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Early Start with John Berman and Zoraida Sambolin

Impeachment Debate Stretches Into Early Morning; U.S. Case of Coronavirus Confirmed; Hillary Clinton Walks Back Claim About Sanders; Jeter Heads to Hall of Fame, Narrowly Misses Unanimous Vote. Aired 4- 4:30a ET

Aired January 22, 2020 - 04:00   ET




JOHN ROBERTS, CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE UNITED STATES: I think it is appropriate at this point for me to admonish both the House managers and the president's counsel --


CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN ANCHOR: Rules for the president's impeachment trial are set after 13 long hours. What changes and what stays the same from the original plan.

LAURA JARRETT, CNN ANCHOR: The first confirmed case in the United States of the fast-spreading coronavirus. More than 400 sick in China. Top officials meeting today.

ROMANS: Hillary Clinton walking back her claim she might not back Bernie Sanders if he's the nominee. What the whole mess means for his supporters.

JARRETT: And Derek Jeter is heading to the Hall of Fame. Somehow only 99.7 percent of voters agree.

Welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. This is EARLY START. Thanks so much for joining us this morning. I'm Laura Jarrett.

ROMANS: And I'm Christine Romans. Good morning. It is Wednesday, January 22nd, 4:00 a.m. in New York. Twelve days not to the Iowa caucuses.

At least one thing is guaranteed for today's opening arguments at President Trump's impeachment trial -- 100 senators will be there, and they will be exhausted. House managers prosecuting the case and the Trump defense team did not finish sparring over the rules for the Senate trial until nearly 2:00 a.m., just two hours ago. After 13 hours, patience was wearing thin, and tempers were hot.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) JAY SEKULOW, PRESIDENT TRUMP'S PERSONAL ATTORNEY: The chairman of the Judiciary Committee, at this body on the floor of this Senate, said executive privilege and other nonsense. Is that the way you view the United States Constitution? Because that's not the way it was written, that is not the way it's interpreted, and that's not the way the American people should have to live.


JARRETT: Things became so heated. Perhaps the most notable moment of the night came as Chief Justice John Roberts tried to cool things down.


ROBERTS: I think it is appropriate at this point for me to admonish both the House managers and the president's counsel in equal terms to remember that they are addressing the world's greatest deliberative body.

One reason it has earned that title is because its members avoid speaking in a manner and using language that is not conducive to civil discourse. I don't think we need to aspire to that high a standard, but I do think those addressing the Senate should remember where they are.


JARRETT: Democrats offered 11 amendments to the rules, all of them voted down, ten along straight party lines. Susan Collins of Maine crossed the aisle once, voting to give senators more time to respond to motions.

Among the amendments rejected -- well, subpoenas for testimony or documents from the White House, the State Department, the Budget Office, Trump's chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, and former national security adviser John Bolton.

ROMANS: At 1:50 a.m., senators voted to adopt the rules which changed a bit from the initial proposal.

CNN has learned moderate and conservative Republican senators raised objections to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's original plan. Under revised rules, both sides will now have three days for 24 of opening arguments instead of having to pack it into two days. And evidence from the House will automatically be entered into the Senate trial instead of requiring a separate vote.

JARRETT: To call this process partisan would be an understatement. At Bill Clinton's Senate trial, Republicans and Democrats negotiated rules which were accepted by a vote of 100-0. This time, Republicans are standing in the way of new witnesses and documents despite what Senator McConnell told CNN in 1999.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY): My view was that we were entitled to witnesses. I voted for live witnesses, myself. Had my vote prevailed, there'd have been live witnesses. I would have been prepared to vote for whatever the House managers wanted in terms of putting on their trial.


JARRETT: And in a twist overnight, an email dump from the Budget Office shows why Democrats are precisely focused on documents and witnesses. Republican lawmakers are shown asking about the Ukraine aid back in August when reports first emerged the aid was being upheld or held up. Four Republicans would have to now join Democrats to subpoena additional evidence. Some Republicans who voted down amendments yesterday have signaled openness to hearing from John Bolton later on.

ROMANS: Well, the president, President Trump, on trial here but ending his visit to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in a few hours. That hasn't stopped him from railing against the punishment trial.

CNN's Jeremy Diamond traveling with the president. He is live for us in Davos.


And the president with a speech many thought -- many of the attendees there thought was precisely meant for an American audience.

What are we expecting this morning?

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, when the president woke up this morning, Christine, that debate on the floor of the Senate was still ongoing between the president's legal team and the House impeachment managers. So, when the president woke up, we saw him wasting no time, quickly firing off dozens of tweets and retweets. You know, assailing Democrats for the case that they were making on the floor of the Senate and boosting many of his surrogates and supporters including those in the Senate, those Senate Republicans who he is counting on to ultimately acquit him of these impeachment charges.

Now, we know that the president was busy in meetings yesterday. He had meetings with several foreign leaders. He has several more today including with the Iraqi president as well, as with the head of the Kurdistan regional government. But the president was certainly keeping tabs on this impeachment proceeding happening in the Senate.

The White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said yesterday that the president would be continually briefed by staff. And this morning, we heard from the president himself who said that he was pleased with the case that his legal team is making on the floor of the Senate. So, so far, that's what we've seen.

Now, listen, we're certainly going to hear from the president later on in the day as he sits down for those meetings with world leaders. And perhaps he'll offer more comments on these impeachment proceedings -- Christine, Laura.

ROMANS: All right. Jeremy Diamond for this morning in Davos -- thanks, Jeremy.

JARRETT: Well, the fast-spreading coronavirus has top officials at the World Health Organization calling an emergency meeting in Geneva now. The death toll up to nine in China, with 440 affected. Officials in Washington state confirming the first case of the virus here in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control activating an emergency operations center and has increased travel precautions as screenings are being stepped up in New York, Chicago, and Atlanta.

Cases have already been confirmed in South Korea, Thailand, and Japan, with suspected cases under investigation in Australia. That's sparking fears of a possible pandemic.

ROMANS: All right. Hillary Clinton reversing course after her scathing takedown of Bernie Sanders. In an interview with "The Hollywood Reporter," the former secretary of state refused to commit to backing Sanders if he wins the nomination.

She insisted, quote, nobody likes him. She said it's not only him, it's the culture around him, it's his leadership team, it's his prominent supporters, it's his online Bernie Bros and their relentless attacks on lots of his competitors, particularly the women. And I really hope people are paying attention to that because it should be worrisome that he's permitted this culture, not only permitted, he seems to be very much supporting it.

JARRETT: Asked if she would support Sanders if he wins the nomination, Clinton responded, quote, I'm not going to go there yet.

Well, after a few hours of criticism, Clinton is ready to go there. Ms. Clinton now saying, quote, the number-one priority for our country and world is retiring Trump. And as I have, I -- I will do whatever I can to support our nominee.

Clinton and her supporters believe Sanders' refusal to drop out of the race and support her until the summer of 2016 helped Donald Trump win the presidency.

Sanders is not commenting on Clinton's remarks. He says he's focused on going forward and defeating the most dangerous president in American history.

ROMANS: All right. The tariff man is back. President Trump renewed his threat to put high tariffs on European cars.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If we're unable to make a deal, we will have to do something because we've been treated for badly as a country for many, many years on trade. If they're fair, we're not going to have a problem.

(END VIDEO CLIP) ROMANS: The same time, Trump and the French President Emanuel macron have agreed to a temporary trade truce, avoiding tariffs on French wine. Trump had threatened a new tariff on wine and champagne to punish France for attacks on digital services. Trump said he had a good conversation with Macron on the digital tax, and the U.S. very happy with the result. He didn't give specifics.

Other French products like Dutch ovens and Hermes bags and cheese were in line for the new tariffs. But wine received the bulk of the focus. 25 percent tariff on French wine remains in place due to a separate trade dispute related to Airbus. French officials said the two sides will hold off on potential tariffs until the end of the year.

JARRETT: I don't want to give up wine or handbags.

ROMANS: You will have to pay for it, will have to pay more.

JARRETT: Well, we've all seen parents take things to seriously. We care about our kids. But one dad in North Carolina took his son's wrestling match way too seriously.



JARETT: A major election year issue off the Supreme Court's docket for now. The justices turning a request from House Democrats to speed up review of a lower court decision that struck down a key part of the Affordable Care Act. Back in December, an appellate panel in New Orleans sided with Trump administration and several red states, finding Obamacare's individual mandate was unconstitutional. But the judges didn't invalidate the entire law while appeals have continued on.

Democrats want to get the issue in front of the Supreme Court right now as it's upheld previous challenges to the Obamacare. But the practical effect of Tuesday's punt by the high court now pushes off any action until after the 2020 election.

ROMANS: Opening arguments are scheduled today in New York. Prosecutors begin trying Harvey Weinstein this morning. The 67-year- old former movie mogul faces charges he raped one woman and forcibly performed oral sex on another. Weinstein's attorneys have said they'll introduce correspondence between Weinstein and the women to prove all the sex was consensual. At least 100 women have accused Weinstein since bombshell stories in "The New York Times" and "The New Yorker."

JARRETT: Officials in Oakland are moving to address the city's homeless crisis by banning criminal background checks on renters applying for public and private housing. The city counsel is giving anonymous approval to the Fair Chance House Ordinance.


It prohibits landlords from rejecting a potential tenant because of a prior criminal conviction and from inquiring about criminal history. Supporters say will help former inmates reintegrate, hold a job, and

provide for their families instead of adding to Oakland's homeless population.

ROMANS: Yes, that's a dad decking a kid. Chaos at a high school wrestling match in North Carolina. A parent rushing from the stands and tackling a teenager competing against his son and had just dropped him headfirst to the mat.

Barry Lee Jones was arrested and charged with assault and disorderly conduct. His son's wrestling team posted an apology saying they were shocked by the inconceivable action of one parent. The wrestler attacked was not injured.

Look, I get supporting your kid, but wow -- some of that --

JARRETT: Can you imagine you're in the stand and you see a dad run out and do that to your kids?

ROMANS: Some of that -- you know, just sports -- just sports craziness on the sidelines.

JARRETT: Yes. That's -- that takes it too far.

Well, another company pledging to change behavior to tackle the climate crisis.



JARRETT: All right. Listen to this one -- a most unusual heads-up from the National Weather Service. Watch out for falling iguanas in South Florida. Forecasters warning people about frozen iguanas falling from trees due to extreme cold temperatures. They say iguanas often sleep in trees, and they can't handle the cold. So, when their bodies go dormant, they appear to fall from the sky on to the streets, cars, pools, or people just walking by.

ROMANS: Ozzy Osbourne announcing he has Parkinson's disease. The 71- year-old rock and roll legend breaking the news to Robin Roberts on "Good Morning America." He says making the announcement was like a weight being lifted.


ROBIN ROBERTS, "GOOD MORNING AMERICA": What do you want Ozzy's fans to know?

OZZY OSBOURNE, ROCK AND ROLL LEGEND: Oh, I feel better now due to the fact that I have a case of Parkinson's. I just hope they hang on and they're there for me because I need them.


ROMANS: Osbourne says he's undergoing treatment for the disease and his fans shouldn't count him out.

JARRETT: An ugly brawl at college basketball. It happened last night at the end of a blowout win by Kansas over Kansas State. A blocked shot by the Jayhawks' Silvio De Sousa followed by a taunt triggered a wild fight that spilled into the crowd. Look at that. Several punches were thrown. It took arena staff, coaches, police officers, and even a few cheerleaders to break up the melee. No word yet from the Big 12 conference about possible suspensions.

ROMANS: Starbucks joining a growing list of companies reducing their carbon footprints. The coffee giant hopes to cut carbon emissions by 50 percent by the year 2030. Starbucks says cuts will come from its operations and huge supply chain but didn't offer details yet. The company set two other targets -- 50 percent of the water used for operations and coffee production will be conserved or replenished, and a 50 percent cut in waste sent to landfills.

You know, they have something like 3.8 billion, 3.9 billion hot beverage cups that they release into the environment every year. So, they've also got a coffee cup problem. But -- good to see companies trying to figure out how to reduce their footprint.

JARRETT: Yes, hopefully, to put that in context a little bit.


JARRETT: Well, Rutgers University has named the first black president in the school's 254-year history. Jonathan Holloway was appointed by unanimous vote. He becomes the 21st president of Rutgers and says he was drawn to the job because of the university's excellence and its ambition to conduct life-changing research.

Holloway talked about a phone call he made to his now-deceased mother 29 years ago. He was in graduate school back then and wanted to discuss what he thought was a potential job offer from Rutgers.


JONATHAN HOLLOWAY, PRESIDENT-ELECT, RUTGERS UNIVERSITY: And somehow I was able to ignore the fact that I was only in my third semester at my doctoral program. And in retrospect, I'm quite certain that Professor Lewis wasn't offering me anything at that time.

And as we've come to know, I'm the kind of person whom hope always springs eternal. And wouldn't you know it -- I'm going to get through this moment.


HOLLOWAY: No, no, no, no, no.

And wouldn't you know it, this time my hope paid off. Mom, I got the job.



JARRETT: Holloway succeeds Robert Barchi who has served as president of Rutgers since 2012. He leaves the post in July.

ROMANS: Brigham Young University in Salt Lake City waving a rule that bans same-sex ballroom dance while it hosts the U.S. national dance sport championships in March.

The women-run school normally prohibits all forms of physical intimacy that give expression to homosexual feelings. In this case, BYU says it will follow National Dance Council of America rules. Before BYU's announcement, one pair of opposite sex competitors had planned to boycott the championship as a protest.


But Katerina and Xingmin Lu say they will attend.

JARRETT: A big congratulations in order for Derek Jeter. The legendary New York Yankee, a first ballot Hall of Famer. Jeter falling just one short of the unanimous election to Cooperstown.


DEREK JETER, ELECTED TO HALL OF FAME CLASS OF 2020: I was speechless when I got the call. Everyone said anticipate a phone call coming at such and such time. But quite frankly, I was pretty nervous.

This is something that's very difficult. You're talking about one percent of the players that have ever played this game getting to the Hall of Fame, so it's very humbling.


JARRETT: Also joining Jeter in the class of 2020, Larry Walker, the outfield great who played for three teams in his 17-year career. Made it in his tenth and final year on the ballot. Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens continue their slow climb in Hall of Fame voting but tainted by steroid allegations both remain well short of what's needed for induction.

ROMANS: All right. Opening statements in the president's impeachment trial are hours away. If debate over rules was any indication, this is going to be a rough ride, so rough the chief justice chastised both sides.