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Erin Burnett Outfront

More Than 1 Billion Yahoo Accounts Hacked; Source: Ivanka Trump To Take On First Lady Duties; Trump Wanted Apology From Romney, Romney Refused; Trump To Silicon Valley Execs: Nobody Like You In World; Undocumented Students Warned About Travel Under Pres. Trump; Fed Chief to Trump: I'm Not Going Anywhere. Aired 7-8p ET

Aired December 14, 2016 - 19:00   ET


[19:00:01] WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: Thanks for watching. "Erin Burnett OutFront" starts right now.

ERIN BURNETT, CNN ANCHOR: "OutFront" next breaking, Yahoo hacked, more than 1 billion accounts breached. Who is behind it?

Plus, Ivanka Trump's East Wing office, will she take on the duties of the first lady? We have new details tonight. And Trump versus Apple, he wants the company to make iPhones in America, but how much more will you pay for an iPhone? We have the number. Let's go "OutFront."

Good evening, I'm Erin Burnett. "OutFront" tonight, breaking news, a massive cyber attack, internet giant Yahoo, the American company is a victim of a major security attack. More than 1 billion accounts hacked. Yahoo says they believed, "An unauthorized third party is responsible for stealing user data including names, e-mail addresses, passwords." Yahoo is forcing all of the affected users to change their passwords in validating security questions.

Jim Sciutto joins me on the join with this breaking news. I mean, Jim, let's just say this one more time, 1 billion people.

JIM SCIUTTO, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Look, the size of this is just staggering, a billion people and keep in mind, it follows a previously Trump released or revealed, rather, a few months, 500 of it, so just staggering. They're not saying who did it. They're saying that it was a criminal actor. They haven't identified whether it was a state actor or non-state actor.

As far as the extent to the information that's been breached, it is names, it is e-mails addresses and passwords, but not financial information. So no further than that. But really, the scale of this is just incredible particularly for companies that have been hit before.

BURNETT: And you've been talking to sources, you know, when you say criminal actor, I mean, how serious is this, Jim?

SCIUTTO: It shows the extent and the power of cyber hacks. I mean just keep in mind, we're coming out of an election where a state actor, we know Russia had very significant impact or at least expanse of what they were able to reach in the Democratic Party, et cetera. We reported earlier this week that they also broke into Republican Party accounts. So you see the power of this in a number of domains.

Here, this is more business domain and a company, one of America's premier technology companies that is now revealed major hacks twice in the span of several months. And it's just -- it also raises the question for this particular company, did they do enough to protect their account after this half a billion person breach? Clearly, they did not.

BRUNETT: Sure, they did not. All right, Jim Sciutto, thank you.

And also new tonight, we are learning Ivanka Trump will assume some of the duties normally assigned to the first lady. A source tells Ivanka will have an office in the East Wing where the current office of the First Lady is located, transition aides calling it the "Office of the First Family."

This comes as Ivanka and her brothers Don Jr. and Eric today sat in on a meeting between the president-elect and Silicon Valley leaders' billionaire. As you see Jeff Bezos was there, Tim Cook from Apple, Sheryl Sandberg sitting next to Mike Pence from Facebook.

The presence of the Trump children at that meeting further blurring, already incredibly blurred the lines between their duties as the people who are suppose to manage Trump's business empire and have nothing to do with the government and a role in the White House.

Don Jr. tonight tweeting about his involvement in the tech meeting, "Honored to have sat in on this meeting, the most impressive group of minds I've seen assembled all looking to fight for America and U.S. jobs." CNN has learned that Don Jr. also an avid hunter was heavily involved in the selection process for Secretary of the Interior playing a big role in picking that nominee, Montana Representative Ryan Zinke.

Jeff Zeleny begins our coverage tonight. And, Jeff, you know, there are laws against this, but this truly is a family affair.

JEFF ZELENY, CNN SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: A family affair indeed, Erin. And Ivanka Trump's office likely in the East Wing of the White House where the First Lady has work is the sure sign that she will be a central part of the Trump White House.

Now, of course, the Trump children have always had a seat at their father's table at Trump Tower. It appears that will continue when he moves to the White House.


ZELENY: Donald Trump has made clear his sons will oversee the old family business while he's in the White House. But they are also playing a key role setting up the new family business helping select the Trump cabinet.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT-ELECT: I think it's going to be one of the great cabinets ever, ever, ever.

ZELENY: The latest example, the Interior Department. Donald Trump Jr. interviewed candidates and CNN has learned persuaded his father to tap Ryan Zinke, a Montana congressman and former Navy SEAL as Interior Secretary. It's a position Trump's oldest child once eyed for himself.

DONALD TRUMP.JR., SON OF DONALD TRUMP: Our big insight joke over Thanksgiving and Christmas now that these things become very real with the presidencies. You know, "Hey, Don, the only thing you'd be doing in government is actually interior." So I don't know if I would be the head of it or just informing them.

ZELENY: Whether it's a conflict of interest or simply becoming the new normal in Washington, the lines between some real estate empire and government are blurring. His other son, Eric Trump, said in on at least one interview for Secretary of State.

[19:05:03] Shortly after the election, his daughter Ivanka Trump drew fire for attending a meeting with her father and the Japanese Prime Minister. Today, all three children sat in on their father's meeting with high-tech executives.

TRUMP: We're going to be not only great, we're going to be greater than ever before.

ZELENY: CNN has learned the office of First Lady will become the office of first family after Trump becomes president. His adviser say Trump's children have always had a seat at the table and will continue too in the Oval Office.

SEAN SPICER: RNC COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: Bottom line is that he's been very clear from day one with his family -- with the role of his family plays and the trust that he has in them in terms of how to guide decisions.

ZELENY: Donald Trump Jr. who's long been an avid outdoors man has expressed his vision for Interior Secretary.

TRUMP JR.: He assures that under a Trump residency, I'm going to have his ear, my brother, Eric, is going to have his ear. We're hunters. We're reloaders. We're competitive shooters. This is what we do. We live the lifestyle.

ZELENY: But far more than a love of hunting, the Interior Department also has a direct connection to Trump's businesses, including the new Trump hotel in Washington.


ZELENY: Now, the Trump family relieve it -- received a tax break of more than $30 million to restore that old post office, which is still own by the federal government and leased by the Trumps. That program is run by the National Park Service, which is part of the Interior Department. And, Erin, that's where the questions of potential conflict lie. When Donald Trump Jr. who will run the Trump Real Estate Empire is also helping pick cabinet secretaries, it's clear the wall between the family business and the presidency are not so clearly defined.

BURNETT: Yup, all right. Thank you very much Jeff.

And "OutFront" now, Mark Preston, our Executive Political Editor, Jackie Kucinich, the Washington Bureau Chief for "The Daily Beast," Jamie Gangel, Special Correspondent and Criminal Defense Attorney, former Prosecutor Paul Callan.

Mark, so let's start with this issue. I want to get to the hotel in a moment, but Don Jr., sitting in on a meeting today, tweeting about the meeting with the tech CEOs, the interviewing and vetting a cabinet nominee. This is Trump's son who Trump this week said on Twitter would be the one running the Trump businesses.

MARK PRESTON, CNN POLITICS EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Right. Not until next month, though. Not until next month when they hold the news conference. For me having his family involved in providing guidance, analysis, whatever it maybe isn't an issue. The idea, though, that they are running his empire and that they're helping make you decisions, that is the issue.


JACKIE KUCINICH, WASHINGTON BUREAU CHIEF, "THE DAILY BEAST": Right, if the two things simultaneously.

PRESTON: Correct. That is the big issue. Presidents have always relied on their family for some kind of counsel, but this is a little too close for comfort.

KUCINICH: You'll never be able to restore lines if you basically -- you have a water color going into this. It doesn't just like start over the day that the presidency starts. There is -- I mean, those pictures of the kids sitting ...

BURNETT: Right. It's going to change in a few weeks is not going to fly (ph).

KUCINICH: Well, exactly, especially because these advisers, these tech CEOs, they were sitting -- they see the children sitting there. That's a message ...


KUCINICH: ... that, you know, if you're sitting down with Don Jr., you're also very - you're very much aligned with the president.

BURNETT: A family affair, Jamie, because as I mentioned at the top of the show, we are reporting Trump will name the traditional office of the First Lady, the office of the first family. There are laws, nepotism laws in this country that prevent a president from formally hiring his family. JAMIE GANGEL, CNN SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT: Right.

BURNETT: Naming the office the office of the first family if you don't formally hire them would appear to go clearly against the spirit of that law.

GANGEL: It may go against it, but I think as we've seen over and over again, welcome to the world of Donald Trump.


GANGEL: And it may actually be a very clever way of getting around it because if it's a family role, it's a family role. The other thing I just want to point out is Eric Trump was also in the meeting for Secretary of State when Mitt Romney went to meet.


GANGEL: So this is a repeated thing over and over again. If this is a firewall we're seeing, it's an invisible firewall because they are there every step of the way.

BURNETT: So, Paul, on the Trump hotel, right, which Jeff Zeleny has mentioned is overseen by the Interior Department. Don Jr. is going to be the one ostensibly running that hotel. He's the one who was in the meeting picking the Secretary of Interior.

There are already foreign governments using that hotel to impress Trump posting (inaudible) expensive fancy holiday parties there in just a past few weeks. If you were advising Trump what would you tell him to do? Get rid of that hotel altogether or not?

PAUL CALLAN, FORMER PROSECUTOR: Well, I'll tell what a tough job it is for a lawyer advising Donald Trump, because he's got his own opinions about the law and about this kind of advice. But my advice would be wall yourself off specifically from pieces of business that have interaction with foreign countries. And a hotel is a classic example.

For instance, at the hotel there's a suite that supposedly rents for 20 grand a night. Now let say the Soviet Union decides, "We're going to book that thing for a year while we negotiate treaties with the United States," obviously, that would subject him to enormous political criticism. But he might in violation of the Emoluments Clause of the constitution.


CALLAN: Yes, yes.

BURNETT: I know, but if ...

CALLAN: Does that file (ph) like the constitution? It might very well and subject Trump to impeachment. So I'd be really careful about that if I were giving advice to the president. [19:10:02] PRESTON: You know what I think, one of the biggest problems is, is that the oversight is supposed to come from Congress and Congress is now being led by Republicans in both chambers. Now, I'm not saying that they are not going to do their job, but there's going to be an incredible amount of pressure on House Republicans and Senate Republicans who oversee the committees, who have the oversight, who have the ability for subpoena power to make sure that Donald Trump or his kids aren't crossing the line.

And let's give him the benefit of the doubt that he doesn't cross the line, but the fact of the matter is there needs to be a watchdog on this and right now I don't know if Congress is that watchdog.

BURNETT: And which, of course, Jackie has a huge issue here, because there's no sign, you know, that anything is going to change as you make the point. So those tech CEOs, they saw who was in that room today.


BURNETT: They saw who was there. That was a very strong message. These people matter and Trump even went so far as to say there's no hierarchy here. Call me, call anyone, right, as if, you know, call one, call all.

KUCINICH: Yeah, exactly.


KUCINICH: You know and that -- that's a problem. But I would disagree with you a little bit, because it's not like they're all in lock step right now when it comes to Trump and Russia. They're pushing forward Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Bob Corker are pushing forward with an investigation into this hacking. I'm not conflating the two, but I'm saying that there are things that they think Congress will take and run with whether -- and if this gets bad enough to your point ...

BURNETT: Then they would.

KUCINICH: ... then they would, because then their jobs get on the line and let's be honest there. Everyone is a self-preservationalist (ph) ...

BURNETT: Jamie, you mentioned Eric Trump being in the meeting -- one of the meetings with Mitt Romney. You have some new reporting on exactly what happen there, why Mitt Romney did not get picked by Donald Trump and the reporting is that the Trump didn't even look at him seriously. You're saying he did.

GANGEL: We are told that he absolutely looked at him seriously and I think there were three things. The first thing we've learned is that Trump would have liked an apology for Romney to say he was wrong, not immediately.

He didn't say that at the beginning, but after Kellyanne Conway and other members of his close advisors came out blistering, Trump said to Romney, "You know, could you please apologize? You need to nullify." Not only did Trump, but Reince Priebus, who was a big fan of Mitt Romney's did it and Mike Pence.

BURNETT: That's interesting.

GANGEL: Mitt Romney declined to do that. That said, I think one of the most interesting things we've learned is the two men got along very, very well and Trump told people, much to his surprise, I really like him. So by all accounts this was serious.

BURNETT: But not enough.

GANGEL: Not enough.


BURNETT: Not enough.

GANGEL: Not enough.


BURNETT: ... book this week.

GANGEL: And where (ph) she was the big issue.


GANGEL: They had two different world views and Rex Tillerson solved that, you know, problem for him.

BURNETT: All right. Thanks to all.

And next, Trump wants Apple to bring back American jobs. So he's been really aggressive about this. So here's the thing, we did the math, if your iPhone was made in America, how much more would it cost? We're going to give you the number. Would you pay it?

Plus, college officials warning immigrant student, "If you traveled get back to the United States before Trump is president." Real fear or complete fear mongering? And remember America's dad, Alan Thicke?

ALAN THICKE, ACTOR: Dan, what are you doing?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Walking Carol flirt with some guy and he is not Bobby.

THICKE: Well, that's none of your business with the guy.


[19:15:57] BURNETT: Tonight, Silicon Valley millionaires and billionaires face to face with Donald Trump, the president-elect reaching out to big tech company CEOs.


TRUMP: I won't tell you the hundreds of calls we've had asking to come to this meeting. And I will say Peter research saying (ph), no, that company is too small and he's a monster company, there's nobody like you in the world, in the world. There's nobody like the people in this room and anything we can do to help this go along and we're going to do that for you.


BURNETT: The meeting included, you saw some of their faces there, leaders from Amazon, Facebook, and Apple, a company that Trump has slammed during the campaign. Dan Simon is "OutFront."


TRUMP: Apple, Apple, Apple, boycott Apple.

DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It was one of candidate Trump's main targets on the campaign trail.

TRUMP: Boycott Apple until they do it. Boycott them, who cares.

SIMON: First, blasting the company for refusing to unlock an iPhone belonging to one of the San Bernardino shooters.

TRUMP: Give me a break, why wouldn't they want to do it?

SIMON: Trump then turns his sides to Apple's overseas manufacturing saying this at nearly every campaign rally.

TRUMP: We're going to have Apple building their product in the United States, not in China and Vietnam and all over.

And believe me, if I'm president that's going to happen.

SIMON: But analysts called that highly unlikely. For starters, consumers would probably have to pay a lot more for their next iPhone. Estimates vary, but perhaps double the amount. An iPhone 7 starting at $650 could go for $1,300 or more.

Apple's top manufacturer is the Taiwanese firm Foxconn with factories all over China. Workers get paid roughly $400 a month to assemble iPhones, but in the U.S. workers would make a minimum of nearly $1,000 a month, at least double the wages of a Chinese laborer, costs that could be absorbed by consumers.

TIM BARAJIN, ANALYST: That price of an iPhone or whatever it is would go up exponentially.

SIMON: And technology analyst Tim Barajin says any job gains would be eroded over time with robots, not people building the phones.

BARAJIN: I would argue that any job that has a lot of repetitive tasks is going to move to robotics over the next 10 years. SIMON: Apple designs its products in the U.S., but herein says at least 80 percent of its raw supplies also come from overseas, which makes building an iPhone in America seem even more impractical.

TRUMP: When they Apple, it's not wonderful, but they make everything outside.

SIMON: While Trump recently told "Time Magazine" that he challenged Apple to build its biggest plant yet in the U.S. instead of China, the company points out its technology is directly responsible for widespread job creation in the U.S. from its engineers and retail employees to app developers.

TIM COOK, APPLE CEO: We've created 1.9 million jobs now in the United States and we have tens of millions of customers who use our products. We work for them and we love deeply our country.

SIMON: But Trump's criticism may be having an impact. Foxconn says it's now on talks to expand it's presence in the U.S.


[19:20:08] SIMON: Well, the bottom line is an iPhone made in America is probably a campaign pledge that Donald Trump will not be able to fulfill. That said, Foxconn did tell CNN that it isn't preliminary discussions to expand its operation in the U.S. but no timetable when something like that would happen.

Erin, Apple once again reiterating that it is responsible for 2 million jobs in the U.S., some of them work in this retail shop behind me, which I'm told is pretty busy this time of year. Erin?

BURNETT: A lot of retial jobs. All right, thank you very much, Dan Simon. I mean, that's pretty excellent reporting. You go down, you get the bottom line here of what the reality is. Would you pay double?

"OutFront" now, President of the Economic Future Group, Jonathan Tasini and Senior Policy Analyst of the Heritage Foundation, Salim Furth.

So, Jonathan, let me start with you. You saw Dan Simon's report. Would people just on this bottom line issue, $650, now $1,350 or more possibly later, could people really pay that much? Would they be willing to pay that much for made in America?

JONATHAN TASINI, PRESIDENT, ECONOMIC FUTURE GROUP: Well, let separate could be and would they be willing. In some -- in a certain way the iPhone is not a good example of manufacture in America and what people would pay because it's such a luxury, almost a mythical item and I've got one here and as you know people line up for days sometimes for the newest iPhone.

So I suspect, perhaps, in the beginning there might be some sticker shock, but people eventually would buy the product. The more important thing to me is, what are the wages the people are going to be paid to actually manufacture in the United States those items.

BURNETT: But you think that because it is a prestige and luxury item, people would pick.

TASINI: I suspect ...

BURNETT: (Inaudible) they could pay that. They could do a whole ad campaign, made in America. There's an iPhone.

TASINI: I think that the made in America campaign you're paying here. And I will say that I did -- as focus groups some years ago about people shopping at Walmart, not the same kind of level of prices, but people said if they knew that people are getting higher healthcare and better wages that they would be willing to pay more at Walmart. I think the same, although at a higher price, would be true about the iPhone.

BURNETT: All right, Salim, what do you say, $1,350 or possibly more for an iPhone.

SALIM FURTH, SENIOR POLICY ANALYST, THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION: I think if Apple thought that they could make more money selling iPhones for 1,300 bucks, they'd be doing it right now. And so I trust the Apple to understand its way to make new profit and, you know, the rumor or potential talks that Foxconn is going to move some of its operations to the U.S., that's great.

But if they're doing that, that's not a publicity stunt. They're doing that because they see a way to make money using American expertise, American workers who are terrific and American capital investment and we need to make a business environment that attracts that kind of investment that makes sense from a bottom line perspective.

TASINI: Well, let's understand this. Workers in China and workers in the United States are equally skilled. The difference here is wages. In China and in other countries, we're looking at the reason that Apple is over there, other countries are over there, it's because they're playing slave wages. The difference is not about skill, I think that's almost the racist nationalist thing to say that we have better workers here. It's about wages. This is about profit.

BURNETT: So let me just interject here. And first of all, I want all of you to tweet us. Let us know would you pay 1,350 for an iPhone. But that issue, Tim Cook says you're wrong. He says no, this is all about skills. They have the skills in China, not here. He was on "60 Minutes" last year and he answer the question. Here's how he put it, Jonathan.


COOK: China put an enormous focus on manufacturing in what we would call -- you and I would call vocational kind of skills. I mean you could take every tool and dye maker in United States and probably put them in the room they were currently sitting in. In China, you would have to have multiple football fields. (END VIDEO CLIP)

ERIN: You say rubbish.

TASINI: It's rubbish. I mean people -- there are plenty of good skilled workers here, plenty of good skilled workers in China. The issue is wages. The reason Apple is in China is because they are profiting, because they're essentially using slave labor.

And there are plenty of good people here both who lost jobs before who are -- who worked assembly line jobs in industrial America, plenty of people to be trained for this. This is not such highly skilled work, particularly assembly of this iPhone (ph).

ERIN: So, Salim, what do you say? I mean as Tim Cook write, he's saying its skills, but Jonathan has a point, right? I mean, you just saw the numbers in the piece. $400 a month is what you pay a work in China to put an iPhone together. It would be $1,000 in the United States. It would seem this is about numbers, not about skills.

FURTH: Right. So manufacturing in the U.S. has some other advantages that tend to offset those wage costs. For instance, your less shipping cost, you're not dealing with multiple regulatory regimes. So, yeah, American workers are going to make more. They are closer to the market. They have better outside options.

Chinese workers, they maybe making very low wages, but when the alternative is to go back to a rural village with no jobs, they're willing to take those jobs. I know these allegations of slave labor, but the evidence is that a great many rural Chinese have moved to the cities very willingly to take these industrial level jobs that are similar to what our grandparents worked in the United States.

TASINI: Well, as Jesse Jackson who used to say even slaves had jobs. And those folks who are moving from rural China, yes, they were in deep poverty. They have no choice and some of them are living in just awful conditions.

[19:25:03] BURNETT: All right. Well, thank you both very much. I appreciate your time tonight. And, again, please vote us to know, would you pay 1,350 for an iPhone? It's a crucial question for Donald Trump.

"OutFront" next, colleges across the country warning immigrant students that if you leave the United States, get back before Trump is inaugurated or you might not be allowed back it. Is this crossing the line? And Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner house hunting in Georgetown. So, where could they be moving? We went to look. Did you know Jackie Kennedy's old home is on the market?


BURNETT: Warning tonight to students who are undocumented immigrants. If you are traveling outside the United States, come back before President-elect Trump is inaugurated. Now, that is coming from California State University. We're hearing similar messages from officials at the University of California campuses. It's pretty stunning, but it's happening.

Kyung Lah is "OutFront" live in Los Angeles tonight. And, Kyung, I mean, this is incredible to hear. What are university officials actually saying?

KYUNG LAH, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: What we're talking about here is the letter from Cal State's Chancellor, the office of the chancellor, a letter that was sent to the faculty of all 23 campuses and a letter to assesses what to do about Dhaka students, the so- called dreamers and what happens after the inauguration.

Students who are traveling overseas writes the chancellor should, "Stay foot." Basically return and stay foot in the United States. We want to take a look at one segment of this letter quote, he writes, "Immediately inform your students who are already abroad that unless they return by January 19th there is no assurance they will be allowed to return to the U.S. and there is a realistic possibility that they will be denied re-entry."

[19:30:05] The statement coming because of all of the rhetoric we heard from the president-elect during the campaign trail and what the letter further explains, Erin, is you have to be prepared about what happens after inauguration. How many students are we talking about, Erin? We are talking about only a handful according to Cal State, perhaps ten. But the issue is what they are trying to drive at, what to do about these students who are in flux, Erin?

BURNETT: So what's been the reaction, Kyung?

LAH: Oh, this is such a highly emotional issue, especially here in California. Where you have a high population of immigrant students at these campus, Latinos and Asians. We spoke with one UCLA student, a UCLA student speaking with one of our affiliates. And she says, basically, what they are feeling is uncertainty and fear.


NICOLE CORONA, UCLA STUDENT: I was just 3 years old. It's not -- I didn't have a voice and I've grown up here. I've grown up reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. And just the idea of being vulnerable to deportations is crazy, because there is nothing for me to go back to. This is my home now and I have as much of a right to be here as my peers.


LAH: And the last word we heard from the president-elect was an interview we did with "TIME" magazine. And in that interview, while he would not back down on ending President Obama's executive orders on immigration he did say he would, quote, "work something out" in regards to these DACA students.

We should point out, Erin, that the people who supported Mr. Trump and voted for him, many of them still do consider these DACA students illegal, even though they came across with their parents -- Erin.

BURNETT: All right. Kyung, thank you very much.

OUTFRONT now, Ben Ferguson, conservative radio show host and Keith Boykin, former aide in the Clinton White House.

So, Ben, look, you just heard what Kyung said. Trump has called President Obama's executive actions on immigration illegal. He actually was very clear about this on the campaign trail. Let me play what he said.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT-ELECT: We will immediately terminate President Obama's two illegal executive amnesties, in which he defied federal law and the Constitution to give amnesty to approximately 5 million illegal immigrants, 5 million.


BURNETT: So, he had said we would terminate the executive action. So, what is the bottom line here? The chancellor and the university's justified fear? Or fear mongering?

BEN FERGUSON, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: No, this is fear mongering in the most sad and I think sick form, because you actually have students that may believe genuinely that January 20th they are not going to be allowed back into the country. One it would be virtually impossible for that to take effect on the same day even if that was something he wanted them to do.

But Donald Trump is also been clear that if you came to this country and you are very young, specifically these students under this category DACA, that he's going look at how to have some sort of compromise. There's been no indication from Donald Trump that he would go after and punish people that came here at a very young age against their will and have no say so, or these students.

But to put it out there that if you don't back to the United States of America by January 19th, at midnight, that somehow you are going to be left out of this country and never get back in. It's absolutely fearmongering and it's sick and it's sad and it's perverted that they are using this for political gain for their messaging.


KEITH BOYKIN, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: I'm sorry. I thought it was fear mongering when the president-elect of the United States of America went all across the country during his campaign saying he was going to deport people and create a deportation force. I thought it was fearmongering --

FERGUSON: There are people who are going to be deported.

BOYKIN: -- when the president elect said he was going repeal President Obama's policies on the immigration form. I thought it was fearmongering when the president-elect said all these policies were illegal. But somehow, the University of California -- FERGUSON: Some of them are.

BOYKIN: -- because they are articulating a concern, a valid concern that they should be careful not to be out of the country, that they are fearmongering and not the president-elect of the United States --


BOYKIN: It seems to be an absurd assertion.

BURNETT: So, let me just, Keith, you know, he said the things he said in those rallies. OK. Ben. He did. But in an interview with "TIME" magazine, last week. So this is after he won the White House. He said something very specific.

FERGUSON: Made it very clear.

BURNETT: OK, Keith, let me move it to you. He said, "We're going to work something out that's going to make people happy and proud." He's talking about the DACA students, these DREAMers, these college kids. "They got brought here at the very young age, they've worked here, they've gone to school here, some were good students, some have wonderful jobs and they're in never-never land because they don't know what's going to happen.

Keith, is that enough that these, Cal State, California campuses should have seen this and said wait a minute we shouldn't have put that warning out there?

BOYKIN: Absolutely not. I mean, this is the problem with Donald Trump, not just on the issue of DACA, but on every other issue, in healthcare reform, issues that deal with ISIS, and other foreign policy issues.

[19:35:09] There is no specificity to anything he says. So he goes out and give these campaign speeches and gets everybody riled up but he doesn't offer --


BOYKIN: He's like his healthcare plan. It's terrific care. There is no specificity, Ben. And even tries --


BOYKIN: -- on lack of information that Donald Trump providing --


BURNETT: So, Ben, what does it mean and what is specific here, because he did explain they worked hard in coming here et cetera, et cetera. But his solution was we're going to show something that makes people happy and proud. What's the specific in this?

FERGUSON: His specific point is, there is going to be a compromise here and when he becomes the president he's sworn in on January 20th, he's going work on some sort of compromise.

BOYKIN: Some sort of compromise.

FERGUSON: Let me finish what I'm going to say about this that students that have been here, that came here at a young age. We're going to work on a compromise for them. I'm in favor of that compromise.

There are some people here illegally that should be deported. He's made that clear. That is not talking about these students that are under DACA.

For the presidents and universities to go out there after he did this interview with "TIME" magazine and said these students are somebody who shouldn't have to live in never land --


FERGUSON: I'm not filibustering. I'm stating what Donald Trump --


FERGUSON: Way too far.

BURNETT: Go ahead, Keith.

BOYKIN: At some point I issue you would accept the idea that Donald Trump is at least partially responsible for the rhetoric and climate he's created. And not always assume that rhetoric is at fault.


BURNETT: Let him finish.

BOYKIN: You are always assuming the person responding to the rhetoric is at fault. But there is one person who is in charge here, who is creating the climate and that's Donald Trump. Let's hold him accountable. Let's ask for specificity. Don't give him a blank check to do whatever.

He should at this point, 35 days before he becomes president, he should have some idea of what he's going to do and you and I have no idea what that is. That is a problem. And there are 740,000 people out there who are DREAMers, who are concerned.


BURNETT: Isn't it true that he hasn't been clear on exactly what that is? He did say he's going to repeal all these things. Now, he's saying I want to make people happy and proud. But wouldn't it be incumbent on him to be a little more clear?

FERGUSON: I think that is exactly what he was doing in "TIME" magazine and hen he specifically talks about DACA students and specifically says that we're going to make people happy, it is at that point -- BOYKIN: Happy is not a policy.

FERGUSON: When he's talk about the happy I'm pretty sure we can be intellectually honest enough that means some sort of compromise here.


FERGUSON: You just don't like Donald Trump in general and you don't like what he says in general, but I'll finish my point by saying this. When Donald Trump says that in "TIME" magazine it is irresponsible for presidents of universities for their own political reasons to terrify students that are under that category in their university system --


BURNETT: We hit pause there for tonight. Thank you both.

Next, did this woman singlehandedly crush Trump's stock market rally?

And the billionaires of Trump's cabinet house-hunting in D.C. We're going to take you to the new billionaires row.


[19:42:05] BURNETT: Interest rates going up for just the second time in a decade, in a decade. The Fed announcing that constitutional rights will go up. A quarter of a point but it effects all of us. And when the chief of the Fed actually took questions today, they weren't not about. That they were almost all about a man who repeatedly attacked her on the campaign trail, Donald Trump.


JANET YELLEN, FEDERAL RESERVE CHAIR: I'm not going to offer the incoming president advice about how to conduct himself in policy. I'm a strong believer in the independence of the Fed.


BURNETT: Phil Mattingly is OUTFRONT.

And, Phil, Janet Yellen, the chief of the Fed, was a frequent target of the president-elect during the campaign. It was almost all she was asked about today. It would be an understatement to say he's not a fan of hers.

PHIL MATTINGLY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, an understatement is never a great strategy when you're talking about the president-elect. Look, it is normal in an election, in a campaign, in the White House that you don't talk about the Federal Reserve. They are supposed to be a very defined wall there. You can't get Josh Earnest or President Obama ever to weigh in.

That's not necessarily the case with Donald Trump. Take a listen to him on the campaign trail.


TRUMP: This Janet Yellen of the Fed. The Fed is doing political. The Fed is being more political than Secretary Clinton.

Janet Yellen should have raised the rates. She's not doing it because the Obama administration and the president doesn't want her to.

I think she's very political and to a certain extent I think she should be ashamed of herself.


MATTINGLY: Now, Erin, the interesting element here is be careful what you wish for. It's easier to talk when you're not sitting in the White House about the need to raise rates. Well, those rates are now going up and as you noted that could be problems for Donald Trump's economy.

And you look at the Fed minutes today what exactly came out. And they are talking about raising rates at an increased level than they originally were, as many as three times next year. That could restrict growth, restrict kind of where kind of Donald Trump wants this economy to be.

And it's worth noting as well, when you look at the president-elect's economic plans, and this is important, a major tax cut, a major stimulus coming from a major infrastructure plan. Those are the types of things that spark inflation concerns. Inflation concerns in and of themselves, obviously, as you know well, Erin, those cause rate increases as well. Donald Trump said a lot of things about Janet Yellen. She may have the power do a lot of things next year that he doesn't appreciate very much.

BURNETT: That's for sure. All right. Thank you very much, Phil.

And OUTFRONT now, the president of Bianco Research, Jim Bianco, who knows this better than anyone.

Jim, you hear Donald Trump talked about Janet Yellen with words like she is not a Republican. When her time is up, I would most likely replace, criticized her aggressively. There is supposed to be this wall.

Is there any concern that he has said these things, that he may try to influence the Fed or that the Fed could try to seek revenge on Donald Trump?

JIM BIANCO, PRESIDENT, BIANCO RESEARCH: Well, yes, you are right. That the historical rules of that you don't criticize the Fed have been thrown out the window right now. He is criticizing the Fed. The belief on Wall Street is when Janet Yellen's term ends in January of 2018, we'll have another federal reserve chairman. It won't be her. And we can debate about who it might be.

But there are going to be big changes at the Federal Reserve over the next year to 18 months. BURNETT: In the meantime, obviously, raising interest rates, as Phil

was explaining. Right, it costs everybody more money and that can hurt an economy. Trump is incredibly proud of his stock market rally, right? Incredibly proud. Stocks had their worst day today in two months, because of Janet Yellen, because of the Fed rate hike. She sort of slaid his rally.

He, though, is still boasting about it. He is proud of it. Here he is.


TRUMP: We're doing well right now. And I'm very honored by the bounce. They are talking about the bounce. So, right now, everybody in the room has to like me at least a little bit. But we're going to try and have that bounce continue.


BURNETT: That was this afternoon. Obviously, stocks were doing the exact opposite. But he was talking about people in that room. You know, Goldman Sachs in that room. Their stocks up 30 percent since Donald Trump, he is a big part of the reason for that.

Did she just kill the rally?

BIANCO: You know, it is the opening question. Basically interest rates won out and they can go up for one of two reasons. They can go up because of real growth, real economic growth is getting better and that would be a very good thing for the stock market and for the economy. Or they can go up because there is a fear that inflation is coming back.

Now put it in a different way, the Trump rally has always been called the reflation rally. But what are we reflating? Up until a couple of days ago, we were thinking we were reflating the real economy. But now, Wall Street and the markets are starting to worry we're reflating inflation.

And if that's what we're doing, then it won't be taken well by the stock market. And maybe today was one of the first salvos, and in creating inflation, we're not creating real growth. And that's what the question we're going to grapple with in 2017.

BURNETT: And what's your bottom line, your point of view? Tax cuts that he's talked about, a trillion dollars in infrastructure, real growth or not?

BIANCO: Well, in and of itself, I think the tax cuts and stimulus can be a good thing. But the devil is always in the details. If it winds up to be this politically motivated we're going take care of the people we take care of and do a bunch of the projects that don't really help the economy, it is not going to help. But if we do the things that we need to do as far as infrastructure spending and about things that will help promote growth, it can help. So, it's more than just a trillion dollars, what trillion dollars are going to do with it?

BURNETT: All right. Thank you very much, Jim Bianco.

And next, a nearly $12 million condo is said to be the most expensive in Washington D.C. Look inside, you will go there. Could it be Ivanka Trump's new home?

And Jeanne Moos on Alan Thicke, the beloved comedian who became America's dad.


ALAN THICKE: I'm Jason Seaver. This is my house. This is Seavers house. Hey, Ben, you're grounded.



[19:51:05] BURNETT: New tonight, a source tells CNN, Ivanka Trump will have an office in the White House. This comes as she and her husband Jared Kushner go house hunting in Washington. Will they end up in billionaires' row?

Sunlen Serfaty is OUTFRONT.


SUNLEN SERFATY, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): With the incoming administration, the nation's capital is getting a boost of new glitzy, glamorous and mega rich residents, each now on the hunt for a premier Washington address.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are preparing to move to D.C. with their three young children. Sources tell CNN this past Sunday, they were out house shopping in their ritzy northwest neighborhood of Georgetown.

IVANKA TRUMP, DAUGHTER OF DONALD TRUMP: I'm incredibly proud to play a small role in debunking this caricature of what a working woman looks likes.

SERFATY: They could go the iconic route, snatching up one of the hottest in D.C. Jackie Kennedy Onassis' former six-bedroom, 5.5 bathroom mansion, with a price tag of $9 million. Or just blocks away something more in line with the Manhattan apartment they live in now. This sprawling penthouse condo at the Ritz Carlton Residences, clocking in as the most expensive condo on the market in Washington at nearly $12 million.

But D.C.'s new power couple aren't the only well heeled headed to Washington in the market for a new home.

CHRISTIE-ANNE WEISS, VICE PRESIDENT, TTR SOTHEBY'S INTERNATIONAL REALTY: We know there are new cabinet members searching for real estate already and they are out and about. SERFATY: Since election day, high end luxury real estate agents say

the top echelon of their business is booming at a level not seen during the previous changes of the guards between administrations, due to the striking amount of the deep-pocketed future White House officials flooding Washington. Trump's cabinet picks forming a long line of multimillionaires and billionaires, all ready to fork over big bucks and putting a priority on opulence.

CHRISTOPHER RITZERT, VICE PRESIDENT, TTR SOTHEBY'S INTERNATIONAL REALITY: The first people who have arrived for expressed strong preference for luxury properties in turnkey condition and in excellent locations. Close in.

SERFATY: Among those close neighborhoods that fits the bill, the northwest neighborhood of Kalorama, where the Obamas will be renting their post-White House home. The storied Watergate Hotel, home of some of the luminaries of administrations past.

And the Massachusetts Heights neighborhood, which boosts the most expensive home for sale right now in D.C., a lavish $20 million estate.


SERFATY: And that's the new neighborhood of at least one incoming official, President-elect Donald Trump's commerce secretary nominee Wilbur Ross, according to "The Washington Post", just purchasing a $12 million property just a few doors away -- Erin.

BURNETT: All right. Thank you very much, Sunlen. Pretty incredible to imagine.

OUTFRONT next, Jeanne Moos looks at the life of one of America's favorite TV fathers, Alan Thicke.


[19:57:43] BURNETT: Alan Thicke of "Growing Pains", one of America's most loved TV dads. Here is Jeanne Moos.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Sixty-nine-year-old Alan Thicke had a heart attack, doing something he loved.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Look at all the hockey shoes you have.

ALAN THICKE, ACTOR: You don't say hockey shoes ever to a Canadian. These are skates.

MOOS: He was playing hockey with his 19-year-old son Carter when he felt nauseas and had chest pains.

"Today, I lost my best friend and my idol, and the world lost one of its finest", tweeted Carter.

His most famous son, Robin, didn't blur these lines, writing, "He was the best man I ever knew."

Thicke was best known for the '80s sitcom "Growing Pains."

THICKE: Well, it's fine with me because this girl is killing me.

MOOS: He played a gender-bending role as a stay at home psychiatrist and idealized dad.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I didn't do the stupid drug.

MOOS: The sitcom occasionally covered serious topics like cocaine use.


MOOS: The show launched other stars like Leonardo DiCaprio.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You don't trust doctors anymore than I do.

MOOS: And lasted seven years.

BURNETT: What was it that kept that show so popular?

THICKE: I think it was me, Erin. It was all me. I carried it.

MOOS: He's kidding.

"Growing Pains" saved him from his most painful TV experience.

THICKE: We'll be back in a moment to see what else will happen.

MOOS: A failed talk show that went up against the buzz saw of Johnny Carson.

Thicke also composed theme songs to the "Facts of Life," and "Different Strokes" and "Wheel of Fortune."

In his last movie role, Thicke dropped his good a dad persona to play a bad father.

THICKE: It is not my fault and I don't care anyway.

MOOS: But he sure cared about his wife and his three sons, and his fans cared about him.

THICKE: Final curtain.

MOOS: Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.


BURNETT: Sad to lose him. And thanks to all of you for joining us. Don't forget you can watch the show anytime, anywhere at CNN Go.

Anderson is next.