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First Move with Julia Chatterley

Rescue And Recovery After Taiwan Quake; 7.4 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Taiwan; U.N. Humanitarian Office Suspends Nighttime Movements In Gaza; Multiple Aid Organizations Pause Operations In Gaza; Iger Fights Off Attempt At Disney Revolt; Disney Wins Proxy Battle; DJT Drama; Donald Trump's Media Firm On The Attack Against Two Co-Founders; The City's The Star In "Tokyo Vice"; "Tokyo Vice's" Season Finale; China Lifts Crippling Tariffs On Australian Wine. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired April 03, 2024 - 18:00   ET



JAKE TAPPER, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: WNBA draft on April 15th, on Monday, 16 .1 million viewers watched Reese compete in what we now know was her

final collegiate game. LSU's loss to Iowa, the most watched women's college basketball game in the history of the world. The news continues now on CNN.

I will see you tomorrow.

JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: It's 6:00a.m. in Taipei, 7:00 a.m. in Tokyo and 6:00 p.m. here in New York. I'm Julia Chatterley. And

wherever you are in the world, this is your "First Move."

And a warm welcome as always to "First Move." And here's today's need to know. At least nine lives lost, 900 injured and dozens of minors trapped

after Taiwan's strongest earthquake in 25 years.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): It was like a mountain collapsed, the whole thing collapsed.


CHATTERLEY: We'll have the latest on the rescue and recovery efforts. Then to Gaza.


CHEF JOSE ANDRES, FOUNDER, WORLD CENTRAL KITCHEN: What I know is that we were targeted deliberately, nonstop, until everybody was dead in this



CHATTERLEY: Targeting its workers, we'll hear from another aid organization that's also suspending aid operations.

Plus, a fairy tale win for Disney boss Bob Iger, but is activist investor Nelson Peltz ready to let it go?

And speaking of going, time to go fight some crime.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Which of us is faster?


CHATTERLEY: Tokyo taking on Hollywood with this gripping crime drama, the city itself, stealing the spotlight in "Tokyo Vice." That conversation and

much more coming up.

But first, rescue efforts continue in Taiwan with crews searching for survivors of Wednesday's earthquake. Those efforts are also being hampered

by aftershocks.

At least nine people lost their lives with hundreds more injured. Taiwan's fire agency says those trapped include more than 70 miners stuck

underground in the island's east. The magnitude 7.4 earthquake hit just before 8:00 a.m. local time, toppling buildings and setting off landslides.

It's the most powerful earthquake to hit Taiwan in a quarter century. Ivan Watson has more from Taipei.


IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Just before 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, the ground in Taiwan starts to shake. The

island rocked by the most powerful earthquake to hit Taiwan in a quarter century.

In the capital, Taipei, CNN Photojournalist John Mees tries to protect his wife and children as the walls of their home lurch back and forth.

An earthquake has just hit, announces the anchor of this morning news show, as she struggles to stay on her feet.

But the worst damage is at the epicenter, in the rugged mountains of Hualien County on the island's east coast.

The 7.4 magnitude earthquake triggers massive landslides. Authorities say several people were killed by falling rocks.

In the town of Hualien, apartment buildings on the verge of collapse, emergency workers in action. Authorities say they've rescued scores of

people from toppled buildings and highway tunnels. But more than 900 people have been injured, and rescue teams are still trying to reach others

trapped high in the mountains.

The work has continued in Hualien throughout the night.

No one's left inside this building, says this firefighter. He adds, people are frightened.

There are constant earthquakes here, says this woman. I've lived here 50 years and never felt one so big. It's really scary.

People in Taiwan are accustomed to feeling the earth shake, but rarely with this much destructive force.


CHATTERLEY: And Ivan joins us from Taipei now. Ivan, it's what, just after 6:00 a.m. there in Taipei at this moment. Can you give us the latest on the

rescue efforts, both the miners and, of course, anybody else that may have been trapped in some of these buildings?

IVAN (on camera): Sure. Well, the sun is just starting to rise here. We'll be looking forward to getting an update on the status of those 71 miners.


There was positive news throughout the day on Wednesday because there were nearly 80 people trapped in some of the highway tunnels that you need to

traverse to try to reach places like Hualien from Taipei here in the north of the island, and they were successfully rescued according to authorities.

But many of those roads are still cut. We'll be looking and updating the network as we get more information about those miners.

The work that is being done will be hampered by the aftershocks that have been striking. The U.S. Geological Survey saying that there were about 29

recorded in the first 12 hours after the earthquake and some of them within a magnitude of five and even six in one case, and the authorities here are

predicting there could be more for the next three to four days.

You know, this area that was hit so hard, Hualien, is a tourist destination here in Taiwan and part of it is -- the big part of it is because of those

high mountains, the steep ravines and gorges and canyons there, but that makes it all the more vulnerable when you have an earthquake with the

intensity of 7.4 striking and creating these huge landslides.

So, some of the people who lost their lives were actually hiking and hit by fallen rocks or driving on roads and hit by boulders falling off of these

mountains. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Ivan Watson there in Taipei. Thank you for now.

And the U.N.'s humanitarian office is suspending nighttime movements in Gaza for at least 48 hours. The decision follows the death of seven aid

workers in an Israeli airstrike earlier this week.

Their employer, World Central Kitchen, has now suspended operations in the region turning back its boat carrying aid before it could offload most of

its cargo. U.S. President Joe Biden strongly condemning the attacks saying Israel has not done enough to protect aid workers or civilians in Gaza. He

is set to speak to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, according to a U.S. official.

The victims are all people who are dedicated their lives to fighting hunger around the world. The founder of World Central Kitchen, Chef Jose Andres,

spoke to Reuters about that loss.


CHEF JOSE ANDRES, FOUNDER, WORLD CENTRAL KITCHEN: They were target, systematically, car by car. They attacked the first car. We're still trying

to get all the information on what happened on the first car. We have a feeling they were able to escape safely because it was an armored vehicle.

They were able to move in the second one. Again, this one was hit. They were able to move in the third one. In the process, we know they were

trying to call. But in the chaos of the moment, whatever happened, they tried to be telling IDF that why are they doing that, they were targeting

us, in -- at conflicting zone, in an area controlled by IDF, them knowing that was our teams moving on that route with two or more -- with three

cars? And then they hit the third one and then we saw the consequences of that continuous targeting attack, seven people dead.

But there are seven on top of at least of more than another 190 humanitarian workers that they've been killed over the last six months.


CHATTERLEY: Another aid organization, Anera, which stands for American Near East Refugee Aid, has also suspended operations in Gaza. It also lost one

of its members in an airstrike back in March.

And joining us now is CEO and President Sean Carroll. Sean, good to have you back on the show. And I'm sorry for the loss of one of your members.

What went through your mind when you saw what happened earlier this weekend, again, the loss of seven aid workers from WCK?

SEAN CARROLL, PRESIDENT AND CEO, ANERA: Yes, thank you for having me back and to talk about this. It's devastating. First, devastating because they

are partners and colleagues and friends and these are people that our team work with on a daily basis in Gaza, in Cairo, in Amman, Jordan. I've gotten

to know several of those who were killed very well and so devastating.

And then, the immediate next thing was, wait, how could this happen? This can't have happened. There's no reason that this would happen. There's no

explicable reason. This killing and all indications are that it was a targeted killing makes no sense. So, there's no purpose, will not help

anyone, including Israel. This doesn't help Israel's security.


And then, of course, the third thought is who's next? And is Anera and our staff next? If World Central Kitchen, which should not be on anyone's

enemies list, can be targeted, then why -- you know, what's to stop Anera and our workers from being targeted?

CHATTERLEY: And, of course, the Israelis have said it was a mistake and have apologized. But to your point, the fear is that this could happen

again. And you've obviously taken the very difficult decision to suspend operations in Gaza, which, of course, has a knock-on impact to those that

you're trying to help.

Just talk us through that decision, because clearly you felt that you had, at least at this point, no choice.

CARROLL: Yes, on the one hand, it's very difficult decision because it's not what we want to do. What we want to do is to continue serving

Palestinians in Gaza, continue serving humanitarian aid. And we're doing not just food, but medicines and shelter and mattresses and blankets and

clothing and water and hygiene kits and menstrual management kits.

And to stop all of that when there's such huge need, a need at a scale that I think is hard for the world to comprehend, that's the difficult part,

deciding to put a pause on that essential need that we were delivering in large volumes, very hard.

On the other hand, it was not a hard decision because our staff said they couldn't do it anymore. They couldn't go on. And to hear our staff, who for

six months had never stopped, had never wavered, had responded immediately after October 7th, knowing what was coming and had never stopped and were

always in danger and had close calls and we had bullets go through the windows of our shelter, and then we had our colleague killed just over --

just under four weeks ago in his home, in a shelter that had been deconflicted with the Israeli authorities on more than one occasion,

including four days before the bomb that killed him.

And so, for them to say, no, no, no, we have to stop. We have to pause. We can't go on. That was a strong reaction to people they knew and worked with

and cared for and loved being killed but also, I think, the sense of -- the senselessness of it and the illogic of it and that just made them say, we

can't keep doing this.

And until we can figure out how we would have some assurance of safety I don't know how we go back to doing it.

CHATTERLEY: An understandable fear, which I think anybody seeing the situation that they're operating in and seeing this now would understand,

Sean. As you said and the World Central Kitchen also said, look, they were liaising with the IDF, they'd given routes and plans.

What more can you do to ensure the safety of your people beyond what I -- you and I know, you've been calling for for many months, which is some kind

of pause in the fighting, a ceasefire? Is there anything that you can do to rebuild trust, I think, whether it's between your people or with those that

are operating in that region?

CARROLL: Well, I think the building of trust lies first and foremost with Israel and the Israeli authorities because there isn't anything I can think

of that would give more assurance in theory than deconfliction.

In the World Central Kitchen convoy, two of the three cars were armored cars. They had security consultants they had hired with them. That didn't

save them. That didn't protect them. The only thing that really does make sense is the deconfliction.

And deconfliction is a process that is used in these situations around the world and usually works. International NGOs have direct contact with the

military, with the fighting forces to be able to say, these are our people, this is where they're working, this is where they're living, this is where

our distribution center is, these are our cars. And all of that had been done by us and by World Central Kitchen.

And so, it is incumbent on the Israeli authorities to build up that trust. And I am heartened to see that the world is asking for that and

particularly countries of the nationals who were lost are demanding that, they're demanding independent investigations, they're demanding -- or if

they're not demanding independent investigations, they should be, they're all demanding investigations.

I think they need to be independent investigations and they want assurances. And I think it's incumbent on Israel to tell us all how they

are going to provide security and safety and assurances that we can continue to do our humanitarian aid work.

And this is about humanity. The war is separate. In any war, the civilians are protected, humanitarian work needs to go on so that people aren't

starving to death in the middle of a war.

CHATTERLEY: Important words from those that are just trying to help. Sean, thank you for you and your team and all their efforts. And I know they

don't want to stand back at this moment. We'll stay in touch. Sean Carroll there, president and CEO of Anera.

CARROLL: Thank you.

CHATTERLEY: Thank you, sir.


CHATTERLEY: OK. Let's move on to some of today's other news too. Entertainment giant Disney winning a hard-fought victory against activist

investor Nelson Peltz. House of Mouse shareholders rejecting by a wide margin his firm's bid for two board seats and its plan to shake up Disney.

All this a big victory for CEO Bob Iger and his corporate vision, he had this to say after the vote.


BOB IGER, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY: I just want to take a moment to thank our shareholders for your trust and confidence in

the Disney board and management and the ambitious strategy we're implementing across our businesses to build for the future.

Now, that this distracting proxy contest is behind us, we are eager to focus 100 percent of our attention on our most important priorities, growth

and value creation for our shareholders and creative excellence for our consumers.


CHATTERLEY: Disney shares, however, finishing Wednesday's session down more than 3 percent, a case of, I think, buy the rumor and sell the fact here.

Hadas Gold joins us on this story. Hadas, it was a result that I was expected despite Nelson Peltz's best efforts. One could argue that the real

battle actually is only just beginning to turn Disney around, but Bob Iger wins the day with a bit of help from his friends.

HADAS GOLD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes. At the end of the day, Bob Iger does come out victorious. I mean, this was the most consequential board election

for Disney in 20 years. And, Julia, it was most expensive proxy battle ever. More than $60 million was spent, all told by all sides, in this

proxy, and it goes to show you what was at stake in the battle, the potential direction and strategy for Disney and Bob Iger's own tenure at

the company.

But this was a legacy defining victory for Bob. And according to a source familiar with the initial numbers, they won by quite a bit. Bob Iger's seat

on the board was approved by 94 percent of shareholders. Nelson Peltz's seats, he only got 31 percent vote. So, he was losing by a margin of 2 to 1

to the Disney pick. And Pelter's partner in this, Jay Rasulo, who was a former Disney executive who was also up for a seat, he lost by even more,

by more than a 5 to 1 margin.

And those retail investors, you know, Disney has an unusually high proportion of its and of its shareholders to be kind of your regular,

everyday person. So, more than 35 percent of their shareholders are these retail investors. They overwhelmingly voted for the Disney slate. 75

percent voted them for it.

The source familiar also calling this as Peltz's biggest loss in a proxy fight. Of course, Peltz has done these sort of proxy fights in the past.

Now, we heard there from Bob Iger calling this a distracting proxy contest now behind us. Try in for their part, they sort took credit, they said, for

Disney stock going up 50 percent in the last six months. They saying that it was their re-engagement, their sort of kicking the tires that caused

Disney to rev up their plans.

But all of the things that Nelson Peltz had criticized about Disney, about what he wants to see changed, these are things Disney has identified and

say they're working on. And it's not necessarily surprising that shareholders wouldn't go for a guy who has no media experience over

somebody like Bob Iger. But again, these problems that Disney is facing, you know, trying to get a profit on their streaming business, trying

reinvigorate their studios after a few flops, and then of course the question of succession. Who is going to take over for Bob Iger?

They've had these promises of success in the past with Bob Chapek. So, they need to figure out who will take over from Bob Iger. They need turn the

profit on the streaming. They needed to get their films back on track. And Bob Iger, in this presentation, said they're doing that and he talked about

their new investment in Fortnite, talked about getting ESPN on Disney+, talking about, you know, going back to sort of their basics, back their

characters, doing sequels of huge successes like "Moana."

So, now, for Disney, they need to prove to their investors that their vote was the right one.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, it's all to proof now. Fortunately, they've got the distraction of this battle out the way, assuming that Nelson Peltz can let

it go, as I said at the beginning of the show. He can always sell his stock if he's got a problem. If he can't be a board member, so, you stop, move

on. We shall see. Hadas Gold, thank you.

OK. We're going to take a quick break here on "First Move." But our coverage of the Taiwan earthquake and the rescue efforts continues after

the break. We'll also have an updated weather forecast to for the region.

Plus, DJT drama. Donald Trump's media firm on the attack against two co- founders who also happen to be former "Apprentice" contestants. The reality show continues. Trump Media saying in effect, you're fired.

And Tokyo, perhaps like you've never seen it before. Later in the program, I'll be speaking with the exec producers of the popular crime drama, "Tokyo

Vice," just ahead of its eagerly awaited season two finale. That's next. Stay with us.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." A wonderful Wednesday evening to all our first movies in the U.S., U.K., and across Latin America. And for

all of you who are in Asia, happy Friday Eve, a.k.a., Thursday.

Wall Street trying to improve tops today's "Money Move." The S&P closing higher for the first time this week, month and quarter. A slightly better

stock picture, but continued uncertainty over the Federal Reserve's interest rate path dominates.

The Atlanta Fed president now saying he sees only one rate cut this year, not the three cuts that many are expecting. Private sector jobs growth

coming in stronger than expected too, further complicating the Fed's job in the future a week Wednesday in Asia.

Meanwhile, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, due to arrive in China for talks in a few hours' time. So, that's certainly going to be something to

watch. We will see how Thursday's trade pans out.

The Taiwan stock exchange a touch lower though Wednesday after that severe earthquake. Shares of Taiwan's semiconductor also finishing the session

down more than 1 percent in Asia's session, but it did close higher in U.S. trade today.

Wednesday, the world's largest chipmaker, halted some production after the quake but said it does expect capacity to return Thursday.

Now, the rescue and recovery efforts of course go on. Let's introduce Chad Myers now to get a sense of just what the weather forecast and the

situation looks like there for now and across the region. Chad, walk us through this.

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Well, it looks spring and I guess that's the good news. We're not really in the middle of winter. We're not in a dead

heat of summer and that 7.4 did shake obviously the east coast of Taiwan.

But we do know that even some of the trains in China were delayed for a while, shut down because of the shaking just to check things out.

39 earthquakes already aftershocks that are 4.0 are higher. And if you're standing under a 4.0, that's a real earthquake, not just what we call an

aftershock, but that's what we call it when there's such a great shock in front of it at 7.4.

All of the earthquakes, 90 percent, I don't want to say all, but 90 of these earthquakes happen on the ring of fire. It's because the Atlantic

Ocean is getting bigger and the Pacific Ocean is getting squished, a little bit, 50, 60 centimeters a year. But it's that shaking because of that

crushing of the rocks and the subduction zones and that's what we have those earthquakes all around the Pacific Ocean.


So, here we go for the rain. There'll be showers. But temperatures are actually very mild, very spring like in the 20s, even some spots there. If

you want to make it into Fahrenheit, somewhere around 72 to 74 in the afternoon and only around 68 in the evening.

Something else that happens though, in the spring in the United States, tornadoes. Over the past 48 hours, there have been 23 tornadoes that have

been on the ground in the United States, doing damage and even causing one fatality. So, far that we know of. There are others that have been injured,

of course.

Now, this is turning into almost a winter type storm. There's snow across parts of Ontario, Quebec. It's even snowing in parts of the Great Lakes

states in Ohio, Michigan and the like. Not enough to really shovel very much, but it will be piling up some spots across parts of New England, it

will be Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and even Upstate New York could see about 30 to 60 centimeters. So, in the ballpark of 12 to 18 inches of snow.

So, trying to be spring, but not quite yet. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Now, Chad, our whole kind eclipse watchers will be watching this report and seeing severe storms and panicking. So, now, I need your

eclipse hat and goggles, obviously, on to discuss what we need to worry about with the path of these storms in combination with those that are

hoping to go and physically watch this eclipse.

MYERS: If you think about spring and if you get in this pattern where it like rains every Saturday, you think yourself, why was it sunny Monday

through Friday? And now, it rains every Saturday. It's because it's kind of a seven-day cycle.

So, we back us -- back up seven days and we had severe weather in the deep south. We push you ahead another seven days, that potential exists again. A

low-pressure system, down along the Gulf Coast, making an awful lot of cloud cover for parts of Texas. And there were millions of people in Texas

and millions going to Texas to look at this.

You may have to adjust your plans because the American model showing cloud cover all across the deep south. Only a small band of clearing skies here

across what we call the Ohio Valley.

The European model slightly better, slightly better with a little bit more sunshine up toward the north. When two models agree this far out, you know

that they're probably on the right track. So, we're going to have to watch out, maybe possibly move some plans for people that are going to Texas.

Maybe have to go a little farther to the north.

So many people will be in their car to try to get to this. Not a lot flying through it, of course, but, you know, it's that when one model says it and

another model says the same thing, especially only four days away. We looked at these 10 days away, right? Four days away, we're getting a lot

more confidence in that cloud cover and the severe weather possible in the afternoon.

After people have been watching in the morning, in the evening hours, all of a sudden, we could have storms on top of people that don't even know

what county they're in because they're not from there. So, a lot of things going on here.

CHATTERLEY: Best advice, watch on TV and watch CNN.

MYERS: That's what I'm going to do.

CHATTERLEY: Chad, I knew you were going to go there. Chad, thank you.

MYERS: You're welcome.

CHATTERLEY: And just to emphasize the point, on a programming note, join CNN on Monday for the total solar eclipse as it travels from Mexico across

the United States and into Canada, or as Chad was saying, experience it from multiple locations with plenty of science and excitement along the

way. Our special coverage starts at 12:00 p.m. Eastern, that's 5:00 p.m. in London.

There's more "First Move" after this.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." And a look at more of the international headlines this hour. In Israel, family members of the

hostages held in Gaza stormed the gallery of the Knesset. They want the government to secure the release of their loved ones. Benny Gantz, a top

member of the Israeli War Cabinet, is now among those calling for early elections.

A Ugandan court upheld a draconian anti-LGBTQ law Wednesday. The law bans same-sex marriage, punishes same-sex acts with life in prison and calls for

the death penalty for what it calls "aggravated homosexuality." While upholding the law, the judges did strike parts they said violated rights to

health and privacy.

NATO nations are considering a proposed five-year, $100 billion funding plan for Ukraine. Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg wants to shield Kyiv

from the winds of "political change." In other words, to Trump-proof Ukraine's funding should the former U.S. president get re-elected.

And a reminder once again of our top story today, the major earthquake that struck Taiwan Wednesday, at least nine people have lost their lives while

more than 900 were injured. The island has been hit by dozens of aftershocks too as rescuers continue their search for those trapped. Hanako

Montgomery has more.


HANAKO MONTGOMERY, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Morning commuters in Taiwan shaken by strong tremors. Drivers stopped on highways

and bridges, live broadcasts, interrupted and people ducking for cover, as a 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck the island around 8:00 a.m. Wednesday.

All the things fell off, everything damaged.

It was the strongest earthquake to hit the island in 25 years. Taiwan's weather agency says.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): It was very strong. It felt as if the house was going to topple.

MONTGOMERY (voice-over): It prompted tsunami warnings in Taiwan, Japan, and the Philippines, which were later lifted. It's epicenter near the tourist

City of Hualien on the island's eastern coast. Social media video shows the moment it triggered a massive landslide, with dust clouds swallowing a


This multi-story building, partially collapsing, as scooters and motorbikes watch from a distance. Around 100 buildings have been damaged, rescuers

racing to save people trapped, including dozens in tunnels blocked by debris.

Wednesday's quake is the strongest to hit Taiwan since 1999, when a powerful 7.7-magnitude quake struck, killing more than 2,000 people.

Authorities said Wednesday the military has been deployed to help with the aftermath.

President Tsai has asked her administration to work with local governments on assistance.

TSAI ING-WEN, TAIWANESE PRESIDENT (through translator): I would like to ask you to continue to pay close attention to the situation in various places

and initiate various contingency measures to protect the safety of the people.

MONTGOMERY (voice-over): Many now find themselves in darkness, navigating the ruins of their homes and bracing for the relentless aftershocks.

Hanako Montgomery, CNN, Tokyo.


CHATTERLEY: OK. Coming up next for us.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let me do our jobs. There are consequences.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Be careful. Don't try and be a hero.


CHATTERLEY: A hit drama and a Tokyo you've never seen on screen before. The creator and the director and "Tokyo Vice" up next.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." Italy has the mafia, Mexico has the cartels, and Japan has the Yakuza.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You did not come to Tokyo in pursuit of one man. There are other stories, other crimes to be exposed. That is your job.


CHATTERLEY: That's right, we're talking about the hit crime drama "Tokyo Vice." Its season two finale comes out in just a few hours' time on the

streaming service Max, which shares the same parent company as CNN.

It's based on a book by Jake Adelstein. He's a crime reporter who spent years writing for a major Japanese newspaper. The Yakuza boss he's depicted

is still alive, and the book has never been published in Japan.

Now, a potential spoiler alert for my Japanese audience, I may drop some hints, but I'll be careful to try not to, about the yet-to-air season in

the next few minutes. By the way, I'm so glad that I didn't encounter the Yakuza during my recent trip to Tokyo. But we did have a relatively big

crew. Look at this. And now I understand why. All will become clear.

Joining me now, J. T. Rogers, the creator and executive producer of "Tokyo Vice," and Alan Poul, director and executive producer of the show. Alan, by

the way is also a Tokyo tourism ambassador, which we will discuss shortly.

Gents, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for your time and congratulations on an awesome two-season run. Clearly, I'm biased.

T. J., for those that perhaps haven't-- sorry, J. T., for these that haven t perhaps seen this, thinking about seeing this in a nutshell, what makes

"Tokyo Vice" so special?

J. T. ROGERS, CREATIVE AND EXECUTIVE PRODUCER, TOKYO VICE: Well, "Tokyo Vice" is the first western show that shot 18 hours in Tokyo, '70 to late

'90s, crime, the underworld, newspaper culture, the (INAUDIBLE) show by the nightlife. It shows more of Tokyo than anything ever shot in Japan before,

and it's a deep dive.


It's using the crime genre to do a deep dive into what does it mean for a group of young Japanese and Americans to find themselves in a world that is

consuming them. They're obsessed with, but also is forcing to ask very, very difficult questions about their own lives.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. And, Alan, I mean, it's incredible acting by all the stars, quite frankly, but I think what I really got a sense of from the

get-go was that this wasn't just about an American guy, a journalist in Japan. There was no American perspective on this. You really felt immersed

in the Japanese culture in Tokyo, which is also, I think, a huge star of this series in many ways. You feel immersed in all things Japanese and


ALAN POUL, DIRECTOR AND EXECUTIVE PRODUCER, TOKYO VICE: Thank you so much, Julia. Just one small point of clarification. I am an executive producer on

the show, and I am a director on the show, but we have had across two seasons a team of brilliant directors. We all work together, beginning with

the legendary Michael Mann, who shot our pilot, and I have directed the first two episodes of this season, as I did the finale of the previous

season. But otherwise, I'm on set working together with our directors that we have.

In terms of Tokyo, we wanted to make Tokyo a star of the show, and I think we went much farther in that direction in season two than we were even able

to accomplish in season one, and we wanted everything to ring true from a Japanese perspective in terms of authenticity and not have this be just

from the point of view of the white guy, the fish out of water coming into a very strange culture.

And everybody was on board with that from the beginning. Our Japanese cast, they're all stars in their own right in Japan. It's a superstar cast. And

even -- in season two, I think, it was exciting to be able to explore their private lives, their own complications, their own romantic situations to a

much greater degree than we were able to do in season one?

CHATTERLEY: There's an authenticity about it, though. I mean Ansel Elgort who plays Jake, I mean, he learned Japanese but he learned a very formal

Japanese for the environment I believe that, you know, he was operating in. And Rachel Keller who plays Samantha learned a far more colloquial Japanese

which obviously I can't, as a non-Japanese speaker, understand but for Japanese people that are watching this feels part of the beauty of what

you've created here. And again, I'll use the word, the authenticity.

That's hard come by. I mean, you've got access to places in Tokyo. And, Alan, coming here as the ambassador here that other TV shows perhaps would

never have achieved, and that took a lot of work and time.

POUL: We -- yes, we shot a couple of scenes that no one -- no company, international or Japanese, has ever been able to shoot before. We did -- we

were able to close down one of the main nightlife streets in the very high- end nightlife area of Akasaka for an entire night to shoot a scene that happens in the aftermath of a big event, I won't spoil outside of

Samantha's Club.

And we were also able to stage a huge traffic jam in front of the Tokyo City Hall, where our friend, the governor, is working, in order to stage a

brutal assassination on a wanted suspect. So, that took months of negotiation.

The fortitude of our locations team is just a marvel to behold. But we were able to make -- put Tokyo on screen in a way that, I think, has not been

done before.

CHATTERLEY: And J. T., I love the idea and I have it in my mind of you writing this really without understanding how complicated it was to get the

kind of access that you achieved and all the work that went into doing that. Just talk about that experience as well. And when you sort of spoke

to, admittedly, a number of directors and the rest of the team and they were like, do you realize what you're asking here? You've created something

great, but --

ROGERS: I think it speaks to the talent and the sort of dedication of the team that it took that nobody wanted to say that to me, you know, that it

was like, we believe in the show. We love what J. T. has created. We're just going to find it.

Well, it took me a while to realize how insane it was. And again, as you're touching on, I think my ignorance was bliss in this instance, that it

wouldn't have happened. It's easy to say that in hindsight, because it was -- you know, I think Alan is much or more than anyone else has suffered

from my ignorance.

But the two of us, with the rest of everyone else, sort of put this on our back and said, OK. Everyone has said it's impossible. You can't do this.

And our response was, well, it can only -- it is designed to only be able to be shot in Tokyo. So, we're going to have to climb Mount Everest.

And it is something that had we known, as you say, we wouldn't have. And I'm so glad we didn't because you really see the city in a way that hasn't

been shown before.

CHATTERLEY: I mean, it's such a showcase. And I believe 70 percent of it filmed on location for the for the second series up from half, around half

in the first series. Alan, talk to me about the criminal underworld and getting experience and understanding from former members of the criminal

underworld, or the Yakuza, as they're known.


Because that also was complicated in itself. They had to provide written proof that they were no longer part of the organization. The protocol.

POUL: That's correct. I mean, our one big disclaimer, which we repeat endlessly, is that we never had any contact with any actually current

active members of an organized crime group, because it's against the law.

If we were proven to have any direct contact with any Yakuza, we would have been thrown out of the country. So, it's -- you know, it's that important.

And so, we only dealt -- we had many Yakuza advisers, but they were all officially ex-Yakuza. They had certificates that showed they had either

left or been excommunicated from the gang that they were a part of. And we still got a lot of inside info.

And also, Jake Adelstein, who wrote the memoir and who's the character that Ansel plays, has spent a lot of time in the trenches with the Yakuza. And

he has had a lot of contact, I'll say. And therefore, we're learning things from Jake, which we do often about his own experiences, it's one degree

removed from having actual contact. And so, that keeps it kosher.

CHATTERLEY: Contact is the operative word here. Oh, go on, J. T.

ROGERS: Yes. No, no. One of the things off of what Alan just said, it's sort of been, you know, this is -- to use a phrase, it gets thrown on far

too much now, but this is a unique show and a unique experience truly making it.

I mean, Jake Adelstein, this legendary reporter now who still lives in Japan after 30 years, we met in high school in mid-Missourian driver's

education class. We've been friends our whole lives. And so -- and I was holding the story because just as his friend years ago, when he was

threatened and discovering these extraordinary allegations about certain Yakuza members.

So, having being able to go to him and say, look. it's me, please, you know, be as honest as you can, help us, let's talk through every granular

detail. It's been a real joy and an extraordinary -- it's quite extraordinary, a verisimilitude to the show.

CHATTERLEY: I've gone back and watched the first episode just to remind myself of the journey that he went through. So, it's actually quite

fascinating to know how long you've known him to understand sort of what he went through and yes, how his job evolved as a sort of cub journalist and

beyond, but I won't spoil it. We're not going to say too much more.

Most important question, super fans will never forgive me for not asking whether you've been approved for series number three. What can you tell me?

Alan, J. T.?

POUL: I think we can't say much.

ROGERS: I think what we can tell you -- yes, we can't say much.

CHATTERLEY: But your smiles tell me.

ROGERS: We'd love to. The story is all here. The story is all here for ongoing. We'd love to do it. We're waiting for word. We've been -- the

amount of super fans, to use your phrase, has been sort of extraordinary. I mean, people -- strangers stop me in the street and say, you know, I can't

believe X just happened in episode Y and when is more coming out? It's been incredibly gratifying because, you know, as you can tell, we love the show,

we love this cast, we love this company of artists we're working with. And, you know, force is willing, we'll get to continue.

CHATTERLEY: Force is willing. Alan, I have about 10 seconds left. Final word, why should people watch?

POUL: People should watch because this will give them -- make them feel they've had insider access into a world that not only they didn't know, but

they never had any idea existed. And so, it's the next best thing to going there.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. Brilliant actors and awesome insight into that field of Tokyo, which is just a great place. Guys, thank you. J. T. Rogers, the

creator and executive producer of "Tokyo Vice" and Alan Poul, one of the directors and executive producer of the show. I've been told. Thank you,


OK. If you've been missed any of our interviews today, they'll be on my X and Instagram pages. You can search for @jchatterleycnn.

Coming up next though, we're raising a glass to new opportunities. China lifts crippling tariffs on Australian wine. We'll hear from one winemaker.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." Australian winemakers can say cheers to getting back to business as usual in China.

Beijing lifted crippling tariffs on Australian wine last week. The duties at times went as high as 218 percent. They were enacted more than three and

a half years ago during a tense period between the two nations.

The Chinese market for Australian wine was once worth more than $653 million. Now, winemaker Nikki Palun is among those celebrating. She

explained to me earlier how her business has now transformed.


NIKKI PALUN, OWNER AND WINEMAKER, OCTTAVA WINES: Well, I have to say, it was incredibly tough.


PALUN: Actually, in my life, I never imagined that would be like a perfect storm of having these two things happen at the same time. So, it was --

there was a lot of very difficult moments in the last three and a half years, that's for sure.

CHATTERLEY: But two things you learned, I think, was the ability to change at speed, but also the importance of diversification. Where are you today

and what do you produce?

PALUN: Well, I'm still obviously in the wine business. I'm a winemaker. So, I love wine and it's something I'm so incredibly passionate about. But what

I did during the last three and a half years was diversify into not just other export markets. So, I now export to Korea to Taiwan to Japan but also

really building a strong foothold into the domestic Australian market.

And then, so, also there's so many different channels there. So, I've opened up a cellar door. I've got a little urban winery going now. I do

lots of events. I sell into restaurants and bars. So, what this has actually done for me is to build a very strong foundation.

So, now, that China's open again, I'm able to have this very strong base as well as export to China. And that's the biggest thing that I've really

learned is that, as you said before, to diversify.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, a stronger and more diversified business. OK. So, what was your reaction when you heard that the tariffs were going to lift?

MONTGOMERY (on camera): Oh, I was absolutely elated. I can't tell you how happy I was. It was just like a, you know, better than winning any prize in

the world. It was just incredible.

CHATTERLEY: OK. So, talk to me about how quickly you think you can perhaps, and I'm sure you've already been talking to your contacts there about

shipping to China, because obviously the market there is evolved. We've also got a global overcapacity problem. China's facing it too. The economic

environment has changed.

How are you going to approach it? And what are you expecting in terms of demand?

PALUN: Well, it's very interesting. Initially, I was thinking that perhaps it would be a little bit less and there'd be -- I guess, a little bit more

cautiousness. But what I'm finding so far is that a lot of my Chinese customers from the past have come back, and some of them came back within

minutes after the announcement.

And so, I'm finding that there's -- I feel, personally, there'll probably be a little of a pipe fill happen. So, initially, I'll be able to get back

into the market, hopefully, within the next four, five weeks, you know, start shipping containers over there.

And then after that, I think we'll see. It might settle down a little bit as, you know, people start to find their feet in the new dynamics of the

market. You know, as you said, there's an economic slowdown in China at the moment. So, we'll see.

However, that said, I really feel that I'm going to approach the market differently this time. You know, this is what's given me an opportunity of

not being there for three and a half years. You sort of think, well, how could I do it better? And what would I want to change from last time?

So, I'm pretty ready to pack my bags and get on a plane and go to China and just find some new opportunities as well.


CHATTERLEY: Australian winemaker, Nikki Palun speaking there.

Now, singer-songwriter Raye is a pop powerhouse, breaking the Brit Awards record for most wins and nominations in a single year. I should note, she

also won Artist and Album of the Year there. I spoke with Raye earlier and asked her about her creative process and how writing, and she's written for

some really big stars, like Beyonce differs from performing.



RAYE, SINGER-SONGWRITER: I love to perform. I love to entertain. I love to sing. I love music. So, all of that is very like, yay, ah, you know. But

then, when you're writing I think it's a completely different vibe.

I like to comfortable, pull up in my tracksuit or my big extra-large T- shirt and just kind of, you know, crack open a can of honesty.


CHATTERLEY: It makes me smile just listening. And you can watch Raye on "Saturday Night Live" this weekend. And you can also catch my full

interview with her on tomorrow's "Quest Means Business."

And finally, tonight, an adorable internet sensation says goodbye to her birthplace. That's Fu Bao, the panda, that has captured the hearts of South

Koreans over the past few years. Fans gathered, teary-eyed outside Everland Theme Park to bid her farewell on her way to Sichuan, China.

Now, China often sends pandas to foreign zoos as a sign of goodwill, commonly known as panda diplomacy, but offspring born abroad need to return

to China to be part of its broader breeding program.

And that just about wraps up the show. Thank you for joining us. I'll see you tomorrow.