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First Move with Julia Chatterley

106 Confirmed Dead as Searches Continue; AI News: In 2035; Bremmer: Governments will Need to Work with Tech Companies; Experts Warn of the Good, Bad and Ugly of AI; Bremmer: U.S., China won't be Only Ones in AI Arms Race; U.S. Stocks Mostly Lower after Tuesday's Sell-Off. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired August 16, 2023 - 09:00   ET




JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN HOST: A warm welcome to the "First Move", fantastic to have you with us for a wonderful Women's World Cup Wednesday on the

program. Yay England, beating World Cup Co-Host Australia by score of 3-1 sorry Australia the lionesses will take on Spain in the World Cup finals

now this weekend. We have a full report just ahead.

But in the meantime too lots of other stories for us to kick around including Trump's red card. The Former U.S. President has nine days to turn

himself in after his fourth criminal indictment. This time in the U.S. State of Georgia, Trump and 18 other defendants charged with 41 counts of

plotting to overturn the 2020 elections, the very latest on that ahead too.

And leaving the pitch China stocks reporting worsening youth unemployment data, as its economic woes intensify. Beijing today calling the recovery

"Torturous" also tortured China's embattled property developer Country Garden, warning a gain over its ability to make bond payments the country's

central bank cutting interest rates unexpectedly this week also.

And on Wall Street players begin to take the field, the bulls hoping to score some goals after across the board losses of over 1 percent in the

previous session as you can see some red arrows there showing. European stocks also relatively mixed.

Global investors suffering mid-August angst I think, amid concerns of further U.S. bank ratings downgrades interest rate uncertainty, and as

mentioned, fears over China's economic weakness. And I think you can see that portrayed in the Asia session too.

Japanese stocks falling below that 3200 mark for the first time in a month and a lot to get to as always this hour but first the latest on the

wildfire emergency in Hawaii. At least 106 people are now known to have died in the devastating wildfires in Maui.

Authorities say that number is expected to rise. Search crews continue to sift through debris even now only a third of the fire zone has even been

searched. The Governor of Hawaii saying identifying those lost could take weeks.

Families of the missing have been asked now to provide DNA samples. Mike Valerio is on Maui with the very latest for us once again. Mike a

devastating wait now, for the friends and families of those potentially missing also questions being asked of how they perhaps could have been

better protected?

MIKE VALERIO, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, you know, Julia, I think that we're entering a painful chapter where so many questions are being

asked of what possibly could have been done. And there are so many tributaries that are being drawn up to answer that.

First and foremost with the famous siren system of alerting people to tsunamis, hurricanes, alerts that have even been used for tropical storms

once or twice in the past. People are wondering why nothing was done to alert the people when there were no cell phones that were working when

televisions weren't working either? Why nobody thought to ring sound the alarms across Maui? And that hasn't been directly answered.

The Governor of Hawaii spoke to our Kaitlan Collins late last night. And he said that some perhaps weren't working. But it wasn't a definitive answer.

He said that his Attorney General was going to be investigating for the next few months.

But then we also come to the matter of the utility company Hawaiian Electric, and the matter of security video or doorbell camera video

capturing these power lines that fell down during the course of this extreme wind event with wind speeds, reaching up to 130 kilometers an hour.

And these live wires, sparking the dry grass because we're in the middle of a drought here in Maui, so people asking if high winds were in the forecast

why weren't these electric wires de-energized if the utility knew that this could be a possibility?

And frankly, it's emerged that the utility did not even have the strategy of being able to turn off its electric wires within its playbook at all.

Unlike California, which has that within its playbook of things to do when there are high winds, especially in wildfire season in the fall in the

Golden State?

So I think that those are the two biggest avenues that people are looking at in terms of what could have been done to save lives. And when those

answers emerge, Julia and people begin to be held accountable.

This island which is so accustomed to joy and blooming with life, I think it'll be a side of the island that we have not seen before in terms of a

quiet rage because this disaster was so outside the realm of possibility, and it's forever changed Maui as we know it, Julia.


CHATTERLEY: Mike Valerio there, thank you. Mistreatment and racism; North Korea claims the U.S. Army Private Travis King entered their territory last

month due to discrimination he faced in the U.S. military. It's the first acknowledgement from Pyongyang that their 23-year-old soldier is in custody


Paula Hancocks joins us now. Paula, I think there was an automatic assumption when these events happened, that they would be leveraged in some

way by North Korea. What more are they saying if anything?

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Julia it is obviously a propaganda coup for the North Koreans. And it is very important that what we talk

about today is it's noted that it's from the North Korean narrative. We're not hearing this directly from Travis King at this point, but Pyongyang is

very clear about why the U.S. soldier fled across the border.


HANCOCKS (voice over): North Korea claims racism in the U.S. military was the reason U.S. private Travis King crossed into its territory, adding he

was seeking refuge in North Korea or a third country. One month ago King ran across the military demarcation line during the civilian tour of the

demilitarized zone nothing had been heard from him since.

Pyongyang finally breaking its silence on the incident claims King confessed that he "Harbored ill feeling against inhuman maltreatment and

racial discrimination within the U.S. Army". A U.S. defense official said they could not verify Kings' alleged comments, and the focus remains on

bringing him home safely.

King ran across the border at the joint security area a heavily guarded area U.S. and South Korean soldiers were unable to stop him. Pyongyang

claims King is "Disillusion to the unequal American society".

There are no direct statements from King or details of his whereabouts or condition. King had faced assault charges in South Korea serving around 50

days in a detention facility. The army says he would have faced further charges if he had returned to the U.S. as planned.

The day before he crossed into North Korea King was taken to Incheon Airport by a military escort, but did not build the plane claiming loss

possible to airport officials who escorted him back to departures.

King's mother through a family spokesperson is asking Pyongyang to treat her son "Humanely" asking for a phone call with him. Contact Pyongyang has

not aligned with previous U.S. detainees. King's family has told CNN they feel helpless.


HANCOCKS: Now you always have to look at the timing of any kind of North Korean announcement and this one's interesting because the U.S. and others

are pushing for a UN Security Council hearing a meeting on human rights abuses in North Korea.

They want it to start tomorrow on Thursday. It will be the first time in about six years such a meeting was held. So some say it is interesting that

it is just the day before that North Korea is pointing out they have a U.S. soldier criticizing the U.S. Army of a valley of alleged racism.

So certainly, there is a propaganda element to this and until we hear really from Travis King himself, it's difficult to know exactly why he

decided to make that run across the border, Julia.

CHATTERELEY: But to your point, interesting timing indeed. Paula Hancocks, thank you. To Ukraine now, where the government is saying its forces have

liberated another village in the Donetsk region after several unsuccessful attempts by Russia to gain control.

Elsewhere, Russian drones have targeted a port in the Odessa region, you're actually looking at damage to warehouses and granaries it comes as a cargo

ship left Odessa for the first time since Russia abandoned the UN brokered grain export deal last month.

And we're also learning more about last month's attack on the bridge connecting Russia to Crimea. New footage shows the moment and experimental

sea drone detonated beneath the bridge. Nick Paton Walsh has this exclusive report.


NICK PATON WALSH, CNN INTERNATIONAL SECURITY EDITOR (voice over): It's become the most beleaguered symbol of Russian occupation. This weekend,

Moscow saying this incident was just a smokescreen, foiling a Ukrainian attack on the $4 billion Kerch Bridge the link between Russia and occupied

Crimea that Putin seems to dote on.

Now CNN has obtained exclusive footage, heralding a new way of warfare of another earlier devastating Ukrainian seaborne drone strike there in July.

From the Ukrainian Security Services, the SBU who say they did it and more will follow. This is exactly what the drone pilots' saw thermal imagery the

water rippling as up to a ton of explosive approaches the bridge.


The feed, then obviously went dead as it hit the concrete. Russian officials said two civilians died in the attack. Cameras on the bridge

captured the first blast on the road section the cursor shows the drone moving in and another on the railway tracks at about the same time.

Ukraine has been coy some officials saying these huge blasts are from "An identified floating objects" but no longer the Head of the Ukrainian

Security Services told CNN this is just the start.

VASYI MALLUK, HEAD OF UKRAINIAN SECURITY SERVICE: Sea surface drones are unique invention of the Security Service of Ukraine. None of the private

companies are involved. Using these drones we have recently conducted successful hits of the Crimean Bridge, a biggest -- Olenegorsky Gornyak

[ph] and sink tanker.

WALSH (voice over): This another Ukrainian drone attacks on the Russian amphibious assault boats. They are on an Olenegorsky Gornyak on which

Ukrainian officials said hundred personnel were on board. It was a remarkable feat carried out by a growing fleet of what they call the sea

babies. Hundreds of miles away from Ukrainian bases and right in Russia's coastal heartland it put the Black Sea's east suddenly at risk

MALLUK: These drones are produced in an underground production facility in Ukraine. We are working on a number of new interesting operations,

including in the Black Sea waters. I promise you, it will be exciting, especially for our enemies.

WALSH (voice over): Ukraine's ingenuity again and again, toppling the lumbering Russian Goliath Nick Payton Walsh, CNN to Dnipro Ukraine.


CHATTERLEY: And just into CNN President Joe Biden will travel to Hawaii to see the devastation on Maui next Monday. Biden will be joined by the First

Lady and the White House says they will survey the damage and meet with first responders.

In the meantime, Former U.S. President Donald Trump has until August 25th to turn himself in after his indictment Monday in the State of Georgia.

Trump has not publicly said when he intends to surrender and enter his plea on 13 criminal counts. He was charged with attempting to overturn his 2020

presidential election defeat, along with 18 other defendants.

Nick Valencia joins us now. Nick, the fourth indictment now in a row but there's clear crossover between the charges in each of these cases. Do we

have a sense of the timing both of his surrender in Georgia and of course the timing beyond that?

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, four indictments in four months and a lot of overlap between these cases here in Georgia and the January 6th

case in D.C. As far as the details and what's next we do expect Donald Trump to turn himself in along with the 18 co-defendants.

And according to the Fulton County Sheriff who's in charge of that process, he's going to treat Donald Trump and the 18 co-defendants like he would

anyone else who's been indicted here in Fulton County, which means that they're going to have to go through the infamous Fulton County Jail.

It's the same jail were earlier this year a man being held on pretrial detention was allegedly eaten alive by bedbugs. Even the sheriff here in

Fulton County Pat Labatt has spoken publicly about the deteriorating conditions there in the facility.

And earlier today, I did reach out to the Fulton County Sheriff's Office who told me that none of the defendants so far have turned themselves in.

Meanwhile, we are learning more about the potential defense strategies for Trump and his Former Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows.

Meadows and his legal team filing a formal petition to try to get the venue change from state court to Federal Court arguing that anyone charged with

crimes that they allegedly committed while working as a federal official should be able to have their criminal proceedings heard in a federal court.

And here's what they're saying in part of that petition here saying "Nothing Mr. Meadows is alleged in the indictment to have done is criminal

per se, arranging Oval Office meetings contacting state officials on the President's behalf, visiting a state government building and setting up a

phone call for the President. One would expect a Chief of Staff to the President United States to do these sorts of things".

Mark Meadows of course facing two counts in this indictment, one count for racketeering another violation of a public oath of office. He says he's

going to find a file a longer formal complaint at a later date. But meanwhile, right now, his petition is in the hands of a U.S. district judge

here in Georgia, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Nick, great to have you. Nick Valencia there! OK, coming up here on "First Move" some potential fiction or not from the future? Watch

our news bulletin from 2035 and how the world might change through artificial intelligence. Two of the world's biggest thinkers in technology

and geopolitics join with their view and vision of a new world order.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move", I'm Julia Chatterley. And here are your hypothetical headlines for August 16, 2035. AI systems are

everywhere they govern hospitals run airlines and battle each other in the courtroom. The good news is productivity levels have spiked to

unprecedented levels, and businesses have scaled up at blistering speeds.

Humans are enjoying a new sense of well-being with new cures products and innovations released every single day. However, the world is also more

unpredictable and fragile, as terrorists use cyber weapons to advance their goals. And white collar workers are losing their jobs on mass.

That's just one vision of the future drawn up by our next guests. Ian Bremmer, President, Founder of Eurasia group and GZERO media and Mustafa

Suleyman, CEO and Co-Founder of Inflection AI. Their op-ed published today in Foreign Affairs is called the AI Paradox.

And warns among other things that some tech giants will be more powerful than nation states one day, and a patchwork approach to regulation will

neither be sufficient nor swift and flexible enough. In a nutshell, they say we need global bodies to help address this challenge.

Bremmer is fearful of a U.S.-China arms race with other nations left behind. And Suleyman warns of the consequences of mass unemployment. And

I'm glad to see both of those gentlemen, join me now. Welcome to the show. I want to start with you, Ian, what makes this article to me.

And it's very clear is that AI's are at the intersection of technology, health, society, geopolitics and military advances in a way that we've

simply never seen before. And if we want to ensure an innovative but safe path forward, it requires global conversation cooperation.

IAN BREMMER, PRESIDENT, FOUNDER OF EURASIA GROUP & GZERO MEDIA: Yes, I mean, technology companies have been dominant in the virtual space of the

digital space for decades now. It's just that the power of the digital space in national security or in society, or in the global economy has been

limited with the explosive gains of artificial intelligence, particularly over the course of the last couple of years.


That is no longer the case, in other words suddenly, these technology companies operating as digital sovereigns are making decisions that will

have impact over the future structure of the global order. And if you want to govern it that means that the institutions we create are going to need

to be inclusive.

That the governments will need to work directly with technology companies, as actors to determine what kind of rules and regulations we have. This is

very different from the kind of lobbying that we've seen over the past decades.

The private sector trying to capture the public sector, but clearly being subservient to a here it's a very, very different kettle of fish.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, this is moving at a far greater speed than anything we've seen before. And Mustafa, to Ian's point, you've been an integral part of

the private sector development and the explosive acceleration that we've seen in AI's in recent years.

I believe you've also seen President Biden a couple of times in the last three months. So there are two things there. Do you think the government,

be it the U.S. government or more understand the tidal wave of innovation for good and bad that's coming? And do you think the private sector to

Ian's point understand the responsibility that they have today and will hold in the future?

MUSTAFA SULEYMAN, CEO AND CO-FOUNDER OF INFLECTION AI: You don't have somewhat surprisingly I think President Biden in the White House is

actually moving very fast here. I mean, a bunch of people have said that, actually, they're moving in at an unprecedented rate.

And I'd say they have a reasonably good understanding. I mean, now that everybody in the world has sort of seen the incredible potential upside and

power of these models, these large language models over the last 6 to 12 months.

I think everybody can imagine what that might look like if that trajectory of improvement continues for the next 10 or 15 years. And so I'm definitely

seeing a really sharp focus on it. I do think that AI companies are also very much focused on it.

And I think for the first time in the invention of a technology, taking the precautionary principle that is thinking ahead of time, what the potential

downsides might be talking about them vocally and publicly and trying to actively mitigate them.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, the conversations being had which is important. But Ian, do you buy that because even if the United States is one example is

thinking about this, and moving at an unprecedented rate past history suggests even with some of the will in the world?

Nothing actually happened social media is a great example of this. Do you feel like this time around, it can and will be different simply because it

needs to be?

BREMMER: Well, it does need to be, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen. And as much as look, there are no people out there, no leaders,

global leaders that were talking about this issue in a serious way a year ago.

And now they all are. So it's, true Mustafa is absolutely right. That the U.S. government, the EU government, the Chinese government, they're all

suddenly focusing in unprecedented speed, but they are behind the curve.

The companies have been moving at unprecedented speed for years now. They are better resourced. They have the expertise, and they have control. So

the governments are playing catch up. And this matters immensely for national security for these countries.

Not to mention the social fabric of democracies, not to mention the sustainability of economic development. So the fact that they're now

focused does not mean that they're going to be successful. And it also doesn't mean they know what to do.

Usually, when we have really difficult policy problems, like immigration, for example, or abortion issues, or you know, how to run up successful

election. People know political leaders know what the right answer is.

They just don't have the political courage and capital and will to do it. In this case, I actually do believe along with Mustafa, that the political

will is there, it's just that they don't know what to do. And that's why you have a political scientist and a technologist here working together to

try to lay out some principles and a roadmap.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, let's talk about some of these principles because this is important. And I think at the heart of this is understanding, what we're

talking about when we're defining what AI czar and establishing the facts from fiction and hype. Mustafa, I don't want to take a sort of angle that

looks at the hype around this because I think there is enough of that.

But we do have to understand, I think the darkest sides, have the dark side of AI in order to be able to craft and shape regulation appropriately and

make it flexible enough to adjust to the technologies it develops. What's your sense of that?

SULEYMAN: OK, I think you have to start from first principles. Just consider for a minute that the quest of artificial intelligence over many

decades now has been to try to take what makes us special as a species.


Our ability to plan, imagine, be creative, and inventive, and turn that into an algorithmic construct that we can reproduce, scale up paralyzes.

And that's kind of an incredible thought, the very thing that has produced everything in the world around us, everywhere you look in your line of

sight, at this very moment.

Every object is almost likely going to have been manufactured, created, invented, or at least in some way, affected by this capability, this

intelligence. And so the prospect of turning that into something that we can copy and reproduce, and anybody can use to make them smarter, as a

research assistant, as a tutor.

Everybody is going to get access to the very best quality medicine, legal advice, financial advice over the next 10 to 15 years, just as today,

billions of people have access to the same super high quality smartphones and laptops were on the same trajectory of exponential cost reductions, and

things getting incredibly easy to use.

And on the face of it, that's an incredible story for productivity, it really is going to be a Cambrian explosion of new value and new inventions

at a time when we need it most given everything that's happening with our climate crisis. But of course, some people may choose to use that for

activities that end up destabilizing and disrupting the nation state system.

And that's, I think, really the primary threat here, we have to think about the consequences of a proliferation of power. And so in the proposals that

we have made, Ian and I, we've really tried to focus on what it looks like for significant power centers to exist outside of the nation state system,

and what we can do about it.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, I mean, it's also so broad reaching is, well, if you're talking about that proliferation risk, you're putting this into the hands

of people that will be able to very quickly have this on their smartphones to use. And then we're talking malware viruses, lethal Jones election

interference, to your point.

And everybody effectively has the power beyond individuals and nation states. Ian, part of what you talk about here is this zero-sum game between

the United States and China. And I don't think we can talk about some kind of global body and you discuss this as a sort of Geopolitical Stability

Board of some sort that's required to at least discuss this.

And understand the risks without having the United States and China that we know are already at loggerheads in terms of technology, and China certainly

missed the Industrial Revolution. They're not going to try and miss this technological revolution, or specifically this one. How do you bring those

two powers together and help them understand that they need to work together?

BREMMER: Of course, right now, both the opportunities and the dangers are largely in the hands of a few companies that are based in the United States

and China, that is going to change as Mustafa, just suggested, very radically, there'll be an explosive proliferation of these technologies in

the hands of literally hundreds of millions of citizens within a matter of a few years.

And that means that suddenly, the United States and China aren't just dealing with an arms race between the two of them, but they're focused as

the most powerful countries in the world that want to maintain the safety and the stability of the existing system. And in this regard, it's very

important, the U.S. and China it's not North Korea, it's not a terrorist organization, it's not Russia.

These are countries that ultimately even though they don't trust each other, do want to ensure that the system continues to work. And that's why

Mustafa and I talk about techno credentialism. It's the AI equivalent of what we already do in the financial system, macro credentialism, that the

American, the Chinese, the Europeans, they're all members of the IMF.

They're all members of the Financial Stability Board of the Bank of International Settlements, and they all try to identify and mitigate risks

to global stability, without choking off financial innovation and the functioning of our global marketplace. That's what needs to happen in

artificial intelligence.

And I was heartened, I wouldn't say I'm yet optimistic, but heartened Antony Blinken, just in the past hours, has said that, yes, that the

Chinese do recognize that there needs to be a conversation on AI between the two countries that the Chinese at the Security Council just a month ago

were productively participating in the first conversation in the Security Council at the AI.

At a time when the Russians who aren't exactly a power here, were saying this should not be discussed at this body. I do believe that as the risks

become more apparent, and they will in very short order that the pressure on the U.S. and China to work together on this front is going to grow very


CHATTERLEY: Mustafa, I have about a minute left and very quickly. I do think there are asymmetric risks here.


The private sector is going to continue to innovate, no matter what the money will still flow. The question is can you innovate safely? Do you

think the industry is ready for that and are you as optimistic cautiously optimistic, let's call it that in Ian's case, that actually, the big

players, be they tech and countries can come together on this?

SULEYMAN: I am optimistic about this. I mean, I think that one other model that we have proposed that I think is super interesting is the

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as a basis for scientific fact finding and evidence based practice. And I think we've imagined a possible

body that is similar to this called the International Panel on AI.

And this would be a science led body that was focused on audits on red teaming that is pressure testing these models to identify their weaknesses.

And when one company or academic lab identifies a weakness, they should then share that with the other significant players in the body.

Because, you know, we've already seen some evidence of this. We already do that with the seven companies that have signed up to the voluntary

commitment at the White House. And we think over time, there'll be enough of a concern among many of the other significant governments that they'll

want to participate in a regime like this provided it is independent and Science-Led.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, it was a brilliant article guys, thank you so much for coming on to discusses it. And I know we'll continue the conversation.

Foreign Affairs, I'll tweet it out too and I recommend our viewers read it. Ian Bremmer and Mustafa Suleyman there, sirs thank you so much for your

time both of you. OK, we're back after this stay with us.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move", in a busy week already for business news Russian interest rates going up, China's going down, Japan's

GDP soaring 6 percent exports regaining their crown, U.S. retailers reporting earnings consumers still going to town and on Wall Street

sentiment defined by a rather large frown.

Stocks are mostly lower in early trade after Tuesday's across the board weakness. The entire major averages in the red for August so far too.

That's despite fresh signs of U.S. economic strength. Well, that's to the tune of it, of course because of the risk of further rate hikes.

And you read by the Atlanta Federal Reserve showing GDP on track to rise by a robust 5 percent annual rate this quarter. Then, of course, the big

question for both consumers and investors. Can the Fed, pause rate hikes amid an apparent acceleration in growth and therefore perhaps inflation

too, big question?

And from inflation to share elation, and a little commiseration too, England defeating the Co-hosts Australia to reach the final of the Women's

World Cup for the first time, yay, they'll take on Spain this weekend for the chance to be world champions. Amanda Davies joins us now on this.

Amanda, yay, but we're not biased. The question is can they win it? --

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN WORLD SPORT: Let just go straight to the point. I mean it. It does feel such a treat, doesn't it? You know, just 12 months after

celebrating that first piece of major silverware for the England's Lionesses or the European Championships to be here going further than

they've ever been before.

That a Women's World Cup booking their place in the in the final for the first time and deservedly so you know, they say third time lucky but that's

really doing this England team a disservice after those two semi-final defeats. They absolutely deserved it. They were unified.

They were hard working. They were skillful and they pulled those moments out of the bag when it mattered that goal from Ella Toone, another from

Lauren Hemp and then Alessia Russo once again, making the difference that you really do have to feel for Australia's Matilda.

So this is a group of women a team that have really galvanized the nation not only behind them, but behind women's football more than any previous

generations and it will very much feel like a painful defeat. But I hope in time they will sit back and reflect on what they've done.

Particularly somebody like Sam Kerr who was the face of not only this Australian team but the Women's World Cup for so long in the build-up still

without doubt one of the best players of our generation a goal scoring machine. She made her first start at times she looked like she was single

handedly trying to drag her team and this nation into the final.

She did score that goal and it at certain points it looked like it might make the difference but ultimately, it is the end of the dream for the host

the Matilda's they do have that third place playoff to come on Saturday, but it is England's Lionesses into the decider for the first time up

against another first time World Cup finalists in Spain.

They've made the journey from Auckland in New Zealand here to Sydney a few hours ago. They very much want to get their hands on the trophy. They've

got motivation and inspiration of their own, but it's two teams who know each other very, very well.

Two of England star players Lucy Bronze and Keira Walsh play for Barcelona in Spain with a core of that Spanish team. But yes, we've got a long time

to talk about that, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: We all seeing.

DAVIES: And we thought -- time to get excited.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, looking and sounding fabulous there. Amanda, thank you. What is it 20 minutes to tomorrow, we appreciate you. Thank you. And from

the Lionesses to the land of the Atlas lions, we're now heading to Morocco which is hosting the IMF's annual meetings.

Later this year, the group's Managing Director calls the Morocco gathering a crucial juncture when it comes to global trade and relations. Our Eleni

Giokos, spoke to her as part of our series "Connecting Africa".


ELENI GIOKOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): So I've got a very important question. You have plans to host the annual meetings in October in

Marrakech. It's the first time in 50 years in Africa, first time in 20 years in the Middle East. So, why is it taking you so long to come back?

KRISTALINA GEORGIEVA, MANAGING DIRECTOR OF INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND: I'm so glad we are coming back. And I cannot praise enough Morocco as the host

for the annual meetings. Morocco is a crossroad between Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, not only of goods but also of ideas.


It is a country with very rich history, culture, traditions, and very dynamic economy. So when we go to Marrakech, that spirit of youthful,

dynamic country is going to penetrate across the meetings.

GIOKOS (voice over): Bringing together different worlds, right? And that's the aim. I was looking at the economic vulnerabilities on the continents.

And according to the IMF report, I mean, the inflation levels and the public debt that we're seeing in Africa has not been seen in many decades.

Does this worry you in terms of the trajectory and what you're going to try and achieve during your annual meetings?

GEORGIEVA: Of course, we are very concerned about the financial squeeze on low income countries. It comes from the fiscal space evaporating as a

result of the impact of COVID. It comes from high level of debt, and also high interest rates, they make that service, some more expensive.

We go to Morocco our most important short term priority globally is to bring inflation down. So we can see interest rates going down. And why is

that so critical? Growth needs to pick up.

GIOKOS (on camera): With regards to the continental free trade area. Are you feeling optimistic that Africa can pull this off?

GEORGIEVA: Well there is some movement and there is also advancement in regional context. In other words, the continent also has its own regional

agreements. And there we see more traction, where there is strong leadership, Eleni, it always boils down to this when there is will, there

is way.

Why am I optimistic about Africa, because of Mandela? Impossible until it is done, fantastic compliment, smart dynamic people. They are those that

would define so much this century, and I wish everybody on the continent all the success and yes, move the will to make the way.


CHATTERLEY: And that's it for the show, "Marketplace Asia" is up next, I'll see you tomorrow.




DAVIES (voice over): Nothing brings out a friendly rivalry quite like a world. And with more than 1.5 million tickets sold and an expected

worldwide audience of 2 billion, the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup will be the biggest women's sporting events in history hosted by Australia and New

Zealand. This is the first time the tournament is taking place in the Asia Pacific region.

DAVIES (on camera): This month we head down under to explore the latest in cutting edge sports technology. And we're in India where a green energy

revolution is taking place on two wheels. I'm Amanda Davies here in Auckland, New Zealand at the FIFA Women's World Cup, and this is

"Marketplace Asia".

DAVIES (voice over): Australia has long been known as a proud sporting nation, but it's now making a name for itself as a sports technology hub.

DAVIES (on camera): We caught up with the Aussie startups using game changing tech to help athlete performance and safety both at home and


DAVIES (voice over): The Australian Women's Rugby Sevens team has won every major title varies to win. The next Olympics, is just a year away. So on a

Monday morning in the middle of Australia's winter, the team is in the gym before sunrise. Being the best and getting better is all about marginal


CHARLOTTE CASLICK, CAPTAIN OF AUSTRALIA WOMEN'S RUGBY SEVENS TEAM: We're working really hard we have view motion at the moment which is really

refining our technical running styles.

DAVIES (voice over): VueMotion, a new Australian sports tech company is helping the team to do just that, using the power of AI.

RYAN TALBOT, CEO AND CO-FOUNDER OF VUEMOTION: The technology uses powerful algorithms that map the human body, every angle, every frame of video, and

then it turns that into a computational model of how an athlete moves in a natural environment.

DAVIES (voice over): All that's needed is a smartphone camera, and a few markers. The insights inform the finest of technical adjustments, and the

small efficiencies gained here could make all the difference on game day. VueMotion's success has come quickly.

Founded in 2019, the company has won clients across the world, from Rugby to the NBA and the NFL. The company is part of Australia's growing sports

tech industry, now worth nearly 3 billion U.S. dollars.

MARTIN SCHLEGAL, CHAIR OF AUSTRALIAN SPORTS TECHNOLOGIES NETWORK (ASTN): Australia has a reputation for having developed a lot of technology around

elite sports. But we're now seeing that there's actually more development in the business of sport and mass participation in grassroots sports.

DAVIES (voice over): Far from the world of professional sports, South Sydney Junior's Rugby League Club is a place where kids fall in love with

the game. Here Sports Tech is a part of redoubled efforts to keep kids safe.

STEPHEN FENECH, FORMER AUSTRALIAN RUGBY LEAGUE PLAYER: I've had firsthand experience of the effects of the game within concussion. And when I saw new

reflects I thought well, this is the way forward to create a safer playing environment.

DAVIES (voice over): NeuroFlex is an Australian owned company that uses virtual reality tech to more accurately diagnose concussion injuries. All

South Sydney juniors over 12 years old undergo tests with this device.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Three, two, one --

DAVIES (voice over): The clinician takes the subject through a set of eye tracking and head movement exercises. Within minutes the results are

digitized. It means if a player receives a head knock now or later in life, it's possible to see how the brain may have changed and how much rest and

rehab is needed.

GRENVILLE THYNNE, CEO AND CO-FOUNDER OF NEUROFLEX: We're very much about personalizing the medicine. Every brain is different and every injury is


DAVIES (voice over): NeuroFlex was used at the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar and again, the FIFA Women's World Cup in Australia and New Zealand.


The data this device, gamers has shown that women are two times more susceptible to concussion than men. Across the board, sports tech devices

are helping to give new insights into a range of injuries being sustained by athletes.

TOM CARTER, HEAD OF ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE, AUSTRALIA WOMEN'S RUGBY SEVENS TEAM: Just because you're professional and get paid, it's not narrowing the

gap around injuries, being able to provide resilience and robustness for those girls around you know, knee injuries, ankle injuries, those type of

things are really important for us.

DAVIES (voice over): Meaning data from sports tech could be essential in the coming years to understanding how to better coach and develop female

athletes from the grassroots to the -- .

DAVIES (on camera): Next, we head to India where an electric vehicle movement is taking place. But first, let's catch up with the business

calendar across the region in your Marketplace minutes.

DAVIES (voice over): In mid-August, Singapore will host the eighth edition of the Digital Travel APAC Summit, where the future of Asia's tourism

industry will be in focus. On August 19, the top minds in the AI world will descend on Macao for the International Joint Conference on Artificial


And this year expects to draw more than 3000 researchers and practitioners. On August 20, the FIFA Women's World Cup champions will be crowned in

Sydney, capping off a successful month long tournament. According to football Australia, the World Cup is expected to inject up to 110 million

U.S. dollars into the country's economy.

And in early September, leaders from the world's biggest economies will convene in New Delhi for the G20 summit on the agenda, the war in Ukraine

and climate change.




DAVIES (on camera): Welcome back to "Marketplace Asia". India has some of the worst air pollution in the world but an electric vehicle movement could

have a wide ranging impact on the environment. CNN's Ivan Watson has more.

IVAN WATSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Even on a good day, the traffic in New Delhi can be pretty overwhelming millions of people

in one of the world's largest cities on the move. But here in the capital of the world's most populous country, dramatic change is in the air and on

busy streets. Seemingly overnight iconic Indian vehicles like the humble rickshaw have suddenly gone electric.

WATSON (on camera): India is in the midst of a revolution, a transition towards adopting electric vehicles. This transformation is being led by

small vehicles, scooters, motorcycles, and vehicles like this.

WATSON (voice over): Two wheeled vehicles vastly outnumber cars on India's roads, with more than 15 million units sold last year. Experts say this

country is home to one of the biggest two wheel vehicle markets in the world.

TARUN MEHTA, CEO AND CO-FOUNDER OF ATHER ENERGY: In Indian context, the largest use of petrol is two wheelers in India. The largest emissions are

two wheelers in India.

WATSON (voice over): Tarun Mehta is the CEO of Ather Energy. He and Swapnil Jain launched this startup in 2013. At this factory outside Bangalore they

manufacture electric scooters.

WATSON (on camera): This is just one of at least 10 companies producing two wheel electric vehicles in India today.


The management here says they're not selling any of their scooters overseas for export yet, because they just don't need to.

WATSON (voice over): Ather says it sales have skyrocketing from just 200 scooters a month in 2020 to more than 15,000 a month today.

MEHTA: India today is the most sophisticated and the most advanced market for electric two wheelers anywhere in the world.

WATSON (voice over): With the exception of imported power cells, everything else here is made in India. But mass producing a scooter from scratch

wasn't easy.

SWAPNIL JAIN, CTO AND CO-FOUNDER OF ATHER ENERGY: The supply chain was nonexistent. So we had to also build the entire supply chain.

WATSON (voice over): Electric scooters can cost 30 percent more than traditional gas powered scooters says a third energy and yet it looks like

Indian consumers are flocking to this new technology.

BRAJESH CHHIBBER, PARTNER OF MCKINSEY & COMPANY: We predict that the total two wheeler markets by the year 2030 will be around 25 million units and

out of that close to 60 to 70 percent of units sold wouldn't be electric.

WATSON (voice over): India is home to many of the world's most polluted cities. But experts agree that the mass electrification of India's vehicles

could be a game changer for the environment.


carbonization of electricity, that is really a win-win and we are going to have enormous environmental and health benefits.

WATSON (voice over): Well, India's two wheel EV industry is booming. Convincing consumers to buy electric cars has been an uphill battle.

Industry insiders say the country doesn't have enough infrastructures yet to adequately charge them. So BluSmart and all electric rideshare startup

builds its own.

ANMOL SINGH JAGGI, CEO AND CO-FOUNDER OF BLUSMART: It's the job of entrepreneurs like us to go and fix it.

WATSON (voice over): BluSmart CEO predicts half of all automobile sales in India will go electric in the next decade.

JAGGI: The automobile sector which is perhaps one of the largest sectors in the world is going through disruption. This is once in a century kind of an


WATSON (voice over): India is on the road to monumental change in its transport industry, a process that will hopefully take pressure off of our

planet's embattled climate.

So that's it for today's show, for more on these stories and others head to the website I'm Amanda Davies in Auckland, New

Zealand. Thanks for joining us, goodbye.


