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First Move with Julia Chatterley

Trump's Hush Money Trial; First Seven Jurors In Trump's Hush Money Trial; Israel Debates For A Response To Iran's Attack; Israel's Response "Limited In Scope"; China's GDP Jump; Beijing's Encouraging Q1 GDP Data; Dubai Downpour; A Years' Worth Of Rain In Dubai; U.S. House Speaker Will Not Resign; India's Historic Election; U.K. Takes Aim On Sexually Explicit Deepfakes; New Era Begins For Caitlin Clark; Caitlin Clark Number One Draft Pick; Spanish Soccer Shocker; Barcelona And Atletico Madrid Both Of The UEFA; Leveling The Playing Field. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired April 16, 2024 - 18:00   ET




JAKE TAPPER, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: This gorgeous open love letter to your kids and to our planet and to our shared humanity. Congratulations, Bill.

WEIR: Thank you.

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podcasts. The news continues on CNN with Wolf Blitzer. Right next door in a place I like to call "The Situation Room."

JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: It's 6:00 a.m. in Beijing, 3:00 p.m. in Los Angeles, and 6:00 p.m. here in New York. I'm Julia Chatterley.

And wherever you are in the world, this is your "First Move."

A warm welcome to "First Move" once again. And here's today's need to know. Seven down, five to go. The first seven jurors in Donald Trump's hush money

trial are seated. And the judge warning the former president he won't have them intimidated.

Israel continues to debate a response to this weekend's attack by Iran. The U.S. says it's expecting what does come to be "limited in scope."

And a Spanish soccer shocker. Barcelona and Atletico Madrid both out of the UEFA Champions League. All that and more coming up.

But first, as I mentioned, seven down, five to go, plus an extra six to follow. Day two of Donald Trump's hush money trial is now over with the

first seven jurors seated. They cover a wide range of New Yorkers, including an English teacher who avoids the news, an oncology nurse, as

well as a man who works in sales who says he watches both Fox News and MSNBC. Potential jurors face questions this Tuesday about their social

media posts and where they get their news.

Surprising no one, perhaps the former president made it pretty obvious coming out of the court just moments ago that he disapproves of the

presiding judge.


DONALD TRUMP, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT AND REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We think we have a very conflicted, highly conflicted judge. He shouldn't

be on the case and he's rushing this trial and he's doing as much as he can for the Democrats. This is a Biden inspired witch hunt, and it should end,

and it should end very quickly.


CHATTERLEY: And Zach Cohen joins us now. Zach, more than a third of the way there, just after the second day. Now, this is called progress, I think.

ZACHARY COHEN, CNN NATIONAL SECURITY REPORTER: Absolutely. We started yesterday with 96 potential jurors on this first panel, this first wave of

possible jurors, and we ended today with seven sworn in and seated as -- and they will serve as part of the jury for Donald Trump's trial. As you

mentioned, that means we need five jurors to be seated, plus about six alternates. The judge said today he expects the alternate number to be

around six, but that could change.

The judge also saying that he wants and thinks that this trial could start and moving forward on Monday, meaning, he thinks the jury selection process

could be done by Monday. He, of course, did shrug when he said that. So, it remains to be seen how quickly, you know, the rest of the jury selection

process will play out, but definitely progress.

And, you know, Donald Trump making clear that he is not a fan of the progress that we've seen so far. His attorneys have questioned the first

wave of jurors and really trying to emphasize and weed out anybody that they believe had an anti-Trump bias.

But the judge, in this case, really making clear today in his reaction and his decisions on whether or not to strike potential jurors, that it's not

enough to have a political view one way or the other, whether anti or pro Donald Trump. It is this ability and whether or not a juror can act and can

render a verdict that is both impartial and fair in this case.

And we saw several jurors have to get questioned about social media posts, questioned about videos, including one where there was a video of a

potential juror celebrating Joe Biden's 2020 election win. And the judge allowed that juror to remain in the pool despite the objections of the

Trump team. So, really an interesting sort of experiment in the jury selection process today.

And we are learning a little bit about who these seven jurors that have been sworn in are. And you mentioned earlier, it is a very diverse array of

people, people that are both familiar with the news, read the news. And according to one juror, one who has -- didn't even know that Donald Trump

was charged in other criminal cases in addition to this one until today, making them sort of a unicorn juror of sorts.

Most of these jurors do say that they read the news, they get their news from places like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and of course,

CNN. Some express some, you know, positive feelings toward Donald Trump. One of them said that he is fascinated by Donald Trump. He finds him

fascinating and mysterious. He also said that that would not impact his ability to render a fair verdict into being partial as this case moves


So, again, we're halfway -- more than a third of the way through the jury selection process. We will return on Thursday. It looks like to introduce

the next wave or the next panel of potential jurors. So, we will see if and when we get to that 12 plus the few alternates. The judge expects that

could happen as soon as Monday, allowing this case to move forward.


CHATTERLEY: Zach Cohen. Thank you so much of that. And hey, I want to live in that world that that unicorn is living in quite frankly. Where have they

been hiding? Fantastic. All right. Thank you so much for that.

I'm joined now by legal analyst and former us attorney, Michael Moore. Michael, I'm sure you were listening to that as well. This seems and feels

like swift progress, even if there are perhaps some people that at least on the surface, you would say, perhaps the defense or even the prosecution,

perhaps, as well, might wish to remove.

MICHAEL MOORE, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: That's true. I'm happy to be with you tonight. You know, the case is moving along at a little bit of a quicker

pace than I thought, frankly, when we started. I thought it would take much of the week to get a couple of jurors seated.

I would caution that sometimes you don't want to necessarily move so fast for the sake of expediency that you risk making errors that could -- where

a case can be reversed on appeal. And so, when I hear about the juror who was allowed to remain, who had been filmed celebrating a Biden victory,

while it's true typically that politics doesn't disqualify you, this case is unique because, essentially, Trump is being charged for trying to take

away or influence the election victory by some payment, specifically involving Biden.

So, you had somebody who was celebrating Biden's win. That may pose some problems. So, I do think the judge has done a fairly good job at keeping

things moving. But you're right. Prosecutors nor the defense team want to have jurors who really are -- have a secret motive, an ulterior motive. So,

they need to go through this very carefully, be very careful about social media posts, be very careful about body language that we may see in the

courtroom. And they're all looking not so much to choose the right jurors, but to make sure that certain jurors who may have a bias do not get on the

panel so that the case can be fair to both sides.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. I mean, just that somebody's celebrating a win for President Biden doesn't necessarily mean that they can't judge the facts of

the case as they are and make reasonable assumptions about what took place admittedly. But you have to think where the defense is concerned, that's a

prime candidate to promote in an appeal situation that after this case is closed or at least a verdict is reached.

MOORE: Right.

CHATTERLEY: What we also saw today -- sorry, go on. You were going to say something.

MOORE: Well, I was going to say that's exactly right.


MOORE: And a lot of a lot of what we're seeing is about building a record and making sure that there's a record to move forward on appeal in the

event of a conviction. And so, some of the objections we've seen, some of the motions we've seen, that's simply what it's about.

CHATTERLEY: What the judge also said today to the former president was that he didn't want to see any of these jurors intimidated. Michael, I take a

step back and I think surely, it's hard not to be intimidated in this situation. A former president, he's well known, he's not shy in general

about giving his opinions and being quite vitriolic at times if he disagrees with those individuals or the opinions of those individuals.

Certainly, hard not to be intimidated, surely.

MOORE: Sure. And I think one of the fallacies that has been promoted throughout some of these cases that have moved forward is that this should

be like any other case and it's no different. That's just not reality.


MOORE: I mean, the fact of the matter is this is a former president of the United States. And so, standing around that courtroom and standing around

that courthouse and as the jurors come to the courthouse, you're going to see Secret Service and barricades and all those things. So, this is not a

normal trial. And I mean, I think it's better just to acknowledge that.

And part of that lends itself to intimidation when you have -- again, you have the sort of the security detail who's present, you have the former

president who is not known for being a shrinking violent in any way he's willing to let his displeasure be known audibly at times, certainly

visibly. And so, these are things that the judge is having to watch.

But part of it, again, is just recognizing that this is not what I would call a typical criminal trial, and any effort to make it seem so just

belies the facts that are present, and that is that this is a trial of huge notoriety, and it's a trial that it will involve and does involve a former

president of the United States, and as we know, even issues that move very quickly up toward the Supreme Court.

So, you know, no juror likes to be put on the spot. It's an uncomfortable position for people who are not used to being in a courtroom on a regular

basis in the first place, but certainly, when you add those other factors, it can create an atmosphere that certainly makes them uncomfortable and it

may lend to some feelings that they're intimidated.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, and I would argue that's not unique to President Trump. That's unique to any president, quite frankly.

MOORE: True.

CHATTERLEY: It's a unique situation to be in. What did amuse me was some of the questions about potential conflicts. One of the jurors that was chosen

asked whether her sister's wedding on a Sunday in September might be a scheduling conflict, and the judge quipped, if we're still here in

September, that would be a big problem.

MOORE: Right.

CHATTERLEY: For many reasons, and for more, I think, than just this jury, and obviously, there's someone who's a Republican nominee as well. What are

you watching for now?


MOORE: You know, I'll be interested to see how quickly we get through the rest of the jury selection, what motions may be made at the time. I'm sure

there'll be another challenge to the panel into the jury selection process as a whole. We'll see that as we go. And I'll be interested to see how the

judge handles that.

I think some of this back and forth about the gag order, it seems to me that it's about time that we put that down and let's just get on to the

trial of this case. And I think that's going to be important.

You'll have two court proceedings going on at the same time when you have the Supreme Court hearing oral arguments about his immunity claim, and then

you have this criminal trial going on. Again, these are things we haven't seen before. And so, this will make for an interesting view. And by anybody

who's following the case and sort of the happenings in each circumstance.

I do also have some interest in seeing who is the first witness. You know, prosecution teams should not put up somebody who's an analytical type to

sort of put the jury to sleep. At the same time, they can't necessarily put up what I would consider to be their hottest witnesses. In this case, that

may be, in fact Ms. Daniels and Mr. Cohen. Those witnesses have their own issues that'll have to be dealt with on cross-examination.

So, it'll be interesting to see which witness comes forward, and this needs to be a witness that basically sets the hook for the jury. It gets them

interested in the case, turns their attention full speed to the facts that are coming ahead, begins to tell the story, but doesn't serve as really an

obstacle or give the prosecution any risk that they're starting off with a weak witness. So, it will be telling to see who they put up. That might be

Ms. Hicks, it might be somebody else. We'll certainly see as the weeks progress.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, note to self, don't send the jury to sleep.

MOORE: That's right.

CHATTERLEY: In the first couple of days.

MOORE: Don't do it. Don't do it with some type of analytical witness right after that.


MOORE: Right.

CHATTERLEY: Keep it simple.

MOORE: Right.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. Former U.S. Attorney Michael Moore, sir, thank you for your time.

MOORE: Great to be with you.

CHATTERLEY: Now, on the world stage, we're waiting to see what action Israel may take against Iran after Israel's war cabinet wrapped up another

key meeting. We have heard from U.S. officials on the matter though, telling CNN that Israel's response will be "limited in scope." More on that

in just a moment.

Meanwhile, Iran's president is warning of a severe and painful "reprisal" if Tehran's interests were to be targeted. Jeremy Diamond has more on the

deliberations in Israel.


JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, the Israeli war cabinet today once again convening for several hours to discuss military options for a

potential Israeli response to that unprecedented Iranian strike on Israel over the weekend, hours more of deliberations. But for now, it is unclear

whether or not a decision has indeed been made.

But what one thing is clear is that the Israeli military is indeed determined to respond. And as this war cabinet meeting was happening, the

Israeli military invited us to a military base, in Southern Israel, where they showed us just one part of a ballistic missile, one of the more than

120 that were fired at Israel over the weekend. Here's what we saw.


DIAMOND: This is just one piece of an Iranian ballistic missile that the Israeli military says Iran fired towards Israel over the weekend at 36 feet

long. This is just the fuel tank for that missile. The Israeli military says more than 120 ballistic missiles were fired at Israel in this attack.

Only a handful of them actually making it through Israel's air defense systems.

And the Israeli military believes this missile was likely intercepted. And you can see the holes in the sides of this fuel tank. This missile was

actually found in the Dead Sea. It was recovered and it was taken to this base in Southern Israel. But now, Israel says it must respond. It must

reestablish deterrence.

They say this attack cannot go unanswered. The only question now is how the Israeli military will respond and when.


DIAMOND: And so, when you see that video, you can really just get a sense of the size and the scale of these missiles and the destructive power that

they could potentially deliver. I'm told that the warhead on top of that missile would typically weigh about a half a ton, a half a ton of

explosives of destructive power. And so, you can just think if these missiles had indeed made it through Israel's air defense systems, the kind

of destruction that they could have caused.

We also spoke with the Israeli military's top spokesman, Daniel Hagari, he told us that the timing and the mode of this Israeli response to this

Iranian attack would be decided by them at a time of their choosing, but he did say that it would come.

Jeremy Diamond, CNN, Tel Aviv.


CHATTERLEY: A vital context there as the Israelis deliberate. And as I mentioned earlier, at least on the United States part, they expect Israel's

military response to be "limited in scope," at least according to a source familiar with the intelligence, as well as a senior administration

official. The official also says Israel has not given the U.S. a warning about its plans or when they might occur.


Oren Liebermann joins us from the Pentagon. Oren, it's not just about the timing of this, it is, if indeed, the response will be limited in scope,

what that might look like.

OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Of course. And then, of course, the question of does the U.S. get a heads up or does Israel act on

its own and either not give the U.S. a heads up in advance so that the Biden administration can't object? Or does that heads up come very late in

the process with the attack already set in motion?

And as you point out the question, what is limited? What does that mean, an attack that's limited in scope? There are a number of different options

that Israel can pursue here, from hitting Iranian forces in Syria to carrying out some sort of strike in Iran itself, but each of these has

risks, both military and diplomatic.

Of course, Israel and Iran are not close together. So, any sort of operation has to take place over range, which is very difficult with

Israel's fighter jets, especially because they're unlikely to get any sort of refueling help from other countries. And that too is a major

consideration here.

It wasn't just Israel and the United States defending Israeli airspace from this Iranian attack, other countries helped as well, including the

Jordanians and others, and Israel risks the bit of goodwill it generated here in the defense of this attack if it does decide to carry out its own

attack against Iran, crossing the airspace of other countries that participated in the defense of Israel and were able to help in that


So, all of these are factors that Israel is weighing in, that the U.S. watching very closely. President Joe Biden made very clear to Prime

Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the Iranian attack that Israel should see this as a win because the vast majority was intercepted by the U.S.,

Israel, and the partners who participated in the defense here. There was no major damage, relatively minor damage in just a couple of spots in Israel.

And yet, Israel's leadership, including its political and military leadership, have made clear that some sort of response is coming and that's

what the U.S. is watching very closely, specifically because Iran has also vowed to respond to any Israeli attack.

So, now, it is a question of waiting here. And part of that waiting, it seems, Julia, is waiting for Israel to decide how it's going to move

forward here. And as we just heard from our colleague, Jeremy Diamond, perhaps that decision hasn't yet been made as Israel tries to figure out

how to thread a needle between responding and not angering the U.S. and the other countries that helped in the defense over the weekend.

CHATTERLEY: Oren Liebermann, great to have you with us, sir. Thank you so much for that report.

All right. Straight ahead, China's GDP jump. Economic growth surpassing expectations in the first quarter, but that doesn't mean major challenges

don't remain.

And a Dubai downpour. A city that usually gets just 25 days of rain a year completely and utterly unprepared for what took place Tuesday. Chaos at the

world's second busiest airport and residents told to stay indoors. More details next.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." And sadly, another day of weakness for global stocks in today's "Money Move." Wall Street closing

mostly lower with the Dow just barely breaking a sixth session losing streak. Investors remain focused on how Israel may respond to Iran's

airstrikes from this past weekend, and that kept oil prices near six-month highs.

U.S. bond yields hitting year-to-date highs too with Fed Chair Jerome Powell highlighting once more the struggle to tame inflation. Sharp losses

too though across parts of the other -- other parts of the world. On Tuesday, Europe's major stock markets all, as you can see there, losing

ground. The FTSE 100, the biggest loser. And that followed a selloff in Asia Tuesday too. The Hang Seng and the Kospi falling more than 2 percent.

We'll see what Wednesday brings.

And now Jay Powell may be struggling with inflation. It seems as though the IMF agrees. The International Monetary Fund raising its U.S. growth

forecast to 2.7 percent this year, and that's more than half a percentage point higher from just four months ago. The chief economist says the

resilience that we're seeing in the economy will certainly make the Fed's job harder.


PIERRE-OLIVIER GOURINCHAS, CHIEF ECONOMIST, IMF: What we're seeing in the U.S. economy is strong growth, strong supply, strong productivity, increase

in labor supply, but also strong demand. U.S. Households are actually out there. They're consuming. We're seeing a lot of spending.

And right now, the edge might be on the demand side, and that's, you know, causing a problem maybe for price pressures going forward.


CHATTERLEY: So, overall, the IMF raised its 2024 global growth outlook to 3.2 percent saying that a soft landing remains in sight. The IMF also

keeping its growth forecast for China unchanged at 4.6 percent this year. That's below China's own official targets. And it's below the 5.3 percent

Q1 growth reported by the nation on Tuesday. China's economy putting in a surprisingly strong performance due to Beijing's new focus on boosting

high-tech manufacturing. The U.S. and Europe fear this is leading to overcapacity issues which will affect their own economies.

And Marc Stewart is in Beijing for us. Marc, great to have you with us. A great number taken at face value. And we shall do that. Set aside all the

usual issues with this kind of data. The problem that I foresee in the numbers, and I mentioned it there, the highlight is all those high-tech

manufacturing batteries, EVs, autos that the treasury secretary, Janet Yellen, was over in China just recently complaining about. It's not

sustainable without follow on issues from the United States.

MARC STEWART, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Right. That is the question. Was this just a one-off or is this something that can be maintained into the future? I

think it's important to understand why China is putting such emphasis on manufacturing. And really two reasons. Number one, it has the capacity. It

is mighty. We have traveled across the China. We have seen many of these factory floors. It has the capacity. It can manufacture really like no one

else in the world. And then, two, it enjoys government support.

You brought up this point, rightly so, about concerns by Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen, by the German chancellor, about this idea of China

flooding the market with things such as EVs, solar panels, as well as batteries, you know, that is going to create some price disparities and

perhaps create an unlevel playing field. And that's why there is so much concern by outside governments.

But not only that, China needs to realize that it needs something else besides manufacturing to carry itself forward. A big issue right now is

consumer spending. We did see a bit of a jump in the first quarter. But some analysts feel that perhaps that could be due to the Chinese New Year

and excitement about spending.

Right now, with China, according to the economists that we have talked to, needs to do is to create some excitement among it's very hefty consumer

base, and one way it will do that is by creating some reassurance that the government is in OK shape to move forward. That means tackling the property

sector crisis, which still looms, and it really has trickled down into other areas. It causes high -- it's led to high unemployment. It's created

some very bad feelings among young people about their futures.


Until those core issues are resolved. Julia, China cannot just depend on manufacturing to carry itself forward. That is the prevailing view among

economists here in Beijing as well as other parts of Asia.

CHATTERLEY: It's such a great point, because 70 percent of the wealth in China is tied up in the property market. And I look at the data from this

first quarter, property investment down near 10 percent, new property sales sliding almost 28 percent. There's no help coming from there.

What about foreign direct investment? Because we did see the overture to some of the biggest CEOs in the United States, certainly that were there,

what, a couple of weeks ago now. When I look at the FDI investment in the first quarter this year, still down 10 percent. There's work to do there.

STEWART: There is work to do. And, you know, when we talk about diplomacy, it's not just on the political front with territories and boundaries, it's

with the business community. As we've been reporting, the German chancellor has been spending the week here in Germany, and he did not travel alone.

With him, some of the top leaders, some of the top executives from companies such as Bayer, Mercedes Benz, BMW.

The Chinese government, Xi Jinping, is having very similar conversations with the C suite leaders from German companies as he has had with American

companies. He really has two battles to deal with here. One, creating some excitement that the consumer base is there, but two, that China is a safe

place to operate.

We have talked so much about business crackdowns and concern about business practices by the Chinese government toward foreign entities. That is why

these face-to-face conversations are important, a way for China to reassure world business leaders, it's something that's happening now and will likely

happen in the months ahead. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. I mean, some of these companies have been there for decades and decades. The question is, can you encourage them to invest

further? They all see the opportunity. The problem is encouraging them to add more money now to the pile. Marc Stewart, great to have you with us.

Thank you for the assessment of that data there.

All right. Turning now to the weather. A deluge in the desert. That was a reality for Dubai on Tuesday. The city got a year's worth of rain in a

single day. Flooding the streets and shops of the usually sunny metropolis. These sorts of extreme weather events will become even more frequent due to

human driven climate change, sadly.

Chad Myers joins us now. I never thought I'd see that, Chad. I mean, Dubai looks like a swamp.


CHATTERLEY: Astonishing. No.

MYERS: I trust you. It is not. It is never this way. Four inches of rain in a day. So, almost 100 millimeters in 12 hours, four separate waves of

thunderstorms rolled through. And I think it's hard to comprehend, even with the wind on some of these pictures here, what was happening and what

people were thinking because it was gone, it stopped, and then it was back again. Then it was gone and then it was back again. And did it four times

during the day.

And so, yes, one storm after another. On top of ground, there's a lot of pavement there. I mean, that's a lot of impervious surfaces there in the

area. So, not a lot of it soaked in, especially right in the city. 99 millimeters in just 12 hours. Very few cities in the world can take that.

And yes, the biggest month we typically have is February, 35 millimeters for the entire month. So, we tripled that just about in just one day. And

there is some of the other numbers too, Abu Dhabi picking up 62 millimeters of rain on the south side of that storm system.

America, we've had some tornadoes in the past couple of days. 22 reports of tornadoes so far in 48 hours, and they're still out there right now. Still

have the potential for hail, for wind, and also four tornadoes throughout the night. Eventually, tomorrow, it will move up toward the Great Lakes.

But even at this point, right now, storms are still out there and tornadoes are still on the ground.

So far, today, they haven't been large tornadoes just yet, but that doesn't mean as the night goes on and the winds kind of shift a little bit that

that couldn't happen. Certainly, still the possibility for today. And then for tomorrow, moving this ahead until tomorrow afternoon, we could see some

of those storms in places we wouldn't expect, like Michigan.

This is not Michigan's severe weather season. Not yet. But like you said, when it's warmer earlier, all of a sudden those seems to show -- seasons

seem to change just a little bit. And that's always a possibility. A warmer air mass holds more moisture. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, just a general wind and rain report.


CHATTERLEY: Chad Myers, thank you so much for that.

MYERS: You bet.

CHATTERLEY: All right. Coming up, the largest election in history. Nearly 1 billion people in India eligible to vote starting on Friday, as Prime

Minister Narendra Modi seeks a third term. More on that after this.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move" with a look at more of the international headlines this hour. Day two of Trump's hush money trial has

concluded, seven jurors have now been seated, five more to go. And that doesn't include alternates of course, likely another six there. Potential

jurors were questioned over everything from political merchandise to memes. There's no court on Wednesday. So, jury selection will pick up again on


The U.S. says it will be asking Israel for more information after a report contradicted Israel's investigation into the death of a young Palestinian

girl. Five-year-old Hind Rajab was found dead in February after being trapped in a car with her family. Israel told the U.S. there were no IDF

units nearby when Hind died, but a new report from "The Washington Post" alleges there were.

U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson says he will not resign. That's despite a second member of his own party threatening to oust him over his handling of

foreign military funding. Republican hardliners are becoming increasingly angry as Johnson continues to try and advance billions of dollars in

foreign aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.

And violent clashes have broken out between police and protesters in Tbilisi, Georgia. The parliament there has been debating a controversial

foreign agents bill. It would require organizations to register as foreign agents if they accept funds from abroad. Opponents of the law called it

authoritarian, comparing it to similar measures in Russia.

And nearly 1 billion voters in India will begin heading to the polls on Friday for the start of a record setting election. It will actually be the

largest one ever held, and certainly one of the most consequential this year.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking a rare third consecutive term, and that's making some people nervous, particularly minorities who feel

alienated by his own brand of Hindu nationalism. Will Ripley caught up with some of Modi's constituents in the spiritual city of Varanasi.



WILL RIPLEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Varanasi, an ancient city heaving with humanity. If India had a Bible belt, this

could be its capital.

Religion woven into the fabric of life here, like the rickshaws weaving in and out of traffic, or the tang of turmeric, cumin and coriander from the

Gola Dinanath spice market hundreds of years old.

RIPLEY: I'm Will.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Here, I meet a shopkeeper --

RIPLEY: Nice to meet you.

RIPLEY (voice-over): -- Akash Jaiswal, who's full of praise for India's popular Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

RIPLEY: What makes him different from others?

AKASH JAISWAL, SHOPKEEPER: What he says, he has done.

RIPLEY: When you hear him speak, do you feel like he's speaking to you and your life?

JAISWAL: Yes, yes, because he speaks with heart.

RIPLEY (voice-over): The heart of a very smart politician. Modi was not born here. He chose to represent this Hindu spiritual center. Leading up to

the elections, Modi inaugurated a temple dedicated to Lord Ram, one of Hinduism's most revered deities, built on the site of a Muslim mosque

demolished decades ago by Hindu hardliners.

NARENDRA MODI, INDIAN PRIME MINISTER (through translator): Ram is India's faith. Ram is India's foundation. Ram is India's thought.

RIPLEY (voice-over): He's blurring the line between religion and politics, projecting himself as the head priest, the protector, the creator of a

Hindu first nation.

SABA NAQVI, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Prime Minister Modi does something which has not happened before in Indian politics among all our prime ministers.

He willfully creates a cult of his own personality.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Many actually worship Modi himself, almost like a living God. But not every Hindu here is a believer. Vishwambhar Nath Mishra

is head priest of a prominent local temple, and it sits alongside Hinduism's holiest river, the Ganges.

Every day he bathes in these heavily polluted holy waters. He says the environment and also the political climate has drastically deteriorated

during Modi's first decade in power. He's widely expected to win a third five-year term.

RIPLEY: Have you ever seen this city so divided, so polarized?

VISHWAMBHAR NATH MISHRA, HEAD PRIEST, SANKAT MOCHAN TEMPLE: This is what we call it is not the religious center. It is basically a spiritual center.

So, this unique fabric has a strained condition now. And we have a fear that this fabric may break.

RIPLEY (voice-over): That's what happened back in 2002 when Modi was chief minister of the Indian Western state of Gujarat. Religious riots there

killed more than 1,000 people, mostly Muslims.

And many say Modi is stoking the fires of religious tensions, empowering the Hindu majority and marginalizing the Muslim minority.

SANA SABAH, LOCAL RESIDENT: The first term that came to my mind was scary.

RIPLEY: Scary?

SABAH: Yes, it's scary.

RIPLEY (voice-over): I sat down with Sana Sabah. She was celebrating the end of Ramadan with her family. All of them worrying if this is the end of

a secular Indian government and will it mean the end of their religious and civil rights?

SABAH: And where is the freedom of somebody just wearing a skull cap, minding his own business, buying mutton, whatever he wants to, and then

heading home and then dying on the way?

RIPLEY (voice-over): And there are other things she worries about, like high youth unemployment, low wages, widespread poverty, not to mention

corruption. Still a recent survey ranked Modi as the world's most popular leader with an approval rating of 75 percent.

RIPLEY: Modi's own path from poverty to politics is part of his appeal for a lot of people here in India. His official biography says he's the middle

son of a chaiwala, a tea seller. A humble upbringing that he says helps him understand the problems plaguing everyday people.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Modi says his programs put more food on their tables. Plus, the government hands out cash and cooking gas and they provided water

and power and sanitation services.

Modi's also getting a lot of respect abroad.

DILEEP PATEL, BKP LEADER (through translator): Today, India is strong, capable, and self-reliant under the prime minister's leadership.

RIPLEY (voice-over): In Modi's India, majority rules and he's expected to win a commanding majority of India's nearly 1 billion eligible voters, the

biggest democratic election in the history of mankind, making Modi one of the most popular and powerful leaders in the world, even if some feel they

may be left behind.

Will Ripley, CNN, Varanasi, India.


CHATTERLEY: OK. Coming up on "First Move," the U.K. taking aim at one of the darkest corners of artificial intelligence, sexually explicit deep

fakes. People who create this kind of content could soon face criminal charges and more just ahead.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." The rapid adoption of artificial intelligence across the globe is creating privacy challenges that we'd

probably never even imagined just a few years ago. Among the concerns for governments and citizens alike is the rise of deepfakes. Well, the British

Ministry of Justice just announced Tuesday a draft law that would make the creation of sexually explicit deepfake content, a criminal offense.

Clare Duffy is on this story for us. Clare, I think the best example of this most recently, most high-profile certainly is what happened with

Taylor Swift. What we're saying here is if you take someone's face and you put it onto a body in a sexually explicit photograph, it will become a

criminal offense and you could face a limitless charge too or a fine.

CLARE DUFFY, CNN BUSINESS WRITER: Yes, Julia. This is just a really troubling trend that has been growing with the adoption of these A.I.

tools, this trend of people creating nonconsensual A.I. or otherwise deepfake images that are sexually explicit and sharing them with other

people across the Internet. We've seen this happen to Taylor Swift, as you said, but also to high school students and other women around the globe.

And so, lawmakers are really trying to get a handle on this.

Now, in England and Wales, where this new law has been proposed, it's already illegal to share nonconsensual deepfake pornography that violators

of that law can face jail time. And this new proposed law would be a step further. It would make it illegal just to create this content in the first

place and violators could face fines, could face having criminal charges on their record for the future.

Now, this comes as the U.S. and E.U. are also taking similar steps, trying to get a handle on this one of the most harmful applications of A.I.

technology. But I do think it's interesting that in this U.K. case we're seeing them go after the people who are creating this nonconsensual

deepfake pornography, but not the platforms that are enabling them to create that content. I do think that is sort of an avenue that lawmakers

could or should be looking at as they as they seek to get a handle on this going forward, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, that's such a great point. Not only the platforms that enable you to create them, but the platforms upon which you share them to.

My understanding is, and as you said, it could mean jail time if you then create this picture and you share it. The question is, how do you enforce


And in my world, Julia world, the ideal scenario here, perhaps, and I don't know how the prisons would cope with it, would be if you shared this

content on, then you're also in some way liable.


DUFFY: Yes, it's a huge question, I think, especially with this new proposed law in the U.K. that just punishes the creation of this imagery,

even if somebody is not planning on sharing it, how do you know that they've created it? How do you find that imagery? So, I think that's one

question in terms of the enforcement of this new law.

But as you said, there are so many elements of this, where is it shared, should those platforms be held accountable, who's viewing it, who else is

sharing it on the internet? I think there are so many questions when it comes to how to get a handle on this, but it does seem like some of the

major players that could hold some responsibility here are the A.I. generation tools that are enabling the creation of this content and then

the social media platforms where this content is currently being shared, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. At least some warnings, if you pull in an image of someone, do you have permission to use this image? And if they go through

that process and they say yes when they don't, you kind of got them. But the process of monitoring has to begin with the individual apps that

they're doing this, to your point. Clare, great to have you. Thank you for that. Clare Duffy there.

All right. Next, a new era for Caitlin Clark and for women's basketball. We'll look at the impact she's making as she turns now to professional

sports. And is she being paid enough? That's the real question, next.


CHATTERLEY: A once in a lifetime moment. That's how basketball superstar Caitlin Clark described being chosen first in the professional WNBA draft.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: With the first pick in the 2024 WNBA draft, the Indiana Fever select Caitlin Clark, University of Iowa.


CHATTERLEY: I think we can call this a landmark moment for the 22-year-old as she prepares for the next challenge in an already dazzling career. No

player, man or woman, has scored more points in college basketball than Caitlin Clark.

Let's bring in Patrick Snell from "CNN World Sport." Patrick, great to have you with us. I wanted to get incredibly excited because it is a monumentous

moment, but then I saw her paycheck. We have to talk about her pay. I know, I know the revenues men versus women is totally different. But still, talk

to us.

PATRICK SNELL, CNN SPORTS ANCHOR: Yes, it's certainly eye-catching, no question about that. And the hope is that Caitlin Clark is so inspiring,

isn't she, Julia, that times eventually will change and that the gap will be reduced. These are truly groundbreaking times.

It's a really special moment for women's sports in general, Julia, for basketball in particular, right at the heart of it all, of course, is the

University of Iowa superstar, Caitlin Clark, who's headed, we now know, to the WNBA's Indiana Fever after being selected as the number one pick on a

really special night for her and her family in New York City on Monday night. Really wonderful to see as she basks in the acclaim there of the

watching fans and also her peers as well. Wonderful to see.


Now, the 22-year-old has had a college career to be proud of. There's no question about that. She has made a simply huge and inspiring impact both

on and off the court. It's the way she conducts herself as well. Just a class act on and off the court on so many levels.

She's already made history as the NCAA Division 1 basketball's overall top scorer. And her career now, Julia, set to rise to even greater heights in

the WNBA. But it's true to say, as you mentioned, that her rookie contract, let me be clear, it's a rookie contract, will see her take home a fraction

of the millions her male counterparts have made on the court.

Now, important to point out, that the WNBA rookie salaries and maximum salary are all predetermined by the collective bargaining agreement

negotiated by the Players Union. Clark's contract with the Indiana Fever will see a pocket a total of just over $338,000 over the course of four


Over the course of those four years, we've got first year base salary for draft picks one through four of $76,535, that rises to $97,582 in the

fourth year. The maximum player salary for a WNBA player this year is $241,984. Now, by way of comparison, Steph Curry, for the record, is the

NBA's highest paid player at almost $52 million. It is a massive gap.

But this is a wonderful opportunity, I will say, Julia, for the WNBA to really, hopefully, capitalize on the Caitlin Clark effect. The hope will be

that TV viewership levels will rise dramatically and on a consistent basis as well, right throughout the season. Ticket sales can really take off.

That's the hope and that they can start to reduce the gap over the course of time.

Remember decades ago, I think back to the impact, the iconic Billie Jean King, such a pioneering figure in the, in the growth of women's tennis as

well. And now, look at the state of play that women's tennis is enjoying. They're in a fantastic position now compared to way back when.

But I will say this, one thing for sure, Clark is inspiring and we certainly wish her all the very best moving forward. Really excited to see

how it all pans out for her in her professional career.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, I can't wait. I mean, and just to be clear, the NBA's revenues are like $10 billion around, aren't they? And then the women's

around $200 million. So, we've got to address that imbalance before the paychecks go up. I will say, however, fire the union boss. Sorry, you don't

have to comment on that. I think there's an improvement there that could come swiftly.

Can we please talk about the Champions League? The Spanish -- our Spanish viewers are not going to want to watch this. So, they have to hide their

eyes or cover their ears at this moment. A Spanish shocker.


CHATTERLEY: Soccer shocker.

SNELL: Oh, another epic night, Julia, in the Champions League. Let's start with the Barcelona-PSG match in Catalunya. And this was a real turnaround

in the end. Barcelona, yes, they were reduced to 10 men at one point, but we're going to pick up the action at four all over the two legs.

And then, Kylian Mbappe doing what he does best at that scoring, that was the penalty. And then in the 89th minute, right at the very end of the

match, there's a bit of a scramble here and it is Mbappe who puts the game to bed. Absolutely enthralling one. PSG, winning 4-1 on the night, Julia,

6-4 overall over these two legs. They are through to the semifinals in style.

Let's get to the other one. Borussia Dortmund, Atletico Madrid, and a miserable night for the team from the Spanish capital because Dortmund

striking like they're full (INAUDIBLE). And then Marcel Sabitzer with a stunning finish. Look at those scenes there as Dortmund advance 5-4

overall. They'll play PSG in the semis. Back to you, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Wow. Looks like fabulous games. We can't complain. And we love the goals.

SNELL: Awesome, awesome.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, I know. I'm being told to shut up and move on. Patrick, great to have you with us. And we love your enthusiasm as always.

All right. And from a rising star to an all-time legend, Serena Williams is among those praising Caitlin Clark's enormous success. But says it's time

female athletes got the credit they deserve across all playing fields. And we agree. Williams spoke with our Amanda Davies.


AMANDA DAVIES, CNN WORLD SPORT: What have you made of this moment for college basketball and women's college basketball?

SERENA WILLIAMS, TENNIS STAR AND ENTREPRENEUR: Yes. I think the moment's been happening. We just needed the catalysts and the right people, and I

think that's kind of been happening over the past two years And I think women's sport is having a moment that it should have always had.

You know, I feel like tennis has had its moment and it's been -- it's international and it's huge and it's always going to be there. Now, it's

like time to lift up other sports, women's soccer, women's basketball. Like there's so many other sports that women do so great.


Let's put it on that platform that tennis is on, you know? And I feel like it's -- women's basketball is getting there and it's arrived, and that's,

you know, super exciting.

DAVIES: Could a WNBA team be added to your roster and the ownership stakes? Would you be interested?

WILLIAMS: I know, right? I absolutely would be. I think with the right market, you know, I think I would definitely be super interested in that.

DAVIES: You've very proudly embraced the ownership role in sport. And I'm interested to know, do you still think there is that -- do people feel the

risk factor investing in women and women in sports still or are we now finally over that hurdle?

WILLIAMS: I mean, there is no risk. You know, there's -- women's sport is exciting. Women are exciting to watch. More people watched the -- in seat,

the women's basketball in college than the men. So, I think that people are realizing that it's exciting to watch.

And so, it's an overly safe bet to me when it comes to investing.


CHATTERLEY: And that was "First Move." Thank you for joining us and I'll see you tomorrow.