing. When you see these big moves in the market and a good rule of thumb is when the problems keep mounting and you need more than one hand to count them.

Investors are going to become a little bit more fearful. And what we have is we have a fragile global economy, notwithstanding the strong U.S. economy. But these fears of Ebola are really weighing on sentiment. And you know, while the bark is probably going to be worse than

the bite, I think the chances of an outbreak here are very slim. You know, it impacts things and it impacts economic activity.

If you just look at the SARS outbreak in Asia in about ten years ago, it was a very small and contained thing, but the impact on the Asian economy was geometrically more impactful.

So I think that kind of thing and those kinds of fears, until things shake out and there is some certainty, you will have volatility in the market.

BURNETT: And certainly something that should bring it home to politicians the importance of the situation that it is much more than just a debate over what you do with a border. That is it something that is dramatically affecting things like markets too.

I mean, Paul, you know, today Carl Icahn, famous investor, of course, said a market correction is definitely coming, and that I guess, definite initially is a drop of about 10 percent at least.

That begs the question when you are talking about fears of such great unknowns like Ebola, should everyone with a 401(k), a pension at this time, consider taking money out of the market?

HICKEY: You know, I don't think so. I mean, you are talking about retirement plans here and most of that is long term. So to try and tell people to trade their retirements, I think is something you want to stay away from.

You know, October, again, is the most volatile month historically in the markets. So you're going to see big swings just because of that. We are advising clients coming into the month to be on the lookout for increase of volatility.

And we are getting that here. Now if I had a big chunk of money right now -- to invest is tomorrow morning, I would hold off on it a little bit to see how things shake out.

But I think, you know, if you have more than a time horizon of a few months, you know, I think you would be well advised to stick with your plan.

BURNETT: Stick with your plan, but of course, those concerns about all of the breaking news on things like Ebola. Thank you so much, Paul.

HICKEY: Thanks, Erin.

BURNETT: And the breaking news on Ebola, the family of the first man to die of the virus here in the United States is speaking out. Claiming race is behind what they call Thomas Eric Duncan's unfair treatment.

And in an exclusive statements OUTFRONT, Josephus Weeks, Duncan's nephew tell us. "Eric Duncan was treated unfairly. Eric walked into the hospital. The other patients were carried in after an 18-hour flight. It is suspicious to us that all of the white patients survived and this one black patient passed away.

It took eight days to get him medicine. He didn't begin treatment in Africa. He began treatment here, but he wasn't given a chance. We need all of the help we can get. No matter how small it is. All would be accepted and highly appreciated."

So did race play a factor in Duncan's treatment? Ed Lavandera begins our coverage.


ED LAVANDERA, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Thomas Eric Duncan's family is left wondering what-if. They say they are angry that not everything was done to save the Liberian man's life.

JOSEPHUS WEEKS, ERIC DUNCAN'S NEPHEW: He didn't get the care, the care he deserved like everybody else in America.

LAVANDERA: Duncan's nephew tells OUTFRONT that it is suspicious that all the white patients survived and this one black patient passed away. He wasn't given a chance.

WEEKS: He explained to them he came from Liberia and he had all of the symptoms that he might have Ebola and they sent him home.

LAVANDERA (on camera): Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital officials say that Thomas Eric Duncan was treated like any other patient, regardless of nationality and ability to pay for care. The hospital says it also has a long history of treating a multi-cultural community in this area.

(voice-over): Duncan's family says the hospital took too long to give the Ebola patient experimental medicine that might have helped save him. Presbyterian hospital officials say the investigative drug was administered as soon as his physicians determined that his condition warranted it and as soon as it could be obtained.

But the Federal Drug Administration said hospital officials didn't ask for permission to use the experimental drug after five days after Duncan was admitted and three days after he had tested positive for Ebola.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are a lot of evaluations to take place.

LAVANDERA: Texas State Health officials are considering a formal investigation into Duncan's treatment, but a top federal official says despite the initial missteps by the hospital, criticism of Duncan's medical team isn't fair.

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: They provided excellent medical care. I think people need to appreciate that even under the best of circumstances. Ebola is a very serious disease and in this particular epidemic with an overall mortality of a bit more than 50 percent. LAVANDERA: Duncan died with family members unable to get

anywhere near him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The last words that Eric Duncan said, were said to a nurse. She asked him what he wanted, and he said, he wanted to see his son.

LAVANDERA: The morning Duncan died, he was supposed to speak with his son over a video line, but time ran out. The call was never made.


LAVANDERA: And Erin, family members have also wondered why Mr. Duncan didn't get a serum transfusion, which in other Ebola patients has often helped. The hospital here in Dallas said that he was not a match and they couldn't do that to him as they had done to the Ebola patient that's being treated in Nebraska.

And hospital officials also say that Mr. Duncan had a team of more than 50 doctors and an entire 24-bed Intensive Care Unit inside of the hospital that was dedicated solely to his care -- Erin.

BURNETT: Ed Lavandera, thank you very much.

I want to bring in our chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Dr. Ivan Walks, the former District of Columbia chief medical officer, had to deal with things like the anthrax attacks.

Dr. Walks, let me start with you. The bottom line question here, you know, I was talking to Josephus Weeks today, and they feel strongly about this. Do you think race mattered?

DR. IVAN WALKS, CEO, IVAN WALKS AND ASSOCIATES: I think race always matters, Erin, and I think if we are going to get better in public health, I think if we are going to maintain credibility with the public, we have to take everything that we've learned about this case and we have to use it to get better.

I think what the family asked, they said it was suspicious. It is not an accusation, it is really a request for us to be clear that before we rush to reinforce, and tell people everything is fine and try to calm the public.

Let's make sure that we really understand what happened, because suspicious is really a good word for us to use at this time and use our suspicion to not celebrate the problem, but to clarify the problem so that our solutions are really good ones.

BURNETT: So Sanjay, the hospital was playing aggressive defense today, right. They knew that the Duncan family had these concerns and they came out aggressively in a statement today.

"We have a long history of treating a multi-cultural community in this area." This was an aggressive statement coming out. But my question to you is, if you walked into that hospital and you were white and you were American.

And you didn't have an accent and you said I was just in West Africa, in Liberia, and I'm worried, I am sick and have all of these flu-like symptoms, isn't there a greater change you have been admitted?

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: It is surprising that he wasn't admitted. There is no question. I mean, it's so hard, Erin, to try and attribute what the motivation was. But he came in with a very suspicious history.

I'm using suspicious in the context of his medical condition. He had a fever. He had this travel history. It should have prompted further investigation. He was sent him home with antibiotics.

He had a viral infection, why would you send him home with antibiotics? Those things are certainly missteps. He did not get the experimental treatment they say it's because it was not available.

We looked into that, ZMapp is not available right now. A blood transfusion, they say they couldn't find a match. Remember the only two patients in the country right now who could have provided that were Kent Brantley and Nancy Writebol. And they say they weren't matches.

BURNETT: All right, but let me ask you about that. Dr. Walks, they weren't matches, right, the white Americans who had come home. But obviously there have been -- I mean, the mortality on this disease is somewhere between 50 percent and 70 percent.

There are people in Africa who have survived. Obviously somebody there could have been a match. Could there possibly have been some sort of an effort here?

WALKS: Erin, this is where I talk about we have to get better. I was watching CNN this afternoon and they showed recovering and recovered Ebola patients. Why don't we have a registry of those folks? Why do we have to depend on only the two people that are here and that are willing?

These are the kinds of questions, we, the medical professionals, have to ask. How do we see what's going on now? How do we get better at being clear to the public so they continue to listen to us and trust us?

How do we get better at making sure our treatments are taking advantage of everything we know? Twenty years ago, we knew that transfusions could make a big difference with people that had Ebola.

So the fact that there has been no registry that these folks are not available, it is absolutely astounding to me.

BURNETT: And Sanjay, you are saying that this issue, there are people saying why not close the borders, send in the help, send in the troops, and close the borders. Is that possible now? GUPTA: I think it is possible. You know, you hear from the

senior infectious disease guys in this country that say, look, we don't know that it will make a difference. We don't know that it's humane to do that sort of thing.

But this idea that, look, set a time period. Say it is two incubation periods, 21 days are the longest ones, so 42 days instead. Don't stop humanitarian aid, of course, continue to give humanitarian aid.

But set up those hospitals that the military has been talking about, the 1200-bed hospital. Part of the issue is, look, if you are in that country and you get exposed to Ebola, you don't have a lot of options.

But if you have a hospital set up and say we're open for business, come here. Don't try and get on a plane and leave, come here so if there is a time period that is allocated and you could set up that hospital, it could possibly make a difference.

But again the risk of shutting off humanitarian efforts there is a real risk and don't want -- you do everything to prevent that from happening.

BURNETT: Provide the humanitarian aid, but close the borders, but it's an interesting case that you could try to do both of those things and perhaps --

GUPTA: A set time period.

BURNETT: Thanks so much to both of you, Sanjay Gupta and Ivan Walks.

OUTFRONT next, the breaking news, coverage continues with new details at this moment in the story of the missing UVA student, Hannah Graham. Police have seized another car from the man charged with her disappearance.

Plus her American son held hostage by ISIS. They've said he is next to die. A mother's desperate plea tonight.

And another black teen killed by a white police officer in St. Louis. Police say he had a gun and family members said that is not true. Seventeen shots were fired at the teenager. We are live in St. Louis where crowds are starting to gather tonight.


BURNETT: Breaking news in the case of missing UVA student, Hannah Graham. The man at the center of her disappearance and charged with her abduction has now been linked to at least one other unsolved case.

And tonight we are learning from our affiliate, WTVR, the Jesse Matthew was working as a cab driver on the night 20-year-old Morgan Herrington disappeared. We are also learning that police have seized Matthew's taxi cab.

He was a taxi cab driver. Now Morgan Herrington's remains were found on a farm outside of Charlottesville three months after she vanished.

In her case police have forensic evidence that also links her to Matthew. This is significant because Matthew is the last person to have seen with Hannah Graham, who disappeared nearly three weeks ago, and is raising many questions about many other missing cases.

Jean Casarez has been following the story for us all the way along and is OUTFRONT. Jean, obviously this is a big development. Police have seized the cab that Matthew was driving at the time of Morgan Herrington's disappearance. What is the significance and what are you learning?

JEAN CASAREZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The significance is that they are working the Morgan Herrington case because, you know, her remains were found several months later after she went missing in October of 2009, January of 2010, her skeletal remains were found.

But we did just confirmed with the source close to the case that very recently police did seize and this would be Virginia State Police, did seize the cab that Jesse Matthew had during the time that Morgan Herrington went missing.

Now let me tell you what else we know. We know that Jesse Matthew had a cab license through the city of Charlottesville from 2005 to 2010. I was able to confirm when I was in Charlottesville that he was driving a cab that night.

It was not a Yellow Cab, though. He worked for them previously but, I was told by cabbies and the owner of Yellow Cab that he actually worked for Access Cab the night that Morgan Herrington went missing, which is now out of business.

So cabs of course can be revamped and recycled and they go on to other owners, but Access Cab has gone out of business. So it would be interesting to know if it was an Access Cab, if was redone and others were in it since the time that it was allegedly abandoned by Jesse Matthew. But in 2010 was the last time he had the cab license.

BURNETT: And of course, the questions of what you would still ascertain if you were to seize that. Given what you said, they get revamped and reused, what would even still be in there.

I know he's been charged in connection with the disappearance of Hannah Graham and we've reported on that. You've been covering that extensively.

But now I know this is coming down to not just those two cases, at least, two other unsolved cases involving missing women. Are they making any sort of headway or progress? Are there any links now that you know about with those?

CASAREZ: What we know at this point is what they have said, that they are looking at it, that they take particular interest in it. But here is something that I think is extremely significant.

Because in 2005 in Fairfax County, there was a rape of a young woman and the suspect got away. Well, she gave law enforcement a sketch and that sketch was then circulated to see if anyone knew who it was.

Well, we were able to confirm when we were there that DNA from that rape in Fairfax City, Virginia, was linked forensically to perpetrator DNA on Morgan Herrington. So there you have a plus b right there.

Now there have never been any conclusions by law enforcement, but this is extremely serious when it comes to Jesse Matthew.

BURNETT: All right, thank you very much, Jean Casarez.

And I want to bring in our legal analyst, Paul Callan. All right, Paul, you have been following this case as well. When you hear what Jean is saying with this latest information here about seizing the taxi cab, how significant is that?

Are they going to be able to find something in there that is definitive? Is there even a chance of such a thing?

PAUL CALLAN, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: It is highly unlikely that they would find something that would be usable, but this is a big development in the case. Reports are that they interviewed cab drivers who confirm he was working the night Morgan Herrington disappeared.

And as Jean explained, there seems to be a DNA link between Jesse Matthews and a prior rape that occurred in Fairfax County, Virginia.

So we are starting to see a pattern form and frequently in serial killings, this is how a crime is solved. Not with one killing, but when a pattern starts to emerge.

BURNETT: And you often don't realize that until after. It is not that people see the pattern they are looking for someone. It is suddenly something happens and you look back.

CALLAN: Then you look back and you link them all. Earlier in my career, I was involved in the son of Sam Case, David Burgowitz, and even that case with the same weapon was being used, 44-caliber bulldog revolver, it wasn't apparent right away that a serial killer was at work.

BURNETT: All right, so my question comes down to why are there no charges for murder? They haven't charged him with Morgan Herrington's murder and with Hannah Graham it's been her abduction that they charged him.

CALLAN: It would be foolish for them to jump too quickly with an indictment. They have enough to hold him and they'll hold him and continue the investigation and then methodically put together a case based on forensic evidence. BURNETT: He doesn't fit the profile of the serial killer.

That's the thing.

CALLAN: Well, you know, I think there is a little bit of a myth of about all serial killers being the same, they are not. They are very, very different and not everybody fits the profile.

BURNETT: All right, thank you very much, Paul Callan.

And breaking news out of Iraq and Syria, 11 new U.S. airstrikes tonight against ISIS, six of them near the besieged city of Kobani. Still though ISIS now appears to be in control of a third of the key city near the Syrian-Turkey border.

Airstrikes alone are not turning the tide. Turkey obviously a big ally in the fight says it's not realistic for the world to expect Turkey to fight this war on the ground alone.

But as the battle continues, it is now a race against time to rescue an American held by ISIS. Arwa Damon is OUTFRONT.

ARWA DAMON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Erin, one can hardly imagine how agonizing all of this has been for the Kassig family, but they are determined not to give up hope and continue to try to reach out to his captors.


DAMON (voice-over): For the family of American hostage, Abdul Rakman, formerly Peter Kassig, it is a race against time. His mother, Paula, making a desperate plea, tweeting this message to his captor.

ISIS leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, I'm an old woman and Abdul Rakman is my only child. My husband and I are on your own, with no help from the government. We would like to talk to you. How can we reach you?

a vain effort perhaps that fill to the echoes of something her son said to us two years ago.

ABDUL RAHLMAN (PETER) KASSIG, AMERICAN HELD BY ISIS: There is this impression or believe that there is no hope. That is when it is more important than ever that we come in against all odds and try to do something.

DAMON: We first met Peter Kassig the summer of 2012 at a hospital in Tripoli, Lebanon where he used his medical background to treat wounded Syrians. Back then he was just 24, driven by a burning desire to help.

KASSIG: We each get one life and that's it. We get one shot at. This we don't get any do-overs. For me it was either put up or shut up. The way I saw it, I didn't have a choice. This is what I was put here to do. I'm a hopeless romantic and I'm an idealist. And I believe in hopeless causes. DAMON: Shortly afterwards he launched his own non-profit,

delivering humanitarian aid and medical assistance to Syrians. Kassig was kidnapped by ISIS in October of 2013 while on his way to deliver aid. At some point during his captivity, he converted to Islam, now going by the name Abdul Rahman.

ED KASSIG, ABDUL RAHMAN (PETER) KASSIG'S FATHER: There is so much that is beyond our control. We have asked our government to change its actions, but like our son, we have no more control over the U.S. government than you have over the breaking of dawn. We implore his captors to show mercy and use their power to let our son go.

DAMON: On Wednesday, hundreds gathered at his former university, including his parents, to pray for his safe return. But also as he would have wanted, to shed light on the plight of the Syrian people.


DAMON: And it was that plight, that desperation of the Syrian population that drew him into the war-torn country -- Erin.

BURNETT: All right, Arwa, thank you so much. We appreciate your time tonight. Arwa has been doing such fearless reporting.

OUTFRONT next, you are looking at live pictures of St. Louis. Crowds are starting to gather. Another black teen was shot and killed by a white police officer. We are live there next with the full story.

Plus the infamous Palin family backyard brawl. Well, guess what, the police report is out and one witness said he saw Palin's daughter, Bristol punch a man in the face six times. More on that.


BURNETT: Breaking news, crowds are gathering in St. Louis at this hour, a candlelight vigil being held tonight for 18-year-old Vonda Myers. The black teen was shot by a white police officer just 12 miles from the spot where Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Missouri.

An autopsy result just released shows that Myers was hit seven to eight times by bullets from the off-duty police officer with the fatal shot to the head. The officer fired at least 17 shots.

Protests over the shooting have turned violent. Angry residents have been charging the police, kicking cars and even smashing car windows.

Jason Carroll is OUTFRONT from the vigil in St. Louis. Jason, people are angry and tensions are high. This vigil I know is being held at the sandwich shop where Vonda was before he was killed.

A lot of people are drawing parallels to the Michael Brown case, but I know in this case there is one major difference, right? JASON CARROLL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, a few major differences,

Erin, if you look at what happened in this case versus the case of what happened with Michael Brown.

First of all, to recap what happened, Myers was out here last night with his friends. He went to a sandwich shop to buy a sandwich.

Shortly thereafter at about 7:00, he had an altercation with the police officer, an off-duty St. Louis police officer who said that he noticed something suspicious about Myers and the men that he was with. They confronted each other.

Now, according to police, Myers fired at the officer first and in fact, they say he fired three shots. The officer returned fire, firing 17 times. And as you say, the medical examiner now indicating that Myers was hit seven or eight times. Also a gun recovered at the scene.

So, much different case because as you know in the case of Michael Brown, Michael brown allegedly was unarmed by all accounts, allegedly had his hands up in the air. This is a different situation. But what we're seeing, in terms of a similarity, is the response in terms of people here in the community who are outraged.

The reason for that, as you know, Erin, we've been reporting this for some time. There was so much distrust before the Michael Brown shooting and even less after. So, every time you have an altercation it seems in the area of St. Louis between a white officer and someone who is black, you get this type of reaction.

ERIN BURNETT, CNN ANCHOR: Now, Jason, I know you had a chance to speak to the store owner. You are standing outside of the sandwich shop where this happened last night and the store that sold Vonderrit his sandwich just moments before he died. What did he have to say about what he saw?

CARROLL: Well, he believes that Myers was unarmed, and he's not alone. There are a lot of people here in this community who believe that Myers, despite what police are saying despite the evidence, the ballistic evidence that they have in their hands, they believe Myers was unarmed. He says Myers, he's known him since he was 4 years old, said he never had any trouble to him. When you listen to his uncle out here and his parents who are out here now across the street here where it all happened at this vigil, which is now just getting underway, they're basically the same thing. They are tired of the violence. They want to see change here in the community, change that clearly is not happening.

BURNETT: Thank you so much, Jason Carroll, reporting live from St. Louis.

OUTFRONT tonight, CNN's Van Jones, a former member of the Obama administration, and Neil Bruntrager, the general counsel for the St. Louis Police Officers Association.

Good to have both of you with us. Van, I want to start with you. The police say this young man was

armed, but you don't trust them?

VAN JONES, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Here is the problem: we are now in a situation where people don't trust the law enforcement, especially African-Americans. Is there a video? Is there a non-police witness? I want to hear that first.

And part of what's happening now, you are seeing a whole break down of trust. The local prosecutor in Ferguson who is throwing this case, the governor of the state is nowhere to be seen and that's why you see people reacting this way. If the facts are true that this person is shooting at a cop, nobody should support that kind of action. But nobody now can trust what law enforcement is saying and that is a tragedy.

BURNETT: Neal, do you think the police officer was justified? Do you trust their version of the story?

NEIL BRUNTRAGER, GENERAL COUNSEL, ST. LOUIS POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION: Yes, I do. And look, we don't always have independent witnesses, we don't always have cameras, but what we do have is physical evidence. And what we know from the scene is that this young man, as tragic as that loss of life was, this was as a result of his own conduct. When he is lying on the ground, they recover shell casings from around his body and recover a bun from him and bullets fired from him at the police officer that were recovered from the ground.

So, I don't need an eyewitness. What I need the physical evidence here and that's what you have.

BURNETT: And I want to follow up with you about the shooting itself and the physical evidence.

But first, Van, on that issue, will people trust the evidence without an eyewitness report at this point, given the current focus on St. Louis and Ferguson, Missouri?

JONES: I think we are in very dangerous territory because I think people won't trust. And I think when you're in that situation, that's very dangerous.

I think the governor, Governor Nixon, needs to step forward. Where has he been? It looks like the local prosecutor has completely lost the faith of local community, this the grand jury is playing footsy with the police officer who's this is weird stuff happening there, the governor should step forward and put in a special prosecutor, show some leadership. Nobody is coming to the aid of this community and that's why you're seeing things get worse and worse and worse.

BURNETT: And in that case, the grand jury, of course, you are talking about the case in Ferguson specifically, which we are waiting to see whether that grand jury will indict. Neil, I want to get to the specifics here of the physical

evidence in this case of this police say armed teen-ager who shot at a police officer, who is off-duty who then shot back.

So, the numbers that we have that the armed teenager shot three times, the police officer then fired back 17 times. He was not hurt.

Isn't that excessive?

BRUNTRAGER: Listen, what you have is a situation where there are three bullets that were fired, there maybe more. We're not sure how many were fired by the young man. But we do know he had a Ruger, it's 9mm, and he was firing at the officers. There are shell casings on the ground.

Keep in mind, when an officer uses deadly force, he uses deadly force until the threat is gone. If you are going to put him out there in harm's way, then you have to give them the ability to protect themselves and that is what this officer did.

BURNETT: Van, would this have happened if this teen-ager was white?

JONES: Listen, if the facts put forward are that this teen-ager, for whatever reason started shooting, he would have gotten shot. I think that any teenager shooting, I don't care if it's the blue teenager, you are shooting at a police officer, you're going to get shot back at.

But the broader situation here is, we don't know what happened, and I don't trust the police report by itself. I need and I think most people watching the situation now feel that there is a trust deficit to overcome.

BRUNTRAGER: In the end, you have to trust the physical evidence. And, again, when you are pulling bullets out of the ground, you can't plant that. When there's shelling casings on the ground, there were people there almost instantly. You can't plant that sort of thing.

This happened. And it's unfortunate that this young man chose to do that.

So, again, what we do have to trust is the physical evidence. We don't always have eyewitnesses and in this case, don't forget this officer, by the way, is a decorated marine. He did two tours of duty in Iraq. He has a Bronze Star for Valor. He has a Purple Heart.

This is a guy who is not going to go out there and just start pulling the trigger. He did what he did to protect himself.

JONES: We will see. We will see.

BURNETT: Thanks very much to both of you. I appreciate your time tonight.

BRUNTRAGER: Yes, we will. Thanks, Erin. BURNETT: OUTFRONT next, the Palin family attends a house party.

What police say happened after a few drinks and Bristol Palin was called the C-word.

Plus, North Korea's eccentric ruler hasn't been seen in weeks. There's a major event going on there right now. Will he appear? And if that, is he fallen to a coup? Is he even alive?


BURNETT: OUTFRONT tonight, where in the world is Kim Jong-un?

So, right now, the world is waiting for a major political event in North Korea for a sign of its young leader. He has not been seen in over a month. It's a mysterious disappearance. It has fueled a frenzy of rumors and speculation because Kim Jong-un has never been camera shy.

Let me show this, all right? Since the beginning of 2013, he's made at least seven public appearances a month, and a lot of months it's like 32, 23, 25, a lot more than that. This guy loves the cameras.

But on September 3rd the photo ops suddenly stopped and as you can see, plunged. He has not been seen in a long time.

Paula Hancocks joins me now from Seoul, South Korea.

Kim Jong-un, Paula, out of sight for five weeks. If we don't see him at this crucial meeting in the next few hours, what does that mean?

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, Erin, it means the speculation and rumor will reach fever pitch. As you say, five weeks that we haven't seen this man who loves the camera. He was seen back in July, he had a limp. We know from state-run media he is described as having, quote, "discomfort".

So, the assumption is there are health issues with Kim Jong-un, even though North Korean officials who turned up unexpectedly here in Seoul over last week said that he had no health issues. So, this is what is happening at the moment. Everyone is pouring over every state-run media article, the newspapers, the TV, trying to see where he is.

He would be expected to turn up today. It's a big deal in North Korea. This is the anniversary of the finding of the ruling Workers Party, of course, the only party in North Korea.

Consider what he's done in previous years since he's taken power. He's always been seen. He's gone to the Palace of the Sun, the mausoleum where his father, the late Kim Jong-Il and the founder, his grandfather Kim Il-sung are interred. He's always been in the public eye. So, if he is not today, then that will be significant.

Now, of course, this isn't the first time he has disappeared. He did disappear back in June of 2012 for three weeks and turned up at a dolphin park. There was no mention if where he had been. So, it's not unprecedented but five weeks is a significant amount of time -- Erin.

BURNETT: Paula, thank you very much.

And, you know, the longer Kim Jong-un remains out of sight, the more speculation intensifies about who is controlling a country that's threatened nuclear war.


BURNETT: The last time the world saw North Korea's young leader Kim Jong-un, he was clearly limping, on his way, according to state media, to a rock concert. He's a man whose every move has been glorified in word and music. He craves the spotlight, whether riding a horse, going to the amusement park or hanging out with basketball star Dennis Rodman.

So, Kim's five week disappearance from the public eye has fueled endless rumors of bad health, a coup, even death.

GORDON CHANG, AUTHOR, "NUCLEAR SHOWDOWN": North Korea in one way is a cult. And a cult leader has to be seen, especially a new lewder. So, Kim Jong-un toured around the country. And then, all of a sudden, he disappeared. He hasn't been seen in public since September 3. So, that by itself, if nothing more, indicates that there is something really wrong.

BURNETT: A family history of gout and diabetes, coupled with Kim's ballooning size and that recent limp have lead many to speculate that he is seriously ill. One story going so far as to suggest his ankles were crushed under his own weight.

Then, there's the political intrigue. Last year, Kim's uncle fell out of favor, supposedly over a power struggle. That uncle was executed, some say by a machine gun. In fact, in less than three years, Kim has reportedly replaced almost half the country's top leaders.

CHANG: All of these promotions and demotions and side way transfers has caused great resentment among flag officers. And also, we've seen the same thing among this in the civilian ranks. There are reports that Kim Jong-un has forced the admirals into swimming contests.

BURNETT: Have angry party members delivered paid back with a coup?

So, if not Kim Jong-un, then who? Some say his sister, Kim Yo Jong. She is 26 years old and seems to be rising in prominence. She's been much more visible in recent months.

Or Hwang Pyong-so, in his mid-60s. He's led North Korea's delegation in Kim Jong-un's place last week at the Asian Games hosted by archenemy South Korea. North Korean experts call him friendly and pleasant, but he has

also threatened the United States with nuclear Armageddon.

Then there's another fascinating disappearance, Kim's wife, Ri Sol Ju, she's also disappeared from the public for long periods of time. Experts say she may have fallen from favor when she gave birth last year and failed to deliver a son.


BURNETT: We'll see if he is seen in the next few hours.

OUTFRONT next, that backyard brawl with the Palin family. Punches thrown and a person dragged by her feet and that is the tip of the iceberg.

Plus, Willie Nelson's famous braids. Would you spend serious to buy them? Because, yes, you might be able to. Jeanne Moos with the hair-raising tale.


BURNETT: So, some people collect baseball cars. Others, you know, all sorts, vintage tuskies (ph) of all sorts. But what about the guy who collects hair? Yes, he's out there.

Here's Jeanne Moos.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): When it comes to his braids, Willie Nelson would probably agree -- it's crazy for someone to feel it's worth it spend $37,000 for Willie's pig tails. He cut them off in 1983 to give them to fellow country start Waylon Jennings, to celebrate Jenning's sobriety.

Now, Guernsey's Auction House has sold them to an unidentified bidder, though this collector says he would have bid $50,000 if he'd known about the auction.

JOHN REZNIKOFF, CELEBRITY HAIR COLLECTOR: Well, you know, I look for things that are kind of iconic.

MOOS: Things that sprout from an icon's head.

REZNIKOFF: It's a nice lock of Marilyn's hair and you can see the lock of Paul McCarthy's hair.

MOOS (on camera): Now, is George Washington nearby?

REZNIKOFF: Yes, let me grab him. So, here is the Washington lock.

MOOS (voice-over): John Reznikoff has been verified by the Guinness Book as having he largest celebrity hair collection from this hunk of hair. REZNIKOFF: It's Geronimo's ponytail.

MOOS: To what Reznikoff calls his treasure.

REZNIKOFF: That's Lincoln's hair.

MOOS: Documented he says as having come from the night that Lincoln was assassinated.

REZNIKOFF: This is the hair that the surgeon clear the wound.

MOOS: Another favorite, this clump of Michael Jackson's hair, pick up off the floor by the producer of that Pepsi commercial that was being shot when Jackson's hair caught on fire, as seen in this footage from "Us Weekly".

As for that lock of Marilyn Monroe's hair?

REZNIKOFF: Taken at her embalming by the embalmer.

MOOS (on camera): Maybe you're thinking there's a certain ek factor to collecting all this hair.

REZNIKOFF: I bet you, your mom has a lock of your baby hair tuck in some album somewhere.

MOOS (voice-over): A lock my mom saved enough hair to practically make a wig. And when my pigtails were chopped off, he separated the two, may this keep a close bond between us, I have the other one.

Willie Nelson's pig tails, $37,000.

(on camera): My pigtails? Maybe five bucks on eBay, and Willies are longer.

(voice-over): But why split hairs, when you can sell them.

Jeanne Moos, CNN.

(on camera): Do I look like Willie?


MOOS (voice-over): New York.


BURNETT: Jeanne's were cute. There were some otherwise disgusting moments in that piece.

I will say apparently that hair buyer says that Lincoln's hair will go for a million dollars. I guess you would have to DNA, verify it, something like that. At any rate, I guess if you saved your kid's hair? OUTFRONT next, it was Todd Palin's 50th birthday, a time to

celebrate, right? But then a fight broke out. Oh, it was a brawl. Bristol Palin throws six punches, police have lots of new details out tonight. That's next.


BURNETT: Tonight, new details about a Palin family brawl at Anchorage house party. Bristol Palin says she was shoved to the ground by a host who called her a C-word, but several witnesses say that is how it happened. According to a police report that we have just gotten today, Bristol threatened to, quote, "kick his" derriere and punched him six times. Her family, including dad Todd and siblings Willow and Track all joined in.

And Joe Johns has the story.


JOE JOHNS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The Palin family reality show on TLC stars the family dog, hunting, sledding in an all- American family in Alaska.

But the details of a new police report read like an all-out royal rumble involving just people, some of whom apparently had too much to drink.

So, how did it all get started? It's not entirely clear. But according to the statements, Willow Palin alleged that an older lady at a house party in Anchorage pushed her. And that Bristol said, quote, "She walked up and asked what 40-year-old woman was pushing her sister," and that's when some guy walked up and pushes her on the ground, and started dragging her on he lawn by her legs, calling her the C-word and a slut. She said, people were saying things like "F the Palins".

But the owner of the house, Korey Klingenmeyer tells a different story. He says Bristol Palin asked him, who the F are you? He told Bristol it was his house and that there should be no fighting. He said, she told him, she would kick his ass. She hits him in the face. He says he let her hit him about five to six times.

After about the sixth punch, he grabbed her fist, pushed her back and she falls down. Klingenmeyer said, at that time, three or four other guys came after him yelling that they were going to, quote, "beat his ass for beating his sister." A fight broke out and according to Klingenmeyer, quote, "The Palins ended up losing".


JOHNS: According to Anchorage police, there will be no charges filed in the incident. Governor Palin herself was not involved in any of the unpleasantries, according to the report, but did try to calm people down. The Palins have not responded to a request for statement. BURNETT: Joe, you said no charges will be filed. Obviously it

is pretty ugly and gruesome that it's now out there. Why did they go ahead and release it now? Is there any sense as to the timing and why?

JOHNS: Well, the bottom line is, they have now cleared the case. There aren't going to be any charges involved in the case. So, at that time, they can make the statements public. That's about as simple as it gets, Erin.

BURNETT: All right, Joe Johns, thank you very much. Obviously, a pretty disturbing and pretty embarrassing that's all out there.

All right, we'll be back here tomorrow night. Have a great night until.

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