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Early Start with John Berman and Zoraida Sambolin

Biden Set to Announce New CDC Masking Guidance Today; Sheriff Shows 20 Seconds of Bodycam Video to Brown's Family; New Census Data Shifts Power Away from Big Population Centers; COVID Surge Overwhelms India's Hospitals and Crematoriums. Aired 5-5:30a ET

Aired April 27, 2021 - 05:00   ET



CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN ANCHOR: Are the days of masks outside about to be a thing of the past? Updated CDC guidelines for the fully vaccinated expected today.

LAURA JARRETT, CNN ANCHOR: Just 20 seconds of family left with even more questions after watching only a tiny clip of footage of Andrew Brown's death at the hands of police.

ROMANS: And major shift of political power in the U.S. New census data means big changes in the South and the West and some losses elsewhere.

Welcome to our viewers in the United States and all around the world. We have reports this morning from the White House, India, North Carolina, Moscow, Mexico City and Tokyo, as only CNN can.

This is EARLY START. I'm Christine Romans.

JARRETT: It's a mouthful.

ROMANS: It is.

JARRETT: I'm Laura Jarrett. It's Tuesday, April 27th, it's 5:00 a.m. here in New York.

Just in time for summer, there are signs this morning on the rules of who needs to wear a mask outside are about to relax or at least be adjusted.

Later today, President Biden is expected to announce the CDC is updating its guidance. Several new recommendations are expected for people who are fully vaccinated.

CNN's Jasmine Wright is live at the White House for us this morning.

Jasmine, good morning to you.

What should we expect, masks out the door?

JASMINE WRIGHT, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: Well, that's one of the things that we will be learning today. President Biden will be addressing the pandemic just a day before he is set to give that big joint session address to Congress tomorrow. But today, he is going to be talking about the pandemic and CNN has learned that he's expected to announce new guidance on whether Americans should be wearing masks outdoors.

Now, Laura, let's just be really clear about something, we don't know yet what he's going to say but we do know that this comes at a time where Americans have been now one year into this pandemic, I'm sure I don't of to remind anyone and there is mask fatigue happening and those who are now vaccinated nearly one half -- excuse me, nearly 50 percent of Americans have at least one dose, right? They're asking, do I need to still be wearing my mask outdoors?

But the problem is, Laura, that while those American adults are vaccinated, children are not. We're not giving the vaccine to children right now, which leads to parents asking, okay, if I'm outdoors, not wearing my mask, going out, what am I going to bring home to my children?

Now, Richard Besser addressed this argument last night. Take a listen.


DR. RICHARD BESSER, FORMER ACTING CDC DIRECTOR: I worry when I see states already declaring that the pandemic is over, that we have victory over the pandemic given that there are no vaccines for anyone younger than 16. It's very important that we keep the measures in place that public health says is essential to reduce transmission to help protect children until there are vaccines for kids as well.


WRIGHT: So one thing is that now FDA is looking at whether or not they can give Pfizer vaccine to children 12 to 15. We don't have the answer on that yet nor do we have what President Biden is going to say today, but we will be looking out -- Laura.

JARRETT: All right. Jasmine, thanks so much. All eyes on the details today.

ROMANS: All right. To North Carolina now where people are running out of patience in Elizabeth City.


PROTESTERS: Hands up! Don't shoot! Hands up! Don't shoot!


ROMANS: There were protests into the night after Andrew Brown's family had their first look at bodycam video of his shooting by police. Brown was killed six days ago by sheriff's deputies attempting to serve him an arrest warrant. The county sheriffs says it all happened in less than 30 seconds and body cameras are shaky and sometimes hard to decipher. JARRETT: Yeah, still very few details here and no video has been

publicly released. A group of media outlets including CNN are asking a judge to release the body cam footage. That petition will be heard tomorrow. The state and sheriffs say they will follow the judge's order.

CNN's Brian Todd is in North Carolina for us.


BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Christine and Laura, the Brown family and their attorneys are angry. They are frustrated. They're upset over what they say is kind of manipulation and a lack of transparency by the Pasquotank County Attorney Michael Cox, the sheriffs and others who are controlling the release of this bodycam footage.

They are, of course, disappointed because they only got to see 20 seconds worth of that footage and they say it doesn't give them enough answers. They believe there is a lack of transparency here, that they are not being treated with the respect they deserve in this process.

Here is some of what the attorneys had to say after they viewed that 20 seconds of footage.

CHANTEL CHERRY-LASSITER, BROWN FAMILY ATTORNEY: Let's be clear, this was an execution. Andrew Brown was in his driveway, the sheriff trapped -- blocked him in his driveway so he could not exit his driveway.

Andrew had his hands on his steering wheel.


He was not reaching for anything. He was not touching anything. He was not throwing anything around. He had his hands firmly on the steering wheel. They run up to his vehicle shooting.

TODD: So in addition to their descriptions of this and their -- and the consternation at not being able to see more of this footage, the attorneys did give us some detail of what they saw. Brown family attorney Chantel Lassiter told us that at least six or seven deputies are seen on the footage firing at Andrew Brown's car, is that it does show that he was trying to get away from them but he was also trying not to harm them, he were trying to get around them, they said as he was trying to exit the scene.

And they said several deputies were firing, they were using -- some were using handguns, some using automatic weapons. So, there does seem to be in their minds quite a lot of shooting that took place here as Andrew Brown had his hands on the wheel they say and was trying to get away -- Christine and Laura.


ROMANS: All right. Brian, thank you so much for that. OK, 89 people short, that's all it took for New York to lose a

congressional seat, 89 people. New data from the 2020 census shifting the balance of power in this country for the next decade. Six of the ten biggest states will lose a House seat. California losing a house seat for the first time ever, notably five states that voted for President Biden will lose seats, California gains two. Only two states that voted for Trump will lose a seat.

JARRETT: Democrats currently hold a slim majority in the House and Republicans have a strong grip on redrawing district maps to help them consolidate power.

None of this lost on former Attorney General Eric Holder who now runs the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.


ERIC HOLDER, FORMER ATTORNEY GENERAL; NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC REDISTRICTING COMMITTEE: This is all about the Republican acquisition and retention of illegitimate power. That's what this thing is all about.


ROMANS: Yeah, I should say Texas up two, California down one. The reason this redistribution of seats is so crucial because it dictates Electoral College votes. So, if you care about how hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funds are spent on schools, and emergency response, roads, bridges and hospitals, folks, you care about the census.

CNN's Kristen Holmes has more from Washington.


KRISTEN HOLMES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning, Christine and Laura.

Well, there are two big things that we're looking at in this data. We want to break them down. The first is that new population number, the new number they announced yesterday population of the U.S. is 331 million give or take.

Now, the really important thing to note is this is actually the second slowest population growth in U.S. history. The last time it was this low was actually between 1930 and 1940. So, that's something to keep in mind here.

But the other thing we're watching is what this means. These numbers will shape the political landscape for years to come. As we know, the census data is what determines how many congressional seats each state gets. As of yesterday's announcements, there were some winners and losers. Some states that got seats and some that lost congressional seats.

So, let's go through that list here, starting with the gains, the biggest gain was Texas. They gained two seats, the only state that gained two seats. The others, Colorado, Florida, Montana, North Carolina and Oregon, they all gained one seat.

Seven states actually lost seats. Now, those were California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

And what this shows us is that the political power in the United States is shifting from the Northeast, from the Midwest, those Rust Belt states, to the South, to the West. So that's something that we're going to keep in mind here.

Now, the other thing to note is that this fight is far from over. We don't know how exactly these states are going to redirect, where these actual seats are going to go or where they're going to be taken from. So this begins that long battle between Republicans and Democrats as they scramble to try and secure safe congressional seats -- Christine and Laura.


JARRETT: Kristen, thank you for that.

The COVID situation this India spiraling deeper into crisis. Hospitals running out of ICU beds and oxygen. Crematoriums and graveyards overwhelmed.

CNN has a report from New Delhi, next.



JARRETT: India now reporting a slight drop in coronavirus cases the first time in a week, still, more than 320,000 cases reported overnight. India is actually in the middle of an election on top of all of this. Overnight, a court ordered new health precautions be put in place and says India's electoral commission should face murder charges for spreading the virus. The commission has now banned victory processions after results come in Sunday.

ROMANS: The U.S. and U.K. are leading international efforts to help India cope with this COVID crisis. An outbreak among U.S. diplomatic staff in India has killed two locally employed staff and sickened more than 100. Hospitals, they are running out of oxygen and ICU beds and the surge has forced families to wait in line to have the bodies of their loved ones cremated.

CNN's Vedika Sud is on the ground in India.


VEDIKA SUD, CNN REPORTER: These raging fires will continue all day and through the evening. The surge in cases have been so much that there is a waiting really for these bodies to be put on the pile by family members.

There is a queue outside just waiting for the final rights to end for a family member who has died of COVID-19. Body after body being brought into this crematorium in India's

national capital New Delhi that has seen a huge surge not only in cases but fatalities as well. Family members pulling out bodies such as this one from ambulances lined up in this crematorium ground and taking them for cremation. They have grown up with these people, they have lived with them and now it's time to say their final good-bye.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): My uncle died at about 11:15 p.m. on April 24th. The hospital didn't inform us.


When we called the help desk, we were told he is no more.

SUD: One of the more heartbreaking scenes I witnessed was when a 27- year-old was picking up the ashes of his 49-year-old mother. His brother is still in hospital recovering from COVID-19 while his father has just got home after recovering from infection.

I'm standing outside a COVID emergency ward at a hospital in New Delhi. It is here that a lot of people have been coming and almost begging for beds and oxygen for their loved ones.

If you look at all these cars starting from here almost a dozen of them parked right outside this emergency ward, they are asking just for beds and oxygen which they have been denied, as of now because there are no beds available according to officials inside this hospital. They are all people here, all women, all men, even younger people gasping for breath in these cars just waiting for the one lucky moment where they get a bed inside this facility.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I brought my father here. There are no beds. There are people in the corridors lying on the floor and the very first questions is, show your PCR test, what is the infection rate, am I getting oxygen cylinder? To which -- I heard this is what the hospital will provide.

SUD: Relatives of patients suffering from COVID-19 have been waiting for ambulances also to take them home but these ambulances are being so busy getting patients here or to crematoriums that it's been extremely difficult for them to get the sick ones home after being denied a bed.

Vedika Sud, CNN, New Delhi.


JARRETT: Vedika, thank you so much for bringing us the reality on the ground there.

Still ahead, new leaked audio of Iran's top diplomat. What it reveals the former secretary of state may have said about a key U.S. ally.


[05:21:20] ROMANS: President Donald Trump's signature legislation was 2017 tax cuts, but President Joe Biden actually gave a bigger tax cut to lower income families. That's right, thanks to multiple provisions in the history relief package, Americans earning less than $75,000 a year will pay no tax on average in 2021. A new government report shows people making between $75,000 and $100,000 a year will pay average rate of 1.8 percent.

Back in 2018 when the Republican tax cuts were in effect, lower and middle income tax payers paid an average tax rate of 2.4 percent.

It's important to remember most of the tax breaks, though, in the American Rescue Plan are one-time measures or only last for a year or two. A group of House Democrats have introduce add bill to make the child tax credit permanent. The American Rescue Plan expanded the child tax credit from $2,000 per child per year to as much as $3,600 for a wild 6 and under, $3,000 for older children.

Monthly payments will start going to families in July. The credit is fully refundable for 2021 so more families can take advantage of it. Biden's next proposal, the American families plan is expected to extend that child tax credit until 2025.

JARRETT: The New York Knicks winning streak finally snapped last night at the hands of the Suns.

Andy Scholes has this morning's "Bleacher Report."

Hi, Andy.


So, the New York Knicks for the first time in a long time looked like they could finally make some noise in the playoffs. They had a nine- game winning streak coming into last night's game against the Suns. That's their second longest streak in 25 years but Phoenix would play spoiler. Devin Booker pouring in 33 points and Chris Paul scored seven points in the final 90 seconds to seal the win for Phoenix, A 118-110. Knicks right now in fourth place in the Eastern Conference.

All right. Cavs/Raptors, we had a bizarre play in the third quarter. An official will throw the ball to Kevin Love to inbound the ball but he bats it away, Toronto goes and grabs it and makes an easy three as Love casually walks around. Love did not play the rest of the game after that. He left the court before the final buzzer sounded as well. The Cavs lose that one 112-96.

LeBron James says he will be back with the Lakers soon, he post this had video on Instagram rehabbing his injured ankle. The four-time league MVP has been out of action for longer than a month. Lakers currently in fifth place in the Western conference.

In the meantime, one of LeBron's rookie cards shattered the record for the most valuable basketball card ever sold. The autographed card went for $5.2 million in a private auction. The price tag ties a 1952 tops Mickey Mantle for the most expensive sports card sale of all time. And finally, this guy's rookie card will be a lot one day. Angels star

Shohei Ohtani dominating on both sides of the plate against the Rangers last night. Japanese star got the win on the mount, his first since 2018, and also went two for three at the plate with an RBI double. Angels beat the Rangers 9-4.

Ohtani, the first player to start the game on the mound while leading the league in home runs since Babe Ruth 100 years ago. And, you know, Christine, anytime you can be in a sentence when it says last time since Babe Ruth, you know, you're doing something right.

ROMANS: Yeah, absolutely.

All right, Andy, nice to see you this morning. Thank you, sir.

SCHOLES: All right. President Joe Biden gives his first address to a joint session of Congress.


That's tomorrow night. Join Jake Tapper, Abby Phillip, Dana Bash, Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer for CNN's special live coverage tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m.


JARRETT: Good morning, everyone. This is EARLY START. I'm Laura Jarrett.

ROMANS: Good morning. I'm Christine Romans. It's just about 30 minutes past the hour.

So, how do you sway people who are still hesitant to get vaccinated? Family, friends and maybe Trump. CNN has learned close advisers to the former president are pressing him to make a video urging his followers to get vaccinated.

All the other past presidents joined the effort, taping this pro- vaccine message, but Trump chose to get his vaccine behind closed doors and Trump's hard core supporters have proven.