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First Move with Julia Chatterley

Tech Firms Agree to Outside AI Oversight; Sources: Emails of U.S. Ambassador to China Hacked; Goodell: Climate Change is not a Distant Problem; Legendary Singer Tony Bennett Dead at 96; Nigeria Hold Olympic Champions Canada to 0-0 Draw; The Battle of the Blockbusters. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired July 21, 2023 - 09:00   ET




ZAIN ASHER, CNN HOST, "FIRST MOVE": A warm welcome to "First Move", I'm Zain Asher in for my colleague Julia Chatterley. Just ahead on today's show

Odessa on stored Russia targeting the Ukrainian port city for a fourth straight night with more grain infrastructure destroyed keep accusing

Russia of trying to knock out its ability to export food.

We'll have a live update for you just ahead. Plus, AI accord Microsoft, Google and other leading artificial intelligence firms joined forces or new

industry safeguards. Outside oversight or generative AI is on the way President Biden is going to be discussing the plan with tech leaders today.

We are live for you in Washington with the very latest on that too. And film fights the clash of Hollywood Summer Titans is on as by Barbie and

Oppenheimer. I was about to say Barbenheimer, which everyone has been nicknaming it battle for Box Office dominance film studios hoping for a

picture perfect weekend a rare glimmer of cinematic excitement during a grim summer of labor unrest.

And the Blue Chip Bulls easily winning their battle with the bears this week, U.S. futures solidly higher after the DOW's ninth straight session of

games the longest winning streak for the Blue Chips in six years. And NASDAQ is set to bounce after a sharp pullback on Thursday driven by less

than stellar start to tech earnings season.

Europe mostly higher as you can see, as well, more than markets later on the show, but first some sad news coming to us here at CNN. The death of

the legendary singer, legendary Titan in the music world, Tony Bennett has now died at the age of 96. According to his publicist, the world famous

crooner who sang I left my heart in San Francisco has passed away again at the age of 96. Stephanie Elam has more.


STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): A legend on stage Tony Bennett's career spanned more than 70 years. He was opening up for Pearl

Bailey when Bob Hope discovered him in 1949 in New York City Club.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know it's been about 16 years since I discovered you singing in a Greenwich Village nightclub. How come this is your first

appearance on my television show?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I've been waiting for you to make good.

ELAM (voice over): Bennett had a string of hits in the 50s but the best was yet to come. He won his first Grammy Award in 1963 for his song I left my

heart in San Francisco and performed it on the Judy Garland Show.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I left my heart.

ELAM (voice over): The crooner's unique voice and timeless style helped him win a total of 19 Grammys and two Emmys throughout his career.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tony Bennett, ladies and gentleman, maybe the best pop singer in the whole world.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know I asked -- ? Why do you think we stayed around so long? And he said because we stayed with good songs.

ELAM (voice over): But the classics weren't always hits in the 70s Bennett found himself without a recording contract. He was in debt and battling a

drug problem.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I realized that I thought I was doing well with the drugs and I really wasn't.

ELAM (voice over): That's when Bennett's on Danny stepped in as his manager. Bennett resigned with Columbia Records and began to revitalize his

career. It was then he discovered a new audience, the MTV generation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Look, it's, Tony Bennett.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, good to see you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- . We did a commercial for MTV and they liked it so much. They gave me an unplugged special and that one album of the year.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Fly me to the moon.

ELAM (voice over): Then it went on to collaborate with singers like Amy Winehouse for Body and Soul and Lady Gaga for the Lady is a Tramp. At 85 he

became the oldest living artist to hit number one on the Billboard 200 chart with his duets to album. Several years later, he toured with Lady

Gaga to promote their album cheek to cheek.

Yet Bennett's talent went beyond singing. He was an accomplished painter with artwork at the Smithsonian.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have a charmed life because I've always known what I wanted to do.

ELAM (voice over): The son of a grocer and a seamstress. Bennett married three times and had four children. He and his third wife Susan founded the

exploring the Arts Foundation, and opened the Frank Sinatra School of the Arts in New York.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everybody has a dream, hope that something's going to work for them. And then when it happens, it's a great joy.


ELAM (voice over): Bennett was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2016. But with the encouragement of his doctors kept doing what he loved best, singing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How do you keep the music playing?

ELAM (voice over): He got his final album Love for sale with Lady Gaga and performed with her one last time in two sold out concerts for his 95th


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He's my musical companion -- he is the greatest singer in the whole world.

ELAM (voice over): Aired on CBS. It was a moving tribute to a musical legend.


ASHER: Incredible -- never be forgotten. President Biden meets with leaders of major tech companies in Washington dealt unveil a major new voluntary

agreement to oversee artificial intelligence that are agreeing to outside oversight of AI systems as well as a promise to clearly label what is AI

generated content.

The goal is to help ease fears about fast moving technology that has very few guardrails at this point in time. Priscilla Alvarez joins us live now

from the White House. So Priscilla, essentially, the White House is asking AI companies to make voluntary commitments, I want to emphasize that these

commitments are voluntary, to ensure that their products are safe and transparent. What more can you tell us?

PRISCILLA ALVAREZ, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: With the hope, of course that eventually the government can play more of a role on regulating this

technology. This has been an emerging technology, one that has been rapidly becoming part of society. And it is what the White House is paying very

close attention to it's the latest in a series of actions by this White House to be involved in this technology to get input from outside experts.

And to try to stay ahead of this intelligence which we have seen crop up even including in political ads. So there are some commitments here that

are important, some of what you laid out, including, clearly labeling AI generated content, we have seen content, again come up.

For example, in those political ads, where it's not clear that its AI generated, or at least it is sort of at the top, left or right corner. And

so this is an effort to make that more clearly and as well as allowing outside experts to test the systems before releasing them to the public.

So all of this is significant, but to your point, and what you stress, it is voluntary commitments by the seven leading artificial intelligence

companies, names you'll recognize, including Amazon, Google, Meta and Microsoft, among others. And these executives will be meeting with

President Biden this afternoon, and he'll talk more likely about what he wants to see come out of these commitments.

We also know that behind the scenes, officials are working on executive actions. And we expect those to come out later this summer, again, all

focused on artificial intelligence. So really, there has been this year, an ongoing effort behind the scenes to wrap their arms around this as it


And now it's starting to come up in a more public way. I was in California not long ago, where the President also met with experts on artificial

intelligence, today all of this playing out here at the White House, Zain.

ASHER: Priscilla Alvarez, live for us there. Thank you so much. Ukraine's Odessa region came under intense Russian attack. For the fourth straight

night, Russian missiles struck grain warehouses destroying tons of crops and storage. Kyiv says Moscow wants to destroy Ukraine's ability to export


Joining me live now is Scott McLean. So Scott, the unintended consequences or probably intended consequences are that yes, of course it hurts

Ukrainian farmers, but also in this part is probably unintended. It hurts millions of people, especially in impoverished nations who are dependent on

that food for survival. Ironically, many of them especially in parts of Africa are allies of Russia. Just walk us through that.

SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, so the United Nations is already warning that look, the consequences are going to go far beyond

Ukraine with what's happening here. And you have seen now a fourth straight day where Russia has really pounded the Odessa and the surrounding region

with missiles and unfortunately for the Ukrainians.

They are having a heck of a time actually shooting down these incoming missiles in today's strike on this grain elevator, a grain silos is really

a good illustration of just how tough it is. The local Governor of the Odessa region says that these missiles two of them were fired at such low

altitude, when they entered Ukrainian airspace that the air defense system at first didn't pick them up.

And the air raid sirens warning the local population to take cover didn't go off until the missile, the first missile at least, had already hit its



You also have the Ukrainians, of course, asking for better air defense and in this case you had you know 120 tons of agricultural products barley and

peas. I think that is a relative drop of the bucket. But to your point, Zain, the bigger issue here is whether or not Ukraine can have access to

its own ports to actually export its agricultural products to market.

Because as of this moment, the Russians are saying that look, any ship headed into Ukraine's port, regardless of what flag it's carrying, will

potentially be considered a legitimate target because it could be carrying weapons. The Ukrainians have said basically the same thing to the Russians.

And so the situation in the Black Sea right now is extremely tense. Of course, both Russia and Ukraine have other ways to get their grain out to

market beyond the Black Sea. But for Ukraine especially, that is difficult to do it by train, it is far less efficient, and they simply cannot ship

the same volume as they could by sea. So cutting off this route is certainly making the global food market a lot tighter, Zain.

ASHER: And Scott were also learning that Russia is essentially according to the U.S. laying the groundwork to attack civilian ships and then blame

Ukraine and some sort of false flag operation -- to us.

MCLEAN: Yes, so these sounds similar to what both sides have accused each other of when it comes to Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, accusing each

other of planning to strike the plant and then blame the other for the ensuing catastrophe. In this case, this is originating from the White


They say that it is based on intelligence that they have gathered that the Russians are looking to hit some kind of a ship and civilian ship in the

Black Sea and then blame the Ukrainians for it. And this is what the CIA Chief Bill Burns said about it earlier.


BILL BURNS, CIA DIRECTOR: We see some very concerning signs of the Russians considering the kind of false flag of operations that you know we

highlighted in the run up to the war as well in other words, looking at ways in which you know, they might make it to against shipping in the Black

Sea and then blaming it or trying to blame it on the Ukrainian.


MCLEAN: What's not clear though, Zain is why exactly Russia would want to do this? The Russians themselves have called any accusation like this. They

call it pure fabrication that's from the Kremlin earlier today, Zain.

ASHER: Right, Scott McLean, live for us there. Thank you so much. Now to the American soldier who dashed into North Korea, the Pentagon says private

Travis King is officially AWOL or absent without leave, adding that it doesn't think he would have had any intelligence that North Korea would

find at all valuable.

The Pentagon also said there was no indication in King's crossing was planned in coordination with the North. South Korean court documents show

King had been accused of assault in the past and U.S. officials say at some point he had spent 50 days in a detention facility. The army says had he

returned to the U.S.? He absolutely would have faced additional consequences we heard from his mother earlier.


CLAUDINE GATES, TRAVIS KING'S MOTHER: I just want my son back. I just want my son back. Get my son home. Get my son home. And pray that he comes back.


ASHER: Alright, still to come after the break. It looks as though sources tell CNN China based hackers breached the email account of U.S. Ambassador

to China Nicholas Burns. He is the latest senior U.S. official to fall victim to Beijing's major hacking operation that began in May, but wasn't

discovered until last month.

Kylie Atwood joins us live now with the details. So Kylie, just walk us through what China would have got out of hacking these emails. What sort of

information would Beijing have obtained here?

KYLIE ATWOOD, CNN U.S. SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Yes, well, what we learned last week from State Department officials was that the U.S. government

believed that China was able to glean insights into their planning for the Secretary of State Antony Blinken visit to China by getting into these

email systems.

And the timeline here just shows you know why that was the case. According to Microsoft, this was an intrusion by Chinese based hackers that began in

mid-May. And then it was on June 16, which is actually the same day that the Secretary of State left the United States to head to Beijing for that

first visit of his to China that Microsoft was alerted by customers.

You know, State Department officials in the like that there was something going on with their system. So the fact that, you know, Chinese base

hackers were in the system during those weeks leading up to that visit helps you understand why U.S. officials felt that they gleaned insights

into the planning.


And now what we've learned just this week is that two top State Department officials email accounts were breached as part of this hack, including the

U.S. Ambassador to China, Nick Burns and the Assistant Secretary for the entire region of East Asian region, Daniel Critten Brink.

And so that in and of itself, is quite significant. Now, this breach on the whole was able to gain access to more than two dozen organizations,

including these U.S. government emails. And we should know that the State Department has said that they're not going to you know, read out their

exact response.

Last week, the Secretary of State said that this is still under investigation. So we continue to watch this space. We should also note,

however, that this wasn't on the classified side. This was the unclassified side of the U.S. government system. So the fact that you know, Chinese

hackers got in are noteworthy, but it's not necessarily you know, altogether surprising.

This is kind of a fact of the matter when it comes to spying on adversaries around the world. And China is known to have very keen skills in this


ASHER: Right, Kylie Atwood, live for us there. Thank you so much. All right, still to come here on "First Move", the silent killer how extreme

heat poses a threat to life, and it's changing our planet for good. We'll explain. Plus, the White House touts a major agreement on artificial

intelligence. The idea is to increase transparency. We'll look into that a little bit later on into the show as well.


ASHER: Hello, welcome back. Greece is bracing for another heat wave as the climate crisis turns Mediterranean countries into a real hotspot. It comes

as firefighters slowly get to grips with blazes Attica region of Greece, the island of roads and elsewhere. Workers at the Acropolis in Athens are

staging a partial strike through the weekend.

They say conditions are unbearable. The Union in fact representing them says that 20 visitors have fainted from the heat and there are signs that

scorching weather in southern Europe is changing traveler's choices about where to go in the future. Anna Stewart has been looking to all of this.

She joins us live now from London. So Anna, we know, of course it's not just Greece. We talked about Greece, you know, with the heat wave, and of

course the wildfires.


The firefighters are battling that about we're seeing rising temperatures across Europe. How is this changing tourism?

ANNA STEWART, CNN REPORTER: And we've seen heat waves in recent years as well in all of these locations, the temperatures that we're seeing in July

and August, aren't just uncomfortably hot in many situations are actually quite dangerously hot. I just want to show you a heat map.

This is from the European Space Agency. This was Tuesday of this week and the land surface temperature for Rome in Italy and Bucharest in Romania hit

45 degrees centigrade, it was 50 degrees centigrade in occasion Cyprus and the city of Catania in southern Italy.

So as a result of that some tourist attractions have to have limited hours or even be closed. There have to be tourist operations to try and ensure

that any tourists are queuing for attractions have shade and water. This is a big operation. The big question is for the Southern European nations that

rely so heavily on tourism for their economies, will it put people off.

We have been looking into it currently, according to low cost carrier Easyjet and some travel agencies, doesn't appear to be a huge drop off at

this stage. And I can show you Europeans preferred destinations, the most popular spots in Europe right now, according to the European travel

commission, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, and Croatia, all of the hottest locations.

But interestingly, ETC did say this thing that people flying to the Mediterranean between June and November of this year, it's declined about

10 percent from last year. Now that could also be to do with affordability and a huge drop off from that post COVID resurgence we saw in tourism last


But it might be the beginning of a trend and more interesting perhaps is the fact that there's been a surge in popularity, Zain, for Czech Republic,

Bulgaria and Ireland, which certainly have cooler climes, so we could be seeing the beginning of a shift.

And experts also wonder whether we might see some of these Mediterranean hotspot locations. Perhaps the tourist season that people want to hit is

actually before or after July in August, Zain.

ASHER: Right, Anna Stewart, live for us there. Thank you so much. And heat is one of the deadliest natural hazards. That's called a silent killer

because it's not visible but can quickly of course, turn deadly. People who spend prolonged periods of time outside can be among the most vulnerable.

Jeff Goodell is a Climate Journalist who spent the last three years researching the dangers of extreme heat and how rising temperatures are

changing our world. He's the Author of a book called "The heat will kill you first". He joins us live now from Texas. Jeff, "The heat will kill you

first", really uplifting title that gives us a lot of hope.

Thank you so much. But more seriously, I mean, gosh, what have we done to this planet? You know, you were talking about not just heat waves across

Europe and across the United States, especially in Death Valley, for example. But even in Iran, temperatures just reached about 150 degrees


Those sorts of temperatures are on survivable. Just explain to us, you know, we're dealing with all of this now, what do the next 10 years look

like, for this planet?

JEFF GOODELL, CLIMATE JOURNALIST: Well, the next 10 years look pretty brutal. There's no way around that, you know, all this extreme heating is a

result of our continuing to burn Co2 and burn fossil fuels and load the atmosphere with Co2. The science is very straightforward on that, you know,

the most urgent thing we need to do right now is reducing eliminate burning of fossil fuels.

You know, I called my book, "The heat will kill you first". Because I really wanted to capture the immediacy of what's happening. This is not

some far off distant problem. This is happening here and now and it's getting more extreme by the day.

ASHER: Yes, I mean, I think that, you know, many of us have always understood climate change intellectually. But I think that this summer has

really given us a first-hand look at exactly how our planet is changing and I mean it's everywhere. Nowhere, seems to be completely immune to this.

Just explain to us what hope there is for the human race. I mean, just looking forward over the next 10, 20, 30 years, what can we do to at least

slow down, maybe not reversed, but at least slow down the rising temperatures we're seeing?

GOODELL: Well, I mean, I really resist this idea that, you know, are we doomed? Or are we not? We are not doomed. We have a lot of power, a lot of

control over what's happening. What needs to happen in the next decade or so is the elimination of fossil fuels. We need to get better at adapting to

these changes, making more dramatic changes in how we build buildings, where we build buildings?

We need to think differently about how we talk about these risks, you know, like extreme heat is something that very few people really understand how

dangerous it is, and we in the media do a bad job of talking about it. You know, on these extreme heat days, we often show images of kids playing in

spring closer around the beach.


And people really don't understand the risks that they're facing in these kinds of temperatures. So getting educated about this is really important.

Democratizing air conditioning giving people more access to those building cities in different ways, more urban trees, more shade, more public parks,

and green spaces for people to have access to cooling. You know, it's a really a rethinking of how we live.

ASHER: So how should we be talking about it? When we cover these extreme weather events? What should we be saying, you know, since we're both in the


GOODELL: Well, I think we should be talking more about the risk that these kinds of temperatures constitute, I think we should be talking more about,

who's vulnerable, most vulnerable, and who's not people with heart conditions, women who are pregnant, people who are on various medications,

like diuretics, or beta blockers, young children.

We should be talking more about the difference between wet heat and dry heat and why wet heat is more dangerous than dry heat, because the only way

that our body cools off is by sweating. And when it's hot and humid, that sweat doesn't evaporate as well, and we can't cool off as well.

And we should be, you know, thinking about a lot of cities around the world are beginning to think about naming and ranking heat waves in a similar way

that we do with the typhoons and other storms. And I think that's very promising. That's a good way of communicating the risk better and quickly

to a lot of people.

ASHER: And just in terms of countries that are, you know that have done well, in terms of preparing and adapting to extreme heat. I mean, I'm from

the U.K. And I know that, you know, just even having air conditioning was not a thing when I was growing up.

I mean, I think Western Europe is now catching on to the fact that these heat waves are going to become much more extreme, much more common, and

much more frequent and so ordinary citizens need to consider just something as basic as air conditioning. Which countries do you think are more ready

than others?

GOODELL: Well, I mean, I think that a lot of cities are leading the way, but actually, they're being the most innovative. You know, I think cities

like Athens, it has a lot of experience with heat is doing a lot of progressive things. They're trying to reconstruct an ancient aqueduct to

bring water into the center of the city to create more green spaces.

You know, cities like Los Angeles and Phoenix are experimenting with what more white surfaces, you know, one of the reasons that cities are so much

hotter than the surrounding areas, because of all the black asphalt and Black -- . So, there's a lot of experimenting with kind of trying to

brighten cities to reflect away some of the sunlight.

Paris is doing an amazing job of, you know, greening the urban spaces, getting cars out of downtown, out of the center of the city. So there's a

lot going on that I think, you know, one of the reasons I'm optimistic about where we are, is that I think that a lot of these change, we can use

this moment for a lot of changes to make our cities and the places that we live better, healthier, cleaner spaces.

ASHER: Right, Jeff Goodell, thank you so much. Appreciate you being honest with us about you know, really where we are and how dire the future looks

if we don't get a handle on climate change. Jeff, thank you so much for being with us. We'll be right back after the break.



ASHER: Well, I want to recap some very sad breaking news that we just got into CNN about an hour or so ago, the death of singer Tony Bennett he

passed away at the age of 96 here in New York City. The beloved singer who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 2016 was working until very


He won his last Grammy Award for the collaborative album with Lady Gaga called "Love for Sale", which was released in 2021. But Tony Bennett's

career spanned over 70 years appearing on stage alongside the likes of Frank Sinatra, Fred Astaire and a countless list of who's who in the

entertainment industry. Entertainment Reporter Chloe Melas joins us live now.

I mean, when you think about just how legendary some of his songs were I've been rags to riches. You know, I left my heart in San Francisco because of

you cheek to cheek; the list goes on and on. I mean, this is somebody who will never be forgotten by the music industry. I understand that you

actually got to spend some time with him. You met him in person a few years ago. What was that moment like? What was he like?

CHLOE MELAS, CNN ENTERTAINMENT REPORTER: It was his 90th birthday at the iconic Rainbow Room in New York City. And when I tell you this was a

birthday party saying it was, it was like a wedding. So there were so many celebrities there. But I did get to interview Tony Bennett. And we spent a

few moments on the carpet.

And he held my hand as he did with everyone that he met that night. And I asked him how does it feel to turn 90? And this was about five years before

he was publicly diagnosed and they came forward with his diagnosis of Alzheimer's. And he told me life goes fast. Life goes fast.

He said I'm 90, but I still feel like I'm about 35 years old. He said the audience has always made me feel accepted. I've been sold out throughout my

whole life performing throughout the world. It's a great gift. And I'm much honored to have had a great life entertaining people.

And he did just that 19 Grammy awards over a career that spanned you know, more than 65 years, more than 70 years. At that party, John Travolta, Katie

Couric, Lady Gaga, Regis Philbin, and I mean, the list just went on and on. But I think that the most profound thing was that Tony Bennett loved


He loved making music, and he truly people all said that fame never changed Tony Bennett. And I think that that is one of the most beautiful things

about his life.


ASHER: Right. So not only a talented singer, but extremely grounded as a person, as well. I mean, what I find interesting about him is just how long

he lasted in Hollywood how, how long has career lasted? I mean, you talk about dozens of Grammys and a 70 year career.

I mean, this is somebody whose career has survived rock and roll, right, its survived pop music; it's the vibe, the 70s, the 80s, the 90s. And then

he reinvents himself by collaborating with Lady Gaga, who also became a dear friend him too.

MELAS: They had this beautiful music, love affair, and they put out two albums, they tour together. And, you know, Lady Gaga spoke out about two

years ago about Tony being diagnosed with Alzheimer's. And she said it was just devastating to watch, you know, on one hand, he might forget someone's

name or forget where he was.

But Zain, he had this uncanny ability to be able to, despite the disease, and the whole had over him to get on the stage and to perform in front of a

packed audience and not missed a beat. So audience members would watch and see him and feel like that was the old Tony Bennett. But obviously, he had

this disease that was causing him so many cognitive issues.

And his family had been very outspoken about his battle with Alzheimer's, his wife, Susan, his longtime wife, who was at his bedside, when he passed

away. She spoke out to AARP magazine about Alzheimer's and what her husband had been going through, so they felt like it was very important. Because,

you know, just because you're famous doesn't mean that you share everything about your life.

We see all the time, you know, people are like Tina Turner or others who pass away and it's a bit shrouded in mystery, and you don't know what's

going on. And the fact that Tony and his family wanted to share that he was battling Alzheimer's and be public and hopefully help other people with his

story. I think that was truly beautiful.

ASHER: Absolutely right, Chloe Melas live for us there. I'm sure those memories of you and him together and those wise quotes those wise words

that he shared with you, I'm sure you'll treasure that forever. Chloe Melas live for us there, thank you.

All right, still to come on "First Move", we'll take you to New Zealand and Australia for the latest from the Football World Cup next.



ASHER: Alright, welcome back to "First Move". U.S. stocks are up and running for the last trading session of the week. A solidly higher open

with the NASDAQ is bouncing back from a 2 percent drop on Thursday and a DOW on target for its 10th straight winning session.

Lots of big challenges and traders ahead, a rebalancing of the large tech NASDAQ 100 it's on its way, and the U.S. Federal Reserve meets next week to

discuss interest rates another quarter of a percentage point hike is widely expected.

The Bulls hoping the Feds rate hike campaign is almost over as inflation calls. And football fans here in the United States are eagerly awaiting the

kickoff of their women's team, quest for a historic three peat at the World Cup. Obviously they've done it two times before the match against Vietnam

is scheduled for 9 p.m. eastern time.

Earlier today Spain and Switzerland won their openers, but Canada had a goalless draw against Nigeria. Amanda Davies joins us live now with the

latest. So what can we expect from the defending chance Amanda?

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN WORLD SPORT: You wonder Zain how those players will be sleeping. You wonder if they're sleeping at this moment is approaching two

o'clock in the morning in New Zealand, some 12 hours to go until the U.S. begin the defense of their World Cup title. They will be pretty confident

though heading into an opening match against Vietnam aside whose coach has admitted they have a mountain to climb in their opener.

You might remember four years ago, the U.S. kicked off their campaign in France against Thailand with that thumping, 13 nil victory. They were

criticized in some quarters, perhaps going too hard too soon on a team making their debut in the competition. But the U.S. said this is in our


We are here to win, we are not going to go easy on anybody and they're very much making the same noises approaching this one going. As you said for

that historic what would be an unprecedented three peat. No men's or women's side have ever won three World Cup titles back to back.

This U.S. team though has been a team in transition for all the experienced the likes of Megan Rapinoe and Alex Morgan. Here at their fourth World

Cups, they've got 14 players making their World Cup debuts, but that seeing it as a real opportunity to make a name for themselves, the likes of Naomi

Girma and Alyssa Thompson. So they are hopefully sleeping soundly ahead of their big kickoff.

And they'll have been really interested to see how some of the other teams being talked about as potentially a threat to their title this year. The

likes of Spain have done, they really set out with that intent in their opening match against Costa Rica, a three nil victory for them.

It could have been a whole lot more, a really funny line from one of the English journalist Sid Lowe saying the best way to sum this one up on a wet

and windy night in Wellington, the Costa Rica goalkeeper got cramp. The goalkeeper is touching the ball far more than any other member of the Costa

Rica side with Spain peppering their goal.

But ultimately scoring three and having the added bonus of their superstar midfielder Alexia Putellas two time Ballon d'Or winner making an appearance

for the final 13 minutes. She hasn't played an entire 90 minutes since being injured just ahead of the European championships last year.

So a real step in the right direction for her and for this Spanish side. Canada, though are feeling very disappointed, devastated is how their coach

Beverly Priestman put out after their goalless draw against Nigeria. Aside ranked 33 places beneath them in the world rankings.

Christine Sinclair, the most prolific international goal scoring footballer men or women hoping to become the first player to score in six editions of

a World Cup. But that happens midway through the second half. Chiamaka Nnadozie, 22-year-old Nigerian goalkeeper pulling off a sensational saves

stealing so many of the headlines. She's posted a fantastic post on social media saying dear girl, child, dreams come true.

ASHER: Oh, great message. Right, we'll see what happens with a Team USA there, Amanda Davis live for us there. Thank you so much. And with an

estimated audience of more than 1 billion, the Women's World Cup is one of the biggest sporting events in the world. But there's still a major

controversy. And that is of course the gender pay gap.


A new CNN analysis finds players at this tournament will on average make just 25 cents for every dollar earned by men at the last World Cup. One of

the reasons why many people are calling for more support for women's football and one of the companies that has been doing that is Xero, an

accounting platform based in New Zealand.

Joining us live now is CEO of Xero, Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, Sukhinder, thank you so much for being with us. I mean, what I'm most excited about

when it comes to this Women's World Cup is just really the record breaking numbers we're seeing in terms of popularity, more people are watching the

women's game than we've ever seen.

It's certainly growing. I'm sad that it took so long to get here, but happy that it's growing, nonetheless. Why was this important event for you and

for Xero to part with?

SUKHINDER SINGH CASSIDY, CEO, XERO: Well, first of all, thank you so much for having me. And I echo your excitement about the Women's World Cup. And

more importantly, the exploding popularity of women's football around the world, not just in the southern hemisphere, but the northern hemisphere and

everywhere Xero operates.

We operate in New Zealand, Australia, the UK, Canada, the U.S. and everywhere, women's football is exploding, which explains a lot about why

we decided to really help sponsor this event. I think it's not just about the support of women's football. It's about the support of small

businesses, grassroots, and football clubs for women, and ultimately as you know, gender equality in sports and beyond, which is why we were so excited

to be a part of it.

ASHER: Yes. And just talk to us a bit more about your partnership, because you're not just sort of partnering with them through the more sort of

traditional sponsorship avenues. I'm sort of thinking outside the box, just walk us through that.

CASSIDY: Yes, absolutely. So I think you hit on it. While we certainly are sponsors of the event itself, our relationship with FIFA with the England

English football association with specific clubs with New Zealand football is about supporting grassroots clubs, so that we know that when women's

clubs, you know, thrive, women can thrive.

And we do that in a way that's unique to Xero. Of course, we are a small business accounting platform. And we believe that clubs need to be

financially sound. And so, we're providing a variety of education and financial literacy tools as part of our long term partnership with FIFA in

clubs around the world.

ASHER: The sort of criticism that has always dogged women's football in recent years is, of course, the gender pay gap. I mean, women are making a

quarter on average compared to what their male counterparts -- . And by the way, the women's football team, Team USA, for example, is one of the best

teams in the world.

I mean, they've won the World Cup twice, we will see what happens this time around whether they win it for a third time, but that is incredible. They

have an incredible record. You know, obviously in terms of just making it much more equal financially, TV coverage is a huge part of that, getting

more eyeballs on the sport is an important part of that.

When you have gender equality in a sport that is popular, like soccer, like football, what is the sort of wider ramifications for society at large?

CASSIDY: Yes, well, look, I think you've hit on the fact that there is progress being made. But we have a ways to go. I think that U.S. team and

U.S. Soccer made some big strides in announcing equality of that prize pool for both men and women. And as you hit it, you know, when players and teams

of all sizes thrive, you can really see this, this sport, attract even more top talent and become even bigger.

I mean, there is no doubt that as we talked about, you know, women's coverage and women's interest or people's interest in women's soccer is

exploding. But once that prize pool and kind of financial equality happens, you then see a higher and higher virtuous cycle. And the attraction is

really top talent top talent increases top viewership top viewership increases the prize pool, and away we go.

So I think there is a lot to be said, for FIFA's intention to get equality here in the 26 and 27 World Cups, that's what they've stated. We've seen

the U.S. Soccer Association make the same commitment. And it is very important to have that virtuous cycle up into really making this a world

class sport as it deserves to be.

ASHER: As it deserves to be. All right, Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, thank you so much for being with us and more breaking news into CNN. Former U.S.

President Donald Trump's trial date in the classified documents case has now been set to Trump and his valet, Walt Nauta go to court in Florida in

May of next year.

Trump has pled not guilty to charges of violating the Espionage Act and obstruction of justice. The charges are related to how he handled

classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. We're right back with more.



ASHER: Welcome back to "First Move". You couldn't conceive of two more different movie plots. One a film about an iconic doll beloved the world

over, the other the story of the man they call the father of the atomic bomb, very different. This summer though strange bedfellows Barbie and

Oppenheimer are battling for Box Office supremacy as their respective star turns hit theaters.

It could be the highest grossing movie weekend of the year in the U.S. and a rash shot of summer excitement during a time of Hollywood, -- Labor

chaos. Jason Carroll is queuing up for his tickets right now. He joins us live now from outside a movie theater in New York.

I think I used to live around there. I think you are somewhere in Midtown. But I used to live near anyway. So it's nice to see my former home behind

you. But one thing that I'm really excited about is not just watching both movies, Barbie and Oppenheimer. But if Barbie does really well, it could be

the highest grossing movie for a female directed film that is huge. Walk us through it.

JASON CARROLL, CNN U.S. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, yes, could be a lot of first here. There's a lot of hope, and also a lot of hype surrounding all

of this in terms of hope. The hope is that these two films can really do something to bolster the theater community since they really been

struggling post pandemic. But the big question that a lot of fans have is which one to see first.


CARROLL (voice over): Probably not much of a surprise when one hears something odd has come out of Hollywood. But now there's this. That's not a

clip from a real movie. It's a fan driven mash up of two. And it's the answer to anyone out there trying to figure out what to do when two

potentially blockbuster films open on the same day. Barbie, Oppenheimer. The internet's answer is to see both Barbenheimer.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I saw Barbie in the morning I saw Oppenheimer in the office.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was the right way to do that.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think you see Barbie afterwards as well.



CARROLL (voice over): There are TikToks tweets and T-shirts, even a Barbenheimer Wikipedia page promoting what has become a viral marketing

phenomenon, pushing moviegoers to try both.

CARROLL (on camera): So I see you've got your Barbie pink on. So the question is will you see Barbie and Oppenheimer or just one?

PRIYA MAHABIR, MOVIEGOER: Both, yes, we kind of liked the idea of walking into Oppenheimer with full pink. So it's the Barbenheimer experience.

CARROLL (voice over): Both films are worlds apart. On the one hand, you have director Greta Gerwig's fantasy comedy about a doll experiencing an

existential crisis.


It has to go to the real world to resolve it. The company behind it is Warner Bros. Discovery, parent company of CNN. And on the other you have

Christopher Nolan's biographical thriller for universal about a physicist credited for creating. Well, you know.

CILLIAN MURPHY, ACTOR, "OPPENHEIMER": I mean, I'll be going to see probably 100 percent, but I can't wait to see it. I think it's just great for the

industry and for audiences that we have two amazing films by amazing filmmakers coming out the same day.

MARGOT ROBBIE, ACTOR, "BARBIE": It's a perfect double bill. I think actually start your day with Bobby, and then go straight into Oppenheimer

and then Barbie Chaser.

CARROLL (voice over): Could a double feature about a plastic doll and the so-called Father of the atomic bomb, breathe much needed life back into a

movie industry hit hard by streaming disappointing post pandemic box office and now actors and writers on strike.

REBECCA RUBIN, FILM AND MEDIA REPORTER, VARIETY: I think this is the best thing that's happened to movie theaters in a really long time because it's

happening really organically.


CARROLL: Variety also reporting Zain that the National Association of Theater Owners reported $200,000 in ticket sales so far, so it appears

Barbenheimer is off to a pretty good start, Zain.

ASHER: I'd say so, I'd say so, the box office will be the winner this weekend, all right. Jason Carroll live for us there. Thank you so much. And

that is it for the show. "Connect the World" is up next, you're watching CNN.