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First Move with Julia Chatterley

Von Der Leyen: Investment in Ukraine must go Hand-in-Hand with Reforms; "Europe's Future" Conference held as Russia Wages War; Russia Marks Victory Day with Major Military Parade; U.S. April Inflation Data to be Released this Week; Putin Lauds Military in Speech Marking Defeat of Nazi Germany; U2's Bono, the Edge Perform for Ukrainian Troops in Kyiv. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired May 09, 2022 - 09:00   ET



ZAIN ASHER, CNN HOST, FIRST MOVE: European Leaders are now speaking, let's listen.

EMMANUEL MACRON, FRENCH PRESIDENT: In years when even decades, so for Ukraine, as well as other countries, including the Western Balkans, which

haven't yet initiated that accession procedure, the U.K. clearly has chosen itself to leave the European Union.

So I've identified two criteria, which are located to those countries should be in the European area, geographically speaking. And they should

share the set of values which are part of the European Union under those conditions; such country would make real sense.

I don't want to be restrictive in my description of who could join and what his powers would be? But just let me give you some examples, political

coordination and collective security and that's one way of moving towards the construction of the security architecture which the European continent

need so badly.

Energy, we've all seen the effects of energy interdependence in geopolitical terms, infrastructure the need to integrate new regions and

existing reaches in the European Union and the movement of people.

I'm struck by the fact that in many cases, our dealings with countries operate purely through the prism of future accession to the European Union.

But that's to longer term issue. In the meantime, issues such as energy, the future for our young people, transport, infrastructure, and energy, all

of those issues are neglected.

So I think this would be a way of addressing those issues to anchor those countries in Europe, to create links with the European institutions without

over burdening the agenda. So if you don't mind obviously hit my pilgrim stick.

Of course, because I'm very much a secular Pilgrim, despite the long religious history we have here in the Alsace region, but I'll be going to

try to convince the countries and governments in questions that will be of some value to them--

ROBERTA METSOLA, EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT PRESDIENT: --concrete on making sure that it is consistent that for those countries for whom they share and its

citizens share the values and the principles and the fundamentals on which this union is based, and then they should look to Europe as their home.

This is what the Ukrainian people are asking us to do. And I think that we have reacted with such speed, but also our Ukrainian friends have reacted

with speed in order to take the next step. Now, where does that next step, take us, as the President said, there are different levels, different


But for us, it is very clear that when it comes to further integration of countries for whom it is not only in their interest or their wish, but it

is also our interest, and our wish to see Ukraine, at the very heart of Europe, just like, we have to continue to dialogue with our partners in the

Western Balkans and take those next steps. And also, also welcome the applications of Moldova and Georgia.

URSULA VON DER LEYEN, EUROPEAN COMMISSION PESIDENT: We see that Ukraine has a very special situation with a war raging on their so unleashed by Russia.

And if I look forward to the near future, for Ukraine, it is of utmost importance that we will build a reconstruction fund to have investment in


I've discussed with President Zelenskyy, that there will be investment not only through the European Union, but also the international financial

institutions and other international partners in the amount of billions, hundreds of billions of Euros, but this has to go hand in hand with

substantial reforms.

For example, reforms, getting rid of the oligarchs reforms against corruption, and other reforms that are so paramount and necessary in

Ukraine. The good part is, there is an enormous momentum in that country really to move forward with the investment and with the reforms, this might

pave the way in a different way into the European Union.

And therefore, we have to have this very special look to Ukraine. Ukraine is already very close to the European Union. We share, for example, the

electricity grid, just to give you one example that is telling we have a very deep and comprehensive free trade agreement, the association

agreement. So for Ukraine, once again, there is a special path we have to pave in the combination of massive investment and reforms.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Second question --?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank you - from the Italian Newspaper Link - that I have a question for President Macron.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: As the Representative of the Council, would you please explain us how it's possible that the component of the council in the

conference of the future of Europe gave the green light to the final relation without assessing the content on the final relation?

And it seems that many, several member states are quite unhappy with the conclusion of this conference and then a question for all of you, because

actually, I don't know who can answer to this. Has the President Charles Michel been invited to this event? Thank you very much.

MACRON: On the first question, as I said, I have spoken in my capacity as President of the French Republic. And I'm not second guessing the views of

the other members of the council. And as I've already said, we'll have a discussion in the upcoming June Council.

Of course, there are differences of opinion between member states and that is why I've said that if we do wish to move towards a convention on the

base of the conference, then we're going to have to look closely define the framework and the terms of reference, I'm not going to go predefined the

conclusions. But I am going to put in place a framework for the process.

That is my view. But it is not my job as president in office to try and formally consult or engage the European Council. We will have a discussion

of all of that in June. Now, this is all about the procedure, and the dynamic, if I can put it this way.

If we're going to reform the treaties, and everybody will have to be on board, if we are going to make progress, then I think that the way forward

is via the treaty, so we will have to have a structured dialogue.

And we've already started in some regard. So we'll wait as I say until June. And I think that it is this formula that we have been employing over

the last year and nobody has been not invited as such. But I think it was clear to Charles Michel, that it was the presidency in office along with

the Commission and the parliament that were involved. And it was, of course, Prime Minister Kosta, who was here at the outset and vice versa


METSOLA: The idea that we keep the format that we had last year or so constitutionally, but of course, all these discussions we will have in the

European Council next month, and the positions of the institutions will be clarified and that's what the position also that I will bring in that

European Council is one of the parliament.

LEYEN: I think this is a very special moment, because what you see is that this outstanding conference on the future of Europe with 49 proposals and

300 measures, gave to us an offer to work with it within the limits of a treaty or beyond.

And what is so special at this moment is that we are taking this momentum from the conference on the future of Europe to show openness to a

convention or the question of how are we going to deal with the treaties? And this openness this is a dynamic we should use.

There's a lot of hard work to do. And very structured progress, if you look into the treaties, how a convention for example, is to be decided upon, but

I really cherish the moment of real momentum of European spirit to move forward indefinitely.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One last question down here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Good morning, - for TF1 television. My question is for you President Macron. 9th May, that's an important day of course, here in

Strasburg. I'm thinking back to what happened in Moscow this morning. Those differences demonstrate that we're talking about two entirely different

models to different difference of the world.

What do you think about what President Vladimir Putin said this morning speech? In particular, what do you intend to do to ensure that what he's

said be taken seriously bring the horrors of war to an end?

MACRON: Thank you. I think we've shown very, two very different faces of the 9th May, volunteer demons classroom. On the one hand, there was a clear

desire to dominate using violence to hold a bellicose warrior like speech.

Whereas here we've seen abroad based citizen's group working together to imagine and design the future of the European Parliament and the European

Union, together with the language of peace, reconciliation and the music, which goes with that. So those are two entirely different approaches,


The European project emerged from war, and that's something we should never forget. Moreover it was born out of our desire to avoid any recurrence of

that war.


MACRON: So this desire for peace stability and I would add social justice and environmental ambition is a project which we have to continue building.

We have to make it more democratic more sovereign and that's one of the main conclusions of this conference. And we will build on those


President Putin, I don't like commenting on other leaders. But when it comes to adopting a warlike stance, we are clearly on Ukraine's side. We

are here to help the people of Ukraine and the country to resist; we're there to help them with humanitarian needs and to take in refugees.

We also continue to take sanctions against Russia, with a view to stopping its war. And we also intend to act responsibly to bring about a ceasefire,

while averting the danger of the conflict spreading elsewhere in Europe.

In the future, however, we will have to rebuild peace, let's never forget that. I said it beforehand. We have to rebuild peace around a table with

both Russia and Ukraine. And the terms of those discussions will be defined by Russia and Ukraine.

But we would never achieve anything by denying the existence of one of the partners or excluding them. So after 1945, Europe's effort communication on

one part of it, and the same happened again, post 1989. We know that the next few weeks and months will be difficult, but we are there for the

partners. And we intend to be to show the same level of determination, as we have, historically speaking.

What we have to do now is ensure that from now on, we can act decisively taking strong decisions which will further strengthen Europe to make it

indestructible so that we can continue supporting Ukraine.

METASOLA: --is that what you see before you is three classes that represent different institutions that came together today with a common message that

not only are we here to listen, but it's now our responsibility to take it forward?

Yes, we are in the context of a war in Europe, who would have told us one year ago when this conference was launched. But it is because we are in the

situation that we need to take this opportunity to be able to give the responses that we need some will require changes in the treaty, some will

require political will and coming together stronger than we have ever been before.

Some will require difficult decisions, but this parliament and the institutions are ready to take that forward. And we have a responsibility

within the context in the face of being threatened being blackmailed by Russia, especially on this day, that this is a message of peace that we

give back in the message of solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and the commitment to work and take the this project forward.

LEYEN: I think that today speaks volumes, and it speaks for itself. On the one hand, you see an autocrat, Vladimir Putin in Moscow, and he has had his

military parade. This is the only thing he has to offer his people.

And then on the other hand, here in the European Parliament, you see a celebration of democracy, you've got 27 member states, you've got 24

different languages, you've got representatives of 450 million people who have enjoyed free debate and the exchange of ideas about our democracy.

And I think that that is our strength, because behind this freedom, we have our economic cloud. And that is why today was such a decisive one. Thank

you very much to all of you.

ASHER: All right, a press conference there being led by three clear leaders in Europe. You've got the French President Emmanuel Macron, Roberta

Metsola, European Parliament President and of course, Ursula Von Der Leyen, European Commission President as well, wrapping up Europe's Future

Conference in Strasbourg, France there.

They talked about a message of unity among European leaders in terms of this war with Russia and Ukraine, saying that they are clearly of course on

Ukraine's side, especially in terms of how they're implementing sanctions against Russia. They touched on Ukraine's long standing goal to be part of

the block to be part of the European Union.

And this idea by Ursula Von Der Leyen that countries that share the bloc's values like Ukraine should be much more welcomed into the bloc and they

would welcome applications from both Moldova and Georgia as well.

I'm going to bring in International Diplomatic Editor Nic Robertson. And he's joining us live now from Finland, so Nic that you were listening to

that press conference as well what stood out to you?


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yes, the idea that there actually are some differences in the way the leadership wants to move

forward. President Macron has been perhaps one of the European Union Leaders who's put the brakes on expansion, particularly if we go back a

couple of years ago, talking about the Western Balkans, Bosnia Herzegovina for example.

This has been an area where Emmanuel Macron, the expansion of the European Union has been a bit of a holdout compared to other nations. And I think

you've got a sense of that, particularly listening to Ursula Von Der Leyen.

Of course, there's unity, of course, there's the unity that Ukraine should be put on a path and helped along the path to admission. President Macron

said that was clear. But I think the notion here, that the European Union is a year ago, submitted itself to this discussion of what it would take

to, you know, to bring in more nations, to the European Union.

And some have felt that that was not the right time. Macron was one of those has sort of come up as now hit upon a moment in history, where

actually it's incumbent on them, and there's a huge amount of pressure upon them to bring in Ukraine faster.

But the terms of doing it is to meet the European Union standards to share those democratic values. But as one of the speakers there I'm listening, so

I can't see, but I think it was Ursula Von Der Leyen said that, you know, in the case of Ukraine, getting rid of the oligarchs, it is going to be a

difficult path forward for the European Union as a whole of all the nations to come to this agreement.

So I think that's what stood out to me that, you know, this was a discussion, but now it's much more pertinent and much more pressing. But

it's underway, but it did, as you know, as President Macron there as France holds the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

He in a way and perhaps being the sort of most established European Union Leader as well, sort of tries to set the direction and it's not quite where

some of the others want to follow.

ASHER: Right, Nic Robertson live first us there, thank you so much! All right, still to come here on "First Move" a show of military might in Red

Square Russia celebrating the Victory Day parade there in Moscow a live report from Moscow as well. Plus workers flooding past barriers and

clashing with security guards in Shanghai as the city further tightens its COVID lockdown measures the latest next.



ASHER: Welcome back, Russian President Vladimir Putin reiterating his claim that his actions in Ukraine are a forced response to Western policies.


VLADIMIR PUTIN, RUSSIAN PRESIDENT: We could see how military infrastructure was being developed? How hundreds of foreign advisors were at work, regular

supplies of the most modern weapons from NATO. Danger was increasing every day. Russia repelled this aggression in a preventive way. And this was the

only correct decision and it was a timely decision.


ASHER: CNN's Matthew Chance is live for us in Moscow. I want to remind our viewers that Russia has introduced strict laws regarding how the conflict

in Ukraine is described, and also has prohibited the broadcasts of information it regards as the fall. So Matthew, you out this Victory Day

parade you were in the VIP section, just set the scene for us. Tell us what you heard and what you saw?

MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: That's right. Well, I was - we got an invite this year to be in the stands. And so it gave me a

sort of bird's eye view, up close view of this always very spectacular display of Russian military might of Russian national pride.

And it's particularly poignant, of course this year, because it comes against the backdrop of that brutal conflict that is taking place in

Ukraine. And, you know, Vladimir Putin in his speech, which he makes every year to this parade, said that, as you mentioned, that Russia was facing an

imminent threat.

And that it had to act defensively and preemptively and so yet, again, you gave these justifications are offering no support for them, I have to say,

for the military campaign in Ukraine, what Russia calls its special military operation.

And that's been rejected, of course, by Ukraine, and its allies. It was also a spectacular, sort of, you know, bit of theater as well, because you

saw 11,000 troops marching in step with each other across the Cobbles of Red Square that was followed by a display of Russian military hardware,

including tanks and rocket launchers and even intercontinental ballistic missiles.

So the full array almost of Russia's arsenal, there was meant to be an air display as well. But because of bad weather, we're told by the Kremlin, and

it was very cloudy out there today and rainy out in Moscow, that dimension of the parade was canceled.

And so it was a bit more muted, a bit smaller than we'd anticipated. There's also been quite a lot of anticipation Vladimir Putin, the Russian

President was going to use this parade, as an opportunity to make an important announcement about the special military operation.

As he calls it in Ukraine, maybe it was going to, you know, say it was going to become a foot - make a formal declaration of war, maybe announced

some kind of mobilization of forces to bring extra power to bear on the frontlines there. But none of that happened.

And so, you know, Vladimir Putin held back from doing that at this parade. But there was also nothing that he said nothing that we heard or saw that

would give an indication that Vladimir Putin is or Russia is backing off. And its military objectives inside Ukraine at this stage either Zain.

ASHER: Matthew Chance live for us there. Thank you so much. All right, for more on all of this, I want to bring in Senior Fellow at the Center for

Security Policy, Andrei Illarionov, who joins us live now he's also a Former Chief Economic Adviser to Vladimir Putin.

Andrei, thank you so much for being with us! A lot of people are talking about the fact that this speech was notable more because of what Vladimir

Putin didn't say versus what he actually did say? What are your thoughts on this speech?

ANDREI ILLARIONOV, SENIOR FELLOW CENTER FOR SECURITY POLICY: Great to be with you. I think Matthew is right, by saying that there was no basis

actually to expect that in this particular speech, Putin would make an announcement for either new war, or transformation of the so called special

military operation into real full scale war, or for call for mass mobilization, such speeches on the May 9th parade, it's not for this

practical work.

Those speeches are for making ideological statements. And this speech did serve this particular purpose. This is a very important ideological speech

and through this ideology we can see at least three very important elements and components of the ideology.


ILLARIONOV: I would say ideology of Putinism. The first one is the announcement of new territorial claims to Ukraine. Putin discussed many

names all on the Ukrainian territory, cities and places, and the names of historical figures, who according to put in were fighting on our land, and

this our land in the whole territory of Ukraine.

So Putin was making very clear that he is making claims on the whole territory of Ukraine. Another element of this very notable speech is a very

clear statement of against Ukrainian ethnicity, Ukrainian language and Ukrainian culture.

Why it is so because in the slang of Putin's himself and his propaganda persons, Nazism became a synonym of Ukrainian. And that is why fight

against Nazis or fight with Nazis, it means fight with Ukrainians. So he repeated it six times.

ASHER: Right, he's made that the focus.

ILLARIONOV: Really, yes, so called de-nazification for him. It means de- Ukrainianation of Ukrainian nation. And the last very important point element of this component of this speech is anti-Westernism, anti-

Americanism and anti-Natoism. Never before for 22 years of Putin in power, he made such outrageous claims and attacks on the United States on NATO,

and the whole West.

ASHER: Right. So you point out this idea that this speech was just to, you know, explain and advanced his ideologies. But so how did we get it so

wrong? I mean, a lot of people going back to last week before, we're anticipating that there would be some kind of major announcement when it

comes to this war, some kind of declaration of war, sort of, you know, moving it away from this sort of special military operation to a full blown

declaration of war. How did we all get it so wrong?

ILLARIONOV: I cannot comment on some mistakes made by some other people, experts and observers. But I think this ideological statement is very

important. To some extent, it's even more important than proclamation or real war on mobilization. Because mobilization could be temporal work and


What we can make right now, he proclaim his ideology, which means that he's going to use all possible resources for all foreseeable future without any

limitations to pursue those goals so from this point of view, probably this even more important and more dangerous.

ASHER: A stark warning there. Andrei Illarionov, thank you so much for being with us, Former Chief Economic Adviser to Vladimir Putin. Right stay

with us the market open is next.



ASHER: Welcome back! The opening bell sounding on Wall Street for the first trading day of the week; we have got a lower open for you. The DOW by the

way already down almost 500 points a continuation of last week's selling pressure the fifth straight losing week for the S&P and the NASDAQ.

Rahel Solomon joins us live now. So it was quite the roller coaster ride Rahel, last week, Investors were weighing rising interest rates alongside

the potential for slower economic growth is the volatility rather set to continue this week?

RAHEL SOLOMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It appears so already Zain good morning yes. It was the sixth down week for the DOW when we look at last week's

performances for the major averages I want to point out something both the DOW and the S&P closed fractionally down .2 percent.

The NASDAQ closed lower by 1.5 percent. But to your point Zain they don't necessarily paint the most descriptive picture of what we experienced last

week, which were wild swings in one direction or the next with the NASDAQ especially getting hit hard.

The NASDAQ of course, being the names the most popular high growth tech names like the Meta, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, those names and those tech

names Zain don't tend to do the best and rising rate environments.

We heard from the Fed last week that they were raising a key interest rate a half a percent and more rate hikes are likely on the way. So that's part

of the reason why you're seeing tech get hit especially hard these high growth names.

The question Zain is have we hit a bottom? Or is there more to go? I spent some time last week on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. And just

to provide some perspective when I spoke to traders and asked well what are you hearing? What are you feeling? What are you hearing from your clients

who are calling?

The word they used for me was anxiousness, not necessarily panic, but anxiety in terms of what we're experiencing. By the way, the Fed too,

doesn't know how much more they're going to raise rates? They have said all along that it will be very data dependent in terms of how much they have to

do to try to get inflation under control Zain.

ASHER: And speaking of data, we are expecting a sort of key inflationary report to come out this week. Obviously, for the Fed one of their key

mandates is to make sure that inflation stays roughly around 2 percent. With rising prices, just how is that entire affecting consumer spending


SOLOMON: Well, the consumer is so important, right? It's two thirds of U.S. GDP. So yes, to your point Wednesday, we're going to get a very important

report, CPI Consumer Price Index.

Essentially, how much are the cost of things like milk, eggs, gases included in that going up year-over-year? The last reading was 8.5 percent

that was the fastest pace in 40 years.

Wednesday, the expectation at this point is 8.1. So that would be a slight sort of cooling of inflation, which the Fed needs. If we see that rate goes

up. Well, you know, we are likely in for perhaps a rough week. So Wednesday is a very important inflationary reading the expectation is 8.1.

But why it matters is because at this point, the consumers appear to still be spending but we know that has its limits, right? At what point does the

consumer start to become more cost conscious when gas at the pump is more expensive?

When you go out to eat and that's costing you more and so we want the consumer to still keep spending of course, but if inflation continues to

sort of rage out of control as it has been, there will be a limit to that Zain.

ASHER: Yes, consumers obviously paying the price for this. Rahel Solomon live for us there thank you so much! All right slowing economic growth in

China is one of the major challenges facing global investors China's Premier today calling the employment situation in his country complex and

grave as Beijing doubles down on zero COVID policy.


ASHER: Newly released video posted on "We Chat" shows workers clashing with guards at a tech manufacturing plant in Shanghai last week as tighter COVID

restrictions were put in place in that city. The manufacturing plant is by the way, a supplier to Apple. Selina Wang joins us live now from Kunming,

China. So Selina we're seeing these COVID restrictions just affect everything from job creation to clearly employees and workers, but also the

broader economy as well.

SELINA WANG, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, a devastating psychological economic impact on the residents. We're more than a month into this lockdown, and

still, there is no end in sight. And just last week, Chinese Leader Xi Jinping, vowed to double down on zero COVID and to punish anyone who

questions this policy, because zero COVID now in China Zain is about more than COVID.

It's also about loyalty to the party loyalty to China's Supreme Leader Xi Jinping. So since those comments we've seen these restrictions, ramp up in

Shanghai even though daily case counts are coming down.

Now in Shanghai, every single positive case is sent to a quarantine facility, many of which are in very poor in unsanitary condition. But now

even people who test negative for COVID could be sent to these quarantine facilities.

In fact, in several parts of Shanghai, entire apartment blocks have been forced out of their homes sent to these facilities all because one person

in the building tested positive for COVID-19. In some areas as well neighborhoods in strict lockdown are being banned from placing online

orders to get food and daily essentials.

That is sparking new fears about food shortages. In fact, in one viral social media video, you can see residents storming out of their apartment

buildings clashing with guards in security suits and hazmat workers.

And you can see in fact, in this video, the hazmat workers are actually beating some of the residents to the ground. And this outbreak happened

after there was a fight in the building about food shortages.

Now, this lockdown in Shanghai, I mean, this is the country's manufacturing heart it has shut down many factories, and it is further worsening the

supply chain nightmares around the world. But some of these factories Zain are allowed continuing operations if they have a bubble system where the

staff members work, sleep live on the factory floor. But that of course comes with its challenges.

And then in that video you referenced earlier in this segment. It's actually at a quantum factory, which is a key supplier for both Tesla and

Apple. You can see the workers in the video they are jumping over the factory gates, they're overwhelming.

The security guards, they're these lockdowns in China, not just in the big cities, though. It's in at least 31 cities under full or partial lockdown

that's impacting potentially 214 million people and as a result, people are losing their jobs.

They're losing their income. Premier Li Kun Shan calling the unemployment situation in China "Complex and grave" the unemployment rate in China is at

the highest rate in nearly two years. But Zain right now in China the priority is zero COVID above all else.

ASHER: Right and that policy have had consequences. Selina Wang live for us there, thank you so much! Breaking news from Sri Lanka, where there is new

political uncertainty Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa just announced his resignation.

That follows weeks of protests against his government over its handling of Sri Lanka's worst economic crisis since independence in 1948. A nationwide

curfew has been imposed after violence broke out between protesters, supporters of the ruling party. More on the story as we get it here at CNN.

In the Philippines people are waiting to hear the results of the country's Presidential election after polls closed a couple of hours ago. The front

runner to replace Rodrigo Duterte is this man, Ferdinand Marquez Jr., also known as Bongbong, the only son of the infamous Ferdinand and Imelda

Marcos. The election has been called one of the most important in decades with the impact of COVID at the top of people's minds. Ivan Watson has more

on what's at stake.

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: This was a big election more than 18,000 jobs up for grabs everything from local

legislative council members to the top position in the country of President some 67.5 million registered voters believed to be expected to cast their


Not surprisingly, the economy at the top of the list of priorities for many voters because the Philippines has taken a beating due to the Coronavirus

pandemic. Take a listen to what some voters had to say to us.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A candidate who's smart that's important. It's also important to have strength, someone to help people.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our situation is not good now prices of goods are too high. Maybe the next leader will be able to control it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Poverty, jobs I was an overseas Pilipino worker I'm hoping that for us, we'll be able to find job opportunities here.


WATSON: There are 10 candidates for the post of president they include the Boxing Champion, Manny Pacquiao. According to polls, the two front runners

are the son of the Philippines Late Dictator Ferdinand Marcos Senior the son going by the nickname Bongbong Marcos Jr.

He's been campaigning for economic renewal. Under nostalgia ticket effectively, critics argue whitewashing the horrific human rights record of

his father who was ousted in a people power movement in 1986, Marcos Senior had ruled under martial law for nearly a decade.

The widow Imelda Marcos was even going to the polls in the north of the country her of course famous around the world for her enormous shoe

collection, which became a symbol of alleged corruption in the Marcos Dynasty.

The polls show that Marcos Jr., is challenged by the outgoing Vice President Leni Robredo the only female candidate for the post of President

a lawyer campaigning for democratic renewal after six years of governance under the President's - outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte.

Robredo and Marcos Jr., competed head to head in the 2016 vice presidential elections and she edged out Bongbong Marcos Jr. We'll have to see when the

ballots are counted, who may have won at the end of the day, in this large election? Ivan Watson, CNN, Hong Kong.

ASHER: Right more next on war in Ukraine amid growing fears over the use of landmines a danger not only right now but of course, for years to come.


ASHER: Well, we're capping the headlines this hour and in Moscow a show of military might and presidential propaganda. Vladimir Putin defending his

unprovoked invasion of Ukraine Russia's Victory Day ceremonies and baselessly claiming the West was preparing to invade.



PUTIN: In Kyiv if they were talking about the possible acquisition of nuclear weapons, the NATO bloc started developing actively developing

territories adjacent to us. And therefore in a planned way, we're creating an absolutely unacceptable threat immediately next to our borders.

Everything pointed to a collision with the Nazis - that was inevitable, and that was supported by the West.


ASHER: In a video message, Ukraine's President Zelenskyy hit back with his own plan for two victory days.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT: We are fighting for our children's freedom, and therefore we will win. We will never forget what

our ancestors did in World War II, which killed more than 8 million Ukrainians. Very soon there will be two victory days on Ukraine and someone

won't have any. We won then and we will win now happy victory over Nazism day.


ASHER: In Warsaw, the Russian Ambassador to Poland has been doused with red paint. Sergei Andreev was trying to lay a wreath honoring Soviet soldiers.

He later said that he was not injured.

Meantime, in Ukraine, more reports of mass graves are coming to light this one discovered east of Mariupol is said to be the third site of its kind,

according to the City Council. CNN has not been on the ground at any of these sites and is of course unable, therefore to verify the claims.

A charity that's been saving lives for decades says that in Ukraine, unexploded weapons will be a threat for decades to come land mines have

been used over wide areas of the country by invading Russian forces and being developed in alarming new ways.

The HALO Trust a British American Charity that clears mines and other deadly devices says it will take a huge and prolonged effort to make

Ukraine safe again; it's been removing mines there since 2016, when pro- Russian separatists began fighting the Ukrainian government.

James Cowan is the CEO of the HALO Trust and joins us live now from London. So James, you actually just got back from a trip to Ukraine just explained

to us what you saw there?

JAMES COWAN, HALO TRUST CEO: Yes, when just about 10 days ago, most of the country actually is untouched by war. It's such a huge country, you can

travel big distances and not see anything but you begin to enter areas which had been affected by the conflicts.

And the extent and scale of the violence is really quite extraordinary. Coming into Kyiv, you see whole towns that have been devastated by the

fighting. And then suddenly you pass through that into the center of the capital city. And it's actually relatively normal again.

So it's really those areas around cube that we are focusing at the moment. There's a huge need for our work. There's massive pressure on communities

to return to their homes quite naturally. But they can't do that, unless their homes are made safe.

ASHER: What is the process? Explain to us a little the step by step process of actually clearing and removing landmines?

COWAN: Well, it's inherently dangerous. And if it's done badly, it can result in death or injury. And that is already happening. There are too

many inexperienced people involved in the clearance at the moment.

So the HALO Trust, as you rightly said earlier, has been working in Ukraine for some years have the expertise to come in and begin this process. We

have many decades of experience. We work in countries, such as Afghanistan, Libya, Ukraine, Syria, and Iraq.

So we can bring that skill base to bear and we can make this process much safer. And we can also deliver the numbers because this will take many

thousands of - miners to begin clearing this very lethal ordinance.

It's not just thought about landmines because there is a great deal of other explosive hazards there, including booby traps left behind by the


ASHER: And how important is technology to the removal process? What sort of technology do you rely on to clear landlines?

COWAN: There are many levels to this actually the great revolution of this war is the availability of social media content, which we can then

synthesize, put through big data processes, and really work out where all the contamination is.

So that's been a major step forward. Drones are extremely helpful, and so are remotely controlled vehicles, robots that can work in certain areas.

However, this is still a process that relies on well trained human beings to come into areas and do the dangerous work of clearance. It can't be done

just with machinery.

ASHER: Yes, and it's so important for viewers to remember that because of landmines because of booby traps as you point out even after the war ends

people can still be killed several months several years maybe even decades after the war ends because of landmines.


COWAN: That's right. We work in countries, like Angola and Cambodia where the war ended many decades ago. But these devices are hermetically sealed.

They're put in the ground to kill a soldier.

But actually, they'll kill or maim just as easily as civilian or a child many years after the event. There's something truly horrific about that. So

we need to get on quickly because if we don't, then communities can't go home.

Factories can't restart production and crucially, for Ukraine and the world. They can't start planting crops or harvesting crops. So, you know,

given how important Ukraine is to the World Food System is absolutely vital that the land is cleared quickly.

ASHER: Yes, of course, agriculture is going to be affected by this as well. And from what I understand, a lot of people there on the ground there in

Ukraine are being told not to go into the countryside not to spend time in the woods, because of the threat of landmines and booby traps.

COWAN: That's right which makes it impossible for farmers who need at this time of year in the spring to be planting their crops to do what is

necessary to make sure that food system is secure. Also, it's not just about the agricultural land, it's about the ports if you can't get your

crop to the port, and you can't export it. So it's vital that the ports of Ukraine are also made safe.

ASHER: So for people watching, who are desperate to help in some capacity, what can they do?

COWAN: Well, HALO is an international NGO you said were British, and were American that's right. But we rely on the generosity of the general public

to support our work. Our plan is to grow from a program of about 430 staff, to one that might maybe as large as 2000 stuff.

And by doing so we can get on with clearing Ukraine and making it safe we need to win the peace, as well as hear about Ukraine winning its war. But

we can't do that unless we're funded. And the general public can give very generously to our work if they choose to. And they can come and visit the

HALO Trust website to donate.

ASHER: Right James Cowan, live for us, the CEO of the HALO trust. Thank you so much for being on the program!

COWAN: Thank you very much.

ASHER: And we'll have much more news after this break.


ASHER: All right, let's take a quick look and see how the markets are faring now? The markets have only been open for half an hour or so. But the

DOW is actually down just under 400 points more volatility apparently on the way.

Obviously last week we saw several wild swings investors weighing the prospects of rising interest rates and also the potential for slower

economic growth as well and that had market sees see-sawing in action.


ASHER: And finally a show of support for Ukraine by U2's Bono and the Edge as well from inside of subway station in Kyiv. At the request of President

Zelenskyy the rock stars performed classics like with or without you. And a cover of Ben E. King's "Stand by me" changing the lyrics to stand by

Ukraine have special Bono had this message about President Putin.


BONO, U2 SINGER: I think its one man's war really. And I think this people in Russia will younger people know what's going on. And I trust in the

younger people in Russia to throw this man out of his office that was so high and it's so low right now.


ASHER: Alright, that's it for the show. Thank you so much for joining us. I'll be back a couple of hours with "One World". "Connect the World" with

Eleni Giokos is next.

