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Erin Burnett Outfront

Egypt Launches New Wave of Airstrikes on ISIS; U.S. Looking to ID English Speaker in Beheading Video; Gunman Pledged Allegiance to ISIS Hours Before Attack; Interview with Egypt's Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry

Aired February 16, 2015 - 19:00   ET


ERIN BURNETT, CNN ANCHOR: OUTFRONT next, Egypt hammering ISIS with new air strikes after a brutal new video surfaces showing terrorists beheading Christians. Is this the turning point in the war against ISIS?

And breaking news, we have new information about the gunman in the deadly Denmark terror attacks. What's his connection to ISIS and are there other plots in the works?

Plus, a mother of four shot to death after a road rage incident. The manhunt is on tonight for her killer. Let's go OUTFRONT.

And good evening, I'm Erin Burnett. OUTFRONT tonight, ISIS emboldened. We have new pictures of the militant group boosting about its military might. Just 24 hours after the brutal beheadings of 21 Egyptians-Christian in Libya. The new photos show ISIS parading its fighters for the world to see. They are calling this some sort of a parade, as you can see. It's a caravan of trucks with armed fighters flashing their weapons. Now, we cannot determine the authenticity of the photos or exactly when they were taken but it was released today, about it 24 hours after the gruesome footage of the 21 Christians kidnapped, lined up on the beach, as they cried out, "oh God, oh Jesus," they are pushed to the ground, one after the other, and then beheaded one after the other. Egypt is vowing revenge tonight.

And Ian Lee is OUTFRONT in Cairo tonight. And Ian, what is Egypt's response to this horrific, horrific act?

IAN LEE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Erin, we've seen multiple waves of air strikes against the Libyan City of Derna, this is where ISIS has training camps and weapon depots. We know that Egypt wants to continue these air strikes. Right now, it's nighttime in Cairo. We're expecting that continue. We know that the Egyptian government is in the United States right now. They are talking at the UN Security Council trying to get about political support and material support. I talked to a retired Egyptian general who said that they can keep up this prolonged attack for a while but it will come to a point where they run out of bombs and they are going to be replenished -- Erin.

BURNETT: Ian, the 21 Christians, when you see that video, you can see them approaching that beach and you see so many of them. Of course, they were from Egypt. What were they doing in Libya? Do you know?

LEE: Well, they are just going there to work. Egypt sent thousands and at one point millions of people to Libya for jobs. These are real low-income people who are just looking for a better life and they find that with work in Libya. These men were captured over the course of a few days around the end of December, early of January. Militants going -- stopping a bus at one point, pulling just the Christians off and then at another time going into an apartment complex and separating the Muslims and Christians and taking them away. This is definitely sending a message to the Christian community here in Egypt. And as these air strikes continue, we're expecting that situation to grow more dangerous for not just the Christians in the country in Libya but also the Muslim Egyptian workers that are there as well. The Egyptian government is urging everyone to flee as they fear there will be a reprisal to these air strikes -- Erin.

BURNETT: Thank you very much Ian Lee in Cairo, tonight.

And in the U.S., American intelligence officials taking a closer look at the video of the beheadings frame by frame. One element there paying close attention to, is a man at the video, now he's not seen here by I can tell you as I saw it, he is actually the only ISIS fighter visible who is wearing camouflage, a bulletproof vest over camouflage. So, he's not dressed in all black. He has what sounds like a North American accent. Maybe someone who spoke Arabic who had learned English from an American speaker.

Barbara Starr is learning more about this. And Barbara, when I watched this video, that was one of the things early on I said wait a minute, that does not sound like someone who is British.

BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Well, that's right, Erin. Remember, in previous videos, we have seen the masked executioner all dressed in black, speaking in English but with a British accent, if you will. That person commonly to be known as Jihadi John inside Syria. This is somebody quite different and also very well spoken in English perhaps even more well-spoken than the previous speakers we've seen. He's dead center in the tape. He's sort of the visual, optical focus of the whole thing. He's wearing a camouflage-styled military uniform as you say. So obviously someone that at least ISIS wants the world to think is important, whether he is or not remains to be seen. So the U.S. Intelligence Community, other intelligence services in the region will be looking at this all very closely to see if there are any clues, if they can come up with an identity.

Another visual clue in this video, again, we see the orange jumpsuits. We've seen that before. So many times people being put to their death brutally in these orange jumpsuits. The U.S. believes it's ISIS' sort of message about Guantanamo Bay, of course. This is the type of orange jumpsuits that some detainees wore originally at Guantanamo Bay. They have not for some time. It underscores the views that many people in the region have about that program at Guantanamo Bay. The feeling is that ISIS is using that, once again, as a recruiting tool. But this time, again, did they go too far? Egypt, as Ian Lee just reported, responding very forcefully -- Erin. BURNETT: All right. Barbara, thank you very much. It only

seems like ISIS doesn't have any fear about going too far. They once said, they went too far when they burned someone alive, now they have beheaded 21 Christians.

OUTFRONT now, James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute. And our military analyst, the retired army commanding General Mark Hertling.

General Hertling, let me start with you. We've asked this question before, which is why I wonder at what point the answer might be yes for real. Because first, they're beheading a journalist, is this a turning point and the answer was yes but things continued as they were. Then ISIS burnt a man alive, turning point, people said yes but here we are. Is this a turning point?

LT. GEN. MARK HERTLING (RET.), CNN MILITARY ANALYST: It's another turning point, Erin. And you also have to even go back further and say that -- you talk about the executions in Iraq and Syria. Multiple, hundreds of executions of Iraqi soldiers that they caught, just horrific scenes, one after another. Those were not as publicized as the individual journalist, now as this Coptic Christians certainly some of the other ones that occurred. This is a cult. This is a terror group that is also serving as a cult that with all of the symbology that goes along with that and it's form an insurgency throughout this part of the world.

BURNETT: And James, a powerful insurgency. One that is growing and it is in many countries, right? Despite the disgust that many Muslims feel about it. The fact is, it's gaining accolades. Now, the President has asked Congress to formally authorization the use of military force. But according to CNN's latest poll, this is pretty interesting, the President's approval one, this is very low. Fifty percent of Americans disapprove of how he's handling ISIS. Terrorism overall, 54 percent disapprove. I know you've been meeting with the President about these issues, about ISIS. What does he need to do at this point to convince the American public that he's doing something?

JAMES ZOGBY, PRESIDENT, ARAB AMERICAN INSTITUTE: Well, look, you know, I think that the President is doing what basically can be done at this point. We' we've mobilized the coalition. We've bombing in Syria and Iraq. We're actually taking the lead in helping other countries come to the forefront and play the role that they need to play. Jordan, UAE, Egypt now playing very aggressive roles. But I think the American public is frustrated. No doubt. But that frustration should not translate, necessarily, into America doing what could actually be something quite a fatal mistake and that is becoming more aggressive and actually sending ground troops or doing more of that sort of thing. We've tried that. It's failed. The region doesn't want us to do that. We are not welcomed back as an occupying force. But I do hope that Arab countries continue to step up and actually ought to provide ground forces because that's ultimately what is going to be needed, is ground forces from the region taking control of this area.

BURNETT: So General Hertling, let me ask you about that. On this same poll, 47 percent of Americans say at this point that the U.S. should send in ground troops. By the way, that's up four percentage points in just a couple of months. So, it's not quite a majority, it's still slightly less. But it's growing and it's growing pretty quickly. But there are Americans who are coming around to say, yes, ground troops. But my question to James' point is, if not the U.S., then who. Because every other country, they get involved, they do air strikes. Everyone doesn't seem to have problem doing that. But troops on the grounds just seems to be frankly completely off the table. No one seems to be wanting to do it.

HERTLING: Well, it's interesting, Erin. Because what I would suggest is Americans have this feeling because they want a quick solution.


HERTLING: There are no quick solutions to this problem. The President's strategy has what the military call seven lines of operations. Only two of those are military lines. The others have to do with building coalitions, diplomacy, reducing the economy that's linked to the ISIS fighters and several other areas. You also have to consider that America -- in America, only one percent of our entire nation serves in some type of uniform. So there is a great demand and desire to have the military go over and fix this and fix it fast. But again, going back to the comment, this is an insurgency. The average insurgency lasts 14 years. And we've proven that this is more than just an insurgency. This is a cult and a terrorist organization that requires a whole lot more than boots on the ground. By the way, I was once told before I took a division into Iraq by my boss, you can't kill your way out of this. You have to form political, diplomacy and economic means when you go into Northern Iraq.

BURNETT: All right. Well, thanks very much to both of you. Pretty sobering. The U.S. tried to do that. Everyone saw how that happened. Now, we've been told yet again it's the only way.

Well, next, breaking news on the terrorist attacks in Europe, we are learning more about shooters connection to ISIS and a Denmark attack and whether more attacks are now in the works.

Plus, a mother of four shot and killed after road rage. Tonight, there's a manhunt -- they have not found the killer yet.

And then this incredible video just coming into CNN. This is a train derailment in West Virginia, literally as it derailed, that happened to be a camera on it as it exploded. We'll have the latest on this developing story in a moment.


BURNETT: Breaking news on the terror attacks in Denmark. We are learning tonight that the suspect behind the deadly shootings pledged allegiance to ISIS and then about an hour later opened fire on a cafe and then a synagogue. CNN has identified the Facebook page of the suspect in which she swore loyalty to ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi. Nic Robertson is outfront in Copenhagen tonight. And Nick, you

were the one who is able to break this news, what else what you have been able to learn about the suspect's connection to ISIS directly?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: He didn't go to Iraq, he didn't go to Syria. The police have said all along that he might have been inspired by them. But what we're learning now, what he posted on his Facebook page right before this attack shows that the police appear to have been right in this case. It was ISIS who inspired into this attack.


UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: Why do we still say but when we --

(Gun fires)

ROBERTSON (voice-over): Hours before this brazen gun attack, the gunman, Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein was posting this pledge of allegiance to ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi on what appears to be his Facebook page. Within 14 hours, he was shot dead by police after two people had been killed and five others wounded in attacks on a cartoonist attending a free speech event and at a synagogue. But he wasn't alone. Monday, two young men charged, 19 and 22-years-old.

(on camera): Prosecutors say the two men had a prior agreement with the gunman to help him hide out after this attack that they hid the weapon. The two men are now being charged with accessories to two counts of murder and accessories to five counts of attempted murder.

(voice-over): According to Denmark's national public broadcaster, El Hussein had only been out of jail two weeks before the attacks. He was convicted last year for a violent, unprovoked stabbing on a commuter train in 2013.

AYDIN SORI, SOCIOLOGIST, AUTHOR ON DANISH GANGS: People going to Syria and Iraq to learn to use weapons, he got his education in using weapons in dehumanizing other people and able to kill them here in Denmark and in civilian areas in the Danish State.

ROBERTSON: At the trial El-Hussein said he felt threatened but was judged mentally fit. He was athletic and a keen boxer seen here training in Copenhagen in the past few years. He was born in Denmark. His Palestinian parents divorcing when he was young. According to police, he was a gang member. His alleged attacks, the police say, may have been inspired by the recent killings in Paris at the "Charlie Hebdo" cartoonist and at a kosher supermarket. The similarities targeting a cartoonist and a synagogue are chilling.


ROBERTSON: And what we now know as well is that period in jail, that's when he appears to have been radicalized. A source tells who told us that he was thrown out of his gang for being uncontrollable and gravitated to just another group and that was radical Islamist and he was radicalized, we're told, inside jail -- Erin. BURNETT: All right. Nic Robertson, thank you so much.

And joining me now is Rob Wainwright. He's the director of Europol, the European Union's law enforcement agency. Director Wainwright, thank you so much for being with us tonight. There are disturbing similarities, it seems, between these attacks and the ones in France. The targets were first cartoonists and then the Jewish community. Police officers were shot. It certainly seems like there could be a connection. How do you see it?

ROB WAINWRIGHT, EUROPOL DIRECTOR: Well, striking similarities, as you say, Erin. I think the level of sophistication used in the terrorist attack in Copenhagen maybe is not the same that we saw in Paris but in total now we've seen three major terrorist incidents in Europe in the last five weeks and, you know, that's the scale of it that is worrying us because we have I think 5,000 European nationals that have been radicalized by conflict experience in Syria and Iraq, many of them have returned to European society perhaps with an intention to carry out an attack. Alongside that, a large community of extremists to have stayed at home but nonetheless been taken in by the same rhetoric and ideals. Now, we don't know in which category the gunman in Copenhagen falls but what I'm seeing, Erin, I think is the emergence of a common picture across the terrorist landscape here, of the role of the internet, for example, in radicalizing these people and the way in which they are sometimes willing and capable of operating alone, often unconnected to each other and almost in a random way. And that is a great cause for concern for the police in Europe right now.

BURNETT: Now, Lars Vilks, the cartoonist here was one of the nine individuals on a quote-unquote, "most wanted list." By al-Qaeda actually published in 2013, he's now in hiding. "Charlie Hebdo," the editor there, was also on that list, of course he was killed in Paris. Terry Jones, a Florida pastor who burned Korans is on that list. Simon Rusty is on that list. At this point, is everyone on that list at risk of -- you know, what you talk about, a self-radicalized lone person who might come kill them?

WAINWRIGHT: I think that's a reasonable assumption, Erin. And I think, you know, it's clear also from these attacks that there are softer targets than that, also potential risks, like the Jewish community of course. Across the three incidents that we're talking about, you know, that's another part of the scene that we're worried about. I think in terms of those that are clearly at risk as those of you mentioned, they have been at the right level of police protection which should be enough to guarantee their safety but this is a difficult time for those people, for the Jewish community and other sections of the public that are threatened by this terrorist scene at the moment.

BURNETT: And obviously you talk about Jews being targeted. There's no question about it, right? I mean, a synagogue was attack this weekend, 300 Jewish graves were desecrated in France this weekend. And over the past few years, you had two school children targeted, shutdown in the street, a supermarket in Paris, of course, the kosher supermarket attack. The Jewish museum in Belgium also attack. Do you think that Jewish targets at this point are front and center? I mean, you know, if someone is a Jew, should they be afraid to go to a synagogue at this point?

WAINWRIGHT: Well, I think there are a number of incidents which of course make it quite alarming. At the same time, let's not get this threat out of proportion. I still think that it's important that we in Europe and in the western world, we continue to live our lives in the right way. We stand by the values that we cherish.

BURNETT: Director Wainwright, I very appreciate the chance to talk to you. Thank you, sir.

WAINWRIGHT: Thank you.

BURNETT: All right. And the gunman in the Copenhagen attacks was killed in a shootout with police, 14 hours after the first attack. Law enforcement officials were able to locate him fairly quickly using this. Surveillance cameras. And they are throughout the city of Copenhagen. This is just another example of closed-circuit cameras serving as frankly the first line of defense in the fight against terror.

Kyung Lah is OUTFRONT.


KYUNG LAH, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A surveillance camera captures a moment that a suicide bomber detonates a device inside Moscow's busiest airport in 2011. In New York, surveillance video captures Dale Thompson's wielding an ax moments before his surprise attack in during two uniformed NYPD officers. Nairobi, Kenya, a four days long siege and murder of more than 60 people by terrorists in 2013 captured on the shopping mall's electronic eyes on the ceiling before, during and after. Surveillance video allowing us to see crime unfold and in real-time, law enforcement using the images to chase the criminal.


(Gun fires)

LAH: Seconds after the terrifying shooting in Denmark, a security camera captures the suspect fleeing. That image helps police identify and find the gunman within hours of the attack. This isn't the first time that surveillance images landed a suspect in jail. In 2013, he stabbed another man on a train. The knife in his hand, caught on camera. The latest example of technology emerging with policing, thanks to the proliferation of public and private cameras, it's now routine. In Ottawa, Canadian investigators piece together the movement of Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as he fired his weapon and charged through Canada's parliament building. And in the "Charlie Hebdo" case, investigators believe the female suspect left France. Security footage captured what appeared to be Hayat Boumeddiene at the Istanbul Airport. And days after the Boston Marathon bombing, police pegged the suspects at the scene seen carrying the bag packs used in the attack. Tens of millions of these cameras exist in the U.S. now, though no one, no agency knows exactly how many. And that's what is alarming, say critics.

PETER BIBRING, ACLU OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: We're really behind on thinking carefully about how surveillance affects privacy.

LAH: As drones with cameras take to the sky and law enforcement leans more heavily on ever improving camera technology, the ACLU warns that the high-profile successes smother the risks.

BIBRING: Of course, it's important to solve a terrorist act. But -- or any criminal act. But surveillance isn't the only way to do that and we have to recognize that there are real costs to privacy.


LAH: So do the costs outweigh the benefits? While a lot of police agencies say that the benefits right now certainly outweigh the costs. Here's why. I'm standing on a typical street corner in Hollywood, in Los Angeles. And take a look right across the street. Law enforcement is able to monitor this entire street corner, 360 view because of that. That is a surveillance camera and this is on the next corner, a few streets down, and it's something that you see on a lot of street corners, whether it be New York, Boston or Los Angeles. And what civil libertarians will say, what critics will say is, who is behind the lens, where is that information stored and how long is that kept? Erin, a lot of them say, we're just not having those discussions right now.

BURNETT: Certainly not now. We'll see if ever. All right. Kyung Lah, thank you very much.

And we have breaking news, pictures just in to CNN of a train derailment in West Virginia and this explosion literally happening live on camera. We have the latest on this breaking story, next.

And a mother of four shot dead after a case of extreme road rage. Her suspected killer is still on the run tonight. We'll be back.


BURNETT: Breaking news out of West Virginia where a train hauling crude oil derailed. This video is incredible to watch. Shows the car is exploding. The oil leaked out. This happened just within the past hour or so. Twenty seven of the 109 cars on that train derailed. The governor of West Virginia, Earl Tomblin, has declared a State of Emergency. The area surrounding the scene has been evacuated.

Joining me on the phone is Lawrence Messina, communications director for the West Virginia Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety. Thank you very much for being with me, Lawrence. I appreciate it. Is the fire still burning? I mean, these images, especially given the cold and the snow, are stunning.

LAWRENCE MESSINA, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR, WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS AND PUBLIC SAFETY (via telephone): The fire does need to burn and it will continue to do so. Perhaps this is our best option for some of these cars, to let them burn out in terms of taking care of all their contents.

BURNETT: Do you know at this point what happened? What caused the sudden and massive explosion?

MESSINA: We do not yet know. As you're probably aware, we've had severe winter weather conditions here with significant snowfall. We don't know yet whether that's a factor in this. We're still getting our facts together.

BURNETT: And my understanding is this happened relatively near a river. When you talk about the high explosives, the oil, do you know where all of the contents are of the train or could it have gone into the river?

MESSINA: Well, the initial concern is that cars ended it up in the water. We no longer believe that to be the case. The fire was such that emergency responders couldn't get close enough to really get a good sense of whether the waterway was at risk there. But the firefighters at the scene do believe that they have seen oil in the water and, in fact, some of it has been on fire.

Now, the concern is whether that poses a threat to local drinking water. One of the communities in that area has obtained its water supply -- a treatment facility shut its intake as a precaution. We are now facilitating the delivery of bulk water to the community with the first stop going to the hospital and there's another community down river to see whether it needs to shut off the intake as well.

BURNETT: All right. Thank you very much, Lawrence Messina. We appreciate it.

As we get more on this developing story, we will bring it to you.

And now back to our top story tonight, the blows, the airstrikes in Libya against ISIS. Egypt delivering a punishing blow to the terror group. Fighter jets targeting camps, training areas and weapons depots that ISIS has in Libya. Over the weekend, ISIS released the new video showing the beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians.

And OUTFRONT now, Egypt's foreign minister, Sameh Shoukry.

And thank you very much, Minister. I appreciate you taking the time to be with us tonight.

Let me start with the first question here. Twenty-one Egyptian Christians murdered. ISIS obviously also has a presence within Egypt.

Are you worried at this point that more Egyptians will be murdered by ISIS?

SAMEH SHOUKRY, EGYPT'S FOREIGN MINISTER: Well, certainly a matter of concern to us to be able to protect all Egyptian citizens and this brutal organizations will do anything to destabilize the region and to put pressure on those who are fighting -- ISIS within the coalition. So, we are careful and we will take every measure to protect our citizens.

BURNETT: This is the first time, Minister Shoukry, that Egypt has publicly acknowledged taking military action in Libya. There's been video that you've released today of some of those air strikes. At this point, do you know what you hit? Do you know the impact of the strikes, whether you're going to keep doing more?

SHOUKRY: Well, the targets that were struck were the ten targets related to training and storage facilities for ISIS. These were surgical strikes based on very accurate intelligence and related to degrading the capabilities of ISIS in the city of Derna. They have undertaken that was careful not to impact or create collateral damage by virtue of the timing and position of the strikes, and we're confident that it has substantially had its effect in degrading the capabilities of this terrorist organization.

BURNETT: And you talk about that being surgical, that you have good intelligence. Libya, of course, is in chaos. There are dueling governments, one of them, the premier of those governments in Tripoli, Omar al-Hassi, has said that the air strikes killed civilians, including three children. Do you know if that's true?

SHOUKRY: First of all, I'd like to note that there is only one legitimate government in Libya that is currently serving. It's in Tobruk. This is a government that came to power after the free and fair and monitored elections that were held last summer.

The supposed government in Tripoli has no legitimacy whatsoever and it's trying to usurp that situation of position by virtue of the support that is getting from militia and terrorist organizations that they are operating in Libya. So any account that they might put out is purely for misinformation and in an effort to try to adversely impact the coordination that is under way between the Egyptian government and the legitimate government, elected government in Libya which is serving in Tobruk.

BURNETT: So, you're confident that there were no civilian casualties?

SHOUKRY: We are -- we are hopeful that the strike was targeting specific installations and that there have been no collateral damage. Of course, situations of this type is difficult to ascertain afterwards because this area is under control from the terrorist organizations. So, we will assess and evaluate, and we will continue to be as careful as possible.

BURNETT: And, Minister Shoukry, obviously, you're flying F-16s, you're going ahead with these bombs. Our reporter in Cairo earlier in the program reported that Egypt wants to continue the air strikes but sources told him there will come a point where Egypt will, quote/unquote, "run out of bombs".

How long do you plan to go on with these air strikes? Is this now indefinite, Egypt is going to be fully in the coalition in Libya and beyond? Or is this something where there is going to be an end point? SHOUKRY: Well, Egypt has been at the start of the coalition and

its participation has been vital from a political and cultural perspective, and we have continued to collaborate with our partners. Among them, the United States very closely since the expansion of the coalition in Paris and we have undertaken activities related to restricting the finances and improvement measures of ISIS. This is participation of a military nature and we will continue to support the coalition and be part of it in various degrees and through various measures.

There is nothing to ascertain related to any further strikes. I think this is an issue that will be addressed by the military and valuation of the situation and they are taking into account all of the circumstances surrounding the conditions in Libya. So, we will do what we need to do in relation to any threats that are posed to our citizens and in close coordination and collaboration with the legitimate Libyan government.

BURNETT: All right. Minister Shoukry, thank you for your time tonight.

SHOUKRY: Nice to be with you.

BURNETT: And next, a manhunt in Las Vegas. Police searching for the man suspected of killing a mother of four in the case of extreme road rage.

Plus, the bank heist that put "Ocean's Eleven" to shame. Hackers programmed ATMs around the world to literally just start spewing out cash.


BURNETT: Tonight, road rage turns deadly -- a manhunt on for a man suspected of shooting and killing a mother of four after a road rage incident. Police are showing this surveillance. This is the suspect's car. They are hoping the public will help them find the killer.

But at this point, like I said, complete manhunt.

Sara Sidner is OUTFRONT with the story.


SARA SIDNER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A family destroyed by an act of violence brought on by what appears to be road rage. A mother of four gunned down in her own driveway after an argument with another driver.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I brought my wife Valentine's flowers for the last time and I can't do that no more because of this senseless act.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was a grandmother of one. My son's only one. One year and two months. And now I've got to do with my son growing up without his grandmother? SIDNER: The family says Tammy Meyers had just finished giving

her teenaged daughter driving lesson in this parking lot. Police say when the lesson ended and Meyers drove away, she and other vehicle nearly collided, leading to the argument between her and that driver.

Meyers distraught husband says the other driver, a man, then followed his wife and daughter as they hurried home to get help.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My son came out while his mother was being shot and he opened fire on the suspects.

SIDNER: Evidence of the exchange of fire in a nearby wall. But police say the suspect's bullet struck Meyers in the head, killing her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Look at this closely, because she's gone now. She's leaving a 15-year-old, a 20-year-old, 21-year-old and a 23-year- old without a mom tonight. So you got your wish. You fired the shot. She's gone.

SIDNER: The suspect is gone, too. Police say this is a sketch of the man they are hunting for along with two others in his car, which was caught on surveillance video.

The incident is a grave reminder about tensions that can explode on the roads.

(on camera): What is it that makes an average person change when they get into a car?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sometimes people feel violated and in that violation they get angry. Anger turns into rage. The emotion attacks over the en intellect and they do things that they later regret. Now, the linchpin of the road rage is that people usually feel an illusion of anonymity.


SIDNER: In the most recent AAA survey, Erin, they looked at what bothers people and make people afraid. And in a poll, eight out of 10 drivers said that aggressive driving is actually a serious or extremely serious risk that jeopardizes their safety on the road -- Erin.

BURNETT: And, Sara, have police had any luck at all finding that car? It seems amazing that they haven't been able to find this guy.

SIDNER: It's true. They think there were three people in that car. They described the suspect in the shooting as a white male, 180 pounds, about 25 years old. Some of the items, like He's got spiky dirty blond hair, and light, either blue, or hazel eyes. But they have not been able to find this car, which is silver or gray.

And that's why they put both the sketch out and the surveillance video out of the car, hoping that someone, anyone, will get information that leads to an arrest -- Erin. BURNETT: All right. Sara, thank you very much.

And next, a bank heist for the record books. Nearly $1 billion stolen from 100 banks around the world. So, this is a worldwide heist and literally got the ATM machines to start spitting out the cash. How did they do it? We have an exclusive report.

Plus, a former golden girl and American sniper star together. Ooh! Celebrating "SNL". Jeanne Moos on the hits and misses.


BURNETT: It could go down as the largest bank heist in history. Hackers have stolen as much as $1 billion from more than 100 banks around the world, including the United States. They even rigged ATM machines to literally spit out cash. And the attack is not over.

Laurie Segall is OUTFRONT with tonight's "Money and Power".


LAURIE SEGALL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's been called "Ocean's Eleven" of cyber crimes.

Hackers in Russia, China, all over Europe, coming together to hack 100 banks in 30 countries. How successful? Up to $1 billion in stolen cash. Going undetected for two years, until banks started noticing something suspicious.

Just one arm of the attack, but certainly the flashiest. An ATM in Ukraine was randomly pouring out bills onto the ground. The hackers were able to take control of the bank operated machines remotely. And make it rain cash, with the help of an accomplice.

CHRIS DOGGETT, MANAGING DIRECTOR, KASPERSKY LAB NORTH AMERICA: We refer to them as money mules. We saw instances where the criminal didn't even touch the ATM machine, they just walked up to it, the money came out and they walked away.

SEGALL: An ATM hack itself isn't unheard of. Hacking legend Barnaby Jack demoed the hack years ago for MIT.

BARNABY JACK, HACKER: I found the vulnerability which allowed me to bypass all of these passwords, and upload my own software onto the ATM remotely. I'm not naive enough to think that I'm the only person who could do this.

SEGALL: Nico Sell is someone who tried to do this, attempting to hack into an ATM, dispensing gold bars.

NICO SELL, SAFETY ENTREPRENEUR: We're in the hotel at Abu Dhabi. The hackers building a human shield around the gold machines, because there's cameras everywhere, acting like we're too are taking pictures. And have to unplug the machine because that's usually how you get the IP address. Have to unplug the machine, because that's usually how you get the IP address. And then you wait until it restarts. You plug it back in.

SEGALL: A billion gone. And the attack might not be over yet. Banks may not even realize they've been compromised. It's a haul that would make even Danny Ocean blush.

DOGGETT: It does feel like we've seen another milestone in the arc of cyber attack history.


BURNETT: This is amazing.

All right. What's amazing about it, just the coordination, you've got to pick the bank, and as it spits out the cash, you have to have someone there waiting to scoop it up, right?

SEGALL: Unbelievable. I was thinking about this. I've been hearing from hackers that this was possible. We want to include that. But now, it's actually happening. And you see so much money has been lost with this.

BURNETT: And when you talk about has been, you're using the past tense, it's about $1 billion, but you're learning this is still happening. The attacks are still going on.

SEGALL: Yes, this is where it gets very scary, because I spoke to the guys at Kaspersky Labs, they're the ones that uncovered this, and I spoke to them today. They said, we're confident that this is still happening. People just don't know about it. Banks don't know what to do.

So, of course, my follow-up, Erin, is what should they do? So, this is our banks 101. I hope you're listening.

This is what they said -- update your software. This is a weird one. If they updated Microsoft Office, this could have been completely prevented. The hackers actually exploited a mistaken Microsoft Office, an older version. Run anti-malware technology and analyze network traffic. Obviously, work closely with law enforcement. You have to get ahead of this.

This is one that even us at CNN should take note of. But educate your employees on phishing scams, because this all happened because hackers sent malware, and what looks like a legitimate e-mails clicked on it and they basically installed spyware onto their computers.

BURNETT: Themselves.


BURNETT: Trojan horse.

All right. Well, Laurie Segall, thank you very much. It's pretty stunning.

I still have the image of, what if they forgot to send the mule to the ATM and you were standing there. Here's the question everybody: would you give the money back?

All right. OUTFRONT next, it seems some "SNL" legends had to let out a little in the waist here and a little tucking there. Nothing wrong with that, it's up to you. Jeanne Moos in the reunion everyone is talking about.


BURNETT: "Saturday Night Live" celebrated its big 4-0. Some of the stars looked the same. Others not so much.

Here's Jeanne Moos.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: "Saturday Night Live" may not be as old as King Tut.

If you were a young man back in the early days of "SNL," you're not anymore.

Isn't that the fun part about reunions like "SNL's" 40th, to see how people age?

People like Jane Curtin.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jane, you ignorant slut.

MOOS: Now 67.

JANE CURTIN: I used to be the only pretty blond woman reading the fake news. Now there's a whole network devoted to that.

MOOS: It seems like just yesterday we were saying --


MOOS: -- to Chevy Chase.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow.


MOOS: Seventy-one, a lot of those tomorrows are yesterdays. Remember Opera Man? Adam Sandler's holding his own, still adding os --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: David Spade looks okay-oh.

MOOS: Also looking okay-oh, Eddie Murphy. Though he made no jokes and seemed caught in a technical snafu.

EDDIE MURPHY: I thought you were going to do the --

MOOS: Jim Carey never made it past his "SNL" audition as post- nuclear Elvis. But he made it as an "SNL" host on the reunion red carpet.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What are you hiding, Brian Williams?

MOOS: Betty White and Bradley Cooper bridged the generational gap with a kiss. Bill Murray, the lounge singer then, Bill Murray now.

There is no escape from the jaws of age.

What is this? This makes no sense. What?

Hey, what are you laughing at? Little do you know you'll end up looking like this some day.

OK, OK, whatever.

But some things resist the tug of time.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tap (ph) the bass, remove the hook and drop the bass.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's the whole bass.

MOOS: Dan Aykroyd may be almost four decades older, but the bass-o-matic hasn't aged a bit.

Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.


BURNETT: All right. Just in time for Presidents Day, join us tonight for "The CNN Quiz Show: Presidents Edition."

John Berman is my partner, and all you can say about that, people, is there is a God. We take on other CNN anchors. We do it for charity. We hope you find it enjoyable, laughing at all of us. Find out who won at 9:00, right here on CNN.

And thanks so much for joining us. And be sure to DVR OUTFRONT any day, anytime.

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