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First Move with Julia Chatterley

Biden's Message Of Iranian Attack On Israel; Iran Attack Expected "Sooner Than Later;" Israel On High Alert; Trump And Johnson's Mar-A-Lago News Conference; VP Harris Speaks In Arizona; Former Ohtani Interpreter Surrenders; A.I. Regulation Is Coming; A.I. Is A Whole New World; A.I. And The Four-Day Workweek; Wall Street Sell-Off; U.S. On High Alert For Retaliatory Attacks By Iran; Israeli Settlers Storm West Bank Village; CNN At Mexico-U.S. Border; Mexico's Enforcement Escalation; Transitional Council Established In Haiti; Tiger Woods Sets Record Streak At Masters. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired April 12, 2024 - 18:00   ET



JAKE TAPPER, CNN ANCHOR: Coming up Sunday on STATE OF THE UNION," Democratic Senator John Fetterman from the Great Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania and Republican Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio. That's Sunday morning at 9:00 in noon, only here on CNN.

Our coverage continues now with one Mr. Wolf Blitzer in "THE SITUATION ROOM." I'll see you Sunday morning.


JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN HOST: It's 6:00 a.m. in Shanghai, 4:00 p.m. in Mexico City, and 6:00 p.m. here in New York. I'm Julia Chatterley. And

wherever you are in the world, this is your FIRST MOVE.

A warm welcome to FIRST MOVE as always. And here's today's need to know. Don't, U.S. President Joe Biden's message to Iran, even as he warns about

an attack on Israeli targets happening sooner than later.

Shohei Ohtani's former translator surrendering to authorities after allegedly stealing $16 million from the baseball superstar.

And tremendous Tiger. Tiger Woods becomes the first player ever to make 24 consecutive cuts at the Masters in Augusta. All that and plenty more coming


But first, a warning from President Biden to Iran ahead of a potential attack on U.S. or Israeli assets in the Middle East, don't.


JOE BIDEN, U.S. PRESIDENT: We are devoted to the defense of Israel. We will support Israel, we will help defend Israel, and Iran will not succeed.


CHATTERLEY: The president also said he expects it will happen sooner than later. U.S. intelligence has been warning of Iran's potential retaliation

after a strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria last week. Israel's defense minister says the commander of U.S. Central Command was in Israel

discussing preparations for the anticipated attack.


YOAV GALLANT, ISRAELI DEFENSE MINISTER (through translator): I recently met with U.S. Central Command General Kurilla, a true friend of Israel. We

discussed the close cooperation between the United States and Israel, between our defense establishments and our militaries.

Our enemies think that they can pull apart Israel and the United States, but the opposite is true. They are bringing us together and strengthening

our ties. We stand shoulder to shoulder in our struggle.


CHATTERLEY: It's an open question, though, whether or not any attack will come on Israeli soil and whether it will come directly from Iranian forces

or from their proxies in the region. Jeremy Diamond is in Jerusalem for us.

Jeremy, Israel, the United States, clearly bracing, strategizing about potential retaliation. We're also hearing that the United States is also

moving more assets. We don't know what. There have been nonspecific into the region as well. The fear more generally is whatever happens here

results in some kind of retaliation, which Iran has long tried to avoid, too. It leaves very little options.

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, no question about it. This is a very tense moment and a potential inflection point in this conflict that

has been going on for six months now. And amid all of those six months, we have been waiting to see whether or not this could potentially explode into

a broader regional conflict. And we may now be meeting that moment of truth.

Tonight, Israeli forces are on high alert, anticipating a potential Iranian attack in response for that Israeli strike on an Iranian consular facility

in Damascus, Syria, that killed a high-ranking Iranian commander. The chief of staff of the Israeli military today saying that Israeli forces are

prepared and ready to respond to any threat.

Already tonight, a barrage of 40 rockets was fired by Hezbollah. All of those intercepted by Israel's air defense system or some of those rockets

also falling in open areas. That is not the response that we are anticipating from Iran and its proxy forces to that strike in Damascus. It

was, though, one of the most significant barrages that we have seen Hezbollah fire.

Now, the question is, where and when will that potential Iranian response come? I'm told that Israeli officials are preparing for a potential Iranian

attack on Israeli facilities inside of Israel. And of course, an Iranian attack on Israeli soil would potentially trigger something much more

serious. That's because Israeli officials have been telegraphing that any response will be in kind, meaning an Iranian attack on Israeli soil will

result in an Israeli response on Iranian soil.


Now, amid all of this, we are still very closely monitoring the humanitarian situation in Gaza, and we know that the United States has been

bringing enormous pressure to bear on Israel on that front, and we're now starting to see Israel ratcheting up the amount of humanitarian aid that's

actually able to enter the Gaza Strip.


DIAMOND (voice-over): Rami Attar has been waiting two months for this single box of humanitarian aid, cans of meat and vegetables to feed his

family of seven.

This will be gone in 10 days, he says, his frustration unmistakable. I don't know how it's going to be enough for seven people. I've been

suffering here being stuck for the last six to seven months, and the U.N. hasn't brought me anything to at least satiate my hunger.

Six months into the war, famine is creeping into parts of Gaza. Humanitarian aid agencies have been sounding the alarm for months, but now,

amid ramped up U.S. pressure, Israel is suddenly taking major steps to increase humanitarian aid.

We plan to flood Gaza with aid, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said this week, describing a new phase of humanitarian assistance that will see more

aid flow into Israel's Port of Ashdod and into Gaza via a new northern crossing point.

Overnight, the first trucks of food aid crossing into Northern Gaza via that new crossing point. Israel says it has nearly doubled the number of

humanitarian aid trucks getting into Gaza over the last week, screening close to 400 trucks per day.

Jamie McGoldrick, the U.N.'s humanitarian coordinator, says it's clear Israel is suddenly shifting its approach to humanitarian aid.

JAMIE MCGOLDRICK, THE U.N. HUMANITARIAN COORDINATOR: Well, that's for sure. I mean, there has been a change. We've been asking for this for

months. The fact that we've asked for more-- the -- say, Kerem Shalom to be open longer, we've asked for more roots and a corridor from Jordan, we've

asked for the -- all of the things they now start to say they're going to give us. But that's the question, why didn't we get it before?

DIAMOND (voice-over): For months, Israeli leaders have rejected accusations that they are limiting aid into Gaza, or intentionally starving

its population.

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER: Well, our policy is to -- not have famine, but to have the entry of humanitarian support as needed and as

much as is needed.

DIAMOND (voice-over): But the sudden ramp up, almost like flipping a switch, suggests Israel could have done a lot more, a lot sooner.

MCGOLDRICK: Well, I think it was never seen to be a priority. I mean, I think for them it's the war aims, the objectives of the war, that was first

and foremost. It would be seen as a second priority or even a nuisance value.

DIAMOND (voice-over): Data from UNRWA, the U.N.'s main agency in Gaza, shows that Israel has steadily allowed more aid into Gaza since opening up

humanitarian crossings on October 21st, with the exception of February, when the number of aid trucks dropped to less than 100 per day, before

slowly increasing again in March.

But those numbers are all well below the 500-humanitarian aid and commercial trucks that entered Gaza every day before the war. The impact of

insufficient aid has been obvious for months. It is marked all over the emaciated face of little Leila Junaid (ph). Barely three months old, she is

among the 30 percent of children in Northern Gaza who are suffering from acute malnutrition and who desperately need more aid now.


DIAMOND (on camera): And while we've started to see Israel follow through on some of the commitments it made to the United States about allowing more

humanitarian aid into Gaza, some other steps like the opening of the port of Ashdod have yet to happen. And also, Israel's commitments in terms of

better coordination with those humanitarian groups to deconflict between those aid operations and military operations, a lot of that still remains

to be seen to what extent Israel will follow through and to what extent it will actually improve the situation in Gaza. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Vital reporting. Jeremy, thank you for bringing it to us. Jeremy Diamond there.

Now, Former U.S. President Donald Trump and House Speaker Mike Johnson holding a news conference discussing election security. Johnson calling for

a bill to prevent non-citizens from voting, something the law already prohibits, and without producing evidence that it happens pretty often.


MIKE JOHNSON, U.S. HOUSE SPEAKER: What we're going to do is introduce legislation to require that every single person who registers the vote in a

federal election must prove that they're an American citizen first, they have to prove it. That will be a new part of the federal law and a very

important one.

Our bill will establish new safeguards, it will put us on par, by the way, with virtually every other democracy around the world that also prohibits

non-citizen voting.


CHATTERLEY: OK. The speaker's visit to Mar-a-Lago coincides with an ongoing effort to oust him, led by one of Trump's staunchest allies in

Congress, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. Just listen to what the former president had to say.



DONALD TRUMP, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT AND REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We are getting along very well with the speaker, and I get along with

Marjorie. We have a speaker. He was voted in, and it was a complicated process. And I think it's not an easy situation for any speaker. I think he

is doing a very good job. He is doing about as good as you are going to do. And I'm sure that Marjorie understands that. She's a very good friend of

mine. And I know she has a lot of respect for the speaker.


CHATTERLEY: Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris is in the battleground State of Arizona. She is there to speak about abortion rights and took to

the stage just moments ago.

This week, the Arizona Supreme Court cleared the way to revive a civil war era law that bans nearly all abortions.


KAMALA HARRIS, U.S. VICE PRESIDENT: Now, in states across our country, extremists have proposed and passed laws that criminalize doctors and

punish women. Laws that threaten doctors and nurses with prison time, even for life, simply for providing reproductive care.

And then, just this week, here in Arizona, they have turned back the clock to the 1,800ths to take away a woman's most fundamental right, the right to

make decisions about her own body.


CHATTERLEY: And Senior Political Analyst Ron Brownstein joins us now. Ron, we'll begin in Arizona. The Democrats clearly understanding that this is a

political potent weapon that they've been handed in Arizona this week, and Kamala Harris wasting no time getting there to front that message.

RONALD BROWNSTEIN, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST AND SENIOR EDITOR, THE ATLANTIC: Absolutely. You know, if you look at kind of the big picture of

this election, Donald Trump right now has a very large lead over President Joe Biden over who can best handle the economy. Biden can probably close

that gap somewhat, but he's not likely to eliminate it, Julia, by election day, which means that ultimately, he has to convince some voters who think

that Trump is better for their bottom line to vote against him anyway on other grounds.

And abortion rights and democracy, the kind of complex of issues around rights and values and democracy clearly is his best opportunity to do that.

And if you look at some of these swing states, what we saw in 2022 in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Arizona, was that there was a clear

majority of voters who want to keep abortion legal in that state.

There's been a lot of pessimism and democratic ranks about Biden's prospects in Arizona. I think all of that dramatically changed this week.

CHATTERLEY: Zip back to Mar-a-Lago and the former president speaking there with House Speaker Mike Johnson, and he was asked why he won't -- if he

wins power against sign a federal abortion ban, he said he won't. Why should we believe him was the question. He said we broke Roe v. Wade, which

was overturning, of course, of that law by the Supreme Court. You can see the Democratic ad campaign there. We broke Roe v. Wade.

How was he handling this in your estimation? Because he was again asked whether he was pro-choice or prolife, and he sort of said, you know where I

stand on this, but he didn't say where he stands.

BROWNSTEIN: Well, he's clearly looking to limit the political damage. I mean, I -- you know, you don't have to be a, you know, kind of a seer to

understand, as I said that in these swing states there is a clear majority that wants to keep abortion legal and he's trying to minimize the danger to

his campaign on that issue by saying that he would not sign a national abortion ban.

He's got two big problems with that. One is that, as you say, he has simultaneously taken credit for overturning the national right to abortion.

And so, basically asking voters who believe abortion should be legal to put their trust that Trump would veto a ban if a Republican Congress sent it to

him may be asking a little much.

The other though -- the front though is important, and it was significant that Kamala Harris mentioned this today in a way that she has not before,

which is that even without signing a national abortion ban there's enormous leeway for the next president through executive branch action at the Food

and Drug Administration and the Department of Justice to reduce or even potentially virtually eliminate access to abortion nationwide.

And Trump allies have made very clear, they expect him to use the FDA, for example, to restrict the availability of medication abortion or to use the

Justice Department to revive a 19th century law that could ban the interstate mail of any medical tool used in abortions.

And you brought that up today, even if he does -- even if he tries to fudge the issue of whether he would sign a national abortion ban, that does not

eliminate the potential ways in which he could restrict availability. And you can bet Democrats are going to make voters aware of that, particularly

in these key swing states.


CHATTERLEY: Yes, there's another campaign ad. Very quickly, the other thing, you understood why the speaker got that ticket, that plane ticket to

Mar-a-Lago because he was praised, of course, by the former president. And we know, as a speaker, he's under some degree of pressure. Some of that

ties to funding for Ukraine and for Israel, which has been a battle in Congress.

The former president floated some idea of perhaps a loan to Ukraine, rather than gifting them the money. How do you see that flying?

BROWNSTEIN: Well, I mean, he's been -- Trump has been saying that for months. Ultimately, that is not going to break the log jam because there's,

you know, essentially no chance of the Democratic control Senate or the White House agreeing to that.

Mike Johnson, as on many issues here, has to make the choice between, you know, placating the far-right of his caucus or working with Democrats to

build a bipartisan coalition to do something that most Americans support, in this case, providing further aid to Ukraine.

You know, the indications are that he is going to try to find a way to, in fact, get that aid flowing again. But each time he does this, he keep --

you know, he puts himself further out on that ledge where a handful of Republicans (INAUDIBLE). And Trump's tap on the shoulder, though, should

help insulate him against that.

CHATTERLEY: Wow. It's going to be an interesting few months. Ron, great to have you with us. Ron Brownstein there. Great to have you on the show, sir.

Thank you.

BROWNSTEIN: Thank you.

CHATTERLEY: Now, the former interpreter of Japanese baseball superstar Shohei Ohtani has surrendered to federal authorities in the United States.

I believe he's just literally just been released on bond.

Ippei Mizuhara is facing federal bank fraud charges for allegedly stealing more than $16 million from the Dodgers star to support his gambling

activities. Prosecutors say they have recordings of him impersonating Ohtani to -- on calls with the bank in order to transfer money from

Ohtani's accounts. Nick Watt is following the case from Los Angeles.

I think it's a 37-page criminal complaint against him. You're presumed innocent until proven guilty, Nick, but this is pretty damning. He is,

though, out on bond. Do we know how much for?

NICK WATT, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Just $25,000. They clearly don't think he's a flight risk. You know, it started badly. He had to shuffle into court in

leg shackles. The judge let him take those off.

One of the other conditions of his release, he's not allowed to gamble. He's not allowed to speak to any bookmakers, and he has to have gambling

addiction treatment. His lawyer said he was planning to have that anyway.

You mentioned 37 pages. You know, a number of very interesting parts of that. As you mentioned, he was allegedly impersonating Shohei Ohtani with

bank officials. Also, some fascinating exchanges on text between the interpreter and the bookie. In one, the bookmaker -- and this was last

fall, clearly when he was worried about getting paid.

The bookie texted the interpreter and said, I am in Newport Beach right now. I am watching Shohei Ohtani walking his dog. And if you don't get in

touch with me, I'm going to go up and speak to Shohei Ohtani and ask him for a better contact number for you.

There was another one from March 20th when all this was sort of breaking in which the bookie asks the interpreter, obviously, you didn't steal from

him. And the reply from the interpreter is, well, technically I did steal from him. It's all over for me.

Meanwhile, Shohei Ohtani is playing very, very well at baseball. He has actually setting some career records for himself. The Dodgers are doing

really well. So, clearly, he has not been troubled by this. And the other thing that's clear in that 37-page complaint is that Ohtani really had no

idea what was going on here.

But the sums of money are staggering. So, apparently, over about a two-year period, this guy, Ippei Mizuhara, won $140 million betting on sports. He

lost $180 million betting on sports. So, he was in a $40 million hole.

Now, right now, we're told that he stole $16 million from Shohei Ohtani. Unclear where the other 24 million is. But anyway, he's going to be back in

court in a couple of weeks. Meantime, he's out on bond and he's been told to get a job. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. I mean, what's astonishing to me is some private wealth managers didn't call up Shohei Ohtani and go, you're taking a lot of money

out of here. You know, when's it coming back? But, yes, anyway, no time to answer that. Go on.

WATT: They didn't see it.


WATT: They didn't see it. They were shielded from it.

CHATTERLEY: Nick, great to have you with us. Thank you. Nick Watt there. Great to chat to you.

All right. Coming up, Wall Street sell-off, the biggest one-day drop for U.S. stocks in months. Mideast tensions hurting sentiment. The very latest

just ahead.

Plus, E.U. antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager puts A.I. giants on notice. She says robust regulation is coming. She also believes A.I. will change



And A.I. may not be coming for your job, but could it shorten your workweek? Yes, please. The findings from a new CEO survey after this.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back. And to all our viewers in the U.S., U.K., and Latin America, we hope you're having a fabulous Friday. And to all our

First Movers across Asia, here's hoping your weekend is off to a super start.

I have to say, though, it was a rough Friday on Wall Street, and that's what tops our "Money Move" today. U.S. stocks suffering one of their worst

days of the year, with all the major averages dropping more than 1 percent. As you can see, the Nasdaq giving back nearly all of its gains from

Thursday when it hit a record high, concerned that Iran may carry out an imminent attack against Israeli targets. A top concern for investors,

especially going into the weekend, and that was reflected in the price of oil.

Just take a look at this. Both U.S. and Brent (ph) crude rising around a half a percent. They'd been up more than 2 percent intraday, hitting six-

month highs, and all of that, of course, playing into ongoing inflationary concerns.

It was also an unspectacular start to Q1 earnings season. JPMorgan, the largest U.S. bank, issuing weak guidance on the profits it makes from loans

and mortgages, better known as Net Interest Margin, NIM.

But as we say here on FIRST MOVE, perhaps too often, context is everything. The S&P and the Nasdaq still up more than 8 percent year-to-date, driven in

part by the spectacular rise in artificial intelligence and the growth story it presents. And we see that playing out across all sorts of global

economies around the globe.

One very real threat to A.I., however, though, could perhaps come from governments. E.U. Antitrust Commissioner Margaretha Vestager telling our

Richard Quest Friday that officials cannot make the same mistake they did with big tech and wait too long to regulate. Just listen to this.


MARGRETHE VESTAGER, E.U. COMMISSIONER: When it comes to artificial intelligence, it is indeed not just another new technology, it's a new

world. It will change everything. And when you have that kind of potential, obviously, you have the equivalent risks.

Important steps have been taken. We have our A.I. law in Europe. But that's the first. For other jurisdictions, we have the code of practices. We have

the presidential order here, but we need to move forward, and obviously, we need to implement to make sure that this is not just words on paper, but

real obligation that A.I. developers take upon themselves.


RICHARD QUEST, CNN BUSINESS EDITOR-AT-LARGE AND CNN ANCHOR, QUEST MEANS BUSINESS: There's a real risk, because this is one of the reasons you're

here, of course, as part of the regular discussions that take place, that everybody's doing their own thing.

And whilst intentions may be good, you end up with a fragmented tapestry of different rules and regulations, which we already have in the digital

world, that could be made a great deal worse under A.I.

VESTAGER: Yes, and I think everybody realizes that. We came, in my opinion, too late, in to regulate what is now big tech, because we got a

lot of entrenched market power, very few opportunities for the newcomers, for the competitors, actually to get to their customers. And I think

everybody realized that we cannot make that mistake again. So, we need to figure out how to align not only with friends in the U.S., but also


QUEST: You see, I hear what you're saying, and I know this is sort of the way governance works, but it's working a great deal slower than the

technological advancements, and that is your core problem. You can't keep up with the advancements.

VESTAGER: No, and this is exactly why the focus should not be on regulating technology in itself, but should focus on regulating the use of

technology, because the use cases of technology, they're much more stable than the technology, because technology is developing as we speak. There

will be another generation of whatever model we are talking about.

But the use cases, the risk that people are being discriminated when applying for university, trying to get a mortgage, wanting to insure

themselves, getting proper health treatment, those use cases, they are there and they will remain with us, no matter the level of A.I.



CHATTERLEY: And Richard Quest joins us now. Richard. I love her point about regulating the use of technology rather than the technology itself,

because technology moves too fast, as you've said, but I just think investors laugh at that.

Look how well they did with social media or aren't doing, quite frankly. But even the enthusiasm in A.I. stocks not enough to outweigh the nervous

sentiment that we saw across markets, across assets in the session today and this week.

QUEST: Yes, but that's knee-jerk as a result of geopolitical oil, don't forget the dollar's storming ahead, best quarter for the dollar for a long

time, and worries about inflation and cutting of interest rates.

So, I don't mean to belittle those elements, but that is the sort of meat and veg, if you will, of a cyclical recovery and will work its way through.

They say about Margaretha Vestager, she's never met a regulation or an antitrust action that she doesn't like. They say that, you know, she has --

she is one of those reasons that Europe does not have a global player like Google or Meta or Apple because Europe is an unfriendly environment. Now,

she bristles at that, absolutely bristles, and says, no, it's all to do with capital, it's all to do with startups, et cetera, et cetera.

But I was talking to a very senior executive who -- in a top, top tech company, who basically said, no, because Europe is not considered to be

friendly enough.

CHATTERLEY: Tech companies have been telling us both for the last 10 years that you get mummified in red tape, and I understand their desire to do

something about this, but the danger is that they suppress innovation and that they overregulate, and the United States, even though they're in

discussions with them, end up allowing this innovation to flourish, and the E.U. gets left behind once again. Richard, I think your point is so valid

on this.

Jamie Dimon, interesting this week as well.


CHATTERLEY: Did you see the comments that he made when he said, our children are going to live to 100, they're not going to suffer from cancer,

and they're going to work three and a half days a week as a result of artificial intelligence?

QUEST: I am old enough to remember the whole three-day -- four-day week in France, and everybody had a good old chortle, because, you know, they're

lazy French, they've never been a full week's work in their life. And yet, you know, that is where we're moving.

This survey by KPMG of CEOs that shows most CEOs, two-thirds of them, are playing around with some sort of idea of four-day weeks or lower working

weeks. It's merely backing up what the U.K. study did last year. This is the one from the U.S., 30 percent are exploring it, because they know it


This is one of those things, Julia, all the research shows, and there was a massive study in the U.K. last year, which showed 61 companies of which the

majority have kept some form of lower week working, and then some form, because employers like it, employees like it.


Now, don't get me wrong, it's got to be structured properly. You can't just say, well, you're off next Friday for the next six months. You've got work

out who's going to do the work, how long is it this, or is that or the other?

CHATTERLEY: I'm thinking Generative AI can do the work, Richard. If we're all that much more productive --

QUEST: Oh, come on.

CHATTERLEY: -- then maybe --

QUEST: No, stop. No, no, no.

CHATTERLEY: -- I mean, I'm fully prepared to be replaced by A.I. Julia for a couple of days.

QUEST: No. The problem now

CHATTERLEY: The danger is, it becomes five.

QUEST: Exactly. It wouldn't be a couple of days. Once they discovered that A.I. Quest can do the job as well. And not only that --


QUEST: As -- A.I. Quest can do your job, my job. It can probably do Zane's job, just wrap them all in. And it can properly do it in about five

different languages, which none of us speak.

CHATTERLEY: I'm going to start Googling what to do when I retire, Richard.

QUEST: Hey, there's one thing I always say, and it's -- I say it half in jest, but I'm glad I am at this end of my career, not that end.

CHATTERLEY: Do you really think we're going to be replaced by A.I., Richard?

QUEST: In some shape or form, at some point, yes.

CHATTERLEY: But not this week.

QUEST: Oh, God forbid.

CHATTERLEY: It's Friday.

QUEST: I've got a mortgage to pay.

CHATTERLEY: Have a good weekend.

QUEST: Have good a weekend. Help.

CHATTERLEY: I'm just going to erase this. I hope our bosses weren't watching.

QUEST: It didn't happen.

CHATTERLEY: When it does -- when it mixes (ph)proportions.

QUEST: It didn't happen.

CHATTERLEY: Exactly. What didn't happen?

QUEST: Blame Margrethe Vestager. That's the answer. Blame Margrethe Vestager.

CHATTERLEY: We need more regulation. You and I are now both in favor of mass regulation, there you go. Hey, Richard, thank you. Have a great


All right. Turning now to the weather, it's been a bit of a dreary day here in New York, but temperatures, the good news is they are warming up across

Europe and Asia.

Chad Myers joins us now for more on this almost summery weekend, Chad, you've had to follow Richard again.


CHATTERLEY: Make it good, my friend.

MYERS: I don't even want to talk about A.I. because I finally learned how to make an A.I. image today. It's my very first one and I loved it.


MYERS: I loved.

CHATTERLEY: Congratulations.

MYERS: It's just text to image and now I have a puppy on a bed with a lightning storm behind him. And I didn't have to draw it.


MYERS: Thanks.

Here -- some showers moving into Shanghai over the next couple of days but -- and then eventually into Seoul the rain does go away and, really, it's

going to be a fairly nice couple of days. Well above normal for most of us here. And even the showers here south of Shanghai will be in a not so

populated area.

Temperatures are in the -- mainly in the 20s. This is five to 10 degrees above normal for this time of year. And even as we work our way into the

weekend, things aren't going to be too bad for next weekend either. We're going to start to be in the 20s. One cool day for you Beijing, down to 18

with the rain day -- rainy day on Sunday. A couple cool days in Seoul. The same rain will move to you.

Back toward Europe, we are going to see a couple of windy days for Dublin and also all of the U.K. But it warms up in parts of France. It warps up

and Germany for one more day. For 36 more hours, and then the cold front comes in and kind of ruins the whole summer kind of party, but it is pollen

season for a lot of folks. Take the cold front, push the pollen away, and you'll breathe a whole lot easier. So, look where we are from Paris, from

27 to 12. Take that.

CHATTERLEY: Wow. We're ready for a pollen push in New York, definitely. Everyone's sneezing. Chad, have a great weekend.

MYERS: You too. Yes.

CHATTERLEY: Thank you. You're watching FIRST MOVE. We'll be back after this.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to FIRST MOVE. And we return to our top story today. The world waiting to see how Iran retaliates against Israel

following that attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus last week. U.S. President Joe Biden telling reporters Friday he expects an attack

happening, "Sooner than later."

For months, there have been fears that an attack by Iran or one of its proxies like Hezbollah could end violence already heightened by the war in

Gaza. And just hours ago Hezbollah militants in Lebanon fired dozens of rockets toward Israel.

Now, for more we're joined by Alex Vatanka. He's director of the Middle East Institute's Iran program. Alex, great to have you on the show. I think

Iran has telegraphed that they feel like some form of retaliation or response is required. But the challenge is finding an option here that

doesn't create some kind of trigger for a wider conflict in the region, something that Iran has spent decades trying to avoid. Is there any reason

to suggest that Iran has changed their stance in that regard or they still want to avoid that?

ALEX VATANKA, IRAN PROGRAM DIRECTOR, MIDDLE EAST INSTITUTE: Great to be with you. You know, I tend to -- believe that that's not the case. It

hasn't changed. Iran's strategic mission, if you will, vis-a-vis Israel is the same. If you want to fight Israel just fight Israel through proxy

warfare. Because if you fight these Israelis directly head on, you are going to eventually risk to have to fight the Americans, which the Islamic

Republic has no desire to do because it kind of knows the outcome of such a conflict, and it would risk the survival of the Islamic Republic.

And the other thing that has happened in recent months after the attack by Hamas on the State of Israel and the Israeli intervention in Gaza is that

the Iranians are reading this situation in the following way. That time is on their side. Israel is undermining itself. That public opinion in the

region, perhaps internationally, is turning against Israel.

So, why risk it? Why do anything radical like regional war when time is on their side? Having said all that, the attack on 1st of April under -- the

embassy in Damascus was very different. So, they're in a position right now where they have to do something to save face.

CHATTERLEY: It's interesting that you make the point there that they won't look to, perhaps, take the spotlight of Israel in what is an increasingly

unpopular activity that we're seeing with the violence in Gaza or -- and turn that attention on themselves, which I think is an important point to

make at this moment.

Do we look to the president then that was set with the U.S. killing of Iranian General Soleimani back in 2020 and how they chose to respond in

that case, non-lethal attacks on U.S. bases? Does that give us some, kind of, perhaps comparison for response?

VATANKA: In many ways, yes. But here's the problem with the conflict with Israel. There aren't that many open, sort of, targets, if you will. There

are Israeli bases in the region as such. The Israelis are there. But, you know, the United States has about 50,000 American troops from Syria all the

way to Oman scattered around the region. There are plenty of American targets. That was the case with Qasem Soleimani in January 2020. Not so

with Israel.

And I have to say, the last 12 days, the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, has made life difficult for himself because he's made the point

repeatedly that Israel, by attacking the embassy in Damascus, targeted Iran on Iranian soil because of its diplomatic position, and that Iran has to

retaliate in kind.


Number two, that they killed Iranians, Iranian officers, and Iran has to do the same. Really making it hard for himself not to get out of that pickle

that I think he's created for himself.

CHATTERLEY: Alex, very quickly, do you expect in some manner the Iranians to be communicating with the Americans at this point? To give them a sense

of what the plan is, and then for the Americans to be able to talk to the Israelis and say, don't respond, just in order to try and keep a lid on


VATANKA: Exactly right. You know, that's exactly what happened with the Iranian retaliation after Qasem Soleimani. They told the Iraqis, tell your

American friends, this is what we are going to do. Get their soldiers out, and they fired those missiles.


VATANKA: Whether the United States can do that, this time when Biden has that political capital with Benjamin Netanyahu remains to be seen. But I

think a controlled end to this escalation is what the Iranian side clearly is after.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, controlled and a non-lethal attack, to your point.

VATANKA: Right. Exactly.

CHATTERLEY: Alex, great to chat to you, sir. Thank you.

VATANKA: Thank you.

CHATTERLEY: Alex Vatanka there of the Middle East Institute.

All right. Meanwhile, in the occupied West Bank, hundreds of armed Israeli settlers stormed a village. According to Palestinian officials who say at

least one person was killed, 25 others injured, and several homes and cars burned. That would make it one of the largest attacks by settlers this

year. The IDF says, violent riots were instigated in several locations following the search for a missing Israeli teen.

And coming up here on FIRST MOVE, an exclusive look at efforts to stop illegal migration into the United States. This time, it's coming from the

Mexican side of the border. More on Mexico's enforcement escalation after this.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to an exclusive first look at how Mexico is trying to tackle illegal crossings into the U.S. And we're talking

checkpoints and inspection camps at some of the busiest entry points. Mexican officials say, it's helped deter migration to the United States by

10 percent since December. Our David Culver spent some time with border guards, and this is what he found.


DAVID CULVER, CNN SENIOR U.S. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: If you could see behind me here, there's a huge gap in the wall. And this is where Mexican

officials tell us that a lot of the smugglers are either directing or bringing some of migrants too so that they can easily cross.


CULVER (voice-over): Which makes these rugged back roads, the preferred and profitable routes for cartel-backed migrant smugglers. We're about an

hour east of Tijuana, driving with Mexican migration officials along the U.S.-Mexico border. But we detour after learning a group of migrants has

been rescued, as officials here say.

We pull up and find about a dozen folks who described to me their attempts to claim asylum in the U.S.

CULVER: He said he tried to cross, but Mexican officials stopped him from being able to go.

CULVER (voice-over): That's because Mexico is now stepping up its efforts to stop migrants from crossing illegally into the U.S. Following requests

from the Biden administration, Mexico's now pouring resources, like the National guard and Mexican army, in to help patrol and detain migrants like

these. Eventually transporting them to Southern Mexico.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where we separate them by nationalities, and then from then we determine the deportation process.

CULVER (voice-over): What's happening here goes beyond stepped-up patrols. In recent months, Mexican officials have built base camps, deploying troops

to some of the most popular illegal crossing sites.

CULVER: A smuggler's van. Are there several of these vehicles just left abandoned and --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Like seven vehicles in total --

CULVER: In this area alone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- in the area.

CULVER (voice-over): As we pull up, we realize we've been here before.

CULVER: we have seen so many people cross through this property. this right here.


CULVER (voice-over): At this spot late last year, we met U.S. residents fed up with migrants coming through their land.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They can come through the front door.

CULVER (voice-over): Our cameras captured hundreds each day and night.

CULVER: That has stopped in recent weeks, and it's stopped primarily because of what we're seeing on the Mexico side of things. This is a remote

base on the border. You've got Mexican immigration officials, you've got National Guard, and you've got the Mexican Army who are here 24-7.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have our fridge, microwave, coffee, everything.

CULVER: You have moved resources to live 24-7 on the border. Why is this so important for Mexico to be doing that?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We want to prevent migrants to get in touch with the criminal groups.

CULVER (voice-over): The number of migrant encounters reported by U.S. Border Patrol appears to reflect the impact of Mexico's actions. Dropping

42 percent from December to January alone and seeming to stay low. But officials warn cartels and their smugglers frequently adjust their tactics

and keep close watch.

CULVER: They're watching us right now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They see when we are patrolling and we -- when we leave a spot.

CULVER (voice-over): It's a crisis that has also sparked uneasiness for Mexican residents.

CULVER: it's gotten so frustrating for these folks, in particular, that a community got together, wrote a letter to their governor petitioning for

more resources. And for that reason that you have, well, you can see right here, members of the Mexican National Guard who are now patrolling

neighborhoods like this one to keep migrants from coming through.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (Speaking in a foreign language).

CULVER (voice-over): Authorities here urge migrants to use the U.S.'s CBP One app rather than to risk crossing with smugglers. Mexican officials at

this location even help pre-screen up to 500 migrants daily for the U.S. asylum interview process.

CULVER: So, he's in communication with U.S. officials -- on the other side. And they're sending documents back and forth to make sure that they

have the right information.

CULVER (voice-over): While this is a more orderly way to claim asylum, it can take a while to get an appointment.

Martha Acheela (ph) says she's waited five months for this day.

CULVER: (Speaking in a foreign language).

MARTHA ACHEELA (PH), MEXICAN RESIDENT SEEKING U.S. ASYLUM: (Speaking in a foreign language).

CULVER: (Speaking in a foreign language).

ACHEELA (PH): (Speaking in a foreign language).

CULVER: So, I asked why they didn't go through the smuggling route, which so many choose to do. And she said that, for one, it costs an extreme

amount of money. And the other aspect of it for her was they wanted to be able to enter legally through the appointment, try to build a better future


CULVER (voice-over): The road ahead is uncertain, for both the migrants and for those protecting the border. We see that firsthand as we leave the

remote border camps.

CULVER: The reason we stopped and pulled over is because there are these spikes that we've noticed all along the different dirt roadways that take

us to the border wall.

CULVER (voice-over): Evidence of a smuggler's desperate attempt to salvage their profits.

CULVER: There are dozens if not hundreds of these.

CULVER (voice-over): And while it slows them down momentarily, for now they forge ahead in their efforts to curb the flow of a migrant crisis

that's consuming resources on both sides of the border.


CHATTERLEY: And just into CNN, a transitional council has been established in Haiti. It's responsible for choosing the country's next leadership.


According to a decree, this comes a month after the Haitian Prime Minister announced he would step down once the council names a new Prime minister.

People hope the move will help quell turmoil in the nation where most of the capital remains under the grip of gangs. Any further details or which

members and which individuals are on that council, we will bring them to you.

For now, coming up next, a Master's record for Tiger Woods. We'll have all the action from day two from Augusta. Stay with us.


CHATTERLEY: And welcome back.

A stunning performance from Tiger Woods at the Masters on a marathon second day for golfers at the Augusta National, which broke the record for the

most consecutive cuts made at a tournament for a staggering 24th time. The 48-year-old will play the weekend seeking a historic 6th victory in


Don Riddell is there with all the action for us. Dare we dream? Dare he dream. He said he's got one more green jacket in him, but even if he

doesn't, this is huge, Don.

DON RIDDELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Hey, Julia. Well, he is dreaming. He certainly thinks he very much in contention, but whatever happens, it

already has been an historic day here at Augusta. Just absolutely extraordinary. And when you think about everything that Tiger Woods has

been through, the accident which could have cost him his leg or maybe even his life three years ago. And ever since then we've seen him, kind of,

dragging his body up and down golf courses, grimacing and wincing in pain, he looks so much better now.

He had a long day on Friday because he didn't get his first round finished on Thursday, so he had to be up at the crack of dawn or earlier to play

five holes to finish the first round. Then he had to play another 18 which meant 23 holes in one day. Before this tournament, he had only played 24

holes competitively all season.

So, a marathon day for Tiger Woods. But he's got there. He's made the cut, as you say, for a 24th consecutive time, and now he is thinking about much

more than just history.


TIGER WOODS, 15-TIME MAJOR WINNER: I'm tired. I've been out for a while, competing, grinding. It's a -- it's been a long 23 holes. A long day. But

Lance and I really did some good fighting today and we'll -- we got a chance.


RIDDELL: Tiger using all of his smarts and experience to get around this golf course. The conditions have been really, really difficult, very, very

windy. But he was playing today as if there was no wind at all. Just hitting the fairway almost every single time. And he's given himself a

chance of doing something this weekend. We'll see, but it's great that he still here.

CHATTERLEY: We've got a chance, that sounds like Tiger. Long day, longer weekend ahead, Don. What does the leaderboard look like right now?


RIDDELL: Well, three other Americans are at the top. Max Homa, who is a successful PGA Tour player, but he doesn't tend to feature very often in

the majors. He is currently in a three-way tie on six under par. The two men alongside him already have a major victory success.

So, we've got the current world number one and 2022 Masters Champion, Scottie Scheffler. He's actually still out on the course. He's got a few

holes left to complete, but he is also there on six under. As is Bryson DeChambeau, who is the 2020 US Open Champion. He has left the PGA Tour for

the LIV Tour in the last couple of years.

He is one of the most fascinating men in golf. He was known as the golf scientist. He's always got a different approach to the game. He's kind of

rubbed people up the wrong way. He's one of those polarizing figures that you either love or you hate, but he's playing very, very well as well on

this golf course.

So, at the moment, a three-way tie with three American golfers. But there's a couple of other guys lurking with intent behind them. And I think we're

all set for an exciting day tomorrow.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. Stiff competition. Come on, Tiger. Don Riddell, thank you so much for that. Enjoy it.

RIDDELL: All right.

CHATTERLEY: And that just about wraps up the show. Thank you for joining us. Have a fantastic weekend and I'll see you on Monday or Tuesday.

