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First Move with Julia Chatterley

U.N. Secretary-General: "This Horror Must Stop"; U.N. Secretary- General Condemns Israeli Airstrike; Macron "Outraged" By Israeli Strike; More Than 2,000 People Buried Alive In Papua New Guinea; Papua New Guinea's Deadly Landslide; Russian Airstrike Kills At Least Six People; Victims Of Japan's Scam "Host Clubs"; North Korea Spy Satellite Explodes; North Korean Rocket Engine Explodes In Flight; Sushi Success Story; Rafael Nadal Our Of French Open; "King Of Clay" Knocked Out Of Roland Garros. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired May 27, 2024 - 18:00   ET




JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: It's 7:00 a.m. in Tokyo, 11:00 p.m. in London, and 6:00 p.m. here in New York. I'm Julia Chatterley. And

wherever you are in the world, this is your "First Move."

And a warm welcome to "First Move", and here's today's need to know. This horror must stop. The U.N. secretary-general condemning an Israeli

airstrike that killed 45 Palestinians in Rafah. Prime Minister Netanyahu calling it a tragic incident.

More than 2,000 people are feared buried alive after Friday's landslide in Papua New Guinea.

Spying setback. North Korea says a rocket carrying a spy satellite exploded in midair shortly after launch.

And is it a French farewell for Nadal? The tennis great out in the first round for the first time ever at Roland Garros, leaving fans desolate and

questioning his future. All that and plenty more coming up.

But first, again, this horror must stop, quotes the United Nations secretary-general condemning an Israeli airstrike on Rafah that claimed the

lives of dozens of displaced Palestinians. Many of the 45 victims were women and children. The Gaza Health Ministry says an additional 200 people

have been wounded. The White House described images of the strike as "heartbreaking."

Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron said he was "outraged" just days after he welcomed the foreign ministers of Qatar, Egypt, Jordan, and

Saudi Arabia to Paris for talks on the situation in Gaza. The Israeli military claims two senior Hamas officials were killed in the airstrike.

Jeremy Diamond has more from Jerusalem.


JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Their blood curdling screams tell the story of the unfolding horror more than words ever could.

But it is only as bodies are pulled out of the inferno that the scale of this attack becomes clear.

At least 45 people were killed after an Israeli airstrike targeted this camp for displaced Palestinians in Western Rafah, according to the

Palestinian Ministry of Health.

Plastic tarps engulfed in flames. Sheet metal walls crushed by the blast. A block of makeshift shelters flattened in an instant. The Israeli military

says the strike killed two senior Hamas militants who commanded Hamas' West Bank operations, Yassin Rabia and Khaled Nagar.

In a rare move, the Israeli military's top lawyer launching an investigation into the strike, saying civilian casualties had not been


It was assessed that there would be no expected harm to uninvolved civilians. The IDF regrets any harm to uninvolved civilians during combat.

Mohammed Abu Ataiwi (ph) is one of those civilians, so badly burned that he cannot even open his eyes. But there are so many more. So many children

writhing in pain. And then there are the parents, desperate to save babies whose cries have been silenced, perhaps forever. For those who survived,

whatever thin sense of safety they still had has now been completely shattered.

We were sitting and suddenly there was a big blast and fire. People started screaming, Ranin (ph) says, describing how they spent the whole night

pulling charred bodies out of the embers.

While hundreds of thousands have fled Eastern Rafah after the military ordered its evacuation, many others, like this man displaced from Central

Gaza, came here to Western Rafah told the area would be safe.

And then there are the mourners. The occupation army is a liar. There is no security in Gaza, says this man, whose brother was killed in the strike.

Here he is with his wife. They were martyred. They are gone.

For one man, a brother. For another, his sister.

She was the only one, he says. She was the only one, and she is gone.

Jeremy Diamond, CNN, Jerusalem.



CHATTERLEY: And turning now to Friday's devastating landslide in Papua New Guinea. More than 2,000 people are now feared buried alive, according to

its National Disaster Centre. And that's far more than previously thought.

The situation too remains unstable in their view, noting that the landslip continues to shift. And of course, that then poses a risk to both the

rescue teams and potential survivors. Ivan Watson has more.


IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It has taken days for authorities in Papua New Guinea to come to grips with the scale of the

destruction from a deadly landslide. They now say that the death toll could have grown into the thousands.


WATSON (voice-over): An outpouring of grief in a village community, where the government says more than 2,000 residents could be trapped under deep

rock. Many of the people in these highland villages buried as they slept when a massive landslide hit overnight Friday.

Satellite pictures from before and after showed the sheer size of the landslide. The rubble so deep that few victims have been recovered.

EVIT KAMBU, VICTIM'S FAMILY (through translator): I have 18 of my family members buried under the debris and the soil that I am standing on. And a

lot more family members in the village I cannot count.

I am the landowner here. Thank you to all those who came to help us. But I cannot retrieve the bodies. So, I'm standing here helplessly.

WATSON (voice-over): Yambali Village in Enga Province is an extremely remote part of Papua New Guinea. Help has been slow to arrive through

mountainous terrain thick with jungle. The terrain unstable even for rescue workers. Without heavy lift equipment, desperate people have done what they


SERHAN AKTOPRAK, IOM CHIEF OF MISSION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA: They are using digging sticks, spades, agricultural forks, and their hands of course.

WATSON (voice-over): A small amount of aid has arrived, but the landslide has destroyed the main road into the village, and aid workers say violence

between local tribes has made the journey even more dangerous. Over the weekend, eight people were killed and houses and shops burned along the

road to the disaster site.

JUSTINE MCMAHON, CARE INTERNATIONAL PNG COUNTRY DIRECTOR: An evacuation area has been established. Two emergency medical centers have also been

established. And the defense force plans to bring in heavy equipment tomorrow.

WATSON (voice-over): Papua New Guinea has called for help as it comes to terms with the scale of the disaster. The United States and close neighbor

Australia have offered support. But in this stricken community, hope for rescue is dwindling with every passing hour.


WATSON (on camera): Part of what is so tragic is the timing of this disaster. The landslide took place at around 3:00 in the morning, local

time. That is when most of the members of these rural communities would have been at sleep in their homes. Back to you.

CHATTERLEY: Thanks to our Ivan Watson there. And it's not yet clear what caused that landslide. However, the region has suffered heavy rainfall. For

more on what conditions rescuers may be facing, we're joined by Chad Myers. Chad, great to see you.

There were no reported earthquakes and we know they've had a lot of unseasonable weather. It's -- is it -- this comes down to, at least we

think at this stage, just incredibly heavy rain rainfall.

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Heavy rainfall and gravity. I mean, these are very, very steep hills. You could see it there on the pictures there

from the ground. Just taking a look at maybe even more than 45 degrees up that hill and then all the rain falling on top of that hill, saturating and

then super saturating that dirt and then it just decides to slide. And you just -- you'll never know when.

But at least for now, the rain is done. There'll be no more sliding other than what's already saturated or super saturated for the next three days.

It looks like things are drying out. Not dramatically hot temperatures, you know, I mean in the lower 30s, 32. That's about 87, 88 degrees Fahrenheit.

There will be some rain but not in the places here, not an Enga, not much anyway, probably less than 20 millimeters of rainfall. So, nothing really

that significant to make more of a problem. But sometimes when you have a problem like this, sometimes you want rain, at least a little bit, so that

the local villagers can actually collect that rain for cooking and drinking purposes.

Something else we have now going on in the U.S., we do have severe weather possibilities across parts of Hampton Roads in Virginia, also into North

Carolina, as far south as Georgia, and even a tornado watch now for the nation's capital.

I don't see anything now to the west, and this is how it's moving. From west to east, we'll have to see how much of this actually makes it to any

big city, it's called the I-95 Corridor. It's like the United States Autobahn, but it's just a big line of road that goes all the way from north

to south, and that's where a lot of people live, and that's why there are so many people, over 100 million people at the risk of something going on



The good news is, Julia, it is not what we had over the weekend here in America. 400,000 customers are still without power. There were dozens of

tornadoes on the ground. 58 so far, they're still counting. Look at the wind and the hail damage, and how far it goes. From Texas all the way to

what we call New England, up here. There was just so much severe weather. It was a violent and deadly weekend across North America here.

And so far, we're still counting the number of lives that are lost and also still trying to put together the families and the houses that are destroyed

in so many, so many communities here.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. Thoughts and prayers with everyone involved in all of this, all over the world, of course, too. I mean, we're just about starting

hurricane season here, right? We've been talking about crazy weather for weeks, Chad.

MYERS: And I'm looking forward to that.

CHATTERLEY: No, I know. Yes. Rest up. It's going to keep you busy.

MYERS: You bet.

CHATTERLEY: Chad Myers, thank you.

MYERS: Good to see you.

CHATTERLEY: All right. The death toll from Saturday's attack in Eastern Ukraine has risen. Authorities now say a Russian strike on a hardware store

in Kharkiv has killed at least 18 people.

And I should warn you, the footage we're about to show you is disturbing. The security camera video was released by the Ukrainian government and it

was captured the moment a missile struck the building. The strike, which also left dozens injured, is just the latest in a series of Russian attacks

on Kharkiv in recent weeks. Nick Paton Walsh has more.


NICK PATON WALSH, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT (voice- over): The fragments of loss and losing so often go unheard, but fast

unravel lives all the same. Two missiles hit this comfortable family home just outside Pokrovsk. Now, only dust and the smell of a decaying family


We're close enough to the Russians, we can pick up their radio station.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): The West will not give modern equipment to Kyiv. So, the ordinary Ukrainian soldiers will be the ones to

suck it up.

WALSH: Every time you see destruction like this, it's really hard to work out exactly what Russia must have thought it was hitting with firepower

like this. People in the streets say there's no military around at all. But all the same utter devastation.

WALSH (voice-over): People here know two parents died, but the survivor knows a greater horror.

Mykola is 10 and watched his mother Larissa (ph) die as she lay crushed by the rubble.

MYKOLA GLUSHKO, SURVIVOR OF RUSSIAN ATTACK (through translator): I heard a whistle through my dream. Then, bang. All the windowed were shattered. In a

second. My eyes were still closed. I felt the windows shattering and I heard it. Then, something fell. My mom was saying, "Kolya, Kolya." I

shouted, "Mom, I'm alive." I took everything off my face and then I saw. I saw my mom crushed down by the ceiling. I tried to pull it away but I

couldn't. Mom was moaning and shaking her legs. I was shouting, "Mother, mother, it's just a dream, just a horrible dream."

I was screaming, "God, why did you do this to me?" I was running in my underwear, asking for help.

WALSH (voice-over): He says he hates himself for not saving his mother.

GLUSHKO (through translator): I will visit them, take care of their graves. Apologize for not being able to save them. I'll apologize to my father,

that I couldn't save my mom, his wife. My biggest dream is to ask my parents at least one question. What should I do now? How do I live? My

other dream is to take revenge on who fired the missile.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): Enter. Easy, easy. We are in.

WALSH (voice-over): When you hear the words too injured in Ukraine, the agony of survival is rarely heard too. A blast hit four feet from these two

soldiers' dug out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): So, what was it?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): I don't know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Shelling or drone?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Legs, here. Good job.

WALSH (voice-over): It'll take weeks to learn if they'll see again. Now, the stabilization point has to just keep them alive.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): When I open the eye like this, do you see the light?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): And people?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): No.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Cold?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): OK for you?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Yes.

WALSH: Well, these two are from a town that Russia's claimed to be seeing progress in in the past days, possibly because forces have been withdrawn

from there by Ukraine and rushed north towards Kharkiv to stop the new Russian offensive there.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): Oleh Mykolayovich, look at the hand.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Something burns on my side.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Where?

WALSH (voice-over): Suddenly, he feels pain in his right. Internal injuries from the sheer force of the blast. They must quickly intervene.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Is it a shot or what?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Just a little shot. A painkiller. It will be unpleasant now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): That's all. It's done, honey.

WALSH (voice-over): The doctor says last year during Bakhmut was much busier.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): 250 people a day.

WALSH (voice-over): The beds here are empty now, not because the war was getting better, quite the opposite. This unit, the 93rd Mechanized Brigade,

say it's because they're running low on infantry.

WALSH: And that's how they leave, in complete darkness with their headlights off. So worried are they about the Russians spotting this place.

WALSH (voice-over): Nick Paton Walsh, CNN, Eastern Ukraine.


CHATTERLEY: OK. Straight ahead here on "First Move," a CNN special report. Lonely women looking for romance in Japan risk losing it all at "host

clubs." We'll hear from the victims running up big debts and about the pressures they face to pay them off.

Plus, a fascinating and delicious story of East meets West in New York. We'll introduce you to the owners of a sushi sensation, Nami Nori, and

their unusual path to success. Stay with us.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move" in the United States. It is Memorial Day, which means no Wall Street trading getting underway. But in

Europe and Asia, I can tell you a bullish tone held sway in today's "Money Move." Green arrows in Europe, with two European Central Bank officials now

saying that a rate cut is likely their policy -- at their policy meeting next month.

Asia higher too. China, rallying more than 1 percent amid news that Beijing has launched a new $47 billion fund to boost its domestic chip sector.

Now, speaking of big tech investments, Elon Musk announcing that he's raised some $6 billion in new funding for his artificial intelligence

startup xAI, which has developed a ChatGPT competitor called Grok. I'm not sure what we think of that name. The money raised though is being called

one of the largest funding rounds in the A.I. industry to date.


OK. To Japan now, where officials are seeing a growing number of complaints about romance scams from a type of nightclub called host clubs. One victim

telling CNN she ended up in thousands of dollars' worth of debt after paying for the company of a handsome host and then was pressured into sex

work to pay the money back. Hanako Montgomery has more details from Tokyo.


YU, "HOST CLUB" VICTIM (through translator): I've hit rock bottom. I don't know if I can start over again. I want to go back to my normal life, my

ordinary job, and play with my pets. I don't know why I ever went to host clubs.

HANAKO MONTGOMERY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Yu is one of hundreds of Japanese women forced to sell their bodies after they've been coerced to

spend every penny to their name on a certain type of Japanese entertainment called host clubs.

MONTGOMERY: Right now, I am in the mecca for host clubs, Kabukicho. In this part of town alone, there are over 300 of these types of establishments.

And it's in places like these where the problem starts.

MONTGOMERY (voice-over): Host clubs, part of Japan's expansive night entertainment industry, are bars were female patrons pay for the

companionship and attention of male hosts.

Typically, well-groomed and skilled in flattery, these hosts serve up compliments and drinks, offering a fantasy-like escape. But some of them

are outright romance scams and criminal enterprises, preying on young lonely women.

Yu, a divorced mother of two, felt her heart flutter when she first met her host. She asks us to use a pseudonym, because her family doesn't know about

her debts.

Yu met her host in January 2023 and quickly fell in love. She, a clinician who worked long, lonely hours, spent every spare minute at his club. In

return, he showered her with presents, attention, promises, until her money ran out. She spent it all on extremely marked-up alcohol, where the bill

you could run into the thousands of dollars.

YU (through translator): He asked me, how are you going to pay me back? And when I said I didn't know, he said, go abroad for sex work. I didn't want


MONTGOMERY (voice-over): Yu said he pushed her into prostitution at home and abroad, in Macau and Hong Kong. She never saw the money she earned, all

of it wired back to a pimp in Tokyo.

YU (through translator): When my body was exhausted or I felt weak, I thought it'd be easier to die. I thought about that a lot.

MONTGOMERY (voice-over): Hidemori Gen is an aid worker in Tokyo's biggest red-light district. He's provided a drop-in consultation service for

victims of sexual abuse and gang violence for over two decades. But in this past year, women with cases like Yu's, he says, have increased five-fold.

HIDEMORI GEN, CHAIRMAN OF VICTIMS' SUPPORT GROUP "SEIBOREN" (voice- over): Last spring when we came out of the pandemic and the masks came off, that's

been consultations about host clubs increased dramatically.

MONTGOMERY (voice-over): Politicians like Ayaka Shiomura have tried unsuccessfully to pass laws to strengthen safeguards against exploitative

host clubs.

AYAKA SHIOMURA, LAWMAKER (through translator): Basically, it's a romance scam. Some of these women are brainwashed into thinking they're dating

these hosts. It's a vicious cycle.

MONTGOMERY (voice-over): Instead, from April 1, hosts clubs say they will self-manage and ban customers under 20, and prevent women from incurring

massive debts, a measure welcomed by Mikami, a host of 10 years.

RUI MIKAMI, HOST (through translator): These guys know they'll make more money prostituting young women, so they target girls.

MONTGOMERY (voice-over): Though he swears he's never forced a customer into sex work, Mikami admits in the past, he's coerced women to spend way beyond

their means.

MIKAMI (through translator): But now I entertain women without pressuring them for money. I stick to what they can afford. Now, my clients go home

every night and say, thank you.

MONTGOMERY (voice-over): But for victims like Yu, thank you are the last words out of her mouth as she wonders if she'll ever get her life back.

YU (through translator): I'm still doing sex work, because I can't afford to leave. I don't want to do this work. I feel like I'm going to fall


MONTGOMERY (voice-over): Hanako Montgomery. CNN, Tokyo.



CHATTERLEY: OK. Coming up after the break, a spying setback, the latest on North Korea's satellite launch coming up. Stay with us.


CHATTERLEY: OK. Welcome back to "First Move" with a look at some more of the international headlines this hour. Twelve people were injured after a

Qatar Airways flight hit turbulence Sunday. The plane was flying from Doha to Dublin. Qatar Airways told CNN the flight was able to land safely.

Saying the injuries were minor. It comes, of course, just days after more than 100 passengers were injured and one man died during a turbulent flight

on Singapore Airlines.

Two people on a small plane in Australia were forced to make a crash- landing Sunday after the aircraft lost power. You can see just how close the plane was flying to homes in a suburb of Sydney. They luckily survived

the landing without any injuries. Officials there continuing to gather more information.

And it's Memorial Day here in the United States. President Joe Biden honoring America's fallen soldiers laying a wreath at Arlington National

Cemetery. The day is also personal for the president. His son Beau died from brain cancer after being exposed to toxic burn pits while serving in


And North Korea's latest attempt to launch a new spy satellite had an explosive ending. Take a look at this. What you're going to see now is a

North Korean rocket carrying the satellite exploding in a fireball midflight.

State media reports rocket fuel may have been the cause of the explosion, but other possible causes are being investigated, as Will Ripley found out.


WILL RIPLEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): North Korea putting the world on edge, attempting to launch a suspected military

spy satellite for the second time in six months. North Korean state media says the rocket exploded during the first stage of launch.


Sounding emergency sirens on Okinawa, Japan. That alert later lifted. Footage from Japanese broadcaster NHK appears to show a shining orange dot

flying in the sky and bursting into flames. Japan's Coast Guard got advanced warning from Pyongyang of an eight-day launch window ending June

4th. Rocket debris potentially falling in three locations near the Korean peninsula and the Philippines island of Luzon.

YOON SUK YEOL, SOUTH KOREAN PRESIDENT (through translator): The so-called satellite launch that North Korea announced today is a clear violation of

U.N. Security Council resolutions and the International Community should respond firmly

RIPLEY (voice-over): South Korean and U.S. intelligence closely monitoring North Korea's satellite launch site. Kim Jong-Un was there in November when

North Korea successfully launched its first spy satellite after two failed attempts last year. Experts warn spy satellites give Pyongyang valuable

intelligence on South Korean and U.S. military assets in the region, potentially making missile strikes more accurate.

The latest launch announcement as Japan, South Korea, and China hold their first summit in nearly five years, a meeting overshadowed by North Korea's

latest moves.

Pyongyang says Kim is preparing to host Russian President Vladimir Putin soon, a sign of deepening diplomatic and military ties. What analysts call

Kim's strategic pivot away from U.S. diplomacy, five years since summit talks with former President Donald Trump fell apart.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: North Korea is interested more in engaging the so- called Moscow friendly network of countries, for instance, Iran.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Like Iran, Pyongyang is selling weapons to Putin. Ukraine says North Korean missiles have killed and injured dozens this

year. Giving North Korea valuable real-world data on the accuracy of its missiles made with recently produced U.S. and European parts, a U.K. think

tank says.

At their meeting in Russia last year, Kim said, I will always be standing with Russia. Putin promised to help Kim's satellite program.

VLADIMIR PUTIN, RUSSIAN PRESIDENT (through translator): The leader of North Korea shows great interest in space and rocketry. We'll show them our new


RIPLEY (voice-over): An alliance the U.S. warns could see Russia providing critical ballistic missile technology to North Korea, further destabilizing

the region and the world.

Will Ripley, CNN, Taipei.


CHATTERLEY: Now, with climate change causing ocean temperatures to rise, marine life is dying off, including coral reefs that many species rely on.

In Thailand, fishing communities are also struggling with a diminishing supply of fish. Lynda Kinkade has their story.


LYNDA KINKADE, CNN HOST (voice-over): It's yet another beautiful day on the water in Chao Lao Beach, Thailand. But it's what lies beneath the surface

that's been left unrecognizable where this fisherman used to make up to 10,000 baht or U.S. $276 a day. He says now he's lucky to earn a fifth of


As the coral below him dies off, the marine animals who inhabit it and feed off it disappear.

SOMMAY SINGSURA, LOCAL FISHERMAN (through translator): The coral reef is my heart and soul when it isn't bleached, healthy and abundant and you can go

out fishing at night. You can easily catch a squid in a fishnet on the coral reef, earning a living was nice and easy.

KINKADE (voice-over): The third-generation fisherman is among some 200 who live and fish on this beach. The fisherman here help provide seafood like

blue swimming crabs and other small fish to Bangkok, Vietnam, and China.

But with 50 percent of coral in the gulf of Thailand already bleaching according to Thai government scientists, they regular catch is dwindling.

Without healthy coral typical marine life is forced to migrate.


rising of the sea water's temperature. When I got into the water just now, I immediately felt that the water was warm, very warm.

KINKADE (voice-over): To some scientists, the term global warming doesn't do the situation justice. Global boiling is a better fit. As atmospheric

temperatures rise, so do ocean temperatures. The heat stresses the corals, causing them to lose their algae and pigment. What's left is a colorless



SINGSURA: The coral bleaching is happening so quickly this year. It's unusual. Look, all of it has turned white. It's never been this bleached

before. All very white this year. All of it is bleached.

KINKADE (voice-over): Unless the world drastically cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions, 90 percent of living corals could decrease by 2050, an

ominous threat not just to our reefs, but to the marine life they sustain and the fishermen whose livelihoods depend on them.

Lynda Kinkade, CNN.


CHATTERLEY: Now, sustainability of our seas is top of mind for the next voices on the program, too. "First Move" is on an East meets West roll. A

delicious hand roll, that is, from one of the hottest sushi restaurants in New York.


CHATTERLEY: Temaki time. Oh, yes. It's temaki time here on "First Move." Coming up, a real flavor of East meets West. We'll be speaking to the

founders of Nami Nori. Stay with us.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." Now, it's not hard to find a sushi restaurant in New York City. There are literally hundreds of them.

But few have as fascinating an origin story as Nami Nori, a casual temaki bar restaurant that translates into ride the wave in Japanese.

Now, the three founders, we'll call them the three musketeers, left a world famous three-star Michelin restaurant in New York to strike out on their

own and deliver a completely new sushi experience. You could say they are riding the wave to success. Take a listen.


TAKA SAKAEDA, CHEF-PARTNER, NAMI NORI: We all met at Masa Takayama's restaurant here in New York City. And you know, kind of thinking about how

relaxed this feeling is, Masa actually is the opposite, right? It's actually very traditional, very stern, and even the -- you know, the way he

trained is very kind of "old school."

And so, something that we all kind of collectively decided is we wanted to kind of go away from that, steer away from tradition and do something

different, something fresh.

CHATTERLEY: There's an accessibility, I think, about what you've created here, perhaps that also goes to the ethos of what you were trying to


JIHAN LEE, CHEF-PARTNER, NAMI NORI: Yes. I mean, we wanted to -- like, you know, Chef Taka said that we want to create like an inclusive environment.

So, some of the aspects that we've always talked about is the ingredients and the way we -- you know, we kind of added the elevated experience of

temaki and omakase, but kind of bringing it down to a level where it's accessible to everybody.

And so, that's something that spoke true to us, and, you know, we brought that and opened up Nami Nori together.


CHATTERLEY: OK. Explain the hand roll.

SAKAEDA: I mean, this is not something that we created or invented, right? This is something that does exist in Japan. And high on omakase is it's

generally one or two courses in an omakase experience, but the thing that we really gravitated towards is that, you know, this is open faced. So, we

have an ability to still bring artistry and the beautiful images and beautiful colors before people eat. And so, that's why, you know, we

thought this is the perfect vessel, the canvas in which we can display temaki.

CHATTERLEY: I came to the restaurant. I definitely ate more than two. Just give --

LEE: Yes. And also, just like when you think about modern age, right, with social media, everybody's documenting, everyone's using social media,

Instagram too to take pictures of food. And one of our experiences when we went to a hand roll bar to kind of do some R&D was that everyone was

opening the hand roll and then kind of ruining that experience of that the original visual effect. And then looking at what's inside taking pictures.

And we wanted to, like from the beginning, even the eye level of the counter to the lighting design, we've, you know, thought everyone --

everything through. And so, when people look at it, there's no shadows and people can take pictures of our product and enjoy it and visually see it

before and just make everything look perfect from A to Z.

CHATTERLEY: It's also -- and we can talk about the technology showcased quite beautifully as well from the way that you grab the role from the

holder. And I know that's been a whole mission by itself to get the right design on that. Just talk me through that as well.

LISA LIMB, MANAGING PARTNER, NAMI NORI: Yes, my husband who actually hand makes each one of the holders that we use -- yes. We just started making a

bunch of prototypes and we're like, realizing that, oh, yes, you need a little notch there so that you can grab it really nicely and easily. But we

wanted this really graphic shape, which we actually ended up patenting. We have a design patent for it.

CHATTERLEY: So, you guys, you're working at Masa. This is how you met. How did you go from that and the point where you said, OK, we want to do

something different, we want to get away from the formality of the experience that we've had? I know we can set up on our own. I mean, you

have a lot of experience, but you know, you're young. This is a pretty challenging time and you come from perhaps one of the best restaurants that

takes ambition.

LEE: You know, when I got hired, Chef Taka was my boss. And so, you know, through that training, we, you know, work closely together. And then Lisa

was working on another project in the Masa organization. And so, we kind of got to spend some time.

But during like family meal, you know, Lisa and Taka can share about that, but they would kind of bounce back ideas, and that's slowly how the

evolution of, you know, Nami Nori started.

LIMB: We kind of just, you know, had a conversation about it because the temaki that we serve is the second to last piece in the omakase was a

temaki that is served in this shape. And he said, you know, it would be amazing.

Because for me, that was the best piece of the entire meal. And so, I was like, what if we just had that, you know, and that was the whole focus of

the restaurant. And that's kind of the seeds of where it started.

SAKAEDA: Pretty much it took us two years of like research and development, trying to figure out all the -- you know, trying to trailblaze something

new, it takes a lot of time and effort and really thinking about all the details before we went in and had confidence that this is -- was the right

thing to do.

CHATTERLEY: The dream team.

LEE: Yes.

CHATTERLEY: OK. So, then, you launch, then the pandemic hits. You're not doing takeaway at that point, but suddenly you realize that part of what

has to change here and has to happen, particularly in the restaurant industry, is you have to be able to do take away.

LIMB: Luckily, we had already, you know, designed the packaging and everything and had a small sample of it made for when we would start to do

it. Similarly, to the temaki holders, the wrappers that we use, which are plant-based and protect the nori from the rest of the ingredients to make

it stay crispy even through the delivery process was something that was prototyped.

I basically was taking different wrappers and like cutting them and gluing them together and figuring out a way to design.

LEE: We don't do things the easy way.


KINKADE: You know, even like the wrappers that we use. Like, you know, most people would just do -- go the easy route, just use plastic. But we -- it

was like a mission for us to be sustainable. Because if we don't have any, you know, fish in the ocean, then we don't have a restaurant. So, that --

those kind of things are very important to us. The packaging, everything is biodegradable made from sugar cane.

CHATTERLEY: I'm assuming keep costs higher than you would like, or at least raise costs.

LIMB: Yes.

CHATTERLEY: So, where's the balance and how do you find the compromise on that? You'd just have to say, you know what, we'll take a bit of a hit on

the costs in order to do this.

LIMB: Absolutely. It is an extra cost.



LIMB: Hopefully, we are moving in this direction and people will see the importance of it and join in and there'll be more people producing

sustainable products that are readily available and therefore, more cost efficient.

CHATTERLEY: What about food price inflation? How much of a dent has that made?

SAKAEDA: The prices have gone up and we've been very cautious about even increasing our price to the guests because about that -- you know, that

accessibility point is such a big -- important to us, right. And so, we're kind of like internally always that there's a tension here of like, OK, we,

as a business, need to make money. But again, also, we don't want to kind of have the guests feel a certain way about what we're doing.

CHATTERLEY: OK. So, you have three, three restaurants now. You've got the takeout operations. Can I ask you about plans for further global

domination? What can you tell me?

LEE: We don't want to be like the next restaurant that has like 500 locations. But we really want to select a few markets that are very special

and unique for us.

CHATTERLEY: We also have to talk about what's next door, which is the bakery. And we should mention you're completely gluten free.

SAKAEDA: That was one big thing as a restaurant operator, is kind of like people coming in with allergies and kind of creates -- and so, again, with

accessibility, inclusivity, we kind of built the menu and built everything around so that anyone can come. And we're very sensitive to people's

allergies and, you know, intolerances and things like that.

CHATTERLEY: And it's certainly an important part of my show as well, this sort of East meets West flavor that you bring and allows, even though as --

you know, as Asian-Americans, what you represent in terms of your heritage and your culture as well. So, talk to me about that.

LIMB: Yes, it was really -- so, the name postcard, it really evokes a nostalgia in a sense. And so, we wanted to bring that just warm, nostalgic,

inviting environment that incorporates both Japanese and sort of British afternoon tea vibes with that vintage feel. And --

CHATTERLEY: That's clearly why I love it though, isn't it?

LIMB: Yes, yes, yes, yes. And so, I would travel to Japan as a child. I would spend my whole summer there. My parents would put me on a plane, my

sister and I, and ship us off by ourselves to go meet my aunt and my grandmother and the rest of my family, and we would stay there. And one of

the things is Japanese bakeries are just, you know, the classic, like, strawberry shortcake flavors, the flavors, those flavors of that whipped

cream and fresh fruit and that very light, airy cake, you know, those, like, palpable memories that I have of that were something that I wanted

to, like, share with people.

CHATTERLEY: Who's the most famous person that you've ever had or cooked for? And who is the person that you would actually love to cook for?

SAKAEDA: I mean, we've had the whole gamut. We've had all the way up to ALS celebrities here. And I think the thing about New York City, there's a

level of anonymity here. And that's why people and, you know, those ALS celebrities feel comfortable coming in. And so, we would hate to open up

that anonymity and for them to not want to come here. So, I think we're going to keep it closed.

CHATTERLEY: This is where you tell me that every customer that comes in is A-list.

LIMB: Yes. That is true, actually, though. Part of -- also, when we were developing Nami Nori is bringing omotenashi, which is the Japanese word for

-- there's no real like direct translation, but it's really like the art of hospitality. Because in Japan, hospitality is like raised to the level of

an art form. It comes from the tea ceremony tradition.

And so, that idea of like, every guest is an A-list celebrity to us, you know, and that's how we want to make them feel.


CHATTERLEY: Yes, I'm still stuck on the strawberries and whipped cream. Really, really great. All right, coming up after the break, Tennis torment.

Rafael Nadal out of the French Open in the first round for the first time ever. What next for the King of Clay? We will discuss next.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back. It's one of tennis's rarest sights, Rafael Nadal losing at the French Open. But in what might be the Spaniard's last

appearance at Roland Garros. Nadal fell to fourth seed Alexander Zverev, just his fourth loss ever at the tournament. The King of Clay has won 14

Grand Slams in Paris, the most any player has won at a single slam.

Don Riddell is with me now. Don, poor Rafael Nadal. The problem now is -- and we know he's going to be back, of course, for the Olympics, but what

does this really mean about his future?

DON RIDDELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Well, he began the season by saying this was probably going to be his last season as a professional tennis player. So,

coming into this tournament, we all thought it was going to be his last ever French Open, and everybody was preparing for the waterworks as a


But then, on the eve of the tournament, he started hedging his bets. He was like, well, maybe it won't be. We'll see. So, the truth is, we don't know.

We don't even know if he really knows. But I think it was always going to be very, very difficult for him today. As you say, he's never lost in the

first round of the French Open, a tournament he's absolutely dominated in a way that no other athlete, I think, has dominated any other event in the

way he has done here.

But because he's been out so much with injury, because his ranking has plummeted in recent times, he was here, unseeded, running into the fourth

seed, Alexander Zverev. And that's why this match was so difficult. So, I think we all knew it was a real uphill task for him to win this game.

We still saw glimpses of him during this match that reminded us all of the brilliance of the King of Clay in Paris. But yes, this could be it. And

afterwards, he certainly addressed what the future might hold.


RAFAEL NADAL, 22-TIME GRAND SLAM WINNER: You know, it's difficult for me to talk. I don't know. It's going to be the last time that I'm going to be

here in front of all of you. Honestly, I am not 100 percent sure, but if it's last time, I enjoy it.

Now, the crowd have been amazing during the whole week of preparation. And today, yes, the feelings that I have today are difficult to describe in in

words. But for me, it's so special to feel the love of the people the way that I felt in the place that I love the most. So, (INAUDIBLE).

I mean, maybe in two months, I say it's enough. I can't give Anything else, but it's something that I don't feel yet. I have some goals in front. I

hope to be back on this court for the Olympics. That motivates me. That -- yes. The feelings that you made me feel here are just unforgettable.

Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. And I really hope to see you again, but I don't know. Merci beaucoup.


RIDDELL: Julia, everybody hopes to see him again. But just in case they don't, did you notice some of the faces in the crowd there? Carlos Alcaraz,

Novak Djokovic, Iga Swiatek. I mean, these are major, major tennis players. World number ones in the men's and women's game. And they were there to see

this match. You never see tennis players during a tournament turning out to watch other tennis players in action. But that was just how special this

occasion was. That's why all those big names were there.

CHATTERLEY: He's liked, I think, as well, and that's the key.

RIDDELL: Loved, Julie.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, loved. I agree, yes. Come on, you can do the Olympics. Because that's the focus now. Don, thank you for that. Don Riddell, there.


All right. Before we go, a happy ending after some monkey mayhem. I'm sure you will be relieved to know, as I was, Bradley the Monkey is home safe

after absconding from his home in South Carolina, sparking a day's long search. Officials say he was successfully captured after completing his

monkey business, swinging around the town of Walterboro in the southern part of the state.

The Japanese snow monkey, interesting, has lived in the area for nearly six years. It's unclear how Bradley escaped, not how he got there either.

And finally, on "First Move," see you later, alligator. This snappy customer got picked up by the police after strolling around the streets of

Georgetown, Georgia. Chatham County Police Department officers clearly unfazed by the close encounter, even urging people to give the gator whose

mouth, as you can see there, had been taped up a little stroke.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't think they want to pet it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you want to pet it, you can pet it. If you do, make it quick.


CHATTERLEY: Not sure if anyone took him up on the offer, but the prisoner was later released into the wild without charge. The State of Georgia is

home to around a quarter million American alligators. And between 1980 and July of last year, there were just nine reported attacks on humans. Still,

I think I'll stick with Romeo for a pet simply because his teeth are easier to clean.

And that just about wraps up the show. Thank you for joining us. I'll see you tomorrow.