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First Move with Julia Chatterley

One Dead On Flight After Severe Turbulence; Singapore Airlines Incident; Netanyahu: ICC Charges Are "Beyond Outrageous"; Israel-Hamas War; Resettling In Gaza Never In The Cards; Both Sides Rest In Trump Trial; Trump's Hush Money Trial; Trump Chooses Not To Testify; "Unified Reich" Posted In Trump's Social Media; Mouth Fuji View Blocked; Mouth Fuji Fury; Musical Landmark Battle; Danielle Riley Keough's Battle Over Graceland Estate; Schauffele Wins 2024 PGA Tournament; The Science Of Happiness; Chasing Happiness. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired May 21, 2024 - 18:00   ET



JAKE TAPPER, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: The bigger question, how do you catch these guys? Police used other surveillance video to track down a suspected

lookout driver and are looking for help catching the thieves before they strike again.

If you ever miss an episode of "The Lead," you can listen to the show whence you get your podcast. The news continues on CNN with Wolf Blitzer in

"The Situation Room." I'll see you tomorrow.

LYNDA KINKADE, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: A very warm welcome to "First Move." Here is today's need to know. One person is dead and more than 70 others

are hurt after a Singapore Airlines flight hit severe turbulence.

Beyond outrageous, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacts on CNN to a potential arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court.

And Donald Trump decides not to testify as the defense rests in his hush money trial.

And blocking an icon, a Japanese town overrun with tourists blocks the view of Mount Fuji. All that and much more, coming up.

But first one person killed and more than 70 others injured after a Singapore Airlines plane hit severe turbulence. The Boeing 777 was going

from London to Singapore and made an emergency landing in Bangkok. The plane was carrying more than 200 passengers. Most of those came from

Australia, the U.K., and Singapore. Hours ago, most of the passengers who were on that flight departed Bangkok for Singapore, on a different plane.

Our Ivan Watson joins us now live from Bangkok with the latest. Good to have you there for us, Ivan. So, we know this 73-year-old man, this

passenger on board lost his life. What more can you tell us about those who were injured?

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Right. Well, there were many of them. According to hospital 70 people, passengers, and crew


And if you take into consideration that the original manifest -- passenger manifest had 211 passengers and 18 crew members on board this stricken

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 321, that's close to a third of all the people who are on board who have -- had to be treated in hospital for injuries.

A plane within the last couple of hours took off from Bangkok airport here for Singapore. It was a hastily arranged Singapore Airlines flight, and it

was carrying 131 of the passengers, original passengers from this flight onwards to Singapore after the original flight had to make this emergency

stop here in Bangkok.


WATSON (voice-over): Injuries and death after a moment of terror, 30,000 feet in the sky. A Singapore Airlines flight hit with severe turbulence,

throwing some passengers around the cabin, just moments after the seatbelt sign was switched on.

Lighting and air ventilation tubing spilling out from the ceiling. Food trays from breakfast littered across the floor.

Emergency workers raced to Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi International Airport on Tuesday afternoon after the flight turned deadly. Traffic control on the

tarmac quick to redirect ambulances and set up makeshift medical tents for injured passengers.

Flight SQ 321 departed from London and was on route to Singapore, but severe turbulence forced pilots to make an emergency landing in Thailand.

The condition of the skies resulted in the death of one person while aboard the flight. Many others now in critical condition with dozens more injured.

KITTIPONG KITTIKACHORN, GENERAL MANAGER, SUVAMABHUMI AIRPORT (through translator): The plane landed at the airport and the medical team was sent

to the scene. Many injuries occurred. So, the airport had to issue an emergency plan. All our teams went to help.

WATSON (voice-over): The airline has launched an investigation into the incident, with the British embassy also deploying officials to support

those in hospital. The passengers left with the question of how this all went so wrong.


WATSON (on camera): Now, Lynda, the British Foreign Office, it said that the man who died aboard the flight was a 73-year-old British citizen. He's

been identified as Geoff Kitchen by the Thornberry Musical Theatre Group where it says he had worked for some 35 years. So, a tragic development


A big question is going to be, you know, what caused this terrible turbulence? The CNN weather team has looked at satellite data, which they

say suggests that there were growing thunderstorms. It's the monsoon season that is approaching Southeast Asia.


And Singapore Airlines itself said that the turbulence, the violent turbulence took place as the Singapore Airlines flight was flying at around

37,000 fleet over Thailand's neighbor to the west. That is Myanmar, the CNN weather team saying that that these thunderstorms, as they're developing,

it is possible that they cannot be detected by radar.

The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board says it is sending a team to the region here to help in the investigation to try to find out how this

terrible incident took place, causing so much harm and contributing, apparently, to at least one passenger death. Lynda.

KINKADE: All right. Ivan Watson, good to have you there for us. Thanks so much.

We are going to stay on this story. I want to welcome Richard Quest for more on this. Richard, good to have you with us. You fly all the time. You

know that turbulence is common on these long-haul flights, but why was this one deadly?

RICHARD QUEST, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: That's a good question. It was deadly for two reasons. One, obviously, as Ivan was saying, they didn't

know it was going to happen, so they weren't all strapped in.

But also, the profile of the actual turbulence. The actual -- the amount of -- look, here's the plane going along. And as it comes in to hit the

turbulence, so it starts to go up and down. And it's not just the amount it goes up and down, but it's the ferocity with which those movements take

place. If you think about it, a plane comes into land, normally, losing thousands of feet every minute. That doesn't seem to have any effect.

But if you get these very sharp ups and downs -- and you can see this if you look at the rate of altitude, which way we actually know was

experienced by, according to Flightradar24, the number or the amount of feet that the plane was moving was only 50, 100, 150, 250 feet at a time.

It would go up 200 feet, it would go down 100 feet, it would go up 50 feet, and that's what you see here and here and here. They go -- the plane's

going up, oops, I beg your pardon, and of course it's coming straight back down again.

But what that doesn't show, of course, is the rate at which that's happening. And when you take those numbers, you realize -- I'll show you

again what I mean here, when you take these numbers, this is about 600 feet per minute. This is about 1,200 feet down per minute. This is about 900

feet per minute, every time. And it's those dramatic sudden shifts that causes the real damage.

KINKADE: Wow. Yes, there was some confusion earlier as to when that turbulence was problematic because we did see that flight data show that

6,000-foot drop. They lost control. That was part of the descent.

QUEST: That comes later.

KINKADE: That was just after that.

QUEST: If you look at that 6,000 -- yes, if you look it goes from flight 73 -- flight 370 down to 31, that is a -- I mean, it's going down -- by the

way, it's going down at 1,100, 1,200 feet a minute, but it's very constant, it's a constant descent. You haven't got anywhere near.

We looked at that data carefully. The core bit seems to be at 749.46. And that's where you get these movements, these violent movements, but the

actual numeric amounts -- I think it's -- maybe the maximum is 300 feet in one direction, 300 feet in the other.

KINKADE: And so, just quickly, major investigation underway. What are the key questions?

QUEST: Number one, why did the aircraft or the pilots not know it was coming along? Did ATC know? Did other pilots report it in advance? Should

the Meteorological Office of Singapore Airlines or anybody else? That is the number one issue. Why did they not know that this storm was going to be


Number two, at what point could they have switched the fasten seat belt signs on sooner? Number three, why weren't -- I mean, this is you, me,

everybody else, why don't more people just keep the seatbelts fastened?

KINKADE: Yes, exactly. Good to have you as always, Richard Quest. Thanks so much.

QUEST: Thank you.

KINKADE: Well, outrageous, absurd, and false. That's a response from Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the International Criminal

Court. And it comes after the ICC's chief prosecutor said he's seeking the arrest warrants for both the Israeli and Hamas leaders over allegations of

war crimes. The charges against Mr. Netanyahu and the Israeli defense minister include extermination, targeting civilians, and using starvation

as a weapon of war.

Mr. Netanyahu spoke to my colleague Jake Tapper just a couple of hours ago.


BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER: I think these charges are exactly as President Biden called them, they're outrageous. They're beyond

outrageous. This is a rogue prosecutor that has put false charges and created false symmetries that are both dangerous and false.


And the first false symmetry is he equates the democratically elected leaders of Israel with the terrorist tyrants of Hamas. That's like saying

that well, I'm issuing, you know, arrest warrants for FDR and Churchill, but also for Hitler, or I'm issuing arrest warrants for George Bush --

George W. Bush but also for Bin Laden. That's absurd.

Secondly, the charges are completely false. Let's take this charge of starvation. We've put in 500,000 tons of trucks of food and medicine for

this population, we've taken 20,000 trucks. We've paved roads to put those trucks in. We've opened border crossings that Hamas closed down. I've had

airdrops that have facilitated, sea route supplies. I mean, the whole thing is absurd.

TAPPER: We should note though, it's not just the ICC expressing concerns about the lack of humanitarian aid getting into Gaza. President Biden and

his administration and their officials, not to mention European allies of Israel and their officials, they've all been making this case for months

that Israel is not letting enough aid in. So, when President Biden expresses concern about you not letting enough aid in, is he wrong?

NETANYAHU: Well, no, we have the same concerns. We were trying to get the aid in. We got the aid in, and Hamas was looting the aid. That's what was

happening. They were taking it for themselves or extorting the population. We were letting the aid in from the start.

And look, I've been -- this was my directive from day one. The day one thing was we have to provide -- we comport with international law. We

comport with the rules of war. We have to get those trucks. And we're getting hundreds of trucks every day in. And that's been an aspect of our

conducting -- conduct of war because we try to get civilians out of harm's way. We've done things that no country, no army has done in history, it's

not me saying that, it's General Petraeus saying that, the head of the urban warfare at West Point, Colonel John Spencer says it.

Israel's gone out of its way, both in humanitarian aid and getting civilians out of harm's way with millions of text messages, millions of

phone calls and leaflets that we've been dropping, giving up the element of surprise. Israel has given here a bum rap.


KINKADE: Well, Mr. Netanyahu also spoke to Jake Tapper about what a post- war Gaza would look like. The prime minister says he wants to see it run by Palestinians, not Israelis. Take a listen.


TAPPER: I'm saying you're taking off an Israeli occupation of Gaza. You're taking off the table an Israeli occupation.

NETANYAHU: If you resettling Gaza, yes, it was never in the cards and I said so openly. And some of my constituents are not happy about it, but

that's my position. The third thing that I would do is have a reconstruction of Gaza, if possible, done by the moderate Arab states and

the International Community.

That's demilitarization, civilian administration by local Gazans who are not committed to Israel's destruction, and responsible reconstruction.

That, I think, is a realistic plan.


KINKADE: Well, our correspondent Jeremy Diamond joins us now live from Jerusalem. Good to have you with us, Jeremy. So, you've been listening to

that interview, you've been doing the fact-checking. One thing that stood out to me was when Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke about the aid getting in,

saying that there's plenty of aid getting in, when just weeks ago the U.N. warned that the Gaza Strip was on the brink of an imminent entirely man-

made famine. Just explain for us the reality on the ground.

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, I mean, there's the reality on the ground right now, and there's also the reality on the ground that has

existed for months, which the Israeli prime minister was very much trying to deny in this interview. There was no acknowledgement from the Israeli

prime minister of the reality of hunger that has spread throughout Gaza. No acknowledgement of the months of warnings from humanitarian aid officials

about not enough aid getting into Gaza.

And I want to break down a few points that he talked about. I mean, his numbers were right in some respects, when he talked about more than 500,000

tons of aid, more than 20,000 trucks getting into Gaza, but the context of those numbers was entirely missing.

He did not talk about the amount of pressure that it took for Israel to allow that amount of aid into Gaza in the first place. He didn't talk about

the months that it took -- the months of pressure that it took until Israel agreed to open up a land crossing directly into northern Gaza. He didn't

talk about the month of February, when fewer than a hundred trucks of aid per day were getting into Gaza. And when the month after that, the leading

authority on global food security said that a famine in Northern Gaza was imminent.

He also claimed that from day one, Israel has had a policy of allowing aid in. That's simply not true. In the early days of this war, the Israeli

government actually announced a total siege of Gaza and no humanitarian aid trucks made it into the Gaza Strip until two weeks into the war.


And then, of course, there's the reality right now. The Rafah Border Crossing remains closed, Kerem Shalom Crossing also in Southern Gaza for,

in theory, open, but very few trucks actually making it through and being able to be collected and distributed by the United Nations because of the

ongoing fighting there.

And so, we're seeing right now enormous impacts caused by the Israeli military's activity in the Gaza Strip, a lack of open land crossings,

according to the United Nations, and just security conditions, making it difficult for the United Nations to be able to distribute the aid once it

actually gets into Gaza.

KINKADE: I mean, he also said that the chief prosecutor from the International Criminal Court didn't come to Israel, which was indeed

incorrect. He did come to Israel. He met with families of the hostages, as you well know. Jeremy Diamond for us in Jerusalem. Good to have you with

us, as always. Thank you.

Well, I want to go to Donald Trump's hush money trial now, where closing arguments are expected next Tuesday. That's after the defense rested a few

hours ago, following testimony from its final witness, lawyer Robert Costello.

He briefly advised Michael Cohen, and his time on the stand will be best remembered for his heated standoff with Judge Juan Merchan.

Donald Trump did not testify in his own defense after all. The former U.S. president has pleaded not guilty to the 34 felony counts. Our Kara Scannell



KARA SCANNELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The defense rested their case on Tuesday without Former President Donald Trump taking the stand in

his historic hush money trial.

DONALD TRUMP, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT AND REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Yes, I'm finished. Being there almost five weeks in court.

SCANNELL (voice-over): On Monday, the prosecution rested its case, having called 20 witnesses over 19 days, totaling over 50 hours of testimony.

Meanwhile, Trump's team called just two witnesses with about two hours of testimony. The majority of that time came from former adviser to Trump's

ex-lawyer, Michael Cohen, Robert Costello.

The defense hoped to use Costello to attack Cohen's credibility, but Costello ended up angering the judge on Monday, leading the judge to clear

the courtroom to address his decorum.

TRUMP: We have -- for now (INAUDIBLE) the case. We've won the case (INAUDIBLE).

SCANNELL (voice-over): Prosecutors began their case approximately one month ago by questioning former National Inquirer publisher David Pecker. Pecker

laid out the catch and kill scheme at the crux of the prosecution's case. Prosecutors allege Trump falsified business records to cover up a $130,000

payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels to block her story of an alleged affair with Trump from becoming public to influence the 2016 election.

Trump denies the affair.

ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Was it hush money to stay silent?

STORMY DANIELS, FORMER ADULT FILM ACTRESS: Yes. The story was coming out again.


SCANNELL (voice-over): All eyes were on Daniels when she took the stand. Prosecutors sought to bolster her testimony by having Daniels recall

specific details of her alleged sexual encounter with Trump and the events surrounding it.

The prosecution's final and star witness was Michael Cohen, the only one who can directly link Trump to the alleged crimes.

MICHAEL COHEN, FORMER TRUMP ATTORNEY: I just want to get through this so that I can start my own life again.

SCANNELL (voice-over): Cohen walked the jury through Trump's involvement, recounting conversations with Trump when he directed Cohen to pay off

Daniels before the 2016 election, as well as the 11 checks, including ones Trump personally signed to reimburse Cohen for the funds that he paid to

Daniels out of his pocket.

COHEN: And he says to me something to the effect of, don't worry, Michael, your January and February reimbursement checks are coming.

SCANNELL (voice-over): Cohen testified the check stubs were false because they said the payments were made for a retainer agreement. During intense

cross-examination, Trump's team's main objective was to undercut Cohen's credibility, aiming to paint him as a vengeful liar who hates Trump.

TRUMP: Michael Cohen is a convicted liar, and he's got no credibility whatsoever.

SCANNELL (voice-over): Trump attorney Todd Blanche got Cohen to admit he stole from the Trump organization. In one of the most dramatic moments in

the trial, Cohen was pressed over his memory of a key phone conversation when Cohen said he told Trump, Daniels deal was getting resolved.


KINKADE: Well, the White House is condemning a video posted on Donald Trump's Truth Social account that appears to reference Nazi Germany. The

video, which shows the front page of a fake newspaper the day after this year's November elections. It has since been deleted from the account.

It references "unified Reich," which if Trump is re-elected this year. The term Reich is often associated with Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler.

Trump's campaign says the video was not created by them, but was reposted by a staffer who did not notice the words. President Joe Biden is accusing

Trump of using Hitler's language.

Well, still ahead, you're up to the minute weather and sport.


Plus, happiness. Dr. Sanjay Gupta will be here with his remarkable look and how you can train your brain to be happy. The science of happiness coming



KINKADE: Welcome back to "First Move." I'm Lynda Kinkade. And it was another record-breaking day on Wall Street topping today's "Money Move."

All three major averages closed in the green on Tuesday with the Nasdaq and the S&P 500 hitting fresh all-time highs. Well, Tesla shares soared over 6

percent after reports that the EV maker expects to ramp up deliveries of its semi-trucks by 2026. Shares of A.I. chip maker Nvidia also advanced

ahead of its eagerly awaited earnings report on Wednesday.

And in Asia, a down day for all the major averages, with the Hang Seng falling more than 2 percent.

Millions of people are at risk for severe weather across the Midwestern U.S. The region continues to be pummeled by powerful storms, which could

bring hail and tornadoes. Chad Myers joins us now. Chad, where is -- where are we going to see the biggest impact of this?

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Well, we already have in some places in Iowa. Greenfield, Iowa really got hit hard earlier today by a very large

tornado, likely in the 160-mile per hour, 260-kilometer per hour range. And the storms are still going right now.

It will be a violent night here across parts of the upper Midwest, right through the middle part of Iowa, parts of Wisconsin, the State of Minnesota

into Missouri, and even as far south as Oklahoma.

Here's where the storms are right now in a big, long line, but some are rotating. Every once in a while, if you get enough rotation, a tornado can

come to the ground. In America, this is normal in May. We get the cold air from the north or the dry air from the mountains, mixing with or trying to

mix with the warm, moist air of the Gulf of Mexico. And this is how it happens. Why there are so many more tornadoes in North America than

anywhere else in the world.

Tornado watch is all the way down to Tulsa, including Kansas City, although a lot of that area now has cleared. Any one of these pink boxes still has a

tornado warning with it, which means a tornado very well may be on the ground. That rotation found by Doppler.


And Doppler radar is the sound difference of how the sound of the circulating rain kind of like as a train comes toward you, the whistle is a

different pitch than as the whistle as it goes by you. It kind of goes down in volume also goes down, of course, in pitch. And that's what the radar is

looking for. That's spinning of those raindrops. And when it sees the spin it puts out a warning. And obviously, humans involved too because there's a

threshold of how much it has to spin before you get that warning. Some storms through Chicago probably by midnight local time there and then

calming down tomorrow.

Now, there will be a flood risk today with an awful lot of rainfall two to four inches. Four inches is 100 millimeters of rainfall. And if you get

that in about two or three hours anywhere in the world could actually flood here. So, we're watching a big area all the way from really Wisconsin and

Michigan all the way south to Texas tonight for severe weather.

That will go on through the evening and maybe even the overnight hours. And those overnight hours tornadoes, Lynda, are the most dangerous because

people are sleeping and they may not hear the warning.

KINKADE: Yes, exactly. Hopefully they can get to a basement. Well, Chad Myers, as always, good to see you.

MYERS: Good to see you.

KINKADE: We'll chat to you tomorrow. Stay with "First Move." We're going to take a quick break. We'll be right back with much more news in just a



KINKADE: Welcome back to "First Move" with a look at more international headlines this hour. The defense has rested in historic hush money case

against Donald Trump in New York with the former U.S. president not testifying. Jurors will now get a week off due to the Memorial Day holiday

and are set to hear closing arguments next Tuesday.

Haiti's international airport has resumed commercial flights after a nearly three-month interruption. The head of Haiti's aviation authority said he

expects the airport to reach full capacity soon. It had to shut down following a rise in gang violence.

Well, more now on that shocking story about the rare death of a passenger on a Singapore Airlines flight that hit severe turbulence.


Pictures taken afterwards give an idea of just how violent the shaking was. Objects all over the gallery, oxygen masks hanging and bottles strewn

across the floor of the Boeing 777.

At least 71 people were hurt. They were taken to a hospital in Bangkok where the flight was deferred. It was on its way from London to Singapore.

Let's get more now on this with aviation analyst and former 777 Captain Les Abend. Good to have you with us.

LES ABEND, CNN AVIATION ANALYST: Glad to be here. It's a terrible event that we're talking about.

KINKADE: It really is. And I want to get your reaction to this event because you are a retired 777 captain. What was your first thoughts when

you heard about this incident? And have you ever experienced severe turbulence to the point of passengers being injured?

ABEND: Well, let me start off first with a quick explanation so our -- so your viewers can, can understand. There's two basic forms of, of

turbulence. It's clear turbulence, and then there's convective turbulence, which is con turbulence associated with thunderstorms. So, at this point,

we don't know what that airplane encountered.

Severe turbulence is just as it sounds, it's a classification. We go from light to moderate, to severe to extreme, actually. So, what they

experienced was basically temporarily if they qualified as severe that the airplane was temporarily out of control. So, that that's a real big deal. I

fortunately have never experienced that, close to it, but never really experienced that myself.

KINKADE: And the pilots would not have had any warning?

ABEND: Great question. So, in this day and age, we do have things associated with our flight plan that gives us a determination of what -- if

there's wind shear. For instance, wind shear can be anything from a rapid airspeed or speed of the wind up at the jet altitudes, or it could be a

change in direction in a very quick altitude or very quick distance.

So, that sometimes is established on our flight plans. In addition, there are databased devices on board that can also determine that,

notwithstanding the fact of whether radar would tell you about it. So, it's curious to me how this happened all of a sudden. Very rarely do you get

turbulence that all of a sudden occurs just out of the blue, to use a bad pun. So, there should have been some sort of warning for this before it all


KINKADE: We've heard from several passengers. I just want to bring up a graphic from one passenger, a 28-year-old Malaysian student, who described

what it was like being on that plane. He said, suddenly the aircraft starts tilting up and there was shaking. So, I started bracing for what was

happening. And very suddenly, there was a very dramatic drop. So, everyone seated and not wearing a seatbelt was launched immediately into the


I mean, can you give us a sense of what would've been taking place, because obviously as a pilot you train for turbulence. What would've happened?

ABEND: Yes. What concerns me is that, you know, some of the seat -- some of the passengers did have their seatbelt off. So, which indicated to me,

maybe the crew did not -- was not aware that this was ahead of their flight. You know, if all those people were there, but then it was almost 10

to 11 hours into the flight, which meant that perhaps these passengers were simply getting up and ignoring the seatbelt sign. Because after 10 and a

half -- 10 to 11 hours, you need to take a little bit of a break, right?

But what these pilots would have been doing, the minute they hit that turbulence, there's a good chance that they probably tried to slow the

airplane down, the slower you get, the less severe the impact of the turbulence is. In addition, they may have immediately requested a lower

altitude, which may have been very well the case because they descended from 37,000 feet to 31,000 feet, which is a 6,000-foot difference. But what

that passenger experienced, it seems fairly pronounced.

KINKADE: And is that typical, that dramatic drop, as you described it, 37,000 feet to 31,000 feet in a matter of minutes?

ABEND: Well, five minutes, and that and that translates to about 1,200 feet a minute, and that's not a lot of altitude. It seemed to me that the

airplane, at that point, was under control and it was merely requesting to try to get out of that turbulence by descending lower.


So, it -- you know, it's hard to say it's a little speculative at this point, but that's exactly what the crew would have been doing in addition

to, as I mentioned, slowing down the aircraft.

KINKADE: And of course, Les, Singapore Airlines is widely recognized as one of the world's leading airlines. So, if it can happen to Singapore

Airlines, it could happen to any airline. What improvements have you seen in the way that airlines handle turbulence and pilots handle turbulence?

ABEND: Well, like I mentioned, there's some databased information that's available. It basically requires other airlines to electronically send a

data of turbulence they're experiencing.

Now, one of the things I didn't mention, very often we get reports from other aircraft about turbulence. So, sometimes it's not accurate because

you're not exactly going to be in the same spot as that aircraft reported it, but there is some databased electronic information that's available

more so than it has been in the past. And we're a little bit more accurate predicting those wind shear from the jet stream than we have before.

KINKADE: CNN aviation analyst and retired 777 captain. Good to have you on, Les Abend. Appreciate your time.

Well, still ahead, Mount Fuji fury. How one Japanese town is fighting back against an influx of tourists who want to take the perfect Fuji photo. That

story and more after a short break.


KINKADE: Welcome back to "First Move." I'm Lynda Kinkade. Call it a case of mountain mayhem. Residents of a small Japanese town are getting so fed up

with the influx of tourists taking pictures of Mount Fuji that they're taking some drastic measures. They say it's time to deter the Fuji


Hanako Montgomery joins me now. And, you know, so often we hear about cities and towns trying to lure tourists to their country. This is quite

the opposite.

HANAKO MONTGOMERY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning, Lynda. It's good to see you. Yes, I mean, it's completely the opposite, right? And this is

certainly one of the more drastic measures we've seen towns in Japan take to address over tourism. But for the locals of Fujikawaguchiko, this has

become a real headache for them.


There's a dentist office actually just across the street from that famed Lawson that says they've had tourists trespass onto their property, litter,

climb onto their roof even to take that perfect Instagram or TikTok video.

Now, they've also said that tourists have flouted traffic rules. And when they've them to move their cars, because they were violating traffic

regulations, they've had cigarette butts thrown at them. So, clearly, you know, this situation has just sort of reached a boiling point and the

locals felt that there was no other choice, that this was their last resort to address this issue of overt tourism for this one specific spot.

So, that's why we see this black mesh barrier across the street from Lawson. And I'm sure you're very curious as to what that mesh net actually

looks like. Give this a listen.


MONTGOMERY (voice-over): This view, once the perfect snapshot of Japan's old and new, now has a black curtain drawn. Overwhelmed by tourists

blocking roads, littering, even trespassing onto private property to take selfies.

The town of Fujikawaguchiko has now erected a black curtain to block the view and deter tourists, much to the locals' relief.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): There have been many accidents involving foreign tourists recently.

MONTGOMERY (voice-over): And to the dismay of visitors.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So, I think put a black panel on this road is something with brute force, and I think they can do better for the relief.

MONTGOMERY (voice-over): Mount Fuji, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and a Japanese icon, attracts millions of visitors annually. But post pandemic,

numbers have swelled to record levels, well beyond control, local authorities say. Causing human traffic jams and garbage to litter the

sacred peak.

The local prefecture now says it needs to charge $13 per climber and impose a daily hiker cap of 4,000 in a bid to address over tourism starting this


MONTGOMERY: But as you can tell by the crowds of people around me here, one of Tokyo's biggest tourist hotspots, Mount Fuji isn't the only victim of

over tourism. It's a nationwide problem. Over 3 million people visited Japan in the month of April, and though that's good news for the economy

post-pandemic, it's put a strain on resources and local communities.

MONTGOMERY (voice-over): Earlier this year, the historic City of Kyoto had to close off some alleys to combat geisha paparazzi, a name given to

visitors snapping photos of geisha without permission. While Kamakura, a seaside town just outside of Tokyo, is urging tourists to walk around

instead of taking the train to ease congestion.

Struggling to accommodate an unprecedented surge of inbound visitors, many encouraged by a weak yen. Local tourist spots have resorted to taking

matters into their own hands. Even if it means curtains for an Instagram hotspot.


MONTGOMERY (on camera): Now, Lynda, you might be wondering, as I sure was, whether this black barrier is even working to deter tourists. And according

to the videos that we've seen from that spot late last night and this morning, it looks as though those tourists are just crossing the street and

taking photos from that Lawson parking lot.

So, even though it hasn't completely deterred tourists from going to this one specific spot, hopefully, they now start observing those traffic rules

and regulations to help ease locals and observe their daily life. Lynda.

KINKADE: Yes. Hopefully they can manage it a little bit better than that mesh fence. Hanako Montgomery, good to have you with us. Thanks for that


Well, still to come, Dr. Sanjay Gupta drops by to tell us how we can train our minds to be happy.



KINKADE: Welcome back. Well, there is trouble brewing in Graceland. Elvis Presley's granddaughter is fighting to stop the sale of the music icon's

former estate. Actress Danielle Riley Keough filing a lawsuit to stop the foreclosure sale scheduled this week, alleging the company behind it is

fraudulent and has no rights to the Memphis property. Our Dianne Gallagher takes a closer look.


DIANNE GALLAGHER, CNN U.S. NATIONAL CORRESPONDEN: Graceland is American history. It is the second most visited home in the United States behind

only the White House. But a Wednesday morning hearing in a Tennessee chancery court could determine in part if that iconic Memphis property

stays in Elvis Presley's family.

Now, his granddaughter, actress Riley Keough, is suing to stop a scheduled foreclosure sale of the home. She now owns the property after her mother,

Lisa Marie Presley, died last year. In her lawsuit, Keough states that Naussany Investments & Private Lending LLC presented documents that claimed

her mother had borrowed $3.8 million from the company, and she had used the deed of trust for Graceland as security, a collateral for that loan.

Well, the firm claims that Lisa Marie defaulted on that loan and therefore, Graceland is now their property. But Keough says none of that is true and

her lawsuit questions on whether this is even a real company. The lawsuit reads, "These documents are fraudulent. Lisa Marie Presley never borrowed

money from Naussany Investments and never gave a deed of trust to Naussany Investments."

But the court documents go even further, identifying a Florida notary whose name is on the paperwork that was presented. But that notary says she never

met Lisa Marie Presley, nor did she notarize any documents for her.

Now, CNN has tried to reach out to Naussany Investments. We sent an e-mail to the account associated with the company and got an out of office reply

stating they would be back next week. We tried the phone number associated in the court documents and that was not working.

According to the lawsuit, it's a Missouri based company, but there are no records of a company matching that name with the secretary of state's

office. And when we searched nationwide, we couldn't find that anywhere.

Now, we did receive a statement from Graceland DBA, Elvis Presley Enterprises, that told CNN, "Elvis Presley Enterprises can confirm that

these claims are fraudulent. There is no foreclosure sale. Simply put, the counter lawsuit has been filed is to stop the fraud."

Now, there is a temporary restraining order that was granted back on May 15th that prevents Naussany Investments from conducting any non-judicial

sale of the property. They have to have this hearing on the injunction first. But that foreclosure sale, well it was scheduled for Thursday.

Now, back in 2020, Lisa Marie Presley told Rolling Stone that Graceland was worth between $400 and $500 million. But look, this is more than just

Americana here. The Presley family uses Graceland as a burial ground. Elvis Presley, Lisa Marie, Elvis' parents, and Lisa Marie's son are all buried on

the property.

Dianne Gallagher, CNN, back to you.


KINKADE: Well, it was a most incredible and unpredictable weekend of sport. The PGA golf championship kicking off with a record score before tragedy

struck the death of a tournament volunteer in a traffic accident and then the subsequent arrest of the world number one Scottie Scheffler who was

trying to get to the course in the aftermath of that accident.

But it all ended with the first major title for Xander Schauffele. Our Don Riddell caught up with him earlier today.


DON RIDDELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: It was a dramatic week both on and off the course for you and so many other players. You had that extraordinary record

equaling 62 in your first round, but it was kind of overshadowed because of what happened with Scottie Scheffler the next day.


Did that kind of bother you or upset you that nobody was talking about your brilliant round?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE, 2024 PGA CHAMPIONSHIP WINNER: Not at all. Not one bit, to be completely honest. It almost maybe made it easier to become -- you

know, to be honest, it probably made it easier.

I mean, you know, when someone passes. you have a fatal accident at a golf tournament, it's -- I think any sporting event is sort of the opposite of

what's supposed to happen. And the fact that that happened at a golf tournament was really brutal. And then, you know, to tie that in, you know,

that had a huge tie into what happened to Scottie. And Scottie is a really good guy. You know, I know him fairly well now competing against him and

sharing a physio table with him.

So, I know he's a good dude and there's no malintent meant by him. So, I just hope the family of the past is OK. And that -- you know, and I hope

Scottie is going to be OK. He's just not someone that should have criminal charges on his record.

RIDDELL: I was going to ask you about what it's like seeing your name on the leaderboard next to Scottie Scheffler's. Some people will glance at it

and mix the two of you guys up. Does that ever happen? Does anybody mistake you for he and Scottie for you?

SCHAUFFELE: Yes, for sure. Yes. Someone's called Scottie, Xander, which I thought was even funnier, because I was like, you just, you know, dropped

out a foot in height and you got a little bit tanner or our lockers are always next to each other based on last name and alphabetical order. So,

you know, Scottie Scheffler's stuff ends up in mine. My stuff ends up in his. It's all good. We're used to trading our stuff back and forth.

RIDDELL: Good stuff. We're looking forward to seeing your name right up there on top of the leaderboard for many more years to come. Xander, many

congratulations again. Thanks for spending the time with us today. I appreciate it. And all the best for the summer.

SCHAUFFELE: Thank you so much. Thanks for having me.


KINKADE: Well, now to a question many of us grapple with, do you want to be truly happy? And what does it take to get there? Well, what if you could

actually train your brain to increase your happiness? CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta explores that very question in the new episode of his podcast,

"Chasing Life." And Sanjay joins us now. It's been a hot minute. It's good to see you, Sanjay. Oh, we all want --


KINKADE: -- the secret to long life and happiness. But what is some of our biggest misconceptions when it comes to happiness?

DR. GUPTA: Yes. You know, it's interesting, I spoke to Laurie Santos, who's this professor of happiness at Yale, teaches this really popular course

there. And she says it's a pretty misunderstood emotion. Number one, people define happiness in different ways. It's worth having that conversation

with your loved ones to see how they define it.

But also, this idea that humans didn't necessarily evolve to use happiness as a trait. I mean, we needed traits that would help us survive, and

happiness wasn't necessarily one of them. So, you got to work at happiness was sort of her point. It doesn't necessarily come naturally.

There was another thing that I thought was sort of interesting. It wasn't necessarily a misconception, but sort of a revelation. If you look at what

they call the happiness U-curve, Lynda, and I think this is good news, at least for people that are around my age. I'm in my mid-50s now. But if you

look at the U-curve, what you find is that it starts off, you know, when you're in your -- if we can put that up, there's your teenage years and

it's pretty high at that point.

But then around 49 years old is when you have your lowest point of that curve. But after that, going into your 50s and later in life, your

happiness continues to go up, at least according to these curves and self- reported satisfaction.

People often think of older age as being a time when you're not as happy, you're dealing with illness and things like that, and that may be the case.

But happiness seems to be retained and even continues to increase later in life.

KINKADE: So, your happiness is on the way up. My happiness is on the way down, according to that graph.

DR. GUPTA: You'll get there.

KINKADE: But there is -- there's one phrase you use in your podcast, constructively dissatisfied. What does that mean and how does it relate to

your own happiness?

DR. GUPTA: You know, I've sort of used this term on the fly. I don't know. Maybe I coined it. I'm not even sure. But for me, I was sort of thinking,

OK, there's happiness, there's satisfaction, there's complacency, and you can kind of create a Venn diagram, and maybe these overlap to some extent,

but they're distinct as well. Do you need a certain amount of dissatisfaction to be happy?

Anyways, I talked to Laurie Santos about that concept specifically. And here's what she said.


DR. GUPTA: I think there are times when I wouldn't have necessarily rated myself as being happy, but I was also highly productive during those times.

I think maybe I'm entangling happiness and satisfaction, like a constructive dissatisfaction. Is that unhappiness?

LAURIE SANTOS, COGNITIVE SCIENTIST AND YALE UNIVERSITY PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSOR: I think that's an interesting idea. I mean, you could imagine a

world where, you know, you're working hard towards a particular goal, right? And that journey in the abstract, you kind of think is going well,

you feel like it's moving towards your goal, you feel like it's important, you feel like you have some purpose, but sometimes the moments of doing

that in your life can lead to some things like frustration or maybe sleepless nights, or maybe you don't feel good, right?


I think the kind of antidote to that would be to think about what are ways that I could be on that important, purposeful journey, but also bring a few

more moments of true happiness into my life.


DR. GUPTA: So, this idea, again, do you need a little bit of dissatisfaction to help fuel you, to potentially give you higher peaks of

happiness? It's different for everybody, Lynda, but what Laurie's real point was and what she teaches her students is think about finding the

moments of joy in your life. You don't need to be happy all the time, but find those moments of joy, moments of contentment and really lean into


KINKADE: And try and find those moments every day. Look for that gratitude in life.

DR. GUPTA: That's right.

KINKADE: Dr. Sanjay Gupta, as always, good to have you on the program. And congratulations, your 10th season of CNN's podcast.

DR. GUPTA: I know. Thank you.

KINKADE: We'll have to toast that milestone soon.

DR. GUPTA: All right. That's a -- bring us a moment of joy.

KINKADE: Exactly. We'll create your happiness. Good to see you.

And thanks so much for joining us. I'm Lynda Kinkade. If you want to hear more stories like this, you can listen to Sanjay Gupta's podcast "Chasing

Life" on CNN Audio or wherever you get your podcasts.

Well, that wraps up our show. I'm Lynda Kinkade. Thanks so much for your time. I'll see you next time.