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First Move with Julia Chatterley

Jury Ends Day Without Verdict; Jury Deliberations Resume Tomorrow; Jurors Asks To Re-Hear Judge's Jury Instructions; Top Israeli Official Says Seven More Months Of Fighting; Israeli Tanks Advance Into Rafah; U.S.-Made Munitions Used In Rafah Strike; North Korea Sends Balloons Carrying Trash To South Korea; U.S. Feds Potentially Seeking Sean Diddy "Combs" Indictment; India Brace For Heavy Rain; Aid Arrives In Papua New Guinea; A.I. Reboots The Travel Agent Experience; Swiatek Survives French Open; Iga Swiatek Beats Naomi Osaka; 911 Caller Reports, 'That's A Freaking Kangaroo'. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired May 29, 2024 - 18:00   ET



JAKE TAPPER, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: decades up until Saturday for some reason outside San Francisco City Hall in the Civic Center Plaza. We

learned that thanks to reporting from the "San Francisco Chronicle." Hat tip to our friends in San Francisco even as my Phillies clobber your Giants

right now, six nothing in the middle of the eighth. Not that I'm watching.

The news continues on CNN with Wolf Blitzer.

JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: It's 7:00 a.m. in Seoul, 3:00 p.m. in Los Angeles, and 6:00 p.m. here in New York. I'm Julia Chatterley.

And wherever you are in the world, this is your "First Move."

And a warm welcome once again to "First Move." And here's today's need to know. Hush Money musings. The jury in Donald Trump's trial asks to rehear

key testimony, and we are four hours and 37 minutes into their deliberations.

Seven months more. Israel's head of national security warning that destroying Hamas will prolong the war until year end.

Korean poop-aganda. North Korea is accused of sending balloons full of filth and rubbish to the South.

And Swiatek survives. The world number one tennis star overcomes a spirited challenge from Japan's Naomi Osaka at the French Open. All that and plenty

more coming up.

But first, the jury in Donald Trump's hush money trial ending the day without a verdict. The panel of 12 jurors, we're talking seven men and five

women, will determine whether the former president is innocent or guilty of 34 felony charges of falsifying business records. The jurors are allowed to

ask questions through handwritten notes during their deliberations. They can also use a laptop containing the evidence presented in the trial. They

must be unanimous in their decision to convict Trump, and there's no time limit for them to reach a verdict.

So far, the jury has sent two notes. One, requesting to rehear the jury instructions, and the other, asking to be read back testimony from two

witnesses. We're talking former Trump fixer, Michael Cohen, and then the former head of National Enquirer, David Pecker, who killed negative stories

about Trump.

Just listen to what Trump himself had to say just a short time ago.


DONALD TRUMP, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT AND REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I mean, what is very unfair is that I'm not campaigning. I'm in this room

all day long, from morning to night, in the Biden witch hunt. Take a look at where the people come from. It's a Biden witch hunt. It's weaponization.

So, it seems that there are a lot of witnesses, a lot of people that they could have called that they didn't call.

Now, they didn't call them obviously because they would have been very bad witnesses for them. But take a look at the list. Because of the gag order,

I won't go down to individual names. But you have a lot of big players, very big players that would have solved their problem or actually would

have given us the win. We already have to win. If we had a fair judge, this case would have been over a long time ago.


CHATTERLEY: OK. We're not going to litigate the right and wrongs of what he was saying there, but we are going to talk about what the jury is going

through now. Former federal prosecutor Gene Rossi joins us now. Gene, great to have you back on the show.

Two notes from the jurors that are now going over all the information. They're requesting transcripts, first and foremost, and we'll talk about

that. And it seems to me what they're asking for, and we don't know the exact details of what they want to rehear, but it goes back to what the

prosecution said began the conspiracy part of what they're pushing here, which is, of course, the ability to protect Trump as we head into a

presidential election. What do you make of what they've asked for, first and foremost?

GENE ROSSI, FORMER FEDERAL PROSECUTOR: Well, I -- you know, tasseography is the Victorian practice of reading tea leaves. So, I always hesitate to read

the tea leaves of juror notes.

But I got -- I can't help myself here, Julia. I feel that this is a good sign for the prosecution, because in August of 2015, that is when the

scheme, the conspiracy started. And there was a meeting among Mr. Trump, Mr. Cohen, and Mr. Pecker. And if the jury is asking for transcripts of

that meeting, that means they're focusing on the foundation of this entire case.

And so, I think that's a good sign because David Pecker's testimony, and he was one of the first witnesses, if not the first one, his testimony was

phenomenally helpful to the government under all analyses. So, if they're asking for that helpful testimony to be read back, I take that as a

positive sign. But you know what? It's like reading tea leaves. I could be completely wrong.


CHATTERLEY: I mean, for someone who's reluctant to read the tea leaves, you're doing an awesome job. I have to say that. To your point, though, and

I think this is a crucial point, it's not just about the conspiracy. It's as the prosecution said, it's also about the cover up part of this and the

business records that we have to look to, too. But I guess we're just going through in some form of chronological order, to your point, about how this

happened, which I think is crucial.

Can I ask you about the other thing they asked for, which is absolutely mind-boggling to me, which is, I believe, 50 pages of instructions from the

judge about how to go about this and they weren't given it in physical form. So, you have to remember 50 pages worth of information and they've

asked to be reminded of how they go about this, which quite frankly, I don't blame them.

ROSSI: Well, on this one, I feel for the jury. And I have to, you know, mildly chastise the judge for whom I have a lot of respect. I think he's

done an outstanding job hurting all the cats, including Mr. Trump.

But in federal cases, and I had 110 trials, most of them were criminal, when you have jury instructions that are read to the jury, most federal

United States judges give a copy to the jurors. And if there are 12 jurors, they'll probably give them six copies. So that when they deliberate and

they go through the counts and they're applying the law to the facts as they see them, they have the jury instructions in their hands and they

could go through it.

I don't like when a judge just reads 50 or more pages of instructions and says, hey, I hope you have a photographic memory. Good luck. So, I'm not

surprised that the jurors have this note asking that the instructions be read again. Frankly, they should have a copy of those instructions.

CHATTERLEY: To your point, do you think this going to be a problem throughout? Because it is something that they need to refer to. It can have

a material impact on any of the decisions that they're making here. They need to be able to refer to this, surely. Can this be changed?

ROSSI: Well, it's not going to be changed in this trial unless the judge has an epiphany. But I think that's the practice.

CHATTERLEY: Or a printer.

ROSSI: Say it again? I'm sorry.

CHATTERLEY: I said, or a printer. Just hit print.

ROSSI: Exactly. With ink.


ROSSI: But I -- that's the practice in state court in Manhattan, New York. OK. So, I can just tell you in Alexandria, Virginia Federal Court, where I

practice for 20 years, you always got copies, at least six copies if there were 12 jurors.

And that makes total sense because these jury instructions are complicated, convoluted, and hard to understand even for lawyers. So, I'm not surprised

that the jury is saying, Judge, can you read it back to us? I'm sure they're going to ask for a copy. I'll bet a chicken dinner on this. They'll

probably issue a note saying, can we have a copy of the instructions? Chicken dinner.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, a chicken dinner. You're on, my friend. Well, we'll discuss this further. Or even an iPad. I just realized. We can save the

trees here. Gene, we could just hand them an iPad with these instructions on.

I know we're joking about this, but it's so important, isn't it? I mean, it's material for the decisions, critical decisions that they have to make.

Yes, we'll reconvene. Chicken dinner. You're on.

ROSSI: Chicken dinner.

CHATTERLEY: Gene Rossi, former federal prosecutor. Thank you, sir.

ROSSI: Thank you.

CHATTERLEY: All right. Let's move on. Another seven months of fighting, that's what a top Israeli official said in an interview today, predicting

the war would continue through the end of the year in order to destroy Hamas in Gaza.

Now, this comes as new video shows Israeli tanks advancing further into the southern city of Rafah. We also have an update, too, about an Israeli

airstrike that killed at least 45 people there on Sunday. U.S.-made munitions were used in the attack, according to a new CNN analysis of video

from the scene.

Now, the White House has said the strike did not cross a red line and that the U.S. is not changing its policy toward Israel. Jeremy Diamond joins us

now. Jeremy, good to have you with us. I just want to discuss that point that this could mean at least in the -- that individual's view, a further

seven months of fighting. The first thought has to be the humanitarian crisis and what it means for that in Gaza at this moment, but also

politically, whether it's for Prime Minister Netanyahu or President Biden, because that takes us through a presidential election too.


JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, there are so many considerations on various sides of this equation here. But ultimately, what this signals is

that the Israeli military is going to plan on continuing to carry out this war in Gaza for at least through the end of this year, but perhaps even


It also signals that this Rafah offensive that we are currently witnessing being carried out underway is also not going to be the end of the line for

Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip. We have already seen in recent weeks and months, as Israeli troops have gone back into areas that

they withdrew from. And so, I think that is something that we could continue to see over the course of the next seven months.

And that, of course, points to the larger strategic implications of the length of the fighting that is expected to last in Gaza. And that is

because the Israeli prime minister has come under significant criticism in Israel from the United States and also within the ranks of the military for

lacking a kind of broader strategic vision, an idea of what to do in Gaza the day after the war, the power vacuum that has existed after the Israeli

military has defeated Hamas in certain areas and withdrawn, which has allowed Hamas to return to those very areas.

But as you said, this also, of course, about the humanitarian implications. We are already witnessing, just this military offensive in Rafah, which we

should say is of a smaller, more targeted scale than what we have seen in Northern Gaza, in places like Khan Younis as well. But even that is

resulting in the mass displacement of nearly a million people, disrupting humanitarian aid operations in Rafah itself.

The World Central Kitchen today announcing that they were shutting down their main kitchen in Rafah. And we're also seeing, as the fighting in

general near the Kerem Shalom Crossing, near the Erez Crossing in the northern part of the Gaza Strip is causing enormous disruption to the flow

of humanitarian aid into Gaza.

So, seven months more of fighting means seven months of disruption to those efforts, seven months of continued suffering, of course, in the Gaza Strip.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, even a more strategic and targeted operation has dramatic consequences elsewhere. Jeremy Diamond, thank you for now.

So, you could call the latest flashpoint between North and South Korea a lot of hot air and a load of rubbish. North Korea is accused of using

balloons to float bags of filth into South Korea. Now, people in the south have been told to stay away from the bags when they land and break apart.

But they don't seem to post any kind of health threat. The incident though triggering another round of trash talk between the two nations.

Will Ripley joins us now. Pardon the puns there, Will. What exactly is in these bags, by the way? And I also think it's important for our audience to

understand what the north is responding to in terms of going in the other direction from the South?

WILL RIPLEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: You teed me up perfectly, Julia. You've come to play. So, I want to apologize to anybody

who's eating breakfast here in Asia right now, because we are about to talk some shit. Literally, actually, because there are reports that inside these

balloons there has been excrement.

But actually, we've been going back and forth all night trying to -- I know I went there, I went there.


RIPLEY: But we've been trying to actually clarify whether indeed there is poop in the balloons, because -- and we've had to go back and forth. Kim

Jong Un's sister, Kim Yo Jong, put out a statement last night saying that there was toilet paper and other waste materials in the balloons. Then

there were reports, you know, of trash, plastic bottles, batteries, shoe parts, and manure.

But then, our soil bureau went back and clarified again this morning, and they're saying, no, no, no, there's no excrement, it's just fertilizer, but

we know for a fact, and I've had several bouts of food poisoning in North Korea to verify this, that that excrement is sometimes used when they're

growing produce in North Korea. So, fertilizer could mean manure.

The fact that we're even talking about this and we're not talking about the -- well, I'm going to talk about it right now, the 10 projectiles presumed

to be short-range ballistic missiles just launched less than an hour ago from the Sunan area of Pyongyang. They were launched from the airport in

Pyongyang. This goes to show the brilliance, I would say, of the propaganda and agitation department in North Korea, which is run, incidentally, by Kim

Jong Un's little sister, Kim Yo Jong.

They may not have social media, per se, Julia, in North Korea, but Kim Yo Jong knows how to create a moment. And she, in a statement that she put out

last night, seemed to be having a little bit of fun with this whole balloon fiasco. Because, as you mentioned, the reason why North Korea started

sending hundreds of balloons into the South is because activists in South Korea have been sending balloons into North Korea for years.


These balloons contain leaflets. They contain sometimes food and medicine. They contain flash drives that have South Korean music and South Korean

television programs which are forbidden to watch in North Korea. And people who actually collect these flash drives and put them in their computer,

could be sentenced to hard labor. We saw that happen to some young students in North Korea a number of months ago.

So, Kim Yo Jong, when she's talking about the North's decision to now send balloons full of trash and perhaps other things that are unseemly to South

Korea, she said this, let me read you the statement from Kim You Jong, "We've done some of the things they always do, but I don't know why they're

making a big deal like this -- like they've been hit by a shower of fire. Did these South Koreans only see balloons flying South and not the balloons

flying North? Now, the trashy South Koreans are brazenly claiming that their leaflet distribution against us is freedom of expression, and that

our corresponding actions are a clear violation of international law."

So, you know, she uses words like trashy. She knows that she's creating a big fuss. And that's exactly what they've intended to do. Her department,

the propaganda department, might not have the budget of the missile department or the satellite program, which had a failed launch a couple of

days ago, but still they're getting attention. We're talking about the message that the North Koreans are sending in a pretty you know creative

way, I would say, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, one woman's trash is another woman's treasure. I think we can discern which side of which is on that. So, it's not actually

propaganda. You know I'm going to go there, aren't I, just to wrap this up. Poop-aganda. Sorry, to our audience.

RIPLEY: Poop-aganda. Brilliant.

CHATTERLEY: Exactly. Yes. Now, you can get more of your breakfast. Will, thank you for joining us.

RIPLEY: Thank you.

CHATTERLEY: Thank you. All right. Straight ahead, you're up-to-the-minute global weather forecast.

Plus, Diddy on the defensive. The latest on the sexual abuse allegations against the music mogul and whether a federal grand jury might soon hear

the case.

And later in the show, booking bonanza, the urge to splurge on summer travel still going strong. The head of Booking Holdings telling us how to

snap up last-minute deals. Plus, his take on the tourism backlash we're seeing in some nations, next.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." Wall Street takes its lumps with the bond market down in the dumps. All that and more tops today's "Money

Move." U.S. stocks falling across the board as benchmark U.S. Treasury yields rose to their highest level in weeks due to diminished hopes for

Federal Reserve rate cuts. The Dow was off by more than 1 percent.

American Airlines also hitting turbulence, down 13 percent after warning on revenues and profits. Marathon Oil, a winner, though, on news that it's

being bought out by ConocoPhillips in a $22 billion deal.

Taking a look at what happened in Asia too. Stock softer overall, but small gains in China. The IMF upgrading its growth forecast for China this year

from 4.6 percent to that key 5 percent level.

And from market money moves to potential money laundering moves, just one aspect of the investigation into Sean Diddy Combs. Two sources familiar

with the investigation telling CNN a federal grand jury could soon hear from Combs' accusers. Combs has been named in eight civil lawsuits since

November. Seven of those accuse him of directly committing sexual assault. Additional sources say federal investigators have interviewed most of the


Josh Campbell joins us now from Los Angeles. Josh, my first question when I saw this this morning was, if he's been named in this many civil lawsuits

since November, seven of those directly accusing him of sexual assault, is it any surprise that perhaps a grand jury will want to hear from some of

the witnesses here and quickly?

JOSH CAMPBELL, CNN SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Yes. No, it's a great point, Julia. And, you know, it's interesting because those suits that were filed

previously were done in civil court. That is when one person accuses someone else of doing something wrong. But what we're now seeing are

federal agents here in the United States actually latch on to those civil suits and indicate that they are now going to investigate this criminally,

which, of course, carries significant potential charges.

Now, this new exclusive reporting from our colleague, Elizabeth Wagmeister, really incredible reporting, talking about the escalation here. We're now

hearing from sources that those accusers have been told that they will soon be brought before a federal grand jury.

What that means here in the United States is, you know, federal agents, if there's an allegation of wrongdoing, they start their preliminary

investigation, but if they decide that they want to criminally charge someone and prosecute someone, they then take witnesses and documents and

evidence before a grand jury, which will ultimately decide on potential charges. So, a significant step here.

Interestingly, you know, this all comes after that dramatic raid at homes owned by Sean Combs, both here in Los Angeles and as well as in Miami. We

were told that law enforcement agents went in collecting all kinds of evidence, digital media, other evidence. A law enforcement source told me

that that pertained to an ongoing sex trafficking investigation.

And so, Julia, you can very much see these allegations aligning. You have all of these accusers accusing Diddy of sexual violations, and now federal

agents coming in saying, we're going to start an investigation of their own. Of course, the big question, where does it lead? And will he actually

be prosecuted?

CHATTERLEY: I mean, one of the things that we've heard mentioned in this potential money laundering as well. So, as you pointed out, it stemmed from

those sexual related allegations. But the scope of this clearly has broadened. What more can you tell us about that?

CAMPBELL: Yes, broadening indeed. You know, it started as a sex trafficking investigation, but as often the case is investigators started looking into

potential crime. If they uncover other evidence or other allegations of other criminal activity, they can't turn a blind eye. So, they have to

actually drill down and try to get to the bottom of that. We're told that is what is happening here.

You know, it's interesting based on what some of the accusers had alleged, it wasn't just sexual assault that Combs had allegedly done, but it was

also involved in the trafficking of illicit drugs as well as money laundering. And you can imagine, if you have an alleged scheme where you're

actually trafficking in, in this case, as the allegations were underage people to some of these parties, someone engaged in that activity would try

to hide the funds that were used to do that. And so, that's where this allegation of money laundering also comes in.

It's worth pointing out that Diddy's team, we've reached out to them regarding these latest allegations pertaining to a grand jury, we haven't

received comment regarding that. But his lawyers did issue this broad denial back in December, when all these allegations started coming to

light, indicating that they were all wrong, that he, you know, refused to indicate that he had actually engaged in any wrongdoing. That, of course,

interesting because CNN then later reported on this dramatic video of showing him assaulting his former girlfriend in the hotel of a Los Angeles


And so, obviously, raising questions despite this blanket denial, new evidence then coming to light actually showing, depicting that assault

taking place.


So again, we're waiting to see what happens next, whether there were actually -- there will actually be criminal charges. There's a big question

about whether Diddy is now free to travel around the world. That's been a big question that we're hearing from viewers. Right now, there is no --

nothing preventing him from doing that. But of course, if it does move to the stage where they actually criminally charge him, his travel would be

curtailed. And then that would go into the courts for trial.

So again, a major development here with this potential grand jury activity. And then, we'll wait to see where it goes after this.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, it feels like no restrictions for now is the end of that sentence.


CHATTERLEY: Josh Campbell in Los Angeles. Great to have you with us. Thank you.

OK. India facing a combination of heavy rain and a heat wave. We're also tracking a weakening tropical storm heading for Japan. With the details,

Chad Myers is at the Weather Center for us. Chad, Japan or India, where are we going first?

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: We're going to go to Japan first.


MYERS: 101 kilometer per hour storm, 62 miles an hour, somewhere in that. So, not a big event. But also, this will just bring rainfall. This not

going to make a landfall. This going to be a brushing blow, but it's going to get very close to Tokyo. So, I think we probably could see 150

millimeters, six inches of rainfall, especially in the higher elevations around Tokyo.

So, something else we're watching too. The event here that's going to happen across parts of Southeast China. We are going to see areas there

between 100 and 150, four inches to six inches of rainfall in the next few days.

Also, Taiwan, could pick up even more significant rainfall than that. There could be 200 millimeters, eight inches. Look how Taiwan just basically just

turns red right here. Hong Kong turning red as well right here. That's 150 millimeters, six inches as we work our way into the rest of the week.

Some place that would really like to see some rainfall is Central and Northern India, but Northeastern India, you'll get it, but you're not going

to see any relief from the heat out here in New Delhi. Look at these temperatures, 47. I mean, you're pushing 120 degrees. And certainly, with

the heat index, 120 Fahrenheit is going to be dangerous for anybody that has to be outside or work outside, or for that matter, even be in the sun

because these temperatures here are in the shade, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Wow. Those temperatures in the north.

MYERS: Waiting for the monsoon, and it is a month away.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. Stay out of the sun. I think that's the message there. Shade. Chad, thank you.

MYERS: You're welcome.

CHATTERLEY: Chad Myers there. Stay with the "First Move." We'll be right back after this.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move" with a look at more of the international headlines this hour. Polls are now closed in South Africa.

Exit polls are illegal there. So, we won't know the results until they're announced this weekend. The ruling ANC party has been in power since 1994,

though it now appears more vulnerable than ever. Voters have been flocking to other parties as the ANC fails to get a grip on blackouts, unemployment,

and crime.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito says he will not recuse himself from two politically charged cases, one involving Former President Trump,

and another concerning the January 6th Capitol Hill riot. Alito's impartiality is being questioned over an upside-down American flag outside

one of his homes. And an "appeal to heaven" flag outside another. Both those symbols have been embraced by the January 6th rioters.

Alito says it was his wife who raised those flags and that he asked her to take one of them down. He says the upside-down flag was related to a

neighborhood dispute.

Mother Nature is bringing apocalyptic scenes to Iceland once again following intense seismic activity in the southwest of the nation. A

volcanic eruption has forced Iceland's flagship spa, the Blue Lagoon, to shut its doors. Residents of the nearby town of Grindavik and surrounding

areas were also evacuated again. It's the second time Grindavik residents have had to flee spewing lava after similar images exploded in March.

Nations are sending aid to Papua New Guinea as responders search through several meters of earth and debris following last week's landslide. As many

as 2,000 people are believed buried beneath the rubble. India is joining Australia and New Zealand in pledging aid.

An Australian emergency team has also reached the affected area. And getting aid to rural areas has been also hampered by continued instability

of ground at the site. Anna Coren has more.


ANNA COREN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Almost a week since a catastrophic landslide wiped out a vibrant community in Papua New Guinea,

the people of Yambali are trying to come to terms with their loss.

Hundreds if not thousands of people lie buried under nine hectares of debris, the size of more than nine football fields, with rubble eight

meters deep at some points.

MATE BAGOSSY, UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME: Well, it's an entire village and shops and the fuel station and the lodge and the church and the

school. It's basically a mountain that has fallen their heads.

COREN (voice-over): Those who did survive have used what they can to shift boulders the size of cars. But generations of families may never be seen


SANDIS TSAKA, ADMINISTRATOR OF ENGA PROVINCE: The trauma and the emotional scar on the people that have survived is great. And we continue to see kids

without parents who keep crying out for their parents where they are, orphans, you know, fathers that have lost entire families, mothers that

don't know what to do.

COREN (on camera): Miok Michael lost six loved ones in the disaster.

MIOK MICHAEL, VICTIM'S FAMILY: Two of my aunties, my grandma, and three of my cousins. And within my clans and tribesmen, it's adding up to 19 of


COREN (on camera): Michael went to the site when he heard what had happened filming this video. He says homeless survivors had no place to sleep. The

sheer scale of the disaster and the remoteness of the site has made the response extremely challenging.

TSAKA: The disaster is of a scale and magnitude that we've never experienced in this part of the world or in this country for that matter.

And the loss of life, the number of lives we lost will surpass any natural disaster that has happened in Papua New Guinea.

COREN (on camera): Papua New Guinea's prime minister pointed the finger at climate change for an increase in disasters across the rugged Pacific


JAMES MARAPE, PAPUA NEW GUINEA PRIME MINISTER: In this year, we had extraordinary rainfall that has caused flooding in river areas, sea level

rise in coastal areas, and landslips.

COREN (on camera): Now, Australia has begun flying in and distributing aid. The Papuan military says it will open the highway soon. Help at last for

people who've lost their homes, their way of life, their entire community.

Anna Coren, CNN, Hong Kong.


CHATTERLEY: Our thanks to Anna Coren there. Now, coming up after the break, using new technology to provide old fashioned advice. Booking Holdings,

committing itself to artificial intelligence to help travelers navigate their way around the globe. We'll discuss, next.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." Our taste for travel showing zero signs of letting up. Booking Holdings, one of the biggest global travel

platforms, reports airline ticket sales jumping by a third in the first quarter compared to a year ago. And as demand rises, their travel industry

also transforms. Anyone born before the internet knows these shops once provided an essential service when it came to researching travel of any

kind, really.

The humble travel agent once served as one of the only points of sale for tickets. They were also a place, too, to go for advice. And my next guest

is about to use artificial intelligence to try to do what they used to do. Booking's A.I. trip planner can build itineraries and offer help if

something goes wrong.

But one challenge not even A.I. can fix is over tourism, from fences going up in Japan, blocking the view of Mount Fuji, to this anti-tourism

demonstration in Majorca earlier this month, some popular destinations are fighting back against the annual flow of visitors. And it's interesting to

note, Majorca was one of the most searched destinations on

Glenn Fogel is the CEO and president of Bookings Holdings, whose family of brands include car rental and restaurant reservations, as well as travel.

Glenn, fantastic to have you back on the show. Thank you for joining us.

Just put that sharp rise in airline bookings into context for us, because I listened into your last earnings call and you were talking about

normalization, at least in certain parts of the world, even if Asia continues to remain a huge growth hotspot since they came out the pandemic


GLENN FOGEL, CEO, PRESIDENT, BOOKING HOLDINGS: Yes. Well, thanks for having us. And you're right. Our flights numbers are great for the first quarter,

33 percent up year-over-year. That's partly because we're relatively new, comparably speaking to the flights business. Our biggest company,, only got into the flight business a few years ago. So, that's part of it.

But you're absolutely right. Travel is back. And while it's normalizing, it's bigger than ever. And if you saw at the U.S., for example, Memorial

Day weekend for travelers in the U.S. was new records, which is really something that's great for the industry. But as you point out, some places

are having some difficulty with too many people.


CHATTERLEY: We'll talk about that in a second, because I remember a few months ago, we had under your umbrella the boss of Kayak on, and he was

talking about Japan being a huge hotspot. And I wonder whether that ties to the figures that you're seeing? I guess another one, perhaps, would be

Paris for the Olympics.

FOGEL: Yes. No, Japan, absolutely big. Of course, part of that is due to the currency is relatively inexpensive for a U.S. outbound traveler going

to Japan, it looks relatively inexpensive. So, that's certainly -- one of the things I noticed, we're looking at what the highest increase in

searches for Paris year over year are, and it looks like the Japanese traveler going from Japan to Paris is currently increased for us in terms

of searches, which I wouldn't have thought of.

Very big. Obviously, a lot of people want to see the Olympics. But what's interesting, of course, is that people who don't want to see the Olympics

are probably going to go away from Paris because they won't want to deal with the crowds.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. I think for me, I'd be on the first flight out, quite frankly. I was in Paris recently, and it looked like it's going to be

chaos, particularly if you can't drive in the -- in Central Paris, which I know they're organizing as well.

Let's talk about the over populant -- over population of some tourist sites as well. I mean, Majorca is one that I mentioned. Japan, to our point,

about the optimism there. Is that having any impact on what you're seeing in terms of at least searches or booking activity, or is it also perhaps a

reason even to go?

FOGEL: You know, we really have not seen that yet. And there are certainly some areas of the world that are suffering from over tourism, and some of

the places are beginning to try and come up with ways to lower the number of people coming. Venice now has a daily tax. And there are other places

that are trying to deal with their over -- an overabundance of business, so to speak.

It's something that's going to get probably -- more people want to travel, more and more people get to a level where they can travel, and everybody

wants to see the most popular places.

And now, what we're going to do about that, obviously, it's going to be interesting. One can do many different things. Taxes is one way, make it

more expensive. Now that, of course, then hurts people who can't afford to go to places. Another way, lottery systems, for example, some of the

places, for example, a rare, rare thing, people want to climb certain mountains. Well, you have to get a permit and you get a -- it's a lottery

ticket to get the permit.

There are lots of different ways to deal with it. But somebody in -- primarily governments, are going to have to deal with this because the

people who live in these areas are the ones who are actually having to deal with it.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. I mean, in a way, that's part of the beauty, perhaps, of what you're introducing, which is that A.I. help or A.I. tied help, perhaps

it can suggest alternative places. Look, this may be a great place, it's a really busy time. Why don't you look at this? If this the kind of thing

that you're looking for. Just give us a sense of how that might work. And does it come at the cost of jobs, the kind of technology that you're

talking about? I mean, we've seen an evolution clearly over years, but just how potent is this A.I. tourism help that you're introducing going to be?

FOGEL: It is going to be incredible. Yes, it's going to be absolutely -- it is already becoming incredible, but even more so down the road. I mean,

it's everything for making it easier for people to put together itineraries to things that I think are really important that we're working on right now

and actually put into place, customer service.

So, for example, right now, I mentioned that there was a tremendous amount of travel in the U.S. over the last weekend, but there are also some pretty

big storms that caused lots of delays, lots of problems. And when you have those problems, if you're delayed or your flight was canceled, you want to

get some help, and you go make a phone call and you're now on hold, and you could be on hold for a long time.

The great thing about A.I. is being able to handle with those customer service calls immediately and fix the problem, come up with the best

solution immediately. That's the type of stuff, where right away, A.I. is going to be giving a great deal of help.

Further out, certainly, in terms of planning your trip and taking into account all different factors, for example, you may not know when Taylor

Swift is in your concert in a certain city, and you were thinking of going there, A.I. coming up and thinking about it and coming back and saying, if

you go to this city, you may face a high increase in cost for hotel rooms because Taylor Swift is going to be doing her concert there.

There's so much information so hard to get, A.I. can take it all in and then come up with a solution that human beings just can't do.


CHATTERLEY: Yes, if you go into a Taylor Swift concert, you better take a tent because otherwise you might be in trouble. I was going to ask you

about that, actually. Have you seen a in bookings and interest tied to her tour? Because obviously it's Europe right now.

FOGEL: Yes, yes. It's amazing how there really is an actual -- you can see in certain cities, an economic boost from her tour.

Now, one of the things, though, for us being so global, it doesn't make that much of a difference to us because, yes, more people may go to that

particular city, but then they would have traveled somewhere else perhaps if Taylor Swift had not been there.

Overall, for us, globally, not a big deal. But for the local area, there is a boost, particularly if it's a smaller location. I mean, Singapore, when

she went to travel, certainly got an economic boost from the concert there. And I'll tell you, it's something that people ask about Paris and say,

well, is it going to affect our business, Booking Holdings? And I'll say, well, not much because people are going to travel any which way and they go

to the Olympics, they would have gone somewhere else. And the people who would have gone to Paris go somewhere else. We still get the same amount of

total travel, it just gets distributed differently.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, it's such a great point, Glenn. And the fact that you are all over the globe is great for our conversations because I can ask you

about what's going on in all sorts of areas. Great to chat to you, sir. Thank you. Glenn Fogel, the CEO and president of Booking Holdings.

And I apologize slightly if there are any technical issues there for our viewers.

FOGEL: Thank you.

CHATTERLEY: Thank you, sir. Now, if you missed any of our interviews today, they will be on my X and Instagram pages. You can search for


All right. Coming up, back from the brink, the world's top female tennis player survived an early upset in the French Open. More about that just

after the break.

Plus, some baseball legends are finally getting their dues. We'll explain.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." World number one golfer Scottie Scheffler no longer facing criminal charges in Kentucky. A county attorney

said during a hearing that his office will not be moving forward in the case. Scheffler was arrested nearly two weeks ago after he tried to drive

around the scene of a fatal crash PGA Championship.

Scheffler posting on social media saying in part, I hold no ill will towards Officer Gillis. I wish to put this incident behind me and move on,

and I hope he will do the same. Police officers have a difficult job, and I hold them in high regard.

And in baseball, a historical wrong finally being made right. For decades here in the United States, black players could only play in separate

organizations. Well, now, Major League Baseball is incorporating those league's data into its own and it's toppling some records in the process.

Josh Gibson is now finally recognized as the greatest hitter to play the sport, with a career batting average of 372. And for non-baseball fans out

there, that's a measure of the frequency of successful hits, aka he was really great. It's part of a growing focus on properly recognizing the

Negro Leagues as major leagues.


And the world's top ranked female tennis player narrowly survived an upset from a former number one at the French Open. Iga Swiatek battled it out

with Naomi Osaka, playing a thrilling second round match Wednesday. Iga's just 22 years old, but she's built up quite a reputation for herself. She's

already won the Open there three times, including the past two years.

Andy Scholes joins us now with more detail. Andy, I mean, if you were at that match, you would have been happy if that were the final. It was

thrilling. The result belies the drama.

ANDY SCHOLES, CNN SPORTS ANCHOR: Yes. Julia, we were in the office just yelling back and forth because, I mean, this was such a great match. I

mean, it's only second round, but it may end up being the match of the tournament, because, you know, you had world number one, Iga Swiatek,

taking on four-time Grand Slam winner, Naomi Osaka.

And you know, Osaka, she just made a return to play earlier this year after giving birth to her first child back in July. She lost in the first round

at the Aussie Open. She looked quite rusty there, but the 26-year-old, I mean, she really looks like she's now returned to form, because Swiatek,

she did end up taking that opening set. It was a hard-fought set. It ended up in a tie break that Swiatek won.

But Osaka, then just rolled through the second set winning 6-1, and she kept that going in the third. She went all the way up 5-2, but that's when

Swiatek really showed. I mean, she's got the heart of a champion. The two- time defending French Open champ was down to match point. It was about to lose to Osaka, but she just kept fighting.

Swiatek was able to come all the way back, win that third set. And the 22- year-old's quest for a French Open three-peats now on to the third round. But after the match listen to what Swiatek had to say about Osaka.


IGA SWIATEK, FOUR-TIME MAJOR WINNER: Naomi played, you know, amazing tennis with really loose hand and, you know, sometimes risking a lot, but she was

playing in. So, yes, she played really, really great tennis. And yes, maybe she's going to be a clay court specialist in a while. So, for sure, I'm

happy that she's back and she's playing well.


SCHOLES: Yes. So, Iga's going to play again on Friday, Julia, which is her 23rd birthday. And she's going for that three-peat. Only two others ever

Monica Seles and Justine Henin have been able to win three French opens in a row. So, Iga looking to join some very exclusive company.

And I tell you what, you know, with how amazing Iga Swiatek is playing right now, if Naomi Osaka is back in form, I mean, the women's game is in

such a good place right now with so many incredible players.

CHATTERLEY: It's so cool. So cool. One word, Wimbledon. It's like clash of the titans. I love that Osaka is back. Andy, thank you.

SCHOLES: All right.

CHATTERLEY: Now, America's love affair with pandas continues. The Smithsonian's National Zoo announcing Bao Li and Qing Bao will arrive in

Washington, D.C. by the end of the year as part of panda diplomacy. And First Lady Jill Biden is helping prepare for the special guests from China.


JILL BIDEN, U.S. FIRST LADY: What about attire?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, they're pretty partial to black and white.

BIDEN: Black tie it is then. What's on the menu?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Any dietary restrictions?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, they're strict vegetarians.

BIDEN: Any special greetings they use?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're pretty shy until you get to know them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If they're really nervous, they might honk. So, that's something you have to watch out for.


CHATTERLEY: Honk. It's especially special for Bao Li because his mother was, in fact, born at the National Zoo and his grandparents also lived at

the zoo until last year before returning to China.

And finally, on "First Move" all this week we've featured animals fleeing for freedom and here's one more, so I'll hop straight to it. A pet kangaroo

on the loose in Texas captured on a dash cam. It had the driver bouncing with excitement as he called 911 to report a sighting of the missing

marsupial. Wallaby reporter Jeanne Moos wraps up all the drama.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): What's a motorist in Lufkin, Texas to do when he sees this? Well, naturally call 911.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ma'am, I don't know who I need to call.

MOOS (voice-over): But he had to tell someone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And there's a kangaroo that come up the road and crossed right here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Does it look like it might belong there?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, it come up the road.

It belongs to the Lowery's, who owns 16 pet kangaroos. This one's named Red.

SHELBY LOWERY, ESCAPED KANGAROO'S OWNER: He's the big dude of the group. You don't want to get too close to him.

MOOS (voice-over): Shelby Lowery's husband accidentally left the gate to the pen unlatched. Two kangaroos slipped out. One stayed by the pen, but

Red took off.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My wife is, like, why is that dog standing in the middle of the road? That's a freaking kangaroo, and it starts hopping coming down

the road.

MOOS (voice-over): Kangaroos can be scary. This martial arts instructor once slapped one that seemed about to drown his dog.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm going to punch your (INAUDIBLE) head in. Let go my dog.


MOOS (voice-over): It released the pooch. And this kangaroo had a dog in a headlock when his owner put up his dukes. Leaving the kangaroos stunned.

But Red didn't fight. After five or six hours, he found his way back home.

LOWERY: He turned himself in for sure. And we have a mugshot to prove it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All together now. Tie me kangaroo down, sport. Tie me kangaroo down.

MOOS (voice-over): Red didn't get tied down after escaping. He got rewarded for coming home with bread.

Jeanne Moos, CNN --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's a freakin kangaroo.

MOOS (voice-over): -- New York.


CHATTERLEY: The quote there was, does he look like he belongs there? Wow. Who knew kangaroos could take care of themselves like that?

That just about wraps up the show. Thank you for joining us. I'll see you tomorrow.