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First Move with Julia Chatterley

Putin And Xi Jinping's Shot Of Unity; Putin's Second Day In China; Zelenskyy Visits Kharkiv; Russia's War On Ukraine; Cohen's Cross- Examination; Trump Lawyer Grills Cohen; Dow Crosses 40,000; Growing Xi- Putin Alignment; Slovakia Assassination Attempt; CNN Investigation Into UCLA Campus Unrest; Campus Anti-War Protests; Seoul Space-Out; The Olympics Of Couch Potatoes. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired May 16, 2024 - 18:00   ET



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The news continues on CNN. Alex Marquardt sitting in for Wolf Blitzer in "The Situation Room."

LYNDA KINKADE, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: It is 6:00 a.m. in Shanghai, 8:00 a.m. in Sydney, and 6:00 p.m. here in Atlanta. I'm Lynda Kinkade in for

Julia Chatterley. And wherever you are in the world, this is this is your "First Move."

A warm welcome to "First Move." Here is today's need to know. Priority partners, Russian President Vladimir Putin and China's Xi Jinping in a show

of unity in Beijing.

Michael Cohen's cross-examination, Donald Trump's lawyer and his former fixer clash over a key phone call in the hush money trial.

Market moment. The Dow briefly tops 40,000 for the first time ever.

And Seoul Space-Out. The contestants in South Korea hoping that doing nothing at all will lead them to victory. All that and much more coming up.

But first, the Russian president is in Northeastern China as he begins his second day of a state visit. On Thursday, Vladimir Putin met with the

Chinese leader, the two vowing to deepen their relationship, issuing a joint statement saying, "Russian Chinese relations stand the test of rapid

changes in the world, demonstrating strength and stability, and are experiencing the best period in history." This is President Putin's first

foreign trip since he secured a fifth term in office.

Ivan Watson joins us live in Hong Kong with the latest. So, China certainly rolling out the red carpet for the Russian leader in what is his first

overseas trip since securing another term in office. What does this say about the relationship between these two leaders, these two countries and

what can we expect on day two of this visit, Ivan?

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Right. Well, it says that these are two leaders of two giant neighboring countries who share a

very similar worldview, and that involves deep suspicion and resentment, frankly, of the role that the U.S. has had in the world ever since World

War II effectively.

And they stood side by side and they decried what they described as a Cold War mentality, a unilateral hegemony. What they're calling for is what they

say would be a more just multipolar world. And that's something that they repeated over and over again as they insisted that what they're enjoying

right now between Russia and China is kind of the best period ever in their bilateral relations.


WATSON (voice-over): They call it the partnership with no limits. China's president warmly welcoming his good friend Vladimir Putin. The Russian

leader celebrated in Beijing at a ceremony complete with a military salute and rapturous school children.

Two leaders who share deep distrust of the U.S. agreeing to strengthen their comprehensive strategic partnership, a move that worries current and

former U.S. officials.

KURT VOLKER, FORMER U.S. AMBASSADOR TO NATO: This alignment of authoritarians is a -- it's important of challenges ahead, unless we in the

West really double down and make sure that we are reinforcing democracy, reinforcing this global liberal order.

WATSON (voice-over): Hanging over this summit, Russia's grinding war in Ukraine. After Putin's full-scale invasion in 2022, the U.S. and Europe

imposed sanctions, isolating Moscow. But China gave Russia an economic lifeline. Trade between the two countries hit a record high last year.

China buys up Russian oil and gas while flooding the Russian market with Chinese goods like cars and trucks.

ALEXANDRA PROKOPENKO, FELLOW, CARNEGIE RUSSIA EURASIA CENTER: I think Chinese leadership are very smart, playing on Putin's ego, massaging it and

having for a cheap Russian energy resources and Russia become a very important market for Chinese second row and third row companies and banks.

WATSON (voice-over): Putin and Xi Jinping both talk of creating a new, non- U.S. centric world order. But so far, China has held back from providing the Russian military with bombs and bullets to use on the Ukrainian

battlefield. That's because directly arming Russia would threaten China's much more valuable trade with the European Union, a close ally of Ukraine.


In fact, there are limits to China's support for Putin's war machine.

XI JINPING, CHINESE PRESIDENT (through translator): The Chinese side looks forward to the early restoration of peace and stability on the European

continent and will continue to play a constructive role to that end.

WATSON (voice-over): The Russian president's close Chinese friend knows a never-ending war is not good for business.


WATSON (on camera): So, Lynda, the two leaders have called for increased military to military cooperation as far -- as well as more kind of cultural

and economic ties. Vladimir Putin on Friday will be traveling to the Chinese border, City of Harbin, to meet with university students, for

example, there.

But they also have -- you heard the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, saying that we cannot have a world heading towards any form of nuclear conflict, and

it's notable that Vladimir Putin has multiple times rattled -- has made overt kind of nuclear threats when it comes to his confrontation with the


Observers say that Vladimir Putin very much is a junior partner in this partnership. He needs China much more right now than China needs Russia.

Though, of course, Xi Jinping has been very respectful in these meetings that the two leaders hold time and time again.

There is a belief that the Russians would like a second pipeline, for example, constructed from Russia to China via Mongolia. This is the power

of Siberia 2 pipeline, and some observers are saying that the fact that the head of the Russian energy giant Gazprom that he was not part of Russia's

delegation, of Putin's delegation, that he was in Iran instead suggests that Moscow is not getting what it wants, a Chinese agreement to build

another pipeline. Another indicator, perhaps that Putin wants more from China than it is willing to give its close, close friend, Lynda.

KINKADE: Great analysis there. Ivan Watson for us in Hong Kong. Thanks so much.

Well, Ukraine's president met Thursday with military officials in Kharkiv, the country's second largest city. Volodymyr Zelenskyy's visit comes amid

Russian efforts to push deeper into the northeastern region. Mr. Zelenskyy says the situation is critical around Kharkiv remains extremely difficult,

but that Ukraine is strengthening its units and has new action plans.

CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports from a Ukrainian border town, which has been the scene of some of the most intense battles in recent days.


NICK PATON WALSH, CHIEF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): When nightmares recur, they're often the same. Here, they get worse.

The border town of Vovchansk, bearing the blunt horror of Moscow's race to take as much as they can in the weeks before Ukraine starts feeling

American military help again.

Every street aflame. Russians deeper inside the town.

Policeman Maxim (ph) is answering one of 35 calls from locals on Thursday to evacuate. The day before, three colleagues were injured. The shelling

never stops.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Quiet. Everyone get down.

WALSH: Three people still coming out. And you have to imagine quite how desperate for these final people the situation must be to leave.

WALSH (voice-over): Mikola (ph) and his wife hiding in their basement. But, despite staying through the first Russian occupation and then liberation

two years ago, they found the airstrikes last night just too much. They're joined by Maria, their mother, who can't hear the shelling or anything too


Thousands evacuated since Russia invaded again around here five days ago. Why everyone has to leave is clear again as we drive out, as it is with

almost every part of Ukraine Russia covets, just utter destruction. Little left to rule over.

This is their first moment of calm in many days. Entire lives in plastic bags.

WALSH: She's saying it wasn't like last night, it was scary. And everyone else was talking about significant bombardment more, that it was just

better to get out of there. 85.

WALSH (voice-over): An armored ride to a new world, knowing they may never get back to their homes, tormented for days by shelling.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Aerial bombs, everything.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): And mortars.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Did you see the Russian soldiers?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): No.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): They are over there. On the other side of the river. And we were on this side. They were shooting close to

us. Firing guns and everything.

WALSH (voice-over): We head back in with another police unit who soon learn two of the houses they must rescue from are impossible to reach.

As we wait, they hear a buzzing noise.

WALSH: They think they can hear a drone here. It's so hard to tell with the wind and the trees and the artillery, but that's a constant threat for them


WALSH (voice-over): Then, our security adviser spots it. They raise their weapons. But will firing make them more of a target?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): What if it's ours?

WALSH (voice-over): Three drones. One large one that hovers, and two small ones whizzing about. Exposed, powerless. If we run for cover, they might

come for us. All we can do is hide in the trees, and hope that if we are seen, the Russians instead have a better target in mind. But they come

right overhead. That noise --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In the car. Move it.

WALSH: -- either the sound of death or someone deciding you're not worth their payload. We decide to leave. But again, we cannot travel fast enough

to escape the drones, only expose ourselves and pray they lose interest. Perhaps they did. We'll never know.

But behind us, Ukraine is aflame again. Because however the West's interest in this war wanes, Putin's burns brighter than ever.

Nick Paton Walsh, CNN, Vovchansk, Ukraine.


KINKADE: Well, Donald Trump's criminal hush money trial has adjourned for the week. His defense team has been subjecting Michael Cohen, a key

witness, to sometimes heated cross-examination. They've attacked his credibility, including his history of lying under oath. They've also called

into question the nature of a phone call in 2016, which Cohen said was about the Stormy Daniels hush money payment.

Well, Cohen's cross-examination will resume next week. Kara Scannell has more on what we've learned so far.


KARA SCANNELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Trump's ex-lawyer Michael Cohen, in a dramatic moment on the stand, grilled over his memory of a key

phone conversation that directly implicates Former President Donald Trump in his criminal trial.

MICHAEL COHEN, FORMER ATTORNEY FOR DONALD TRUMP: Nobody wants to do this. This isn't fun. They get personal. They get nasty.

SCANNELL (voice-over): Trump's lawyer Todd Blanche confronted Cohen on his testimony about the deal at the center of the case, that he paid off adult

film star Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election to kill her story of an alleged affair with Trump, which Trump denies.

Cohen, who is the prosecution's key witness, testified earlier this week that on October 24, 2016 he made a phone call to Trump's bodyguard, Keith

Schiller. He said he used Schiller as a conduit to speak with Trump, to say the Daniels' deal was resolved and he was moving forward.

But an intense exchange inside the courtroom that could undermine his testimony, Blanche showed records that moments before the brief one-minute

and 30-second call, Cohen sent a text to Schiller for help with prank calls he was receiving from a 14-year-old. There was no mention of Daniels in the


Blanche showed the text messages. Cohen said, who can I speak to regarding harassing calls to my cell and office? The dope forgot to block his number.

Schiller responded, call me. Cohen told the defense attorney today he didn't remember the harassing phone calls, but after confronted with them,

maintained he spoke to Schiller and also Trump.

Blanche, pacing the courtroom, his arms flailing, and his voice rising, said to Cohen, that was a lie. You did not talk to President Trump on that

night. You talked to Keith Schiller about what we just went through. Admit it. Cohen calmly replied, no, sir. I don't know that it's accurate.

Blanche moved to show the jury text between Cohen and the teen. Cohen, writing, this number has just been sent to Secret Service for your ongoing

and continuous harassing calls over the past three days. If you are a minor, I suggest you notify your parent or guardian. The prankster replied,

I didn't do it. I'm 14. Please don't. Cohen responded, please have your parent or guardian contact me before Secret Service reaches out to them.

Before getting to the phone call, Blanche spent the morning trying to paint Cohen as a vengeful liar. Cohen confirmed he has insulted Trump countless

times, including on his "Mea Culpa" podcast. Blanche played clips for the jury.

COHEN: I truly (INAUDIBLE) hope that this man ends up in prison. But revenge is a dish best served cold. And you better believe I want this man

to go down and rot inside for what he did to me and my family.

SCANNELL (voice-over): Blanche also pressed Cohen repeatedly about lying to Congress in 2017 about the Trump Organization's Moscow Project. There were

a couple of different lies, Blanche asked. That's correct, Cohen replied. Cohen later apologized to Congress during his on-camera testimony in 2019.


COHEN: I am sorry for my lies and for lying to Congress. I have done some real soul-searching. And I see now that my ambition and the intoxication of

Trump power had much to do with the bad decisions, in part, that I made.


KINKADE: Well, for more on the trial, let's bring in Gene Rossi, he's a former federal prosecutor. Good to have you with us.

GENE ROSSI, FORMER FEDERAL PROSECUTOR: Oh, thank you for having me.

SCANNELL (voice-over): So, Michael Cohen told the jurors that he negotiated this deal with Daniels after Trump instructed him to "just get past the

election because if I win, it will have no relevance, because I'll be president, and if I lose, no one will care." And he added that Trump wasn't

thinking about his wife Melania, but was thinking about the campaign. How crucial is that piece of evidence in this case?

ROSSI: Are you referring to the October 24th phone call?


ROSSI: OK. Let me just address that for a moment. I disagree strongly with some of the commentators that say that this line of cross was a knockout

blow. I'm a boxing fanatic. And in May of 1965, Muhammad Ali knocked out Sonny Liston with one punch in the first minute. This was not a knockout

blow. Was it a left jab to the jaw? Of course.

But here's what it -- here's what they got out. In a minute and 36 seconds, he may have talked about a 14-year-old alleged who was harassing him, but

it's perfectly possible in that one-minute 36-call that he could also have talked to Trump.

But here's where Mr. Todd Blanche stepped in a certain piece of evidence, if you will. He brought out from Michael Cohen that in 2017, Michael Cohen

under oath lied to Congress. But what did Michael Cohen lie about? He lied about Donald Trump's seeking a Moscow hotel project, the extent of it, and

when it was occurring. He was lying for Trump.

But here's where Mr. Blanche made a mistake. Michael Cohen was able to say that when he made that statement, he cleared it with Trump's lawyer. So,

you are now hearing possible subordination of perjury on behalf of either Donald Trump and or his lawyer.

So, Mr. Blanche scored a jab with the 1024 phone call. But then later on, he lost 10 steps by bringing out that Donald Trump or his lawyer suborned


So, my punchline is this, at the end of the day, Michael Cohen is still a witness flawed, but he has presented a narrative that is consistent with

the other documents and the testimony of other witnesses.

KINKADE: You make some good points there because, you know, Trump's team certainly set out to paint him as a convicted felon who can't be trusted.

The key will be what the jury makes of that, right? And what they think about how this cross-examination is playing out.

ROSSI: Well, Lynda, I have -- it's Lynda, right?

KINKADE: Yes. Yes.

ROSSI: Yes, Lynda. I wanted to get the names right. I'm sorry, because I can't see you.


ROSSI: Good to meet you.

KINKADE: You too.

ROSSI: What I want to say is this. I tried a lot of cases. A lot. And I had a case once with a defendant in a drug case. He -- his name's Ernesto Cole.

He killed 35 people, 35. And we were prosecuting him on only one, because we didn't have venue for just that one. We had only venue for that one. I

called the witness that had a rap sheet, Lynda, a mile long, including false statements, perjury, lying.

And it was a confession that the defendant allegedly made to this witness in jail, a jail house confession. The jury loved this witness. The jury

believed this witness, even though they felt he was a liar. But when he testified in front of that jury, they believed his story because it was

corroborated by other witnesses and documents. That's Michael Cohen.

Is he a liar? Of course. Has he lied repeatedly? Yes. But when he testifies in front of that jury, they look him in the eye, he looks him in the eye,

and they will judge his credibility. And if they believe Donald Trump, he will be found guilty in probably a half a day, if they believe him. If they

don't, then there's a possibility of either a hung jury or an acquittal. It's as simple as that.


KINKADE: Well, yes. You make a good point there. Of course, more of Trump's supporters are turning up, MPs, even changing the House schedule and

postponing meetings to turn up and support Donald Trump in court.

Just quickly, obviously this is a political advantage, but what can they say about this case that Trump can't due to that gag order?

ROSSI: Yes. First off, they also last -- yesterday, coordinated their ties. I don't think they coordinated ties today. OK. Number one, Lynda, I think

it's a bad look in the eyes of the jury that these people are coming in, walking in during testimony, and sitting down. I think that's a bad look. I

can't imagine a jury is impressed with that. Number one. Bringing in Matt Gaetz and Laura Boebert in a New York courtroom, I don't think that's a

smart move.

But let's talk about the gag order. Is Donald Trump in violation of the gag order because his minions, if you will, are coming to the courthouse and

then later on outside making derogatory comments that Mr. Trump could not say? If he is directly involved in what they say, and if he is telling them

what to say, directing them what to say, then he has violated the gag order. But there's no evidence that he's coordinating.


ROSSI: I think these politicians are doing it on their own.

KINKADE: All right. Well, we will continue to watch this closely when it resumes Monday. Good to have you with us. Gene Rossi, Thanks so much.

ROSSI: Thank you.

KINKADE: Well, still to come on "First Move," a milestone on Wall Street. The Dow crossing 40,000 for the first time ever. What it means for Main



KINKADE: Welcome back to "First Move." I'm Lynda Kinkade. And a very good morning to you if you are waking up with us in the Asia Pacific.

Well, in today's "Money Move," an exciting day on Wall Street. The Dow rising above 40,000 for the first time ever during Thursday's session. The

blue-chip index crossed the key threshold briefly before falling back and ending the day lower. The S&P and the Nasdaq closed lower as well. And

European stocks also ended in the red, retreating from setting close on Wednesday.

In Asia, the Hang Seng gained 1.6 percent led by Chinese real estate stocks. The rally triggered by a report that China may help local

governments buy unsold homes. The Nikkei and the Kospi were also up.


Well, our Paul La Monica, senior markets analyst, writer at Barron's, joins me now. I keep wanting to say Al Paul, because he used to be at CNN. So,

Paul, of course, the CPI report yesterday came out showing easing inflation. The first good CPI report really in about four months.

Certainly, embraced by the market. Just how strong is this 40,000-milestone and what does it mean?

PAUL LA MONICA, SENIOR MARKET ANALYST WRITER, BARRON'S: Yes, I think obviously, Lynda, with every major numerical milestone, it gets a lot of

attention. But keep in mind that, you know, because of the way math works, it is a little bit easier statistically to get from 30,000 to 40,000 and

then 40,000 to 50,000. The percent increases are smaller.

So, Dow 50,000, I think we start the countdown now, you know, who knows when that'll happen. But what is significant here is that, yes, the Dow is

still 30 very well-known stocks, recognizable to American consumers and consumers around the world, even if they don't own these companies, they

obviously probably own products by Apple, Microsoft, shop at Amazon, shop at Walmart, perhaps do business with Goldman Sachs as a -- you know, if

they're in the corporate world or JPMorgan Chase as well.

And, you know, Caterpillar has been one of the leading stocks behind this recent Dow move. And that's a pretty recognizable company because of their

yellow construction equipment that, you know, people probably see around the world.

KINKADE: And it's interesting, as you mentioned, the Dow is the 30 top blue-chip stock, and I'm wondering how much we can read into that when you

consider that the recent CNN poll, which showed that many people in the U.S. believe the economy is headed in the wrong direction. How do you

explain that disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street?

LA MONICA: Yes. I mean, we all know that what happens on Wall Street isn't always a complete reflection of what's happening in the U.S. economy. And I

think what's probably taking place here, Lynda, is just that inflation -- while inflation pressures are coming down, they are still pretty high,

particularly for lower wage consumers, and that takes a bite out of paychecks and really puts a dent in consumer confidence.

But when you look at the strong earnings that we have for many big companies, that does imply that consumers are still spending. Yes, retail

sales for last month were a little bit softer than expected, but the American consumer continues to power along even though they are not happy

about inflation.

So, I'd be careful to say that what's happening with consumer dissatisfaction that's showing up in the polls is a sign that the economy

is weakening because you're not really seeing too many people predicting a recession. It's the contrary now, this notion of a soft landing or even no

landing for the U.S. economy.

KINKADE: Paul La Monica, as always, good to have you with us, from New York. Thanks so much.

LA MONICA: Thank you.

KINKADE: Well, I want to turn now to the Southern United States, where Texas and Louisiana have been drenched by extreme amounts of rain. Now,

parts of both states are under a rare level four of four risk for excessive rainfall. Our Allison Chinchar joins me now.

Good to see you, Allison. So, this is a life-threatening flooding event. More than half a million people under this high-risk zone.

ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yes. And again, this is the last thing this region needs. They've already had so much rain in just the last month.

That ground is saturated. So, at this point, any rain that we add on is just going to exacerbate the flooding concern.

You can see two different waves here. That first one just into East Texas and Louisiana. Lots of lightning with that particular wave. But the second

wave just now starting to slide into West Texas, that's going to continue sliding eastward.

We do have the red box here. That is a tornado watch that includes the City of Houston as well as Alexandria, Louisiana. That is valid until 10:00 p.

m. Central time tonight because it's not just flooding, but also severe thunderstorms.

But yes, you can see here, this pink location, right there. That's what we're talking about, the level four out of four risk for excessive

rainfall. Those are only issued 4 percent of the time. So, they are incredibly rare, but they account for 80 percent of total damages, as well

as 36 percent of flooding fatality. So, something to certainly take very seriously.

Another thing we're watching is a lot of the rivers, creeks, and streams in the area from the last flooding event, just under two weeks ago, we still

have several river gauges that are either at major, moderate, or minor flood stage, and now we're adding more rain on top of it.

In the last 30 days, all of this pink area you see here has picked up roughly a foot of rain. The white area, you're talking 20 inches. And

again, just to show you how rare that is, for a lot of this area, you're talking about 600 percent, Lynda, of their normal.

KINKADE: Wow. Incredible figures there. Allison Chinchar, good to have you with us. Thanks so much.

Well, we're going to take a very quick break. Stay with us. We'll be right back. You're watching CNN.



KINKADE: Welcome back to "First Move," I'm Lynda Kinkade with a look at more international headlines this hour. Michael Cohen was grilled during

cross-examination Thursday in Donald Trump's hush money trial. The defense tried to discredit Cohen, questioning the former Trump fixer over his past

history of lying, including while under oath.

Over several days of testimony, Cohen detailed the alleged hush money scheme to adult film star Stormy Daniels.

Israel says it's deploying more troops in Rafah ahead of a possible incursion into the southernmost city in Gaza. Satellite images suggest

Israeli forces are raising the earth from the Eastern to the Central Rafah. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians are still sheltering in

Rafah, having been displaced from fighting elsewhere in Gaza.

The U.S. House Committee has advanced contempt proceedings against Attorney General Merrick Garland. He has refused to provide the committee with

recordings of President Biden's interview with the special counsel.

Biden was under investigation over his handling of classified material. The special counsel said Biden should not face prosecution, but described him

as a "elderly man with a poor memory." That's been major fodder for Republicans during an election year.

Well, back now to our coverage of Russian president, Vladimir Putin's visit to China. Mr. Putin is beginning his second day in China, where he was

welcomed Thursday with a military band ceremony and met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The two leaders pledged to deepen their strategic partnership, all as Moscow's troops advance in Ukraine. Many observers, of course, wondering

just how deep that partnership will go and what it may mean in Ukraine and elsewhere.

Well, for more on this, I want to welcome Michael Hirson. He is the head of China's research at 22V Research and previously led the Eurasia Group's

coverage of China. Thanks for being with us.



KINKADE: So, this is Putin's first overseas trip since being -- starting an unprecedented fifth term as president of Russia in, obviously, tightly

controlled elections. And he's seen cozying up to the Chinese leader. Is this trip less about agreements and policies and more about the optics?

HIRSON: I think it is very much about the optics. And there is a lot of pomp here, including a new strategic partnership signed between the two

sides. But I think it serves both Putin's interest and Xi Jinping's interest to show political support, but on China side, without necessarily

crossing over some of those red lines that the West has drawn in terms of material support for Russia's military.

KINKADE: Of course, Russia is making more gains on the battlefield in Ukraine. He's opened up a new front in this war. European leaders have

tried to sway Xi Jinping away from his support for Russian military expansion. Why don't they have more sway? When you consider the trade, and

we've got a graphic here, I just want to bring up, the trade between Europe and China far outweighs the trade between China and Russia. So, why doesn't

Europe have more sway here?

HIRSON: I think partly it's because, from Beijing's perspective, they can't afford to see Putin lose this conflict. They don't necessarily need to see

Russia win, but they don't want to see Putin lose badly. They don't want to see him destabilized in terms of his politics.

And you're right that it's come at a major cost to the China-Europe relationship. And I think there are some in China who think that's maybe

not the right calculus to have taken. But I do think that need to shore up support for Putin, having committed to this partnership is, first and

foremost, for China's leadership at this stage.

KINKADE: And, of course, the U.S. has also threatened sanctions, saying that you can't fuel what is the biggest threat to Europe. The Chinese

leader, though, was heard on Russian television saying that he is looking forward to the restoration of peace and stability. What do you think he's

saying behind closed doors to Putin?

HIRSON: I think that Beijing is probably quite open with Russia. And I think Russia understands some of the red lines in terms of actually

providing direct support for Russia's military. Now, there are a lot of blurry lines there.

China is clearly providing a lot of economic support and a lot of support that falls into this, you know, gray area of dual use. So, I think the two

sides will continue to -- or, you know, Russia and China will continue to find ways to cooperate, but there will be some level of pragmatism and

awareness that, for China, there are some economic and financial risks that you said from sanctions if they go too far.

KINKADE: And of course, Donald Trump hasn't been clear on whether he wants Ukraine or Russia to win this war. The U.S. election is rapidly

approaching. How do you think that election and the outcome will impact the relationship between China and Russia?

HIRSON: That presidential election is definitely something that's on the minds of China and Russia. I think they realize that the U.S. wouldn't

necessarily flip 180, but certainly U.S. policy towards this conflict will change if President Trump is re-elected.

At the same time, I think, you know, because of the Ukraine conflict, because of the schism that it's -- you know, it's drawn between Russia and

the West, China and the West, this China-Russia relationship is going to be strong for the long-term. I think, you know, there's no going back to the

pre-Ukraine crisis in terms of the strength of that relationship.

KINKADE: All right. Michael Hirson, great to get your perspective. Thanks so much for your time today.

HIRSON: Thank you.

KINKADE: Well, Russia's war in Ukraine also appears to have played a role in the assassination attempt on Slovakia's prime minister.

The suspected gunman has been identified as Juraj C., a 71-year-old man. The interior minister said he was angry over Slovakia's decision to stop

military aid to Ukraine. Prime Minister Robert Fico is in a stable but serious condition after being shot five times on Wednesday. Our Frederik

Pleitgen has more now from Slovakia.


FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): After getting shot five times in broad daylight, Slovakia's Prime Minister

Robert Fico's condition remains difficult, officials say, even though the wounds are no longer life-threatening.

PLEITGEN: This is exactly the place where Robert Fico was shot. And you can see on that tree over there that there is a hole where the forensic teams

appear to have carved something like a projectile out of the bark. Now, he suffered several gunshot wounds and had to be air bagged into a hospital



PLEITGEN (voice-over): The hospital says two surgical teams had to operate more than five hours to save the prime minister's life. Slovakia's

president-elect confirming Fico is now conscious.

PETER PELLEGRINI, SLOVAK PRESIDENT-ELECT: He is able to speak but only few sentences and then he's really, really tired because he's under some

medical medication. So, of course, it is very difficult for him.

PLEITGEN (voice-over): Slovakian authorities claiming the attack was politically motivated. The 71-year-old suspect, they say, unhappy, among

other things, with the Russia friendly Fico government's decision to cut off military aid to Ukraine.

The country's interior minister stressing though the assailant was not part of a wider network.

MATUS SUTAJ, ESTOK, SLOVAK INTERIOR MINISTER (through translator): He is a lone wolf whose disappointment with the government accelerated after the

presidential election when he decided to act.

PLEITGEN (voice-over): Dismay and disbelief in the suspect's neighborhood.

I was very surprised by what he did, this neighbor says, I don't understand how it happened. Something must have clicked.

Robert Fico is often viewed as pro-Russian and critical of the European Union. Slovakia's society deeply divided.

But now, that the prime minister remains in intensive care trying to recover, politicians from both sides are urging unity and stability.

Fred Pleitgen, CNN, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia.


KINKADE: Well next, a CNN investigation on violence that exploded on a college campus in California. We take a closer look at the shocking clash

between protesters at UCLA.


KINKADE: To a story we've followed closely here on "First Move," the wave of campus protests across the U.S. and indeed, the world. Some of the most

dramatic moments took place at UCLA, a little more than two weeks ago.

Counter-protesters attacked a pro-Palestinian encampment while campus security and police were nowhere to be found. Kyung Lah has more on a CNN



KYUNG LAH, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): This is the worst violence of any of the ongoing college protests. UCLA where counter-

protesters used sticks and boards against a pro-Palestine encampment.


It was more than three hours of unrestrained violence the night of April 30th, that led to injuries and bloody scenes as campus security, law

enforcement allowed it to continue.

CATHERINE HAMILTON, UCLA DAILY BRUIN NEWS EDITOR: They were there spraying. There were there pulling barriers and they were to, very clearly, do some

serious harm to the students who were on campus.

LAH: When you look at the counter-protesters, how many of them were UCLA students?

HAMILTON: I would say basically none of them.

LAH (voice-over): Who are the most aggressive offenders? A CNN investigation of hundreds of videos from multiple sources shows many of

them are outsiders, not UCLA students. Among the people who showed up that night, far-right agitators with no apparent connection to the Middle East

war. Others driven by pro-Israel beliefs.

Among them, this man. He strikes a pro-Palestine protest or with a long white pole, and is part of a mob that pummels the man as he falls to the

ground. He is seen in multiple videos wearing this white mask, striking the barriers, throwing objects into the encampment. Without his mask, we see

who he is. 18-year-old Idan On of Beverly Hills, a senior at a local high school.

LAH: Come inside to the kitchen. How do I get inside?

LAH (voice-over): I spoke with his mother.

LAH: Hi, there. Are you Sharon?


LAH: Hi.

ON-SIBONI: How are you?

LAH: Hi, I'm -- let me introduce us.

LAH (voice-over): She did not want to be on camera.


LAH (voice-over): But quickly identified her son from this picture at UCLA that night. She described in detail how her son found the mask and pole on

the ground, and said he was defending himself in this fight.

On her Facebook page, Idan On's mother posted and circled a screen grab of her son from a local TV station. She wrote in Hebrew, Idan went to bully

the Palestinian students in the tents at UCLA. Idan's mother and father proudly support Israel and defended their son's actions at UCLA, saying he

is heading to Israel to join the IDF. After our interview, she texted to say Idan denies being at UCLA.

Older men were also at the front of the violence. Tom Bibiyan recorded pulling like bike racks, plywood, kicking protesters, throwing cones at the

students in the encampment, water bottles at protesters, and yelling expletives.

We went to ask Bibiyan why he had gone to the campus that night.

LAH: Hi, Mr. -- you are Mr. Bibiyan?

TOM BIBIYAN: Yes. Can you take that off? You don't have permission to record me.

LAH (voice-over): Bibiyan was wearing the same jacket he had on in the video from UCLA. He is a Los Angeles resident, age 42. Seen at a 2022 pro-

Trump protest outside the Los Angeles FBI office. He did not want to explain why he's on video doing this.

BIBIYAN: You're being a little rude and I am going to call the police if you don't leave.

LAH: Sure. OK.

LAH (voice-over): We identified not just Tom Bibiyan, but other older men who had no apparent affiliation with UCLA.

LAH: I mean, you've seen them at how many other events?

ANGIE GIVANT, L.A. COUNTY PARENT & RESEARCHER: Lots of different events, school board meetings, city council meetings.

LAH (voice-over): Angie Givant is a Los Angeles area public school mom who has been tracking right-wing protesters in her area. The group who she had

seen protesting gay rights in public schools were drawn to UCLA that night.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The revolution ain't happening tonight. Man down, man down.

LAH (voice-over): Though they were clearly at UCLA that night, there is no evidence these men participated in the violence.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Here comes the Jews song, man, cover your ears.

LAH (voice-over): The man who is live streaming, Marc Polian (ph) appears to be a persistent agitator who posts anti-Jewish tropes on his social

media accounts. But at UCLA, he stood with the pro-Israel crowd.

LAH: Hi, I am Kyung Lah from CNN.

LAH (voice-over): Polian (ph) claimed to us that he has a child at UCLA, though a student didn't accompany him that night. And that he had good


MARC POLIAN (PH): I was definitely keeping the peace. OK? At least trying to.

LAH: You weren't there to make it worse?

POLIAN (PH): No, of course, I wasn't there to make it worse.

HAMILTON: I hate to say it, but I was expecting us to start working on an obituary the next day because I thought something that serious would happen

to the students in the encampment.

LAH: Do you feel like they won?

HAMILTON: Based on the way they were cheering when the police arrived Tuesday night, I think they might feel that they won.

LAH: We reached out numerous times to the UCLA Police Department with specific questions. We did not get a response about the response that

evening or the follow-up investigation. We also reached to HCP and LAPD. And both of those agencies referred back to the UCLA Police Department,

saying it is the lead agency.

Kyung Lah, CNN, Los Angeles.



KINKADE: Well, still to come, think of it as the Olympics of couch potatoes. The unconventional competition that's gripping fans in South



KINKADE: Welcome back. I want to head to South Korea now, in a competition that turns the very idea of competition on its head. No running, no

jumping, or any physical activities required. You simply sit and space-out. If that sounds too easy, well, that's exactly the point. Hanako Montgomery



HANAKO MONTGOMERY, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A crowd gathering, media jostling for the best spot to catch sight of a fierce

competition, among more than 100 people in South Korea recently.

They are rivaling each other in Seoul's annual Space-Out competition, where contestants have to zone out for 90 minutes, without falling asleep or

checking their phones. The winner gets determined based on audience votes and competitors heart rate.

This year, more than 4,000 people applied to participate in the competition, the city government says. From an Olympic athlete to bakers,

contestants came dressed in clothes that reflect their different professions.

KWAK YOON-GY, SHORT TRACK SPEED SKATER (through translator): I tried out for the Olympics five times and have never taken a proper rest while

training for 30 years. I heard this place is where I can clear my mind and rest at least during this time. So, I came here thinking, wow, this is what

I needed so much.

GU GA-HYEON, BAKER (through translator): While we stare at the oven, we see customers outside a window going out after buying bread, while we work in

the hot heat. We're so tired and exhausted, so we wanted to relax our mind.

MONTGOMERY (voice-over): This year marks the 10th anniversary of the competition that was founded by visual artist, Woopsyang.

WOOPSYANG, VISUAL ARTIST (through translator): The Space-Out competition overturns the social convention that spacing out is a waste of time in

today's busy society and turns it into a valuable activity. This contest tells you that spacing out is no longer a waste of time, but a time that

you really need.

MONTGOMERY (voice-over): Since its first competition in Seoul in 2014, the contest has expanded internationally, taking places in cities like Beijing

and Tokyo.

For this year's competition in Seoul, the winning trophy went to a freelance broadcaster, Kwon So-a, who works multiple jobs.

KWON SO-A, FREELANCE BROADCASTER: I think, especially here in Korea, it's such a competitive country, where people think that if they do nothing,

that they are a little behind. So, I think everyone has to have their own pace and sometimes just slow down.

MONTGOMERY (voice-over): Hanako Montgomery, CNN.



KINKADE: Well, finally, on "First Move," U.K. economy could get a boost of nearly $1 billion thanks to one of the world's biggest music tours.




KINKADE: That's right, Swift-enomics striking once again. The British bank Barclays estimates that the 15 U.K. stops on Taylor Swift's Eras Tour later

this year could inject more than $950 million into the economy. The bank considered fans would spend money on travel, accommodation, tickets, and


It comes to a little more than $1,000 each. That's more than 12 times what people spend on an average night out in the U.K. I can't wait to see her

here later this year.

And that, of course, wraps up our show. I'm Lynda Kinkade. Thanks for joining us. We will be back here same time tomorrow.