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First Move with Julia Chatterley

Ukraine Launches Missile Attack on Crimean Port; Death Toll Passes 2,900, More than 5,500 Injured; Cohere President: Government Taking Proactive Approach; Recaptured Killer Press Conference; McCarthy Orders Biden Impeachment Probe without Floor Vote. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired September 13, 2023 - 09:00   ET




JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN HOST, FIRST MOVE: Hello, I'm Julia Chatterley and we begin today with breaking news after 14 days on the run. Escaped murderer

Danelo Cavalcante has been captured. This is brand new video showing him in handcuffs surrounded by officers, just moments after he was captured this


Sources tell CNN that he was taken into custody without incident in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Now we are awaiting a press conference with police in

around half an hour's time and we will bring you that live the moment it begins. For now to bring you up to speed with some of the other news

stories today too.

Russia will emerge victorious in the fight to punish the "evil forces", that was the message delivered by North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un to

President Vladimir Putin at a state dinner in Russia. Kim vowed to establish a new era of 100 year friendship between the two nations.

The Kremlin says talks between the leaders have been "very substantive". U.S. officials have long warned that those talks could focus on weapons

sales to Moscow. And Paula Hancocks now joins us on this story. Paula, no documents signed but clearly strong friendship, the message that these two

gentlemen were sending.

And of course, the big fear now in the West is that this will lead to some exchange of weaponry if not more.

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's right Julia, no documents, no press conferences, no communicate. And none of that was expected from these

two leaders, though, to be fair, and it's up to the west now to try and guess exactly what deal if any, has been done.

But the day did start for Kim Jong-Un as he met with Vladimir Putin, at Vostochny Cosmodrone Space Center. So this was really his chance to see a

successful space program that Russia has created, bearing in mind that that North Korea is struggling with its own.

And we did hear from Vladimir Putin, when he was asked by journalists whether he was going to help Kim Jong-Un to be able to launch satellites

and rockets. He said that is why we are here. So he made it very clear that what the U.S. officials that we have been speaking to weren't concerned

about that there would be sharing of satellite technology is in fact the case.

Although we don't know exactly what was shared. We did hear though from one Russian reporter, who was there saying that he did ask a lot of very

detailed questions, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, Paula Hancocks there, thank you so much for that. Now, Ukraine launched the extensive missile attack on Russian occupied Crimea

overnight striking in naval shipyard in Sevastopol and damaging to warships that at least according to Russian officials.

Melissa Bell joins us now from Kyiv on this. Melissa, we've seen drone attacks and marine drones specifically on Sevastopol in the past, but not

cruise missiles, at least according to the Russians. So this is a step up.

MELISSA BELL, CNN PARIS CORRESPONDENT: It was just under three weeks ago that we saw that first ground landing that had happened since this war

began overnight. What we're hearing is a considerable amount of cruise missiles in all the understand 10 were launched towards Crimea.

And what the Russians say is that there were also unmanned boats that were targeting Black Sea Fleet ships as well in that overnight attack of the 10

cruise missiles launched what we understand is that three managed to cause some damage the rest were intercepted by Russian air defenses.

And what they hit, Julia, is a shipyard in what is the biggest port for the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea, and that shipyard what we understand from

Russian bloggers who followed these things from their side is that there was a fire for some time. And that sandwich was caused to a couple of

Russian ships.

So now we've been hearing from one of the members of President Zelenskyy's cabinet just a short while ago saying, look, it isn't an apparent reference

to these overnight attacks, not claiming them directly but suggesting more and more clearly. And this is another thing we've seen Ukraine more and

more clearly, implying that it is behind these attacks.

And what he said was that it isn't just about the sanctions pressure that is designed, Julia, of course to help starve Russia's industrial military

complex, or of its oxygen or what it needs to function. It is also about hitting the logistics of what allowed Russia to carry on with this war of



So very clear mention there of precisely what has been behind these attacks that we've seen more and more clearly claimed and that is as you say, so

many drone attacks recently that have targeted Russian airfields, for instance within the Russian Federation itself.

What we saw this time were cruise missile attacks, targeting very clearly the infrastructure that shipyard in Sevastopol that allows Russian forces

to continue patrolling their season. It's a reminder, of course, Julia, that the point of this counter offensive, so much of the aim of this

southern counter offensive is about trying to cut off those Russian logistical abilities.

That allow it to continue defending Crimea, this is all about Crimea. And this is something that Ukrainians are reminding us about, more and more


CHATTERLEY: Yes, I don't know an in detail about Ukraine's cruise missile production capabilities, Melissa. But obviously, there's a gray area here

because of there's a lot of conditions attached to NATO provided weaponry that it can't be used outside of Ukrainian territory, of course, Crimea is

Russian occupied.

There are certain questions raised by this perhaps, which is also why the Ukrainians are being relatively couched over what's taking place.

BELL: That's right. And I think it's important to remember, Julia, in that context, how even as it has been waging this war in defending itself,

Ukraine has been getting its own weapons system, up to speed drones, cruise missiles, long range artillery, long range rockets. This is very much a

part of its war effort.

And what we've seen is a determined effort to bring that increased war capability that Ukraine has been building directly to Russia. But I think

it's an important distinction that you make. There is very clearly an agreement that's been made between Ukraine and its partners. That whatever

Western weaponry it has will not be used against Russian soil. And I think it's an important distinction to make, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Melissa Bell, great to have you with us. Thank you there from Kyiv. Meanwhile, new inflation numbers in the United States show that

consumer prices rose 0.6 percent in August, with rising gas prices, accounting for over half of that increase.

Now, if you strip away the volatile food and energy prices, that's called core inflation and that slowed to 4.3 percent from 4.7 percent, an

indication that the Federal Reserve's 11 rate hikes are working their way through the economy. Rahel Solomon joins us now to break this down.

This is the importance of not just looking at an annual number and comparisons that are made over a 12 month period, which actually showed

inflation rising, but to look at the month on month, which continues this trend lower, despite those rising fuel prices.

RAHEL SOLOMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Exactly, Julia, this is a report that really indicates that the devil is in the details, as they say. So as you

said, so headline inflation did take up a bit largely in line with expectations, but ticking up to a level and at a rate that we haven't seen

since June of 2022.

But most of that was energy, as you pointed out, and that, of course, is because of what we're seeing with production cuts with OPEC. That said, if

you look at core inflation, which most economists believe is a better indicator of the path of inflation, you actually see a continued

moderation, right you see prices increased 0.3 percent on a monthly basis.

That was a touch hotter than economists were expecting. But I can tell you that most of that was because of the continued rise in shelter, or as our

international audience might think of accommodation. So that continued to be the largest driver. We also saw airline fares, they ticked up.

So that sort of contributed there too, when you take a look over the last year or so. Some of the biggest increases shelter, accommodations, food,

car insurance, those continue to raise energy prices however. Remember, Julia, a year ago, we were at sort of peak energy prices.

And so take a look, energy prices have fallen year over year. That is certainly good news, although on a monthly basis. As I said they're ticking

back up, U.S. car prices have fallen and on an annual basis, airline fares have also fallen. The implications of this, Julia, could not be greater.

Of course the Fed meets exactly a week from now we were hearing from the Fed exactly a week from now, the expectation largely is that they will

pause at least for now. Because despite what the headline shows, this is a report that suggests that perhaps that 11 rate hikes are starting to work.

They are starting to sort of funnel through the system and that perhaps that it is actually working. And so this appears to be a report that is

largely aligned with expectations and no major surprises.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, like gas prices or petrol prices to those that uses that terminology. We're a long way from the peaks and it's the same with

inflation. So one can certainly say those rate hikes have made an impact. The question is, are more required certainly not this month. I think based

on pricing it's what comes after, Rahel, good to have you on this. Thank you, Rahel Solomon there.


OK, straight ahead major talks on the future of AI but you or I won't be allowed to watch more on that closed door debate and reaction from the

President of a AI firm Cohere in around 15 minutes time.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move". And to Morocco now, where time is running out for the desperate search for survivors after that devastating

earthquake on the country last Friday, almost 3000 people are now known to have lost their lives more than 5000 or so injured.

Meanwhile, survivors in some remote villages are still waiting for government help, as Sam Kiley, reports.


SAM KILEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Morocco airmen scan the landscape below for earthquake survivors. The remains of

villagers have been crushed back into the hillsides or inaccessible by land. Some so remote that aid is dropped from the sky. Below the search for

survivors is turning to recovery of the dead.

LIEUTENANT MONSIF ASIF, ROYAL MOROCCAN ARMED FORCES: So since the day that we arrived here we found that more than 200 dead bodies and we saved 153.

KILEY (voice-over): The helicopter collects more of the quakes victims, leaving homes that no longer exist. There are many areas yet to see

government help in these foothills.

KILEY: The further you get into the foothills of the Atlas Mountains whether by air or on foot. The more one fine scenes like this locals tell

us that two people were killed when these three homes were flattened.

KILEY (voice-over): The death toll has climbed to more than 2900 now as the poorest the most isolated, are getting counted.

KILEY: And as one gets into these remote villages, and you look back down the hillside. You get the really strong impression of the giant steps of

this quake, stamping on villages as it runs down the slopes.

KILEY (voice-over): Climbing further, we come across a desperate search for buried savings. All the remains when Ahmad home collapsed. The catastrophe

killed his 10 year old niece that Kima. He tells me I lost my niece, my brother lives in the house just above us when the earthquake struck the

roof of the house flattened all the way to the ground. I went and pulled her out under the rubble.


KILEY: What is the future for you?

KILEY (voice-over): He says I want to rebuild my house but everything has been lost. I want to stay in my village I don't want to leave it. I'm

committed to staying on my land. But with his livestock dead and Ahmed's life so shattered. The question he can't answer is, how? Sam Kiley, CNN in



CHATTERLEY: And our prayers and thoughts with all those involved. OK, let's move on. Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and other tech Titans are

coming together for a private meeting on the future of artificial intelligence and the implications moderated by Senate Majority Leader Chuck

Schumer and Senator Mike Rounds, who explained why the secrecy?


SEN. MIKE ROUNDS (R-SD): We're trying to get right to the heart of it. And we're going to do this, with 100 members of the United States Senate

available for us. And we wanted them to see personally and we wanted them to feel that it was being personally shared with them.

And we wanted to respect the fact that these other tech specialists and the folks that are working with them on the union side that they could really

level and lay this out in front and to do it in a more informal way.


CHATTERLEY: Pretty sure they're going to be talking benefits, risks, and crucially guardrails needed today for technology that's already been

unleashed on society that regulation matters for all the industry players and for the public, of course, too, but including those that build the

models for AI systems today.

And that includes firms like Cohere, which builds and customizes the models that other businesses can use to deploy Chatbots search engines and other

AI driven products and more. And Martin Kon is the President of Cohere and he joins us now, Martin, fantastic to have you on the show.

Let's talk about the summit today. And what's going to be achieved? Why the secrecy? Is this about educating some of these lawmakers?

MARTIN KON, PRESIDENT OF COHERE: Yes, well, first of all, thank you for having me. I think that's right. I had the privilege of being in the White

House yesterday, for discussion there on the voluntary commitments, which are obviously linked to the dialogue today.

We're very, very pleased that the government is taking a proactive approach to thinking about the best way to put policies in place and guardrails

around AI and really balance the incredible innovation and the benefit of this. And the free market innovation. That really is something that makes

the United States a leader in technology, with the careful guardrails around making sure that this is done safely and carefully.

And what we've noticed, which is very, very positive encouraging, is that the government, both the White House and Senator Schumer, are taking a

careful approach to listen and understand what the issues are and getting the inputs from a variety of players in the ecosystem before moving too

quickly to policy.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, there are people out there, though, that would say that we can't move fast enough given that this technology has already been

unleashed on the general public. And I think we've all got memories of hearing some of the social media giant CEOs in Congress being asked, quite

frankly, ridiculous questions, stupid questions, ill-educated questions.

Fine, OK to learn in public. But then fast forward and actually, no real cohesive regulation appears at all. Martin, what's the risk that this is

the situation that that happens today and from this point?

KON: Yes, I can't really comment on things in the past. I think based on the discussions to date. We're very encouraged, I think the voluntary

commitments as one example, that's obviously not regulation, it's not legislation, and they are voluntary. But there is something quite proactive

about that there's an open dialogue between the government and in various players in the industry.

One of the things that I found very encouraging is that the first set of voluntary commitments that the White House announced a couple of months

ago, was focused on consumer businesses, consumer companies and Big Tech companies that really are delivering this popularity to consumers.

This latest round yesterday, was focused on companies that are serving enterprise including Cohere. And that was very important to understand the

differences between AI that's being deployed for consumers and AI for enterprise, where you're thinking about the developer of the technology and

the developer of the applications building on top and the deployer those applications to the end user.

Again, that's quite a different set of issues. And then thirdly, if this technology is available through the internet through an API, or if it's

deployed privately and securely in an enterprise's own data environment, which is something that Cohere is very focused on.


And so I think the administration now is keenly aware and they did reflect some of the suggested refinements that we made to the voluntary commitments

to reflect the differences along these three dimensions, maybe a bit of a Rubik's cube of how one has to think about policy and guardrails.

And so it does seem that there's a very proactive move, it does seem that there's a lot of questions listening. And to be frank, the people that I've

dealt with really are sharp and understand what they're hearing, ask the right questions. And so we're quite encouraged that the administration is

going about this in the right way.

CHATTERLEY: So I know you said you weren't calling it on the past. But this does feel different from what we've seen in the past. Can we can we go as

far as saying that?

KON: I think it feels positive and encouraging. I think the other element, which, again, I can't say what happened in the past was social media. But

the first set of commitments that were made with a lot of Big Tech companies, and of course, it's their essential they control and run the

cloud environments etcetera.

I think what also was very encouraging was that the White House was reaching out and wanting to involve and listen to and have a dialogue with

some of the innovative startups like Cohere. Our CEO and Co-founder Aiden Gomez, I believe you may have met him.

He was one of the inventors of the transformer, the T in GPT, when he was at Google Brain, that seminal paper called the attention paper, all seven

of those Co-authors have left Google to form or join startups. And the same is true, I think, of other massive transformations that we've seen, even

the internet in the mid-90s.

Google was founded 25 years ago, in 98. It was a startup at the time. And so I think it's very important. And it seems the administration is eager to

engage with innovative startups, not just the Big Tech giants, who of course, have their own priorities and their own responsibilities to


CHATTERLEY: Yes. We had Mustafa Suleyman, on the show recently The Coming Wave author, and he was talking about not just limiting it to artificial

intelligence, but all forms of technology supercomputing, quantum computing, and beyond. And he said, actually, we're sort of focusing on the

wrong things when we're talking about an Armageddon.

What we need to focus on is the next 12 months. And he said, ban AI on social media to preserve election integrity, and democracy in the next 12

months. Martin, as you mentioned, you're talking to officials all the time, is that something that you can recognize just given your experience and

understanding of how powerful this can be?

And to your point about even just small firms and enterprises that are already giving tools to everyday individuals to create content that could

be misconstrued and Miss representative? Would you agree with his call that we need to in some way, and I don't and can't answer the how ban AI in

elections, use in elections?

KON: I would not agree with that whatsoever. I would agree with the first part of it. In that things are important in the next 12 months. I think

we've been very clear as Cohere that some of this doomsday scenarios, this hyperbole about the end of humankind because of AI is just that it's


And what that does is it distracts from what's really important these systems are deployed today. I mean, they already have been when we use

spellcheck, or when we use translate, or when we use autocomplete, that's already large language models in action.

The Google deploys is everywhere in search in content, moderation on YouTube, etcetera. And they're fantastically valuable and we all benefit.

So I think it distracts from some of the things that are very important today. Things like bias, toxicity, and misinformation.

How do we make sure there's human in the loop for certain very important deployments, like, how you use it for diagnosing health issues, etcetera?

Those are the things we have to talk about right now and get in place and it's a distraction to talk about how this is going to, you know, somehow

have robots coming out of the earth or something like that.

So I disagree with that doomsday scenario. And I think banning AI I'm not sure what that means. It's already here. It's already being used in so many

places. Like I said, the next time you're typing a text message and it autocompletes that's a large language model in action.


KON: So I think, with things like election integrity, that is incredibly important, something I know a little bit about from my previous life, my

previous role, but there are already a lot of frameworks in place that should continue to be in place to identify any issues, bad actors,

etcetera, that come up.


Whether that's using a large language model, or whether that's using any of thousands of other things that are already threats. And so I wouldn't say

that this is something catastrophic that just appeared a few days ago. This is something that companies have had to deal with and are working very hard

to address.


KON: So I think saying things like stop AI is misguided in my mind.

CHATTERLEY: I will defend him in that point, to your point about the misinformation and the misuse of AI and creating fake content, I think it

was sort of the implications of utilizing it in an election and perhaps spreading misinformation that he was talking about. But your point is,

right, you collect data you use supercomputers to build large language models.

You also have a human element to this too, that humans go through and sort of filter the data to ensure that it's the most accurate and you minimize

the hallucinations that these models produce. And my regular viewers will be quite familiar with that. What would be the most important regulation

for your business?

Whether it's beneficial or suppressing innovation, sort of risk and benefits potentially of innovation, because we could get this very wrong?

KON: Yes, well, again, I think it's quite different in terms of consumer deployment and over the internet or private deployment for enterprise. I

think the issues that we think are very important, and we are actively involved in defining what guardrails and polish should be data protection,

data security is huge.

One of the reasons why Cohere is independent, you know, we're not part of any large tech giant. We're also cloud agnostic. And we deploy in a number

of ways, including inside the private data environment of enterprises. And that's because data security is incredibly important, especially as we

think about the geopolitics today.

Another reason why, of course, the government is eager to be very involved in this, we have to make sure that data is protected and secure. The same

thing with things like model weights and making sure that the IP at the core of this technology also is secured and protected and not leaked a

potentially two adversaries of the United States and our allies, who could then use that to create their own technology.

So data privacy, security is very, very important, something that we're very proactive with ourselves as Cohere. I think misinformation, bias and

toxicity also very important. It's something that we work very actively with Sara Hooker leads Cohere for AI is nonprofit research arm.

And she and her team and hundreds or maybe thousands of researchers in her network, work all the time to think about how do we identify bias? How do

we work against it? One example, if you auto generate you know, a job description that often will be male skewed.

Just because that's the internet will pull information together that happens to be biased and skewed. And we need to address that and work

against that. Obviously, toxicity and misinformation were some of the advancements that we've made, at Cohere through things like retrieval,

augmented generation.

So the teaching the models not to know the answers themselves, maybe like the, you know, your annoying uncle at thanksgiving, who knows all the

answers, but you never really know if he's right. He speaks with equal conviction, whatever he says, we teach the models to look out in find

information that they were not trained on from usually within an enterprise is very secure data environment.

Retrieve that information, generate the response based on it and cite where it's from. So it's grounded. It is sourced and the user can then be

confident that answer is actually grounded in fact. Some of those things really, we're already doing that ourselves, of course, we don't wait for

policy or regulation.

But some of those things should become more and more the norm or even a necessity to make sure that we're not basing decisions of false


CHATTERLEY: That makes me both more confident, but also more concerned, because there's something essentially human about sort of learning from

your mistakes and arrogant uncle's aside, you know, pulling in the data and actually making a Cohere decision about it.

Martin we will continue this conversation and we'll see what comes from these talks, great to have you on the show. Thank you so much.

KON: Thank you.

CHATTERLEY: Martin Kon, President of Cohere there, thank you. OK, coming up after the break. We're live in Pennsylvania where police have recaptured

convicted killer Danelo Cavalcante after two weeks on the run. That press conference next.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move". And as I mentioned just before the break, we are still awaiting that police press conference from Chester

County, Pennsylvania, following the capture of convicted killer Danelo Cavalcante. As soon as that gets underway, we will take you there live.

To Libya now and a grim prospect for the people of the city of Derna with thousands of their neighbors and loved ones many of them thought to be

still buried under the rubble or swept out to see. The flooding that hit the city at the weekend is known to have cost more than 5000 lives. With

local officials there saying twice that number are still missing.

Ben Wedeman joins us now. Ben, it's just a case of waiting and hoping that those people can be found. Can you talk to us about the rescue efforts and

what support has been provided to Libya at this stage?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, support has been provided by a variety of countries Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Italy, the UAE,

Qatar. One of the problems, however, is actually getting access to Derna because many of the roads to that city which is at the bottom of the

mountains of eastern Libya. Many of those roads have been washed out, so access is very difficult.

Now we understand some Turkish search and rescue personnel have actually reached the city. But by and large, it's still very much the most of the

effort is being done by local inhabitants, local residents who are going around basically retrieving bodies, retrieving survivors where they can.


But really the situation is dire. And the video that's coming out of Derna is disturbing. You are just seeing dead bodies, everywhere in the street

covered with blankets. These are bodies that have been collected in squares and streets, for relatives to identify them, and then to bury them, but

many of them have not been identified.

And so these bodies are just left out in the open, it's still pretty warm there. I think it's above 30 degrees, at the moment, that centigrade. And

so, doctors in the city are worried about the spread of disease, the longer those bodies stay out. Now some bodies have been transported to the city of

Tobruk, not far from Derna, where there are refrigeration trucks available.

But basically this effort is just getting off the ground. Now we understand that some communications has been reestablished to the area. But really the

situation remains dire; bodies are still washing up on the beaches there.

So it's a real effort that has strained to the abilities of the eastern part of Libya, which of course is run by a separate government based in

Benghazi, to the limits. So we are seeing constant appeals for international help to deal with this unfolding catastrophe. Julia?

CHATTERLEY: We pray Moscow comes heartbreaking. Ben, thank you for that, Ben Wedeman there from Rome. Now, China is denying it's banned the use of

iPhones or any other brand of foreign phone by government employees. It follows a report in The Wall Street Journal last week claiming Beijing was

outlawing Apple phones because of security fears.

The clarification comes a day after Apple launched the latest incarnation of its top sell at the iPhone 15. So we'll talk about both. Clare Duffy

joins us on this. Let's talk about China first. Because when this story broke, the concern was less about perhaps restrictions on government


But the fear that actually some of those restrictions might spread more broadly to consumers, given it's such a huge market for Apple. What caught

my attention was the spokesperson at the foreign ministry saying many media reports on the security incidents of Apple's iPhone and that the country

attaches great importance to information and cybersecurity. That's not anything.

CLARE DUFFY, CNN BUSINESS WRITER: Yes, Julia. I mean, I think Apple will certainly be breathing a sigh of relief hearing this report that the

country has issued no bans on Apple iPhones. Currently, China, of course, makes up one-fifth of Apple's total revenue. This is such a crucial country

for this company is such a crucial market.

And so Apple I think is happy to hear this that there is no ban in place that the country is saying. But I don't think as you said they can breathe

a sigh of relief just yet, you have a government spokesperson saying that there are many media reports on security incidents about Apple's iPhone.

And of course, so much of this sort of mirrors this language. We're continuing this sort of tech standoff between the U.S. and China. And to

me, it mirrors a lot of the language that U.S. officials have used in describing it and explaining their ban of TikTok which of course, is owned

by a Chinese company from U.S. government official devices.

And so, I think, you know, this seems to be sort of the next not escalation but continuing indication of this U.S. China tech standoff, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, it wasn't anything, -- comments worth watching, I think. Let's talk about chargers player. We need some education on why what Apple

announced yesterday in terms of changing charging technologies is so huge.

DUFFY: Yes, so Apple announced that it will be phasing out this lightning charger, this little skinny guy and replacing it with a much more

ubiquitous USB-C charger. Now of course, this comes after an E-rule requiring that all mobile devices in the European Union use this USB-C

charger starting in 2024.

But this is also going to be a huge convenience for consumers; no longer will I have to carry around both the lightning charger and the USB-C. Now I

and all other consumers will be able to charge the iPhone 15, the Mac, the iPad, as well as devices from other device makers all with this USB-C


And so, this is going to be a huge benefit to consumers and potentially a reason for people to upgrade to the iPhone 15, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Well done the EU and hopefully it benefits Apple too. Clare Duffy, thank you so much for that. Now to Washington, the U.S. House

Speaker Kevin McCarthy opening a formal impeachment inquiry into President Biden his decision comes less than two weeks after he said he would not

open an official probe without a floor vote.

He's been facing pressure from hardline conservatives now for weeks. This appears to be his attempt to keep his members from rebelling ahead of a

government shutdown deadline and from forcing a vote to remove him from his job. Lauren Fox reports.



LAUREN FOX, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Emerging from his office on Capitol Hill, the Speaker of the House delivered this declaration.

REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R-CA): Today, I am directing our house committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

FOX (voice-over): Speaker Kevin McCarthy claims there are questions about whether President Joe Biden financially benefited from his son Hunter

Biden's foreign business deals and answers are needed.

MCCARTHY: These are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction and corruption. And they warrant further investigation by the House of

Representatives. The American people deserve to know that the public offices are not for sale. And that the federal government is not being used

to cover up the actions of a politically associated family.

FOX (voice-over): The White House firing back immediately.

IAN SAMS, WHITE HOUSE SPOKESPERSON FOR OVERSIGHT AND INVESTIGATIONS: The truth is, is that the President did nothing wrong that the Republicans in

the House are wasting millions and millions of taxpayer dollars.

FOX (voice-over): House Democrats also quit responding.

REP. HAKEEM JEFFRIES (R-NY): There is not a shred of evidence that President Joe Biden has committed a crime. This is an illegitimate

impeachment inquiry period, full stop.

FOX (voice-over): While the House led GOP investigations have yet to provide any direct evidence of wrongdoing by the President, McCarthy's move

is seen by many Democrats as caving to pressure from his right flank.

REP. DANIEL GOLDMAN (D-NY): This is a purely political partisan game that they're playing at the behest of Donald Trump to protect him to distract

from him and to try to help him in the election of 2024.

FOX (voice-over): On the Republican side, not all members are on the same page, including one key member of the House Judiciary Committee.

REP. KEN BUCK (R-CO): I have not seen any evidence that links President Biden to Hunter Biden's activities at this point. I will be getting a

briefing later in a week. I'm looking forward to understanding more of what the Oversight Committee has uncovered. But at this point, I have not seen

that evidence.

FOX (voice-over): The inquiry comes as a September 30 deadline to keep the government funded and avert a shutdown looms. It also coincides with

threats to bring forward a motion to remove McCarthy as Speaker.

REP. MATT GAETZ (R-FL): We have got to seize the initiative. That means forcing votes on impeachment and if Kevin McCarthy stands in our way, he

may not have the job long.

CHATTERLEY: And stay with CNN, we'll bring you the latest on the capture of the escaped killer in Pennsylvania.


