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First Move with Julia Chatterley

China Starts "Punishment" Military Drills Around Taiwan; Taiwan Tensions; U.S. Monitors China's Actions Closely; Biden Hosts Kenyan President; U.S-Kenya Relations; U.S. Justice Department Sues Live Nation; Monopoly Case; The Future of A.I.; Artificial Intelligence Debate; NOAA Predicts Record Atlantic Hurricane Season; Ventura Thanks Fans For Support; Jewel On Mental Health; Video Of Scottie Scheffler's Arrest; BARK Air Takes Flight; BARK Air's Debut. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired May 23, 2024 - 18:00   ET



JAKE TAPPER, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: It is the first White House state dinner for an African head of state since President George W. Bush hosted

the leader of Ghana in 2008.

You can follow the show on X @TheLeadCNN. If you ever miss an episode of "The Lead," you can listen to the show, all two hours, whence you get your


The news continues on CNN with Wolf Blitzer, right next door in a place I like to call "The Situation Room."

LYNDA KINKADE, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: It is 6:00 a.m. in Taipei, 8:00 a.m. in Melbourne, and 6:00 p.m. here in Atlanta. I'm Lynda Kinkade in for

Juliet Chatterley. And wherever you are in the world, this is your "First Move."

A very warm welcome to "First Move." Here is today's need to know. China holds military drills around Taiwan in what it calls a punishment. Three

days after the inauguration of Taiwan's new president.

The U.S. sues to break up Ticketmaster and Live Nation in a groundbreaking monopoly lawsuit.

And the luxury airline hoping to give your pooch anything but a rough ride. But will the price tag give you pause for thought? We'll speak with the CEO

of BARK Air. That conversation and much more coming up.

But first tensions around Taiwan, China launching military exercises around the self-ruled island, calling them punishment for separatist acts.


WANG WENBIN, SPOKESMAN, CHINESE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS (through translator): All separatist acts seeking Taiwan independence will be met

with a crushing defeat dealt by more than 1.4 billion Chinese people. And all separatist forces for Taiwan independence will have their heads bashed

bloody in the face of the historical trend of China's complete reunification.


KINKADE: Well, just a few days ago, Taiwan swore in its new president, Lai Ching-te, who calls on Beijing to stop its military intimidation.

Our Will Ripley joins us live from Taipei with the latest. Good to have you with us. So, not much sleep for you last night there. And I suspect some

sleepless nights for the new president too.

WILL RIPLEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Undoubtedly, there is a lot going on his plate. In the coming hours here in Taipei, he'll be

getting an update on the number of Chinese warplanes and warships that have been monitored operating around Taiwan. This is now day two of those

military drills that China's calling Joint Sword-2024A.

At the same time, we also have chaos inside Taiwan. Here in the capital city, there are thousands of youth protesters expected to take the streets

today, the potential for contentious, perhaps even violent debates in parliament, quite a first week for this new president.


RIPLEY (voice-over): A chaotic start for Taiwan's new president, Lai Ching- te. Just days after taking office, China launching large scale military exercises and protesters taking to the streets of the capital, Taipei.

Operation Joint Sword-2024A set to encircle Taiwan over two days. Dozens of Chinese aircraft, warships, and Coast Guard vessels. Beijing describing the

drills as a powerful punishment for so-called separatist forces in Taiwan. A dramatic increase in military pressure on the island democracy.

WEN-TI SUNG, FELLOW, ATLANTIC COUNCIL'S GLOBAL CHINA HUB: I think Beijing will likely respond with fire fury. That's almost to be expected from


RIPLEY (voice-over): Senior security officials in Taipei tell CNN most of the aircraft crossed into Taiwan's self-declared air defense identification

zone, a move the island's defense ministry calls a serious provocation.

SUN LI-FANG, TAIWAN DEFENSE MINISTRY SPOKESMAN: Their military exercise is not helping with the situation around Taiwan Strait.

RIPLEY (voice-over): China's military says the exercises are a direct response to the separatist provocations and external interferences. They

say the motherland must be reunified and will inevitably be reunified.

In his inauguration speech this week, Lai calling on the Communist mainland to stop its military and political intimidation and recognize the

sovereignty of Democratic Taiwan using the island's official name, the Republic of China.

LAI CHING-TE, TAIWAN PRESIDENT (through translator): I hope that China will face the reality of the Republic of China's existence and respect the

choices of the people of Taiwan.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Words seen by some as a departure from the cautious tone taken by his predecessor, Tsai Ing-wen.

President Lai's first days have been anything but calm. Massive youth protests erupted outside parliament. Demonstrators protesting a push by

opposition parties to subject the island's new leader to tighter scrutiny from China friendly lawmakers.


More chaos inside Taiwan's fiercely divided parliament. A massive brawl broke out last week over those legislative reform bills. In the Taiwanese

capital, confidence in the government and the military.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): If the Chinese Communist Party does attack Taiwan, it won't be easy. Taiwanese people are not afraid of war.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): I believe leaders will prioritize people's happiness. So, I'm not worried. I think peace will be maintained.

RIPLEY (voice-over): A fragile peace in tumultuous times for President Lai, military threats across the Taiwan Strait, and deep divisions at home.


KINKADE: And, Will, it was just days ago, really, just early this week when the new president said, China don't intimidate us. This is the reaction,

the navy, the army, the air force, the rocket force on full display with these drills. And Taiwan, of course, has responded sending out its aircraft

and warships and saying its missile system is on standby. How long could this last, Will?

RIPLEY (on camera): So, the drills are scheduled to last for two days, Lynda. But what was interesting to me is that they're calling this Joint

Sword-2024A, which begs the question, could there be a B or C? It wouldn't be surprising, given that China has essentially normalized this escalatory

military activity that used to be unheard of until, frankly, a couple of years ago.

Remember when Nancy Pelosi made the controversial visit to Taiwan, and then China did these war games the kind of which -- the scale of which Taiwan

had not seen. But since then, we've seen them do this in response to what they view as provocative behavior, provocative statements.

Some might argue that they're looking for an excuse, if you will. So, they want to listen to something that comes out of Taiwan, which then gives them

a chance to throw their military assets around the island conduct what is tantamount to a dress rehearsal for what some fear could be a full-scale

invasion down the road, something that China has never ruled out as they vow to eventually, in one way or another, unify with this democracy that

the communist rulers in Beijing have been coveting for more than 70 years, but have never controlled.

So, we don't know if the timing was deliberate, if Beijing, in planning these exercises, also was expecting the drama outside of parliament and

inside parliament. But certainly, this is exactly the kind of thing that they are aiming to achieve here. They want to do what they can, to inject

doubt, to try to destabilize this new government, a government that they worked very hard before Taiwan's election to try to send disinformation and

encourage anybody that they could not to vote for this particular government that's now in power.

So, this is playing out, in many ways, exactly like Beijing wants. Of course, Taiwan's new president does have a lot of supporters. Those

protesters outside parliament, they're angry because they think that China friendly lawmakers here in Taiwan are trying to take power away from him.

And we just have to watch in the coming hours because these drills could actually bring out more young people to the streets.

It really is a -- the kind of drama that you cannot write a script for. I mean, this is real-life and it's happening in real-time here in Taiwan. And

we're not even a full week yet in to the term of President Lai Ching-te.

KINKADE: Yes, a very dramatic first week. Good to have you there in Taipei for us. Will Ripley, thank you.

Well, the U.S., of course, is watching this closely. This latest round of developments around Taiwan. A senior U.S. official telling CNN that

Beijing's move is reckless and exploratory. Oren Liebermann joins us now from the Pentagon.

So, Oren, we heard from China's foreign ministry spokesperson saying to the U.S. that you shouldn't support Taiwan independence and that you should

stop interfering in what it called China's internal affairs. What is the U.S. Saying?

OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Well, senior administration here says, look, the U.S. has been watching this possibility for several

months, knowing that a democratically elected government, that inauguration could be a chance for China to try to step in and try to assert its own or

what it sees as its own sovereignty over Taiwan.

And we have seen China do this in the past. The U.S. was aware of the possibility of that. The official urged essentially China to back away and

respect this electoral process and an inauguration, even if China doesn't have an electoral process, a democratically elected government. Taiwan

does. And the U.S. urged China essentially to back off, saying their large- scale exercises are escalatory, or risk an escalation and destabilizing the region there.

So, the U.S. position, quite clear here, even as it tries to walk that line between respecting the U.S.'s One China policy, but also making sure that

Taiwan essentially has its own independent ability to govern itself.

KINKADE: And the U.S., of course, calling further on nations around China and Taiwan to condemn this as well. Oren Liebermann, we'll leave it there

for now. Good to have you live from the Pentagon. Thank you.


Well, in Washington, a red carpet reception for Kenya's president, William Ruto, as the U.S. works to strengthen its ties with Africa. Have a look at

these pictures coming in to us, live pictures of people arriving for the State Dinner at the White House.

Among the guests, Former President Bill Clinton, as well as several lawmakers, ambassadors, and mayors, even some celebrities. They are taking

their time coming in for this dinner. Country star Brad Paisley and the Howard Gospel Choir will provide the entertainment at the glitzy black-tie


Well, the Biden administration is making a push to counter China's growing relationship with Kenya and other African economies. The U.S. is now

designating Kenya a major U.S. non-NATO ally, opening the door to stronger military cooperation.

Speaking earlier, both presidents Ruto and Biden hailed the importance of democratic nations standing side by side.


WILLIAM RUTO, KENYAN PRESIDENT: The accelerating drift towards regimes indifferent to democratic values is a deep concern to us and I believe it

is time the U.S. working with Kenya deploys its capabilities and rally like-minded democratic countries to set up the course for democracy.

JOE BIDEN, U.S. PRESIDENT: These are responsibilities Kenya and America must meet in the years ahead. To meet them together as partners for

security, for prosperity, for innovation, and most importantly, for democracy.


KINKADE: And Kayla Tausche is at the White House with more on this. Good to see you, Kayla. So, we heard from the president, Kenya designated a major

non-NATO ally of the U.S. Just explain what makes this U.S.-Kenya relationship so important.

KAYLA TAUSCHE, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, this is the first designation of that kind, Lynda, for a country in Sub-Saharan Africa.

It means, as you said, that the two militaries will work closely in coordination to defeat terrorist organizations in that part of the world.

But it's just one of the ways that the two countries are deepening their commitment to each other and establishing, fortifying the ties between

these two nations. In Kenya, the U.S. gets a foothold in an incredibly fast-growing economy. And in the U.S., Kenya gets a deeply resourced

partner to help it as it funds its own development.

Earlier today, I spoke with U.S. ambassador to Kenya, Meg Whitman, a long- time technology executive, and she said that the relationship is meant to signal that the U.S. is a willing and able partner as an alternative to

China. Here's what she told me.


MEG WHITMAN, U.S. AMBASSADOR TO KENYA: You know, for many, many years, it was really the Chinese who showed up in Africa and Kenya. Remember the Belt

and Road Initiative. And so, they have been there for 20 years. And I think Africa is now poised for tremendous growth, lots of rare earth minerals,

lots of natural resources. And will, by the way, one in four people on earth will live on the African continent in 2050. One in three working age

people will be on the African continent. So, the Biden administration said we have to pay more attention.


TAUSCHE: And paying attention, they are. China has financed billions of dollars of infrastructure projects in Kenya. The U.S. says that its

companies are now going to be getting a piece of that business. And Whitman says she wants the U.S. to be the first port of call going forward. Lynda.

KINKADE: All right. Kayla, outside the White House. Good to have you there for us. Thanks so much.

And now, to a groundbreaking lawsuit. The U.S. Justice Department is suing Live Nation, the parent company of Ticketmaster, to break up the company

over alleged antitrust violations. Ticketmaster is the largest live event ticketing firm in the world.


MERRICK GARLAND, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: We allege that Live Nation has illegally monopolized markets across the live concert industry in the

United States for far too long. It is time to break it up. It is time for fans and artists to stop paying the price for Live Nation's monopoly.


KINKADE: Well, Ticketmaster merged with Live Nation about four years ago, and shares of Live Nation are down almost 8 percent on Thursday.

Well, Brian Fung joins us now with more. Live Nation, as I said, the parent company of Ticketmaster. And it's not just the Justice Department, but 30

states joining this lawsuit. Just how significant is this case?

BRIAN FUNG, CNN TECHNOLOGY REPORTER: Yes, Lynda, this is a monumental case. It could change everything about how concert ticketing works in the U.S.

And officials say a breakup of Live Nation is absolutely on the table.

According to the Justice Department and those 30 attorneys general, Live Nation has a monopoly in live events ticketing. It enjoys huge leverage

over artists, fans, and competitors because it owns big chunks of every industry needed to put on a successful tour.


And that stack includes not just the sale of concert tickets through Ticketmaster, but also the concert promoters who work with artists on shows

and even many of the most popular venues where they play.

Now, DOJ says Live Nation has weaponized that integration using things like threats and retaliation to make sure venues and rivals stay in line, and

that means the ability to charge higher fees to fans and impose restrictions on what they can do with their tickets.

Now, this suit has been a long time coming. For most people, this became a high-profile issue after the Taylor Swift debacle with Ticketmaster in

2022, when you might remember millions of fans were locked out of buying tickets for her Eras Tour. But of course, lots of other antitrust critics

say the problem dates back to Live Nation's merger with Ticketmaster in the first place in 2010.

Now, the DOJ is looking to fix that situation, and they're asking for a jury trial, which given how much of a headache Ticketmaster has been for

consumers might ultimately help them win the case. Lynda.

JOHNSON: And so, Brian, this, of course, is not just about fans overpaying for a concert. This is also about increasing opportunities for artists,

right? Because this entertainment group controls venues, and it's also about helping small promoters that are currently squeezed out, right?

FUNG: Yes. According to the Justice Department, Live Nation controls hundreds of venues around the United States and also -- you know, and uses

exclusive contracts to kind of lock in venues and requires them to use Live Nation's Ticketmaster software to -- you know, to sell the tickets that

they have.

And so, all of these, you know, kind of interlocking parts, according to the Justice Department, creates a sort of flywheel, a self-reinforcing

feedback loop that helps Ticketmaster ultimately charge higher prices to consumers and hurt artists who are trying to break out of the Ticketmaster-

Live Nation ecosystem, ultimately harming competition in the end.

And the Justice Department and those 30 attorneys general say that's an illegal violation of U.S. antitrust law. Lynda.

KINKADE: Well, fans and artists around the world will be watching this case closely. Brian Fung, good to have you with us. Thank you.

Well, still to come, Elon Musk is out with another stunning warning about A.I. and how it threatens our jobs. The head of Meta's A.I. division says

not so fast. We'll have the latest from the Viva Tech conference in Paris after the break.

Plus, embarking on a new adventure. The maiden voyage of BARK Air took off Thursday from New York to Los Angeles. We'll tell you why catering to high

flying canines has become a fetchingly good business.



KINKADE: Welcome back to "First Move." I'm Lynda Kinkade. Thursday's thud on Wall Street tops today's "Money Move." All the major averages losing

ground with the Dow falling more than 1.5 percent. It was the worst day for the blue chip so far this year amid new signs that the U.S. economy is too

strong for rate cuts.

A.I. chip giant NVIDIA bucked the trend, rallying more than 9 percent after its solid profit report on Wednesday. NVIDIA closing above $1,000 a share

for the first time ever.

But the chips were down for aerospace giant Boeing. Shares tumbled 7.5 percent after the firm's CFO warned that financial pressures will persist

for the rest of the year.

Well, in other business news, Elon Musk said at a tech conference in Paris Thursday that artificial intelligence will ultimately take all our jobs. He

says working will be optional. Well, that sounds OK. And he says that not necessarily a bad thing.

Well, one of the three so-called godfathers of A.I. has also been speaking at the conference. Meta's head of A.I. told our Anna Stewart that concerns

that I will threaten the human race are overblown. A view that the other two godfathers don't share.


YANN LECUN, CHIEF A.I. SCIENTIST, META: We all agree on many things, from the scientific and technical point of view. And we had very much the same

vision going back 35 years. But yes, our opinion about certain things average.

So, Jeff thinks that current A.I. technology basically has human like intelligence, and I don't believe it's anywhere close. And Yoshua believes

that, you know, A.I. might be dangerous and that we should prepare for it and have international organizations that sort of oversee what can be done

with A.I.

I don't think it's that dangerous, frankly certainly not today, and it might in the future. But then, the design of A.I. systems in the future

would be very different from what they are now. So, once we have a design, we can decide how to make it safe.

But today, trying to figure out how to make future super intelligent A.I. systems safe is like asking in 1925, how do we make, you know, jet

transport safe? And jet transport was not invented yet. The turbojet was not invented. So, I don't know how to make something that's not invented


ANNA STEWART, CNN CORRESPONDENT: There are the risks now, like misinformation, deep fakes, and there are the potential risks of a future

type of artificial intelligence, when we talk about AGI, is that possible? When do you think we could get to a point of artificial general

intelligence, which I imagine looks much more like real human intelligence?

LECUN: Yes, so the two questions. The first question about, you know, deep fakes and misinformation, et cetera, those are not new problems. They've

been with us for a long time.

STEWART: But they've been exacerbated by A.I.

LECUN: Not really, actually. We don't see that. At Meta, we -- you know, we are the receiving end of those things, right? And we don't see a big

increase in attempts to perform disinformation and things like that. And something that I think people should know is that the best countermeasures

against those attacks makes massive use of A.I. So, A.I. is actually used as a countermeasure against those attempts, right?

OK. So, that's for like, you know, immediate risk, right? And then there is, it the case that we are going eventually to have systems that are

smarter than humans in all domains where humans are smart? And the answer is absolutely yes. There is no question this is going to happen. But it's

not for tomorrow. It's --


LECUN: Well, we don't know because, you know, we need to go through some, you know, pretty fundamental changes in the way we build A.I. systems. Some

conceptual breakthroughs, and nobody can predict, you know, how long that takes and how hard it's going to be to really go beyond this.

And the history of A.I. for the last 60, 70 years is littered with people who say, oh, now we have the secret. Now, we're going to have machines that

are really intelligent within 10 years, and it turned out to not be true.

So, you know, some people today have -- are very optimistic in the way that we're going to make progress. I'm sort of fairly, middle of the road, like

circumspect. I think there's a good chance we're going to make significant progress within the next five years, but before we reach human level

intelligence with those new ideas, it's going to take, you know, much longer because it's always harder than you think.


KINKADE: Well, the U.S. National Hurricane Center is predicting a hyperactive hurricane season. It says there could be as many as 25 named

storms and as many as 13 hurricanes. A record-breaking prediction. A big part of the problem, climate change. Oceans are breaking heat records,

which are expected to fuel the storms. And that's on top of the potential La Nina conditions.


Well, for more on this, I'm joined by Chad Myers. And, Chad, just yesterday we were talking about that devastating tornado that left that trail of

devastation in Iowa. And now, this prediction that we could have this terrible hurricane season ahead of us. Hurricane season, of course, starts

June 1st.

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: And it actually should have already started by now because our water temperatures are already in July, kind of normals.

So, it could start any time. We don't really have like a cutoff anymore. We've had pre-season hurricanes before pre-season tropical storms all the

way through here.

The 2024 hurricane season now, 17 to 25 storms. And if that happens, we only have 21 names. We'll have to get to that other list that we used a

long time ago where we actually went to the Greek alphabet. We're not going to do that this year.

But 17 to 25 storms. We're going to see up to 13 hurricanes and seven of them could be major. At least an 85 percent assurity that this is going to

happen. Only 5 percent possibility that it could be less than normal.

But what's important, Lynda, is accumulated cyclone energy. It's wind in the ocean in a tropical system for how many hours added together, and then

you add the entire season together. And we're at 150 to 245 percent of average, of the mean.

Now, the mean is about 100. It's plus or minus, depending on how many years you use in the average. But it's the accumulated cyclone energy based on

the wind speed and for how long and how many storms we get. So, if we go back and take a look at the ACE for all the previous years here, the past

four, which seems like we've had some very active years. Nowhere near 245, 145, 95, 145, 179.

The last time that we were anywhere near that 245 number was 2005, Katrina, Rita. I mean, I can go on, Wilma, all the big names that we remember from

2005. And we look at the water temperature now, when we look at the water temperature in '05, the water is warmer right now than it was at this time

in '05.

And we have the La Nina. La Nina is going to push the jet stream farther to the north. It's going to stop the sheer that's here in the atmosphere where

the storms form. Storms don't like to be touched by anything. They want to be all by themselves, just kind of sitting there spinning. Don't blow me

over, just let me sit here and spin. So, when that happens, we have likely more storms and that's where we're going with this.

This is the reason, look at the water temperatures, three to five degrees Fahrenheit warmer here in the main development region and already one to

two in the Gulf of Mexico. And if you take a look at Copernicus' numbers that we looked at from April, all of these dark reds right through here, it

is the warmest ever for that time of year. This was the end of the April, but still, we're still there right now. This map hasn't changed very much.

The warmest by standards for April and now for May.

Why do we run out of numbers? Why did we run out of names here? Because we don't use U, we don't use Q and we don't use X, Y, Z. So, there's only 21

names for 25 potential storms. We have to go to Adria, which would be on the next list to try to figure out how far we go from here.

One more thing that's going on in the deep south where many of the hurricanes may land or at least tropical systems may land, it has been a

brutally wet spring. Some spots more than twice as much rain as they should have. That means the ground is muddy. That means the rivers are flowing.

There's no place to put more water. If you put a 100-mile -- 160 kilometer per hour wind through some of these forests, you're going to knock down

trees because the trees roots are just sitting there in mud. You put five or 10 inches of rainfall in these rivers that are already a bank full in

many spots, we're going to get more flash flooding.

So many things to talk about this year. Let's hope we don't get the 25, because just a few years ago, we got the 30 number. Remember when we were

like Alpha, Beta, Delta, Zeta, wherever we went on that year, it just went way too far to iota, I think. So, that's -- remember that?

KINKADE: I do. I'm wondering why we can't use Q, X, Y, or Z to name a storm.

MYERS: Not enough options, I guess, because once you retire the name, you have to get rid of it, make another one.

KINKADE: We'll just have to get more creative, Chad.

MYERS: I think you could probably work. I don't know what, Zeta, maybe we could probably get some zebras in there. I don't know.

KINKADE: Zeta, Zena. We'll come up with some ideas. We'll workshop it.

MYERS: Right.

KINKADE: Chad Myers, thanks so much.

MYERS: You're welcome.

KINKADE: We're going to take a quick break. And much more news after just a moment. Stay with us.



KINKADE: Welcome back. The former girlfriend of Sean Diddy Combs is speaking out for the first time about a 2016 video showing her being

physically assaulted by the rap star. Cassie Ventura's public comments come just days after CNN exclusively obtained that graphic surveillance footage.

CNN's Elizabeth Wagmeister broke the story and has more details about what Ventura is saying now.


ELIZABETH WAGMEISTER, CNN ENTERTAINMENT CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Cassie Ventura breaking her silence for the first time since CNN uncovered this

disturbing video showing music mogul Sean Diddy Combs violently throwing her to the ground, then kicking and dragging her.

On Instagram, Ventura thanking family, friends, and strangers, writing, the outpouring of love has created a place for my younger self to settle and

feel safe now. But this is only the beginning. My only ask is that everyone open your heart to believing victims the first time.

The surveillance video from 2016 also shows Combs throwing a vase at then girlfriend Ventura in the hallway of a Los Angeles hotel. The security

camera footage seeming to corroborate part of Ventura's 2023 lawsuit against Diddy, alleging he punched Ms. Ventura, giving her a black eye,

then took glass vases in the hallway and threw them at her. The lawsuit since settled also referenced this.

SEAN "DIDDY" COMBS, RAP MOGUL: I got to give a special thank you.

WAGMEISTER (voice-over): A 2022 acceptance speech in which Combs spoke of Cassie in a much different light.

COMBS: Cassie for holding me down in the dark times. Love.

WAGMEISTER (voice-over): But now, with the ugly truth of his abuse caught on video, Diddy took to his own social media Sunday to respond.

COMBS: I mean, I hit rock bottom. But I make no excuses. My behavior on that video is inexcusable. I take full responsibility for my actions in

that video.

WAGMEISTER (voice-over): The allegations continue to pile up against Combs. This week, former model Crystal McKinney filed a lawsuit alleging Combs

drugged and sexually assaulted her in 2003. And Combs still faces possible charges related to those federal raids on his homes in March.


The L.A. County District Attorney says the hotel video from 2016 won't lead to new charges because the statute of limitations expired. Cassie didn't

address the video directly, but did say, domestic violence is the issue. It broke me down to someone I never thought I would become.

Advocates say cases like Cassie's are helping to turn the tide for victims of abuse.

DEBRA KATZ, WOMEN'S RIGHTS ATTORNEY: It means that people who were too scared, they were too young, they felt that they'd be disbelieved long ago,

but whose lives were altered now have an ability to come forward and seek legal redress.

WAGMEISTER (voice-over): Cassie speaking directly to those victims, writing, I offer my hand to those that are still living in fear. No one

should carry this weight alone.


KINKADE: Out thanks to Elizabeth Wagmeister there. Well, still to come, I'm going to talk to award-winning singer-songwriter Jewel about mental health

and music. Our live conversation next.


KINKADE: Welcome back. It's Mental Health Awareness Month and singer- songwriter Jewel who has sold about 20 million albums is promoting mindfulness with an art exhibit and an upcoming recording both titled "The

Portal." You might know the multi-platinum singer from hits like "You Were Meant for Me."




WAGMEISTER (voice-over): Such a beautiful voice. Well, "The Portal" includes an immersive experience at the Crystal Bridges Art Museum in

Arkansas. It includes a stunning light show with drones moving to music.

Jewel has been an advocate for mental health for years, even co-founding a virtual reality app in a world blends tech and mindfulness. The platform

aims to be a low-cost alternative to traditional in person therapy.

Well, joining me now is singer-songwriter and mental health advocate, Jewel. Pleasure to have you on the program.

JEWEL, FOUR-TIME GRAMMY-NOMINATED ARTIST: Hi, thank you for having me.

KINKADE: So, you're known for your beautiful, versatile music, but many might not know that you had quite a few challenges growing up. And you want

to help people who have mental health challenges. So, as far as I understand it, you put out a call to the Crystal Bridges Museum of American

History. How did that conversation go?


JEWEL: I called them. They were incredibly kind to take the call. I wanted to create an experience that brought together the three areas of my life

I've been trying to gain mastery in. One is music, which most people know. One is visual art, which nobody knows. And then there's behavioral health,

which I've been doing for about 22 years now.

And so, together, we collaborated and created an hour and a half experience that takes place every evening in the museum.

KINKADE: Wow. And you've created music. You've got a new EP out, not quite an album, but music to go with this exhibition.

JEWEL: Yes, I call it a meditative odyssey. Right now, I released a 10- minute piece of music that starts with a meditation, goes into cinematic sound scaping, spoken word, in and out of song. I kind of describe it as me

meets Pink Floyd, if that makes any sense.

KINKADE: This is amazing and it looks absolutely spectacular. You know, "Foolish Games" and "Who Will Save Your Soul" are two of my favorite Jewel

songs. I just want to play that song for our viewers.




KINKADE: That was, of course, your first song off your first album, your debut album, "Pieces of Me" back in 1995, which, of course, became a global

hit number 11 here in the U.S. And you wrote that song as a teenager, right? You must have begun your music journey really young.

JEWEL: Yes, I moved out when I was young to escape an abusive home. I moved out at 15. And I knew that I had learned an emotional language that might

not lead to happiness. And so, a lot of my writing was my medicine. How do I become accountable for my happiness? Am I willing to save me if nobody

else will?

And that also began the basis of a lot of my behavioral health tools that I began to use in our youth foundation. And then, ultimately, with what you

mentioned with Innerworld or mental health platform. And then amazingly, branching into visual art and combining visual art with behavioral health.

KINKADE: And of course, it wasn't just challenges you faced as a young child, but you've spoke about how the music industry can be tough on women.

And when you become older, when you become a mom, what did you experience?

JEWEL: I think all of us have to find our way forward in each of our respective industries. All industries are harder on women and the

entertainment industry is a bit notorious for this. So, finding an authentic and inspiring way forward for myself that is also solving for the

things that are important to me, like my mental health, like being a parent, were really important to me.

So, dreaming up this experience with Crystal Bridges, creating something that was unusual and new and inspiring, but hopefully, also useful and

healing to the attendees was really important to me.

KINKADE: And, Jewel, you are about to start a North American tour, 19 cities in July. You're selling tickets through Ticketmaster. And of course,

Ticketmaster, which is owned by Live Nation, is facing a major court battle by the federal government and 30 state governments right now for over

inflating, you know, prices for concert goers and squeezing out smaller artists and venues and promoters. What do you make of that case and how do

you think it might reshape the industry?

JEWEL: I'm always for creating more rights for artists. The industry -- really, there's so many middlemen between an artist who creates content and

that fan. And so, the more ways we can have more control over the products that we're creating and the relationship with the fans, we're creating it

for the better. I'll be very curious to see how this works out.

We need systems and we need helps. We need people to sell tickets. It's the things that happen after that, that get a bit -- I guess we'll see what

happens, but it'll be nice if we can get a bit more power and autonomy as artists.

KINKADE: Exactly. Well, multi-partner recording artist, Jewel, it's been a pleasure. Thank you so much for joining us.

JEWEL: Thank you.

KINKADE: Well, still to come on "First Move," we're going to hear from the company that has unleashed a brand-new plane service for dogs. It's called

BARK Air. Lap dogs and dogs of all sizes, for that matter, will be able to fly in the lap of luxury. The price tag, however, might give you pause.



KINKADE: Welcome back. Police in Louisville, Kentucky are releasing a video of the arrest of the world number one golfer, Scottie Scheffler. In this

video, you can see Scheffler's vehicle turning left and an officer running towards it. Police then take out -- police take him out of the car and walk

him across the street.

Louisville police say the officer who arrested Scheffler was disciplined for not activating his body camera at the time. Gabe Cohen reports.

GABE COHEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Lynda, Louisville police have released new video of Scottie Sheffler's arrest, including an angle from a nearby

traffic pole camera. It does not show the initial incident in which Sheffler allegedly disobeyed that police officer's orders and then dragged

him with his car. But it does show just seconds later, as the officer chases down Sheffler's vehicle, he appears to strike the car with some sort

of object and then converses with Sheffler through the driver's side window before other officers arrived and take Sheffler into custody.

The city says they do not have any video of that initial encounter, and that's because the officer's body camera was not turned on, something that

the chief of police says is in violation of the department's policy, and as a result, that officer has received counseling from his supervisor.

Earlier today, the mayor and the chief of police held a press briefing. They did not take any questions from the media and they didn't address the

charges that Scottie Scheffler is still facing. He faces four charges. By far the most serious is that second degree assault on a police officer

charge. It is a felony. And a source tells me that behind closed doors, at least some top brass at the police department have voiced some concern that

the felony charge may be excessive.

I spoke with Scottie Scheffler's attorney just after that press conference, who said the videos that were released back up their version of the events,

that this was all a misunderstanding.


STEVE ROMINES, ATTORNEY FOR SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Our position is the same as it was last Friday, Scottie Scheffler didn't do anything wrong. We're

prepared to litigate the case as long and as aggressively as necessary. And we're not interested in settling the case. It'll either be dismissed or

we'll go to trial.

COHEN: And you've seen the videos that are coming out today. What do they tell you?

ROMINES: Everything that is out there supports what Scottie Scheffler said from the start, that this was a chaotic scene and a miscommunication and he

didn't do anything wrong. And that's where we're at.


COHEN (on camera): The county attorney's office continues to insist they haven't made any final decisions on how they're going to prosecute this

case. So, it's still very possible that the charges could be changed or even dropped before Scottie Scheffler's scheduled arraignment, which is set

for June 3rd. Lynda.

KINKADE: Our thanks there to Gabe Cohen. Well, in other news, on your bark, get set, go. A brand-new charter jet service for dogs and their owners

embarked on its maiden flight from New York to Los Angeles on Thursday.

BARK Air is being called the first ever airline in the U.S. catering to dogs. Well, the flights offer all the conveniences that a canine might want

from spacious seating, lavender scented refreshment towels and of course, a selection of mouthwatering treats.

While tickets run into the thousands of dollars, but BARK says dog owners have been clamoring for a more comfortable, humane alternative to

commercial jet travel for years.


The CEO of BARK recently got into a crate to experience what it's like for a dog to fly this way. And not surprisingly, he doesn't recommend it. Well,

the BARK CEO, Matt Meeker, joins me now. Good to see you, Matt.

MATT MEEKER, CEO, BARK & CO.: Hello, thanks for having me.

KINKADE: So, we just saw those images of you in that crate. I understand you were in there for a number of hours. What was that experience like?

MEEKER: It was very hot and very uncomfortable and a bit disorienting at times. So -- and that's me understanding that I can't imagine what a dog

feels about that experience.

KINKADE: Right. And a dog who's on it for many, many more hours, especially in those long-haul flights. So, you have -- had the first maiden flight

today. How did it go? Because this is obviously a service for the ultimate dog lover, really. This is luxury travel for pets.

MEEKER: It is. It's starting there. And that flight is actually in the air right now. So, we had an enthusiastic group, a very happy group as we

loaded on to the plane. And it took off right on time, on our way to Los Angeles. So, we'll see on the other side how it came out

KINKADE: And it was interesting. You've got lavender scented towels. Have you had some market research to test how much dogs enjoy those?

MEEKER: We've had 12 years of market research with our company BARK and BarkBox, where we've, we've served 7 million dogs during that time and

we've learned everything you could possibly learn about what makes a dog happy. So, we took all of that and put it into making a great experience

here for these dogs.

KINKADE: And so, tell us what it's like for the dogs on board that flight today, not only the lavender scented towels, you've given the poop bags for

the for the owners of those dogs who are traveling with those dogs on board. What would that flight be like right now?

MEEKER: Well, hopefully, what it's like is very, very fun and social and the dogs getting to know each other and enjoying their experience and also

being pampered by us. But the -- I think the most luxurious thing for both the dogs and the people is that they're together. They're part of the

family and a dog's really happiest when their people are around and they usually brighten up their people and make them happier as well.

So, that's the biggest benefit of all here is they get to be together and they get to travel and just have family experiences.

KINKADE: And so, many airlines allow, you know, you to travel with a dog if it's a small dog in the cabin, a large dog in cargo for prices that range

from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand. Your airline is charging about $6,000 domestically, $8,000 New York to London. Who's your market?

Who's your customer?

MEEKER: Well, today it's those people who can afford that and want a better experience than their dog certainly flying in the cargo hold. Or if it's a

smaller dog -- we're thrilled that the commercial airlines offer something like -- that you could travel with your dog in the cabin. We wish it wasn't

in a closed duffel bag, under a seat in front of you, but those are the regulations. They provide a service, and that's a valuable service. And as

you mentioned, an affordable one.

We've offered a price here, more luxury experience to start, but it's our hope that there's a lot of demand and we can make this more affordable over

time and more accessible to many more people and their dogs. So, we can bring those prices down. And we're big fans of anyone who's helping dogs

and their people travel together in the most comfortable way possible.

KINKADE: Now, those dog treats look pretty good. They look like donuts. But for the people who might have --

MEEKER: They are.

KINKADE: Are they? Yum. For people who might have concerns or reservations about the smell or about, you know, a snappy, barky dog that's disrupting

the other dogs, what do you say to them?

MEEKER: Well, we do an intake of every dog before the flight to understand their personalities and their likes and dislikes. And then we arrange the

seating chart in order to put them in the position for best success. We offer things to help them. So, they might need a calming jacket that they

wear that calms them down, or maybe a calming treat.

But we work with their people to put them in that position for best success. If a dog needs to relieve themselves, we're ready for that. And

we're -- our dogs are probably even a bit cleaner than maybe your most unruly private jet passenger might be. So, we're pretty comfortable.

KINKADE: I don't doubt it. Matt Meeker, CEO of Bark Inc., we wish you all the best. Thanks for joining us.

MEEKER: Thank you.


KINKADE: We have some new pictures just coming into CNN right now. U.S. President Joe Biden is, of course, hosting a state dinner on the White

House South Lawn. And his Kenyan counterpart, William Ruto is there. The first lady, as you can see, all dressed up for this very special dinner

event. And a red carpet has been rolled out.

Of course, for Mr. Ruto, who is attending today, he has been declared a new non-NATO major ally of the U.S., Kenya, of course. Washington is facing

huge pressure in Africa from both Russia and the U.S. and China. They've got a very special menu tonight, which of course includes some poached

buttered lobster.

Well, that just about wraps up our show tonight. We will bring you more on that in the coming hours.

I'm Lynda Kinkade. Thanks so much for joining us. I'll see you tomorrow night.