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Early Start with John Berman and Zoraida Sambolin

Trump Demands An Investigation; Report Of Second Trump Tower Meeting; Search For Answers In Texas School Shooting; Talking Trade; Cougar Kills Mountain Biker; Best Dressed At The Royal Wedding Hawaii's Faces New Deadly Threat, Laze. Aired 4:30-5a ET

Aired May 21, 2018 - 04:30   ET



DAVE BRIGGS, EARLY START SHOW CO-HOST: President Trump hereby demands to know if the Feds infiltrated his campaign. It heeded the following reports a long time intelligence source assisted early in the Russian investigation. Russia may not have been the only foreign power to look in the influence the 2016 election. A new reports says Donald Trump Jr. and a second meeting an emissary with two gulf nations.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why don't we not do finds, why don't we do moments of action, why do we don't do moment of change? Why don't we change what is happening? Because it's horrible.


BRIGGS: Texas native, Kelly Clarkson with anger and sadness and frustration after another school shooting claims 10 more lives at an American school. Texas lawmakers searching for answers that may have nothing to do with guns. We will get to that story ahead. Welcome back to "Early Start," everybody on a Monday, I'm Dave Briggs. Christine Romans is off this morning.

Later today, President Trump expected to formally announce he is demanding his own Justice Department review itself and the FBI to determine whether they spied on his Presidential campaign for political purposes. Now this development comes on the heels of reports last week that the FBI dispatched a confidential source to speak with aides that the FBI dispatch the confidential source to speak with aide's through the campaign about its possible links to Russia.

U.S. officials had already confirmed to CNN that no source was embedded in the campaign, but in the interest of heading off a larger showdown, the DOJ says, it is going along with the President's command. More now from Ryan Nobles at the White House.


RYAN NOBLES, WASHINGON CORRESPONDENT, CNN: No doubt the President was active on Twitter this weekend taking aim at the Department of Justice and the FBI, because he is upset over reports that there was an informant. A source attempting to gain information and access about the Trump campaign. He capped off his weekend of tweets with this tweet calling out the Department of Justice in quote, I hereby demand and will do so officially tomorrow, that would be Monday, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI and DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump campaign for political purposes and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama administration.

And that tweet quickly got some results. The Department of Justice put out a statement not too long after where they said they were going to essentially expand the investigation that was already taking place. The deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, said the following, quote, if anyone did infiltrate or surveilled participants in the presidential campaign for inappropriate purposes, we need to know about it and take an appropriate action.

So they are essentially expanding this investigation to find our and rule in or out, whether or not if there is anyone attempting to launch the investigation for anything other than the reason that they thought there was something inappropriate or illegal going on.

So, this at the very least, also appears to be an attempt by the President to try and discredit Robert Mueller and his investigation. We will have to see if that has any impacts on the Special Counsel going forward.


BRIGGS: Ryan Nobles there at the White House, thank you. The Justice Department inspector general is already investigating whether proper protocols were followed when the FBI applied for FISA surveillance orders on Carter Page. But House Republicans, they want more information. Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes -- Chairman, rather Devin Nunes, demanding documents related to the confidential source much to dismay of Democrat Mark Warner, the vice-chair of the Senate Intel Committee.


SEN MARK WARNER, (D) VIRGINIA: I have no information that would indicate that the President's tweets or theory of the case is at all based in truth. I find it outrageous that the President's allies are playing fast and loose with confidential information.


BRIGGS: Intel officials warn the release of information about a classified source could pose a grave risk to them. The source's identities already been revealed by several media outlets over the weekend.

[04:35:00] According to Rudy Giuliani, Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, he intends to finish his Russia investigation by September 1st. The president's lawyers says Mueller's team shared its timeline about a month ago, in the course of negotiations over whether the president would agree to an interview and Guiliani says the impression he got was that the president did an interview, the investigation could be wrapped up by September. A spokesman for the Special Counsel declined to comment.

New questions this morning whether another questionable meeting involving Donald Trump Jr. according to the New York Times, the President's oldest son met at Trump Tower with an emissary for two Arab Prince's three months before the 2016 election. And they are offering assistance to the Trump campaign. The first indication a country other than Russia tried to influence the election outcome.

The Times identifies the emissary as George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman already cooperating with the Mueller investigation. He reportedly inform the president's son, the crown princes who led Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates were eager to help his father win.

According to the Times, Israeli social media expert, Joel Zamel, was also at that meeting as company put together a multimillion dollar proposal for a social media manipulation efforts to help elect Trump. Now, it is unclear whether that plan was executed. Prominent Trump supporter Eric Prince, reportedly organized this meeting. He is the former CEO of the controversial private security firm, Blackwater. Prince, previously testified his involvement in the Trump campaign was limited and he did not mention this August 2016 meeting. Lawyers for all parties downplayed the meeting, request for comments from the White House and Prince were not return.

Schools in Santa Fe, Texas will be closed today and tomorrow. The city, still reeling from Friday's school shooting that left ten people dead. It was the nation's 22nd school shooting this year. Sadly there have been more deaths in our schools in 2018 than in our military. The Galveston County Sheriff says the entire incident lasted 30 minutes, including a 25-minute exchange of gunfire between police and the shooter. The suspect telling police, he spared some people, so they could tell his story. The mother of one victim, 16- year-old Shana Fisher, says her daughter rejected the suspect's advances for months.


SADIE BAZE, DAUGHTER SHANA FISCHER KILLED IN SHOOTING: My daughter was going up to my mother and telling my mom the past four months and my brother that he had been making advances on her and that she finally stood up to him, because her younger sister was being bullied in school. And she was showing her look, this is what you do. You have to stand up to him and tell him that say no. It is not right.


BRIGGS: There was a funeral prayer service Sunday for one of the shooting victims, Sabika Sheikh, was the 17-year-old exchange student from Pakistan. Listen to the President of the Islamic society of greater Houston.


M.J. KHAN, PRESIDENT ISLAMIC SOCIETY OF GREATER HOUSTON: All of you young people sitting in the audience, don't look at the Austin or Washington to solve your problems. You must solve your problems yourself. Take the lead from those students in Florida. They stood up and they said no more.


BRIGGS: Authorities say the guns used by the suspect were legally owned by his father. Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo, asked if the father should face legal consequences.


ART ACEVEDO, HOUSTON POLICE CHIEF: Anyone who owns a firearm who doesn't secure it probably and it ends up in the wrong hands and used to kill innocent people that should carry some significant consequences. We need to think about that on a national level across these country.


BRIGGS: Chief Acevedo also posting these comments on Facebook, quote, I know some have strong feelings about gun rights, but I want you to know I hit rock bottom. This is not a time for prayers and study and inaction. It is time for prayers, action and the asking of God's forgiveness for our inaction. Especially the elected official that ran to the cameras today, acting on a solemn manner, called for prayers and will once again will do absolutely nothing. Many officials, including politicians are still pointing fingers at video games, broken families, too many school entrances, but not more guns, not fewer guns. Many officials still insisting more teachers need to be armed.


GOV. DAN PATRICK, (R) LIEUTENANT TEXAS: We cannot sit back and say it is the gun. It is us as a nation, George. On this Sunday morning, when we all go to church and pray or go to the synagogue or mosque, or wherever we go, let's look in within ourselves at the nation.

OLIVER NORTH, INCOMING NRA PRESIDENT: And the disease in this case, is not the second amendment. The disease is the youngsters who are steeped in the culture of violence. If you look at what is happened to the young people. Many of these young boys have been on riddling since they were on kindergarten.


[04:40:05] BRIGGS: Their incoming President of the NRA there. President Obama's Education Secretary, Arnie Duncan, thinks, students should boycott schools until stronger gun laws are passed. He say the idea is tragically necessary and ask what if no children went to school until gun laws change to keep them safe? My family is all in, if we can do this at scale. Parents, will you please join us? Since 2009, the United States leads the world with 288 school shootings. Mexico is second with eight. Staggering numbers.

Ahead, the U.S. and China agree to dial back the rhetoric on trade. What each side gives and gets potentially, next.


[04:45:00] BRIGGS: China and the United States calling for a trade cease-fire, at least for now. In a joint statement the U.S. and China announced the initial trade agreement. There are few details, but China significantly increase the U.S. goods it buys. It did not name a dollar amount, but that was a top demand of the Trump administration during trade talks. Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin calls this meaningful progress.


STEVEN MNUCHIN, U.S. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY: We are putting the trade war on hold. So, right now, we have agreed to put the tariffs on hold while we try to execute the framework.


BRIGGS: The U.S. previously threatened tariffs on $150 billion worth of Chinese goods.

Still unknown, the fate of ZTE. That is the Chinese tech giant that was crippled after the U.S. banned it from buying vital U.S. parts. But on a big reversal last week, President Trump suggested saving it. Mnuchin insisting there is no quid pro quo linking ZTE to a trade deal and that the administration is not going easy on ZTE. That is echoed by economic adviser, Larry Kudlow.


LARRY KUDLOW, DIRECTOR, U.S. NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL: If any of the remedies are altered, they are still going to be very, very tough. Do not -- please do not expect ZTE to get off scot free, it ain't going to happen.


BRIGGS: ZTE faces punishment for violating U.S. sanctions and lying about disciplining the employees that were involved.

Venezuela's President, Nicholas Maduro, celebrating his re-election at a victory rally, Sunday after winning another six-year term in the Venezuela Presidential election. His chief rival Henry Falcon, rejected the election as illegitimate citing widespread irregularly. That echoes the sentiments of many countries including the United States. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, calls the election a sham, adding winning Venezuelan people running the. A nation with so much to offer the world. Maduro for his part says he would be open to talks with the quote Empire of the United States.

Secretary of State Pompeo set to unveil the administration plan b for Iran, now that the U.S. pulled out of the nuclear deal. Today's announcement involves the formation of the global coalition to pressure Iran and to negotiating the new security architectures that goes beyond its nuclear program. That includes missile program, support of terrorist, and activities fueling civil wars in Syria and Yemen. Many formal officials, foreign diplomats and analysts doubt a broader agreement can be reached and are skeptical of the administrations interests in pursuing diplomacy with Iran.

Royal wedding may be over, but Harry and Meghan are not going on the honeymoon just yet. Instead the newlyweds are getting to right to work, delaying their trip to begin their royal duties. CNN's Anna Stewart live outside Kensington Palace with more. Good morning to you Anna. Wonderful fascinator over the weekend, very impressed on Saturday. What is the latest?

ANNA STEWART, CNN PRODUCER: Well, you know, hoping that the royal couple are having a quiet day at home after what must have been the most whirlwind weekend ever. And you know this the whole nation now, Dave, suffering the royal wedding blues and I think a collective hangover. Because let me tell you, the Party did not end Saturday. It went through Saturday night and that was through Sunday. A street party in Windsor just yesterday and all the chat was about the royal wedding, all the highlights.

And some of those highlights are people really talking about were the amazing dress that she wore and the veil. The veil which was so long, it is all through down the chapel. It had all 53 flowers of the commonwealth embroiled in to it. The detail was absolutely incredible. Also people discussing of course, Princess Diana and how much she would have loved to have been there. But how she was present in different many ways. Her sister Jane Fellowes gave one of the speeches, one of the reading in the church and then of course later on, we saw Meghan Markle wearing spectacular aqua marine cocktail ring as she left the evening reception and that was from Princess Diana's private collection. We now know that Prince Harry had given that to her.

BRIGGS: All right. You talked about the wedding dress. What else do we know about the fashion? What really stood out over the weekend?

STEWART: Well, you know, I think the bride stood out quite a lot with two fabulous dresses. There was of course Clare Waight Keller Givenchy dress that was just such a breathtaking classic. A dress for the ages, really. And later on, she wore a much more modern style Stella McCartney dress. Any wedding is not complete with her royal majesty. I mean, she nails wedding outfits constantly. She has a favorite dressmaker in lime green. Possibly her favorite color I am now thinking, because that is the same color, she wore for Prince William's wedding. Serena Williams, I have to say, must have lots of advice from a British stylist, because she wore the most beautiful pink gown with a pink fascinator. And as you mentioned, fascinators are very in here. And she also later on wore a Valentino gown, which we now know she wear (inaudible) underneath, sense of a lady.

[04:50:04] And Oprah Winfrey. Oprah Winfrey looked fab in that pale pink dress. You might of course she plan it in advance, no, no, she was actually due to wear a beige dress and last minute decided, it would look too white in photographs. She had Stella McCartney's team working all night to make her that outfit. And she actually tweet -- Instagram in a more to say, thank you so much for all of the hard work. A very last minute. And a female class so I actually think for Brit (inaudible) -- I think they played us at all fascinator game. Even better than (inaudible), they looked fabulous, it was Abby (inaudible) who I think actually was my favorite dressed guest of the whole day. What was your favorite, Dave?

BRIGGS: Oh well, Good fellas, because David Beckham was rocking it. Look, the ladies looked glorious. Don't get me wrong, but David Beckham can bring it. You know, I mean the guys don't get to work on fascinator -- a big dress or --

STEWART: I thought you were going to say me with my fascinator, Dave. That was the wrong answer.

BRIGGS: I did gave you credit there in the intro. I just thought Beckham looked awfully good. George Clooney looked more casual than I expected. But we could go on, unfortunately we are out of time, Anna, thanks.

All right ahead, "Saturday Night Live" with some parting shots for President Trump. Highlights from a star-studded finale, next.


BRIGGS: 4:55 Eastern Time. A rare attack by a cougar leaving one mountain biker dead and another hospitalized in Washington State. Authorities say the man who survived told them the cougar appeared to be stalking them before it suddenly charged. He says he hit the animal in the head with his mountain bike and it ran into the woods. As they were catching their breath and getting back on their bikes, the cougar returned.


CAPTAIN ALAN MYERS, WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE: At one point that the victim reported that his whole head was inside the jaws of the cougar. And as the injuries to go along with that report.


BRIGGS: That man Isaac Sederbaum tried to fight off the cougar his friend ran. The animal then led him go, and chase and killed the friend identified as S.J. Brooks. Sheriff's deputies later found the cougar standing on top of the victim's body. The animal was later euthanized.

Hawaii's big island residents facing a new danger this morning. Laze. Now the term combines the word lava and haze. The toxic combination that results from hot lava mixing with the cold ocean. Lava crossed Highway 137 late Saturday night and entered the Pacific. Laze can cause lung, eye and skin irritation and can be fatal. For residents further inland, officials report dangerous sulfur dioxide emissions have tripled. The Kilauea volcano erupted at least twice this weekend. At one point, launching a cloud of ash up to 10,000 feet high.

SNL wrapping up its 43rd season with the star-studded open and the nod to the final scene of "The Sopranos." Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So Rudy, did you go on Fox News last night?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 20 times. I told them you were openly colluding with Russia, but then I said, so what.

They said I would get 20 years unless I give you up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I heard jail's fun.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. It's like camp. Plus there's a free gym. Dude, you will get jacked.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They even have programs in jail where you can get a real law degree.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, you can always come visit.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I would, but golf. So where is Eric?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He is still parallel parking outside.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Good news. You know that woman who is suing you for groping and defaming her? I found a guy who is willing to threaten her kids.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That is sounds great, Michael. Am I the only one that sees that guy?



Don't stop believing hold on to that feeling sweet life oh don't stop --


BRIGGS: Robert Mueller lurking and looming.

4:58 and check on CNN Money this morning. Global stocks and U.S. futures are higher today, rallying after Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin said the U.S. and China are putting their trade war on hold. Both countries announcing initial trade agreement. Neither will impose new tariffs. And China will significantly increase the U.S. goods at buys, a top demand of the Trump administration. Wall Street closed lower Friday, thanks to the bond markets. The tenure treasury yield near seven year high that is sparking concerns about the rising inflation and faster interest rate hikes.

Tax cuts left America -- corporate America flush with cash. And that sparked a record setting buy-back boom during the first three months of 2018. S&P500 companies spent a whopping $178 billion buying back their own stock. That tops the previous record set in 2007 just before the great recession. But companies are not just rewarding shareholders. They are also spending more on things like, factories and equipment. Otherwise known as capital spending. $166 billion during the first quarter alone. A 24 percent jump. Unlike buybacks capital spending helps the broader economy.